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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1906)
THE OREGON .DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING. JUNE 3. KOI av TO EUD GRAFT OF ST . JOHNS SCENE v Great Ilibbon 4 30c-35c Values for 18 5,000 yards highly luitered Silk Taf feta Ribbon,' 4 to 5 inches wide, in every desirable shads; regu lar value 30c and 35c jn . yard. Bargain Friday.. ..IOC xa Xlibbpns 35c-45c Values for Se 7.000 : yards beautitul Fancy - Ribbon's, comprising stripes, checks,, printed warps, Dresden and plaids, 3yi to 5 inches wide, for sashes, belts and millinery; reg ular value 35c. and 45c-il-yard. Bargain Friday... aVOL USv SENATOR OF BAD FIRE GETS RESPITE Proctor of Vermont Has Supplied Heroic Work of Chief Glover's Blodgett Is Granted Stay of Ex Over Two Million Dollars', . ; Worth of Marble. Volunteer Department Saves Town From Destruction. ecution by Judge George on V Application of Attorney. 4 ONLY SENATOR FAVORED BY FEDERAL GOVERNMENT TWO: BUILDINGS WIPED JEFFREY MAKING EVERY ' V OUT BY THE. FLAMES EFFORT FOR NEW TRIAL Will Lose Million-Dollar Contract If ; : Tawney Provision la Incorporated Roosevelt Frowns' on Present System of Building. Fire Starts in Rear of Halberg s Fur District Attorney Manning Does Not niture Store, and Destroys . That Concern Together With Undertak Oppose Appeal and Says He Be lieves Condemned Murderer Should ing Establishment. ; Have Fair Deal COfJVlCTED 11(1 IS" ft ' ip ,x y Jdy o r, n .' tltmrnml SraeUl BtrrtnJk Washington. J una J 7. Senator Proe tor of Vermont has made mora than $1,000,000 from marble oontraota tor , the tiew senate and saw atrrlculturai building. Ha aopea to ft a f 1.000,000 contract, but should tha provision of - Chairman Tawnra of tha houae P- - proprtatloa commlttea go through , ha will loa tha contract. How manr millions Senator Proctor has mada out of tha government by supplying atonaa . for government cametarlea la not known, but hla con- tracta eover tha north, east, aoutb ana " west. ; Oaly eaata Tavored. -. Senator Prootor appear on the open record aa tha only senator who seta oontraota from tha rOTernraiL-- Re cently, whan ha put In blda for tha ' marble for the-senate- office tbe-ojuee- tlon of tha legality of a senator maun i - Senator Proctor of Vermont contract waa dlacussed by the commis sion In chare and they gravely de cided that ha la all right, aa ha la In corporated," althoughi. It la said tha "business'' has been turned over to Mr. Proctor's son, Fletcher D. Proctor, who baa been nominated for governor of Vermont by the Republicans. 1 Raising the question of-whether "Mr. Proctor, Incorporated," could do busi ness with the government was not necessary, that general queatlon having been, decided- by Mr. Root whan secre tary of war In the Llttauer glove case. Tha point . was then mada that there would have been no trouble If tha IJttauera . had been Incorporated, president in Opposition. : tt was reported today that the presi dent la frowning savagely on tha large number of contracts Mr. Proctor la getting, but the contrary Is tha official fact. Tha president and Senator Proc tor are on tha beat of terms. The sena tor always la a welcome visitor at the executive offices. '- There have been statements to the affect that when tha marble for the senate buildings waa needed blda were called for. and Mr. Proctor and many other bidders. Including- the Blue Ridge company of Georgia and one from Ala bama, put In bids. The senata commis sion decided that none of the blda would do. Senator proctor's waa not the low est Tha commission decided In secret see alon that there were "evidences of col lusion." Blda again were anked for and 'Proctor'e bid waa 11.121,000, aa' against 11,110,000 by thai Blue Ridge company, tha next highest, ao tha contract was awarded to Proctor. Before 'that ha had been the succesa ful bidder for the marbla for the new agricultural building. Some marvelous thlnga were done In that contract which tha committee on appropriations of tha houaa Is trying to have explained. Wkesa Stone Waa Tsed. c Tha marble Senator Proctor furnished was used not for the construction of a complete building, but for two wings. When tha money waa used up the agrl cultural department asked for 11,000, 000 mora to go on with the work. - Chairman Tawney of the appropria tions committee, said that If his plan waa carried out, no building would be erected unlesa congress first appro priated tha money after hearing just Tha city of Bt, Johns was saved from almost total destruction at 1:10 o'clock this morning by the splendid work of Its volunteer firs department tinder the direction of Fire Chief Tom Glover. The Bra broke out la tha rear of Halberg-s furniture atora and spread rapidly to the undertaking establishment of Zeller, Byrnes Blackburn, destroying tha two buildings before It was under control. Tha, furniture store. was a two-story frame and together with tha stock of furniture was valued at It.TOO. The undertaking establishment waa a one story frame. Tha total loss on this building and stock was 11,800. -The only Insurance reported waa H.S00, on the stock of furniture. Xava ITaxrew Xscape. .- Two families llvfng above ths furni tura store barely get out with their lives,' loslnr aU Ihelr household effects. During the progress of the Ore the electric wires. feU. In the street, greatly hindering tha work of tha department. Tha pressure In the water mains proved ample for fire-lighting purposes. Ths people of St. Johns ara loud In praise of their fire department. But for the efforts of the volunteer company a, large section of tha bualneaa center would have gone up la smoke and flames. Recorder Thorndyka aays that ha haa been connected with Are departments for a good many years and haa helped to subdue many Urea, but that ha never aaw a Bra department more admirably handled than,, that of" St. Johns at last night's lira. . . ;, SAYS ENGLAND WILL DEMAND LOIS OF OREGON HOPS J. N. Hoffman Writes From Lon don That Island Kingdom Will Soon Be Paying Good Prices. ' "I would urge tha Oregon growers to make good use of . their time In caring wall for tha bop crop, aa present con ditions force na to predlot fair demand by England tor a large block of the eoaat hops at a fair figure," writes- J, N. Hoffmann of .the condition of tha hop market in London, where ha la at present. Ha la well known in thla city and la thoroughly familiar with the hop situation. The letter was received "by G. B -Hovendea of thla city. "Arrived here in company with Mr. Durst, Sunday, tha 10th," ha- wrote from London, June IS. ''"Have been In the vlolnlty of the hop exchange dis trict, but little la doing. .The Oregon hops have not yet arrived. Am of the opinion, that thla delay Is rather lucky, as reports unfavorable to crop condi tions have a tendency to stiffen tha market, I will be on the lookout for any information that 'may be of inter eat to the coast growers. . . "Prices hero quoted are ranging from SO to 70 shillings for Pacific coast, but none ara selling. No business of any importance Is being done at present.' Holders are waiting for further develop ments as to crop outlook. Price must go higher In tha near future If present conditions continue. There la but little gooda of prima quality .on tha market at any figure. Brewers, dealers and growers ara waiting. NEW SCHOOL WILL BE BUILT AT MEDFORD (pedal Dispatch to The tarsal.) ' Medford. Or, June tt. At tha annual school meeting here Charles Strang was reelected director and Carl T. Jonas re elected clerk. The directors wars authorised to Issue warrants not to exceed $10,000 for the erection of an eight-room building and remodeling the present - High school building to suit tha needs of that growing department. Complete equipment - for physical and chemical laboratories has bean ordered. The following teachers were retained at an Increase of salary: M. B. Eigne, superintendent; Bessie Hill, principal of High school; Olive Huffer, assistant In High school, and Minnie Gowland. Mary Talbert, Ethelyn Hurley, May Phlpps, Mrs. M. L.. Dally, Maa Roberts. In tha gradea. New teachers added to tha corps are Miss Jennie Cameron, Man kato, Minnesota; Elroy McNeill, Ash land; Delia Bhunk. Monroe Center, Michigan; Anna Bee eon. Ashland, and Gertrude Johnson, Eugene. There la still to be elected a science man and a supervisor of music and drawing. what tha money was Intended for. Such a provision would require all tha movers of appropriations to be per fectly frank. The tact that the wing of ths build ing were made of "Vermont marbla seems to require, at - least, ' "aesthet ically. that the rest of the building be made of Vermont marble, which can be furnished only by Henator Proctor. - 4L Dignity of Quality and Fairness - v v-v; of Price ountn moiiicB b DIAMONDS At this Jewelry store, where reliability accompanies every gala, aad a large aad splendid stock awaits Inspection. - - - V OUR DIAMOND MOUNTED JEWELRY J v- mm m ' w v-r eewi oe aurpaeeeq toe world com. tm Ajrn wassuwotow rrirxrTS. ' -MaaafaetarlaeT Jewelers. Opticians. , Slamo&d Importer. Not only Is John A, Jeffrey, ths now counsel appointed for George L. Blodg ett last Monday, using every effort to perfect an appeal to ths supremo oourt for the doomed man, but District At torney Manning and his assistant. Gus C Moser, are lending their assistance Messrs. Manning and Moeer say that hlle they believe Blodgett deserves hanging, thesv think h should have a fair deal and they are placing not, ob stacles in tha way of ths appeaL'-.- " On application of Attorney verrrey this morning Judge George granted a atay of execution - and certificate of probable cause, which gives Blodgett a respite and allows time to perfect the appeal. When the star of execution waa asked Mr. Moaar said: "We wlU-not oppose tha granting of thla stay. We want to see this maa have-a fair deal end It la because his former attorney. Charles F. Lord, neg lected to do what he should that It has to be asked for at this time.' The application for the stay was sap- ported by the affidavits of Blodgett and the official court reporter, A. W. Person. In his affidavit Blodgett said ho had made every effort to take appeal, had retained an attorney and paid him for his work, but could do nothing person- silly, being confined In the county Jail, and that hla counsel had refused to visit him there. . ' r . Person CHVee Affidavit. Mr. Pereon declares In hla affidavit that be waa not directed to extend the testimony from his shorthand notes until nearly noon on the day of Juno Ha, whan ha waa requested by Attorney John A. Jeffrey to proceed aa rapidly as. possible with the. transcript. . He saya It will be Impossible to finish it before June 10. Notice of appeal to tha supreme court waa also filed In the circuit oourt thla morning by Mr. Jeffrey for Blodgett Deputy District Attorney Gus C Moaar this morning reoelved a letter from W. T. McKeown, county attorney of Flathead county, Montana, la which McKeown said he had known Blodgett at Kallapell for five yeara; that during part of that time Blodgett waa oon stable of Kaltspell township and was regarded by respectable people In that country as being much better than tha class no associated with. When- I gave orders closlns- eJl dancehalla, showshopo and gambling .dens, says McKeown, "Blodgett was tha.firs te aloes hla place of business and he always showed a willingness to obey the law. He drank heavily lot years ana l tn;nahe may have been temporarily deranged. At least It does not seem to me that tha murder was premeditated and In cold blood. "In view of 'the negligence and un concern with' whloh Blodgett's at torney, Lord. Is said to have acted in the matter, I think at leaat a atay of execution should be granted and hope what I have said max navs been ot soma benefit to him." , , ,, ( ROOSEVELT IS INDORSED BY BAPTIST CONVENTION: Resolutions Are Adopted, Re ports Are Head and Officers Elected for Ensuing Year. The afternoon aesslon yesterday of the Willamette Baptist association was chiefly given over to a meeting of the Women's Horns snd tha Foreign Mis sionary society. The meetlne- waa ore. aided over by Mrs. James Failing. Ad dresses were mada by Mrs. D. G Latourette and Mlsa Mlllapaugb, an evangelist, who stated that It was necessary to raise 1610 for thla year's work.. For tha ensuing year Rev. C A, Nut ley waa elected moderator and Rev. O. A. Learn clerk. Tha election of officers was followed by a short bualneaa session. The usual resolutions ware presented and read by kov. o. vtr. urirnn. The word Tern pe ranee" was stricken from tha reeolu tion and tha word "prohibition" In serted; "prohibition" waa considered too mild, and "annihilation", was finally determined upon as tha proper word to use in describing tha association's pol icy with reference to the liquor traffic Resolutions ware Introduced at ths night seaalon by Rev. K. M. Bllaa, commending President Roosevelt for his campaign against corruption In blah place, also approving and supporting tha officials of Multnomah county in their efforts to punish those guilty of fraud In the recent election. The reso lutions were adopted. , The session was brought to a close last night by an address by Rev. W. T. Jordan on "The Parting of. ths Ways.; ' . .- . . SPLENDID SEASIDE SERVICE tt rieaaea ths Vnbllo and Everybody Saturday, June 10,' marks the Initial trip of . tha "Portland-Seaside Flyer," the crack train of tha A. A C. R. R-, which will leave the union depot every Saturday during ths eummer season at 1:10' p. m. for Clatsop Beach points. arriving at Seaside at : p. m mak ing only such stops en route as are absolutely necessary to. tha suooessful operation--! thla faat train, excelling everything In point of modern equip ment ana a moaai or oomiort ana con venience. ' , . In oonnecUoa with thla strictly haw train service. Saturday special round trip excursion tickets will be sold from Portland to all Clatsop and North- Beach points at rata of U 10, good to return Sunday evening Tlckata on sale at city ticket offioe, 141 Alder street, and union depot. . rr' -' TtdgmmA la Oerden Oaea.' ! (Soerlal Datpatek s Tilt JnaraaL) " ' . Athena, Or, June tt. Judgment In the caseof Rosens welg S hick against Jane Cardan waa entered against the defendant - in Justice. Chamberlefa'e court yesterday for tha sum Of $211.60 and casta,' disbursements and attorney's fees, whig waa Its. i , - ' - ' ; , '" . . - 71 p2fel to iSaFpii Our weeklr event, which means an Immense savine on rood, dependable and seasonable merchandise.. Here Is a page of items that for absolute worth stand unrivaled. Our bargains cannot be duplicated. You find no undesirable merchandise here. Every item is fresh, clean and up-to-date. Keep this fact before you. - There is no juggling; with prices at this store. Our regular prices are low. Our Bargain Friday Prices have never been equaled. Read the specials carefully. Come as early as you can. This season's styles Suito at PricGD Toil Can't Duplicate SUIT VALUES THAT XT WILL BE IMPOSSIBLE-FOR YOU TO EQUAL ELSEWHERE STYLE AND QUAL- : ; ; yy ity considered.- r'y;:- y"-''-'.:'"- We have selected about 35 suits from our regular 'stock of stylish, new garments. Some of them are worth as high as $20.00 and we are going to give you your choice tomorrow (Friday) at 810.00. Our reason for selling these suits at such a low figure is because we need the room to show summer wash suits, skirts and waists. These 'suits offered tomorrow are made in the Pony and Eton styles in plain and fancy mixtures, some are trimmed, others plain; skirts are in circular and pleateq, styles, values up to zu,w. opeciany pneco -n vvrxaaa.a iaifji vitaiji vv.yv. 3 ; Covert Coats at Exactly Half Price A great . opportunity to purchase nobby summer coat at much less than the regular price!. ' " . ; . , Aciin Friday : S? Coats at 33.50 If you didn't get one last Friday don't mind, you will have another chance to morrow j'after that, no more. "They are wonderful coats for the money,'' that's what everybody said who came last week, but the main point to you. is that they are stylish, nobby coat's in a correct Weight for summer wear." 'Tan coats and gray mixtures in popular fitted styles, trimmed with stitched straps, strictly man tailored .-throughout. To morrow, Bargain Friday, will positively be your tj5 PA Jast chance to buy real $7.00 coats at only. .. . .spOaUU $1.00 for Walking Skirts Fully Worth $1.50 A great sale tomorrow Women's Walking' Skirts, madj, of excellent wash materials, ducks and coverts, in both plain and fancy colors, in medium and dark shades; they are nicely tail ored and prettily trimmed with stitched straps and buttons. Made expressly for all around wear; best $1.60 d -AA grades. Bargain Friday only. ....... . sj) aUU( Shirtwaist Suits $1.98' Values at $1.35 Everybody says our Shirtwaist Suits are the best values in the ,cfty and for Bargain Friday we offer still greater values. iPretty Shirtwaist Suits, made of excellent quality percale, in neat black and white checks ; the waist is made in the latest styles with loose front, stock collars, pockets, full sleeves with deep 4-button cuff ; the skirt is full, gored style, finished with deep flounce; best $1.98 values.- Exclusively this fll IP season's style and on sale Bargain Friday at. . . . . . . . j)l eOO 95c ri - Sateen Petticoats Best $1.25 Values An extra special purchase affords us the op portunity of giving the women of this city one of the best Petticoat values ever offered. Made of excellent mercerized black sateen, in a number of attractive new styles, trim med with tucks, ruffles and accordion pleating; economical women will appreciate this special offering; skirts that are fully worth $1.25 on sale Bargain Friday White Lawn Waists $1.05 I I ; 20 Dozen Waists Worth $1.50, $1.75 and $1.90 y; Your choice tomorrow of five different styles of White : Lawn Waists ; that are 'exceptionally good values at the regular prices.; Some have short sleeves, button backs, others long sleeves, open fronts, all are elaborately trimmed with Val. lace or , embroidery.. In order to reduce ur-enorraous stock we have selected these beautiful waists for tomor- 1 AC row's Bargain Friday Sale your choice... ...... ...sDleUd Two Extra Special OiTeringrfl at the ' Bargain Square Friday V - ,. ' Lawn Kimonos Best $1.00 Grade G8e .; ' Women's Short Kimonos, made of splendid quality lawn, in the most approved styles, both tight and loose fitting effects, in a large assortment of colors, flowers and figures, in both small and large designs;. regular $1.00 values. One COr day only Bargain Fridayat............... .UOv , ; Children's Hats Best 50c Values 39e Special at the Bargain Square tomorrow Children's Lawn Hats, in colors white, pink and blue, made with fluted brim and 'shirred crown trimmed with large rosette.; best O A 60c grade. Bargain Friday at O7L Splendid Bar grains in lien's . Wear for Friday Sellingr .' Universal approval of our special offerings . 0n this day, given over, as it U, to extraordi nary value-giving, is Indicated in the tremen dous aelling increase week by week; but it is . rare good fortune, to stumble against such de cisive cuts in prices as we announce below: - $1.30 Will Buy Suit Cases ; Fully Worth $2.00 A special lot of Suit Cases on sale tomorrow just when you need them most 22 and 24-inch Suit Cases, good wearing quality,, strongly made, with steel frames, brass lock and clasps, heavy leather handles and reinforced corners, ' suitable for men and women; best $2.00 grade. Specially priced. Bargain Friday, J J ,39 Men's Union Suits. aq Best $1.50 Quality UOO rery fortunate purchase enables us to offer a most remarkable bargain in Men's Union Suits; these are made of-the finest Egyptian cotton with full finished seams, are cut full -sise and perfect fitting; men who havebought them say they are extraordinary values try a couple of suits yourself: genuinely ; finest quality and well worth $1.50. Special QOr .for Bargain Friday yOS Greatest Values in Laces. - Our entire stock of Alloversi Bands, Galloons, Medallions and Edgings in applique,' enise, baby Irish and oriental effects. An endless ' variety to select from at clearance sale prices t for Bargain Friday. . Women's Belts . . A Sample Lot Priced Low. A sample lot of Women's Belts, about 150 doien in all, embracing every style, color and material now in vogue: Wash Belts, Kid Belts, Silk Belts and Tinsel Belt, plain and jeweled; a superb collection. At strictly clearance prices for Bargain Friday. . Wash Belts . 50c Value for 25400 dozed Wash Belts, richly embroidered, " with beautiful pearl buckle; regular value 50c For Bargain Fri day enlyr,....v.'..... ...........S&f 86 TheSeason'sBijXCestBar gaixis in Domestic Room Each week our wonderful Bargain Friday Salea continue with greater enthusiasm. Every thing of the most reliable quality and at the most astonishing reductions! Do yon wonder that these salea are growing in popularity, that they are being talked about and patronised heavier now than ever before? Examine the wonderful offering for tomorrow, and Just re member, the following price are for one day only BARGAIN FRIDAY India linen, 12tfo Grade, Oo Extra for Friday 25,000 yards of white Indian Linen Lawn, fine sheer weave, excellent wear-, ing quality, full 30 inches wide; a very popu lar material for cool summer garments; best I2ie quality. Special for one day only Bar gain Friday J . White Oamhrio : Best 10c Grade Special for Friday About 50 bolts of white' Cambric, best standard make, full ,36 inches wide nice, soft-finish; Just the thing for in--fants-clothes or dainty undergarments; sold everywhere at 10c a yard. . Specially priced for Bargain Friday ...... ....8a 4000 Yards Dress Lawns on Special Sale Friday at 4c Just received in ' time for "Friday's Bsrgain Sale A special purchase of 4,000 yards of pretty new Dress Lawns in a most complete and carefully selected assortment of styles and colors in flowered and figured effects; all bright new goods that would sell in the regu lar way, at 6lic a yard. Will be on sale Bar gain Friday at ........................... Bargain Friday You Can Boy Hj 03 Hosimoolis at 02.1 0 A Great Bargain Tomorrow we shall place oa sale S' special line of extra heavy, closely woven, good, strong canvas weave Hammocks, with spreader at top and bottom, upholstered head rest and 12-inch valance,- extra large sise, a big assortment of designs .and colorings to choose from;' best $3.00 values. On sale for one day only-r-Bargain Friday afi-..f Bxtraordinary Shoe Values; Ws are showing more than 300 styles Women's Oxfords at Half Price and Better for Bargain Friday. We have made a big reduc tion on every line of Oxfords in the house. ; We went to close out all the lines possible before July 4th. It will pay you to the extent of from one to two dollars on every pair you ' buy now.. We've more styles m Oxfords than '. til the other stores in Portland combined. We rant you to buy now and save money., This is our lsst Bsrgain Friday before the Fourth and your last opportunity to get Bargain, Fri-' day prices. . 400 pairs Women's White Canvas Oxfords ' Worth $2.00 and $2.50. Bargain Friday.fl.50. 872 pairs Women's Chocolate Vici Kid Lace Oxfords Worth $2.00 snd . $2.50. Bargain - Friday ;..,........... 9 l.Opi 1,216 1 pairs Women's chocolate vici kid, Rus-". sia ca If, black vici kid and gun mef&ixalf laeer": Oxfords; worth $3.50. Bargain Friday. 1.60 -300 pairs Girls' and Boys' hand-made barefoot Sandals; worth twice what. we ask.; Bargain Friday . Girls kid lace shoes, witn patent leather tips: worth up jto $2.25. ' Bargain Friday'. . . . . .be Children's black and tan lace Oxfords, sizes 9 to 12: worth $175 and $2.00.- Bargain Fri day . .7. . . .-.TT. . . .7. . .-.T. ,V7.-77J7. . 7. . . .90f BOYS SHOES GREATLY REDUCED. NOT A CLEARANCE LOT BUT A SPE CIAL PURCHASE JUST RECEIVED. Women's Lace Open Work ' . .. Stockings In black snd tan, at leas than Half Price Cr ' See window display. ..................lOL' Without doubt the biggest and best bargain, sale of Women's Hosiery ever offeree. A most extraordinary offering for tomorrow. Another ' purchase direct from the manufacturer that, will make tomorrow's sales1- at the - hosiery -counter ths heaviest for the month 3,000 pairs -of new patterns lace liale thread Stockings for women in black or tan. A handsome range of patternav. Open down to the toe. These are -splendid qualities" at 35c pair. In order to wind up the most successful month in the career' of. this department we will place the entire lot on sale tomorrow at less than cost of man- . ufacture, all sizes, all styles of lace lisle stock ing. No phone orders filled at this C I price none sent C O. D. Pair ...Idl ,