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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1906)
. ! . ..J I i iw i ib-"- BsaaB-i I j m s OREGON DAILY - JOURNAU PORTL'ANfl. ..THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE 3, UC3. THE '";f ...IV '.:.., . ..v., .., . . v: ........... . . ....... . . IAB0J1 FALIEIS DttAYIIIG uORIl i Contractors on City Improve 1 merit Attribute Delay to S ; Scarcity of Workmen, v V . WATER MAINS WILL NOT - BE COMPLETED ON TIME All .Improvement on East Sidt De- v - layed People Clamor for Their Completion and Contractor Retort That Men Cannot Be Engaged. ' ." (Xwt miAm Department) '2';' The water main bow being laid from the Mount Tabor main, alone the Wl berg road through Hlahlaad and Wood; lawn to KHlineworth arena, to eon see with the peninsular main, hae pro grossed aa far aa Grarel bill, about three quarter of a mile aet of Union avenue. The eontraet calls for the com pletion t)f thla work by July 1. but jtbe official of the city water board do net look for the Job to be finished much before Aug-ust 1.' ' ' ' The contractor for the work attrib ute failure to comply ..with - the time limit te hie Inability to cat labor. There hae alao feeen aa annoying delay In the del Wary vf pipe for the Job, aald to hare been caused by the scarcity of labor. Th aame thine; might be eaid of nearly all the city Improvements now under way on the east aide. Contractors on the numerous fills and street-grading and paring Jobs are badly behind with their work, and In practically every ln stance the delay 1 chargeable. t 4b scarcity of labor. .- - When the laying of thie water main to Killings worth . arenu 1 completed, tha few remaining Independent water concerns on the east aide, except the one at Mount Tabor, will go but of com mission. There 1 a email water tower at Woodlawn that supplies that neigh borhood, and a larger plant at Piedmont tha furnishes water to quit an exten aire residence district weat of Wood lawn. ' The water plant at ill rM and supplies a small, terrllorrr owing to en croachments by the 'city water roalna Th residents of th territory to be eupplied by th new .mala from Mount : Our shoe will take you in comfort " over the whole world. 1 ' And you will not find any? - where in the world , better i shoes for $3.50. Just received a" delayed ; shipment of Men's Oxfords, consisting of Russia Tan, Patent Colt and Gunmetal our regular $3.50 extra values. Now on sale at '92.85. -.- . LION ClothinftCo . ; .GosKtihnPioD Men' and Boy' Outfitters."';.. !6o AND 168 THIRD ST, i Mohawk Building. - , FRONT STREET MERCHANTS ARE , . SURPRISED BY WOMAN FARMER There was a surprise for Front street yesterday. Front street deals with all classes f( people native whites. Imported white. Italians. Russians, lapar Chinese, and rn an occasional Indian. But for the most part the people who come to sell their war are of th male persuasion. . - Th surprise yeaterday morning was occasioned by th appearanoe of a come ly young' woman, trimly dreased, who appeared In charge of a wagon load of cherries of the Royal Ann brand. The young woman was Mlaa Clara L. Webb, secretary to Dr.. J. Whltcomb B rougher of th Whit Temple, and more re ROAST CHICKEN FOR ALL AT EAST . 9 .-gi.- 'J "Roast chicken YorTeir' 1e a' sign wTiich hang today In front Of the Peter Blttner residence at tti East Eighteenth street, - :.S '. "' Last night at about U:Se a. fir brok out In a back shed In which 409 spring pull eta roosted. The shed, was quickly consumed and the feathered biped were roasted to a turn. . Today the Blttnere Tabor are anxious for Us completion. The local plants la that part of the city have usually supplied plenty , of water for ordinary purposes, but there has never been aa abundant supply for sum mer uses. .-... .,',.',' -i - - The story published a few days ago that families in Alblna bad found wrig glers In water freshly drawn from their hydrants Is doubted by th officials of th elty water company. They say that such a thing Is unheard of in Bull Run water, and that nothing of the kind hae been reported to them. While an occa sional dead end 1 reported, nothing more serious than a little stale water Is found by the workmen who remedy the trouble, ( s The committee from the East Side Improvement' association, consisting of C. H. Raffety, H. H. Newhall and C E. Fields, appointed to consult with the city engineer relative to the work of paving Union avenue, in a consultation with that ofQclal yesterday laid before him the dissatisfaction of east side business men with the progress Of he Warren Construction company on that contract. ' Engineer Taylor Informed the committee that the construction-; com pany claimed that It had been Unable te get a . supply of crushed rock,- but that now a supply was on hand and that today work on the Improvement would begin la earnest with a full crew of workmen. The engineer also promised that tha Grand avenue fill, about completed, ahould be put In condition for street traffio as soon aa possible. The con tractors have filled the opening left for the Oak street sewer, and but little work Is left to be done before Grand avenue can be opened to vehicle traffic. It waa ascertained by the committee that th' contract for Improving Union avenue between East Oak and Belmont streets would b let today. With refer ence to delay In street Improvements, Mayor Lane assured th commute that these delays should The Alumni association of the Brook lyn school grammar grade held ite an nual banquet in the assembly hall of the Brooklyn school Tuesday evening. The program consisted of speeches in response to. toasts. Mrs. A. L. Dlmlck. principal of the Brooklyn school, was In charge ef the exercises. The banquet Is given by the alumnae each year te the new graduating cues. An important meeting of th Wood stock Improvement association 1 cheduled fof Baturday evening In th Woodstock halt,' Plans Involving ex tensive street Improvements In Wood stock will be dlsouseed. Th meeting originally called for Friday was post poned until Baturday night en account of a conflict of dates with a children's entertainment. '. State Superintendent of Public In struction J. H. Ackerman delivered a lecture last night In th Mount Tabor Methodist church to the recant gradu ating claea ef th Mount Tabor school. At the close of th leetur Professor Ackerman presented diplomas to the graduates. A musical program was rendered. The. following graduates, re ceived diplomas: . Mildred Middle ton, Ethel Lewton, Carrie Fltspatrlck, Lil lian Cuddy, Lloyd Bell, Violet Bawtelle, Carl Bhelton, Laura Baldwin, Rose Nls- net. Fred Garner, Lois Blssonette, Edith Whltcomb, Boyd I. Fisher, Ursul SmlU We have Selected fifty second-hand and slightly used pianos, , we wfll seU today, at from one hundred to two; hundred dollars each ; ; Every piano is easily worth twice 'the prke asked for it Every.ih-' , strument'is of standard make. " Come in early " and you will STORE Satnrday, Jniie SO, July cently manager of th Wbbfam on th Bae . Lin road. 41 miles east of Portland. ' "We're going to have four or fire tone of ambert cherries.", aald Mlaa Webb, "and they'll be fin cherrlea. I got a better price thla morning for my wagon load of Royal Anna than most of the meit did for helr-frulC-4 Ilka farm-i Ing first rate and mean to stick to It, though I shall not give up my work at the Whit Temple. It will be inter rupted occasionally, though, to attend to the duties of th farm. Somebody has to bos . th hands, and since father died I hare been th bosa" SIDE RESIDENCE are Inviting their neighbors to come tn and partake of the Thanksgiving deli cacy. There 1 open house for all and no tramp, however seedy, will be turned away. v- . r - .', Th fir was prevented from spread lng by - th prompt use of th garden quirt. Th damage, apart from th wiping out of th brood of fowls, was slight . Ma Fearing, Helaler Bherrod, Cora Ewlng, Howard Slgsby, Andrew Moodle, Otto Bpillman, Clara Perkins, George Obertuffer, Uasel Davison, Charles Thomas, Jeanle Thompson. Professor SL Q. Adams retires from the prlnctpalshlp of the Mount Tabor school. He will probably be succeeded by Professor Wiley of Hood River, who has been elected by the Mount Tabor school board as principal of the West avenue echool. ' George Hawea of 1(1 Clinton street returned last night from Ban Francises, bringing with him hie elster, Mrs. Rich ardson, who lost everything In the earthquake and Are.- Mr, Hawea re ports a great dissatisfaction among th Ban Francisco people over the manner in which relief work la being adminis tered. The Red Cross especially la crit icised -for the brusqueness and rough conduct toward the unfortunates. He says that charges of graft are freely made against those in charge of ohlm ney and flu Inspection. Those having the prloe. usually a bottle of whiskey In addition to th dollar charge, can get their flue Inspected, he declared. He was told that tO.OOQ chimneys had been Inspected, some of which bad a dosen flues connecting with them, at a charge of one dollar per flue, Indicating that a very large sum of money has been exacted from a people unable to stand it -for chimney Inspection. . Mr. Hawea saya that nothing like an accurate ao- count of the number killed by j the earthquake, disaster has ever been pub lished. ' He was told by a friend, who was Intimately connected with the cor oner's office, that the number of dead would likely reach 15.000. That the coroner's office had of more Than that number missing, of whom ' no ' trace could be found. .' MISS M'MULLEN IS ELECTED AS GODDESS ("peetat D lace tea to Tee Journal.) Pendleton. Or.. June XI Miss Nellie MeMullsn will be Goddeee of Liberty at the Coming Fourth of July celebration. having been selected for that honor yes terday by John Halley Jr., chairman of tha committee having charge of that part of the arrangements. Aside from the Goddess ef Liberty mere wui be rour outer goddessee on the liberty car, one to be stationed at ach corner of the platform occupied ny tn ooaa or Liberty. , - Excursion train will be run te th city from all parts of ths county snd elaborate preparations are under way for a nrst-ciass celebration.. MRS. REDFiELD DIES - AT HER ALBANY HOME .peli Dlspetek The" JoereeL) r7 Albany. Or- June . Mrs. F. M. Red- fleld of thie city died yeaterday after noon at the family home in thie city of a complication of diseases. Bh had been in poor health for a year laat past, uffcrtng a gradual decline until- the time of her death. . - There remain to mourn her a husband. Charles M. Redfleld f th Deschutes Irrigation company, a son: Memory Red fleld, a son, now in th east; Ethel and I ma Redfleld of this city, daughters. The funeral arrangements have not been ' comcleted and will be 'announced later. V. v , ..... . . ( every one in fine condition, which have a large number to OPEN -EVE Is the last Day of Oar 1st oar successors Taxe possession JIXTH 6MOBR1SON o REALM FEMININE By HELEN HAWTHORNE TO THE BUSINESS GIRL. Going bom lathe ear the other vn Ing I - overheard two girls talking. "I simply cannot stand It." said one rather pettishly. . "I am going to leave. The houre are easy, the work light, but all three of the men In the office smoke whenever they feel like it and put their feet on the desk. I do not consider them' polite to me." Thie Is a type-of the girl who has made and is making th business girl unpopular. . 6h ia on of itny who labor under a false standard values. She has her measurements twisted, for she le endeavoring to use th drawing- room scale to gauge a business office cum urn. a aej win never oe nouuna by the same scale and'eooner some of the young, business , women fearn this the better the. business world and the young women themselves will be for it. When a girl goes Into the business world, and I hope all the sweet girl graduates will remember this, she must not look for that attitude she has ex perienced in th social whirl of a gen tleman toward a lady. For If she doe expect It I fear ahe will soon Join the army that le making the woman in tha business world unpopular. When a girl and a man go into tha business . world they are not there to u , IT The UNITED 0 more than a It's a pledtfe of WHYcan't yoiTget our -cigars outside of UNITED CIGAR 0 STORES when so many other pop-, ular brands are to be had anywhere? Because the fame of our brands is the biggest asset we have. It is built on One of these exclusive brands ; VJ 0 Special price on 0 v4toi 4. mm t m. tiai ill select from N IN G S Pre-Traasfer Sale. SIS charm each other. Both are there foi th rac after the almighty dollar. Thy are Just parts of a machine and the girl wants to realise thla Maybe a part of the machine can run Itself bet ter by puffing clouds of smoke and putting its feet ton the. desk or even as high as . the picture molding. Because that 'part of the machine runs bettor when In 'that position it should not be compelled to put down its feet and stop smoking Just because another partnf th machine, maybe Juat a we Uttl wheel, comes into the off lo e wearing skirts. The girl is not In the offloe as a woman. She Is there aa a common factor. The helghte te which the feet of another factor shall be elevated .or the burning of tobacco 1 no Indication that the tobacco burning factor lacks any real respect for -womanhood. Tha sensible girl does not take much thought about the matter of deference and at tention In the business world. She is blind and. deaf to everything that doea not' concern her. She is so engrossed In her work that' shs will never notice whether or not -the male parta of the business machine are paying her hom age. She te there for business ami knowing this she is the girl who . will eucceed. .. ETON COATS POPULAR. - Unquestionably the Eton le the favor ite coat of the season. There -la one ehowa that is Jaunty In the extreme and is combined with a shapely and well-fltting girdle. It Is made of chiffon voile with the collar and cuffs of 'silk and trimming of, banding and little frills of Valenclennee lace, but It use fulness Is almost without limit. It can be made from any aeasonable eultlng, linen or silk, as well as wool, while again It makes a - most satisfactory separate wrap of taffeta, pongee and the like. The collar and cuff a can be Shield Is trade-mark O (food faith. ' f) sell rf a in U I II The UNIGO Friday, Saturday and Sunday 5 cents each. - Box of , -days 3 for 25 cents ' TKu agar is the popular Club House shape, , strictly hand made, 4 inches long, . of full weight, filled with a choice grade of tobacco, carefully chosen for its quality, and wrapped with selected Sumatra leaf. The UNICO is an extraordinary cigar on its own account as well as on account of the unique methods adopted by the UNITED' ? 1 uriu i 10 onng u to ine attention 01 smoEers. UMTED ' CIGAR STORES COMPANY 147 TniGD 5T. of lace, of the material trimmed, of silk, or. indeed, can be treated In almost any way that fancy may dictate. The Eton la made with fronts, side fronts and back. Both the fropts and back are laid In plaits that extend for full length, and the eutermoet plaits at the fronte serve effeotually to con ceal the Seams Joining them to the side fronte. There Is a flat collar at the neck and - the eleevee are moderately full, finished with ahaped cuffs. Th girdle la cut in Ave portions,' th many seams allowing perfect lit. A HINT FOR GIRL. . Th girl who wanis-lo be a eummer belle this June, and who would bold her belledora through July and August and into the trying yellow days of Sep tember, must learn a few things. She may have to go to a great deal of trouble to learn them,' and spend a great deal of money, but eh ahould stop at nothing, for th and will Justify th means. Sh must learn how to keep ber hair waved, for the waved empire coif fure will be the thing.. Bhe must learn how to. make it glossy, and what to put on It to preserr it before It la waved, for thla la one of the beet things to know. " -j.... - A COMBINATION DISH.' , ' -'"' '.. - - ' ..' 7: Farina mold with strawberries la a culinary composition that - never goes begging whether served for dessert or as a breakfast fruit and cereal combina tion. Put a cup and a half of sweat milk into a saucepan, and when It bolls sprinkle Into It a heaping tablespoonful of farina, stirring all th time. Add a cant spoonful of salt; cook flva minutes over the flr. then cover and aet la the lower par ofa,. double boiler or sauce pan containing boiling water, and con. mmn ' v- . . . . ' .... a-'- S e ii n. . TT We trade y ' : ' ... : . ' X. the solid foundation of the smokers approval in hundreds of UNITED CIGAR STORES. And we can sell in our own stores all the factories can produce ho other out let is needed. - Reason enough, eh? G1GAR and by the box, $4JD0. 301 WASHINOTON OT. ttnue the cooking ' SO minutes longer. Flavor with almond or vanilla, and pour Into cups wet with cold water. Bet In the cellar or Icebox to stiffen and chill. Whea "ready to serve turn out on low In dividual dishes, and around tha base of each 'white mound arrange a symmetri cal row of perfect berrlea. Berve with sweetened cream, omitting the sugar, U preferred,- for breakfast. NO MORE SMALL FEET. i " The empress of China has raceatl leeuad an edict against the custom s binding the feet of girl children. Thla torture, which has been practiced from time Immemorial, waa supposed ta rn der the children so deformed eligible to marriage Into the aristocracy. - This same remarkable' old lady -hae further testified ber willingness to tread the path of progress by giving a large subscription to th new woman's hos pital of the American missions. At the) opening ceremony of the Union Medloal oollege In Peking the empreae sent aa ber special representatives the generalis simo of Peking, and various offlclal boards were represented by 10 or 49 Chinese. Thie Is the first time In Chinese history that imperial. reeognW tioa hag been giren- missionary effort. INJURED INTERNALLY V: BY FALL FROM TOWER (Special Mspite te The loaraaLt Albany, Or June II. While placing a mill on a windmill tower at the real denes of a Mr. Washburn of Browns vllle yesterday morning a eon of W. W, Crawford fell a distance of over 10 feel te the ground. The doctors report that he Is 'Injured Internally, but that no bones are broken. . It is believed he will recover. - " aim to make every U In our stores say 0 3 o 0 50, $20. Other 0 . . ip it it ; ' ' ,- . -;t V . ; - - ': j - t . ; ' ' ' A .. .. .... ' ' X- r