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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1906)
I- f . . TI13 OREGON DAILY JOURNALS PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING, JUNES' j9, UZ3. 13 ODAY'S MARKETS JEM JKFLOUR VERY QUIET Clot Ending of Season Brings ' Dullness to Trade Con- ditions on Coast"; . v CRIENT SAYS PRICES ' . ARE RULING TOO HIGH Loganberries AreAdvsnced on Ac count of. Rainy Weathers-Cherries Befin to Crack Peaches 'Lower With Better Supply. r ; v " " rrent Street. JnM . Te erlnrtpal l"H f tb Pxwtland vfcolMtte anerseta today ara: - Wanbwrlr are iJnfl.- , Ralna are mrkh eerrls. Vj ' , Several care rip arriVe.S . ' might if Tftkif toa l hen.' -I Nov ootoaa an qwrtWI low 7 " " ; I.nrel peer. la better eupplr. ! . I ' r4 Attreroaa applee la good P-, . String baa market slatted. War flxs la hr aapply. . Wheat and floor renal eele. . FMi raa ia ealy fair agate. Hops arc hard la aH at nernt.- v ; ; Aaparague sell at bjsjiv Brlrea, , . Ifraetd meat ajBoted tirej. , ,.n..r- ,'; Lis holding at S2e. , Tkal aa Ftoir Bamala ttolat ; " Vtt th sew erop waeat getting lo to birml tin, eaanltloBa the loral wheat market ara very aalet at tha rooejent. Offer ings br SeMera ara ahowtng aa iwreaee aad ttw prlr ara decreasing. Tba Bright twant for tba earning rrop la tba nrtarlpaJ bearish factor. There la hat llltla floor Imel neee effered. Prk Baked for export kranda ara bow froas IrMIOei Barrel am tha soots trnns tba arlaaiala ara willing te give, aad nil km ear wheat la to, high la admit f snj Bwlneae anoer them. Rerrlpta at loganberries art anmawhal nv 'rreseed aw : tba arrive la af - resterder. - bat there la a eesaand for several timaa tha a moon t nf present arrivals. Tba ralna ara ratardlng tha growth of tha berries, - aad Bales elesr weather onn aata In It la aow bvltrvsd thai prolnrtto will eat br r thja two thirds af that ainartad a abort lima ao. Oa arcoaal of tba aravlar danaad rbaa aapptlaa tba prlra la frooj lOe to SSe a crata blgbar today. BabM Ara OraakJag Cbarrtaa. roattnnad ralna ara alraadr bcrhpilnr ta bar bad afrart apna tba rbarrr erop. Karalpta today war aaara'awa. bat most at tba frail that rama WM badlr awnllaa and anana waa erarkad. Frka fcv gaDanllx hnrat oa tbla ar ooant , ftararal ran f Hpa bananaa arrrrad thto anarnlng fram Cnilral Amrrlra. Btorka In gnml rondltlon. Snppllaa for r earth af lutf traila not arar aa good aai,trada wanta. A ararrtlf tbmfora InMBtamt. "Prkw tha -aa-. Black Dga ar bow ana-tag aarr traalr from t'atlforala polata. Daaiaad b aet aood and atnrka ara a dma oa tba .markat. Prlra Inwar. Rad Aatrarbaa applaa ar la fair anpplr tndar with tba nrtra rallag at fl.TS a boa. Rnaia rarlr harraat ara aoning aad art bailing aroaad ntrtn braita ara omhx toa fraalr again from Tba Dallra and tba prloa I waaka and Iaral nrarhra ara in batlar aanplr wlrb aania liaproaraiaat l quality, .arrrrala from tba aunth ar brarbw. Prka down fir today. Am rraarda aaparagna. aartoaa Brlraa ara ral lag today.- A mBBibwInB Ban aayai "Tba prlra af aaparagna today la from nothing to . what wa raa gat." Tbla aiplalna tba altnatba) tboraaghly. I Nrw rallfornla ankma ara arrrrtng vary frarly with tba drmand lucraaaiug and prlra going lowar. i ' . a . Cantatoapaa ara to ton haayy aapply for tba pnaBl raol waatbrr and atorka ara raorlng , ry aknrly. - t lira Kaaa at Twaaty-Twa aad a Half. ; ' Haralpta af twga ar not mora than tba ra qnlramanla of tba trada at prrarnt and Boat . aalra along tba atraat war ranartad today at H. Wltbdrawala fraa cold atoraga an VIMWd- Por bana draiand waa wakr aktng tb atraat today and tba prlca. althoagh nrbanrd. I ..anmawbat aaalar. Larra anrhira ara finding a . good rail with prtraa ruling aa high aa IT. Pair daroand for darka. but ar alow. Crramrry battr raarlnnra ratbr wak along , tba trrl. Country atora la daund at tb ; . prlra.- .- : . Klaar Votaa af S atraat. Sugar prlcaa cnatlnoo to b. ftrni In tba aat. ' K ebangaa oa tba aaaat. Pniiij nta ara in good dmnd fori' both aaal and hoga. ' Prlraa flrnr bnt aorhitlt!. , " r Tba ma of aalman la aoailr. arrordmg la , raporta- raorlrad from tb Colombia tbla mom tag. 1 Bona ar -rary hard to nara at tba motnant: ' tba flgur affwad br tba aarrn trada far - . goo low or -aoaat fiaopla ta arrant.' Tba trada paya tna following prlr la Pronl traat. Frlco paid, ablppara ar laaa rgulay l aannbwlonat Orahv Tlatar aad laad. - ' GRAIN BAQa Calrntta. 10iou. ; i 1 , ' 'WHEAT Club, fin rd Muo.Ua. Se: bloa tarn. 7Sr:Silk-y. TI9T3e. BAOLCT FraC !M.Mi rallrd, tB.OaM.00s trrwlnc. (34.01. . CORN Wbolo. t3M arackrd. ns.M nor : RTB iM aar awt- - 1 . ' OAT8 rrodarara' prlr Ka. t whit. t2t.t 0M: grar. ail.0(it.0O. FLOUR Now atra Orrgna pataara, (jl.Mtl a..-.; atr.lahu. 3.0.y.M); nnort. valk-y. J1.M: grabatm. ; i.vw: wbula wbaat. -IA.T5; rr. M. A.Obi blra. fl.TS. bHU-STt'lFS Braa. 117.50 u. dllnga, fiVOO: horia, ruaalry, im.OUl ally. BAT Prodaaara' prlaaTlniotbr, Vrillaiartta - aallry, fanry, 12 0f: ordinary. fl0.0Ofiie.AO; . aaatrra Orrgoa, 1.00(1J.OO; tnliM. fio.000 10. V); rkirar, 1 grain. 7. 8008.80: cbaat. f:.00Of-00. . " - -: ,w' - Battac. tggg and . Pter. . BUTrPR PAT P. . . rUa-wt rrrani. 20r! aoar. 18c Ul TTBR 4'My rtr.inrry. 1H; aatalda faney. - lWr; ;wrdBtaryr-ltc: atora. 18 V, a 1 4a. KiMl Ka. 1 frrah Orrgoa, t-audled, 32Q (JlkeSS Naw Pull en-am, flat. HUla-5! Tooog Awrrlca. S1V. "l POtlVTKY Mlad ablrkana. lltr par lb: fancy bra. I84lae par lb; nnatrra. old. 1044 lb; ataga. llllH &: fryrra.. Itl17; broTl ara. Il7e par Ibj aid dorka, !.-! Itfca par In: aprtng darka. Ie par !b;- (n, o-ii par lb; tnrkaya. KK par lb: draaaad. iu fTo'bS 'doL ,i tM9:t 00 " ,to' piaoaa. Hip. Wool nd Rldaa. ' ' , HOPS Contract. IwOf crop, 10 pay j-,. igof Orrgon. IO(fi.l054e. ' WOoU-IihK . Hp allry. aoaroa la aMdlaav Or: fin. 14c; aaatvra Orrgoa, l2le. MIIKtl'HKINS ftartn. IftcJStia cacb; short 'tM, 8fe: BrdieB. am, ZZ, long w.l. 7&refl.vo ears. . TALlW-t-riaw, par la, f HOe: No. 1 aad ClilTTIM BAftK 1005 atork, fQ3U par Bi ll, nominal: 100S, it lb. HIDES try, N. I. IB.ibe and a a, IU -.1r par lb;' dry h!p. H. 1. f t lalba. i7, dVf cU. Na, . sndae In. IV: aattad bltf-a, atcera. on4. 00 Hja-aeiT ar, lotti Ir, euwe bsvio'te- alaga and bull. auaae. sarTr; kip IS n bii lb., lie; calf, eoaed. aador IS lb. 111 C'M-ti, anaalfrd. Ir bwa;. call, 'c pre lb 1 jriM. iM.-acb. Jt I .It; dry. ch. HUNDRED FIFTY-SEVEN ; BALES OF HOPS SOLD ,.. , This afternoon 'tha foThnrlfic ales of hops war reported .around th belvldere: . Oate wood l.lllenthal, th late lot of 47 balaa of 104 crop at 1 cents; the Amos lot at Urania Pass, con alatlna of lo hales of prime to cholca, tw Ed Herren at 1H cents; O. II. Irvln to dealers 19 bsles at 1 cents. ,.:. . JOURNAL'S DAILY - . TIPS ON MARKETS mHmm ' s ""'' Br' Pearson-Pace ComDB; 4 i ' ' The flrat car of Coaehalla. canta- ,4 loupaa and th drat atralhtor for Portland hag arrived and d regular ' ahlproenta. . In oar lot d will arrlva every - three days. d , The flrat car of ' Texaa water-'-, ' meona lg now rolling and th . 4 : flrat car U9t Chllar water- ; -d melons will atart from Coachella tbla 'week. A car of lclduous fruit- me Thursday, consisting 4 d ' at- yellow , . f rcestono peaches, . 4 apricots,-assorted plums, prunes d ,'nd apples.,-A part car of riort- d da pineapples is due Saturday or . Bunday. There ar no mora m- 4 dlum sweetg or areaiing orange ay d coming this season and as soon 4 4 aa stocks on hand are cleaned d . up the trade will hav to use d) d : Valenoias or quit eating oranges, 4 . valencias wero naver Deiter ana w seldom dearer.1 A car or missis- e slppl tomatoes la ou eaturoay. , e Strawberries ar nearly finished, d 4 : but plenty of - raspberries ana 4 d Ixifans to taka their place. Now d 4 la tha time to can cherries. 4 d Royal Annes and Black Republl- d d cans ar at their best. Th . d lemon market haa-reached top 4 V for th present. "'In vegetables red onions ar . d finished and fancy yellows ar now arrtvina; in csr lots. Cucum- bers, tomatoes, peas, beans, corn and new spuds ar cheaper. Old -apuds. cabbage and root vege- tables Arm at quotations.. tl.OOQl.60i eall bid, laCSOc; goat aktaa. roffimoa. aaea, 1041181 Angura. aaen. Wca lioo..,. . mm sd Tagetabiaa. POTATO KS Brat aortad, 80Qn per sack; doom' prlo for ear ktia, audi no per. ewti anilMP.. mumI - arodacara' orlca. . aW California. fT.bft; drrgon, ll.00tjH.8o. lINinsa Jnhhlna nrloa Tilu. le Bar lb! saw California, red, fl.BO; allrora, JB1.73; garlic. aCTHC nrr ID. . rHUH VRUtTa Annlea.' Sl.antXS.O0: BW. applra. f l.: orangra. aladltrrranfora. 3 784: bin ana i, oe id; ivmona. eaotaa. yw kui; laocy. fS.bUiatt.80 par- ooi;, Iraa, Tfte per 100; UDgarloea. I plnaapplaa, f.,0; HawalUa, : atrawbarrlaa. fS.OO tiH.U. ur crate: enoaabrrrl. Oe par lb; cbrrrtce, 4V,0 lb: pbim. par Praia: aprirota, ll.oum 1.73; pracnea. wuriaai.iu; gan Wrrlra. 1 1.2ft 41 l.bft: ranlaloupea. f3.78ft4.O0; ai 7'. riM ai no. V BClBTARI.K-iTurnlpe. nr I.M-piar1rrf carrot i. fl.78 per aack; ata, si.oo per aara; npa, ai.ou per aaca; -xhuibuib, due; rabhace. Oregon, flJ01.7S; hrU pepper. 2f lb: Mrdeaa lomatoea. z: t'aiirornia. i . i 1 KS: local hoiboaat, g.1.78: paranlna. S0rr ftl-Oft- trln hMM Oregon. 4d per- lb; raollnower.' II On nar dos: Dram. mt3t4 lb; aoneradiaa, omtc par in: artiruoara, i- ar para ana, itrrgoo. mw. pn- Ie tuarbaa; Walla Walla, fl.00 pee box; quaan, mc; apinaca, ouc per , rw onloaa. Oroxoa. lHe par das banrlwa; eaenm roenc pee ooa; eiry, 91 per nm, corn. !mu2e dns: aannier aanaan, Tftcal l."0 box; Pieplant, 40e lb. DEIP.D riiL'ITS Antilea. era onra tad. IdfJ I4e per Tb- apricot a. 14e per. lb; peacbe, I2HI3S4C ucr lb: aack. Vke sr lb Icaa; prnna. Q t 40. Or: He drop on each etxteentb mailer atari nga, rallfornla Black. ere in; t'alirornla white. Hc per lb: date, gotdee, TH par lb; farda. fl.40qi.80 par lS-lb box. raoaria. Vatsy Ete. - - ' Bt'OAB lack baalaOnha, fS tO; powdered. 1. 18; ft alt grannlatrd. t8.18: dry granalatrd. b.08; nf. A. f8 0fi; beat granulated, weetern, I.H8; Hawaiian. $8.08; extra C. ft.bS; golden C. t4 4B; D rrlMw. HMl bbla, lue; H bbla, ITje; boiaa, 80a advaor 00 aack baaia, laaa L'lie per ewt for eaab. 19 dayai Baoi. 144llot per lb. lAhoea pnee a-oly Ta eaies ar leaa tsaa car lota, tar Jot a at apeciaj prime eaoject te OUrtuatloaa. I HnKRVMIA n af. rorreE Package brandnf4llS414.m. ' SALT CKerae Half grotaad. 100a. 19 00 per n: 80a. W.80: table, dalrr. AO. 1100: 100a. 111.7.1; Imported Llrerpool. 80a. f 17.00: 100. tiC.BO; K4a. f 18.00: extra dne. bbla. ta, Oa, 10a, M.&OtfB 80: bulk. 830 lba, f4.00fl6.0O; aaeka. 60a, (WWNoc: Liverpool lamp rock, flPJW par 10; ou-in rora. av.iai; swa, ev.uu, RICK Imperinl Japan, K 1. eel Na, 1 8-3 8 14c; Naw Orleaaa head. Te; AJax, 8e: Creole. Hr. BKANS Small white, f4.: lbree white. fH.G0: pink. 13 78; baroa, 4.78; Lima, fs.&tr; Met lean red. 4i,e. Nt.'TPJ Paannta. Jitmboa. e ear lb: Tu-tinla. t6Vxc per lb; rMatrd, atHe par lb; Jana-ne-8V. roaated. 77Se per lb: eoena- nata. Rvitc par Ota: wainota. incjiSH lb: pntennla, lOIZHa par Ibj blrkory aata. lOe per lb; ebealnat. raatenr, 18T10ener lb; Brarll ante, l4ISr per lb: filbert. I4318e par lb; fancy (x-cana. 15c: algtonda.. 1617ar - 4 1 a lata, Ceal OUa, Eta. , aOPS For Manila. H) atmadard, 1IV. fctal. lie. COAL Oil PetirT or Aatral Caaea, 19 e per gatt . water whit Iron bbla,. 14c per gal; woatk. 17a par gal; headlight, 170-dag. aajaa. tlH per gL 0AMUK neVdef. caae 24 H per gal, tro Bbla. IV p.-r gal. -.- - BEKSIKB sl-deg. raare to per gal, trea bhl 1Hc per gal. TURPtNTlNl'-la eases to per gU weadea bbla tWc per gaL WHITE LEAD Ton lota. Te per lb) AOO-U) lot, nc per lb: lea lota. 8H par lb. WIRE MAILS Praaent baaia at fSBS. IJNHKEI'. OH l'n-e raw. In B-bhl lota. 8(lc: 1-bbl lot, 8.1c; caaea. Bae per gal; avntjln kettle-boll.-d. caaea. go per gal; 8-bbl lot S4e: 1-bbl lot tna per gal; preand cake, ear lota, $30.00 ir teas iea man ear tore. w w par cos, Kaata, risk aad 1'ravUlea, . . PBCKR MEATS Front atreet Oaef ataera. 48V per lb: cawa. 8ie per lb; hoga, faney, 8HMe; ordinary, iiger; poor, iqii per in; bulla, 8Vie per lb; veal, extra, 7e par lb; ardlaary. Or pea lb; poor, be per lb; aiattoa, fanry, nQXHc tier l!; lanba. Be. HAMS. BACON. ETC l-rtland park florall bama. 10 to ,14 lba, I.IHe per lb; 14 to 10 lba, 1.1 per lb; brrakfaat bacon, laic per lb. olcnlc. IIHr per lb; cottage, lout per lb: reenter abort elaara. anemoked. lot per lb: moked, Hike per lb: clear bark a. anemoked, lve per in; amoaeo. iie per in; union Batta. 10 te 1$ lba; aeamoked, he per lb; anavked. Bt? aaaokad. Me par lb: abooMerh. 10C per lb, a LOCAL i,ahu n-ettie irar. jua, im per lb; 8a, UHe per lb; 80 lb lata, 11H per ib; ataani rendered. 10a. lie per lb; oa, 11H per lb; compound. 10a, 9e CANNED SALMON Celuo-ola liver. Lib tall. $1.$0 lb tall.' $X.T8 faney, l ib lata. fl.Bo; H-lb fancy Dal, fl.1.1: fancy l ib avak, $2.78; Alaaka talla, pink. 864jtaoa; red. $1.80; nominal Za. tall, SZ.OO. riHH tturfc cod. Te per Tb; halibut. te per lb; eraba. 81.60 par do; atrlned be. ItKt per lb: cat Bab. 7c ner lb: aaluion, Colombia river Chinook. Be lb; atrel keada, te lb; blneback, 7c lb herring, 5c lb; aoie. oc 10; iiriinp, luc in; pcrrn, oe per lb: black end. 7 bar lb: lomeod. 7e aar lb: allvar a melt. Te- par Ibt iobatera, lba par lb; freak mackerel, be par Ibt crawBah, la par do; (bad, 3c pee lb: tnrgoh, 10c per lb. OTBTbBS Sboalwater bay. Bar gaL tllS: per 110-lb aack. $4 00.. CLAIIW Hardabell. per box, ft. 00: rasar lant. I2.0U per bos.-' ." - ,'" COTTON FUTURES TWO' . TO SEVEN POINTS UP New York, Jane W; Cotton fnlurea eloead 1 to T point sp. ' Ufftrlal quotttlon by Over berk, Starr 1 09 company;. , ' I y " ' t loving Ones. Hlgb. Iw. jiaie ao.June ,. lannary . rhmry , March July Auitnat ( . September October . Novamber December . 10 41 lom 10.40 10.87 ...10 is iojs 10..HI ...III 41 . 10.4 10.42 ...10.011 10.112 10.08 . ..10 4 11. 0 1121 ...10.26 10IIS 10.22 . ..10.23 lO.Ht 10.22 10.41 10.47 10.21 I0.2O-J 10.81 1 10.20, 10.81 .10 81 10.8a 10.48 . 10.14 r 10.W 10.27 10". 10.2 104b .I0J1 10. M 10.27 VirtTED STATES SOTIEEMET BOVSS. New fork, June 2t, Government bonibt: .. Date. Aak. Bid Two. raiatred IW03 08va 103 'A 104 eooiMvn . 1 1" Li 04 .; ltaia 10.1 Three. rglatred...vt. do eifooon Two. inll bnmla . , . . . Penra, rerietared . .i.... on empvn. . . rmtra. reltred . . laO. .1.... ,1 loot lia7 12X no coaMMin I 1B2S litatrlct of t'antmMa.. PkllU'PlB a...,,..., ... iou" hv 102'y ..... ! 108H lox4 I11414 11 'A 130 12i l.'W 117 . , t t-f 110 . ..... SELLING PRESSURE l: BRINGS LOSS Another Shwp Decline in Wheat Values Due to Very Bear- !, ; ish News. ' CHICAGO MARKET LOWER i t. ; IN ALL OPTIONS TODAY Liverpool It Unchanged, at; Opening - but Loaes Thre Eighths at the End ' of Day Coarse Grain - List la Slightly Higher. , . ; v-, . '. v BELATITE WHEAT. VALUES. Cloae t'loes Ooa Iae June 28. June 2a. 1U08. June 20. July.:. .Ml f .KU f .2 $ .01- fieptemher 81 .88 II .8)4 W -01 V December tak .MB - .87 . .01 Mart Ji . Jib's .01 Chlcaao. Jnna . Severe Bailing preedtar ad tied t th already weaa aaeltng ta lba wbaat market and prlcaa alatnped eooo after tba start of the trading. Liverpool gave na encourage ment to the bulla, aa It waa nnenangea at lue opening for all option ana at the cloae - waa down d. It la atlll a weather market and tha better lndlratlona today were tna oepreaaiug feature. Tha market baa not recovered from th weakneaa raaaed by the prediction of Jonee that -the harveat would -enow aa Inrreeea of fully 40.000.000 buabeia of wbrat In tha Inited Htatea over a year aao. It w generally balleveil that tha Modern Miller report tor in wees will be heartah. The greateat weakneaa abowa today waa la tha Joly. which loat le rrom yeaterdar'a price. Heptenrher waa next In line wnn lrea aggragaiuig c, wniie tna wren ber and May each had a decline of lUc. The roarae araln Hat waa dull but fbwtar. with galna Is corn and oat.- Provision wer easier With a Mae m tna net. urririai quotation ny trraroeca, Btarr at Cooke, company: Onen. Htrh. Low. - Cloae. Jnlv...,.f .as, f .R1 I ,A1 .M nept r, jhs .m . .i"f Uay.... ..Rdlalw,.- .BuS .Ml .$6 .U4 .82UB Dee.... .80 .aOth - -oOVh ' 0AT8. July.... ee!V" .sx4 .OU : .SBt, M l.S7 MEM PORK. ' .17.18 , 17.00 1T.00 . I.T ' ld.TO ld.IO . 14.00 14.80 J4. 80 Jnly.... IMF. rpt.. 1.T Jan...... 14-tO I,ARD. Jnry. i.TT a. so. 8.BA S.TS a.a- 7 Hept-, Oct-.., , 00 " fox M ''I SHORT BIBS. .48 40 , , 0 40 . .80 9.15 .0S July!.., Sept..., Oct.... 411 0.40 1 40 .8-1 . .07 " 0RICAO0 0KA1E OAS tOTS. Chtrage, Jons 28. Gram ear lota: . . Car. Grade. Bat. Wheat T t Porn WW S17 - 417 Oat I2R 40 128 Wbaat care today: Mlnneanolla 170. rtahjth 48. Year ago: Mlaneapolle 14, Daluth f, I'hlrago none. PBUfaET SKAiy VOTXMZVT, Cblcage, Jnna 20. Primary receipt: .... -f .. Today Year ago '- ... D ... k , Baal, Wheat JBM.oftO 2H2.00 Corn t- .717,000 S30.O00 Hhlpmeat: ' Wheat .'.AHO.OOn irrtont Cotrri 41, 000 -6M.00 Clearaacea: Wheat, none: com. 213.000 baah ea; oata, 440,000 buabeia; floor, 2a. 400 barrel. ''.'' CHICAOO CASH WHEAT. .1 Chicago, Jnna 29. Caah wheat: " "" a).-"-" . r"r"-i Jon . June M. Bid. Bid. Xo S red. .,.. 4u t .7?f S ,HT No. S red JO . JI3 No. 2 hard ,H$ ' Ka. S hard ,.78 , .7a No. 1 northern M ., No. 3 northers Ml .-4 No, f aprtng ""M ' GOOD DEMAND RULING FOR AND MULES Portland ' Market : Is Gaining in - Activity Hogs Are Firm '' Cattle Remain Dull. V Portland fnlon Stock rarda. Jane St. live stock recelptai . ' Rnaa. Cartla. tTheaa. Tody i....18Sw 2T ... v) eek ago. I..... .... ... ... Month ago r. .... 81 71 2T Year ago 55 . 15 -HI 1W Portland la getting to be emite a bora and male market. Demand for both animal baa Increaaed very faat of late-and prlcea paid bare ehnwn a eorreapondKig rlaa.' Today 00 mule arrived In tha yard. - - Hoga are atowly coming again with demand good and price maintained.. Cattle remain dull. No abeep arrived today and tha. market la firmer thaa ever. - Offlrlal Uveatork qnqiatlon: lltiga iseat eaniern ures'Ml. i af .iai7.Z0: hlo-krra and China fata. ,fu.50; atorkera and feeder., ffl.28. " k, fattier-Beet eaatern eregon ateera, fS.lB; beat eowa and helf.ra. :i.2S; tocker and Credere. $.1.00: bnlla. f2.BO. , Sbeep Dbearllnga, SV.4c: lamb, 4Vi48c. EASTERN, SHEEP TEN OFF. Ooioafo atajrkot Bteadr fog aToga aad - Oattla. Chlrage, Jnn X. Llveatork reeelpte: ' -- . Hoga. Cattle. Sheep. Chicago ............. (4, i0 2.000 IO.01 1 Hogaitedy. j Kecelpta a year ago were 81 Today' price: Mixed. M.404IS.78: rough. te.xna 80; llght f 404.70. attle steady, ; kbrrp Ten cent lower; ... . -, ' OBttAHO BAVX STATXXZ-tT, Clearbig ' Ha lance 4 . iii,e8i.i Foreiga Cof fa starkata. Havre, June 2W. Coffee advanced t: Ham bnrg nnehanaed to "4, np. Kto reeelpte, 4.0H0 bage; market ataady. 4 lower. . nantos ra crlpta, 18,000 bag; market H lower. , ' 'f starllbg Xaakaage ata;-J '' New York. June 20. sterling errbahg; D. Band a4.704W4.8o; 00 daya. 4Hl.ft44i4ft2.lo. FRIDAY PRICES IN ' THE WHEAT MARKET $July Sept. .81 .'SB .la .7 ; '..'' '. v.lw'' , -Chicago .1 ,l KAttsaa City... Milwaukee ...t .11 New York..,.. 4 , Liverpool ..i... s7Hd 4 1 Minneapolis ..... e Duluth ....... ..... This Is the Tim for Dealers .to Push the Sale of Cherries and Loganberries for Can ning They Will Not Likely Go Any Lower. MARKET HURT BY Big Fight In Railroad Construe" tion Brings Disaster to New York Stoctcs. - NORTHERN PACIFIQ IS f THE pREATEST LOSER Drops Seven end Five Eighths During the Day .Union Pacific Receives a Beadng Soon After . and Closes Nearly Three Oft " ,;I V' -' MET LOMES. .... 8 Nortbara, Farifle.. Anaconda ... Amalgamated! Atcblaoa .... Sugar ... siainaty HIMteeosrt Pac1flc. 1U .M HiN. X. Central Smelter. .1. ....... lta Ont. 4k Weatera, 1 3 Brooklyn . 4!Pnnylvnla, ... Baltimore 144. Pacific Mall..... a Colorado foal t4 Praaaad Steel Car.. IV St. Paul. .. tw:Baadlog '. SH .. 4iRepublle Steel Ja .. outhra Railway . , ...lNoutbera Paclflo. 1 .. 1 Onion Paclfle S'Z .. V. S. Steel 14 .. Hi do preferred..... i'ti NET GAINS. - - - .. HlPoopl' Oa.'...... Cheaapeake ... Canadian ...... Locomotive , ... Erie ' llllnole Central. LeaievlU Great WeaUrn. Wart Rtreel. Naw York. Jabd IB.Th Pacific Borthwaet proved te be th sadalng of th atork market tooa av. Iteet ranarta nf that row tween tha liarriman-HUI in tenet la regard te I the bolldlng of new llnaa latbe Pacific eoaat I te a very heavy aelllng praaaare la tba Hill atorka, and thw waa eoon followed by a almllar movement In the Harrlmaa taantee. Then the rest of the ltet became affected, and the remit I (bet all prlcea are eoaatderably lower. The largeat Individual leaa waa la Norther paclfle, which held a net decline ef 7 polnta at tba eloaa ef tba day. Union Paclfle dropped nearly polnta, while the Pacific Mall Steameblp com pany' atork wa beat down S pelnta. Beading wa bnvt fa th tna nf Sia. acaita.-' flnnner were very weak, tber being s laaa of S polnta toaerterai ia Anaeonoa ana ih mu polnta la Amalgamated. Money ra tea were egaln a dhv lurbmg featare, eall golag aa high aa S par cant anting the. aeaalon: Official qootatkioa by Ovarbeek. , Stan , a) tmoaa company DBSCBirtlON. Anaconda Mining Co.... Amai. topper Atchlaon 'icom ue. do preferred. Ujor. 100 BB. Am. Car t Pound., do preferred. ...... Am. Sugar, rem. ...... Am. Smelt., com...... do preferred Baltimore dt Ohio, com. 00 prererreo BrooklvB Rapid Tranait c naaiaa rarine, t ni. a ut. Weil., com. mi., mu. st. Paul., Chi. si Nortbwaat.. coal Chi. Terminal- By.-... Chesapeake dt Ohio Colo. Fuel dt Iron. earn. Colo. Southern, com. .. do Sd preferred do let preferred , Delaware ai Hudaon... Ilela., Lark a. a Waal.; 1). B. O.. com do preferred.... , Erie, com do M preferred ...... , do lat preferred. ..... nilnola Central Louievlll a Naehvlll. aletropoltu? Street By., Manhattan By Mexican Central By... Mlaaoorl Paclfle M.. K. 4 T.. cots , do preferred Kew York Central Am. Cotton Oil , Am. Locomotive Federal Smeltera Norfolk ft Weetern, com do preferred .. Korth American , N. Y., Ont. at Weal.... Pennsylvania By. ....... p. o., u a c. co Praaaad Steel Car, coca. do preferred.... Paclfle Mall a team. Co.. B-adlrg, com , do ta preferred do lat preferred Rep. Iron A Steel, com. do preferred Rock island, com, do nref erred ....... Southern By., com do preferred. ......... Southern Pari no . do Bref erred St. L. S. P., d pfd.. no lat Drererrea.... St. L. dt S. W. com. do oref erred Teiaa at Paclfle Taan. Coal Iron. . . . T., St. L. ft W earn. do preferred Cnkm pelne. com . . . do preferred Central Leather, rem do preferred C. S. Bobber, ceal... do preferred Wheel, ft L. B., com. de Sd preferred Wisconsin Central, cot do preferred Weatera Union Tale. . Wahaab, com. ........ dj preferred........ Woolen 8 1U1 48 lot IT 84. Northern Part 8c.. Atchison, preferred, I-dlrldend of Hi per cant. American Smelter, commoa, s-dlv1dad ef 14 per cent. Tie York Central, - ai-dlrdend at 114 per cent. Total sales for day, STT.tOO share. Call mooey closed 84 tl per cent. ' ' ( 1 sajt raAircisoo inimro) stocks. "' Saa Pranclaco, Jus , - ... Bid. Belmont ......iB.DTtt Caah Boy 17A . Offlclal dosing: Bid. Denver ...... Kellpe Oolai Bar .. O. Bull rrog . .87 . 1.08H . .18 . .28 . .OS . S OS Uoldea Anchor.. .43 Home Jim Butler MacNamara Midway ... Montana ... North Star , Ohio . Ton. Bxta .88 .. 1.20 .. .n .. tim .. too , .. .ST, .. 4 00 ..18.80 Bieinway ...... Oon. Ctl.-Ya.... Onhlr .......... Mealrea Caledonia , Bxcheqoer Norcrosa' field Crows .... Great Bead .... Beanie Black Butte Eg. Tramp Ooldea Belmont. Montgoaaery MA. .88 '' . . .ST . .38A ' . .11 .os 1.00 .87 .T Nevada Wat End J-" Ada ma .OS Atlanta ... Bluebell .... Booth ...... I'olnmhla Mt, Cos. Quarry , IMamoudfleld , Dixie ., Oolddeld .... Jumbo ...... Jnmbo El ten Kendall .... I-ayun May Queen . Mobawk ... Bed Top ... Sandstorm . . Sliver Pick.. ' .8 JOA .11 .88 .OT .SA ISO ,.1T .8 .IT. .IT 1.8S in .8T niinaet .c.... S"A Sceptre w .t Manhattan . .00 Saylor-Humprey. Dealer , Granny ........ Gold Wedge .... Gt. Bend, Ex... Creareat ....... Denver Annes.., Bnlla ft Hears.., Black Bock Little Joe .15 .47 .IS .no .10 .10 .10 - .OS .03 .04 .3A St. Ivea ......t..4T National Bank.. .40 Jumping Jack... bostob copp i a xAaxzT, Boston, Jane S. Official elceei Bid. I v- -Adventor ,t. S.T8 IPhoenlg ,, Allonea ..... S800 Qulnry ... Rid. ,oo , WW ' 17.I2U 180 Arcadian - s on Hoyai Atlantic ..... I1.T8 "haanea ...... Calumet . .... 2 00 Tamarack-.. Centennial ... 30.78 t'nltad Copper, ropper Bang AS 80 Utah , O.0O 0.80 88 80 T SO 00 Daly Waat.., IBM Victoria it..., )M Winona ...... Pranklla . .... Green Cop.. Mobawk Nevada Con.. North Butte.. Osceola 24.00 IWolverlne 188.00 80.80 Boston Cos...? S4.T IH.KTVslBlack 25 mM- V 1143 3S4H!138 It I KB BU MU . If I .'"I 48 4A14 47 Uj 4.14 120 4 124 13AV4 12844 0 BO to) m 48 47 43 43 M . 8214 314 123 12814 123 123 BO ., o M14 W14 20 W5 M 4 B414 2414 34 V4 33 tt es 0214 "I i 14 8314 8414 84H m w so 14 eH a eai UT 111 U 11 4814 44 4S 48 6V4 'iiii 'iiii ii" 31 to sih im st si i::::::::::::::1 4T 4T 4, 4014 14414 144H 1414 141H I 2 ST I M14l 801 1101 lot 1U1 481 43 44 102 BS14 1TV4 IT IT J!.!!!."!?! 5 r4o"j'4ii 44 3 85 I 83V4 82 1WU. 191 ISlVi 4.zn ion on 38.00 "ly M Mt Butte..,. , ras i' arret .!..' LAfJE COUHTV IS DECLARED DRY Judge Harris Hands Down De cision In Local Option Case 1 ? i Against Saloon Men. : NEW CHARTER DID NOT CONFER GREATER POWER Court Holds That Latest Act Regard ; fog Council of Eugene Was Simply ' a Reenactment' of. Previous Bill - , . - -. r Passed.'' i-. ' (Soaelal 7)1 natch to The Jowraal.l . Eugene, Or., dune 2. Judge Harilg today rendered a decision In th local option case. Aftet revlewlof .the case of Ranshaw and Walker vs. tha county court praying for art Injunction against tha defendant dnjolslns tha county court from declaring the result of the recent olactlon on prohibition In Lan county th judge sustained' tha d murrar of th defendant and dissolved tha temporary Injunction. Tha result of this will be that tha county court will lasua an order that will have the effect of prohibiting- tha sale of Intoxi cating liquors in Lana county. Th Judge stated that tha point at Issue wa whether or not the charter act of 1105 was repealed by Implicating tha local option law In the city of Eugene. Tha decision of tha court waa based mainly upon th caaa of Eddy v. Klncald, tl Oregon. SJ7. decided In 188. - Tha ap plication of the Eddy vs. Klncald eaaw to tha case af bar waa that tha city charter act of ISO! was merely a ra lnactment of tha charter act of 189S. and conferred no new powers upon tha rity council that It did not repeal by Implication of the Intervening local option law, so far as it applies to the city of Eugene, even though it b in con flict With it,'- ' , ... . CHARGED WITH BEATING WOMAN OF NORTH END - Robert Bolt waa arrested ! efiiy this morning by Patrolmen Mallett and Qall bralth and booked on a charge of as sault and battery, alleged to have been committed on Llla Larero, a 'habitue of the north end. Tha assault took place over the notorious Keystone! sa loon et Fourth end Flanders streets and from the kicke and blows of Bolt the woman sustained several broken - ribs and Internal Injuries which may cause her death. She was removed to the Oood Samaritan hospital and Bolt will be held pending the outcome of her, In juries. . .1 . After administering the beating t the woman Bolt was puraued from th scene of the crime to the Davie street dock by the two patrolmen. . Several ehote were fired by the policemen befor he would come to a halt. The pollc have been Informed that Bolt la one of the men who boarded the eteamer Johan Paulsen and murderously assaulted the non-union crew. An investigation of this report ie to be made. LATE HOP CONTRACTS ' . ARE FILED AT EUGENE Eugene,' Or.. June 1 2. Th ' follow ing late hop contracta have been Med: M. J. and J. M. Edmunson of Goshen, 10, 900 pounds at 10 H cents per pound. to be delivered at the warehouse or cars at Ooshen, L. D. , Forrest of Lesburg, I5,00 pounds at 1014 cents per pound, deliv ered at the warehouse or cara In Eu gene. 1 George T. Hall Sr.' of Eugene, 50,000 pounds at 1014 cents per pound, deliv ered et the warehouse or cara in Eu gene. 2' ' George T-' Hall. Jr. of Eugene, 11.000 pounde at 10 cents per pound, deliv ered at the -warehouse or ears in-Eu gene. . The Chinn Land company, 110.004 pounds at 10 cente per pound, delivered at the warehouse or cars In Eugene, .. Oharoh Kaa Wo Windows, - The Madeleine, one of Paris' famous churches, has no wlndowe, being lighted entirely from the roar. 1 MV MV atlZ II t . l.t.l eai ai 1 sotoi nosa 111 -v 4 I e . 1' V-; I itt i(w1i3 12S1J- - j . - .' . il 144 14S 1411143 I ,l 1115. 1I5H114,11 . ' f 1IT 117 1181 118 . ' ' y ,t 3 03 3 3 N . - il T TT1 T44 TMt i 18H IT 14 - - . 51 "41 1T4H no? ITlJ , t-,f ii 1ST 1T 1S ! 1 - ' - i 31 15 I' - A .'.Ti 41 4HVb 48 48iZ r f x- , ,1 MH S4 S8U 88 Si , t ' ' f S'- Z & U,;w. ,... ' j 40 40 8SH V ' l 8 Sfl 841? S4V ' I 43 431 BOW 40V ' V ,' ' , . fc tl TS T9 77 2 TT2 " ITT. ITS. 1TS lTSt " ) , e ' li 14d l"l41lj ' ' ,? 14T 14T 14T 14T X' , 'A 82'A S3. S3 S2iJ 3S4j-'a 14 1 184 13814 183 r ; . . 'ii" m" Countess de Chambrun, Sister of 8 a 14 . . ss- ss st sTBj Contressmsji lngorth.T" '4" 'iiii i4 ' ' I, . P:ifc3 Pixjizr )) 1 1 Tidket turuhine brtad X : at aVaaare "aJe' ' " j v j ' ' - - '. ' -. - - ' . JOURNAL SCiI0LAR5iIiP. C0i.TEST Man New Candidate Are En .-teringr and Work Has Com menced In Earnest Interest in The Journal Educational Contest la steadily Increasing and new candidates enter each day. Vacation la at hand and all tha candidates are working in earnest Maay are-rapidly increasing their vot and subscriptions ar coming in fast. .- - , - - : ai dse" KVr JOHNSON.. Roy Johnson ie another exceptionally bright eaat aide lad who enters the race t mmi k j m , 'CONTESTANTS ENROLLED. -; - The following named young people have already made application or been nominated by friends for-enrollment as contestants. There ia ream for many ' more the more the merrier and the more lntarestlng the eontcet will be. ' ' ' CHARLkul GROSS. T. M. a A PorUand, Oregon. MIS8 MARY E. POWELL. ...417 Salmon atreet,- Portland. Oratgoo. HISS MILDRED L. CLEMON8. .....University Park. Portland, Oregon. MISS AILEBN HACKMAN Myrtle Park, Arista. OreeToo. HORAfrs X WILSON. .raa vFT T TTJ W 4 V IDlHVnV MISS BERTIE Q. CHAN CLAY JONES 40 PAUIj nygren,...-. .18 W. K. GWYNN. ...... .141 East Thlrty-aeVeath atreet, Portland, Oregon. LOUISE SCOTT ......centra Addition, Portland. Oregon. "ROY JOHNSON 74 Divtelon atreet Portland. Oregon, RUTH TURNER 101 Kerby etreet. Portland. Oregon. CARL SHRLTON East Forty-eighth etreet. Mount Tabor, Oregon. OUT JOHNSON.... I0S Grant etreet, Portland. Oregon HARRY BRANT... ....Tit Willamette boulevard, Portland. Oregon. LILLIAN L. M'VICKER 10t West John etreet, St. Johns. Oregon MAS PENDERGRASS ... .Ill North Seventeenth street. Portland, Oregon .-ELLA NELSON. , ....Newberg, Oregon. GEORGE D. KING.. ..........Kingston. Oregon. JE88B MOORE ..........Tualatin. Oregon. "STANLEY-BTE VENSON H al sey. dragon. RICHARD W. GILVIN. Roaeburg,. Oregon.' JOHN BENSON . .;T.V.V.V..7.....7.7i..r.Virr-.-i Chwnaw, -Oroaw GUY V. GRAHAM .Trotitdale. Oregon. .AONES J. EVANS......... Latoarelt Fmlls, Oregea IVY OWENS ......Cedar Mills, Oregog. R. W. CYRUS........... .........Sdo. Oregon.: Z- MI88 JE8SIB A CAMPBELL.... aiurtna.. MISS TERESA GRAMMB... e5eee4eeee early with tha Intention to win. He has lived In Portland for '-several yeara and. formerly attended the - . Sunnyslde school, but' is at present a student in the Behnke-Walker Business college. Master Johnson is highly recom mended by fir. E. D. Curtle and haa many friends all over the east side. Roy, as he Is best known, haa had consider eble experience in newspaper work, hav ing been a carrier for Portland papers. It is his Intention - to canvass every house In his locality end In fact the entire east side without any let up, until he haa aafely ' landed a scholarship offered by th Behnks-Walker Business college." ' .....- " Master Johnson is one of the younger candidates but does not Intend to let any grass grow under his feet and he will no doubt keep the older eandldatee Bustling to peat nis score. . . ooromoaTS or ooarnsT. ' First choice of scholarships, or grand capital ' prise, to go to the eonteetant having the highest score at the close of the contest; second choice to the one having tha next highest score, end ee on to the end of the list, the number of prlsee, however, to be limited to 10 unleea a greater number ef contestants shall have achieved results justifying a liberal reward. Contestants will be limited In their choice of scholarships to such they . oasx nissi. Cash prlsee of a total of 1760 will be awarded to eontestants sa follows: 1. A parse ef 1300 for the general ex penses of the winner while attending ny publlo or private institution provid ing free tuition. ee-eeeeeeeeeee THE SCHOLARSHIPS. Followins; is the list of scholarihips, with approximate cssh value ; T oi escn, oiierea as prizes, icisucu iiuumihuuh mug, locm will be published from time to time, or furnished on application to the Contest Department . ACADEMY OP THE HOLY NAMES, Astoria. ........... .9280 ALBANY COLLEGE, Albany. ..... 100 BEHNKE-WALKER BUSINESS CAPITAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, Salem. . ................ f lOO COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY, Portland.. $100 Dallas college. dsUss". .". .v w. . .v. ;v:r?r;;;;7.. . r.;r. .fioo GILLESPIE SCHOOL OP EXPRESSION, Portland. ......f 120 HILL MILITARY ACADEMY, Portland....... ..,...100 HOLMES BUSINESS COLLEGE, Portland........... ...flOO HOLMES-FLANDERS PRIVATE SCHOOL, Portland.... 150 INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE - SCHOOLS, Scrsnton, Pennsylvania ...-.fllO. McMINNVILLE COLLEGE, McMinnvllle..., ...... 40 OREGON CONSERVATORY' OF MUSIC, Portland : One Pisnoforte Scholsrship............... '.... 2200 One Violin SchokrsWp... .i.;.e.r..;...V;';.;7.V..'".'t;.125 On Guitsr and Mandolin Scholarship .flOO PACIFIC COLLEGE, Newber. . . . . ... ... ...... r. .. . . .. . ,f 10O PACIFIC-TELEGRAPH INSTITUTE, Portland. ...........f 125 PORTLAND SCHOOL OF DOMESTIC SCIENCE, Port land (Y. W. C A.).......... f lOO SACRED HEART ACADEMY, Salem..,.. f 160 ST. MARY'S ACADEMY, Portland. ................f200 eSeee TROUBLES OF WEST - TRAVEL IN BUNCHES ... ., , ,- fVv . S. D. West's troubles are not over, for after recovering a eteam wooj'-eew atolen from his yard at 10 Grand ave nue several daya as, the thieves made a second visit and carried away 10 feet of rubber and 19 f e-uof canvas hose LThe persistency of i fhlfvef reads the police to believe that the enlprlts are actuated entirely by a desires for re range on West for some reason. " very contestant will hare ft chance to earn soma packet money. In addition te the opportunity of winning I0 or I0U . or a scholarship worth from 1100 ta -f 110. supplemented with a purse ot lite for incidental expanses. - S, , A purse of f loe to be used in the . same manner aa the above. I. A purse of 1100 for incidental x penaes to supplement a scholarship a- 1 acted from the following list. 4. purse of 171 -in addition to one . of the following scholarships. t. A purs of' I6 In addition to onT, ef the following scholarship. - . A purse of IIS in addition te en ' of tha fallowing scholarships. ...j. .. can make personal use ef, the scholar, ahlpe being non-transferable, . except with th consent ot the management of tbe schools. ' ; ...... . Any young person' of ech-oorage who can furnish satisfactory referenoea aa to character and worthiness of assist ance In th endeavor to secure a good -1 education may enter the conteat at any time before the close, September I. The business of contestants will be to Induce people to subscribe for The " Oregon Journal, if they are not already -tasting the iaper, or renew their 'aub- ' sciiptlons by psylng for as long a period ' ia.a4vanca aa convenient; -thereby giving the contaatanta the benefit ef tna votes allowed on advance payments. - Votes will be allowed on all advance 1 . paymente on eubecrlptlona, whether eo-- .... . llclted by thcontestant themeelvee or . -paid or remitted directly to The Jour , nal office, or through any ot the regu. -,Y lar agents or collectors, but in all oaaee the money must be in The Journal effloe before credit will be given . tor the '. votea. - . xosrar rosB jxiv, - j A cash commission 'will be paid eon . ' testants on all new- subscriptions ee-'., cured by there personally, or procured.', directly through, their Influence. Thus e ee 118 Haleey street, Portland. Oregon. SAB T..ln. ateaat bAellaa Ommhi W Ut Clay strt. Portland. Oregon. Eaat Twelfth street, Portland. Oregon. East Third street. Portland, Oregon. 4 Wrentham, Oregon. ..txmage urove, uregon. .110 Grand avenue, Astoria, Oregon eeeee Blank voting oarttfloaBaa or ballots will be furnlahed on. raxiueat to oon-' teatante or others who may 'have use for them.- For each subscription pre- , paid one of these ballote may be filled . out to- correspond with the amount and"" length of time paid for, th number of votee due. the name of the contestant, favored, . etc., to be voted, at the eon-." venlence of the subscriber or eontestant. - YOT1HU SOaTBSTJXB. - ' The voting power of subscriptions will be In accordance with the following schedule: , , - ; ,. Bally aad ateaday fnistl, Time Carrier. Mail Tetee. One Year 17.10 17.00 - 1.I0S Six Monthe ........ 1.75 t.TI 70S Three Months '.M. l.ll LIS 100 Two Monthe ...... 1.1 MS ' IIS One Month ........ .! . Sally Jonmal Wtthoat nnaas'. '." ' Prtoeby ' ' V . Time. Carrier. Mail. Tetee, one Tear ii.oo ,!. Sis Monthe !. ". 1.71 Three Months ..... LIS' 1.40 Two Months 1.00 . , 1.00 On Month ........ .10 . .! . t Saaday aTomraaX . Price by - ' Time." ' . - Carrier. Mail. Votes. One Year II.S !!. ne Six Months 1.0 . lie - Sml-Wekly ronraaU. . -Price by -. -' Time. , Carrier. Mall. One Year......... ..a. .11.60 Votaa. .100 100 Sis Months .Tl f COLLEGE, Portland..... 10O y see Is Beyorted M3sa4a4.' , Ernest Sydekum, one of the proprie tor! of Jh German grill at Fifth and L Couch stretts, is reparted missing by . I his partner, F. W. lAmbert The mlss- Ang man nas not been-seen elhce 11 p. tn. Monday and feare ere entertained- that be has met with foul plsy. t, easeBiBBB ....... ... syi)tcha as aVravsaire. ' ' Great numbers, of 'watches are being made In Swltserland for the Japanese" government, which intends te give them s souvenirs to its soldiers and sailors ' 1.000 " ; 100 ' 110 - 10 '" ot the Russian watt . I. V" V'i