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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1906)
TllZ OHZGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE 23,' 1C3. Till 4 TRIES TO was without suspicion, and would bv approaobed her unsuspectingly. ! This la ths seventh attempt mad on Trepoff life..-- ...,.,-- WITNESSES TELL STORY , (Continued from rag On.) PORTLANDS' MEW DEPARTMENT STOICS SLAY TREPOFF FtmaJa Russian Nihilist Assumes ; Name 'of Princess toA; ,,- sassinate General. - ... 13 SEVENTH ATTEMPT f ON COMMANDER'S UFE laarmed by Guard Who SeUed Her .Weapon Before She liae'Tlroa to Uee It 1 Hurried to Cell In Rut , elan Prison to Await Puniahment (Journal Special Servtee.) St Petersburg. June. t- Posing as th Princess Alexandra . Marlshkln, a. woman NlhUlat attempted recently to asaasalnat General Treooff, command . antof the palaoev Th polio deny thla Princeaa' Alexandra Harlahkln. ' . report, but vrybody bel levee It. ' 'i By means of forged lettera'and docu "Btntl the -woman nought an In ter t low with tbo csar. In order to carry on her negotiations It was neceesary that ah should see General Trepoff. She waited , for Jilm In his office, and aa he entered ' the woman arose,- drew a rvolvr and aimed it at him. - A guard who was standing cloee by her side sprang at her and forced the hand holding the revolver Into the air. : In another moment she was disarmed and then hurried to prison.: She bad ben unable to fire avshot. " Had sb been leas precipitate her at tempt might have been successful. Gen eral Trepoff, believing that ha waa about to meet the Princess Harlahkln. Woodard, FOURTH AND WASHINGTON STS. In Our RUBBER Department : ': . - for .-" ' V Thursday, Friday and Saturday Jar Rubbers, doz , . . ....7$ Rubber Sponges 19 - to .......... ... ..$1.50 Swimming Wings ....25 Rubber Gloves ....... 50 Rubber Plant Sprinklers $1.25 $1.50 Fountain Syringes, All Rubber Syringes. .43 FamilyrBulb Syringe. .36 Face Chamois . ....... 6 Toilet -Sponges t ; . . : . 4 Bath Sponges . .". . . . . . 14 Rubber Complexion Brush ....... 8 Empire Sleeve . "J Protectors .... . .25 Sponge. Bags. . ..151 UP .-SALE Or Toilet Paper ".;t still on 4 : We ' can save you money !n the article." . v' Specials are naturally prominent, protruding no ticeably. ' - Whether this was a shrewd snov to give the Impreaaton of Insanity, or whether It was adopted tor keep his mind from th proceeding . could .only be guessed, v.. , 7.. ' ... Story of Cits, " Nicholas Stokes, a wealthy coal dealer,, was foreman of the ooronefs Jury, Lionel Lawrence, manager of the show at Madison Square roof theatre, was th most Important witness. He testified that Immediately after th shooting Thaw turned to th crowd and remarked: "That ruined my wife. I fixed him for. it." 'Other witnesses told of the scenes Immediately following the ahaotlng. - Ths first witness waa Dr. Timothy D Lehan, th coroner's physician, who performed the autopsy on White's body. He declared that death waa caused by a gun-shot wound In the right eye. . Edward H. Conway, foreman of th laborers at the Madlaon BQuare; Garden, said that he saw both Whit and Thaw the night of the murder. , H desorlbed Thaw's movements, saying Thaw passed htm twice, going back and forth behind the table at which White sat. Ths sec ond time Thaw approaobed White' a tabl he saw Thaw extend hla arm and then three shots followed in quick suc cession. ' .. Sebwd afurdere. Whit fell and a fireman seised Thaw, who waa walking away, and took his revolver. He told of Thaw's arrest and described . the - action of th prisoner as he waa being taken down- the eleva tor. Conway said that h notloed Thaw partioularly that night..- - . "ills eyes were Duigea ana aiiaiea." Conway said, "and his face was very whit. After the ahootlng I beard mm say: H ruined my Wife, and I did It.' " . Paul Bruden, the fireman who seised Thaw after th shooting, bad very little to add to what Conway had said, except thst 4wo men went down the elevator with Thaw and Mrs. Thaw. , Warner Pax ton, th engineer, testified that he acoompanled . the prisoner and Mrs. Thaw down the elevator, and when asked as to what conversation passed between Mr. Thaw and Mrs. Thaw be aald: ......... v . . The woman aald:- "Look at th fix you bav pushed yourself Into now.'" . "What did Thaw eayr - "Ha-said: ?t's ail right., dearie;-! have probably saved your life.' ; - Th witness aald the prisoner was not excited, but appeared cool -and calm. Mrs. Thaw was before the grand Jury for II "minutes, but was not forced to answer questions. Attorney Oarvan asked If ah acoompanled .her husband th night of th murder. Bh refuaed to answer. He asked what her acquaint ance with. White was. She refused to answer this and waa excused. . All-tk wltneaaes before - the ooroner will - be examined. Six war examined today, on said to b May Mackensl. From ' th criminal courts building Evelyn Nesblt Thaw went to th Tomb and aaw her husband for hand,nhour. Sh left him amUlng. , , - IS NOT INSANE. ." Ohaaees Ar That Thaw Will tnaad Trial -fo WosaioM. - (fearaal Spedat Svtea.) - New Tork. June II. Physicians and alienists who , have . examined Harry Thaw think . that as is not Insane. though h. may1 have been .at the time th crime vis committed. Tb Trmune today - in commenting on' th feature that Thaw Is pronounced sane, says: "This fact. It Is noy believed, will Chang th defense and will caus Thaw eventually to be brought to trial under Indictment for homlcld. "It la th belief of th defense that Thaw has an excellent chanc of o- oulttal Varloua episodes In the life of Stanford White, quoted yesterday. Indl- eat that th defense or Justifiable homlold wlU be entered, and that Thaw may be able to prove that th shooting waa justinaDie. 11 is unaerscooa inai ths famous case of Major-General D. E. Sickles, who shot Barton 8l Key In Washington, wUl b held up aa a prece dent. Sickles waa acquitted without the Jury leaving th box, it being held at th time that he waa absolutely Justi fied. - "A statement, th meaning of which th pollc war unable to fathom, waa that Stanford White, John Delaney, cor nn ration counsel, and his daughter and a friend, a close business associate of Mr. Whits, were booked to aii on la Provence, the new flyer or tn rrencn Traas-Atlantlaus line. Not only were they booked to sail, but It understood on exoellent autnontr tnat Marry iv. Thaw and Mr. Thaw war also to be naasena-era on this boat. Owing to th statements -of Mr. and Mrs. Thaw against White, th fact that they were all to be passengers on th same boat pussies th pollc." V PLANNED DESERTION. Thaw xfi for Zurop After Quarrel With Wife, Bat Beturned at On. (Journal S Dec 11 Berrjce.) New Tork, June 21. It 1 learned that Thaw sailed for Europe April 14, last, on th Kaiser WUhelm- It after a quar rel with his wife, with th avowed pur- pos of never returning to her. On th am boat with him was his sister, th Countess of Yarmouth. i . .According to a report mad to th rants of th line. Thaw said several times In the smoking saloon that his Ufa had been ruined and that he had "left that woman for good and ell." It waa reported aboard th boat that hi slater pleaded with him to return to hla wife on the next boat from the other aid, which he did. Detectives are now trying to find out where Mrs. Thaw spent th time be tween her husband's departure for Eng land and his return. Her friends say sh did not leav New Tork City. . WIRELESS SENDS WARNING. American J To rest Wlrelee Telegraph Company Wishes to Botlfy th rabUa That Their Stock Is Being lraud leatly BglstTd. 1 : . ' . Seattle. Wash June IT, 101. To purchasers, of American D Forest Wireless Telegraph Company stock from broksrs or those that are not repre sentatives direct of th abov company. Mr. Charles A. Llndstrom, 410 Lum ber Exchange, Portland, Oregon Dear Sir: Pleas hav this Inserted in your papers, s th company wishes to let th publlo know that stocks sold by astern brokers are tn a measur being fraudulently registered, and 'company will .not recognise the stocks ' only when compelled to do so by an order of th court - There I stock out that waa escrowed and same will never be re deemed by the company, aa stock waa voided. ' .. - Will be ' pleased to explain la detail to any one calling at my offlc, or you hav authority to explain to any on calling at your place of bustneea. Sin cerely yours, - ' j . , ' , lir. v" ODORai H-, " i Manager for Washington, and Manager for Waaolae;toa and Oregon. SPECIAL DISCOUNT WITH . EVERY PURCHASE dDOSEAT D02DE)AV . , 1 .. .y--- r-Tf : , , , . M-r , a- Read every word of it I bargains for Friday, between placed on sale between the No. 1 $3 for f l.TS-Ladiei' Patent Leather Ties," Cuban heels; between the' hours of 8 ; and 1 only...... 1.78 No. 8 40c for 18f A bargain of bargains. Ladies' Black Cot ! ton LiU Hose, plain and drop-. r stitch, black and colors; recular 40c value; between the hours of 8 and 1 only. . ...18? No. 3 75c and 50c valuei for ; Gent' Fancy Tiei; wide, ', flowing ends; imperials and At coti; between 8 and 1......1B No. 4U. Boys', $6 and $7 Suits, 8.96 Clean weep of all our odds and ends in Boys' Suits j value up to extra special, between 8 and 1 only.,.. 8.95 THeae prlc will No. 81-oOc for 89 Ladlea , Corset Covers; lace, insertion and embroidery trimmed: be- tween 1 and 6 only . . . . . . ,39f No. 28 $2 for 1 JSdMuslin Petticoats, extra full, lace and .' insertion trimmed; between 1 and 6 r.1.84- lio. 23-55c. for 15 Ajax" brand of Underwaists, in sizes 2 to 13; sell regularly for 25c: between 1 and 6. 15f No 84 for 10 W will eell the balance of Waists, between our . iadiei .. hours of I ' . and 6, for. Join Us to This Great Stupendous Saving-Tliese Great Bargains Are for Friday Only Between the Honrs Mentioned Entire Corner Third andl Vsnrralhiil THAWS WIFE REFUSES (Continued from Para Ona) :"; two month ho was under eurvalllanoex as will bo shown by theee reports, for not only waa White shadowed, but th woman was constantly watched, rata Sonti ted aaalty. A , perusal of th will of William Thaw, th father or Harry Kendall Thaw, disclosed th fact that th father did not consider hla eon just light men tally. A codicil attached to th will, bearlna; th dat of July S. U, shows h wa doubtful of th ability of hla son to properly manage hla one-eighth shar of th estate of t5,000.000 and directed that he be paid but $11,000 per annum "until In the discretion of th executors aald Harry Kendall Thaw shall display proper discretion and fit nees." ... - Th estate la now worth 110,000,000 and It appears that ever since his father's death Harry has been drawing about 170,000 annually. Thla has been paid by his mother from her three shares of the, estate. His own sha. meanwhile has been reverting to ths estat. - There 1 no record that th zeutors ever satisfied themselves that Harry has become 'Mettled In his character.' MAO PLEA WITHDRAWN (Continued from Fag On.) th tlm he shot Whit, or 1 now In sane, th district attorney eould hav htm committed to th asylum for orlm Inal insane at Mattewan. There Thaw would hav to remain Indefinitely, and whenever he was pro nounced sane h would still hav to be tried. r8uoh a move on th part of th district attorney might result In th practical . Imprisonment of Thaw for several years, even though he might, ul timet el y be released upon th trial that would hav to follow. : ' . star of Aoqaitejal. It was learned today that Thaw's counsel feel so sure of a speedy ao dulttal before a Jury that they would regret to see th district attorney Aav htm committed to Mattewan. A man connected with th Equitable tit Assurano oclty said tonight that Stanford White's life was Insured In that company for I1SI.009 by poUatrs taken out, at various times in in past 10 veare. During that period Whit paid to th Equttabl 110.000 In pre mium. All policies ar mad parable to his wife. It la believed that Whit waa heavily Insured la other companies aa well. EASTERN EXCURSION RATES Xsly a am B, Aagaaa T, , epeuUios , ; -r M iv On th abov dates th Oreat North- Am Kail way will bav on sal ticket to Chicago and return at rate of ITl.iS, 8t Louis and return, ni. raui. Mia n do 11a and Duluth, Superior or Sioux City, and return; lg Tickets first das, good going via th Oreat North ern, returning same or any direct route, stopovers allowed. For tickets, sleeping oar reservation or any additional in formation oall on or addr H, Dickson. ar. p A, Itt Third Btre)t, PorUaad. Read the bargain news! Don't the hours of 8 and 1 o'clock. Twenty exceptional bargains between the hours of 1 and 6 o'clock. hours mentioned. All goods sold before this time will he sold -at regular prices. RljgAD ONI the No. B 1.19 for Men's and Youths' $2.25 Pants-Ali sixes; every pair is worth up to $2.25; ; between 8 and 1 only... .1.19 No. -$5 for 8.98 Beautiful . Skirts in cheviot, mohair and ; -eilkaline, new styles; between 8 and I... , ,.8.98 No. 7 SOo for 15 Boya' Caps; they are worth easily up to 50c ( come in golf and Brighton .' ahapea; all SOc values .15f No. , 8-25c for 10e Ladiea' Fancy . Embroidered Handker ' chiefs; our regular 25c handker chiefs; between th hours of 8 . and 1 only 10 BARGAINS FOR THE AFTERNOON atirely brinrj you to ' tween the No. 85- for 1.49 Boys'.. . Buster Brown gray Suits; ba- tween hours of 1 and 6149 . No.38 15 for $123 Men's high qualityi-cheviot Pants; extra special Rvalues" at - $5 ;v between . hours of 1 and 6.. I 8.83. No. 87-0c Ho'siery, 19-o00 pairs of Ladies' Silk Hose, ex- tra fancy, all colors and styles; ' worth 50c; between hours of 1 and 6 ........19 W;MARKEtttCO- 121-123 GRAND AVNUC GreatCelebrationSale - STARTS TODAY AND CONTINUES UNTIL JULY 4th Five Days o! Big Bargains . t Big Bargains in Men's Clothing. ' . . - - . Extra Specials in Shoe Department. Great Savings on Dress Skirts. ' Dress Goods at Little Prices. .' ! Some Very Special Notion Bargains. See Big' Window Display CANNOT .KEEP POOR MAN IN JAIL TO PAY FINE Unitsd States District Commis sionsr Has Power to Orant v Prisoner His" Freedom In aplt of th fact that, a United tataa iltatrlnt ludra can remove a United State 7 district commissioner Jtyomofflo Jonn V. ShllloclC"auorny fur Ty77rfp-vmiinu, wu i.uu.u iu vvui i thlevnermng that th eommWalonef ha Uh ngttViai, aet ald th Judge s de- Th point la Qneatlon wa in th ease of th United Htatee against Oanno for endlng nurrllou and defamatory KAY YPV A OOVOXt A do of Ballard'a Horehound Srrno will relieve It Have you a cold T Try It ror wnooping eougn, ror aarh- ma, consumption, ror Droncnine. lira Jo McGrata, til B. JHrat street. Hutoh Inson. Kanaaa, wrlt "I hav used (tallard'a Horahound Byrup In my family for five years, and find It th moat pal stable medicine I ever used. Sold by .Wo4a4 laka C ,, ; , miss a word I Friday's neat bargains will be divided into two parts. Twenty treat, unheard c! H oUrs of 8 No. 9 15c for 0 Men's Lisle -Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, Japan . silk, 15c; between th ours of 8 and 1 6 No. lO $2 for 79 White .. Waists; a special lot; wa want toler them out; all alzes and " shapes: all nice fresh and clean; between' the hours of 8 and I i.. ....... .n. 'r....Tf No. 11 23c for 5i Li.le Hoie; . our 5c line, extra special; do-. tween 8 and 1... t...6 No. ,18 Notions Much needed small articles; between 8 and 1 : only: . ; 7 spools of Cotton,,Frlday,35et Sun Silk, all colors......... 1 '". 5 pieces of Tp...........8f i 25c Embroidery ...........10 our store-Remember these fjoods will hours of 1 and 6 o'clock p. m. No. 88 50c for 5 Boys' Kne . Pants, slightly soiled, all sizes; between hours ofl. and 6, No. 89 $25 for 18.85 Beau . tlful Ladies' Silk Suits ; excep tional vslue at $25; all the 1st 7 est shapes and styles; as long. Js they last, between hours of and 6 . ,.,.,.18.85 NoT 30-4175 for 9S4 Ladies' Gloves: about 200 pairs; this is a small lot, but 200 people will share in the bargain; between . the hours of 1 and 6 only. 98 matter through th govrnmnt mall a Oanno wa found guilty and sentenced to pay a fin of 1200. Th On has not been paid and Oanno has been In th oounty Jail alnc May It, th day he was sentenced. There Is a federal etat- ut which say a that a poor person cannot t held in Jail solely for th purpose of paying a fine, providing that th prisoner 1 not th wnr of prop erty xoding zo in value. The prisoner in suoh oases has a rlrht to appear beore a United State commissioner and ask for hla freedom and th commissioner ha th right to grant th prisoner his freedom upon the latter taking an eath that h haa not property to exoeed f h aunt of 110. - -'Judg Wolverton was surprised upon bearlna' th contention of Attorney fihll- look and aaked for a reading of the a ac tion eereral time. He later took th eaa under advisement. .- HORSES RUN AWAY WITH FIRE ENGINE Albany, Or, Jun IL On aoooexnt of a small Or a general alarm was runted In last evening which resorted In two seeldents. - The team oa th fir angina became frightened and ran away.. .break ing th flue and knocking off a wheel belonging to the engine. Th driver had hi leg seriously Injured. On of th drays drawing 4 noaa oart jt,jh DON'T WORRY WATCH . US GROW and 1 of No. 18 Ribbont-An silk Rib bons, rood width, in all latest colors; worth 25c per yard; be tween hours of 8 and 1 only.5 No. I Laces Fine quality and pretty patterns: 50c and 75c beautiful laces, in val., oriental and fancy; 8 to 1 only.... 89 10c for 4e Beautiful Laces: reg- . vlar value 10c; between hours of 8 and 1 only. N.... 4 No. 15 $4 for 8.39 Beautiful Silk Shirtwaists; our regulars $4 value; between the hours of 8 and 1 ..............8.89 No. 1 15c for 7f Men's regu lar 15c black and tan Hose; reg . ularly sold for 15c; between hours of 8 and 1.,...' 14 No. 31$1 for 85-t-Ladies' -.Walking Bags; fitted with pursej. regular price $1; from 1 to 6 .. . . .. . , .T.' . . . . . . .35 No. 38 75c for 45 Men'a beautiful Negligee Shirts, all sizes; our regular 75c value; ex tra special, .between I and 6' only '. 45 No. 83 Basement Spedal $1.25 or 75 You all know what 'otts' Irons are: three ia set, nickel plated, with holder, com - plete; between hours of 1 and - 6 only ...... ...... .75 SOL.ES Th Packard Shot for Mn $3.50 Phillips Shoe Co Tan Shoe Sale Tomorrow'-Friday) and untttaold you oaa buy th celebrated PACKARD SHOE To naaa In summer Ta for $2.SO : v MMBVOMD TBOX auo rn caul PHILLIPS SHOE ros? women In Tan Oxford for 32.50 bssvobs ntOK $3.00. Bvery pair of tan shoes In oar large stock except men's vlsoollsed tan shoes for winter wear la lnoludd In thla jrt 1.'". . '' 1 No such sweeping reduction" In prices of seasonabl hoa waa aver made In Portland. ' The. atook la large, embracing hns dreds of pairs. Not all slses la each style, but plenty to St yu properly. Buy early beoause at the prices they will not last long. Be th styles on display In our win dow. , " REMEMBER; . W want your trade. W ar energetic, Cihlng, progreulv Sho Iwtallara. n vaJueaj shorn pront our motto, satlsflsd customer the result of our effort. A saving to every buyer our aim. t Phillips , Up-to-the-Minat Footwear at Up-to-th-MlnoU PricM . 10ft Sixth St. Ettwcen Washtojjtsa tr.i r fir had a breakdown and but for th assistano of bystander th team would bav run away with that portion of th apparatus also. ' ; yvefeaved Sok OaauMd Coat. Allen A Lewis' Beat brand.- These bargains will be only No. lT3Sc for aiat-LadWs" Embroidered Drawers in tor . chon, all sizes; worth 35c; be . tween 8 and 1...... 81f No. 18-41.35 for 74 Extra heavy, copper, rimmed Wash Boilers, fully guaranteed, full . size; between , hours of 8 : and 1 ..... ..4.... ...... T4 No. 19 $1.00 for 89v Lades' , .Wrappers, exceptionally good values between hours of 8 and 1 .89 No. SO 75c for 43Oray Suit--ing, 36 inches wide; regular 75c value; between hours of 8 and 1 ......... .434 only be od sale bo- Na 34 85c for 49 Ncv3 gal vanized Wash Tabs; largest - size made; .between 1 and 6 -only j-rr; ; i-i-.Tirrt; .y i . No. 85 50c for 14 Beautiful , lot of Ladies' Collars; between hours of 1 and 6 l No! 36-$l for 44 Ladies' fina ribbed Union- Suits f lisle ' sleeves, tight knees and um brella styles; between hours of 1 and ft.......... ...-M No. 37-50c! for . 28-Boya' . Blouse; exceptionally good val ue; between hours of 1 and and 6 ...............29 AQENTS Th Phillip Shoo for Women - $3.00 Shoe Co, .". Zwwy,SaU fig t k (inaraal Speel. 1 Ser-'-e.) Singapore. June l. In Dewey sailed for Manila tfxl-r. Th r"av t""t l a r !':. ,u ri i.. j . fr -vJ t-