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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1906)
TltZ Cr.ZCON DAILY . JOURNAL.. PORTLAND. rFRIDAY EVENING, JUNE 3. ISC J. I The Market Basket Cherry time U with us. Royal Ann are now coming to market julte fast and quality oould hardly be improved. All the market now have cood auppllea ' and If. you are coins; to put any np (or winter you'd better hurry. ' Rains would' poll the quality. . , , y, . Loganberries were rather In heavy de m and in the markets today and supplies . are not quite so liberal as they-' have been. . The loganberry Is ene of the nicest fruits for -preserving, and unless . you've tasted a loganberry pie you don't know.- what's good.-- They're cheapest right now.- Ever see any black currant T Some are shown In a Fourth street market , today. They're - rather rather. .They come from England and are used most extensively In wine making. . Not so good -for jellying, however. - Fifteen - cents a box-is the price at retail. . Strawberries have about disappeared from market Some dealers still have a few boxes, but the price is going up. ; Tour taste had better be satisfied soon for supplies are going fast. .Tea cents today. . . Yv ... -. New Oregon apples have made t elr a una. n h. In tall marltat : Tha quality Is considerably better than re--eent - arrivals from California and the VM-4A la. tm . . Oregon peaches are beginning to corns more freely and some dealers are selling them as low as tiiS a box. Cheap for - flrat khmuAtl OilalH milt fair Black figs from California are now displayed by the larger markets. Twen '" ty-flve ' oeots a dosen Is the price. Quality good. ' Qreen corn is now sufficiently good to eat and, with the larger supplies -from California, the price Is lower. - Celery from the south is now shown In most of the markets. It's quite fair -quality and the price not so high.. ' 'Currants are rather scarce In the - markets on account of the continued unfavorable weather. Prices - going higher. ,'.- Gooseberries are not so plentiful .for the same reason with a correspond ing advance in retail prices. .' Tomatoes from The Dalles have made 4hailai anaHMiMa - Tkaaa aa-a. ,.,aafc 'of doors and tastd like the real article. ahaeev Local hothouse stocks - mors plentiful. r Tham . tai am Inn,., .. aliAaia Im ana. piles or cucumoers xrom. local points. Prioe down. Getting cheap enough to eat by moat people. " T " Artichokes have again made their1 a'p - pea ranee in the markets. . Some hot house cauliflower also tna. Price on lat tar rather high at present. Seedless grapes are now coming from California,' The first shipment of the season Was received during the early part of the week.- Thirty-five cents a a,,.,, mP ..t. 1 1 Lemons are higher on account of the great demand for stocks fromib fast. irha .vn i c-i.ii-. .. i . i ill, luvil UUI 1 i, (MWJJ ! I... U.J 11 kii. trade there to order more liberally from California points. Oranges are somewhat higher with the heavier demand and .the advancing prices at wholesale. - -.Watermelon from Cochella -' at 10 and 1 cents each are now shown in the retail markets. Rind,, are very thin with jnxaat red. Utile too cool ' for big demand. Just 'now. , , , Vp at Hood River where they raise and prk. those strawberries that every on talks about, .. they; have adopted something new. They are putting pota toes up in 60-pound boxes:. New pota toes from there in boxes arrived here during the week. They.- Were packed very similar to the way all good things are packed at Hood River and sold at alt extra - price. The packages are or such a. sise that small families that cannot use a full sack of potatoes can safely1 buy them. No large ones at the top and-small ones at ens bottom, au slses alike, -L-. -rt -- BERRIES Best - strawberries, I0o a box. Raspberries 10c a box. Currant two boxes foe Ho, ...Loganberries 1.0 crate. ' - .. , FRUITS Bananas lOo dosenAlemons 10c, limes ISo dosen,-eherries to and lOo pound, apples 4 Oo and too dosen, aprl oota 50c and 0o basket, plums tOc basket, pineapples - Ito- and ' 0 each, gooseberries three pounds for J 5c, grapes So pound, figs 15o dosen. VEGETABLES Egg plant 40o pound, peppers, bell, to each, small slaes J So pound, peas, telephone, to pound, string beans IS Vic pound. asparagus tnret pounds for tto, cucumbers to and 10 each, summer sauash lOo pound, new California onions to pound, rhubarb to pound, new potatoes 10 pounds for zoo, green onions ZOo dosen bunches, new carrots three bunches for tc, head let tuce three for lOo, water cress .to, hot house lettuce' to head, 'radishes two bunches for 10c, cauliflower 10c and lip head, tomatoee lOo, hothouse 40e pound, green corn S to dosen, mushrooms (Oo oound. celery two heads lec. FRESH FISH Halibut' 10c. salmon lte, sturgeon 15c, striped bass 10a soles lOo, black cod llVto, perch 10c, floun ders 10c shad to. sea trout XOo pound. crabs ISo each, salmon -cheeks tOc dosen. shad roe lto and lOo pound. BUTTER AND EGOS Best creamery SOo per two-pound roll, cooking lto roll. Fresh renefc egg lie-and 40a dosen. 1 POULTRY Chickens Ho pound, ducks to and tl each, geese II to tl.tO each, turkeys tte pound, spring chickens 78c. .pair, friers Tto to Il.tO pair, squabs 7to pair,- . - ' ,' Royal Anne Cherries.' The housewife who prides' herself on the attractive appearance of - her fruit prefers the Everlasting jar. all-glaea The Everlasting Jar 1st also the most sanitary and preserve! the natural flavor, as nothing but glass comes -in contact with the fruit Put-up your Royal Anne cherries in Everlasting Jars and note the improvement. Ak your grocer. - " -. "-'.. PRISONER -TRIES TO KILL ' HIMSELF WITH SPOON A. E: Knight Stabs Himself Cuts i " Wrist and Tries to Cut 1 w . , , .- Throat. - ,. , " A HL Vnlo-ht. oha la K.lnr halit In the county Jail for examination as to his aanltV , t Am nt a.4 n r,nm w. I .i.UU. ' some time during the early morning nwiua. iui iuua m no . ipwu, uruaa the handle off and. With the ragged edge, tried to stab himself. After in flicting a slight wound on his chest he -triad tA aava m th Mrtmrimm In hla wrlata. and falling in this attempted to cut his throat. When found this morning by .jailer Grafton, Knight a ' throat-, waa nnL and ha had bled nrofuaelv.- The . county physician was summoned - at viKf uiui, auu mmym m man will recover if blood poisoning does not set In. -s. Knlght was taken into custody Wed nesday evening at the union depot by ,- . 1. CUUU U. 1.1 l I u vaWiu civ w, . caw ww lairaiiiis M liuvt the 4eluslon that hs was being pur sued by some one who was trying to kill him. He had a return ticket ; to Youngetown, Ohio, and was on his way a HaattU Yesterday Knight 'was taken to the county lail and a complaint charging lOEi it v - w iiiaaii. waa Baurn u ua- fore Deputy County Clerk C. t. Chris- unnn or ar airoimaui . tj. uuomr. v jailer urarton saia luugnt was act ing rationally as any one yesterday, and he had Intended this morning to end Mm on to Seattle, but when Deputy Sheriff Kelly went around to the cell to release him he was found lying in a . pool of blood. nFMnr.RATir pf iirs .. INVITED TO BANQUET The presidents of the two Democratic clubs, of - Portland Invite all the mem bers of those i organisations to partlcl pate In the Je'fTereonlan banquet next Monday -evening. This means that the , Multnomah Democratic club and the Young Men's Democratic club will be 'repreeented by large delegation. Outside counties are enthusiastically booming the affair and all signs give ' assurance of a large apd notable gath ering. Those in charge of the arrange ments understood that no Demo . crat is to stand on ceremony In- the matter of Invitations. Every member el the Democratic party in Oregon ( who n...i. av nan hnmia a 4nl,t aihlnli fis the price fixed per plate, is equested id be present. .'.-'.. HABEAS CORPUS PLAN , PROVES SUCCESSFUL tV ' ' w: - ..V -. .'A a result of the habeas corpus pro ceedings Instituted by Attorney W. A. Cleland, S. P. Robins waa released yea terday from the Crystal Springs sani tarium, near Mount Tabor, where he was being held for treatment as an In sane patient, under a commitment from the Alaska probate court. -- Robins has beeri In the sanitarium rer a week, but Dr. Gillespie, medloal director of the sanitarium, says he has not shown any indications whatever of Insanity. Robins wired to his people.!" Tnnvlvanla for funds and . left for home this afternoon, It la said that his commitment - In Alaska On an Insane charge waa the result of domestic trouble, some of his family desiring to haVe him out of the way,- but Robins would not discuss the matter. , . : i ejla.-k . m A1la - Trt Japan fish hny to b pold aiiv. HO uitij prv nawaiu uiivwh mi BURLY HOBO IS ARRESTED BY SOCIETY BELLE Armed ith a Shotgun, Tramp ' lsv Caught Stealing Oranges by Young Woman. (Joarnel BpeeUI Bervlee.) San Bernardino, Cal., 4une It. Miss Margaret Vahey. a society belle, has distinguished herself by arresting a burly hobo, whom she caught in the act of robbing her father'a orange grove. Armed with a shotgun,' Miss Vahey ordered the thief to throw up his hands, and at her oommand he strode ahead of her to the house, where she held him prleoner until' a neighbor was called and telephoned for the police. was going to let him go." was Miss Vahey statement in court. "But after be admitted he knew he waa doing wrong in. stealing oranges, he deliberately peeled one before me, add ing insult to injury, I thought, and X was not going to stand that." FIFTY-TWO WILL-TAKE . FIRE DEPARTMENT TEST Fifty-two applicants for positions in the fir department - will tomorrow morning take the first of the three tests necessary before they - can be placed on the eligible list of the civil service commission. They will first be examined a to their physical qualifications. A number of men will probably drop out here as not being physically fit to do th work required. a - Monday " morning those that ar left will try the athletio stunts. Here more will be weeded oat. These feats consist In climbing the aerial ladder. Jumping Into the Ufenet, carrying a Babcock ex tinguisher up a ladder, and climbing hand over hand up a ladder. On Monday afternoon the written teat will be held by Secretary McPherson. In this -examination- the educational abilities of the applicants will be tested thoroughly. -, There -are a number of vacancies In the fire department, and those at tha bead of the list when It is ready will probably be put to work right away. Poiffc Fail To secure your SUNDAY'S DINNER ori time. . 7 G. Covach (D Col "Can: supplyyotr with tha beat POULTRY, TISH AND 1 SEA FOOD A RaASOsTAaUl FBIOXS. In th city. - Cell up MVln B35 or call .at 175 FIRST STREET. Dainty Lamb Chops CENTRAL' MARKET - There Is nothing rilper In hot weather thrn DAINTY LAMB CH0I8. TENDER, JUICY-ANH COOL.INO.- yp can g. wavs And the beat In this market. Also the very nicest of BEEF, PORK. MUT TON and FISH. Let us aend jrottT SUNDAY DINNER. Kindorf Bros. 130 Chraad Ave. Fhea See 4 IS, -1 . ,-, (Tuisiaity ymiiaer'i.) - nOLESALE A.3 CZTA3. CCSCE2 L S8S, 1U Third it ear. JefteMa. - Bis Store of Llttlo Prices roixownro niou m sats tow m 0V BTKST SOLLAm. VAUTY aoAKAirrxz CTHTXLIirO't BUT BAKPie KWDU is sUU, per lb U HIT OBAaTDXATEO IffOAX, M UOLKH H IN JJY OEAJTDXaTID ITOAa Il.e I pkg atBU eleesed eamata ; .IB pkgs new t-erow MeeXl ralalna Ik aew 1 uuea luai hfeantal 13 l-U cs Itarel baking powder Oe Ckoee BlarkweU' eUre oil. at bottle. .Sftt 1-id peg aria tieaiaM soa ............. 1-gal es fey table rra H-Sl es reaey table syrup..... ,...0 Ibrealded Wheat bleeelt. per pkg 10 yaae Berly Jd Psas, pt os.... ........ IS bar koal Sana aoap ,.,...-.IVt T ean beet U aardloa UjU....,...3ba...S -lb pall par lard.......... .-tt 10-lb pell pare Urd. ut wvm i-ib een. eon a. per eo. ,Oe H O eet t-lb pkg. per pkg. io Beet plcalc ham, per lb. ................ .11, Shreddtg eoeeeaat. per lb r.-....ia.T..-i-.,v..t Rard-wbeat Soar, pec sack ..a........... .$1.0 Beotck eat, per pkg ............ ..lo Poetaai ret, pa pkg rail' Naptba aoap, per bar ........ Best (oft-wheet floer, per aack.." ....fl.OS lav Mocha eorree (ragelar SSe) SB M bos o erarken (aboet 10 Iba) go Bntllak BrMkfut tea. fT I 154 rer Oeepowder tee (regal tSa) Daeeda Blaealt, per pkg. ............ .......a East Bio Dellverif Toaadar - ead Irlta. non Kin m. THE HIGHEST GRADES OF COFFEE ROASTED, IN THE NORTH- WEST AT YOUR grocers:" nccrrtt RANCH EGGS Two Dozen 45c Best creamery . butter... ....... ..alfi) Good creamery . butter. . . . v. .-40 Dairy butter .. ........ .30 and 364 Best sugar-cured hams, pound . j . 1 5 1) Cheese, t - pounds. .............. .as Swiss cheese . ................... ZS Cream brick cheese...,,. ...V ...StO Limburger cheess .'..its Saturday la chicken day Springs.. aod) La Grando Creamery ' Mi TaMfaTTTaTa . " The ropulatloa of Bostxm.'. - Boston's of floial statistics show the population Of the Hub In 1MB was 891, 180. of whom llt.3t were legal voters. or something less than en in four. gates! -1 annus rnoxE uiiH W In Qodd Things to Eat at the ; FI2ST AKD.TATLC - w' T v.. . ' irwiriLiJjjCi) MxHiiiiiiaijj 11 m viuii' (C0 7 lbs. Rolled Oits;. . . . . . .25 Scotch Oats, pkg;'; ........... . 10- Two Cans Croam f f Any Kind . . ... . IOC Lion Brand Syrup, qt. Lion Brand Syrup, half gallon. 3 Bottles Extract,' any ilavor. . 3 cans Spices . ................ 2 1-lb cans Chipped Beef, . . . 3 cans Pink Salmon........... 'lbj brick Codfish. . ... . . . 3-lb. strip Codfish ............. 3 10-lb.. bottles' Horse Radish. . . ' 2-oz. bottles Hill's Pickles.;, l-lb. can Borax. . . . .;. . .... . . , 1-lb. can Perfumed Borax. . , ; .. r Regular 2i5c. ; ...al0 . ..15 V . a .25 . . . .2 a ; a .35 a 25 a a . X5 a a a ,25) iy..25 ; a . a 15 ..V.iOe a a . 15 Sitardaycaly-22 lbs. Granulated Sagar $1.00 1 gallon Sugar Syrup. .'. .40 6 pkgs. Uneeda Biscuit ......... .25 16 lbs. New Potatoes........... ;..25e .10 lbs. New California Onions.... "... 25 2 bottles Snider's Catsup...... ...35 3 cans Oysters. ,.;; . .25 3 cans Corn.. ...... .......25 3 cans Bean...................,. 23 Lard 10-lb. PaiJ Monarch,, Lard 5-lb. Pail Monarch Lard. J..: ... ?1.10 55e 10-lb. Pail Lard 'Compoun'd . 1 ..... . 85 ,.45e "5-lb. Pail Lard Compound. -Meats We handle only the best of and our prices are always the Eastern Hams Picnic Hams . a a a a I ., evefything lowest. . ...... 15e 1 3-lb. Carton Soda Crackers . ,'. . . .20 5 pkgs. Birdseye. Matches. .. . . . . . .20 25 oz. K, C. Baking Powder.. 20. 1 lb. Royal Baking Powder. 40f 4 lb. Monarch Blend Coffee .V...25f ;1 lb. Town Talk Coffee.. ;;,,,a. 20 1 lb. Army and Navy Coffee 15 1 lb. Good E. B. Tea . . . ; ... .123$ . 1 lb. Good Uncolored Japan 5f . 1 lb. Good Gunpowder Tea. . . .... .25 . Special Delivery To all parts of city. " St. Johns, Wednes-.; day ; Sellwood and Arleta, Friday. ' ; Frank L.Smith Meat Co. 838 alldsr IMl, 01 Bontk Ttrsi at. 1st sad td ana. saw tha atrtdge. Fighting the Beef Trust IC MnMoa, per lh. . ..12H) BprlaaT lVaaoiB, hlmdqnareers, ..1K Spring Umk, leg, pt 1. ........ 15 mm mib Jaoaart Beef, par 1...12H Btoltod aVMuat Beef, pew tt. ........ 10 To aoaa Beef, per lb .....8 aVoaart Teal, peg Ife r..,..-10 ZrfU Beefsteak, pec ..12 Ha) monad Beefsteak, pe lh 104 Xatrf Teal, p ih .......lie Braeast Boast TJ. per It lOa) BoUlac Beef, per ih ...6 tesr Bearf, per Ih Teal Ontteta, per IV lOe) Tal gaaaear, mlth's BrnaS. lh...lO Taal Btew, per r. . . .77TS prtng abamh XaOia Ohopa, per Ih. , . 15 Bprlog Xaunh hoaldar Ohopa, : per Xh.,...a-v. .. ,12)4 Breaarasi asaeoa, nutars mrana, - - per ... -..:.'. .1TM Oomed Beef, amltb's mak per lb... 6 o 8 aorfc aauaage, Btemanrs teak aad . rrsAkfUTsers, all Bmlth'S Bmad, per B 10) Bologna, Bmlth's Bread, par lb 8f , 0B30XBBV.. A lot of faaor drr-plokadl Seas, espe- etauy okotee, per .. 1T V ' ' '! I The Chicago MaHiet i! Make Fresh Every TUESDAY ' I The Genuine German Knock-Wurst t Make Fresh Every SATURDAY . VEAL SAUSAGE I FRESH KETTLE RENDERED LARD '' We Put Up the Finest Prime Rib Roast of Beef In the city. Take one home for your Sunday dinner. Try our DAINTY LAMB CHOPS or a FANCY PORK ROAST. AH kind of FRESH and SALTED -MEATS. Everything from our HYGIENIC COOLING COUNTER is good oo dust or flies to harm the meats. 187 Third Street Near Yamhill PHONE MAIN 413 i 4ee raws CEYLON TEAS. - DIRECT FROM TUB GJfRDBJfS The Great Hit of the Portland Fair The Chtdptsl -Tea to Buy Ko. 1 Cerlon and In1la; 1-lb. can. TB. No. S C. and I., 1 No. 1 Cavloa and India H-lb. can, 40). No. S C and U H lb... 36 -'. SOLD Br. ALL GROCERS ; : qlwv Three Fresh Salmon, lb. lOc Halibut. 3 lbs..,...., 25 Roe Shad, lb . . .'. . . . .' U . . 5 Salmon Trout, 8 lbs......,25 Fresh Crabs, 2 for. ....... .25 Crawfish, alive or Cooked. Three Small for ..25 FRESH SHIPMENTS RECEIVED DAILY STANDARD CRAB .CO. ' 171-173. MADISON STREET (at the bridge) rxz axxinniax: He w York Market and Grocery v "THE BIG STORE OF LITTLE PRICES" 477-479 Williams A There is no use talking, we are doing the business. Why? Because the public knows where -to get good things at tht right prices. Get in your monthly order now on these special ' ,, prices. . Read them. ' ' r.': V. : - . : Specials Jor Saturday, Monday and Tuesday ; can you can goods as good ' as - our - : , ; CANNED QOO DS V 21 lbs. D.' O. SUGAR, $1.00 100-lb. Sack D. 3. SUGAR, $4.65 Bring send qr phonefus a $5.00 order and we will five vOu 25 lbs. SUaARr$hOO BIQ FLOUR SALE FOR SATURDAY Your bread is bound to pan out well witlrour , Floun Regular price is $1.25 . per -sack. - Special for Saturday and Monday. . .$1.05 And then we have a fine Flour Special for Saturday, per sack. ................. .90 10-lb. sack Hard Wheat Flour.....:... 25 10-lb sack Whole. Wheat Flour.... .... .. -25 10-lb. sack Graham Flour. ......... ... . .25 10-lb sack Yellow or White Corn Meal. . .25 7 lbs. Rolled Oats 25 25c pkg. P. C. B. Co. Crackers. ......... .20 10 lbs. Broken Rice.... V............... 40 8 IbsPink Beans... ......25 8-lb. can Ghirardelli's Chocolate ....... ,T5 1-lb. can Ghirardelli's Chocolate.. ,25 l'can Ghirardelli's Cocoa....... 20 1 jar Pure Honey (qt. bottle).... ..25 10c bottle Blueing..... ....5 15c can Griffin's Pork and Beans at. . ., . .10 3 cans for. ....................... .-.,,25 TEAl TEA! Special for'Saturday and Monday,' all our 40c grade Teas at 25. ( ' 8 cans Tomatoes."...'.'.........,.. .....25 Sweet Sugar Peas, 3 cans..,. .r?7TiTj -25 Per dozen 95 Sweet Sugar Corn, 2 tans. .'1'.';.: '.alS 6 cans . . ...... ............ . .,.:v. . . .,:4Q .1 dozen ' cans . '. . . . .". . . . . ..... .75 " A. & L. String Beans, 3 CanS ...... a . .a. a. 25 iGriffin's1 Extra Asparagus....... ...... 25 Fancy Singapore Pineapple. . . y . ....... .15 ; Catchup, 3 bottles for ...... I ....... -v 25 V SOAP! SOAP! SOAP! Wjll move the dirt and these prices will move' "" ; 1 -'the soap: -C ' -Pels Naptha Soap, 6 bars........ J.:.. .25 Money Back Soap, 8" bars."........".;. ..25 Elk Soap, 12 bars............. ,...25 Toilet Soap, 3 bars . . . . . . , ... ...... . . .10 The best Butter in town, per roll. ..... ...45 The best Country Butternrifll..,..;J.35 V COFFEE! COlFFEE! " When our coffee meets your lips there's a mighty . pleasant reception. ' Tryour 25 Coffee ; it. can't be beat, and the best M. & J. Coffee at 35. Try a pound of either and. get a 10c G. W. Pepper Free. All Phone and Mail Orders Promptly Filled and We Deliver With Train Time. ' Piedmont and Woodlawn Deliveries Tuesday and Friday. . -v j ; K FELLOWS GROCERY CO. 349 cad 331 Ock Street 348 tad 330 Ankeny Street THE BIQ STORE WITH THE LITTLE PRICE , , 'Begin this next month right by buying your Groceries from us." PA Y CASH FOR YOUR OWN GOODS Don't buy on time and pay for the other fellows. l ' SUGAR Dry Granulated. ; ' C f I) d 21 pounds for. ...... . .DI Ull . ... ; . - .. ;. , Dry Granulated Beet, CI flU 22 pounds for.......ylUll Remember, we have one of the largest and best Meat Markets in the city. Get' our' prices on meats for your Sunday dinner before buy FLOUR FREE In order to better introduce our Rose City Flour, We will refund the purchase price of every tenth aack to the lucky buyer. Remember, ROSE CITY is the very highest grade of fancy patent flour. Every sack guaranteed and Only $1.15 per Sack This offer is only good for order taken tomorrow, SAT URDAY, JUNE 30. , V " . PHOINE MAIIS 2596 Ranch Eggs, dozen ........ 25 Crawfish Cooked Fresh Dally, dozen.. ...25 and 30 CHICKBINS, lb. 17c No Cold Storage Chickens Han died Here ' . -Fresh and Salt Fish of Every De . , script! on at Lowest Prices - Columbia Fish Co. THIRD AND ANKENY Y , .- V PHONE MAIJI I Rainier Marf.o Meek ! snak m snSveJ. Tnr Menr, J. ..80 an f v eeh Baneh Erf, elnaen i rtneal Oreamerr Butter.. B0 and rrvah lot Datrv Butter, per roll... Colnrefcut Drtpplnrs, Urge ean...,: Rumptv JDumptr rialres, pit...... Tere packaes for..,. Freak Dressed Chtekens feature - A 9n I4ae mt O s eM atrl l en. Butter,1 Ezz cr.J (' asisjav iru sju cw : fl ia V ':