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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1906)
7 " THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING. JUNE 3, KZX is VJiriREES LEAD III CZARINA DRAWS CARTOONS OF , JAPAN'S LEADING GENERALS WEST L1QIC0 Senor Dei Toro Says American Have Purchased Two Mil ; v lion Acres." (., i RAILROADS PROJECTED v ' FOLLOWING CANAL Town of Accapulco Has Finest Nat ural Harbor of Any City in World Except Sydney, TraTeler Says, and la Growing Fast. " .'V r ' , LKSi ''. 'L'.'A f (V.V51 . ! Senor Arturo del Toro of Chapal, MeslcoV la a guest at th Portland. 7 He told last night of the wonderful devel opment of tli west coast of Mexico by Americans In the past throe years. He also told of the wealth of the trad with the rich Mexican country and of - the opportunities for - Portland . mer chants and shippers to scouM-lt. . -Three years ago I was sent by th national Mexican government to Inves tigate th country surrounding Acca pulco, which, by the way. has' the finest natural harbor in the world, excepting Sydney," be said., "I was tn0 first whit man to explore th territory with a view Of developing Us rich soli and mad report to my government-recommending that inducements be offered to settlers to work th land. - - - "AS a result, Accapuloo has become , a city of great Importance and Is- rap , idly coming to th front as on of th leading porta of th Pacific coast. Amer '.fcsms with their natural foresight and -entercrls have already purchased and developed more than :, 000.000 acres of th land surrounding th seaport. ., land X rertll. . ' 'i; "For a stretch-of 6 miles along th eoast the land Is among th most fertile In th world. Th cllmaU. la tropical and healthy. All th diseases common to such a climate are unknown and-the inhabitants are among th healthiest tn th worjd. All products founa in a tropical' country are raised, and grown In great profusion. -'-r ' "Tb balldlng of the. Panama canal has caused the Mexican government to plan railroads to Accapulco fromUexIco Cltr and central points. When --the"? are in operation . transportation facilities will be offered, residents In th fertile , country to ship thair. products to all of , the eastern Mexican cities at a small cost, .allowing the shippers .an oppor tunity to make, a good profit on their Investments. Ia time there will be a great oentes of commerce at Accapulco which will radiate to all .point of th '. world. "Portland shippers will find a ready xchango for th articles shipped from the Rose City for the products of th country Surrounding Accapulco." Senor del Toro Uvea at Cbapala, on th Mexican- plateau, and- has pre of r the finest, residences .in Mexico. It Is situated upon Lake Chapala and is rtslted by hundreds yearly. Senor del Toro Is accompanied by Senora del Toro, with whom he visited th Lewis and Clark .exposition last year. They are on their way to New York for a sum mar vacation. .: Xeleae Wyaaam Wads. .' Washington, June 28. A wedding of not today waa that of Miss Helen Wyman. daughter of former Treasurer of the United State and Mrs. A. V. Wyman, and Captain W. S. NeIyof lh Twenty-second Infantry. Th bridal couple will proceed at once to th Phil ippines, where Captavln Neely has serv ice until next February. The Cxarina and Her Sketches. , ' (Josrotl Special Serrfe.). St. Petersburg, June 17. Th 1 a pea ranee in on of th leading dallies of St. Petersburg xif -a series- of clear caricatures, which th editor asserts sr from th pen of the cxaiina, has caused a sensation In Russia. These Imperial carlca1urs are un deniably! clever and show ' that the charming ampress, if ever she is driven Into exile, will not have Jo cast about for a means of livelihood. The sketches, which are in outline and distinctly "Opperlsh" In humor, are of the six great Japanese leaders on land and sea. In the 1st war Oyama, Oku. Togo, Noal, Nodxu and KurokL They are undeniably clever and tb physical percullaritlea of -alt have- been deftly brought out "trr a rw bold i 1 : ' strokes, but ther are many la St Petersburg who doubt the good tast of the empress In allowing th public to see these evidences of a merry spirit at this gloomy time. It haa been known generally that th empress Is of an artistic temperament, but It waa not suspected that humor In Illustration was among her talenta. Th cxarina waa th Princess Alls of Hesse, daughter of th Grand. Duk Louis ' of Hesse-Darmstsdt snd of Princess Alio of ngland. She I a clever musician, is fond of outdoor sports and th simple horn Ufa, is of sweet disposition, sympathetic, gentle and devoted to her children. Th cxar, on th other hand, is visionary," Super stitious, th concealed writer of many mystic verses and fond of barbarlo dia play. . . - , t ' " MARRIAGE LAWS AND SMILING .BABE KEEP FRED PRASP BUSY The Oregon marriage lawa and a smil ing, brown-eyed, dark-skinned Rouman ian baby conspired to make . Deputy Cpunty Clerk Fred W. Prasp, who pre sides over" th marriage license desk, the eentar of an Interested crowd of courthoune employes yesterday. John Banovlsh and Julia Stanley ap- wWwiwwwvvWiiuii1Liil,.,,,tunvt,,,,,,,l,,- The KUd You Have Always Bought, and which has been an use ror over years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per sonal supervision since Its Infancy. AHotr no one to decelra won In thin. All Counterfeits, Imitations and MJut-as-gtod" are but .... Experiment; ttat trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment, What isSTORlA i artcria Is a harmless substitu'o for Castor Oil, Pare- goric, Drops and Socthinp; Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It' contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotio V aRibstance. Its age is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays FcVerishncss. ' It cures Diarrhoea and Wind , Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. ' It. assimilates the Food, regulates the I Stomach and . Bowels, jiving healthy and natural sleep. The Children 3 Panacea The Mother's Friend. . . , ; GENUINE CASTOR 1 A ALWAYO 'Bears the Tie Kind You Haye Always Bonglit in uso For Over 30 Years. I sara seneasv. rt awmiav svsctv. mmm mm wm An Unequaled Offer. famous til Falsa TEETH for 10 painless .x tract In a fret with thi. ir.- r Inatlon and consultation frs. Crown ui BtMn' work a apwilalty. Extracting, cents . WISE BROS., Dentists TKimo A STB WASmajrOTOV. . Opa BTsatega aad Saadaya. ALLEII'S FOOT-EASE k CarUla Curs lor Trtd, Hot, Aching Fatt DO NOT ACCEPT A SUBSTITUTE. TUs slgaatur For f REE in rial I'MSag. SldilreM. A Ilea 1 a. otBMtoii. peared before Deputy Prasp and de manded a marriage license. - Accom panying them cam a half dosen of their friends, on of tnom carrying a baby. Somebody-spoke to th little fellow and he am lied. Quickly all - th young women employed In th courthouse gathered . around, and "Oh, Isn't he cute?" and "Th dear little pet." and similar expressions were addressed .to each other and everybody In general. While the" proud mother coaxed th baby to laugh and told her questioners that It waa only six months old, Prasp had run afoul the Orsgon lawa. and conaternatlon aat on their faces when Prasp told tham he could not grant a marriage license because John waa only It year old, and had not brought his father along to consent to th wed ding. "Can't you glv u th license and let . my father com tomorrow?" sug gested Baooviah, eagerly. " "No, I cannot give It to yon yntll your father or mother la her and tella m I can," replied Prasp, and th un happy young groom-to-be took ' hi bride-elect on hi arm and hurried away tn search of his father, promising to be back Just as soon aa he could be lor rated. Th bride Is only 1 years old. Her mother had accompanied her to th courthpus. - , HERE IS A FIKE LITERARY FEAST FOR SUNDAY Splendid :. . Features Gathered From Many Quarters for - . Journal Readers. ' t:;: . - 7 - Whatever ta beat In th literature of the week appeara in Th Sun-lay Jour nal. Th index to th good things that will entertain and instruct th readers of th next issu would All oolumn it will almost be enough to say that .th magasin Is better than ever.' The fin color supplement ha a va riety of good things. ' Clever wi tters discuss th bathing places of different countries; all th remarkable phases of Philadelphia's latest kldnsplng ar told; th story of Evelyn Nesblt Thaw and Stanford Whits Is related; women will And much of value In th. fashion and health psgas; a capital ghost story will pleas .lovers of - light literature; for the . boys and girls four p gei of col ored "fitnnles'' ars printed, telling more fully of th adventures -of "Happy Hooligan,". "Jimmy," "Batch" and "Lulu and Leander; th who bo ram a prlnc In England tolls h' W h did It., and there 1 a page -tf pretty babies from all parta of Orngon and Washington. These ar but it fexv of th featur Aside from this flue feast nil th news of, all th world appeara In The Sunday Journal, which Is the post pblJcHit.-n on (h ooaat., , NAKED MAN WANTED TO CLIMB ON ROOF (Rpertef DI'Mtcl to Th. Journal.) "iroqtilam, "Wash., Jun IS. Officer McOrlff arrested Nelson WcKIng on th charge of Insanity and took him to th station. . When ' taken th man ' was found in his room stripped naked and was attempting to get through a win dow of his room on to the roof. All the time he wss yelling. - A morphln outfit among othar things was found on But for ONLY THREE DAYS after today. 1?he Moving-Out Sale ends pn Saturday evening. Bring a few dollars with you and get some of these bargains. The Supreme Court decided - against us in bur contest for the premises, No. 172,and we are moving everthing into 174 First street, thus crowd ing.two stocks of merchandise into the room formerly occupied by This only for these few days not for fore ver not indefinitely some other days" but FOR BALANCE OF THIS WEEK : , these last June days. ; ; - one. not & Sons The Home Furnishers 1 72-174 FIRST STREET DIVORCE QUESTION , IS DECIDED Sears Says Decree Dates From Day Trial Judge Signs It, and Not From Decision. SUPREME COURT HAS DECIDED IT, HE SAYS Marriage Within Six Months of Sign ing (Decree Is Void, Though De cision May Have Been Rendered for Longer Time Laisner Case Up. Does a decree of dlvorc data from the announcement of th decision by the trial judge, or from th data of signing of the decree T And if a man marries' within thre months after th dlvorc decre haa been signed, of what misdemeanor is he guilty, and can b b prosecuted? . These ar questions that ar worrying William F. Laisner and .his divorced wife, Martha H. Laisner. Laisner aued for a divorce from his wife, and th suit was heard by Judge M. C Oeorg last October, and th decision granting a dlvorc rendered during th same month,' Th decree was not signed by the Judge until March B, 106. and it beara that date, About two week ago Mrs, Laisner appeared at th office of District Attor ney Manning and asked ' for a warrant for th arrest of her former husband, saytng that he had remarried th day before at Oregon City,-and that only a little more than thre month had elapsed slnca th signing of the dlvorc decree, Instead of six montha, aa re quired by th Oregon laws. . Mr. Manning would not issue a war rant, atatlng that it waa hia opinion that Lalsnftr probably thought hi ul vorc dated from th Judge' oral de cision -from th bench, and that ther waa no intention to commit any crime. Bore Sate rrom Signing. Judge . Bears was asked about th Question, and said: '"Unquestionably, a Alvoro dates from th signing of the decre by th trial Judge, and any marriage of either party within ala montha after th data of th deer, must b rold. Our suprem court haa passed upon th question, and ther can b no-doubt about If . "Aa to a prosecution. I doubt whether anything would be done, especially in the absence- of any Intention to do wrong, but, th marriage would be abso lutely void." . Laisner sued his wife for a dlvorc on"th grounds of infidelity, naming J.-"Dk Tanner aa, co-respondent. - Mrs, Laisner .contested th suit Each of them" asked for th custody of their 4-year-old son. In granting th divorce, Judge George declared ' that h thought neither of thm a fit .person to have th custody f cvmas oid bobxs. ; Westmoreland. Kan., May 6, 1101 rtallard. Bnow Liniment Company Tour Bnow Liniment cured an old sots on th sld of my cnin na was suppnsea to o a cancr. Th sor wss stubborn and unlit not .yield to treatment, until I triad Bnow LlrtlrnVnt. which did the work in short order. My aisier, Mrs. siopnia J Carson, Aliensviue. Mirrin eounty, Pennsylvsnls, nss a sore snd mistrusts thst It Js a cancer. Pleas send hr a 50-cent bottl. Bold by Woodard, Clark Co. . ffSlNE. The Ideal and Beautiful Wall Covering Tint your walls with GYPSINE, getting beautiful effects and sanitary condition! in your home. .' GYPSINE is not one of the many ordinary kalsomines with 'hich the market is flooded. - ''r - . "; GYPSINE is not stuclfbn therwall with animal glue. - - GYPSINE comes ready prepared to use by mixing with ( water and applying with an ordinary wall brush. Practical painters and decorators are much pleased with the workings of GYPSINE- y v Buy GYPSINE only , la five-pound packages "properly labeled. Full directions for applying on every package. 7 DIAMOND WALL FINISH CO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. .':"' " , ' For Sale by RASMUSSEN & CO. Second and Taylor Sts., Portland, Ore. of th child, and awarded It to Mra. Lalanar's mother. ' It Is aald that pro ceedings .will ' b ' Instituted now. by Laisner to show that hla former wlfe'a mother ought not to hav th child, and asking that h b given Its ouatody. GRANTS DIVORCE IN ' JUST FOUR MINUTES Whll thair .dlvorc Was-granted In a shorter . tlm than, was required for their marriage ceremony, Mary R. Che tnm would sot consent to seal the dis solving .of her. marital bonda with An drew L. Chasum.with a kiss, as th tying of th hymeneal knot waa sealed. Incidentally,-a new record In divorce proceedings tn tb local circuit oourt waa established. TuestMy I afternoon Mra Chesurn filed suit for 'a dlvorc. Wednesday morning her husband, , who la an attorney, appeared for himself and demurred to th complsint Judgs Bears overruled th demurrer, and yes terday afternoon.' within it hours after th suit was begun, after hearing teatl- 4aon tat four minutes, , Juag Hears announced granted. that a dlvoro would be JAP, FATALLY HURT - ON RAILROAD TRACK (Spaelal ntspatrk t The JoeroaL) ' Rainier, Or, Jun !. An ... mploy of th railroad, a Japan, waa struck by a handcar Tuesday night and re ceived probably fatal Injuries and a broken leg. He waa taken to Portland In a precarious condition. STEPMOTHER MARRIED TO HER HUSBAND'S SOI. (Jnarul gpeclal awvlea.) . Chicago. Jun II. At Epworth M. B. church, Sharldan Park, Mra. Kllburn Hoyt Ston was married today to her Spson, Kllburn Iloyt Bton Jr., after t wo" years of t mourning for Kllburn Iloyt Ston Sr. Th wedding of a atep mother to her stepson. Who bears th Identical nam cf a former husband. who was also her nsw husband's father, ta aald to be unprecedented .van In Chicago, where Cupid's surprises rarely; -or never ceas. 1. Zdah rronlMttoslvta. ' ; IJearsal SpMlat Swvlea.1 Boisa, Idaho, Juna !. Prohibitionists of Idaho assembled In mass convention in this dry today to hams candidates for stat office to b filled at th ap proaching Election. Th party plana to effect a thorough organisation with a view to waging an aggressive cam palgn, " i ,. ' "--' BsadlV Bmnt Staaa. ' - - H ar aa eommon In India as are stomsch and liver disorder with us. Tor th latter, 'however, there, ts a sur remedy: Electrio Bitters, th great restorative medicine, of Which 8. A. Hrown of Bon nettsvlll. a C. sars: "They restored my wife to perfect health, after year of suffering with dyspepsia and a chron ically torpid liver." Electrio Bitter cur chills and f aver, malaria, bilious ness, lame back, kidney troubles snd . bladder disorders. Hold on guarani; by Bkidxnor, Urug Co. Frio . 4-