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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1906)
12 THE- OREGON -DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING, , JUNE 23. 1BCJ. MEW TODAY. We Bw fmM SanU-aUged, ef Trust this ton for ,hs . earn mm sttnoa tb (Ml ee; her V loCfM n tkB bnrdor ''If"' ",'' Neesda. aortheru I tsk, wV.t'.n. and w Ag) ! wta All big--- Frank L.Smithf.!eatCo. I$ Alder St.. between let and Id Sts. 61 South first St., near tnn fridge. WkolMala ntofcr 4 Hoi Onrn'i TtnAwt, Clioioirt UtM. ' "Veal Roneta, par lb..............104 Veal Cutlets, par lb.........i.... 10 , Braaat Veal. per lb............... It) Round 8teak, per lb. .............. lOa Veal gtaw, S lba tor.. ......... ChucfcStaak. a lba for., ,..S5 Lola Stxak, I lba for... ...,-.2.14 Stew Beef. 4 lba for ....!!? ', Boiling Baef, 4 lba for. .......... .2541 Pot Roaat Beef. lba Tor. .Z54 Rolled Roaat Beef, per lb. . V-J . 10? Prima Rib Roaat Beef.' par lb. 12 1-2 1 Breakfaat Bacon Smltb a Brand , per5 lb t-2 ' Bologna Sausage, t lba for 25 Frankfurters. Pork Sauaaga and Hamborger, ier lb... . . ....-. 104 . Special price to Boata and Ship. Alio to Hotel y Beetaurantg, Boarding Houaaa ax.d Cafe. . '. STRENGTH OF ANY INSTITUTION Depends prtaarllr apoa tha eaaractcr Its samrltlas. . - - All securities of . the Nertbwsstera 0"r antaa and Troet Com pan 7 are klgb-claaa FIRST MORTGAOB BONDS aerarad by taevaie prop ertlaa. pubUe aUUUaa, etc. . Te aerer ererr poaalble . shrinkage la Talara we anaba ae leaas af BMre Uaa 46 pa cant ef a euueaiiatlae tti.Moct. Panda lnTaotad UirOTga this eompanr en)of erarr prataetloa and aafrgnard that a capable ' aad eotvaarratiTa Baaaagaaieat caa derlse. - We kara aa' head aad after far sale $6,000,000 Of each blih-clan eenrrltias saearet bj riBST MOKTaaVOK IJBNI of ever. $20,000,000 INVESTMENTS Oaa be and for one rear er i t salt, which pay par rent : interest aajrable aeaH-anaaally. la araM These eecnrltlea are always arallabla as cellataeal aaywbere.' .. PkMaa bear la mind pea bold the aaearity yourself, lorn are the earner of It. Trastees, Bank.. Erecuters, Oasrdtana and conaereatlre lndlTlduale buy aaly this class af sauiii lllea. WHY NOT YOU? ; cuux An' 0XT AcaVaUXTm Northwestern Guarantee and Trust Company laaber Bzcaaage , BatldlBg. Seesad Floor. For Building And wa glra you tba piiTllegs of re paying aama In monthly lnatallmenta cerarlna; a period of from two to ten yeara. $21. 14 per month for 88 montha repaya a $1,000 loan Including Interact. Sea na about It. - Columbia UtfeocS: Trust Co. , r lajBbe Ixobaag-a SniidlagT. St. Johns Water Front 432 feet frontage by 'l,200 feet deep, i, near Peninsula Ldmber Co. Hoxon-YalentineCo. t ST. JOHNS The J. N. Blair Company 315 Ablngton Bldg. V Buy and sell all kinds of Real Estate city and suburban. . The best buy on 2nd ctr-sver in nnn. -. . wvtvvvr -1 OOx 1 25r 1 00 feet i rom Union Ave.: 40 bear! nz f fruit trees, good six room house. Phone Main 6758. Want Timber Lands NEW STORES and OFFICE ROOMS FOB RENT . a. Sor. Third . aad Mlttsoa. Amde Estate of D. P. Thompson , nan itiut. . BIATTIFTl T-BOOM X0T8B ' With all iSMxterm Imrirevaments. . Will sell aa raeenitable caah payment aad : halanee la naaithly. Take Monat Seatt ear . to Archer Place.. A. H. flare,. BIRTHS.'' SH I-Jnne 22. to Mr. snd Mrs. W. B. Bella, lei Wra. Park, a h..v. . ." NiM'K-jn is, willlsia Bdward Brooks. , B kaatTHUtseat. bujr , First 0 Cortgage ( Security I v U We Loan Money WEATHER REPORT. , The- areata dleturbaace eentlouee to ad rance. elowly MtaN and It Is celrsl thle morning m, easier Cloudy, en aettled weather runt lance la the north Purine stales light to snederately heavy ralua bar fsllcai 1. a.wi , . , sw Breesar naa lnrM4 la the Atlantic elates and the weather baa be- rioee Buure aettled eaat ef the Mlanlaslppl river, Iihough local ralua have occurred at wtstely orattered placet in tbat reluo. It fte cooler ft. termennteln atataa and airwr la the "iST? n "W" MUsleeippI valleys. The indications an lor showers tonight and FT klaT WrSt Of tha I'S.,'.,!. aiMlatalna mmA .- eorelly h- weather la aaatara Oregon, east T". ""to' end Idaho. II will ba cooler "V"? J" esstern Oregon aad southern Idaho, and light frosts ara probable la tbat section. uarnnum tasea atjS a. m., Peclfle time: ajatione ' ' T -Teaip. Max. Mia. Baker City. Oret-oa..... ft . 64 -. M , M .' M 44 Mt 70 54 74 Boaton. Maaaarhuaatta. .o blraco, lltlDola Ioaaar. Colorado.......,,. Kanaaa City, Mlaauart...... U Anarlre. Cllf-nla . . , . Now Orleans. Leulalana... Kaw York. Nw Tark .40 .0 . .0 70 . ,4 4. .41 .0 M 4 aa m . to 4 4 4 70 m - Portland. Oregon.,..'...... Roarbure. Orawaa. . . - ' . .14 na 74 no , 4 ea . Aa -7- Ht. Loula. Mlaaourl. .0 nait ajtae. l.lan... Han Franclaxo, California.., Apokaiie, Waahlngton. ..... Taooma. Maahlncton Walla Walla. Waeoingtoa.. WahltirtHat D. f. ,T3- .M .0 .86 T .01 MARRIAGE LICENSES. Joha Banetiab, latata, Oregea, It; Julia Stanley, Id, , , John Pateraoa, lnts, Oregea, 80': Tana a.inrnn. tiniDera;. ZD. franklin JC. Williams, Philomath, Oregon, o, aboiwa rJorvnca uot. zn,, Charlee A. Baldwin. Knfaula, Wasbtngtoa, t8 Alma P. Hantaan. 1. Claade 1. -.ooua. MS North twenttetk atreet, zs; vernie Kertcbem, 19. . OnataTe A. Mrtafer. 1T Marsh all street, la: Birdie H. Cohn. tS. t. K. Orotey, azl. Kelly street, SS; atlanle rrnbera. 24. . V. Harbor, TOT Taagha street. ZS; Bnble Keltiel. 21. William D. 406 Dnrham are.. naa, uaajy u., red 6. Bnrhtrl. 1261 Hawthorne arenas, 28 ( Bthrl U Tenng. 81. Ortheroa P. Pratt. SOT Hancock atreet, 43; Kitty ETrlya Eagaa. -33. Alfred E. Stllea. 27: Alta U Barrett. 18. Charlee Bets. 21; Nora Belld. 21. Lard H. Campbell, 33 Becond street, 28) Gertrude- E. Forbes, 21. . - IlelTln D. Oghvid Beech street,- tO; Tlllle B. Tweet 28. Joeaph Dane, 1084 Hawtboma aeenae, 80; Myrtle M. Kelee, 24. Carl F. Madaen, 17: Myrtle t. Jobnsnn, 25. Allen BcbaaTely. 88; Mary Moaree, SX Wedding Card. W. O. Bmlth Co.. Wbah. Ingtoa Mdg., car. Feartb.and Waahlngtea nta. Wed rv end calling cards engraved aa raahlngtoa at. printed T. Bnabton, 831 St Waahlngtoa Mies Berths Martin, .reaes 81S Allaky bldg. Stamping and Bee neadlewerkt limiiss (Iran. DEATHS. HM.DKBRAND At Nerada City. California, - Jane 8S, 1808, Oeerge W. RUdebrand. be- Inred knaband at Dorothy Blldebraad. and i father ef the late Henry H. HIMebrand. Mrs. Chsrles Hegale and Mrs. Thomaa O. Greene; aged 77 years, 2 months, IT days. Fnneral ' notlra later. No nowara. (8aa Franclace -papers Dlaaae Sony.) WllAJAMH Jnne 2d, Yoaepb Williams. 48 reara. gt. Vincent's boapltaL pneumonia. Mt'RPHT Jnne 28, Michael . Mnrpby, 48 yeera. 888 Mlntir.ota. ealrolar beart dlaaaaa, JOHNSON Jnse 84, Aanie 8. Jobnsoa, 87 yvera, cat threat; THORN SON J tme Bf, Lacy V. Tharnaea, TI years, Wbedlawn, ralanlar beart dleeaee. UNDERTAKERS. Danntng, MeRntee A Gllbaash. andertakere aad embaunera: m-wierB In every detail. Berentk aad ptnsv Mala 410. Lady naalstsat. ... k. B. Hemetock. andertaker and emnalmer. Baat Thirteenth and Umatilla ate. Phone Bell ed Tl. J. P. Flnley A Sons. Third nnd Madison sts. Office ef county coroner. Phone Main 8. Brlcksan Cndertakhur Oa.. emhalmlu. Alder st. Phase Mala 8188. Bdward Bohnsa. nndarta kar, 220 Third street. Clark Bras far Bawera. 2B8 Merrtasa atreet Lewis A Clark and White Boss flnar; A Ne. I bekere' er koasrkaepere' flow. For aala by W. P. Mnlberon. 844 Eaat Eleventh atreet. ' BTTEBTHW CKatXTKBT. Blagle graves 818. Family lets ITS te 81,008. The only cemetery la Portland - which per- Ctaally nulntalna aad cares for lots. Far fall formation apply to W. R, Mackenzie, War eaatar block, city. W. M. Ladd. president. PTJNERAL NOTICES. ' B1PPERTOH In this city, Jnne 2T, 1808. at the family residence, 410 Third at., James -A. Blpperton, sged 81 rears 8 days. Friends are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral - erTTWs, which will be held st the crema torlam at 2:80 p. m . Friday, Jnne 28. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Henrietta Adams snd h OS hand te W. J. rraairora, tot IS, Block 8. Bevernnce addition a i W. J. Paddlcord aad wife to Henrietta Adams, lot 14, block 8, same addi tion .. . Henrietta Adams to Jobs Shretnsr, lot 14.. block 8, earns sddltlos 4S0 Grace 8. Forbes sad husband te O. P. non. parcel land In Mary Tlbbetta' donation land claim, section U, town shin 1 south, ran. 1 a MM Forbee-Janrke company, at at, to Grace 8. Forbes, asm , ' J 0. H. A. Rotermnnd et si. te Bertha Mooree, lot la. block 8. Klnael Park.. 1 Henrietta U 8. Menk to Berths Moores. lot la. block 8. Elnaal Park.. t Maria H. Olesks to Bertha Moores. lot 18. block 8. same a Clara Wegener et aL to Bertba Moores, seme property J Stephen Collins and wife to Joha Storey et sL. lot a, block 8. Central Albtna. 1,208 Portland Trust Company of Oregon to Mrs. raauia u. nan. Kit is. Block JZ, Wit llama Avanne addition . aan Malcolm MrUregor and wife te Fkrlaa Furha. lot A block 14H. citv a m 0. W. Morrow and wife to William Wlest, lots 8 and 8, block 18, City View Park. 2,758 The Land Company ef Oregon to William Wleat. lot 4. block 22, City View Park. Sll Jena Olsea to J. B. 0. Lockwood. eaat H or lot 1 and east H of lot 2, block 80. cltr ....i Bonn Oregon Reel Eetat. company to Mra. M. . . utewri, lot a. Blork 297, Holla day's addltles i M. t. Thompson and wlfs to William M. Gregory, lot 8, block T, Clifford addi tion sea t. V. Wlndle. trustee, to D. C. Rogers. trnstee. block 12, James John's Becond addition . nana Bottlngham A Co. to James A. Gray. waat oo reef or lota and A Block 22, Hanson's Second addition f mo Michael Buckley and wife to Herman HI. err, lots 8 and T, block X Trout dale. Ran Manila M. Moors, guardian to L. A. Hsr- ow, norm oc soa unreal u sf section SO. township 1 north, range 4 east, and ether property f ana ether proparty ..7....Z dltlon Bmll W. Wishers to Gondola C. Wieners, Mra. Paul Dlttmas to Onndols 0, Wlebers. lota 18 and 14. blork 2, as roc. Oeorge Oarnar to Sarah McOrrmott Snd buaband. parcel land beginning nt eaat line of alllwaukle road from quarter section corner between sections 11 asd 14, township 1 south, range 1 east.... 1,800 Harry A. Price and wife to J. H. Don aldson, lot 24. Lamargent Park No. 8. 1 Arleta Land company to Laor- R. Dick inson, lots 1 and 8, block L Arleta Park Ne. 8 . sg J. V. Beach et, si. to T. A' MrDsnlrl, Jnte 1. 2, 8. 4 and S, block 8V Park View . , ; , . a. . . , , . , . 1 800 Bay 8. William snd wife to Tteheera A. - -Wiillam, lot S. block T, Hawthorne.. I Borny Lnmber - company to Frank B. ' Brlgga. sosth H af lots 1, 2, 8, and 4, , bWk 4, Rarana Park (M rwiiaiw kvn. sir ,maiarr company to Earle B. Van Antwerp, -north H of lot 8v Mock 87. Lone Fir camatary , 88 Mra. Jennie Banner and hnabend to' Nor man W. Oalarhwrt aad wtr. v,t t block 14ft. Woodatork . The Rlvervlew Cemetery aaeorlatlon to Marie U Sandt, lot 24, blork 14, Rlver vlew eematary r, i.. ... Seorga BIKmayer aad wife to a I wi. 288 loo noasto, lot 10, block 818, Batch's ad dition ,, BOM William. M. Kllllngaworth et st. to Mra. . W. Tamlcsl. lota S sag A. block 20. walnut Park ' ca.160 mwinr.nm aa. r iwvw ana auertansj to Melrla K Colllna. weat H af MM and south n fartt of weat (4 of lot I. . block 1 -AsolUdsg's .441 lion tOH REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Arleta Land - company to t'barles J. , . ttulib, lat A block A Ina' Park i 1 W. K. .('.Idas 11 and wife to Kits C. J llolnrook. Wta 8 and T. blork 11 Rosr- h dle n .....:. vl ajvirio riiiioriMta to . nvinwa, lota I and t, blwk I1.,eame t N. M. McDanler; wife to Theodore I. Spllld. lot ,1,"' Hck 8, Fkllli addi tion Warren J. Rurdrn' and wlfa to John A. Chilton, lot 8. block. 2. Miriam...... 1.800 Warren J. Burden and wlfa tw Lincoln Logan, tot 4, block 2, Miriam 1.400 Warren J. Burden and wife to J. C. Wlueton. lot 8. black A name v.. 1,808 Harry O. McOowan te Cora W. Elchlnger, la, north a or lot IH, Mount Hcolt. l.ovi Rowman et al. to Henry K. Iturtls. . Am 84 and 88. hkjok I. llolaa addition. 464 Arkvta Land eomnanr to J. W. Ferznaoa. lot 8. block 8. Arleta Park No. 100 C. W. Coraellua to city of Portland, parcel land beginning at a point north of ' northeast corner lot A, Irvlngtoa Heights .' W II lard Hhenard to F. L. MauraX. lot A bleek -A 'Bbepard addition 150 Get year Insurance and abstracts to real estate rrom taa line wnaraaiee at irs cvoipaay, S40 Waablngtus atreet. corner Second. NOTICE., SEALED bids will be reclved st tb. efftce af the school clerk, city hall, op to 13 m., Thursday. July ' 28, lata), for beating and ventilating of tha eaat aide high vrbool build ing. Plana of tha building and apecldcatlona ef requirements can be seen st the srchltect's efSce. 334 St Third at. Each bidder la requested to submit plans and snerlnratious fur tba aald beating and ventilating appsrs tireee. All proposal, muat be accompanied by a certified check for 10 per cent of the amount ef proposal. The school board re serve, tha rlsht to retect snr sud all bids. Thomas J. Jonea. ar utilise t. Portland, Ore- gon. June 14, nog. . NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Notice Is hereby given tbat the annual meei Ina of the storkboldara bf the Midway Oil company will be held at the offlce of Ladd I A fllton, Portland. Oregon, at 8 o'clock p. J purpnae of electing' a board of dlrectore and lor the tranaactltia .-nt such other hnatness ay coma before the meeting. WILLIAM M. WHIDDga, Secrstary. TUB Portland Kennel club offers s rewsrd SM for Information tbat will lead to the arrest and conviction of a dog thief or dog poisoner la the city of Portland. MEETING '-NOTICES. , WKBFOOT CAMP, No. 85, Woodmen of tbe worm, meets Friday ntirht la W. O. W. ball. Tenth nnd Washington sts. All mem ' bnra requested to be pres ent. Visitors welcome. W. B. GAYLORD. A. U L. BABBCR, Clerk. COLl'MBIA Lodge. No. 114. A. F. A A- M Rpeclal communicatloB this (Thnraday) evening at 8 'clock. M .sonic temple. Third nnd Alder streets. Work la F. C. degree. All F. 0. Kaaons Invited. B. 8. PAOUE, Secretary. WASHINGTON Chapter, He. 18. B. A. M. Special convocation this (Thursday! evening. - June 28. 1B08. at 8 o'clock. Masonic hall, Burkhard building. P. M. and M. B. M. da greea. Vlsltora welcome. By order a. H"P B.' B. STJABON. Becratary. BT ancdal reqneat Margnetita Camp, R. It. A., will glee anotner laaiea' cnoire aance at their hall, Ablngton bldg, tonight. Thursday, Jnne 2ft. Coasa and bare a good MACCABEES Portland Tent, No. 1. meets eeery Thoraday niht is K, or v. nail, ilia and AVder sts. . Visitors are welcome. E. M. LAKCB. M. W A. EVERGREEN CAMP. 8,404, meets Wednesday evening. Allaky Bldg-nird and Morrison sts. M. W. A., Oregea Orape Camp, rte, 8,878. Mea. days. 17th and Maraball; euiura weicoaaa. LOST AND FOUND. . LOST One Scotch collie dog; long peaked noes, round circle on top or neaa. warn mark la middle of tall. Return to Keystone sshmn. Fourth asd Flsnders sts., and receive reward; ao questions naked. LOST 22 antomstie Winchester No. 1T.048, oa Mount Scott car. Sunday, II p. m.i case, A. L Cnrrv. Return to Honey man Hardware Co., recording department. Liberal reward. LOhT Between Sellweod aad Oregon - City, sorrel mere. T years oio, mane cur, trine lame, dragging rope. - M. A. Phllllpa, 82:1 Leilngtoa are, Sellwood. er phone Mala 833. Reward. LOST Bonder, a lady's gold watch. Initials "E. A." oa cover, go rewara at aze Jaia aesota a vs. - LOST Man's gold watch, on Fifth snd East Alder sts.: opea race, stem wind, siae set. double thin chain. Finder return te 873 First St., room A receive reward. LOST Gold handle of umbrella with "Mrs. A. Johnson, Dec. 20, m. ' Inscnned on Boon; dropped on Stark at. between Weat Park and Seventh ate. Finder please return to asms name. 872 First St., sad receive reward. LOST Watch charm, Maltese cross, A. O. jU. w.j reverse, i. A, x. a. is. za. . Betnrn to H. P. Emery, Pantagea theatre. FOt'ND A dlpVtma from tbe Sellwood erbnol; earner caa nave aame oy calling st ins Jotjrnsl office snd paying for advertisement. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED Young ' men to prepare themselves for bookkeepers snd stenogrspners. nines Sept. 1 we have bad 478 applications fro, a business man; during this same period ws have placed 234 in positions. Open nil the year, day and night Ws will place yon la a position when competent ; enroll now. Catalogue. Behnke-Walker Business College. 1HTFD Varntaheea. machine and hands. Oregon Faraltare Mfg. uo Macaoaas road. IF you pl.r pool, go to the Weill mrton par. lors. Allaky Bldg.. xniro a an morrison. - MEN AND WOMEN to learn barber trade in eight weeks; grsasates eara rrom am to szs weekly; espert Instructors; catalogue free. Moler System ef Collegss, 88 sortb Fourth St., PortlanA SALESMEN WANTED For snm ef the largest f- aureerles in tbe west j cash advanced week If good territory open. A norass wnaainagiraa Nursery Ce Tnppenlab, Wash. AGENTS WANTED to sell anperlor. htrh-gesde aaraery stock) com p lets outfit rnrnisneo rreei cash ureekly; write today tor choice ef ter ritory. Capital City Hursery Company, Bals as, Oregea. Union Hotel 1 1 NORTH SIXTH ST. Weekly rates: Boom. 81.28 upt room and board. 84.S0 ap. Anderson, proprietor. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS Toong wanted to prepare ror lerter -carrier ana rail way Disll clerk. West roast Correspondence School, 248 Stark St. Opea evenings. WANTED 8 energetic, reliable salesmen roc rapidly growing real cetaie smrer-wiwi.w 28 years and 40 years of see; ability snd character tbe criterion; drinking . am BSed sot spply. X 28. ears Journal, 5 WANTED A bright, sctlve young man whs nnderatanda coffee meeting: a willing worker; state aalary wanted snd references. 0 08, rare journal. WANTED Aa Industrious and capable man northwest; steddy A Co., roome 8-8 In each county In tbe poaltion. W. R. Taylor Lebbs bldg. too YOrNG men for- flremen. snd brake men en leading railroads: ezperieuee nnneceeaary; Bremen get 1". brukemeu 80; rapid pro motion to engineer or conductor at donlil. the salary; positions now open. Address near est offlce. 1 ' National Railway Training Aaa'n.. 7OfPaxton blk., Omaha. Nebrsska, or 431 Ridge bldg.. Kansas City Missouri. WANTED Kiperlenced trstnmsa for branch line mountain division. N 41. care Journal. WANTED Oood men at JensefTs brickyard; teady work ; come prepared to work. East - SStk st. and Sandy road. WANTED-Mrne wove-w Ira mettreae-weaver, st once. Oregon Furniture Manufacturing Co., ' Macadam, road. WANTBD Partner with $800:rrnre bnslnaes; experience not necaaaarr, , ,122ft Graad see,, i. i , WANTED A ' young ' prepossessing drysnoila man for country who likes work snd looking for -presMtlon. Address or eafl on Merchant, ears bees latter Bros., FUU and tlark HELP WANTED MALE. A90 A WKKK for men who 'can siicceaafiilly present s business propoaltwa to tb. public. luo narquam Ding. WANTED Laborers to clear underbrush la city, Call 211 Chamber of Commerce bldg. A YOUNG man who wishes to he a detective Address M za, care Journal. - WANTED. AT ONCE A good ahoe, man with '. experience In genta furnishings; must be s food ssieaman ana emgie; rerereoeee required, J. H. Jaggy, 818 Main gt., Vsnooursr, Wa.b Ington. HELP WANTED FEMALE. GIRIB about 18 years of age to work la fac tory. Apply at ones. Amse-Harrw-Nsvlli. Co., Fifth and Davis sts. BANSEN'S LA1IIE8' AGENCY. S48H Waabtng. ton St.. cor. aVventhi apatalra. Phone Mala 2092. Female help wanted. WANTED atrls -te make 'Boss of All" ever- - alia at T8 First st. GIRLB WANTED Operators to srork oa shirts snd overalla. Laaaona given toxins xperlenced. Apply at Btanaard lactory fo. z, ursna avs, snd E. Tsyior St. WANTED Competent girt for genersl be between Nlneto work. ez7 liars Hall st.. snd Twentieth. ,J THB HOME LADIES' AGBNCT. Female help furnished free to employer. Registration Free. 1851 Fourth St., upstairs, room 23. Mala 882$. WANTET He and Cplumbl WANTED Help. Union Laundry Co., Second WANTED Pantry Hobart-Cartla, 14th and Jefferson. GIRL for geseral hooaework. small family; beet wares, to competent woman. Phone Eaat looz. 7oV Eaat Tgylor St. ' WANTED Olrl fnr housework, family of A Corner East Bnrnslde and 22d. Phone East T3A WANTED 8 office girls; no experience: wages fw per montn; no fee; nana stamp ror par ticulars. Post box 47. WANTED Competent noree for young Infant; references required. la .14th . St., Bet. Waahlngtoa and Alder. WANTED At once, walet and shirt-makers. Tbe Spencer Co.. 128 Tenth mU r- - WANTED Good help for dressmaking. 6VVJ Montgomery sf. WANTED Competent rlrl for cooking and Cneral housework ; rnmlly washing done by undress; good wages. Call 176 Eaat 16tb St. WANTED Experienced mangle girls. Phone Bcett bios, weat uosat Laundry. Ht. jonas. WANTED Girl for cooking and light house work: private family. 20B Sooth 18th, near Taylor. . A ;- GIRL for general housework, small family. good wages. Cell after 1 o'clock st 888 16th at. Montgomery car. WANTED Young girt fnr llrht housework: washing. Phone Pacific Bio. . . I WANTED Head waitress la-ftrst-clsas hoari ng-nouae. y 10(1, ear. JoumaL MALE AND FEMALE HELP. WANTED Good solicitor tra a Catholic nrvpasl. tton; - aalary - ana com mission. runs Essr 23A HELP wanted asd supplied, mala or female. B. (J. prake. ZUBb waenington sr. racioc izis. WANTED Man and wife with 81.200 cna as- core 80 acres, 8 miles out. -wlu work: wages 83 per day; boose furnished. Farther par ticulars call st 248 Stark at. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE, GEORGE T. MTRTON. 634 Chamber et Com merce, keepa books and does general expert accounting business. Phone Mala 488A POSITION as grocery clerk by a young man. 2 years' experience; goon re re re nee; accountant. C 88, cars Journal. LANDSCAPB GARDENING By tbe day er week; new places laid out, lawna maoe, ere., by a thoroughly competent man. Address W. C. West, Ss Eaat Davis St. JANITOR WORK,- honeeeleenlng ef all kinds snd waxing Doors, ny aay or job. . roans PsclSo, 21 M. 224 North 12th St. J. B. Mills. HONEST, reliable young man of 18 desires position where mere ia cnance to advance or learn good business. N 40, cars Journal. WHO wsnts met Aa i good stl-sround cook. Poat beg 1017. 'Harry, the Cook." XOtTNO man, 21 yeara old. needs pnaltfem. any kind; can write nnd apeak r.ngusn, rrencB and Italian. Address N 84, rare Journal. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE WASHING to do at borne, 80c doses, rosgh dry. Apply st Mra. epaniar, bow Mimissippi avenue, on east side. LADY wants to take la washing, ar caa go to other people a Bouses u eioss oy. Apply iza Knott at. MTLUNER and designer from the seat would like tr engage lor rail neaaon in r-ortiana; can give heat ef references: slse would work through tbe summer toonths." Address M 101, cars . JonrnaL YOUNG woman wishes position as stenographer; dstrea practice more tnaa salary, ri ze, care Joursal. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Agents: something new; good Seller: big wages, sua McKay aiag. . BIO PAY to one agent la each county Working Tor the inveetora' uaiae. ail exarquam niog., Portland. Oregon. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. THB Portland Employment Co., 806 ft Morriaon et Phone PsclMc zsn. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICB FOB MEN. 88 N. Second at Phone Mala IMA BIG FOUR BMP. AOENCT Help supplied free. 18 North second et rnone mam ipin. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED Lot In exchange for equity IB er 7 -room bouse, none Eaat aoai. WANTED House ea easy terras. Mala 886A 818 Commercial Blk. WB WILL SELL your property, no matter whet - It is or where locereo. nena uescripiiow now and we will do the rest, inveetora union Co., 811 Marquam. bldg Portland, Oregon. WA NTED Cheap lota ily. Phonf Woodla lota tn Walnut Park; owners wa zzb. SUBURBAN ieene. S to 8 rooms, large address M.jUADavIs, 486 Blackstone grounds, at WANTED Iron ore, graphite or limestone lands or claims: ir yon own or snow or sny larxe ' deposits of Iron ore, graphite or limestone In Oregon or waenington, ana wnirn nre ror sale, send samples and correspond with C. V. Charles, 827 Chamber of Commerce, Pert lend. Or. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT Hon sea. , cottages, fists. stores, orricea, rooming nouaea, sic. lane lorda will do well to call on ' PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY Or OReVlOK, Phone Ex. 72. 8. E. Cor. Sd and Oak. WANTED 2-etory building snltable for mtns- facturing purposes; snout pttrruo; a tats iocs tlon and rent. Addreee 23, care JonrnaL WANTED FINANCIAL " WANTED $160 at S per cent, ea Oregon timber worth $.1.0O. within 10 miles Columbia river; timber within i mile; no Batter; aoia tor $1 otr t bouse nd. H $7, care Journal, WANTED $600 to open ap sew copper mine; will give an rttrs pood opportunity and lav dncemeot Call In fortaeea Jeaes' Bosk Slurs, 881 Alder 8t, . ' , , WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. B. N. MORGAN,' pioneer sprayer asd white. waeher. CaU East 884A Rememher the . uw-Hl N. Mergsni II years la best. In Portland. ..... WE WILL BI'T. SCI.I, OR TR ADR ANY Otl gJB WASHINGTON. PACIFIC 7A WR WILL BUY your furniture any old time. Westers Balvaga CO., BCT waenington as. WHO 18 M. O. MORGAN CO. t PAINTING, -spraying snd wkltswsahlng trees, basements, herns, dorks, etc.; largest gasoline spraying natflt oa tbe coast. M. O. Morgan A Co.. 822 Unloa are. 1'boaa Ksst ait. FCRNITDRB and sonde. Don't worry, lose Have cine TBA Just sheas Pe- BOATS WANTBD Mat your boats, steamers. launches, bargee, boueennaie ana noatnenees with na, for aale or rent., Ws have sells for them every day. Eaat 184. Mala 8468 ' Mala 88S8 , , FURNITURE WANTS!) FOR .' SPOT CASH. pnnrr.ivn irrriim ROOMS. til First St. . Mala . 8468 WANTED To buy household furniture.. piete, ror easa. rnone rneinc zzoi. WANTED To boy medlum-elsed track er low- down wsgoa. crane Bottis v. Phone Mala WB need 8 casta realsters. 1 typewriter. 1 res tsurant outflta snd soma money. . Westers Salvage Co.. 42T Waahlngtoa et. WANTED Gentlemen's wssblng to, do at 188 pueiHii airwt, cv,.ae v. v. WANTED Iron see, grspbtts or limestone land or claims; If yon own er know of any mm deposits sf iron ore. graphite or limestone In Oregon, or Washington, and which are fnr aale, send samp lea and correspond with C. D. Charlee. 827 Chamber of Commerce, Port' land. Oregon. - . e- WANTED Child under 8 years to board or adopt. Phone Scott 8S82. Address 1062 East Eighth at, northr city. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THE RICHEUEO H NORTH SIXTH ST. Kiegaatiy rurniaBea, steam neat aaa name. THB GRAND. 4li N rtk Third st for gsatiemen si. ZD per wsea aso an. ONE largs furnished room," suitable fnr two gentlemen. 832 let, between Clay and Market. LARGB- rooms. 10 minutes' walk te anion depot; electric lights, phone and bath.. 868 Bentoa. Phone Eaat 4434. FOR RENT Nice furnished rooms, close In. The Rental Agency. 186 Vs Third st,' roonf B. LIST your furnished snd unfurnished rooms with tbe itentai Agency, 100 inira at., room b. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. THB MITCHELL, Flanders snd Seventh Rooms, housekeeping and transient; esse venleot; prices reasonable. LA ROB elegantly furnished bonaskeepmg rooms; gas range, running water. The Lewne dale. 803)4 Alder st. LINDA VIST A Sleeping asd hooaakeeplng. rooms. 247H Firth st. $1.28 PER WEEK Large, clesn, furnished nooaeBeeptng-eoonss; isanury Sherman. South Portland. fl.t' WEEK-PP, dean. - furnished heneskeen-J rooms, with yard, parlor, la unary, net a, isx aaee heal. 208M Btantea st. U car. 810 8 ROOMS, furnished for maekaeplng: erect rangs; gss.- sis nevanm. rimai .asaua 4520. - THB HALL, 414 Fifth Furnished houaskesptng rooms. 7 our lata welcome. - FOR RENT A nicely turn tab ed booeekeeptng suite, with gss rsnge, to man snd wife with out children; very cheap. 842 Clay at. FOR RENT 8 rooms, completely furnished for housekeeping; no children, sou union are. 801 8IXTH 8 unfurnished roome, ground floor; a lug snd water; so per monta. FURNISHED hennekeeping-mome: modern; ea ear line; price 810. Phone Baat 8270. 891 SIXTH ST. Two famished housekeeping walking dlataaee. roome 810 per month: rooms Xnd board. BSasaaa,ai,aiaan "ta saziaastweVaaJ.iaallSBtl,aBmw.a WELL-rrRjrrRHFD rooms with board; rates reasonable.- 44g jerrerson. LADY would Ilka to cars for child er two; motherly care; rstee res sociable. Inquire 642 Gantenbela eve., Alblna. UNFURNISHED ROOMS. TWO UNFURNISHED BOOMS. 182 Bhar- man at FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. OFFTCB rooms, an furnished eonme and sample Apply ele. roome for rent Coodnengh bldg. PART of shop te rent, suitable tor palate plumper, zus rouria. at. OFFICE or desk room ta tba beet location la the city; terms reasonable. Apply at 122ft Sixth at. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI TURE FOR SALE. FOR RENT 8-rooai house, fsmltare for aala. 87 North Park st FOR RENT HOUSES. KADDERLY TRANSFER CO., prompt aad re liable plane and rnmlture-movers; also star. age. fhooo Mala 1086. Offlce 110 M. ThlrA THB CONTINENTAL COMPANY, X48 BTARK BX.- INSURANCE, RENTALS. BBB LIFT- FOR BENT A modern T-room bones, 800 Eaat Sixth at.. South. 861 WEST PARK ST. Very desirable 12-rootn residence. Inquire T10 Chamber Commerce, FOR BENT July 1, 6-roora modern cottage, Eaat Slat at, fcsnjlwerth, en Woodstock car. line; $14. FOR ' RENT 8 -room furnlahed . cottage, Morrk St., near Union gve 888 CORBBTT Deslrs bis-, residence, 8 earllne, for rent or aala. Phone 6076. FOR RENT Btrlctly modern T-room Sat, 8B2U Park st. , Inquire W. T. Tarner A Co,, M Front st Phone Main 118. FURNISHED HOUSES. S-RO0M famished house la f tne locality, 6-mrn-nte car service. It. O. Brown A Co, 847 Washington st. Pacific 808. - - FOR RENT FLATS. ' MODERN 8 -room Sat; eteei vaad gas rsnge, WInnVrwebadea, large cement Basement 208 a h a levy. BUSINESS CHANCES. WRITS) as qalch about recent Important de velopments ef the Hurst Automatic Switch A Signal Co. buy stock before big advance. J. F. nurat'A Col. 208 McKay bldg. DO not keep Idle money, g posts card will bring yon Information how to get tbe largest returns on en absolutely safe mveatment ef ' from $100 to $600. J. B. Ballsy. 61T Lam bar Exchange. Portland. Oregon.1 . FOR SALE Hardware store snd buildings, doing large business; small town' hut largs territory; reason for selling, business Inter ests elsewhere, $0,000. Address1 N 10, ear Journal. FOUNDRY AND MACHINB SHOP at a bar gain, located la ths besrt of the greet est . wheat growing country In the world; count J seat and only shop In ths vicinity; only foundry Is tha county; shop equipped wits first-class tools; ws manafactnre a apeeialty whlrb has a wldg aale ever tbe westers parte of ths t7. 8. sod Canadaf ars doing a good baalness and Is the beat opening In the whole nor t barest for a machinist aad braider; ' beat of reasons for selling. C. B., cars Joar. ' sal, v ' f . WA4VTED Psrty vfllh from 8100 te $l.or0 ts Invest In an Xl manufacturing proposition; ; will atand closest Inrssllf atlusu ' M 30, car .VSIHSj , - , . , BUSINESS CHANCES. GgN'ERAL merchandise store frr sale by J, M Courklln. Bodavllle, Or. A bargain. FOR SALE Half Interest In a well-established neatness attnated en the reninsuis. vr cars Journal. t FIRST-CLASS corner saloon, eeat side; long lease, low rent; good stock, elegant riitnrea; price reasonable. Address W 12, care Journal. IMPROVED smelter stock. 4.000 st I0e per vu.,., atvuras n wi ' .. - COMPLETE ap-to-dsta 4 chair barber etioe. do- Fifth at. . Poooa Pacific HO. rrOt'K eomnanies Incorporsted' If yoa have -, . wr QSMius l"T Ms, re. them for you.- Oeorge M. Kellogg, Broker, 840 Elllrott Square, Buffalo, GOING to Alaska? will sell 200 aba roe of Hurst Switch atock at $3 60 per abara .If cCksu by Saturday. 40T Davla at. DO yoa want to make some money I Hers - It is: a business man of nigneui reicreoce will guarantee you agalnat Voas of an In vestment from 8100 not to exceed 32.0OO. if taken Immediately, snd yon should receive $20 for each dollar Invested; this la your opportunity. N 3, care JonrnaL .' FOR SALE A fliat-class plumbing business; have other business end wish to retire. As anas H. L. Mar stars, Roaaburg. Orcgnn. i COUNTRY general store for sale er exchange ror rarm or -other property; an new sroue, largs store building, eleetrle Hints, telephone; rent $26; retiring. Owner. N 8A cars JuarnsL FOR 8 A LB. pert exchange, complete drug stock, oak futures, marble soda fountain: tb. only drugstore in good live ,towa; eleetrle lights snd telephone; corner store; cheap rent; good opening for druggiat. Owner, N 88, JonrnaL WIT.L sell er trade a first-class paying eenv , recuonery store, well located, ror cite--prop erty snd pay rasp girrarence, N 28," care Jourral. i FOR SALE Meat market snd smsll grocery atoca. cwee in ea eaat eras, wita a una es tablished trade; everything new and up to date: will eell at a sacrifice If taken nt once; $1,290 takes It. Call st room 816 Marquam bldg. J. S. Tsyior. $660 FOR $ft00 stork of groceries, er wilt r- votce; line Iocs t ion; rent, 7; living-rooms above: horse and wagon; disagreement of farmers: muat bs sold, at once. Bee owner, 32 Williams avs. COAL and transfer bueineea, clears over $2U0 1 a taaonth; price $2,600. Call 248Vt Stsrh st. CIGAR stand for- 8X: psrt cash, balance montniy. as you mare it; owner win guaran tee yoa will make 8128 a month ever all sx petvee. Call 248 V Burk at. SALOON Want partner: $060 required; owner will ,n.nt.a m, geno month.?' nravloua experience not neceeaary, but muat be bo nest. Call 248 Vi Stark at. PARTNER WANTED to check roods and col , lecC owner guarantaea yoa $160 a month; $760 required, secured. Call' 248ft Stark at. REAL ESTATB bust neaa; owner baa mora work than he caa attend to alone, as wsnts a reliable partner) $300 required and tSO a week guaranteed; experience not aloes bit. Particulate 24AVk Stark at. $f0 2T NICELY furnlahed rooms, all full; cneap rem, WHS leevst, enwinf vtvv awwoinir. Call 206ft' Morrison, room 4. . GROCERY STORE Best Icatioa la city, on Third st., doing a strictly essn onsineaa; nu satiefled partners; $4,000. cash or Invoice. N 42. cars Journal. . THB homeseekers excursion to ssstera Oregon. overland, win leave anont nrst or joiy. can 186 ft Fourth at., room 23, for Information. WHO IB M. G. MORGAN A CO.1 $850 88-ROOK lodglng-hoose, Brst-claaa loea- lion, .good .xurniiure; a soap. - F. FUCH8, 148ft First at- : $700 GROCERY and botae. bakery with S liv ing-room a, ciesnng fin anoniniy; isnauiaw if yon want a good little business. . F. Fl'CHB, 14ft First St. A MAN with $260 can -buy half interest ta flrst-clsas reel estate hualneaa. call at 1M Burnslde at. Sweat end Bumalde bridge. GROCERY atock and business to exchange for ots er acreage; atock will Invoice $1,800; earner muat go seat ror tne Bummer, sor Information call at 181 Morrlaoa at. BRAL ESTATB etnee snd hualaess for sale. or will trade for sny kind of property! ground floor offlce, good location; owner muat move oato a homestead soon. For particulars call at 181 Morriaon st. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. 6-ROOM cottage, new. Crystal Rock plaster, tinted, bath, cblna closet, natural wood flnlah Inside snd concrete easement; Bull Run water; lot 40x126; Bice, sightly, near ear: $1,800; terms to salt buyer. Wa. CantwelL Oahorn hotel. Grand avs. and Baat Aah. BY OWNER, eae 6 and one T-rootn newonoders - bouse, 24th end Wasco, Holladay Park addi tion; lots for sals. Phoae Eaat 1086. R. B. Rice. - FOB SALB AT A BARGAIN A die stock rangs, containing a boat 1800 acres; ell under fence; situated near Ree- . burg, Oregon, oa B. P. B. R. t thle la one ef the beewstork ranges tn the country I I also ksve another good stork rsnge contslnlng 1.42i) scree, which will be sold at a very low price. For partlcuisrs address J. B. Sather II a. owner, Roeebarg. Oregon. FOR SALE Lot on Claekanwa St., near 18th: will build to suit parchagsr, If deelred. . 668 Sherlock building. BOO FARMS, smsll tracts aad lots; bargains es O. W. P. eleetrle line. O. R. Additon, Leata, Oregon. - Take Mount Scott car, 6. WB ksve cash bayera tor vacant bus! neaa prop erty en Union or Wllllama ares.; we want It st ence: owners only, N COLUMBIA INVESTMENT CO., - Our Alnaworth and Union are. ' ' - Phoae Woodlawa 226. - FOR SALB Lota between Hawthorne and 71 - vision mi., $360 and ap; $10 dowa and $10 month, by Oonklln Bros., SIT Marguerite are. BEAUTIFUL S acres. . MonUvilla, handy ts car, fenced, cultivated, lots of fruit, beet of soil; $IWO. Edwards A Co,, 221ft Morrison st $2.000 $100 DOWN, - balance monthly Pv menrs new noooem ermw tv,,.,., taM Eaat Morrison. A. P. Smith. 428 Washington. FOB cheap hoarse call ap East 481A $2.200 NEW modern 4-room house, cement bsfement, foil lot, fruit trees; East noils day addition. D. Miller, T14 Chamber of Commerce. FOR sale or lease, three years' lease on ground, the buildings occupied by Excelsior planing mill. Baet Morrison snd Seventh. Cell st bulklmg or 834 B. Morrison. Phone Best 2814. FOR SALB 8 -room cottage. Inst finished, Ots tal Rock plaster, tinted, bath, china closet; thle ' cottage le flrst-vlase In every respect mnat . sell st once: $1,300; $200 down, $16 a month. This lot la 40x129 feet aad near earllne. M 2T, care JonrnaL n-BOOM modern cottage and barn, corner lot, .on Baat 8lat WSBt'ts exchange for a $2,600 lot close In. - . 8-room new -modern bones ta St. Johns: near Cedar Park, 1 block frora earllne; owner will exchange for $2,000 lot, close la, . a will sell en reasonable terms New house 14x28, well built, full lob only fSRO; Kern Park, Mount Scott car. New 4-room bungalow oa Mount Scott ear line; price only 871. ' 181 MORRISON ST. DON'T MISS THIS CHANCB , 8-roora reeldeiO: porcelain hath, hot and cold water, good basement; 2 line lots, corner, 100x100. on Bast 1Mb St., close-in, en ear line; $2,600; only $600 cash, balance Install- "DtB. J. GEISER, 221ft Morrison at Portland Heights Residence, 8 rooms, with S er 4 tot, lawn, water, sll eopventaneas: ap to date, grand view of elty, rivers and mnuntalna; this Is a bargain and will ant last long. - Other . Heights property.- 808 Commercial blk. Phone Main 642, DO yon want a nice modern 8-roonl bouse, oa nice corner. Ana location If so, esll 842 Eaat Salmon. Phono Eaat 1162. TEN teres, all la cultivation, f miles fmra of Portland and 1 mile weat of Clackamas station; fins spring water piped to ths land ' under 40-foot pressure. Price $200 per acre. Fit acres st ths ssms rate. Five acres 10 miles eaat of Portland, 1 mile from O. W. P. electric line. Fine soil and esay to clear. $76 per sere. 240 scree 28 miles aorth of Portland, ' 100 acres very assy to dear, about 88 acres in V cultivation, all No, 1 land; price $20 pet ' sere for all or psrt. Will glvs terms or 1 might exrhaage for Pertlaad property. For .;.n.rU,-l.r...i 4M:Kat Alder aueet. fbon Baal 481. i FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. L LOTH In Ptrdniont have Inersss'd in value eve I2J this last 4 months. Why put money : out at T per cent? Invested in Piedmont lula It will make ron from 26 to 80 par cent. ' INVKHTMKNT CO.. 244 Stark St. Take "U" or- St, Johns ear. PIEDMONT Great aala ef Piedmont lota, to luvs.tors as wall aa Builders; easy terms! bur this week. INVESTMENT CO., 244 Stark St. roR 8 A LB CHEAP 41 and 7 -room heueeet ssoaV erei pert a. ah. 870 Osrfleld . see. Take Wsodlawa ear. Phone Bast 884 L HAVB eaah buyer for lots in Piedmont: so nets -only.- Phone Woodlawa 226. - . , FOR SALE a room dwelling, oa Irving atL. bet. 23d snd 24th. Addraas C 88, Journal. NORTH WEST LAND COMPANY. 308 Goodnougb bldg.. Geo. W. Turner. . H. W. Miller. ' ' ' We transact s general real eatate and brokerage business sod solicit a share cf voug patronage. . $1,200 NEW modern : 4-room cottage . at 881 Missouri are.. L car; terms to suit. v; Greenwood Park Lots.; : This Is : the best residence property od the market. Lota 148x60 aa cheap as $180 ' per lot apd ntv In a flue rssldancs district. - Also 4 neat cottagee oa lota ldoxluO feat, close to ach'ol, church and car station! ' prices from $100 to $1,460.. Farm land, email tracts, suitable for plat. . ting, snd a number of 6-sere trscts; priced ranflng from $110 to $176 per acta; all ckave . to Lenta. Call on IRA K1LBOBN, Lenta, Oregon.. NOW is your time to buy doers, wtndowe, floor. Ing and all kinds of building materials st a ' bargain..- Apply to American laa. Pbsad Paclnc IfhTa. . , HOT'BES built, aay part of city, assy par areata. 813,. Commercial blk. Mala 8868. SELLWOOD . LOTS, $8 down nnd. $8 s men tat from $78 to $200.. SellwoooVTownelte Ce ll. P. Palmer, manager. Phone Best 4704. FOR SALE OB TRADE 4 lots centrally Vs. catsd In tbe town of Ooldendale. Wash Ins. ton. Write owner, James r. Klxoo, Har. ' rteburg, Oregon, BEST BUY IN SUNNY8IDB. Fine. high, sightly corner lot 80x106 en Baat Taylor at., with all Improvements Bald, will bs jold. if taken today. $700. PATTEBSON A 8TEWABT. ' Phone Hast 8830. 1000ft Belmont at. 8CNNYSIDE Good lot 83x100 for $276. Klae sail, commercial bib. Mala Z8Z1. 8-ROOM cottage with 6 lota. - nil klada fruit ana pemiy 11; cnif-aan-oouaea, arc; Ctlsf water, also largs cistern; near St. Johns earl you will not find anything Ita equal for price, $1,200, ' 8 acres, ' highly Improved. Aroom house, berries snd fruit of all klnde; bam, chicken, booses, etc.; close to earHnet a aire home and a good Income front trait aad ehlekeaat 1 price $5,000. . We can asll yoa a home.' any a taa, any locality, oa terms that mskss It a ala for you to pay rent. Come In and see as a beet U. - . . . BEST A VAN.FOSSEN, - . .. 281ft Morrison. PROFITABLE INVESTMENT Cloae-ln gets en a good corner; Price $1t,e ewi; rent lur ettveu a year. , Ceil 248 rtark at. LOT 60x100. near school, St. Johns, $.178; easy I , saorriaon, room a. $600 A BAROAIN 4 -roora borraa, lot 80x100, . . a . I.,,.. l,ut- h -r . Call 206ft Morrlaoa. room 4. Pacing 222. $1,800 CORNER . lot .60x100. T-room hoass. range, Beater.- with seme heueehold gooda. Inquire J2T6 Burrage at, Willamette atatlan. VI I FOR SALB S acres covered with rhsrry trees. a oiocBB aouin or anra: axcananx rap mar. , ting; price $9 600, Mount Sooil Beat xwatsr to., Leats, uregoa. . rnone ncort zzna. SFB PIEDMONT. : " ' SEE PIEDMONT. . . All Investors should surely BEE PIEDMONT.' Tsks "77." St. Johns or Wood! rura earf ran leave every I er 4 minutes, Washington sts. HOUSE AND LOT. 211 12th St.. good hergsln. Davidson A Ward. Chamber of Commerce bldg. SEE Eaat Side Beal Eatate Co, for east aide property. We have 200 farms for sale, from one sere a p. 40T . Hawthorn ava, phone .'Eat 1067 , . . . .., 8 ACRES en Penlciula: clear, level,' cheats sightly. Owner. SOS Allaky bldg. . . A NICB corner, 16x100. nt 36th aad Broadway, Inquire at 806 Broadway,, FOR SALB Big bargain for quick sale: 4-rosas . suburban cottage, ground 100x100 feet, fruit and shrubbery; by owner. O. W, P. Town. Id Co.. 21$ Alder t. la O. W. P. A By, walMng-rootsv' -' .. $128 Lota in"'"' GARDEN PARK TRACT, $8 cash snd $2.80 per month. : Bull Run Water. , ' 4 blocks from University Park Statlsa. High, level and sightly. A Good neighborhood. Correspondence solicited.' BEAVER REALTY COMPANY. Phoae Main 6fU. 424 Lumbar Exchange FOR SALE) Small 8-room hone. 8 block from ear line, $1,000. Inquire 847 .Gaatea. beta ave. $828 CASH For Ave day only, ale corne lot on Union avenue, opposite Piedmont. Address owner. C 68, care Journal. SMALL cottage, lot 80x100, fruit trees, bank, good team and wagons. 888 Rodney ave. SPECIAL 4 targe lota. Broom cottage and barn, near Bnnnyslde, 1 block te car, $1100, Webb, 80 East Waahlngtoa at. FOB SALE By owner, beautiful heme, weat elope Mount Tabor; ft acre around, 4-roora ' house, barn; Sne shrubbery and hothouse log 18; choice fruit Inquire st Mount Tabor drugstore. $1, BOO a. ROOM bouse, all modern- eonvenlancee, 4 block from Maegly junction. In autre WIS Exeter at., Porjhimouth. FOR SALE FARMS. " FARMS FOB SALE . 20 acres. S miles from Vanconver. ea Bne - gravel road; 10 acrea under flne tt of cultivation, bs lanes In timber and psaturst good 4-room bouse, food bsrn, Sns well of water at door, family orchard of assorted fralts la full besrln" 8 acrea sf strawbei i lea, ' ft mile from church and, school, flne neigh, horhood. , Price $1. 800;-81.000 rath, balance can ran- 8 to 6 years. Interest T per cent, 8ft seres, S mflre from ferry landing; all " cleared except about ft of aa acre, 8 acre assorted fruits, fslr 4-room house, chicken. : house snd ysrds, TS-barrel cistern; thla la a One chicken and fruit ranch and a place that will Increase In value. Price oaly $1,060 ' $30O can run 8 year. 80 acres, sll good rick land; 26 acre under , Sne state of cultivation; 40 seres slsahed snd seded te meadow, balance green timber; S nets of comfortable farm buildings, 8 ores , srds, good wells and living stresm, sll ander good fence, 10 miles from vsnooursr. 8 mils -from Rldgefleld. Price 83.600. If yon don't see what yoa want la th above, write or call; we esn suit you aad aars yon money. THOMPSON A SWAN, Fourth and Main sts., Vancouver, Waahlagtonw- Heferenee Vancouver National Bsnk, ysne eouver. Washington IF TOtT want a good farm, cheap, address William Cantwell, Osborn hotel, - Grand ave. and East Ash. - $8,200 40-ACBB place, well Improved, best o soil, IS mile from Portland: a great barf tin.,, F,' FUCH8, )48 ft First st THB WORK OF A LIFETIME - -. Has mads sn Ideal form of 110 acres d miles from Lents; 80 seres andr eultlva. - tlon, fruit and berries; a barn 80x82 fast, 40 feet high; 6 bead of horses. 4 cows, 1 calf: farming Implements ot all kinds, 8 wagons, mountain hack and buggy, harness, stc. ; bouse with 11 rooms, msde modern by captive spring, which also gives complete ; Are protection; nearly all the furniture and everything else goes for $126 par acre; $7,000 cash, balance I yeara' time. MOUNT SCOTT REAL ESTATB COMPANY, Lents, Oregon FOR BALE 28 acres, S miles from Romberg, Or.: good bouse, barn and frulthou; all set to fruit and berries: will sxrhsngs hslf In Portland residence property. Address DUlsrd A Clay ton, Roaaburg, Or. - SO ACRES good land; aprlne branch, easily . cletrrd; no nee for land; wlQ tell st bargain. Bon 168, Estarada, Oregon, ft SECTION la Gilliam county, with- crop, summer fallow and outfit; on railroad, yk Bills to warehouse, poatofflce and echoo, $28 per nor. W. F. Watson, Gwsndolsn, Oregon. ' , .J A BARGAIN 1,814 teres; 800 In wheat: $lSt pgr sere, with crop; hslf down, balance on 1 .aav payments. .M. Palmatser, 808 Baa lith at. ' - V- . . .r' .'' i if; 4 '