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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1906)
Till: OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE 23, 16C3. - '- I St . . - - 0 " iFmsncianinr HOUSANDS OF CARS OF FREIGHT, stalled at San Francisco, are gradually but slowly being moved.. The terrible X""' n&9 in. the railroad freight yards and on the steamship wharves is being straightened out,. and freight which has been awaiting claimants is being shipped to different points 'along the coast. ' PORTLAND BEING THE NEXT LARGEST v ' . - ' SHIPPING POINT, most of the freight is sent here." Fruit, rrieat and all foodstuffs have been distributed or destroyed (when1 found unfit for use)'. Hardware, crockery groceries, etc., have been bought up from us by the jobbers and wholesalers, BUT. THE CLOTHING, SHOES, HATS and MEN'S FURNISHINGS WE CANNOT SELL. TO ANY DEALER in this city, as every dealer in this class of goods is overstocked now and cannot take an extra piece Of merchandise. - THIS COMPELS US TO SELL it OFF AT RETAIL FOR ANY PRICE we can get. 'ALL WE WANT IS THE COST OF THE FREIGHT. This is an opportunity for every man who wears clothes to secure them for a mere song. CARLOADS of unclaimed freight are arriving DAILY and the GOODS MUST GO to prevent stagnation of cars at this point. Superintendent H. W. Wilson with a competent staff of experienced salesmen is managing the sale . for the benefit of the railroad s, and owing to the extremely low prices at which the MEN'S AND BOYS' SUITS, HATS, CAPS, SHOES and FURNISHINGS are marked the merchandise is going as fast as we can put it on sale. The consignments consist mostly of High Class Goods. Men's Suits shipped from the east to the best dealers in San Francisco were manufactured to be soJd at $25.00 to $40.00 each. To get the freight charges out of them they have been marked to sell at from $2.89 to $16.50.' Men's Negligee Golf and Working, Shirts made to retail at $1.00 to $2.00 will be sold at 25c and 48c Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Neckwear, Stiff and, Soft Felt Hats, intended to be retailed at from 75c to $3.50, are going at' this sale for from lc to 49c. Regular, standard makes of $150 and $5.00 Shoes will be Sold at this sale for $1.49, $1.98 and $2.48 per pair vicikid, dongolas, velour calf, patent leather, Russia calf and government shoes, high and low cut, all styles and sizes. Read the partial list of prices belowtake advantage of this sale for immediate and future wants: ' ' r , ' -'l'-X ' U':..JJ."S,:' 4JKX) PAIRS OF DRESS AND WORKING PANTS in all grades, fancy stripes, worsteds, medium light and dark shades;. also blue serges with or without. turnup bottoms, as well as breezy summer patterns, stylish weaves, all sizes, a larger assortment than can be-found in any store -in this city : - ' i' 1 - $2.00 Grade at Unclaimed FfeighVPffceTTt ...... 98 $3.00 Grade at Unclaimed Freight Price........ $1.23 $4.00 Grade at Unclaimed Freight Price........ $1.49 $5.00 Grade at Unclaimed Freight Price. ....... $1.98 $5.50 Grade- at Unclaimed Freight Price. . . .... .82.49 $6.00 Grade at Unclaimed Freight Price. ...... .82.98 $6.50 Grade, Extra Fine Dress Pants. $3.49 $1.98 Men's Footwear Standard $3.50, $4, $5 Shoes ; : 250 PAIRS OF $3.50- Velpur, Calf, Vici Kid and Gun mctal Calf. BIacher, Bal. or Oxford Ties; excellent value at $3.50.. Unclaimed Freight . ! M H T Price...t.;....v......... .......... .....J)!. 0 MEN'S RUSSIAN CALF in black or tan; also Patent Colts, Bals., Bluchers or Oxfords; regular $4.00 and -$4.50 values, at .Unclaimed rreight Price.. ........I... $5.00 SHOES. GOODYEAR WELT, low and high cut, in patents, velour calf and vici kid, made, n latest models. A strictly high class shoe. . Unclaimed" ' ffr A Q Freight Pricer7rr;7iv;.;i.v;...;.i.v. $,tO Boys' Sweaters 600 DOZEN BOYS' WOOL SWEATERS Sweaters that were probably intended for fall delivery, but they're just the thing for the youngsters for seashore, woods and mountains. The most healthful and comfortable gar ment for vacation time. $3.00, $4.00 and $3.00 Sweaters in plain oplors, fancy stripes, broad stripes and colored Trdg and 78c Each Men's Handkerchiefs MEN'S PURE LINEN HEMSTITCHED HANDKER CHIEFS and -inch hems; usually sold half dozen in a box at $1.60. Unclaimed Freight Price, A each. 4C Silk Handkerchiefs and Mufflers Large and small' Silk Handkerchiefs and Mufflers, mul tiply the .Unclaimed Freight Price bv the figure 6 and you will know what they are worth, all colors and sizes at 29c, 39c, 49c and 59c JUl Jl 911III, lUllg sold for $25 and $16,50 500 MEN'S SUITS Handsome . garments from the world's leading manufacturers fancy - jworsteds," fancy "tweeds; fancy cheviots,Hnnew grays,- plaids and stripes, -made round cut, straight front .or double breasted, beau tifully finished, finest of linings and findings.' A com plete line, all sizes can fit any. form, stout or slim, long or short, broad or narrow; were to be sold for $25 and $38. Will be sold at this Unclaimed Freight Sale- for ......... . v i ..... . .' 250 MEN'S NEWEST. UP-TO-DATE ALL WOOL DRESS SUITS In light and medium shades. iThia lot also includes 2-piece Summer Suits in worsteds, unfin ished worsteds, cheviots, and serges, not a suit in this lot worth less than $18 and up to $22.50. : &fk AO Unclaimed Freight Price. ................. VSmsO 380 MEN'S SUITS High art tailored suits, hand worked buttonholes, in fact, strictly hand tailored throughout ; sold regularly in high class stores at $25.00 and $30.00. ( J CA Unclaimed Freight Price.. t)l OU Odd Coats and Vests An odd lot of Coats and Vests don't know who they were intended for or where they came from. Fine tail ored goods, in diagonals, worsteds, cheviots, cassimeres, serges, clays, vicunas, etc Being odd coats and vests which easily show their value to be $10.00 to $15.00 each, will close them out at Unclaimed Freight 1 A A Price, each. 1 A ............ . ... J) .UU "Another lot of Vests, only seem to have been sent to match up with high. class suits. Entire lot of 550 to go at, each UOC Suspenders Police, Fireman and" Postman Braces; never sold for less than 50c. Unclaimed Freight Price. . . . 1 1 C Perseverance make Lisle Suspenders, extra fine webbing, in assorted patterns; 75c value. Unclaimed Oiy Freight Price . i 1 L In President Suspenders, contract price 50c. 01 Unclaimed Freight Price. .L 1 C Extra heavy weight Fireman and Police Braces l)! ?5c kind. Unclaimed Freight Price....... 1C A fine line of Belts, 1, l.and 2 inches wide, all leathers and designs ; made to sell for $2.00 and 2Q $2.50 each. Unclaimed Freight Price .OsS 145. MEN'S 3 LACK DIAGONAL SUITS Round or square cut sack coats, cutaways with full long skirts, made especially for dress occasions; regular price at con servative dealers $18.00 to $22.50, all sizes. (PO Cf Unclaimed Freight Price.................. )0Oll 600 MEN'S SUITS The celebrated "'STERLING" makes are included, stylish grays and hundreds of other handsome patterns for the men , who do not like graysT Long stylish coats, side or center vents, greatest .values, best of quality; also a number of blue serges included -in this lot; sold everywhere at from $18.00 to. (CT-C A $20.00. Unclaim ed Freight Price . . .,..,..(PiuU 840 SUITS for small men and youths, in covert cloths, tweeds,' vicuna?, worsteds, etc.; worth $l(id CA and $15. Unclaimed Freight Pricei...... PfJaOU 550 MEN'S SUITS tA lot of elegafltly tailored suits in worsted, cassimeres, -fancy tweeds and cheviots, striped, plaids and solid colors, browns, grays, blues and blacks ; $12.00 to $14.00 values. Unclaimed Freight Price. y. . . $4.75 Men's Hosiery ...4 500 gross or 6,000 "dozen Men's . Imported Half Hose, fancy styles or plain colors, lisle, silk , embroidered, striped,' polka dots and plain black and tan ; sold every where at. 25c per pair. . Unclaimed Freight " A Price, pair. U Q Three pairs for 25 Men's Shirts 1,500 MEN'S NEGLIGEE SHIRTS with'' soft collars and cuffs, in light or dark patterns, fine quality, best workmanship, most of them with union labels ;F regular $1.00 goods. Unclaimed Freight P"CC5C 2,400 MEN'S GOLF SHIRTS, detachable cuffs, placated sleeves, cut 36 inches long, pearl buttons, all sizes up to 18J4 ; worth from 75c to $1.50. -Unclaimed A Q Freight Price. t.... ...... 48C 1,500 MEN'S -DRESS SHIRTS, silk fronts,' Hnen bos oms, in tancy mixtures, stripes,-pleated; etc.; range m value from $1.00 to $2.50. To be sold at Un- S fX ........ yjy, WHITE RAILROAD SHIRTS, all sizes, best makes, fine material, : M sateen, Charhbray, etc, all to go at )C claimed Freight Price, each. BLACK AND BLACK AND Caps Exclusive high grade Hats) soft and stiff felt Hits Pan amas and all ; styles Straws. " -When solj at regular prices these hats bring from $1.50' to $5.00 each. At this sale of unclaimed freight they go at , . .. . I5c, 25c, 48c, $IX)0 and $10 :;':;.;;VCaI''',"-' -rv:':;-.. All styles, , qualities and materials. Instead of sorting this lot of 750 Caps into different lots we have rn.adejne prie'e on all of them although they are worth Sjffi from 50c' to $2.00. Unclaimed FreighticeT,Tjgr!7V 1 -i Underwear -.. . - :.. .... ..... .., v From Jersey ribbed summer and medium weight, in blue, , brown, natural, salmon and pink, double bicycle seat in drawers, high necked,. long sleeved shirts; regi- A " lar $1. to $1.25 garment. Unclaimed Freight Price TT J C MEN'S SUMMER UNDERWEAR, silkine finished, fine blue and pink striped, the best for comfort and-dura bility; $1.25 value. Unclaimed rreight Price...... : Neckwear ; One; lot of 300 'dozen t Four-in-Hands. Neckwear in all the newest colorings and rich designs and patterns, beau tiful styles, pure silk; regular $1.00 ties. : ."j A Unclaimed Freight Price, each.... A small lot of Tecks and Bows for the . man in a hurry who has no time to. tie his tie. "'Every one of the latest, and most attractive patterns, all to go at r " A Unclaimed Freight Price. ..... v. . . . . . V. ; . , J y Q Blankets, Quilts, Towels, Etc. One bale of 6 dozen fine Down Pillows, .herringbone ticking, 44x38 inches, a little out of our line here,' but slipped in with the clothing, and we'll sell them PA to get rid of them for, each. . . . ............... rfC Three bales of high grade Bed Quilts, heavy white cot ton, well tied and quilted, covers made from fine quality German sateen;. sold regularly at all. dealers for $2, $3 and $4.. Unclaimed1 Freight .'P.rice, each , . AO 79 and. ..... ...... . . ....... VoC Four bales of fine Wool Blankest,' 5 to 8 pounds, 10-4. 11-4 and 12-4, in gray, whit, tan and red. AQ W Unclaimed Freight Price, pair.; , V . . Vi ..... .". . . VfjC White' Frin ged tTowelsi- per dozen ................. 60 Larg size heavy. Turkish Ba th Towels. . . ...... .12 OUT OF TOWN READERS will be able to Uke advanUge of this sale as well as city folks, as all mail orders will receive the same attention as you would receive by call-' ' ing personally. Make drafts or money orders payable to H. W. Wilson, Supt. Mail orders filled same day as received and freight' charges prepaid if on Northern Pacific, Southern Pacific or O. R. ft N. lines. . . , - Mm . n. W. WIL60N, Superintendent 34 ' s North Third Street Corner of Couch ; Street Open Dally From 7:30 a. m. to 8:30 p. m. Satur - days From 7:00 a:. m. to 11:30 p. m,