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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1906)
. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING. JUNE 3, ; 18C3. raiiRAf lira WE HAVE A HOBBY FOR POSIIIOfl Receives Appointment as, Gen. era! Passenger Agent of Har riman Lines in Oregon. - i MSBM, S 7 . V' im 1 . - it ii .vv T af v : ' M. kv taT I aT . - ' ' ' 11.1 w MM' 1 1. " I 'At -. IF ii I 1 -1 I. ... ii i hi i in ' 17 i or Yoii and every other Jionest man in Portland will be cheerfully outfitted from hktctofioe for THE FOURTH from our gents' furnishing and clothing department No " fuss, and feathers", no. red tape,no embarrassing conditions about our easy payment plan and - ong. eir'dlnlt Remember that we installed this stock I with the express purpose of catering to the growing demand for clothing on the INSTALLMENT PLAN of -payments We sell, for "cash, too, but we cordially invite you to come in and to lap fair ; TrourxHi . "mureyaymeht plahTGbQd goods for less money than the regular dealers ask; Good style and good fit Spleh-: did new stock to choose from. You : . make a small deposit downwhatever you Teel"able to make then only T a wee 1 In addition to the easy terms of payment we are able to offer SU- " PERIOR VALUES, i This Clothing Department being only ONE T of MANY Departments, we do not expect nor do we need to make 'as great a profit off the Suit we sell you as the EXCLUSIVE cloth ing merchant is required to make. Our rent is no higher, our light - bill is no greater, and many other .current expenses are no greater ' , . through the addition of this new line. You see we can afford to sell cheapen Step in and examine our stock of . Gents'. Furnishings. mi lis $10 to $25 No trouble to show goods. We-want you to learn t r our plan of easy payments , ; I. CAN FIT ANY SHAPE of . & L. KAFKA, Manager Qothing' Department ' - ; ' '-. - t. r- 173-17S FIRST ST. YAMHILL, GETS PLACE OF CRAIG WHO, LEAVES PORTLAND Ncf Official Hai Mado ExceUent "Record Since Engaging in Railroad- .ing Busineaa Lcavca Jor Chicago : for Conference. Juit bfor Will Inn McMurray. tatant atnaral pauanstr ayent of th Harrlinaa llnea In Oregon, left laat nlfht for Chicago, he received from J. C Stubbe, director ef traffic, official notification of hla appointment to the position vacated by Oeneral Paaaenaer Aaent A. L, Crala. who aoea to Bt. Paul July X to become paaaenaer traf fic manager of the Great Northern.- - At the aama time Mr. McMurray waa advlaed that hla auoceaaor In the office William McMurray. of aaalatant general paaaenaer agent will be John M. Scott of Chicago, who la now chief clerk In the office of Mr. Btubba. Mr. Scott waa formerly chief rate clerk at Omaha for the Union Fa- clflo, and la regarded by Mr. Stubba aa one or the moat promising or the many capable and ambltloua young men In the Harrlman trafflo department aerr lce all over the west. ' Mr'. McMurray goea to Chicago to at tend "conference ornador departi sinta of the Harrlman companlea. and it la apparent that Mr. Stubba wished him to coma to the meeting clothed with full authority of a general paaaengef agent . Appointment Za Surprise. The appointment at thla time came aa a surprise to Mr. McMurray, as he did not expect any action to be taken until after he reached Chicago. He Is a young man, but . a veteran In the pas senger service, having begun railroad work with the Southern PaclflCrJa-488 J aa a clerk in the office or T. H, Good win, general passenger agent at Ban Francisco. After It years In various capacltlea for the railroad company he went to the ntw 8t Francis hotel to promote its tourist business. The Har rlman people, realising that he was too good a man to be loat to the railroad aervlce, called him back and made him assistant general passenger agent at Portland.' He came here' last Septem ber, and in the brief Interval haa shown himself to bo a progressive railroad man. He has made a host of friends who heartily Indorae the action of Traf flo Director Stubbs In appointing him to succeed Mr. Craig. RALLY IS HELD BY MISSIONARY UNION The Woman's Home Missionary union and Woman's Board of the Pacific of the Congregational churches held a suc cessful all-day missionary rally In the First Congregational church Wednee dev. - r The opening devotional exercises were conducted by Mrs. F. W. Cady, after which the 'president of the Woman's union, Mrs. J. C ' Luckey, called the aaaembly to order and took up the morning . program The : rollcall of auxiliaries was conducted by the corr apondlng secretary of the union. Miss Mercy Clarke. ' Twenty auxiliaries re sponded through their delegatea, or by written . reports, which were very en couraging and contained many helpful suggestions. The treasurers, Mrs. U O. Smith of the Oregon branch and Mm. CV F. Clapp of the union, then presented their reports. . . The topic, "Our .Toung People," was discussed by the secretary of that de partment, Mlsa Bessie Luckey, ' Mr. D. B. Slgler gave an able paper on the subject, "Our Foreign Workers," after which Miss Kathryne Shannon sang beautifully Sullivan's "The Light Of the World." - -- ' - "The Sunday School and Missions," by Miss Rose Wilcox, closed the morn ing program. A lunch was served by the ladies of the First church and a delightful social hour waa enjoyed by all. The afternoon meeting waa presided over by Mrs. D. B. Gray, president of the Oregon branch. I Jt' is offering for sale only goods of the highest - merit ,,' - : : : , We have a carefully selected! stock of Golf and Negligee Shirts Jbaf will at. onceap- v peal "to the tastes cof the most particular dressers Our assortment of Underwear . includes all of w the most desired . brands, in Linen, Silk and " Wool, ; Mercerized Cotton and Lisle ; ThreadV Some are made with -r short sleeves and knee- ; v . length drawers. . ' . ' FOR COOL, COMFORTABLE FURNISHINGS SEE 311 EIORRISON ST oppePostofflce. AM TO TAX.UB, STOn BO OB OAJT OIT UNFORTUNATE WOMAN - NEEDS PUBLICS HELP Portlanders continue to aid Mrs. Mc Irwln, the blind woman who waa ( In,-. jHred In an east side lire. Mrs.-Mc' Irwin lost all ef the email store of the world's goods she had been, able to obtain In her life of hardahlp, and la entirely dependent upon the good will of strangers to establish her In a house where aha can -rant furnished rooms. Subscriptions can be left at The Journal office and the money will be delivered to the unfortunate woman. Already $14 haa been handed in and turned over to Mrs. Mclrwin. Donations of furniture, Including carpets, dressers, beds and other articles necessary for housekeeping purposes may. beJeft at Mrs. Mclrwln's home, 460 Johnaon street. A Special Request " To call and see the " largest assort ment of periodicals and dally papers In the northwest All the July mag aalnea. Tha leading dallies from allkth big cities. : Carl Jones, News and cigar mart, 171 Washington St, cor, of Fourta. Hammocks ' $1.25 Any kind of hammock would be worth that ir.uch, and these are good, strong onea, with a spreader . and adjustable hooka at each end. There are only a few of these left, so come early. Other styles In alt colors' at fi.88, fuo, 89.00, aa.aa on up to M-00. , Meat Safes V 69c "A"':: .,.., i A good, large. Meat Safe, fitted with fine mesh screens, painted green, something that will with stand the sun, and rain. Guaran teed to be absolutely fiyproof Friday and Saturday ao. You are Welcome to Credit f QOOD PLACE TO "TRADE- 1 Eall Mope N. 1 H n of the most nutritious of flour foodsUnooda Discuit-r-the only perfect socfe cracker. Then you will be able to . Esam Mom because a well-nourished body has greater productive capacity Thus you will also be able to Save IMIofs because for value received there h no food so economical &s ITnccdaDbcuit y In f dust pght. - r i (J) moistur proof packags. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY - r :. " r'- The NeHr York State aocletyrle ar ranging to Jiav a a gathering soon at tlia torn ot Mrs. Vail and particular of time and ro-ite given on Sun day. Thla will afford a car ride to Mount Tabor, .'. : . ! A. u ...