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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1906)
THIS OREGON DAILY : JOURNAL, PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE 28.' 1903. .-Llcr&csCko FcrcIiccrJ on Crcdt Tcgy, Tomorrov and Saturday Will Go oii Your July Accent Llcicr Q Frank's 057th Friday Surprise Sale .-1 7 Vols.' to $12.50 Tomorrow $3.45 , . . ' . . . Another Great Mannftctmri Sale i of Jap. Silk Waists is jannoqneed for tomorrow' 857th Friday Surprise offer Ins Phenomenal valaes that will attract an enthusiastic throng of buyers bright and early in the morning Jap. Snk"Vaists and MPeterPan" Waists fa a wonderful varfc ty of stylesDeantifal yoke effects, square, round and pointed, trimmed In Piatt Val., double thread and round mesh Val., baby crochet, Batiste LacesSJlTembroid ered and medallions, lace and tucks down the front Long or short sleeves, button front or back; white, pink, blne"7fclack and lavender; all sixes, 33to 44 Waists in the best styles and quality Handsome, cool Summer Apparel Values op to $T2.3Q y - - each, your choice tomorrow only at f w - , the unusually low price of. each... .J r See Fifth-Street Window Display ? - : Better Plan to Come Early if You Want One MEIER. Q, FRANK'S 837th FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE v , 500 Couch Covers at 8?c Each -7 f S Great Friday.Surprise Sale offering: of 500 Oriental stripe Couch Covers, fringed all around; six patterns reds, green and blue, 60 inches wide by yards long. Just the cover for beach or porch use. An advantageous purchase from a large eastern manufacturer enables us to offer .$1.25 and $1.50 values at .the special low price-of,-ach.-T. ... .O C Mail and phone orders will be carefully attended to Write today. Grocery Store in the Dascment Service Economical and? Satisfactory PHONE EXCHANGE 4 1 lb. Royal Baking '. . Powder ......... . ; . . .40 20 lbs. Dry Granulated sugar .T .t.. . . .'. . 91-00 " Victor'VFlour; jione f. better ; i:. . . . . . ..$1.10 S'cans Tomatota. ..... . . .23 2 1-lb. cans Mince'd Clams 25f 1-lb. can of Baker's of Ghirar- delli's Chocolate.for. .;.20f -Baker's Unsweetened . L Chocolate .- .......... . 35 10-lb. satk of yellow or white Cornmeal for ......... 25e 10-lb. sjck Pastry Flour. .30 Gallon Gold Medal Syrup ?1 S cans of Carnation or Pioneer Cream for . .. ... . . .. . .25e Posturh or Figprune, pkg.20 2 pkgs. Grape-Nuts. .... .25 2 1-lb. cans Blue-Ribbon Oys- . ters at this low price. . .25 2 cans Amazon Peaches.. 25. 1-lb, can of Shrimps. ., . : .10 3 cans of the famous Sultan Sliced Pineapple ......50, Sapolio fof, cale. . . .... ...7$ ,2 cans Custard Pumpkin. 25 3 1-lb. cans Griffon Pork and Beans for . ... . .'. .T. . .25 Electro Silicon for. . . . . . .10 . 2 cans of solid pack - Tomatoes . , . . .25 Oosswy u4 haach ardors far all lines of , H'ooatUs sad peavieleas will he earaf ally u4 promptly attended te. bmnt. The Meier B Frank Stci Great 3; Days Sale press Trimming Sale extraordinary for thrse days of nine lots of fine Dress Trimmings in a beautiful assortment This sea ton's latest effects in Persian bands and edgeawhich are very much in demand; newest shadings for all styles and classes of garments Widths ranging from 2 inch to inches By far the best values in dress trimmings we have offered this season Grand bar gains at the following special low prices $ .25 Trimmings 12c yd. S .75 Trimmings 4 Icyd. jjrknraMg 30c yd. S .fl5 Trimmings 49c yd. $.5Q trimmings 29c yd. $TT06 Trimmings 33c yE $ 1 .23 Trimmings 66c yd. $ 1 .50 Trimmings 79c yd.. $1.73, $2.00 and $2.50 Trimmings for 98c the yd. T. . r - Sale continues for three days ' fit) " pz? Are You Potting Up Fruit? Then These Values Are of Interest l7-quart Granite Dishpan, each. .. .... .... . .52f ,. Large Granite Preserving Kettles...... .f..S9e Long-handle Mixing Spoons.'. . .......... ,r,10 ,v Jelly Strainers at. each ...12 Jelly Tvmblers,, covered, dozen............. 25 Large covered Jelly Tumblers, dozen.,., .... 29$ Sealing Wax, special, ptdkage 8e Paraffine Wax, special,' package. ..,.,... .12$ -60c Preserving Kettles, each,..'..i;,t.".... ..40$ f Sole agents for "Peninsular" Stove and Steel Mason and "Economy" Fruit Jars, best makes, all ' sizei. Our prices always the lowest Basement. 20 pewna-BU)y r.rannlitf A Sugar frrL fl.OO I j - , Phone. Exchange 4 v White Mountain Refrigerators, all sizes, f 8.75 ( to f36.00 each. ; . , ' - : White Mountain Ice Cream FreezersJ 1 Garden Implements of all kinds. . '. Gas Stoves and Ranges: ' v .' Ranges Basement - .. ,v:.-. ' Meier & Frank's 857th Friday Surprise Sale 7 1000 Pairs vv mueii Shoes $3.50, $4.00 Values at $2.33 Pair Vj In the Shoe Section tomorrow we will place on sale 1,000 pairs of Women's High-Grade Shoes and Oxfords at a won- ' - derfully low price Footwearof standard manufacture at a price below manufacturing cosfr Patent Colt, Vici Kid patent tip and Tan Russia Calf in the very best latg All gizea and widths Both high shoes and Oxfords, remember Every pair In the lot $3.50 and $4.00 values Your choice for tomorrow only, while they last at this low Friday Surprise Sale price, pair See Bth-St. Window Display No Mail or Phone Orders Filled $2.33 MEftR. (& FRANK'S 837th FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE ' Best Quality Percales 1 0c Yard In the Wash Goods Section tomorrow A grand Friday Surprise Sale of 5,000 yards best qual ity Percales, full 36 inches wide, new style for waists., suits and house dresses ; light V colorings, very large assortment ; regular. 15c quality. Buy all you want of this lot7ydr VIC No mail or phone orders filled for this unusual bargain Better come early. . Drug Sundries LoW Priced Flnaud'a Eau d Quinine ,4a Pompaltan Mutaia Cram.....S3o 8hefnld' Tooth PaU... ....... 4To Pond's Extract Cream -17o 8atin Skin Cream ,...lSo "fianltol Tooth Powder... Shavlnc Cream Woodbury's Soap. cake.......,.16o 4711 Glycr1n Soap 15a X pounds Caatll Soap. .10 Graves' Talcum Powder........' So Bathaaweet, apaclal ........... lo Camphor Ie, apoclal Coke Dandruff Cur ...SSo All line of Drua Sundries sold here at the verjr lowest prices Eepey's Cream ,llo Herptclde Hair Tonlo ...,So Luatrlte Powder, box 1S Rubber Complexion Brushes So Tooth Brushes, all slses , So t In 1 Oil. a household neces sity, great value.. Swansdowne Face Powder...... Toilet Sponfrea, special.". ...... , Face Chamois, speolal..., ...... , Bath 8 pongee, special, each..... Fountain Syringes, special,.... Family - Bulb - (Syring-ee-, r Women's all-rubber Syrinxes... Spirit Gas Stoves, each Fine Toilet Sosps, S cakes In s box; great value, box........ Fairbanks Tar 8op'. ......... . Free, a cake of Cashmere Bou- qiiet, guest-room slse, with . . every purchase of Colgate's Tooth Powder; the two spe cial at , , Witch Hasel, special Rublfoam Tooth Wash -4711" Toilet Waftr , Toilet Paper, special Solid-back Hair Brushes. Shaving Brushes, special. o So To ISO 4o ao 49e 43 ISO ls iso ISO 43 ISO $6.00 Plaid Sillt Waists $2.98 100 women's plaid Silk Waists, tailor-made, very neat, attractive .waists for summer wear,, all sizes; best $6.00 values, on sale at this very """ C') QO Children's one-piece plauTWasli Dresses, tucked yoke, trimmed with piping and buttons, long sleeves, full skirt, sges 8. to 12 years; great special value for this sale at the CI OA low price of.. J 1 sswO Tomorrow's 857th Star prise Sale 35c arid 50c Belts 23c For tomorrow's 857th Friday Surprise Sale we will place on sale 60 dozen handsome wash Belts at a low price Embroid ered, pleated and hemstitched novelties in a large variety of styles. Gilt or nickel buckles.. all, sizes; regular 35c and 50c values; your choice tomorrow only, at this special Q price . . . , . . . .. .atsfeVw See Fifth St. Window Display xonoHT S AiruBnrxaTB. Hcltls ......"The Tofephose DM Bskac ,i"Mid Bn-0n Lyrle "lMTld Uarrlek' mi.m "A Lost Bby' PibIum ysSTllle Gitad .....VulTUIt ! . ' At a meeting of the Oregon Electrlo Railway company yesieraay aiiernouu the following officers wera elected: Chairman. Oeorge O. Moffat; president, Harold . B. Ctark ; vice-president, Henry Corbett; treasurer, William Elliott; - secretary, Arthur E. Ooddard; asslsUnt ' secretary, -Henry L. Corbett. The ex- ' ecutlve committee la composed of Will lam A. White. Oeorge B. Moffat. Harold B. CUrk. All the officials, with the ' exception of Mr. Corbett. are eastern men, oonnected with the banking bouse of Moffat White. The directory la aa follows: George B. Moffat, William A. , White. H. B. Clark. Franklin T. Grif fith, Oregon City; A. N. Bush, Salem; : Thomas Scott Brooke and H- U Corbett, Portland. The company 'will Imme diately take over the Willamette Valley Traction company Una now under con struction to Salem. t - ; y, ' 3. W. Thorburn has begun suit In the circuit court to recover 1600 from the Bannockburn Manufacturing company. He alleges that this amount Is due him for four months' services as superin tendent of the woolen mills at Albany, which he would have earned had he not . been discharged without cause. He al leges that a contract was made whereby .: he was to be employed in that capacity for ens year from September 1, 104, at 1100 month; that hie salary was increased to lilt a month January 1. l0i; and that he waa released without cause May 1, 105. The complaint la supported by Thorbum'a affidavit, made . before a notary publio In San Joaquin county,- California. Behind a strong, f nll-stsed floor locked the school directors and the principals of the schools met last night. The principals reported upon the work ' - done by the different teachers In their schools during the year. The selection of teachers will be held Friday night If Herman Wittenberg, the only director absent yesterday, has returned to the city by that time. The election of prin cipals will also be announced this week. It Is probable that T. JTttewblll. E. A. " " 'Mllner'a temporary successor . In the Woodlawn school, will be elected to the 'position permanently . . c . ' Last and Best Decision. Tea, t will help to make the musicals, benefit of st. Andrew's Episcopal church, a good success. 1 1 myself should certainly do "." that much to help on a well-plannef . mission work," At Trinity pariah house, " Nineteenth and Everett streets, this evening o'clock. Tickets ss cent . .The will of Anson if Buckman. who died In June, liOJ, was admitted to probate la the county court this morn ing. By tho terms of the will, all the household goods, jewelry and other per sonal property Is bequeathed to the widow, Lanrsl-A. Buokman, who. Is named as executrix. She will also re ceive the Interest In the estate of Cyrus H. Buckman. said to be worth Ili.OOO. Ten dollars each Is devised to his mother, Jane O. Buckman, sisters. Win ds and Elma Buckman, and brother, Clyde C. Buckman, - New officers of Oregon No. 1 of the National Association of Stationary En glneera were elected at - the annual meeting held last evening In the olty hall as follows: President. D. B. Smock; vice-president. M. H. McClung; record tng secretary, E. C Parker; financial secretary.' O. H. Reed: corresponding secretary, 3. J. Asher; treasurer, Peter Oberle; conductor. J. H. Tamlesle; door keeper, W. E. McMlnds: trustee, J. G. Cunningham. Messrs. Cunningham and Reed were chosen delegates to the na tlonal convention of otatlonsry en gineers. . i Tomorrow night, June It, at the old" church building, 43S Burnslds street, between Tenth and Eleventh streets, Mrs. Sukhoda BanarJee and Rev. P. B. Biswas of Caloutta, India, will hold their farewell meeting In America prior to their departure on Saturday for their homes. Dr. P. B. Brasee. general super intendent of the Nasarene church, from Los Angeles, will preside. Dr. Brasee will give a short talk on the work ac complished by the missionaries during their short sojourn In Ixe Angeles. Mrs. Carotins May Boys Cunningham, wife of J. H. Cunningham, died last evening at her home, 1117 Cleveland avenue. Death was . due to heart dis ease, from which she had been a suf ferer for some time. Mrs. Cunningham la aurvlvSd by her husband and two children, Robert, aged II, and Herbert, T years old. BhS waa IS years old. . Teu out to have that sitting before the Fourthnext Wednesday. Ton ought to have It today, but then we are In position to .make It at any time.; Our gallery la open every day. and Sundays from 10 to 4. It Is one of the best equipped on earth. It has not a su perior on earth. E. W. Moore, Elks' building. . Water through heee for sprinkling yards or sidewalks, or washing porches or windows, must be paid for la advance and used only between the hours of I and I a. m. and I and p. m. It must not be used for sprinkling streets. If used contrary to these rules, or waste fully, U wlU be ahut off, .1 Knock -the Files. L'se Child's "8o- spray. Costa less - than ' one half eent per day per head. Gives the cows com fort and you get your money back In milk.. Ask Portland Seed Co., Front and Tamhin streets. . Diamonds, watches 'and Jewelry on easy .payments at- leaa than elsewhere for cash, we give you possession when msklng first payment, demand no se curity, charge no Interest. Mara a Bloch, 74 Third street. . Charging thaA. his wife falsely ac cused him o" infidelity, Charles C Naeve has begun suit In the circuit court for a ' divorce from Margaret P. Naeve. They Were married at Oregon City In November, ll. Chsrglng desertion beginning - la April, 1101, Henry O. Smith has begun suit In the circuit court for a divorce from Anna M. Smith. They were mar ried In November,, itsa. . Concrete Construction Co.. 701 Cham ber of Commerce, .manufacturers of concrete atone blocks. Contractors for gll kinds of cement work. Tel Main ISO, Launches to the Oaks from Favorite Boa thou se, south aide bridge, foot Mor rison street, every few minutes all aft ernoon and evening. Tele S40I. We are still' selling ays glasses at lit a perfect 'fit guaranteed or money re funded. Metsger Co., Ill Sixth street. Milton A. Nathan, attorney, 1004 Stelner street. Ban Francisco. - Commissions promptly executed Bank references. Call at Shanghai Basaar, 4(1 H Wash ington, corner Lownsdale, for Chinese and Japanese fanoy curios. Country dance. Eight prises. Cedar Park, Saturday evening.' Special ears i:S4 a. m. Acme Oil Co. sella the beat safety oil and tins gasolines. Phono East 71. i C B. Walbom. furniture repairing, pol ishing, packing, shipping. Tel. Bast 4141. .Beck, the Jeweler, 104 Alder street Bargains In watches. y Wemen'a exchange, lit Tenth street, lunch. 11 to 1 Cabinet photos lltlt 'dos. Ill llta St Panama batter, 111 4th. phone Pad tT. EXAMINE YOUR INSURANCE : POLICIES. , 1 Boat Wat Wntn Aftes a rtna, Bs sure you have a policy In the Liverpool A London A Glob Insurance company, lasses paid In United States In past II years without discount over lw,00,004. O. Rosenblatt Co., agents, Sherlock building. Third and Oak streets. "MAS: Boms may not understand It, but It la againai me jaw. To feed a whelp on bullets or to shoot him In the jaw; Not even when he prides himself, as did this Mr. White, In pursuing pretty women - morning, noontime or ny nigni. But somehow public feeling has a little bit or weignt. And no one la found weeping as he reads of Stanford's fate; And though, aa we have stated. It Is all against the law, Ws feel the Jury'll say 'Mood boy" to Mr. Harry j. new. But eoming down to business, let OS sing another song, . It Is brief as we can make it, bat Us words are good ana strong: Ws polish all our linen on maohlhea we heat by ateam -They do not burn the fabric, though it aninea xrom seam to seam. UNION LAUNDRT, Tel. Main SSI. Second and Columbia. All family washing and Ironing I cents pouna. Mora Warm Weather Comfnj And your lawn will need ' attention. Don't let It dry up when you can get good garden hose from Adolph" A. De kum. 111-111 First street. See his line of . lawn sprinklers, lawn mowers, scythes, grass hooks, garden stioks and adjustable . window screens. Ho sells hardware and mechanics' tools the most reasonable In 'the city. Buy the Sketch. . Pdrtland's newest and smartest weekly. Society, drama, sports, motor ing. ... V - Irf). . At all news stands ., ; .... - VottoS) to roreertera of AaisrtoA. Members of Court Robin Hood. No.' I. are requested to meet at their ball at :l o'clock Friday morning, to attend In a body the" funeral of deceased brother, J. C Hargrove. K. T. BAHBUfti-U H. By r. XOENia R. S. . ROSEBURG POSTMASTER .-GETS NO NEW TRIAL , . . . ... The hearing of the motion for a new trial in the case of W." A. Frater waa brought to an abrupt termination In the United Statee district court this morning, when Judge Wolverton over ruled the motion and ordered the pris oner to appear In court Tuesday morn ing to receive sentence. - Frater Is an old man and was poet master at Roseburg when arrested and tried for embessllng government money while acting In his Official capacity. He was brought to Portland and tried In the United States district court snd found guilty. Owing to ths advanced age- and poor health . of the defendant he was recommended to the court s ex treme leniency. -r , ..... CHURCH DISCUSSES CALL TENDERED TO DR. HILL A meeting .of the session of ths First Presbyterian church wsa held last' night for. the purpose of discussing . the . call received by Dr. Edgar P. Hill, pastor of the church, to the chair of homtlltlce In an educational institution at Chicago. The meeting was held In pursuance to a cell Issued by Dr. Hill. There was a general discussion of the proposition but no definite action was taken. However, a resolution wsa adopted to ths effect that the matter be left to the action of the congrega tion. Accordingly a mass meeting of the congregation will be held July I and final action taken. It Is said that Drf Hill's retention wUldepend largely os the meeting. MISS REIDTO WED' PEER OF GREAT BRITAIN LADD FOR AH OF! STAND HOUR Denies Charges Made Against Him by the Heirs to the Johnson Estate. TELLS OF DISPOSAL OF OCCIDENT STOCK Declares Story That He Charged Mrs. . Sadie Johnson Pasturage for Cow and .Rent . for Farm la Without Foundation in Fact. -r r-.:, London, June. 11 It Is rumored that Ambassador Wbltelaw Reld will not remain American ambassador more than a year, when hs will return home and announce his daughter's engagement to British peer- - William M. Ladd was on the witness stand In the county court for an hour this morning. His testimony wss large ly denials of charges made against htm by the heirs of the A. H. Johnson es tate in their petition for the removal of Mr. Ladd aa administrator. In re sponse to questions by Attorney Llnthf. leum, Mr. Ladd explained that the Occi dent Investment company was dis solved after the Taylor street property. which had been bought from the estate at the execution sale (X bora White had been disposed of. ,vi ' t , "The funds of the compsny were dis tributed by the treasurer, among the stockholders In proportion . to their holdings of stock," said Mr.. Ladd. "The money accruing to the shares of stock hold in my name, also that of Charles E. Ladd. was credited to the stock ac count of Ladd Ac Tllton. as It was Ladd Ttlton's stock, held In our names as trustees.9 " . . Further-questions by Mr. Ltnthlcum developed that Mr. Ladd hsd psld 17 per cent of the clsims against the es tate, the total amount paid the creditors-being. lll.7z M r. . Ladd testi fied also that the street, 10x114 feet dedlcsted by Mrs. Teal from the prop erty be sold her. was bounded on the aouth by the property of the estate. and that the property subject to the trust deed wss at the end of the street with a t-foot frontage..- Sever Charged Faatmrag. - Attorney Llnthtcimv asked sbout the statement mads by the wltneaa for the heirs that Mr. Ladd hsd charged Mra Sadie Johnson pasturage for a horse. "I never charged her rent nor pe- turege for " anything.' said Mr. Ladd. 'When I became administrator I pro posed to her., that she remain on the farm and pay a crop rental subject to the sale of the plsce. I. explained to her that In case the farm was sold ws would mske her a liberal allowance for the crop. I believe she stayed on the place about a month or more, but she wss charged, no rent All I know sbout the horse Is that she called t my office and said she would like to sell her ll-yeor-old horse that she hsd left at the Reedy Ills farm. , She wanted PORTLAND ACADEMY Portland Oregon , 18th TXAB WIU OHI UXTT. IT. Fits boys and girls for Eastern and Western colleges... Includes a primary and grammar scnooi. Boarding hall for girls affording ths comforts and care of a refined home. Office hours during ths Summer from I a. m. to II m. ' For catalogue writs to the address given aoove. HOTEL MOORE orar iu Clatsop Beach, Seaside, Oregon "m outt sotrn or obbqost." DI recti y on the beach, dverlooklng the ocean. Hot salt baths and surf bath ing. Recreation pier for fishing: Sun parlors, electric lights, fireplace and furnace heat Fine walks and drives. Sea foods a specialty. , Rates $2.50 and $3.09 Per Day raCXAXi BATM BT TKB VxlZ. DAN J. MOORE. Proprietor. Ill for It. I spoke to the man In charge of the place and he ' ssld he thought the horse was not worth III. but would try to sell it. There has been some talk In the newspspers sbout charging her pasturage for a cow, but that Is not true." The hearing of Mr. Lsdd's testimony la being continued this afternoon. NICKELL RESIGNS . COMMISSIONER'S JOB BASEBALL Atliletic Park , - .psraer Taagka sad Twesty-fesrtk" " Portland Fresno ssms Called at t:SS s. sfa Daily. ' Seam Called S:SS s. m. MaSaya. : ' Ladies' Day. Friday. ' ,.J. ADMISSION SSe. nuMbtsad. Me) Ceil area, Ms, Bes Seats. SJa,- THE STAR Eighth Week ef the STAB STOCK OOKTAIT . ! la Um Leua-aing rates "A LOST BAST" Is Conseetloa With a Specially Selected One, Headed by the ReflBr Sketch Artleta, K THOMAS WT.ADCOCg. AND CORA BEACH TURMH, la TT . ., "A JLUrtW BltTTTTD." Baker Theatre wro on. , He 9t l(h-CUee Steek. u inn neea, Bier Paker elaborate Pradoctloa et the Fa- ;siadasie SAlCS-etat1 I ETTTOI'tO PRICES S3, sne and Sue. MAHNER PI1K RS Ufa. and e. Xeat Wea, Starting Seeday Mallsaa k. Matinee Setnrtfay, the Foe- torn pa nr is a Beantlral ssd ate Pradactloa et the rs- Charles Nlckell,' who-' was indicted with Henry Miller. F. hT Kincart and others for complicity In the land frauds In Jackson county, has resigned his po sition ss United States commissioner for this-district.--Nlckell reside at Med ford. A petition had been filed by United Statea District Attorney Bris tol asking the court to discharge Nick el from further pursuance of his dutlea aa commissioner bicause of the fact that aa Indictment was hanging over his heed, . .Nlckell'a resignation relieved 'the court from tha-tieceaslty of taking sum mar jr-action In the matter of removal and Ttbo petition was-withdrawn. Southern Voople Will tlee. : Southern people residing In this city will hold a rally meeting tonight la the committee rooms at the city hall, the occasion .being the regular bi-monthly meeting of the Oregon- Chapter of the United Daughters of .the Confederacy. Frank Thornton, . late of Houston, Texas, but .now residing In Portland, will be present this evening to present a haniome Confederate . flag to the tr. A program appropriate to this v- till i r 'oared id all south- ; ', r .,-ers ef t'.s 'V lets ssd ' Tf. H.m T1...A.. Waahliurtaa V MHt lUCailC Malell Tealgkt, S:1S Every gleet Tale Week. FamUy Matlaee Satsrdey. KENDALL MT81CAL COMPACT . Is the Tmefal Maelaal Oeaaady ras iiunoii aiaL." rOPI LAg PR ICtd -fcTenlag. Ur. 33. sT . One and 73c. Matleae. 15 and 2Se. Xeat Week, t-yjtmmim, glght. UYRIC THEATRE BEOINMXO MOSPAT. r"g . 1S0. Every Aftrnuoa and Evrnlng. ' ' ' Vartlaad'l Pevelar Steeh-Keaae. " The Charaalng CeoMy. DAVID CAUlIC:t,, Is Feur Aete. Follow the Oew. Continataaa Parfqnsaeeav Adilaaloe, loe. gaeemd Seeta. lur. Bl Grand YOl The World's eaeeaat WEEK OF JCKJ SB. 0y Doha Xe-Be-. Kaa gaausaat. Uwatd WaUautaa. Peal DUhey, - Wast ssd Daatea. XaasU ' ateff . teadlseaee. ehapter or not, and Confederate Vetera r i, ( present. ff r 1 ' i