The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 28, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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    nn: onzccu daily jourhai,. rcnTLAi;o, evening, juns tx izzz
Friday's Penny
, - Savers
OLDsfTjoRmmr&- ium
Finil, SIXTH MID VmSllir.GTOll STulL
nil Goods Purchased Here on Credil Atcounls, Friday - and ' Safurfay 171 Be Cfiaiged 17A
0 Chamois Skin. Special. ... . .10f
neeue iMi, ii ueaaruiz tun,
Special .....49
a gab wsim tumi soap.
Speolal ....8
Am eu1t 1aI1. SB-.! fl-,J
v a vuvi py 1. 1 1
- or dose 004
Bottle White Oumi Cleaner t6r
Duok and Canvas Shoe Special T
Slo Extra Quality Whlak Broom.
Special .......... 19
ISe 1 -lb. packet French Dimity, Linen
Clo-h-Flnlsh Wrltlnc Paper. .
speoiai .
Jlo box Japanese 'Twilled Lines
Writing Paper. Special. 12
100 Boor Card. Special, doscn.lO
J do package Fin Enamel-Back Play-
log Cares. Special ...... Uf
lOo Stout Net Shopping Baca.
Special ., 39
Card of 1 6oa White Pearf Button.
-Speolal ...Bf
XOo package Beet English Non-Twlst-
ing Tap, special O
fa Bat Quality Sewing Ifaehlna OIL
Bpeolal S
Box of 4- doson Shall and imbir
Horn Hair Pin. Speolal 10
10a eub Whlte-Headed Tollat Plna.
.Speolal' .j 6
. Summer Jleck
Turn-Over Collars with ' button-hole
fronta; aur 7 So value. Bpaelal Beon
our Bala piica 25
blf lot of Plain and Embroidered
Mocks with fancy a Ilk- tl;. our 7lo
value, Speoiai Economy Bala
petes ......... ..284
Satin Stocks with : aUk piping, as
sorted aolora; our I0o value, Bpaelal
Eoooomy Bala prloa,,.., -f
Collar. Cuff and Bait Seta; 'our too
value. " Bpaelal Economy Bala prist,
the set ..104
Economies in
Beautiful Ribbons
- . B5o to Ma.mfbboa for SB .. 7
Boll wpon bolt of All-Silk Ribbon,
Ilk and satin, some fancy ribbon:
rah .from tto to tto.- - Bpaelal
avwftaatny Bala prlo tba yard.. 5 a)
Fetching Veilings,
Pretty Laces
, worn
fLOO TeU-ags to
Tuxedo Mesh Valla with silk chenille
dot In black, whlta and aolora and
' li yards lona", our ll.0 value. Spe
cial Boonomy Bala prloo. ....... 39
So and SSo Talenoleamee Leoee lte.
Pretty Valenciennes Lace, ' to I
Inches in width: lour Ito and Ito
' valua, Bpaelal JBoonomy Bala
prlo tha yard 19
gSe foe Black OhaaTIy
Black Chantllly Laeea, aoma with
double adra, apeclally rood for mil
llnary - purpoaaa; our 76o to
rahies. Bpaelal Soonomy Bala
prtoa, tha yard.. S8a)
- A bteraiko liLi or" ;
Embroideries and
Insertions ;
So fa
now lot of Medium and Wide En
brotdarlaa with flaa button-hola
edvea. made by tha beat embroidery
manufacturer; Taluea to (Oo. Bpa
elal Koonomy Bala prtoa. tha yd. 25
Women's Knit
Underwear Specials
-' WoaV TBa Testa Bio. ' :
Fkta "Wblta Bwlaa-Rlbbed Low-Meek
Bleereleaa Teats. ' extra alsei rru
lar Talua Tto. Speoial........B5f
a Tlfhta TBa.
White BUk and Cotton "Merode"
Teats, hlth neck, short slaerea, with
knee-lanarth tirhts to mat oh; rerular
Talua !!.. Bpeolal. aaah TSf
WhlU Martno Union Bslts. the "lfa
roda." loar aleeree, ankle-Lenrth.
summer welchti recular Talus li te,
epeolal ..........91.08
Togs for Little Tads
. . " for sio.
Children's CMncham Praaaas la ' pink
or blue and white stripes and eheeka.
made In Mother Rubabrd style aad
trimmed In ruffles and fanoy braids,
aces ' from 1 to l years; our'ttOe
raise. Bpeolal Ecooomy Bale "V
prloa. each .... ... B X 4
ehOAnaVa tradajaelaai for 14a.
CMldraarB tTnderwalats of heaTy
- white or drab drill, h eerily strapped
and corded, alses It to 11. . Special
Boonomy Bala prloa, each 14
Heed a Lunch
B3e fM Swlas
Bwlss baskets for runobes. pienlos and
sherptrc In asaorted - aises and
weareet our ,10a value. Bpaelal Eeon.
.say Bala prloa, each. ........ ..83
We've-Concocted a Smacking' Brew of Bargains in Preparation
for the Celebrations: Cracking. Values Run.RiotTomorrovi
liyini perchinc a competence off a cold but fruitful world. This store v
has more than a commercial Interest in the graduates, and would gather
them under its wingf'ae it took the fathers and the mothers at the com
mencements Tears ago, watching and guarding their interests in provid
ing for their .wants at FAIR prices through three decades. A word
with you about the World's Business College you're about to enter.
Don't be incompetent. ' The Incompetent bud never makes an apple.
Work I . Work your head to make your handiwork better. Be extrava
gant In trying. Here's a business hampered by lack of REAL HELP
ERS; yet it's the best business n town What might it be with what
might be? And all businesses are rowing upstream against the asms
current Large reward la 'offered for excellence. "But," some one says,
"recognition comes so slowly." So It ought. Quick growth In anything
presage quick decay. Said a multi-millionaire: "I'd have been happy to
have earned $4,000 a year at thirty-five." Get away from .the fool idea
of "majority at twenry-one." Workera reach It at twice that or later.
8tick to your friends. T)iia store la one of them. :;
Be Sure Tea Chare. Kan and Paoae Orders Poled, But Batter Coses te the
. Store, antra Selesfolk On Sand to Assist!.
- No. detail today Juat the baranlna. A rerl table whtrrwand of valnee the
greatest aale of Bilks ever conducted on the Paoiflo Coast. The best, newest
and handaomest Silks, for tha least money, that Portland erer knew. ,
Bilks for ererythlna; that silken beauty la used to clorlfy.
BUks tor everybody! Bilks for Patrician robes at prloas of stuffs for
plebian frocks. Buy Silks for NOW buy Silks for years ahead, Tor BUk so
good will never sell so low. Why not corns In the morning?
Kagular Taluea range from 16a to 11. E0 a yard and for eonrenlenoe In
selling are divided Into PIVB MONSTER LOT 8 prioed as follows I
IVOT X Contains neat Checked Loulalnea In tha wanted navy and greens sad
, green 'and narlea; also a full color assortment of tha down-to date BUk and
Wool Bangaunas and Popltna. Bpeolal for this Bale only P.
yard ...tDC
COT S Are neat stripes, dots and plalda, all desirable for waists, rQ
suits, oto. Bpeolal for this Bala only, yard ....................... .jyQ
JMT la a swell assortment of Suiting Silks In all wanted colors and
weavees also Black Taffetas, Peau da Sola and Imported Natural ""7
Pongee. Special for this Bala only, yard (Of C
&OT 4 All the new plalda and checks In light and dark grounds Taffetas,
- Louis In ea, etc.; also Blaok Taffetas and Changeable Peau da " "TTT
Cygnea. Special for this Sale only, yard................ ... Q
JMT S The swellsst assortment of new, down-to-date Silks shown this
season, such as Polka Dot Foulards, Dreeden Taffetas, Swivel 811ka,
Figured Chiffons, White Indies and Blaok Taffetas, Special tor Ad .
this Sale only, yard r. .....( IQ
Royal Waah Taffetas, In all shadea. Bpeolal for this Bale only. CO
" yard ""i '. " . . .. ' ...ii i. 4 ui t t'inimiTinirrn,m,f.,w.JQ
lt-lnoh an-etlk Taffeta, tha' beat IBs grade offered In tha city, m white.
Ivory, eraaa and all shades. Special for this Sale only, 6"SC
AH Bilk Reran acta, In all colore and lengths...
Dress Goods Reduced
Imported English Mohairs. In BHUlantlne add Sicilian weaves, themost
. sought-for fabric for Bathing Suits. Skirts aad jaunty Shirtwaist Suits.
-1 - . . . ma. , m anil nvt.
i voiors a rm ru a, a " -
. ...OVf
., ...........................82
Regular rada tor. yard...........-.-. ........... .......91.03
Regular $X-I grades for, yard.. ...... .............$ 121
Rerular TSe grades for, yard....
Regular $, grades tor, yard..;;
ft.0 grade' apeclally reduced to, yard.
ILU grade specially reduced to, yard.
tLS grade spaotaUy reduced to, yard
L. ......
, . . . ... ......
.. .$1.19
Bargain Sale of Roller Skates
M. v w.. tu mA reads out .at the "Oaks" Portland's deHshtfal
Summar resort and healthful breathing spot. And there's no one among the
many clean and varied amusements offered out there on Nature's Carnival
Orounda that affords so much genuine pleasure and health-giving properties
as roller akatlng. Here's a chance to own your own -Kate a uing every
skater should do t vary aug-i cos. .f ep-w .
91M BoBer
or women; regular value
Roller' Skates, adjustable aiw. for .boya, girta, man
fLlt. Special, pair .
'"'r;7' ' . S3.S0 BoBer Skates Hit, ' ; '
T4 balj-baartng Skates, hemlock rollers: regular value tit. - Special. f2-S5
Price Y :
- . .a, ,
Take Any Hat in the -House
Choose from a thousand Bats yea, more! The
largest , etocx in uio ciiy. . imann ntia i. i use
Hats. T altered Bats, Suit Hats. Chl1drn'a- Hats,'
all Bats, any Hat and NO TWO ALU KB at ex
actly HAUP PRICB Friday. A New Hat for the
"reurth at ...................... wat.r pBXcai
Evening llaisfs
Worth to $15, at
6) '
ft (
Many stores at this season
are striving, under one pretext
or another, te get rid of a sur
plus df stocks that has heaped
up like drift In slough, the
compounded results of poor
Judgment and awful taste in
aelecUon. . Portland women
heed not - feel obliged, how
ever, to ptefc-f rem- such hetero
geneous oolleotloa of garments
' of anonymous parentage In
order te secure the required
apparel for vacation or Sum
mer needs. We offer tomor
row, among an attractive con
vention of ether extraordinary
values In women's correot and
as thorite ttre garb, a swagger
lot of Tory beautiful Evening
Exoilaite eonoeptloas, ' tssk
' leoedifrom rich taffetas, peau
& cygnea, erape da chlaee, '
eta, ; plain - tailored aad ' -
richly, beautifully trimmed'
models In dainty white.
pinks, Pines, halloa, tan, corals, browns, areena. royals and rrava Sla
; In fuU or elbow length. Laoee era larlshly used In tha trimming offsets.
Beat regular Taluea In the city up to flLM. To close Priday only at
a choice for ............................................,,,.. as 99
A Handsome $8.50 Silk Petticoat at
.Am eoaapM-lon brt-ln to th Watts w mhtAX offr tomomnr ft wtm4rfta
. JS-tlYIdh 4se wall BilW TaU . . ., ,.it.a. fM ..- .
- -wv wua vwuvmiib vf ivu,! osbtj MllSUk J. ntjy Tw) CIULC bOCXI
their equals are not ahown In any other than Oil Portland store at a price
less than tan dollars. -Choose from black, white, Alice blue, navy, green,
.light blue, apple green, coral, garnets and dainty pale pinks In plain and
changeable effects. Skirts are In acoordlon-plalted flounce style and have
an all-sUk duet ruftle,8est i,ta Skirts ia town.. Special Friday at 94.99 ,
- Black Petticoats A Sale
... AimEXSECOND FLOOR. ', , ; :.-,',.. .
' ire-tea's gl. TS PetUooate for fur. ; '
Women's Petticoats of black mercerised sateen; made with deep flouneae In
a variety of styles; our 11.71 valu. Special Economy Sale prloa, -
i eh 91.1T
am xxpoBVurr pazb op
ra spaaxAUB.
"' fTJo'Oonek Covers
Beaivy Tapestry Couch Covers, Inches wide, fringed all around, Oriental
designs; regular value 7.te. . Special 94.99
' 9US Bugs tun. .
Pine Wool Tetvet Rug etna STxft; regular value flee. Bpeeha...'...91.99
We Want-To Let-A Lot
of Men
Share these Bargains In the Annex Sixth Street Torn
i-s SLTS KegHree ShtrU tlM. . . -
Mao's soft Negligee Shirts, with pink allk pongee fronts and bodies. In color
: Inge and patterns te match regular value tXTf. . SpeclaL,...'.......9lJB5
-Ban's flOS Vndarwear see. . '
Meas aaadlttm-we-ght, finely finished white mesh Underwear; best tl.te
valus. Bpeolal, garmeot .....094
Men's lines finished, hemmed Handkerchiefs in white; regular value lea.
Special 54
St-aw soe Best a sea BSa,
Men's BTtk l-r-tn-RandS te a large Tartory of patterns; regular value Its.
Bpaelal . , . ; 35
Crash in Lawns I
The Bottom's Out I 10,000 Yards
Friday of VASHLAVJllS ar
10,000 yards fancy printed Lawns, light and dark colorings. In neat
figurea, .stripes and floral effects. Special at, yard.. 44
50c Pieces at 10c Each
China Pieces, Refrigerators, lawn Mowers for less
v Bacorated China! Places Worth to toe for lOo. ' ' ''' .
A Una of Deoo rated China pieces, oonalatlng of Cake Pistes. Berry Bowls,
.Celery Trays, Pickle Dlehea. Creamera. Sugar a, CandleaUcka, Tea Cupe,
" Coffee Cupa and Bauoere, Fern Dishes, Hair Recelvera, Teapot Stand
r-iatea, spoon Holders ana Trays, Shaving Muge, eta; values to too.
Special, aaah
See Window Display.
am atyiee i pieea w msat inm ..............
lt-tnch else.
14-Inch slsa.
ll-tnoh slsa.
........ .99.T5 and up.
Bpeolal...;, ...,......,.M..........f 2.2S
Special...... .M .92.60
B pedal.... .$2.T5
leiwlrv Little Luxuries
lK4Kiy . at Hecesshy Prices
Sle and dOe Brooehee for -3e. .
An aaaortment of Brooches in Oriental colors,' In a variety 'of designs; "all are
backed up wHh best Joint, catch and pin; our tto and too values. Special
Economy Bale prtoa, each. ............ ,................23
to for eto Stor-ag SUves Beauty Ftsa.
Best Sterling SUver Beauty Pins, set with finest euality doublets of rubles,
" sapphire emeralds, amethyst and turquoise. Come two on a' card; our
. tto value. Special Economy Sale price, the pair. ............... 4S
;, -v- ;;;:r' " Scarf Pine for Ua. ' -,'.'r-': "f- ''-'U
Aa assortment of Scarf Plna In gold-filled, stone enameled, etc.: values
te tto, ' Special Economy Sale price, each .r...... .....2S
Its for too Photo Pramoe.. . -:
Fbeta Frames ef bast French gold plata. In oval, round and square shapes,
with easel baoks; our tie value. Special Economy Sale price, each. .. .104
Good Hosiery News
Women's BOa Koae ate. '
Fine Imported Tan Hose, lace boot
embroidered; value too. Bpaelal.
pair n04
i'B S1A0
Black I-e Uale Bos embroidered
boots and black ' luster lace , Hale;
regular values 11.00 and tVl'
Special, pair .004
' Ohflnr-i- Ms Boae lSe, 1
Chlldran's very ' fine . Ribbed Black
Lisle Boa seamless toot, slses to
10; big Its value, special, pair. 104
Wo-eea. SOe Out-og Koae ltHe.
Black Ootten-Rlbbed Top Outing
Hoae; regular value Ito.
Special, pair 19He
" 'Bo'ye BOe Waists BTe, " " .
Boys Fine Percale . Blouaa Waist
light grounds with pretty tripes
and figures; regular value toe. ,
Bpeclal Z74
Leather Specialties
at Special Prices
Me for BUk Xaa-i Bags. Worth SLSS.
Rajah SlUc Hand Bags In vartoue eol
ora; our value. Special Econ
omy Sale price, each... ...... 004
TSe Z-sea Band Bags for aoa. '
Linen Band Bags tn a variety of
colors; our Tto value. Bpeolal Econ.
omy Sale prlo each .....60f
OhUdr-n's Oold leather Belts lo,
A Una of Gold Leather Belta for little
boye and girls, have croaaed ends
with large gold button clasp; our tto
valu Special Economy Sale price,
each .......19
-sV for XAdlee'Bed tssShaf Belt
A line of Ladles Red Leather Belts
with gold braid stitched through
center, gold buckles to ma ton; our
too value. Special Economy Sale
prlo each , .S3
W Hours Spirited
Shoe Selling ,
Provide for Vacation Footwear Need tor
Fourth o' July Jaonta aad Everyday
Town Wants In the Shoe Line.
Specials for the Bout -famed O-jy.
S TO A. M.
pair ef White Canvas Shoes e bottle ef White rreselng.
firaij. tl-M wailk - -
' t TO 11 A. SK, ' . . .'. .. .:, "
Oxfords for SUW tot pairs ef Women's natent and dull laath-
Oxford In burton or lace style, hand-turned or Ooodyear welt sole
Blucher or regular cut, dull or bright tops, military or Cuban heels; a good
assortment of IS different styles; all slses; values to t.t0. Special .for
two hours only at, the pair , ....91.99
11 TO IS
Woieas $XM Baoee for Women's patent colt Dress Shoes, wtth hand
. turned soles, mat calf tops and Cuban heels. A very smart dress show; -our
fLlt value, Special at, the pair . j.............. ....92.49
IS TO 1 f, Xi , ' , .- ; ' ' . '
aee for Men's Taa Shoe Worth to $4.00 Men's Tan Shoes In Blerher or
regular lace style with swing or straight lasts In seven styles; medlum-
" weight soles; sn assortment embracing a lot of new and dowa-to-date foot
wear; values to !.. Special for the noon hour at, the pair , .92.99
Women's SSJS Oxfords for tS-TS Women'a fine patent eolt threes Oxford
seamleae vamp with mat kid top. plain toe; very Jilgh arch, fitted with an
extreme Cuban heel; one of the season's swelleet Osforda; all sixes: rrnr vatua. Bpaelal at, the pair.. 1. .........92.70
S TO '4 W. t. . ;.: .." .. . ; ,
Wina'a Ptae Oxfords fas $Bm Four good styles in Women' tine kid and
patent Oxford with turn or welt soles, Blucher ar regular cut; rnnt of
our best numbers; values to 14.00. Special at, the pair... ...92.SJ
4 TO P.
OUt Petead Oolt Oxford with dull mat ea(f top non-extsnalon anl three
large eyelet ribbon lace; made for dress and good wear aad very aet la
factory shoe .... i
Blase I te t. Ovr tl.10 valua. Special at. the-pair...., ti.r
Slses . M4 te IU Our ILtt vara a. Bpaelal at, the pair:.... ........ ,f 1
BlsaellHte . Our value. Bpeolal at, the pair... ,J., t .1 I..
Slses 1H te T. Our t IT t value. B pedal at the pair........'. i.l
' ' '- ' TO S P. M. :, '
Boys Shoes Ira kid. calf or' grain leather either bts-k or 1 ' :
ferent styles- made up for aerrtce and rno.1V apprsrnri'-e i i
I to I1.7S--
I ' to I.
I .---a Ii to IM
Bpeolal at, the pair.,
Bpaelal at, the pair..