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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1906)
) HEADQUARTERS ' FOR ARTISTIC l PICTURE FRAMING BY EXPERT -FRAMERS " AGENCY FOR COLUMBIA YARNS. HEADQUARTERS FOR THE COLLEGE WAISTS UULICJU u t The latest shipment! have collars, cuffs and ties in colors and Scotch plaids. ' Obtainable only at lip-man-Wolfe's. , ',' ' i" . They have captured Portland's heart , as they hro conquered everywhere. "Children cry. for thJrrs. Onh at- LIpmantWolfe's. Good Merchandise Only Quality Considered Our Prices are Always the Lowest SometHlnrf entirely new.' This sale Has ah object It is to impress on your memory the location of every one of our various departments, some of which have boon moved. We have decided: to. offer from each department for one day only, BARGAIN 3 SO UNU5UAL THAT YOU WILL NEVEU. FORGET THE. LOCATION OF THE DEPARTMENT IN WHICH YOU BOUGHT THEM. . Let this advertisement and these bargains serve as your shopping directory and remember that no exaggeration of value, no misstatement of fact is allowed in this advertisement or in any of our advertisements. . ' ;' !-'. ? r rrW - ' miE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE 3, 1C3. ' . iLiur One Day of 'Uo paralleled Money Saving Friday Sale Tailbr-Ucfls Sniis mm liii. Newest Ewly Scaner Styles Vljs to I 19 here have been a number of aales of Women's Suits in Portland this .season and some wonderful stories have been told of the values offered end the number of garments disposed of. We go on record, however, with the assertion that at no other time in any other store has there ever been so" remarkable a collection of handsome stylish garments as are represented in the lot we have gathered for this occasion. ' v y ; ; ''-!. , ". The assortment comprises some of the newest styles, with long and" el- -bow sleeves, in Jacket, Eton and Novelty Suits; colors black, navy; . graygreen and fancy mixed suitings ;-sold regularly- up to $30.00. - 250 Fine China Silk Waists $9 Qg BCU luucs up IU t.Vtf All lien IUU XOVU , ; 250 White Silk Waists, made of finest quality' China silk, fata variety of fancy trimmed styles; some with silk embroidered fronts, others In lace and tucked ef fects, and some in tailor-made style; all new this .season; long or elbow sleeves.' 0 For the Summer Ilome 9c ,' A Yatd for 124c Silkoline 10,000 yards of the best .' quality figured silkolines, in an immense assortment of loral and OriehtaI'desTgns. '.- ... , 'J' ' A Yard for 5,000 Yards of Art Cretonnes This sea-x MUv son's newest and best creations in floral and conven tional designs ; nothing will brighten up the summer home like , a few yards of cretonne. . i ' ,r - ;- 7 . ... ; ' : ; : ; --.s:;- ' '' ; SS Conch Covers, Special $3.68 Couch, Covers of the.besrquality of heavy reversible tapestry, in Oriental and conventional patterns, with all of the pretty soft colorings; 3 yards long and 60 inches wide; regularly $3. Regular $6.00 Couch Covers. - . . 4f I PA -Special... . . ..r..'.r.. ......... ....... . . . . . .Mtuy ? and i lace Cnrtafas $2.98 i Your choice of 400 pairs at this price Cluny, Renaissance, Irish Point, Corded Arabian, Cable Net and Scotch lace ef fects in a large vaiety of different patterns ; white or Arabian color. " , , - "'.V.v ; V All regular $5.00 Curtains special. . . . . .. . . ... . . . . . . . $3.68 AH regular $6.00 Curtains-Especial.............. Y... $4.49 All regular $7.50 Curtains-Special. .;. ..... . . . ..... ..$5.59 aean-Up Sale ol Millinery 89c SSff Trimmed Mats Ready to Wears Untriracied D;b A grand Clean-Up SaleTof Millinery -this Great Friday Sale, when' wef will offer an assortment of Trimmed, Ready-to-Wear and Untrimmed Millinery in an endless variety of styles for women, misses and children. " ' ... Every hat is this season's make. Youll find all the newest shapes and i a complete line of colors, ' ; . . ON SALE AT 8 A. M. SEE WINDOW DISPLAY. ' S!J Long Kid Gloves $2.50 Up 16-Button Elbow-Length Gloves in glace or suede kid, in white, black or colors, all sizes. ; " Women who know the glove situation will buy liberally. The white gloves in glace finish harmonize effectively with the white calf pumps and ties. French womenPJike suede gloves because they are close fitting, make the . hands look smaller and there are some textures crepe de chine and soft, sheer wools, for instance with which they look especial ly pretty. ' -J Suede ..$2.50 and S3.25 Glace. ............ ..$3.00 and $4.00 Separate Kid Tops - White or Clack Scede $1.59 Pair White or Clack Glace J2.C) Pg!r There is more advantage in the kid tops than in silk, 'since they convert your short street glove into an elbow length for any special occasion at "a moment's notice, without the expense of having several : pairs ' of gloves. Moreover, one pair of tops will out" wear several pairs of short gloves -!; Greatest Values We Have Ever Offered In Washable Dress Goods Less Than 1-2 Price Summer Wash Goods at prices so extraordinarily low as to render it certain of becoming the greatest in point of satisfaction to the customer as it is superior. in the character and variety of the fabrics con cerned. A QUICK DISPOSAL SALE OF THOUSANDS . OF YARDS OF WASH REMNANTS, 5c, 9c, UP TO 35cYARD. Most desirable lengths,, comprising Organdies, Swiss, Batiste, Dimities; Madras, Irish Linen, Finished Suitings, Saxony and Bohemian Madras, Grenadines, Embroidered Voiles and Crepes, Lawns, Dress Ginghams, Percales and Canvas Suiting, 5c, 9c, 12c to5c yd. j Sale Stamped linens .: For ..Fancy Work r.?- Thousands of pieces of this season's latest nov elties, and. dainty staple stamped linens at sale prices, y ' -- ...!.'. ' 75c Lunch Cloths, 30 inches wide..;. ,...45 $1.00 Lunch Cloths, 36-inch, for.. ... GOf1 50c Centerpieces, 24-inch; . ... . . .35 ,30c. Centerpieces,. 18-inch. . . M , . ;45c Tray Cloths, reduced to...,.....,,.... 25 76c Bureau Scarfs, now. ....45 69c Bureau Scarfs, now. .39 $1.25 Linen Lunch Cloths, 30x30, spoke -'. , stitched .......75 18x54 Linen Bureau Scarfs for............ 75 18x45 Linen Bureau Scarfs for.. ....69 24x24 Linen Centerpieces .'...........,..50 18x18 Linen Centerpieces for..... 39 12x12 Linen Centerpieces f6r.............19 Lot of 50c Pillow Tops for.............. .39 Tapestry Pillow Tops, ready for use, 25 Splendid line of Pillow-Tops, in choice designs for- outlining or couching. . 25 and 29 Shirtwaists stamped on. pure handkerchief linen ?1.75 and ....... ...... ,...$2.50, Bolero Jackets, stamped on heavy art linens 81.75 and ....;........ ...... ...... 82.50 Corset'CoveTsr-stamped -on- handkerchief - linen '. ,.75f Lingerie Hats, stamped on handkerchief and em broidery linens, ...65 and 75V Stamped Parasol Covers for shadow, eyelet or . French embroidery ". ; . ............ .81.75 Stamped Handkerchiefs ................. .25 Ruffles of every description. , ... .75 to 81.50 Splendid line of Novelties, such as handkerchief, cravat, glove and veil , cases, stamped on best - quality art embroidery lining, for . eyelet, French or ribbon embroidery. v . Visit our Pyrography Department for new ideas and suggestions. V"V H r"v - ;,; 7 MM Fancy Silks SOc Yard . Half pric for1' these Fancy Silks in checked, figured j.nd: striped, effects; .colors brown, navy, garnet, reseda and myrtle ; just the thing for summer shirtwaist suits or separate, waists. r ; 12k Ginghams t Yard . 1,500 yards of Chambray Gingham in solid colors th? most useful fabric ' for summer wear. A fast-color fabric for boys' and girls' knockabout suits nd blouses ; colors . blue, tan, pink, dark bluegray. , " $5.00 Safety Razor $3.68 24 Perfect Blade No Stropping . This marvelous Razor consists of a frame and 24 steel blades, each 6-1000 of an inch in thick ness. Each blade can be (used a few'times and then thrown." away. A new blade for 5 cents. Will give the best, quickest, easiest, smoothest shave you ever had at a cost of J4 f a cent a shave. Never before sold for less flr ( Q than $5.00. .Now reduced to....... JdeUO , All sets in neat leather box.'. . , v , Sale $1.75 Corsets $1.39 " Allover $1.75 C. B., VV. B. sets, both coutil and batiste. and Nemo Cor- $2.00 Cambric Skirts 98c Women's White Petticoats, made of good cambric, deep lawn flounce, clus ter tucks, embroidery ruffle, heay. Cluny or lace insertion trimming; also Point de Paris lace and insertion ; val ues $1.50 to $2.00. Children's 25c Moslln Drawers 14c Of good muslin, with hemstitched hem and cluster tucks, sizes 1 to. 12 Women's 85c Short Kimonos 55c Made of light dimity, fancy floral stripe pattern, yoke effect back and front. . - - - 75c FaAcy Ribbon 25c . A special offering of Fancy Ribbons, including 6-inch wash prints and heavy taffeta with fancy colored edge," values SOc to 75c yard. . " ,, All-Silk Taffeta Ribbon He Yard Heavy AlUSilk Taffeta Ribbon, 4 inches' wide,' tegular 25c value. ; . '. 35c lace Collars 19c ' ' .. . Women's 35c and 25c Lace Collars in Baby Irish,1 Point de .Venise, Lierre and Point Gaze, white or black. ' ';:"''?,' . . Remnant Sale Black and Colored Dress Goods Below Actual Cost All remnants and ends of Wool Dress Goods in grays, creams, blacks and colors, in dress, waist and coat lengths j Summer Douse Needs Prices That Talk Economy 60c Tarine Moth Bags .38 65c Tarine Moth Rolls.......... 48 25c Strong Reed Shopping Baskets' 8 Military Pad Supporters, four straps, extra strongs regular 35rvalue.25 Household Machine Oil, 3 oz. tin. ready to be used, regular 20c rt value 12e 6c Hardwood Tooth Picks,-two for 5 5c Novelty Crepe Sneft Paper, two for .5 20c Paraffine Wax, lb pkg.r....l24 10c Hair Pins, "wire," box of 200 ' Women's SOc Hose 35c Pair- Women's white or black Lisle Lace Stockings, all imported goods, in a va riety of patterns. ' ' . r - Stationery Spc Is ' Qfi For Box Paper and Envelopes to match, OC . ruled or plain, regular 15c value. , For Box PaperandEnvelopcsrfine 12C Indialawn, the new finish paper and latest shaped envelopes, regularly. 25c dLQn For Novelty Box of the most stylish' 00 v Paper of the season, latest shape and colors, worth $1.00 a box. . For fine Linen Tablets, letter size, best 1UU 10c quality paper, 25c Value. For fine Lineti Tablet in commercial size, best finish paper, regularly 15c. Men's Hose, 3 Pair for 50c ,. - 2,000. pairs Meji's Fancy Cotton or Lisle Half Hose in a .great variety of patterns stripes, figures and-verticals on . black or colored ' grounds; also plain black ; values to 50c a pair. - Men's 20c linen 'Kerchiefs lie Pure Irish Linen Handkerchiefs, y2 or J-inch hemstitched. Hen's 20c Initial 'Kerchiefs 12k Men's all pure Irish linen hemstitchr ed initial Handkerchiefs, all letters. - i Men's 75c Balbrlggan Underwear 50c Fancy striped Balbriggan Under wear, in a great variety of colors ; also plain unbleached. Women's Knit Underwear Priced at a Third lor This. Sate Ladies' Richelieu Ribbed Cotton Vests, low neck, no sleeves, both trimmed and plain neck ; reg--ular 25c quality. Special,, ....... ..3 for 5Q Ladies' Ribbed Cotton or Lisle Vests, low- neclc, no sleeves, trimmed neck ; 35c quality, ea. 25 ' Ladies' extra fine Lisle Vests, low neck, no sleeves, hand trimmed neck; 63c quality, each 484ft Ladies' LTmbrella Pants, lace trimmed, in a va riety of patterns, each........ ........ .25 Ladies extra fine Lisle Pants, lace trimmed; 63o . quality, each ......... ... ..... . . . . . . ..48$ PORTLAND IMMII IS MISSIfJG It Disappaart Mysteriously ; With : Her Husband From House In : . Dresden, Germany. ; AUTHORITIES ARE MAKING ii ATTEMPT TO FIND THEM Woman Said to Have Been Misa 1 . Edith Francis of This City Before 1 JMarfying : Henry Harcke, German ' Pianist, Soon After Going Abroad. ProfMaor F1I Hlnk of Drcadaii, , Germany. ha.MkeJ th local poUca to aid him in locating- Mr. and Mrt. Hnrf Harcka, ' who lived-In : Dreadan until recently. Mfa. Harcke, he aaya. came to .Germany from . Portland a Mlaa Edith Franc! She waa a tant:of muale and married after her arrival there. ' ' " .: ' In" thla Ctty a Mtaa. Edith Prancta rceldeii Euirene street, while an. other young woman with th4Manename Uvea at 434 Tenth street rh are In ', the city and neKher haa ever been In Germany. 'It la accordingly thought by ' the police that Profeaaof Kelnk omitted the laat name of the young woman for whom he la aearcblng. ' The ' relchathaler mentioned aa bar ing been borrowed from the hired girl represent In our coin about $351. A relchathaler la of the value of 18c - The letter folio we: "In Gonaequence of the peculiar cir cumstance attached to the atranga dis appearance from their apartmenta her of two Americana, Mr. and, Mrs. Henry Harcke, the latter of whom waa a young lady from yonr city, who fcameto Dree den, Germany, - laat winter to Continue bar studlea In tnualc but tnatead wa married rather suddenly laat Chiistma to the aforesaid Mr. Harcke. 1 . take the liberty to wrtte to you, the police department hers having ao far been un able to find the slightest: trae of the couple. , ... ; : All Trace of Them Toai. "As said. Mr. and Mrs. Harcke ' In formed their acquaintances hers, Inclod Ing - myself, on May 11, that they In tended . to make a little excursion to Saxon, Switaerland, from which they would be back at ths latest in a week or ten daya, and aa not ons stngls word has been heard from them aver since, and aa Mrs. Harcke, whose first name waa Edith Francis, was In ths habit of frequently wearing considerable Jewelry and as Mr. Harcke at tlmea carried a large amount of money, and as they sometimes went drinking- In certain public places, ws fear, that possibly some harm may. have come to them for theee reasons, because sines their rather audden departure from hers on May It. he saying his wife's health had recently been very poor, ' alt trace of them baa been lost. ' ... "Considerable mall has accumulated In 1 their apartments hero, '- which for reasona above atated ws ars unable to forward, though we know positively that relatives of hers are living In yeur city and also In soma place In California (formerly Ban Francisco). Perhaps you will kindly causa some notloe to appear at once In your local papers stating these facta, so that ths friends and rela tives of hers living In your city may be notified of , the strange disappearance of ths lady. " - ..s. Xlred 01x1 Aarlons. "Their hired girl hers, who was among the laat hers who had seen them alive. Is quits overcome with anxiety; shs says .that Mr. Harcke has received 400 relcha thaler of her money, shs being promised that on returning to the Stages they would take her with them. Then -there are two American ladies In Harcke' apartments anxiously waiting to hear what has become of the couple; they rented part - of ths apartmenta from them, for which they say they have paid Harcke aeveral montba rent trr advanoa. With ms Mr. Harcke, who Is by profes sion a pianist, 1 years of age. smooth shaven, medium height and lightweight, has a written contract for a series of concerts- to be given here, and I cannot believe that unleaa aomethlng very se rious had happened he would leave me without even a word of Information, as already a considerable amount of pre liminary arrangements for ths concerts have been made and aa hi seemed par ticularly happy about this undertaking. "Ths American deputy consul at Ham burg, with whom Harckef and his wife, as well as myself are acquainted, has wrlttenthat the (lasr he heard of Mr". Harclce was previous to May 10, and hs, too, has sines been without word from them snd consequently has atso not the slightest knowledge of what has become of them. r "Trusting that my sending these few facta to you may aid In either locating ths coupls themselves or at least some o( her relatives and friends living In your city, and knowing of- the sfflotency Of most of ths American police depart ments, 'I am confident that you will leave nothing undone to aid In solving this mystery and that you ' will do ao with the apeed and energy for which Americans -fcava woo repute everywhere. "For obvious reasons an early reply from you will greatly oblige us. Thank ing yoi for your efforts in the matter, 1 am with highest esteem, respectfully yours, - "PROFESSOR FELIX HEINK. ! "14 Rabener fit, Dreaden. Germany."; GETS PERMIT TO BUILD -AN APARTMENT -HOUSE Mrs. ,F. Sutherland has received a permit for a two-story frams building to be used ss an apartment houas on Lucretla street between Washington and Everett. It will cost $4,tU0. Dunlap Bros, ars ths contractora. . .." . Other permits have been laaued as follows: ' Fred Matthes, -one-story dwelling. Bast Thirty-third near Division, cost, 11,000; Masonic Temple association, excavation. JVest Park corner Tamhlll, cost It. 800; Oust Hahn, repairs to two dwellings, Vancouver avenue between TUlamook and Page, cost f!3 each; Chris Wtnsent, one-story dwelling, Van couver avenue between Shaver and Mason, cost f 1.100; W. A. Klrkpatrlck, two-atory dwelling. Depauw corner Hodge; coet, 1 1,400; Elnora Dlel, one story dwelling. Cherry near Prettyman avenue, cost. 11.100; Adam Olaen. one story dwelling, Eaat Eleventh between Rhine and Frankfort, coat, f 1.100; E. M. Gilbert, two-atory dwelllnt,,Wheeler be tween East Seventeenth, and East Nina-, tsenth, cost, 12,100. - - SAYS WILLIAMS IS MAN WHO ROBBED HIM Lata; this afternoon, John H. Wil liams, who was arrested pear Hunting ton with Esra Coon "for complicity Ip operating a counterfeiter's mill, sear Huntington, was positively Identified by Joseph Penney, when furnished with a .rv.v description of ths aUeged counterfeiter, ss ths man who held Penney up In the rathskeller In ths basement of ths Port land hotel two years , ago. Williams, who haa saUed under the name of Joe Den and A. 8. Stafford, together with two companions per formed one of thebndeat hold-ups ever perpetrated oh the Pactflo , coast. Ths three men entered ths rathskeller late In ths evening snd sat at ons of the tables sngaged In drinking-. At - 11 o'clock. Mr. Penney Is In ths habit of figuring up ths day's sales and was counting ths money when ha waa sur prised by two men In front of his desk, while another, cams up-from ths rear and seised ths money. Ths men then fled, snd Williams was later arrested, but ths evidence waa not sufficient to convict him. ,. . STo Beef Trust There. : . " From the Philadelphia Record. In Argentina beef Is so cheap that eattls are chleflT valued for their hldaa. A. beef trust appears to bs wanted In mat ravorea country. . i - - THE POLICY-HOLDERS' COMPANY 1 r - When you haye a policy in the Oregon Life you have one con taining the very best features of all other companies. In addition to that you are an owner in the company and the profits of the busi ness' go to yoil. -;- . .-. - . ' ": -'j- - .'..V HOME QFFICE, COMMONWEALTH BLDO, SIXTH AND ANKENY STS PORTLAND, OREGON, f. , :' ' A. L. MILLS, President " V. L. SAMUEL, General Manager. CLARENCE S. SAMUEL, Asst. Mgr. DEMOCRATS OF STATE ARE PREPARISB FOR BANQUET Indicationt Are That Jeff ersonian Feast Will Be Great Success In Every Particular. . v ' ! Democrats throughout ths stats arc taking a keen Interest In the Jeffer-sonlan-banquet to bs held In this olty next Monday night and all signs point to . a large and enthualastlo gathering. No written Invitations ars being issued except to speakers. Every Iemoorat la Oregon Is to consider himself invited . and all who come wUl he welcome. Ths charge Is a dollar a plats and D. M. Watson, who Is to prepare ths f asst. promises a rare treat. Governor George C ChsmberUIn and C. K. ft Wood wlll mik. th. ... nni.. t speeches. Many other prominent lem- wiaii mrm o mass nve-minuts talks.. Among those who havs accepted Invi tations to speak ars Charles V. Oallo- . WSV Inil J,m Uim. nMKM - . - j v. -.ti, can didates for congress at the last eleottoni'" oupreme juage 1 nomas i, Hauey, Rob ert A. Miller. ' candidate for attomy' general; Frederick V. Holman of 1 Port land; Senator M. A. Miller of Linn county; Senator Coehow of Roaeburr, Judge 8am White and Judge Smith of Baknr City, Bnater-elect J. E. Hod of Oregon City, the man who defait Senator Oeorse C Brownll; J. O. I ') of Uranta i'aa. Rntxtrt r-r-tH r' j ,. sephlrie couutr. John II. i t c . torta. W. R I- -1 of II i i . J. H. PWf tt :t .. Tha p'-- t ln t r been s 1, but It . 1 I I In f r -I c It