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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1906)
1. 1 . TIIE OREGON DAILY JOURNAi; PORTLAND, THURSDAY, EVENING, JUNEL. 3 -1SC3. Mr.-E. 1 1. STJIANQin If n outragel : Thla . place la a hotbed of awlndlcra. Hara t bought thla .atora property for 'ton thou aand do Mara," and whan I oome down here to opan a aaloon I find It la a "no lloanaan community. Ya godal If I could gat a purchaeer I'd oaf tha tWng for flva thou aand dollare. ' FOR SALE-TIMBER. . CBBTirlSD eerl Is nlaeu r price.., W. . BM Chamber ef Oeav WANTED Timber claim. kM to watarnr , lUIMl, for caul owner only. ', , COLUMBIA INVESTMENT OO.. . Cor. Alnaworth and Union v. PhoM.Woodlawa 828. - ...r-::- FOB guaranteed timber elaima cell nob 834 umaw aicoango blag , 8.M0 ACRK8 yellow fir la Oregon, convenient Is , . geoo logging streem, mill en a gooa nsruar low prie It taken mob. Addros H 23, car journal. . A FBW choice timber claim for SUngl yellow pin. aoe auiu, cor. ninn, V. ' ," ' - - HORSES AND CARRIAGES. ' ' FOB KAIJE Taam, 1.000 bobbO! 1 traai. t.o - bobu, aod J cboap Hoc l.auo Pkoaa Saat I54J. Sat BoaaU U . (HOME. AND COWa of alt kind (or Ml .at rr roaaoaabl pnca. laojBlr are Float n. ALL IIbO a Korwa and waroaa for eato er air at raaaoubla prteaa. BOO Wnmt at. WANTSI) To bar BMdtam-alaao' track cran Botu vo. Pboa Mala ' 2388. 25 Horses 25 "At aacftom and without ' rail at the TTrrtna) r tockrarda, Portlaod, Oraroicr rrlnar. Jana . I p. m. narp. TBI w macn iarr ao4 bat tar lot than t bar Bad at any af my other aalM. aod will ba tha bt lot of - amk. aoraa oia u rortiasa (Bia araaon. -fiiu and aa bow fiat I will aall loan. IU mam bar tn data, rrlday, Jnaa 29, at e'clock a. ib. JOHN TWADDML- I BPfWlT horaa and nnrar for aalat ftaa tranter. mtl: lad caa xebna for lota, fall batwaae 10 a. auiad p. , 7 Waab- mctoa n. . FOR BALkV-Hack and barn "la lnl baraoaa. cboap. . Call r wrlt J. K. Haar aon. 1B2T Madrana at., woodlai TO EXCHANGE. VOII a ALB OB TBADR for Coontrr tora, ale I rloaa frorarr. Vtoatad In plmaa part a cttr. aalac food bulaaaa. O TB, car JaBraal OOOn Bprlebt KliabaU plana for burbea lot u si, ear joarnai. MTmANOB Naw a!W0 vtaao, tor Int. PboB WoodUwn 118. Ala On lot for a la, tbaan. an Eaat Nlntk at. . TO BXCHANOB Fraod Dw t-nat bolldlnr. 9 rooBM- acb. Waat aid. walkln dlataoca, . i naar car, for anborban lota r acra-a, M ; . 41. ear JooraaL JOHNSON at, waat ald 0-M k fa Bart B7st for aat aio raaioade. . OomBMrclal blk. aan ArRM radna' bud aaar coeatr eat. aprtBfArld. Colorado; wfll trad tor what r aara 70a 1 v wo, ear earnaj. rOR BAuB OB EXCHANOB for laaM btob crty, 10 acraa ta blrb raldratlaa; rood dwtl llnr, conarat baacnBt oara, rood watar, a - 1 nib froai Portlaod, Bill from . rail road town, bf ta. car Journal. OB ACKBS at OaHjalwa, Waahlnrtna; IS . acra la coltlTatloo, a a era ontcr bad, 28 ' aeraa la c4ar timber; I will trad (floo onltr la tMa tract tor any una of rood ; pruuw tf r tck. Isolr at 181 Marrlaoa t , FOR SALE FURNITURE. ... I tf Bras and ftrml tur of all aeacrtottoB. brand- 4 aw, la hxa to slt yorchawr. If roa llr on No nut ni o-rooa cottar, no mt bar befor jo what I ba to effr at . bit roaloance, 060 Eaat Alar, eamar IStb. atO OiX batm M.t t8 parVw brmpnrt S9, 40 bM oa ran port te, ibaantlfal oak and Bia ' boranr fnrnltur and Tnra for n or 10 roonta, maad only tbr wka, cbaap. anO Eaat Alder. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. VB artet roar ease a m eamn aarda, propar ' ela and atyl. sn 1-4 baatBeoa oarda, II. ' A. W. achaul Cow IS rirat Partlaad. Or. BPI SNDID tot of daairod aw1n-BcbiMai Wfcaeler ft Wllaon, Rlarar. Dotoaatla and . thra. . ail, ass laarrlaoa at l-OB 8ALB Aa elorant buwa dmlar abow eaai, at aa aztrvawl low flora. 1 'A0PI7 to Mr. O. B. Lawltt. OoUaa EacK Third and ' Tamhin ata. HOI.DkNa RHBrMATIO CUB I . rbeaBMtlaov. Bold bf all drafalata. BOOKS boot ht Bold and errhanrod at Old Book Stank, XS XaeihlU at BILLABD AND POOL table ar raat or for aal aftariiirtB. THE BBVNRWirK-BAUCB OOLLBNDBB CO. . 40 Third at. Port land. ' WMTKRN ORBOON lftNINO KILJJNO CO. beadqnartera; atock far aal and lafpciaaftoB at and rtrat t bom Mela leaa. VI aed ' rmltr ai PboB Pacine TM. S2T Waehlnctoa at. 4 wtTJ par fall Tahiet W eaters aelvar C, BHOWCASRS A.VO nXTtTRES made rder - ecmid-band rood for et. , Cerleoa A Ball atroaa, V Coaebat Pboea Clay U1U BBOWCASES. coonrora,' SitBrae boaffbt, anld or cxrbanced. Weatara Saleac Oe, 2T Wab- Indba at. Paotae TBI. - . ARTTFTS" BMterlabL alctirre and fraa B. Moarboaea a Col, SIS Alder at d HANTJBOM wall ., 1 feet, 11 feet, 8 feet, Wtra.Balrafe Co.. a2T, Waablat- FOR RALB Good freeh anllrb cow. wltb or , wlthoat calf; a (""d boree. 1.600 aowana, anand and (etV. 1U04 Mlrwaakl aa. BaU wood car to Grattoa'a erere. : ALB WINDOW SHAD CO.. MT Balaam at. rOR SAl-B Wood freab milk cow, wltb or wltb. ( aat calf. lor4 Mllwaakl are, SeUweee ear ..!- Oratoa Orora, White PawfiaT kill at bUrhrn Oo . R. D. Pboa Mala eioa. Job. B0 Taav ttjR RAt.B Maeos ' trait -)r H -e-a1w Tnc, tart noe, pkit floe per dneea: Uda and rob ber complete. Crane Bottt Oo coruer lath , aad Coach. Pbona Mara 238R. - - 1U CARAT diamond, ewe 11; will trane brae er waf oaa, at Mil ebaa Call til VVuUBraaM. . . , Z. -Ijtfark Strikes a Bargain in Real 2. MR. E. Z. (aelde) By Java, here'e a chance, I can gat aight thouaand for It In two houra. (To tha atrangar) I'll glva you five thouaand for It. ' w 5 a STRANGER 111 take you. Ill pocket my loaa of flvo thouaand If I can only gat out of tMa Rattar'a Haavan pretty quick. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. TTPEWBITEB, (oed a new, at Iaa thaa half . coat price, inquire K waaumctoa at. FOB BALE. mgAP-CotcHd BulLLei delliaiy wafoB. awb waaninttna at 2flO BUYS d 00 wa, bora, warns, harneae, wltb - iea tor s rear on 00 acraa; rood werer; ' blf barn and hooaai cloee ta town; rent 410. moo Mam oeoe. FLO WEBB Of aar kind. Bnlon 4878. DIMENSION ahaatlnf ablplap, roofpaper, 35 aeata for ball or tent, at a bargain. Call TrUle bldg., the Trail,, fair frounda, or (23 - Le " are. . FLOWER, boat nee ; aplasdld trade, clow la-tl-atloa. ladr or font lama n: Terr reaeon. able; do atock. 806 Alia bid.-. Third and aiorriaOB. ahaft and all electrical attlug; new; price arfo. roon Met luis. FOB SALE Babr cab. new laat rear. t BOi . extra rood 12-larb trunk, Bearly saw, M ar il n rifle. S2x0. IS; roller ekaUa, BeW, te wneeie. vie caai aaorrieoo. ". ": PERSONAL. IfADAMB ANNA LUCKEY Principal o( toe Amerlcaa Beaut Parlor, (lrea edantlflc traatmeat for reaaorlna wrlnklea and facial blenlfbea with the French paate; ales lima Karrow'a famoue raBedle. ElertM and rapor hatha erleea. Fatlenta rvceleed. wltb treatment, board and room. Batlafactloa anaraateed. Tetl Boulalaafron leadlna pbraldana. finite IS Lent "VoUL SUtb aad. WaablBrtoa ata. Pbet. Mala 3011. ' SUITS priawd -wMU roe wait, BOa, Ladle aktrta preaeed. SO. jOUbert. 108H BtaU at. Best to QtMlle. rbOB laelS JOSS. ANT eiaa er woeaan ran be atroaf and bappr - br aalnt Berlne Pllla. the rreat tonle; price - at a boa. a bosoa BS, wltb rati awaraBtea. Addrea r call J. A. CleoMaaoa, dranUt er. aeeond aad Yaaibin eta- Partlaad, Or. MTKTIT1 AQRNCT Oeafldeatlal rOTeetl. rtlot re porta wade ea aar tadleldaal bael. ' area op Beonertet aalaalne relerieea located! bed debta eallectedt cbarp reeeaaanlei ee reepoadewc BoHHted. OreoB Detwtm " Beretce. efflr t14-lS CotoeiHa Mdr 1 WaablBCtoa at Pboa Mala M1B. LAMBS Tarkleb bathe, Buaaara, hrdrUtrt perlon: atrletlr firct-eiaee place for ladle air. Plat A. SBI Waaln-tea et, batwaM letb aad lTtb ata. - DK. P1ERCR. (peclallet dlaeaeee of women: all - Irrejularltlea orrerted':' bo erpeebea: ad rice free. CU rwrlta" yyai Bi- wkH Third at MA NLt Vtror' JafVred h Dr. RoeerW Nerr hbahsv One BumtVa treetweot, SSt I - Bio tha! 1st eeatf- ecBrelr eeeled br aaali. AstateTWoodard. Gierke k Caw Partlaad. Or. '- ELRCTRO THERAPEUTIST. i Bee. J. H. Suhl care e eery thing, - tlana apecUltj. B1H Pint at XES. PalBM Tablet auk roa. Bleep perfeetlri they en re ainuueneee aad make roe troag price BO hex. S boies SS BOl awaraatoad. ' All drartiat. or ddree Brooke Drag Oa af Morth Third at.. Port Una. Oreroa. SEXINB PILLS car all fona of aiaeenlae weeknaae Foe aeea Prle II a boa. bona (S. with fall gnaraa tee. Addreaa or call J. O. Ctaneaena. dra rlet Secoad aad Tamhin BU, Portland. Or. BOt.DRN-8 RRErMATIC CURB Sot i rbeewatwm. , Bold by all dranthrta. HUMAN HAIB SWITCHES Par after roe re- celre rnm; eend a eaeipw or roar nair ana wa will eend Tro one ot oar $1.00 awltrhee, ti oo 23 rnchee; eranlne It: If a big bar- Eiln remit: If aot ratara. Addrea Ladle air Emporftua. 134 Dearbora at, Chicago, DB. O. KBTCnUM promptlr BTteeta kla and pertel Pinna kldner. female troahlM. rWM writ. Office 170J4 Third at. oor. Taaihfll. Pba Paetne sm. TURKISH BATHS, Orerowlae Md. tedla - dare, rentlemea akfkta.- Mala lBSS. TORBIDDBN PBCIT." "A 0r Lotharla," "Ana." "Store af a Flare." " Fanny Bill. Womaa ef rire." BOc each; latta fraa. A. r. Bchmale Co.. 320 Ftret at DOLL'B HOSPITAX in Taaibni et Repatrlao aad dioerlng. SCIENTIFIC TlbratVrn relteree npprreeed. pelre rol DMBthlr perlodB, para I Tela, rneoBiauan, S trea exaraleatlo. 100 Weet Park - at BALM OP FtOS for all fraal aat Beat Balatoat DISEASES OP WOMBN Print raatemltf bnepltal; enlet Inrattoa ad a porta l car, ur. Atwood. Marrlaoa at, room a. fbeo Pads I TBS. . HOLD ON There hi one thing that wU ear rhenmetlen. Aek four drngriet rnr nera tonle or addrea of cell J. O. CktoMeaua, drag tat Partlaad. Or. s. .- MOLRS."'Wrtnklaa. let aie tell ron how. No rbarg. Mr. H. i. HUL Bnlt 1, BeUIng Hlrax-h bldg. Pacific 18B. WB MAKE e enerlattr ef aperflrioo batr. acta renmng. aceip ineiroraton. amaaiconna. blemlehe re mo red. baldnee treated; work guaranteed. Boom 2 Oeodnough bldg. A CHRISTIAN tadr wtabea to meet a Chrbttlae gentleman areo aooat ou; onject, anatnaawiy If mtted. Addree Z 8, ear Jouraal. PEDICt'RINO aad heallnv: r en mat lata cured by haadrabblna. 144H Sixth at, near anmt. M1M EnTEL, WARD, face and ecalp maaair'. WSALTHT geutleuMa Just retired from bust- Be deatre room ana noera ib a reooea pri eeto family at toother ad dughtr ee ether boereera N to, eare JoutbsL AUTOMOBILES. roriTET COOK- Motor far Co.. Pirtwarh and Waehlngtoa Ageate for Cadillac, Pierce, Oreet Arrow and StereB-Turyea motor-car; aie ART EMPORIUM.1 PROFBNSOB B. MAX METER, 848 AMar. Portrait aad laadeeapa art let' and toaonee. ATTORNEYS. A. H. TANNER, attorney. SOB reeamarHal blk , ieio an waumme are. raoa Ham aea. 1 ARCHITECTS. H. PL MENOrM, AteBltoet, US Weiem at.- a. 8TRANQER Now, I've learned a lee eon, s I want no flim-flam bualnaaa about thla. You pay ma fiva hundrad dollare to bind tha bargain and meet ma at Dooern goorfa Raal Katata Agency In two houra with tho balance of tha monoy and wa will make final Battlement. MR. E. Zs-r-Vary good, air. Here la flva hundrad, and 111 ba thara With tha balanca -' In two houra. assayer1 OABVIN CTANIDB EXTRACTION CO 1 Montana Aaaar Office. ld Morrteoa ai. BATHS MASSAGE. TODNO ladr glrea rapor. alcohol aad medio tad . aauia. ' rarior xi. , stara at. S LADIES Bath, far and ecelp SOS Fifth, bet Taj lor aad Salmon. TWO roanf ladlee ir maeaage, tab and rapor bath. 110 Fourth at. cor. wteningun. Bhenmatlam rnr,d trr maaaara br fono Oer- - man ladr. 38844 Stark. 31-33 Taeooa H I. A TIT from tha eaat elrre d en tine rapor and tub bath. 201 Third at THU SNOWDEN BATHROOMS. SST la Alder at. betwecB 4th and fith Tub aad rapor hatha, maaaaga, electricity, nntauaiwu, BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. HOWB. SATIS A KILHAM . JOt-111 Second at. . Blank book BiannfactareraT agent for Jooe Improved Looae-Leaf ledger; r the Bew Bureka waf. tb beat 00 th market BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. a BIRKBNWALD CO.. SO SO Ererett at Lrrt bateberr npplr boo 00 tb enact. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. BTERD1NO PABRELL. prodooa ad eoaUBie. aioa BHrcnaata. 10 Froai a roruaaa, rBoao Mala IT. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE WHOLESALE erorkarr and glaorwar. Prael, Begele Co.. 100 to ltd rffth. oae. Stark at CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST. A hear Oonault th Beet PROP. B. KHIMO. Ore teat Helot aatral deed-tree eUlr- - Toy ant of tha aaei adebwr ea boalaeaa aud all afralra or lire; toll roar run nam am what roa railed for. whoa roa will marry, bow te control tha en roa lor, area thooch mile away ; reaaltea th separated; glee arret power to eoatroi; wa krag oeiay la waiting. Boor 10 to 8. dally aad nuoday Permanently located ta bla owa bom. 25 fifth U onrner Madlaoa at A SPECIAL to RtArrCO' FOB tL ST. OEOROB ORMONTTB, . - e. BOTAL ENGLISH OTP8Y. ' - CMaralt bla ea lore, baatoe. ebange. Blimifv, urarii ,eaw Mine, Min, itovm, bow to get well, bf magnetic, phyclcally and wieotaur Tigorooa; rcrcomea oaa aanita, ateea rood lock, care vital kaae. veil Ib- Dnenee, rpell, Anfneaa, absent treatment for. all 1rknee, locate mtaetna. ftienda. boned treaeur, mfnee, era retne; tella roa exactly what roe wiah to know, ' llOVk FOURTH ST., COS. WASH. ST. MRS. STEVENS. Portlaed- leading polmhrt. aatreloger and clalrroyanu , lev eeraath t, PP. Hotel PortlaBd. MADAMS ANNtTVB. the wwaderfal cttelieoy ant and trance aaedmm; (emit her before en gaglnd la aar endertaklng of aar aatarei paat. preaent aad fntnre given; palmlatry recning, sm. ter wen rara at, ei Morrleoa. PROP. WALLACE, the great palmlat, tell voa eeerruina rrom tn mibl reci MUnlatrr: a boot marriage, lore, btwloeee: complete reading BOc; accurate Bad tra th iol, on b biiu t sear stare. MA DAM B EVE, arleetlA card readert at1 .fac tion gaaranteed. I4fi BUth at., cor. Alder. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. M. A. OCKRT A CO. , Inatrlbatora af FIMB CIOAB9. PertlaBd. Oragee. COAL AND WOOD." ALBINA Pt'EL CO. Dealer ta eardwood. coal and greea and dry elauwood. B. B. and Albino are.. S blorka eaat of ferry. Bast B74. WESTFRN Peed Peel Co., B Pront, be- tweea Gllean and Hoyt dealer ta all klnfto f boo coals and blacksmith eoala. Pboa Main 10IS. - STEEL BRIDOB FrEL CO. IValeT la ami. cord wood and dry aiahwood. raooe seat aha. OREGON FUEL CO ATI kind of coal aad wood. 834 Aider et Phoue Mala SB. -BOX aad planer, wood. -'.Staadard Wood Oe. immeoiate oeiireer. t v-eooe eea aeto. -roOT cardwood IS.rKI per eord: Wwrd. ft TB ad a. sw voramerciai ex. i-bob m. aiee. PORTLAND SLAB WOOD CO. Slahwond, l.0t end wood, fi.ioi maM. S4; orr, fa.o. Mala Alia. - - CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. WARHBCBN B r LOTD Carpenters, yolners and carrUga work. 8B Bth at Pboa Paetfle 310B. STAPLES B MOORE, emtriOer and yobrtnrt all kind of cement work, wall built of atone , aad eement blocka. 181V riret Mala Ba4. C CARMTCHAEU eon tractor and builder; store r.d odce BttlBgv 80 ruth at I'boa Paclfl atia. u - - - B. HBNDERRON Carpentertnr and Jobblnd promptly attended to. Beldac Sol Mil waokle et. Eaat BRRS. IF ra wast aemnd-hand lumber at a bargain call at Ttixl bldg., fair groaod, or S23 Loo ar. CARPET CLEANING. STANPABD Carpet Cleaning Co., largest plsat a tha coast Lorlng and Harding ata., 'tele- pbon Eaat 28ft Carpet cleaned, refitted, ewer and laid; both steam and latest eoaa. .preased air preceea; reooeatlng saattraaeal ad fa there poclaltr. 8A .MIT ART carpet cleaalnc. auction and eu sree,4 air anaihlaed: carpet cleaned en Soar . without resnml. Mala BM4. 'Mala 8308. J. HUNTER, rt-ia aarpet tad mattreaa eWaaer. 800 Jeffaraaa. PbOBe Mala 314. .'.-rcAFEs;,r THE ornr-2s Waahlngtea St. TT1. Samuel Tbjneui, CHIROPODISTS CH1R0PODT AND PEPICTJRINO. Mra. M. D. Hllaj Bulla 1, Bellli-aliiuah Bldg, 1-aoUn M. proparty. COLLECTION AGENCY. DOr9 ANT ONB OWE TOTJ MONETT WB COLLECT BAD DEBTS - OP ALL KINDS. NORTH WESTERN LAW COLLECTION CO., 1ZZ HH1SH HE, HOHMH 14 1U - CITIZENS' BANK BLDG. CUT TUlg 0 rPHOHB EAST 804B. CLEANING AND DYEING. WHITE lilt TAILOBINO CO. Cleaning, pressing, repairing; French dry cleaning. Pbon eoawered promptly. Paelfls 418. Alder and Tth. POHlaad Steam Cleaning 4 Dyeing' Workat prac tical hatter la connection. 311 4th. Plain SOT. CIOTHES cleaned and pressed It per month. Union Tailoring Co., 84T Wsshlngton St. H. W. TURNER, pro fees tonal dyer aad cleaner. SOB Jefferson at. Pbon Main 3(118. DANCING. LESSONS la itrfejog at your hom. or. at my residence. C, P.. SmlUu- Pacific 11 IB: . DRESSMAKING. DBESSMAKINO of sll kind. Hotel Kenyon. 18th aad Washington. Pbon' Pacific 4U8. FA8HI0NABLBV DRESSMAKINO MkM Ta force of San Frandaeo won Id Ilk th patronag of Portland lsdles will design1 for or assist roe. iw loth at - -,- . . ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. PACIFIC ELECTBIO CO. Ersrlnsara. contra c tore, repairer, electric wiring, eupplle. 84 Pint cor. Stark. Mala 868. B. H. Tate. mgr. FURNACES. BOTNTON warm-air furaaeee sse fuL J. O, Bayer Faroe ce Co.. 2S8 Second, Male 481. FURNITURE FACTORIES. OREGON --Furniture Manufacturing Company Manufacturers of furaltar for tb trade. Partlaad, Oregon. FURNITUBB manofsetorlng aud sreclal erdara. le Ruranakr' fur alter factory. 870 Front at FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WIRE IBON WORKS tet Flanders at., cor. Third. Phone Main BiOO. GROCERS. WADHAMS A CO., wbolaeal grocers, man, facturer and eo ai mission mere heats. Fourth and Oak sts. ALLEN LEWIS, commissi on aad produce aer- chant a. a root ana uevis sts., t-ortisna, ur. GASOLINE ENGINES. STATIONARY and marine: "Little BoeHal" gssoiins uunco, iiim; second -nana ictri leaacn and Bulla. KKIKRSON MACHINERY 00 183-4-8 Morrison et ' HAY AND GRAIN. B. L. COOPEH 4 CO. Potatoee feed and 128 L'aloa ST. Pbon East lfilT. HOTELS. HOTEL PortlaBd, America a plan; fs, SB par day. BELVEDERE; European plan; 4th and Aider sts. HAT FACTORIES. HATS cleened. blocked, mad Uka sew tor oi inert Pam bleacher. 84 Third, Beer Fine. Breach. 834 First. Pacific 18, HARDWARE. Portland Hardware Co. o 11 cits ovpoitualtr te ejaot price, loo let t,or. Aioer. Mala isa. INSURANCE. AMEBICAN CENTRAL INSCBANCaT -CO. (lBcorporatod ISMI paid 100 rente on tb dollar after th Boston, Chicago, Baltimore aad Baa Francieco lire. Mot tee A MrKlnel. agents, 908-210 Commercial blk., Second and vteemngtoa ate. racuie icn. ISA AO to WHITE, are tnaenaea,' S08 Mai JAN. MrL WOOD, mplorer' liability and In dividual accident surety bonds ef aa kinds. Phone '4T. Sot McKay bldg. J 7 MONUMENTS. KEU a KINORLET. 30 PtrsT t. Portland lee ding marble aad granite work. itirw wW-nr -11 TrVJSSBBaSCS MUSICAL.- EMIL THIEI.HOBN. pnpn ef SEVCIK, rlolla teeeber. StudV IPS Biith. Tet Main 8ea. - MACHINERY. THE H. C aVLBEE CO.. 8 road-hand aaacajaery. aawauiH, ate, ' see wrsae are- HIPPELY MYERS, mschtnlar aad eVae- trictsnet elertnc eleesrnrs. lctr1cl aaacbtn. ery sad gaeolln enrlnee a specialty. 384 Oak at Phone Mali in ISSB. B. TRENRMAN at CO Mining, sawmill, kr- rmr machinery; Hydraulic pipe, re a ting) all bwld repaired. 104 North Fourth, , . MAGNETIC HEALING. SEXUAL" disease nf both men end cured: coneulta tlou free. Mam 417t. J Diamond. U ft Heart. Its Seventh et. ORIENTAL RUGS. ORIENTAL BUOS repaired and e leased hy aa'ive experts; w a tb original veretal.i d re cash otere wool for . our repairing; all work guaranteed. ' Call ap Or1ntal Rng Be paring Co., Pacific 2A8.' 844 H Wash. t TAINTS. OIL AND GLASS. . E. BEACH CO. The Phvei ' i Paint C I window -rlase and fdsalnnV , 118 Fkst et Jbee Uli . . 4. MR. DOOEMQOOD Why, Mr. Mark, I don't understand thla. I awn that atora It haa navar baan aold to any' one. You purchased from a man who aald he Juat bought rtf You paid him fiva hun dred Jo bind tho bargain? You were to meat him hare for aettlemantf By J ova I Mark, I know whafa tha matter YOU'VE BEEN BUNCO EOl MONEY TO LOAN. MONBT TO LOAN On Ira pro red city property or for building purposes, ror rrom to iv years time, wita iriiege ta repay an or part or loaa arter Miner a are need aa building progr rtgage taken Bp aad replaced. FUED H, 8TRO.NO. Financial Ageat 343 Stark et THB RTAR LOAN CO. Anr eslarlsd employ. war-erasr, esa fat e aie sen,, witooo- Hiorrgage - r - Month. U Month. Week. Repay" to ns or ft M t'JB.OO Repay to u f 8 S or it.HU r tl.M llo. 00 Be par to u i 4.00 or $348 er $1.09 lie McKay bldg. CONFIDENTIAL- taan on aalarlee, Inerrranc pollctea, piano, fnrnltur. wireboua re eelpta, et. : any deserving pereou mar cur liberal advance, repaying br f weekly or moninir ioatatrmnta, kEW KRA LOAN TRTOT COMPANY, sua Ablhgtan bldg. MONET ADTANRED SALARIED PEOPLE And other upon their ewe us me without eecurtty: rbeapeat ra tee. easleet naymeuts; - ftce In'BS nrlorlpal cltleei save eral( monee br a-ettlne ear terme Biat. TOLMAN, 328 Ablngtoe bMg., I08H Third et HEADQUARTERS FOR SALARY LOANS -. Money can be borrowed on eeey pari flan, lowest rateat strictly confidential. 42S Mohawk bldg.. ear. Third aad Morrison. MONEY to loaa ea real, personal and collateral . security: special attention to chattel uvort. ragea; notes bought. C W. Pallet 804-8 ronton bldg., B4 Mixta et. - HIOHLT reepeetable place where ladle and fen-a can borrow money on dlemoada and weh-y: Collateral Loaa Rash. Sra) Wash- Inrtea et -Pboa Black Tl. MONET to loan on Oackjiaaconylada. LOWEST rate en forulror and piano. Rose, era Loaa Co.. 448 Sherlock bldg. Paclfto 3118. MONEY TO LOAN ea an kind of eerurUy, William Hon. room 0, Washington bldg. TO LOAN Bam to tr1t an chattel B. A. Frame, 614 th MarouanL . - rlty. FBTTATB money tn loan soar Portland t reswmabl rates. Sol Bloom. 838 Chamber or Commerce. Honey to Lean From private fund on Improved proparty, J. L. WELLS CO, 84 Grand are. TO LOAN Money ta email annul en raal estate; vary rsaaonsBie. Aaarea r , car journal $5,000 OR lee to loaa on real eetats.' a. A, Johnson. II commercial Dir. I PBIVATB party ba $1,300 to loan at 8 per rent; most have good eeanty.- n as, care Joornal. - - -, MONEY loaned aahtrled people on not: eheap- eex rat, r. A. wewioa, 2 Am tig ion nidg. OSTEOPATHS. DRS. ADIX NORTHBUP. 410-18-17 Dekum bldg. Third and Wssblngtoa ata, Mala 848. Eiamlnatlon free. THE vary boat lady osteopath hi town. Dr. U l. Johoeoey suits 18. Selttng-Buracb bldg. DB. PIERCB. ceteonatb, rlhratloa sad tb a light. Bltt Third t Phoee I'acta aat. PLUMBERS. DONNERBERO A BADEMACHER. N. 803 Barnld t FOX 4 CO., sanitary plumbers, ttt Second, bet. Main and Salmon, Oregon Pbon Mala 3001. FINNTGAN BROS. CO.. SRS Third at Pbon .Msln 2500. Plumber and beating engineer. PRINTINO. THB MODERN PBINTEBT Artletle printing. 38 Basoel hldg Fourth and Morrhwa, Pbon Cad Ac 1528. ANDERSON A DUNIWAY COMPANY, printing, lithographing, blank books. Phone Mala 17. 308 Alder t , RUBBER STAMPS. P. C. STAMP WORKS, 348 Aider et . phone Mats . T10; rubber stamps, emk. eteoclle; beirgage, trad check; eend for catalogue No. SB. ROOFING. TIN ROOFING, guttering, rerialrlng aad fsaaral Jobbing. J. LoslltSli Jefferson at SECOND-HAND GOODS. AT WATER a CARL for nlture house Highest prtrea paid for second bend furultsr. Sis Reeond et, Pbon Pdflc 4w8. HIGHEST rash price paid for see Phone I Eaat anTT. ,188 Ualos SUMMER - RESORTS. FOB SALE See aide B-room furntahed cottar, orerlooklua oceaa; rare chenc. Phone Boot 32.18. FOR RBNT, at Seartew, Washington. 4-reom ottag. rnoaa neon aaae. " " - " SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES of every deerrtptkm; bank, bar and tr .Strure Blade tn Ardor. Tb Lutke hUaufactunog OS-. PortlaBd. - a. H. BIBDSALL, deenmer Hf. Tfeafeja? Mala 6030. -Lumber Co.. -T- Hemllton bldg. SAFES. PORTLAND- SAFE CO., ole egeets for HPJB RINO HALL-MARVIN efea sad MANOA NK8B Steel Saf C'e Bank Safe. 82 Tth at DIEROI.D Manraaeo end fireproof safes; we- eoearui penaics again nurgiir and nre; kirfe euts opened Mr. 8nnr. mechanical erpert with J. E. Dtvm. .08 Third. Pboa 1S5. SIGN1 PAINTERS. ant n lidK, .A - - - oonomlesl electrle sir ns snd sign si sll kinds nd gsHily. Foter Kletser, Flflk od Everett Pbon Krehaag 68. ITt P. SEHOEB a BON SM TimMU at, 81ua w mit a i non, seems raeiae aeoa. FINANCIAL BANKS. CT oTATIOVAT. B 1ST 0F TOBTLABS. 0BE0OB". , . -- I . ' Dsstgnaesd Depoattory and Una eel. I Age n of th United Ptaree. !IDt-CA0,, .V C ALVORO Seeood Aealatanl Ceehhtr B. F. 8T8-i nV. rdlt lamed AralleMe la F trope aad the Esatcra Btaten . ' at. V, . 'ucbange snd Telegraphic TrsooJers sold ea New York. RoeMi., St. Leal. iM? 0a. San Pranrier aad the prioclusl polnte la the ec-lleee w ? ' M ,,m Wl erswn to Mm w. alt en London, Paris. Merlin, Frankfort-on-the-Male. notikong, Ynkobam. fotnliaa, Btockholm, St. Petersburg, Moaeow. Surtch, Honolulu. LU) TTLTOW, BAWXERS (Eatabllabed tn Mt I " - ' ' ' Transact Oeserel lUaklng Bustaoas. Oellerrlons mse at srl netnts ,., wl. ,"ml l-eftsra ef credit teeued evsilsble tn Europ and all rotor, te the United a, Yi.a."'jfb cbsn and TsWrsnhl Transfers (old oo New York. Waehtnetea. Chlceeo. D"'er. Omaha. San ranrtsao aad MnnUn snd Brltl-h ColnmMs. Berhsng o.d on London, ... Paris. Berlin. Frankfort. Hongkong. Yokohama. MseHs sod Tt'ioololn. M"CHA,Tr VATIOWAL BANK. PORT i LRA'K WATSON PreeM'st B, W, HOYT. .TrS-? J""1' ' 'Bonking' " Business. All Parts of the World. Collection, a o Cs.blsr Snerlslty. RUrXEBS trhrttt-AMA-rs BANK Pert !!! A. r,1" 'T'." rallabl tn all part ef th world. Opa Saturday awning from T t 8 for th f ccoaimodatlo of ctlatomer. , i If?J5 ?-"?OT2rnILD i r,wt c-Pre.1d,t H. D. STORRt' ........As.latsnt Caahl JtlH! A. HBATIMIV . '.Inn4 VI-..n.M... nr lee a. t . e-e ........ Oenerat CinaI T BAJTE Or C ArrTOajri A E .t.fcll.h t M. Kaad 0f.. Sa roe. woe, O-llfore'e, 1 "Lili' - "1 Surplus and undivided profit., i- Q2 xJ 2aTtl Benkliut aad Bsebsar Buotoeaa TrsnMcted. SaVinuS DEPAKTMRNB. intereet ea time deposit, Aeeoueta ooewed for sums ef tin snd spward. Portlaed Braacb- W. A. MACRAE.. Chsntnv of Commerce bulldtn. Manager. J. T. BURTCHABLL. UWITJLO STATU BATIOBAL MX OP 1 ORTLAND. 0BEO0V. , . . Nortbwee Cor. Third and Oek at, -- - . ..Tl!-" ral "'-kin BualneM. DRAFTS T8HUED Aeullabto I ai.CI1 th. United Btatee and basono, Hemkonc and Manila. Collection . Made , Teemo. 0. A INS WORTH TlcPra.ldeat ---" W'wf Jnirs 1 Ire-Preeldent .....B. LB A TARNES Csshler.. ...........B. W. BCHMEJ 1 Amietsut Caahler.... ..A M. Wlrr-JF rr-tHT TRUST COMPANIES. PeVioIi'7" COM P. NT Of 0BT.O0V "The Oldest Troat Company to Oraaum." . TtvSrK1Lori:n sl.800 000. Oenortl benklng. EichBre ea alt perm of the world. Jf"l. ACCOUNTS. Tim rt1c.ta. t to 4 per rent: ahort-e.ll .pedal eertlflc.tee. 80O e evar, 8 li to 4 per sent. Call for boo of 'ILLUSTRATION ' aoatkeeat esraee Third .... t ead Oak ata, rhoa eh, i a a, B LEB PAOBT. .'.!!!!!! V." rre-HJPB ....rWratirf Stow EOVUITT SAVTBOS a TITST COMPAsTT -arsnsuria, a urneral . - ekln Raalaeea. Tim ad Ss ring. 0. p. imvt A, L, MILLS... .....a...... rrenoeiT .Meeoufl Tlce-F.ealdeat UE'i, r. Hi'anr,,!.. fOBiaAoxaBJ nl Banking snd Trust Bastoss Traoaactad. Interest Paid ea Tim Ihrpnetfa). a oe CAFITAU . , 0. W. WATBRBPBY ...Preeldont S ' S. LOO AN HAY8 Elk Temple. Seventh and Stark 4T OBTE WESTER OUAXANTXX TRUST I -u . : uimB cirhang. a- B. corner FISCAL AOENT FOB CORPORATIONS " State, County, Municipal and Corporation Bonds bought sad sold. Nsw mseelret " and financed. Stocks and bonds rusrsnteed. , , ' ., Tm.l OTARAWTIE B TRUST OOMPABT MOBTOAQB LOANS ea Portland Reel ajiTBCTXai a BONDS AND M ORRIS BROS 13 ilirA Blrast . PsrHand, Aragoa. - , . - - . , - Offer Ollt-Edg ineeatmenra tn Mualetpsl D9WBTJI0-H0PXT11S COMPAJTY Established 1198 B&OXZB8 , ; STOCKS, BONDS. DRAIN Bought and Sold for Csb end ea Margin.- ' , Private Wire. ROOM d'CHAMBER OP COMMERCE." Pbon Main' ST. OverbecJi, Starr & Cooke Co. QXATir, PBfiVTSIONS. COTTOII. STOCKS AND BONDS, WX DO A STRICTLY COMMIBBIO BUBIIIES8, . CoattetsMH Markets by Private Wire. Quick Service. REFERENCES Ledd Tllton. Bank.' are, aad United Statea National Bank of Portland. Uneicellec? facilities for handling Tonopah. OoldHald. Manhattan snd other listed mining stocks. LOUIS -;J; W-:r- MDatlCIPAJi SCHOOL AND C0BPOBATI0M B0NDS': Highest Beturn to Inreetore PORTLAND NORTHWESTERN HOME STREET PAVING. WARREN Construction Co.. treat eerlog. aide walk a and crossings, lit Oregonlaa bldg. , THB Barber Asphslt Paving Co. ef Portland. One eoo Worcester Dig. SCALP TREATMENT. SCALP end fee mssssgs. manulcurlng: agent for Dr. Christian's French toilet article. 11-13 Ursnd theatre bid. Mala 1471. Hours, 8:80 to m. TELEPHONES. TRR onlr rclutv telephone bona. B.-B. niectrie y T.l,boo Manufacturing pany, 83 Fifth at. TOWEL SUPPLY. . CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Oomb. brush, o p. tl per month. Portland Laundry snd Towel unnlr Co.. Ninth aad Couch. Paoo 410. TYPEWRITERS. NEW typewriters, (II "Jake, rrnted, sold and repaired. Coast Agency. 331 Stark. TeL 14oT. TRANSFER AND HAULING. APES, CS, piano and furniture moved, packed dr for (hipping nd ablpped; 11 work guaranteed; Urge, 8-atory brick. Ore-Drool uorehouss for storage. Office 308 Oak t C. M. Oleeu, Phone Main 847. THB BA00A0B ft OMNIBUS TRANSFER CO.. cor. Slsth aad Osk ste.i hoc gag cheeked from hotel r reside ere direct to deettnatloa; paaaenger thrfor avoid ruen ana snoor nc at depot. Private Exchange 88. a O. PICK. efSo 88 Ftret et.. bet wees atom nd Osk sts., pnons mm: piswoe moved and parked for shipping; commndlou brick wsreboua with eeparat Iron room. Front aad Clay ata. - - OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 184 North Slith. Phone Mela ow. Heevy aauung aaa i"or POST SPECIAL DrXIVEBT.N. SOOH Waeh lngtoa at Pbon Main Z CUT rate on household foods to (11 point . eaat: we nake ap serine da i .pedal room for trunk whll waiting. Oregon Aata-iwspaien, It First t Pbon Mala T18. WINDOW SHADES. OALB WINDOW SHADE CO., 37 Salmoi piaMe ranmj aoeBtoOw -'wm WIR3 AND IRON WORKS." AST PORTLAND FENCB ft WIRB WORKS. 180 B. Watar at ranne iust tai. BABY BOY IS BORN V 0N PASSENGER TRAIN (Bpertsl Dispatch to The Joorool.) WoxKlburn. J una It. Aa th aorth- rbounil OrerlanJ arrived at Oraata Pass Tuesday evenlna a paeeen;er, Mra Frank Blaako, save birth on tba train to a bop- tr. J one, aleo a paaaenger, wan the phyalclan In attendanee. The paaaenger oil the train took a deep In terest in th mother and young traveler, nd when the train arrived at Woodburn veeterder most of them allhted to see that mother and baby were taken off anfely. . After deliberation It waa de cided anions' the paaaeng-ere that the babjt be named "Grant." In honor of Grants Pase. Mrs. Blaako was on her way -from California ta -visit her p ertte, Mr. and Mrs. Frank EacVhout, of thla vlplnlty. ? ,, . i BODY OF. UNKNOWN . : - FOUND NEAR LOWDEN (Special Ttapatch to The Journal.) i Walla Walla, Wuh. June , It. Tire body of a man waa found la k lonely lane below Lowden station yesterday by employe of the I,owden ranch. The body was b-'y dncompoeed end bore marks of iri'a. The only i 1 -nfl on the man T. : -rrie, mark of I waa an I Tulare, ' I AMD, 0RB00W; R. L, DURHAM; .kMl m ...... . - - tJKORQB W. HOYT.. -eelstsnt t eene-e Draft aad. Letter of Rtoil Jaereu aveiiaew lead. Oragen. Corner' Reremd end Btsrk arreete .Aaelstsnt Maee Aciatant Cashier.., .....w m. Private Prehear TB. n er ff nun. BrrVeaanflvVuBW n. Ia i I I ' v,ar. aiauM T., J. O. A e. Amrttmnt frf See MerrlsM Btrat. PortloaA. Ore en. , SAVINGS PSrAnTssNT, inrereei ir ,ia. act as Truste for retstee. arsria r amwe e. -AvalUbl In All Parts of the World. , , 9mMMlM, . U A. irwin.,,,,, ,i R. O. JUBITTi awnw A.vieieni Lcrerery ST-COMPANY BAXX, . - W. MILLER ........Tb-Prld Aaslstsat SocfUtorr Streets. Pb one Main IB. COMPANT Portland. Oregon. Second and Stark street u fleery. t4ft Washington' Street Corner Small. R.tate et Lowaet BatM. Title laanrsoV- BBe arniBDPq, INVESTMENTS. i ' -T, . . .;. . and Railroad Bonda. -WHto er Part (Member Chicago Board ef Trade.) 103 Third St. McRay Bldg.. PortUad, Oregon, Booms 8, 4 snd 8 La Fayctt bldg., cor. Slit) aad Wash. Sts. Partlaad. Oregon, DIVIDEND . BANK AND : STOCKS CORPORATION Consists t Wltb Absolut Safety, i . TELEPHONE TELBflBAPn SECURITIES r AT-THE THEATRES. "The Telephone Girl" Tonight. v .'" Lottie Kendall as Estell in "Th' Tslspbon Girl," at tb HelUg thaatrs this week, le a boat In bereelf the dalutlret bud moat attrae tire .wotnaa who baa appeared here la musical comfdy for a long time. In fact all tba princi pal la th Kendall musics! company are among tha beat there are ta thla country, PartlculArl can the cboru b enrnmenaed . thl week. Tb (owns warn In the lest set by th Chora are equal to tb beet that bar beea eeen n tb atag In Portland slnos th tlm Anna Held appeared here with her grest array of 'beauty girls." Popular price. VI a U ae Saturday. Chsngu of.blU rery wee., "Wang" at ' tha Heilig Next Week. ' Bvarybody knew "Wsng." ' and evsrybody like "Wang." DWolf Hopper first mad the public acquainted with Uila Biaeterptece f Woolwm Mors, sud It baa boon standby of popularity ever since It wss Brat produced, nd ras to greet success In Mw York. , Th Kendall mo leal company has selected It for the bill for tb third week of th musical comedy season at tha Relllg theatre, to open at tha regular performance Sunday- night. July L . beets are avw esUlng for th Mtlre week. ' . Blue Satin and Gilt Mirror. The bla ostla and gT,t mirror period of tb empb-e In France attractively set forth In tb slaoorata scinss nf Bardon' play. "Madam SuBe-wcne," rannlng this week at tha Baker theatre. Mr. Benaa' Napoleon 1 on of the moat lmpreaslr parforaMBcee he has glrea the public this yar. ... "Rip Van Winkle. " ' "Rip Ta WlnkU' win be th nest Mil at tba Baker theatre, 011001118 at th regular Bun day ms tissue. July 1. Th version need will be the name that wa used by Joseph Jefferson, wrlttea for aim by Dion Bondoault, after tba ant vera km made by Jef fereoa a brother. Charles Bark. ... . . -., .;" VAUDEVILLE AND STOCK. At tha Lyric. Th popularity ef ' 0i costume comedy, "David Oarrirk," la four- aeta, la nnmmtak bly vldenced by the Urge st tends oca at tracted to tha Lyric during tha week. New costume bar beea prepared pectallr few thl production, thue enhancing its value te the theatre-going public. ' , ," Pantages. '": - . ..: , Don't aria th how thl boo la offering thl week. Th aamber on tb bill are Atker. keesderllle- and. Atkey, In ea entertaining comedy; alnglng and dancing eperteltlee by Maud Sharp asd tha Osborne, William and Davla ta operatic oeleetkooe, boxing specialty by Professor Edward and hie educated kanga roo! "Tb New Coacbman" by McKenote, Moor esd, Harlasj Mslnotto, femal Impemon. tor; Ja'W1lua an a new Illustrated souf and Lb lstost movLng pletuee. . -; ,, 'At the Grand. . . Tuma, th feeture at tb Ore ad thai week, Is but en ef th assay So vaudeville epeelaltle glvea at thl hoes. Th ntertr1anent now programmed Is tb beet th Grand ha bed In a amuta. Bach act la the eulmctioa ta Brst At the Star. ' 'Tb Blnffsr Bluffd" Is the estra aiwdsltr tn th vaudevlll olio at the Str. -This snd ' ether apecialtlee gets, tb andlenc Into shape for th screaming farce. "A Lost Baby," which Jose th atrtalBmutf ' - .- GRANVILLE FISHER - - : r BURIED AT FRANKLin (Special twwtrh to The Journal 1 Engene. Or., June It. Um er, a Iah eounty pioneer, c math Falla last week an.l at Franklin. In thl ro-nt '. He was 71 years olJ ' it In 1SSI, aettllrv rt reelded oon""" ago, when I p...