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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1906)
I i ; THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE 23.-UE03. TODAY'S MARKETS That It Doos Not Pay to Hold Eggs "Tor an Advance in Price Is Shown by the Poor Qual ity of Late Arrivals - Dealers Say to Ship mm tlr.CDsicessf..::: i : Louis Bcitt, on of thl candidate from tb cast aide, reside In Central addition and 1 at present a pupil In th ' ninth trade at th Mount Tabor aohool, where aha will graduate next February. Baa wa bora In Pennsylvania It year go and ha lived In Portland (or tb past tlx year. . Th young lady - enter th Educa- .LOUibii BCOTT. - tlonal Contest very well recommended - by Mr a. Miller Murdoch, her teacher, And several other. Bh 1 determined to land on of th best 'cholarablpe and will devote her apar time during- vaca tion to signing up Journal aubeoribera MM CONTESTANTS ENROLLED. Th following named young people have already mad application or been nominated by friend for enrollment aa contestants. There la room for many mora th more 'th merrier and th -nor Interesting tb contest wlllb. j CHARLES DROSS .......... .Y. it C AJ, Portland, Oregon. MieiMARRE. POWELL... 417 Salmon street, Portland, Oregon, - MISS MILDRED UCLEMONS. r. . ...University Park, Portland, Oregon.' MISS AILEEN HACK MAN. ...Myrtl Park. Arlata, Oregon. HORACE A. WILSON. 5t Halsey street. Portland. Oregon. MISS NELLIE MAT SHANNON. ..IIS Tenlno trt, Portland, Oregon. MI88 BERTIE O. CHAN; ...m Clay street. Portland. Oregon. . CLAY JONES. ......40 East Twelfth street. Portland. Oregon. PAUL NTOREN. ...159 East Third street. Portland, Oregon. W. E. OWYNN ..141 East Thirty-seventh street. Portland, Oregon.'. - LOUISE SCOTT.,,..,. ............ .Central Addition, Portland. Oregon. - ROY JOHNSON....... T4 Division street. Portland. Oregon. RUTH TURNER.... .801 Kerby street, Portland, Oregon. CARL B HELTON Eaat Forty-eighth street. Mount Tabor, Oregon. OUY JOHNSON .101 Grant street. Portland, Oregon -HARRY- BRANT. , .-.-r.vr-. . 711 Willamette boulevard, Portland. Oregon. LILLIAN L. M' VICAR ...101 West John street. SL Johns. Oregon ELLA NELSON ., , .Newberg. Oregon. GEORGE D. KINO, .Kingston. Oregon. JESSE MOORE .. .....Tualatin, Oregon. STANLEY STEVENSON Halsey. Oregon, RICHARD W. GILVIN i . ...7T.t.. ....... ..RosJburg. Oregon-- JOHN BENSON . .. . Chem.wa. Orgo 1 OUY V,. QHAHAM, .Trout dele. Oregortr AONES J. VANS ... . .7 .7. .Latourell Falla. Oregon- IVY OWENS..., ,......" ,.. Cedar Mills, Oregon R. W. CYRUS....... . ....Sclo, Oregon. MISS-JESSIE A CAMPBELL. . . Wren tham, Oregon. anunwa... ......... MI8B TERESA ORAMM8. all over -the city."' Her many 'friends . will no floubf help her considerable. CQHSXTIOkTS OF OOBTTBaTT. i First' cholc of scholarships, or grand capital prise, to go to the eonteatant having the highest score at th cloe of the contest; second choice to th on having th next highest score, and so on to th end of th list, ths number of prises, however, to b limited to 10 Unless a greater number of contestants ' Shall have achieved reaults justifying a liberal reward. Conteatants will be limited In their cholc of scholsrshlps to such as they "'.:''- cash rans. Cash prises of a totsl of 1710 will be warded to contestants as follows: J. A purs of $300 for th general ex penses of th winner while attending any publlo or private Institution provid ing fre tuition. I. A purs of 1100 to be used In th am manner aa the above. I. A purs of 1100 for Incidental Jiense to supplement a scholarship eoted from th following Hat. 4. A purse of 7f tn addition to on Of th following scholarships. I. A purs of $60 In addition to en Of th following scholarships. THE SCHOLARSHIPS. Following is the list of scholarship, with approximate cash value of each, offered at prizes.- Detailed information concerning them will be published from time to time, or furnished on application to the Contest Department, ; ACADEMY QF THE HOLY NAMES, Astoria...... ....... f 250 ALBANY COLLEGE, Albany.;. ..fXOO BEHNKE-WALKER BUSINESS COLLEGE, Portland..... f 100 CAPITAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, Salem........ ...$100 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY, Portland.. .......flOw DALLAS COLLEGE, Dallas.......;..............-. ..flOO GILLESPIE SCHOOL OF EXPRESSION, Portland. ......f 120 HILL MILITARY ACADEMY, Portland flOO HOLMES BUSINESS COLLEGE. Portland.... .....flOO HOLMES-FLANDERS PRIVATE SCHQOL, Portland..;..? 150 INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS, Scranton, Pennsylvania , ,..fllO McMINNVILLE COLLEGE, McMinnvilk.... ., ,..,..".) 40 OREGON CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC, Portland. ....... f 200 . One Violht Scholarship 125 One Guitar and Mandolin Scholarship... i.t. .......? lOO PACIFIC COLLEGE, Newberg flOO T "PACIFIC TELEGRAPH INSTITUTE. PortUnd..... ;.fl25 PORTLAND SCHOOL OF DOMESTIC SCIENCE, Port- ' land (Y. W. C A.)......, 10 SACRED HEART ACADEMY, Salem. . .... i ................ 160 ST. MARY'S ACADEMY, Portland........... i. 200 GIRL SAVES HERSELF FROM it ATTACK OF CRIMINAL Nine-Year-Old Child Beats, Off x Man Who Makes Attempt t4' i !i . to Assault Her. "tt was only th pluck of th t-yenr-Id dauahter of t. Howard of 1004 Cleveland avenue that aaved her from a horrible fat at th hands of an un known man last, - vn1n( at Qarfleld avenue and Ooltif street! The child, altiiough suffering fright, was sbl to irlvs an excellent description of th brut-, to th polio and th detectives on tb caas expect to ftot his captur. .1.... . t r . , ,1 '' .- . . . . I. A purs of fit In addition ta one of th following- acnoiarampa. can make personal us of, th scholsr hlp being non-transferable, except with th consent of th managmnt of tb schools. ; . Any young peraon of school ag who can furnish satisfactory reference as to character and worthiness of assist ance In the endeavor to secure a good education may enter th contest at any time before th close, September 1. The, business of contestants will be to Indue people to aubsorlb for The Oregon Journal, If they are not airaady taking th paper, ' or renew their sub scriptions by paying for aa long a period in advance aa convenient, thereby giving th contestant tb benefit of th votes allowed on advance payment. Votes will be allowed on all advance payments on subscriptions, whether so licited by the oontestanta themselvea or paid or remitted directly to Th Jour nal of flea, or through any of the regu lar agents or collectors, but In-all case th money muat be In Th Journal office befor credit will ' be - given for th vote,- ' . ' , Komroi iu. A cash commission will be paid con testants on all new subscriptions se cured by them personally, or procured directly through their Influence. Thus vary contestant will have a cnane to earn sem pocket money. In addition to th opportunity of winning 110 or f 100 or a scholarahlp worth from $100 to 1X10. aupplemented with a pure ot ivo for Incidental expenses. .- - . Blank voting certificates or ballots will be furnished oa reauest to con teetanta or others, who may have use for them. For each, subscription pre paid on of these ballot may be filled out tn correspond with tb amount and length of time paid for, th number of vote du, th nam of th contestant favored, tc, to be voted at tb con venience of th subscrlMr or ooiuaatant. cottage Grove. Oregon. ' .180 Grand avenue. Astoria, Oregon x tothto sonsuiv. - Th voting power of subscriptions will bs tn accordance with th following schedule: , Daily and Sunday Journal. Prlc by Tim ' 1 Carrier. Matl. Vote. One Year ........ .$7. CO Six Months 1.71 Three Months . .... l.ll Two Months ...... 1.10 On Month II 17.00 1.71 1.10 1.10 .It 1,101 TOO too II Bally Journal Without Sunday. Prlc by Tim. ' " Carrier. Mall. Votes, 1.000 450 too 110 10 On Year ...15.00 Six Months 1.60 Thro Months ...... 1.10 Two Months ...... 1.00 On Month .10 fi.OO 1.71 1.40 1.00 ' 60 " . . Sua day Journal. T - Prlc by ' Tim. Carrier. Mall, On Year.... 11.10 tl.oo Six Month....,.. i 1.11 , l.ftO Votes. 110 110 . Semi-Weekly Journal. , Prlc by Tlma Carrier. Mall. Vote. On Year.. ... 100 Six Months .71 101 It was Jus about dusk that llttl Mis HowajeT was approachsd by a mld dl-ardjriaa carrying a hoe, as she was standing at Cleveland avenue and Go ing strt. Th fellow Inquired th lo cation of Oarflell tvenuuand In her childish lnnocnc b - Volunteered to direct hint thar. - ITpon arriving at th street named h requested to b conducted ' to Roeelawn avenue. Th Howard child refused to go farther on th ground that It was growing 1st land aha should b at horn.-' """t T It waa then that th man grabbed tht child la a vlse-Uk grip and attempted to drag her Into th brush. Despite her small sg and sis th girl put up a de termined resistance 'and finally, man aged to brenk from th grasp of her aaaatlant. She ran aa faat aa'pOsslbl to her hom and reported th matter to her parent, patrolman Adnma was notified and began an Investigation. No trace of th thug could b found by th policeman. . , . . POTATOES PACKED III BOXES Hood River Inagurates New Sys tern Sizes and Colors Are " About Even. ' WHEAT MARKET DROPS ' C ONE CENT A BUSHEL LoganBernet"ScarceonTAccbuntof Rains Few' Crate of Strawberrlet Arrive Salmon Is Lower With Heavier Suppliea. ' : Front atreie. Ion M.-Tbe principal fettares of the Portlsad waolesal aurkets todsy are! Potetoee perksd Id koies. Car eanUloBpee from Coecbella. . Wheat mark.t le lower. , Export Boor trade dallrr. Losanberrlfe scarce with raise. PeacbM down; sappHas heaTler, . First Orf oa now applse errlTe. BalmoB lower with heavier supplies. Black ass Sod fair deaiaad. . . Bin chorrt eoae rroai Oresbaai. Plum are la larsar sopply. , . Bop eontracta belnc eousht. ... Pooltrr holds former price. Egra ere firm ; receipts fair. .-. . . Dreaaed awats la excelleat cell. ' Potato are Vaeaea la Rood Blver has (lva soother new wrlnkl la the markets. Packisf of poutoes la erstai has beea resertad to oa ether eccestone for (overnmrnt ordere for Alaskaa shipment, but todar Is the first time that any potatoes were received- here packed In boxee as are fruits. The poutoes from Hood ; Hirer are alcelr racked la rowe end ara of ver fsae qnalltr. Blaae are very even and color Is Just about the same all through the peckase. The po tatoee are ef the Barlv Boee varlatr sad sr esioac the bast recalrxd la this market. The boxes contain about BO pounds of stock end sail along the street et Toe. Bell at Oe, re. eatTedUwm. . First Oreroa Apple arrive, V ' asaln from The Dallea the flrat shlpmeot Is receiTsd.. This time It Is the aew epple. To day Davenport Brae, report the arrlral ef th arat Ors-oa spplas ef the eseaoo. ttecks were from tha place of Fred Cypher-at The Dsllee and were la very good shape. Regular els boxes at tt. - The Irat local Blnf cherries eame this nornlng from the Cottoa - farm at Oresbam. Not nlt ripe enough but very good, flood, slaed shlpmeaU expected from local point soon. Royal Ann la very liberal supply with, prices easy. Xgeaberriee Are tcaree. .- On aceoont of rain yesterday bet ttw eratee ef ' loganberries were picked st local points yesterday snd today's supplies are Very limited. Price' the same. A 'few crates of strawberries were re. eelved from Clacksmaa oouaty this atornlng. Price very arm et 122 M pre crete for S4s. - Black tte from Ctlfomta r agitn la market with demand fair at ll.tO01.TS for .small boxes.. - almea tewer With Heavier Supplies. Best ehlaook salmon Is quoted eaaler today at se per pound, whim etealbeads are ruling at Tc: eame price for bluebaek. Supplies are much more liberal. Most receipts are from southern Oregoa streams. . Bun . oa Columbia saala-lmnrerlne. Dressed meeta are still la a very trm poaltlon along th etreet. Receipts of veal only fair with demand heavy at Tc for beet. Dreeeed bogs not coming fast enough with prices esslly maintained. Wheat Karkef a Osat Xewer. A very slow export demsnd for flour, with practically Do aoastwlae business reported. caused a decline of le per bushel In wheat this morning oa all grades except valley. The lat ter la Arm with some offers a trine higher. Hay contlnnee quite steady with offerings not so liberal nor of such good quality. . Price rule practically unchanged. Fealtry ana Zggs Firm. - Both th poultry end egg markets sr Arm todsy. Receipts la eech Hue are not eve th requirement of the demand snd prices are maintained at yexterday'a rulings. Beet de mand la poultry Is for eld hen and large springs. Creamery butter Is week along the street to ssy with most of the sales la quality at iso. Only a few at 30c. Country store arm with demand good St price-' ."' The cheese msrket continue la a strong post. Woe. AU new purchases are st the sdvance quoted by The Journal several days ago. but some dealers are atlU offering at 11 He. Vlaer Vote ef the Street. Peaches la mere liberal supply with whit ranging .around toe and best yellows st $L10. A carload ef eentaloup from Coecbella was anloaded this BMrulnc. Price range betwse I3.7BQ erst. Bop contracts are being sought by buyers. Some reports of a fractional sdranc la of fered price. I The trad pays the following price to Front street. Prlcee paid producer are lees regular eommlsstoDa 0rata, Flour sad Feed. GRAIN BAOS Calcutta. lOOlOVie. . . I ot . iw r . i .1.. i. . tknulK a - . dva - - t u m. voc. wur SUm, TSc; valley. 71QT2e. DA BUS I reeo. ihwi reuea, ZS.OUJXO.OQ brewing, 124.00. CORN-Wool. I.80i cracked. ttB.M pr ten. RTB li s per ewr. - OATS Producer' price No. 1 whit. E3S.00 Q.IO 00: gray. 2S.o0a 29.00. ruUU--nw ...wrn vrvfo. pacevra, PA.vira :. ss.iS0S.3O; whole wheat. tout mid. dllng. tie.So; 25.00; short. - country. tK00i elty. chop. 1S.WIZI.DU. HAT Producer price Tlmethr. Willamette valley, fancy. lt 00: ordinary, $10 00ft 10 IV); etra Oragos, in.wqiiJi": mixed. tl0.O0J lO.ftO; clover, i grain. S7.BOB8.60: it. aniner, aggs aaa reaixry. BCTTXR FAT T. a. b. Portland Swet erm. met sour, lSe. BUTT EH city creamery, xie; cot a KM rsaey, IStTlOc: ordmary, 17Hei autre, lSH)l4e. BOUS no. t xreen vngon, cendied, zzg 9Ue clIECCIB Kew-rull cream, flats. UMoizcl Toung America. 13Villllc. POUI.TBI mixcj cnicxcn. ibh per mi fancy bene. UI4 per lbi rooster, old, 10Uc lb; t. llOimo ft: fryers, IfleJlTe: broil, ere. lSQITe per lb; eld duck. ISdlOc par lh. prlog duck. lc per lb; gee. Sill? pee lb turkeys, lAc per Ri dressed. SO Er lb: squabs.. lx.S0OS.00 per doe; pigeon. .00 per doe. . Hpe, Wool and HMa. -HOPS Contracts, lOt crop, lOe per lb tBOt Oregon. lOtaiOUc. WOOL 1M clip Valley, eosree to BMdlssL Uc; fine, tec; esstera Oregon, 903x1. MOHAIR New, Sue. aHKr"KI.Na aneartae. Rjao aeh ebnrt wool, 25QOci median. - wool M)Tte aeh long wool. TDcAfl.OO eera. ., TALLOW Priaw, pet la, tMOe Bo. a aad sri aae. 22Ue. OH1TTJM JfiARK IPOS stock, t01M set & 104. nominal l 100; 1 lb. HIDES Dry, No. I, 1 Ibe snd ep, ISH4) ITH f lbi dry kip. N. t, t te IS lbs. I4ci dry calf. No. I.-under t lbs. It: ealted hide, steer. on4. M lb ssd veer. lOQIlci .eow. lHc; t( snd boll, sound, oj7c: kip, IS to SO lb. c Calf, sound, under It Ibe. He; grven, ensslted. le lee; cull. per lb le; fcaraehtdee. selteeV each, 1 nl.Ttl dry, ec. tl.OOOt.eOt eolt hide, xji.V)j goat skin, com mo, eech, lOQISc; angora, sseh, . SocQ tl.O. - FruK t Tegetsbles. POTiTOK.a Beet -sorted, frno per ssck; docet' price for car Iota. 04t.Va per ewi; ardlnary.. "R4V; producer' price. aew Csllfomls, SI. HO: Orenn. l Of)l .110. - ONIONS Jobbing price lefaa, l4e per lb; new Callrornle, red. 1 1. 40; sllrera, tl-Tt; gatlle, tre per lb. . i PRC8H yRI'lTS Aprle. . tMKMtt OA; ne apple, tl at; r(ea, Medllrrrasean. M.Tn4i4: bananaa. fie lb; Icinotia. chfilce. 4.otiA.23 cr fancy, ...rfAt6. jier lltite. fcle.v Imn. T.v per i: tangerine. - i pineapple. 1:4 TMCi.flO; .'Hawaiian, ; airawherrlee. tJ.nO Ail 2.1 per crate) ooaherr(ee, , AQee per lb; cheerlee. JdflV Ih: phi ma, tiellK.I per crate: tarlcete. 1.00wl.lBi peaeaea. iKgLMi toga-) JOURNAL'S DAILY TIPS ON MARKETS . . . ' . e . warning i given tnoa amp. . per of egg who still persist In V th holding of supplies: During th paat few day a conatderabla d number of poor ' quality 'egg S have been received In this city. A prominent commission man In e talking of the-eltuatlon says that" d "moat of thsa poor egg had probably been kept for evral ' weeks by shipper In th hop of d an advance in prloea. The mar- ket did rise but after th poor e egg wr taken out th shipper did not receive aa miicb, for hla e egga aa ha wohld harv obtained had they bean filppd early snd e taken th lowr prlo per dosen. , e .- .. .WW berrUe, tl.ZS; eaaUloapes, IS.T6O4.0O; rsss brrle, jl.73. VKUBTABLEI turnips, new, II 10 per eack; Carrots. $1 78 per sack; beeta, II. 60 vr aark; para sip. $1.60 per aark ; Oregoa radloee, HOC do; cebbag. OregM, l.BOtl.78; bell peppera. 85c lb; Mexican tomato, ft: California, UT 61 S3; local bothouae, 13.76: paranlne, Oct II. 00: (trlng baana, Oregon. fiIc pee lb; cauliflower, fl. 00 per dos; pees. SQSHe lb; boraeradlsh, SiTc per lb; artlctiokee, T6e per do; asparagus, cttegoa, , 6)aftc per due bunches; Wall Walla, tl.00 per box; anath, 1V4; aplnach. .60 per bos: greea onions, Oreeoa, 12 c per dos bunch; cucum ber. 60(3 90c Per dos; celery, 11 per - dee: greea com, SxHOtSe dos; summer squash, TSetj tl.00 box; eggplant. 40c lb. DRIED r;lT8 Apple,, evaporated. ISO 14c per lb; aprlcota. 14o per lb; peachea, H18H per lb; aacka. He p-r lb lees; prune. SO to 40. tc; We drop oa eech sixteenth mailer sine; figs, California black. CHc lb; California whit, t'4Vic per lb; date, goldea, TVb per lb( tarda. 1 1.40(81.60 per 1Mb box. . wreeerMS, hTuta. Xt.- Bt'O AR Bark bade Cob, SS 80; powdered, 1.15: fruit eranulated. dry ersnulsted. IS.OS) renf. I. 6.0; beet granulate., waetern, 14.S8: Hawaiian. M.Ofl: axtra C. 4.SB: aoldea u. ae.en; v uow, .oo; ooia, iuo; ooia, 10c; boxes, toe sdrsnce on seek fce.ti, lc 20 per ewt for eh, It dayt maple. 1401C per )b. - (above prices apply te sslee ef leee thsa ear lota. Car lot at epeelal prlcee subject te luctiiatlons.) i HONEY ft. SO per Crete. . COrriCB Pek branda. 1 14 T8. SALT Ooarae Half ground, 100. 10 00 per ton; 60s, I9 60; table, dairy, 80a, 111.00; 100a, $11.78; Imported Llrerpool. 60. 117.00; 100a, $16 BO: X24, $16.00; extra Ine. bbl. , 5s. 10a, t4.60es.60j bulk. 830 lbs, l4.0OOS.00t aacka, 60s, fiiMBSoc; Llrerpool lump rock, flt.tO per ton: 60-tb rock. $.0O; 100a, 8.00. RICH Imperial Japan, Ne. 1. tc; He. S, OBHcNew Orleans heed. Te) AJax, to; Creole, tlie. , BBAN8 Smslt white, 4.1R; large' white, $8.50; pink. 13.75: bayou, 14.78; Lima, t-80i Mexican red, He. r- NtTTfl Peanst. Jnmhoa. e par lb; Tlrainla. (tWc nor lb: r)etd. RftaHe ser lbi Jana. eo, 6t8Ue; roaated, TejTtto per lb: cocoa- nete, eoji"ic per oos; wainui. lofisiOHe rn; pmennts, 10Q12He per lb; hickory auta, lOe per lb; cheatnuta. raatern, 18Glc per lb; ttraall ante, 14ai5c per lb; .fllherta. Ufflfie per lb; fancy pecan. ISc; almond. ISQITe. ' alaa, Ooal Oils. Bte. ROPsT Pure Maalla, 14c; standard, ltUei be I. lis. , COAL OIL Pearl er Aatril Caeca, per gal; water white. Iron bbl. 14c par gal; woodoa. 17 per gal; headlight, 170-deg, eeees, tlMc per gal. OAWiUNB--dfg, eases 14 He per gal, fro uia. jsc per gaL B tt-des. case tt per gaL troe Don iee per gai. TCRPINTINE In eaes Me per gal; weedea bbl 08c per gaL WHITB LKAO Ton lota, TKe per Tb; tOO-Ib lot. Hr per lb; lee let. tU per lb. WIRB NAILS Present bast at It 65. MNHlIFn Oil Par raw. tn t-bbl lot. Bc l-bbl lot, 58c; raaee, 68c ber gal; genuine kettle boiled, eaaee, Oe per gal; 6 -bbl lota. 64c 1 1-bul lot 66c par gal; ground eake, car lota. $30.00 per too; leas thsn esr kits. $.TO.O0 per torn. Meats, risk aad Previsions. rRCKH M BATS Front etreet Beef ateert, 4f5fl per lb; cow. 8(34 per lb; hoga. faocv, SHj9o: ordinary. THttSc; poor, TQTHe per lb; bulla,' SfiJSc per lb; veal, extra, Te per lb; ordinary. Ac per lb; poor. He per lb; mottoa, fancy, 8Qtte per tt: lamb. Sc. HAMS. BACON, ETC. Portland park (local! bams, 10 to 14 lbs, 16c per lb; 14 to is lb. 16c per lb: breskfsat bacon. imaaOe per lb; picnic, UHc per lb; cottage, 10 per lb; regular abort clear, anamoked. 10c per lb; moked. llwc Per lb; clear bark a, ansmoked, 10 H per lb; smoked. llHc per lb; Dnktn butts, Uutault Toa; unamoked. Se per lb; a moked, Se per lb; . clear, brlllee. nnamoked, lie per lb; moked, 13c per lb; ahenldera. 10 Ve per lb. LOCAL ' LARD Kettle leaf. 10a. 19a per lb; te, l2He per lb; 60-lb tine, 11 He par J; at earn rendered. 10. lie per lb; 6. 11 H per lb; compound. 10s, SVe. CANNED SALMON Colun-bla lirer. 1-lb telle, I1.S0; l ib tails, 2.T6; fancy, 1-lb Sate, II.SOi U-lb fsncy tats. 1.I5: fancy 1-lb orals. U ll; AUaka Ulla. pink, WtttOe; red, tl-60; nominal te. tall, tl.00. - - - risie Rock end, Te per lb; flonnders. Be per lb; halibut. 6 He per lb; eraha. 11.60 per dos; striped baas. 12He per Rr catnah, Tc per lb; luion. Columbia rlrer cblnnok. 8c lb; steel head, Te Tb; bluebacks, Ts lb; herring, te lb; olee, Se lb; shrimp. 10c lb; perch, te per lb; black rod, Te per lb; totneod, Te per lb; eUrer smelt, Te per lb; lobsters, 16 per lb; freeb mackerel, 8e per Tb; crawfish, 86 par dos; ahad, 8c per lb; eturfeoa, 10 per lb, OT8TCRS iboal water bay, pa gal. I1.1B; per 110 lb rack. $4 00. ' CLAMS Hardahell, par bet. tt-00; raaor laaia, $1.00 per boa. . SAME OLD STORY IN MARKET TODAY No Arrivals In Yards Cattle Come Quite Fast Sheep De mand Rules Steady. Portland Cnloa atsetryards. June 2S Live stock receipt: , Bogs. Cattle. Bleep. Today .................. ... . 847 ' 609 waea ago. ...... ........ ... ino i.nn Month ag 111 30 Tear ago ... 76 ... It's tb esme old story to tsll again In th HvMtock market. Ne bogs have arrlred. Ther la eulte a rood demand rrom : small xiuers but none are coming to anpply them. Cattle arrlvala sr quits liberal wiia oe. Band eaay. '- Sheep ate lay to strong, attitsis goa. OrHcUl llraetock receipt: Hoes Bast eaatern Oregon. tT.OOAT.Sa; blockers snd China rata, t60; stockers snd feeders, 18 29. . Cattle B-t eaatara Oregon steers, IS 23; best cows snd heifers, t ; stockar sad feed er. $3 00; bull. $2.60. Bhaep saearung, iQKi lamoa, EASTERN HOGS ARE STEADY. CaJoago Market Xa Weak rone) for fraep Today. Chicago, lua 18. I.lreetock receipt: . .. Hoe. Cattle. - Sheep, Chicago .82.aJ - e,0 " 16.000 Kanaaa aty........l,000 . ,0i0 t.Ono Omaha ...14,000 8.BOO 8.000 Hogs ltedy wita e.ww oyer, rricesi Mixed. tA WOt-TO; Jrood. t" BTQaTO; rough, $.80TI.46; light, $8 8n7. t.sme otaaay so uvns. ghees Week. ' VX1TKS ITATXt 0VtlfMEkT BOXOt. (tew Tork, June 88. Oovernment bonds: ..... IHte. A. Bid. Twos, regletered Kt8 lnjv, lorn do m ...i... Jo Three, reentered loo 10814 104 x. Ins lot do coupon .! i:i Twee, email bonds Vnura realaterad . . Si? ...... IOOT . 10114 do eouoon i...... IOOT wi 104 fours, -registered 1R2S Yll l:to do coupon lu" 'H 160 Pletrert or roiumois. . . . . . ... Philippine 4 117 HO I Vew Terh-Leadea lilvee. , New Tork. June 8. Har silver, ssUct. Ixm- don, totlutl. -1. . s - . , - - llverpeel Oottea Lower. . Liverpool, June 8t.e-CettaS future! closed 1 to I point lower. CROP420,000,000 BUSHELS Jbhes Prediction of Heavy Winter Wheat Production Hurts the MarkeV FORTY MILLION AHEAD . 7 OF LAST YEAR'S YIELD Chicago - Market - Drop -Under : Pret snra of Bears Liverpool. Opens s Fraction Up but Closes Unchanged Say It It Too Early for Rust. BEtATTTB WHEAT TALTJV9. Close Cs' Clce Le '" . Jun8S. June 87. !. ane M. mry ...8 .824 September...., .88 B DccemlMC..... May, .MH t .S3. S .91 t .OOM .sail .ST-'fJUoi ' .84 Mil .7iJ .0 . Chicago, June .. The wheat kurket held bearlab tone today. Jones' report estlmstlng the winter wbest crop at 4t0.O00.0OO bushel, er about eO.OOO.OOO bushels store thaa a yeer sgov wss the depressing restore. Liverpool came about fed np at tbe opening, but closed the tame es yesterday. Th closing todsy bare shows loss of H to 8 a buehel. Logan Brysa Hire th following:' "Onr Mr. McKlnaoa, wbo l fa MlnneepoOs today, wires: 'Borne aorthweetera people are getting bad reporte from various sections of North Dakota. Toe much rsla everywhere aad sier predicted. It le cloudy bore eow.' Th Record-Herald thus ume ap the equa tion: They took a rlttl sdranUge yesterday te work up a mat scar so wbest. Attoatto was called to the beery reins snd the predic tions sf hot and muggy weather to follow. Except for some of the early Durum wheat, which could be sttecked snd damaged from rust, the plant baa sot yet developed far enough to bs eubject to any damage from rust. Ns stslk ass yet eppeared-. end It will he some thing new of wheet growing If rest should attack at such a stag. The trade bse ta mind, however, tha experience ef 1804, wheal the red rest reports were followed by black rest dn- Offtelal q notation by Overbeek, Ceokeoompanyc 's" . i - CT(etfc- ' Hleh. - tow. Starr ft Close. I -82 H . .fan .84B - Xuly..;..a .8314 f .83 -? .82 Sept...,. .a4 . .an Pee.rr.. .8414 - --.84' .8244 .88 V .88 May.. .8St COBN. July... Sept.. bee... .mil . Ji - .8214 .81 '4 .6044 .62 3 B .00 .504 -OAT8 July... Sept..... Dec..... .894 . .86 "i 1 .80 UMV4 - MB V 18.80 14.80 7 MESS PORK. July Bept... Jan... . 1T.00 18.T0 14.80 8 TO 1T.1S IT 00 18.80 14.80 LARD. 18.68 14.78 fuiy- Bept Oct... 8.78 8 Pt I TtB , I 02H ' 0 tea I.92B SHORT RIBS. - -, 8 81 8 ST ' 8 SIS 8 10 8.2SB - t.OS ' 8.00 8.06 . July..... Sept..... Oct..... en 22 8.02 uvzxyooL emanr iurxxt. Lrrerpool. June t. Official prieest , 0pa . Close Clos Loss Jnne IT Jaae St s THd .,. s 8id ...... s 8d ... . June 28 Jnly...... T4d Sept...... s 8(Jd JuneM s THd 8 8jid 6 M , CORN. 4S 8d 4 Tjd Deo July.. Sept.. 4 ti 4a 74 8 4stHd - Vd .nrtLUtT ORAnr XOTCXXsTT. Chicago, Jan St. Primary receipts! . Today Tear age Buah. Buah Wheat Corn . ..208.000 ..ova, 000 tll.ono 81,000 305.000 880.000 buahela: barrels; Bblpmentst . Wheat 88,000 Corn tTS.OOO Total clearance: Wbest, 48.000 corn, 8T8.OOO buahels; flour, 17,000 eets, 160,000 boahele. ' , 7050 CASH- WKI1T. Chicago. Jaaa M. Ceah wheat! Bid. Bid. No, S red..... No. 8 red ,.t .KTlNo. 1 norther.... t .88 .. .MNo. 8 aorthera.... .84 .. .82) No. S aprlng...... .81 No. S hard No. t hard....... -Tl ckxcaoo emanr cak lots. Chicago, Jon 2. Oratn ear lots: Car, tirsd. Est. 109. Wbest 14 8 4 Cora 471 33T 483 170 Oat 148 8d 181 rOT Wheat care today! Minneapolis 143, Duluta 4ft. leaf ago: Minneapolis 141, Dulutb 22. 1 ay rtAJroisoo trnrixa stocks. Ssa Iraaelse, Jnn, t8-Offldsl close: " Bid. I Bid. Belmont ... Caah Boy... I5.BO National Bank. .48 .17A Denver Sl.eO Ooldca Anchor.. Home ... Jim Butler .... McNmara .... Midway Montana . 1..... North Star .42 Con. Cat-Va 86 .2AA Ophtr 1.80 1.28 Mexican -fA - .78 Caledonia ' .80 110 Bxcbequer ..... .40 1.17 it N oreroa ....... .80 .4 uoia crown.... .boa Ohio Toa. Kz (Aj... N era da ..T... West End .28 lot. Bnd XX R.8TV4 Reecue 18 00 Black Butt Kz. 2.0 Tramp .11 Uoldea Belmont. .m Montgomwy Mt. .13 IBunaet .8.1 Iftreptr .20A I Baykar-Btunprey. .13 .08 1.00 .88 .38 .204 .20 .15 .47 .11 .n .08 .08 .10 .10 .10 .nt .01 .27 ..S8 .94 Adam ........ Atlanta Bluebell Booth Columbia Mt .. Con. Quarry.... rlamoudneld ... Dixie Goldflald ...... Jumbo Jumbo Bxtea... Kendall .10 liexter ' .30 Orsnny .0 Uold wedge .45 Lone Star....... 1.20 I St. Bend Kx.... .18 Ot. Bend Anaex. .55 rrcnt .17 ftenrer Annex. . . .17 Bulla ft Beare. 1.55 Black Butte 1.20 N. T. Coneot.... .80 Little Joe .28 Mayflower ..... .48 Jumping Jack... Bull frog Mia.. May vun .... Mohawk Bed Top Sandstorm .... Sliver Pick..... Si. Ivss 0KTLAJIO 1AJTX STATTaTXVt. Clesrlng .................... ..tT88.8D8.03 .. 108,!7I.T Balance ......... Sterling Kxehange Kate. New Tork, June 28. sterling exchange: De mand. 484. TB; 00 da 7. 481 7 i4. FOUND UNCONSCIOUS IN STREET BY POLICEMEN .' :'- Ous Hendereob eras picked tip tn aa unconscious condition laat night by Pa trolman Mallett and Oallbraltlv.- Th man was Intoxicated and covered with a number of brujee about th head. H clalmad to hav been assaulted and robbed by two unknown mn and th detectives ar worklns oa th caa. - BURNS MILLS MAKE BIG PRICE INCREASE ' (Special ..Dlepsteh ' te The JearaeL) Burns, Or.-Jun It. Th sawmill of Burna anifHarney City bav started to tnanufactur lumbar and th outlook 1 good foca bls demand for lumber owing- to thfpumbr of nw ttnea rs , locating lit- th county, Thr price on ail trades of lumber har tooi-aa-d jo per eaat vr laat rar, " . . ,; : ''V: 1 m . : ' ' CALL MONEY FOUR MID A HALF ' ;' .... . Higher Rites on Exchange Cause Erratic Stock Market 1 4 In New-York.- :t ' BUYING BY GATES IS CAUSE OF COPPER RISE Frkk BiiTt Hearily oi Union Pacific and United Sutes Steel Preferred- Good Qainti Made in the FaTorites ' Today Trading; Showing-' Increaie. . ITaT aacvs, Ansceada ........ l H. Z. Central.. 1 Amelsaaasted .... SW Ont. We tern... Loeomatlv ....... - h Northern PacUle... S Bmeite i Psnnsylvspla Sufar ............ 1 People's Oss .4 Atchleoa PrMMd Steal Car.. sMitunor ........ HIReadlnf Breoklyn lBpoalTe Steel... Caasdlsa Bock Island..,.. St. Paul till Southern By Cole, foal ....... ltk SoatHern PacUto. H Brie ........ HI Union Pacific 3V 111. central........ VU. S. Steel... LonlevlUe It do pretarred, Desrai 1) KET LOSSES. - - w. f . ., . nwiDH ........a Chesapeake U OsaUsl Leather.. aaiseoun racuH. WsU Street, Hew Tork. Jaae 18. The stork market opened very weak this mornlns but ofe t liaurev llttl Uter. Blther aaoaey thsa seat the Hit oft but It afaln became straat and derln the remSladat of the-day waa very erratls with ttte ckains hlfher. Money ratae ware ta principal bearUh restore, call ralins aa bl(h as 4 Vk per cent ea tbe tooe. Ouppere wre laedera of activity, al though lUadlna, eomnwa. prd la a very cloee sseend. . Tb tarieat Individual rise to day was la Aaaeoada, which shows a eloe- W quarter point hlfher thaa yestsrdsy. Ajuslcamaied roae tb at tbe close aad wss El soon. This waa da to tb beery bur st .Gate. U. C. trick Is ald to bars od huysr of TJnloa Pacta and United State CM eel. preferred. Trdln waa et a lively - character, ttte traaaaettoa . te noes sjnoontlns to 888,000 shares. O racial quotations by , Orerbeck, - Start ft Cook eoanps ny 1 Oloslnl i . Opeav Bid. Anaconda aftnlnf Oompeny ..2tft t0 An isatoated -Copper Compaay.... 84 Atchleoa, eocnmon..... eaVJfc Atchlsoa, preferred .. Amerleea Car 4k Foundry eommoa. JS American Car a Ttmndry. preferred . , Amerleea tufer, eommoa. .........1384 Amerleea Smelter, eommoa. ...... .18 Amerleea Smelter, preferred ..11444 Baltimore a Ohio, common. ........Uo Baltimore A Ohio, preferred....... .. Broeklya Baptd Transit T414 Canadian Padae, eommoa lo4 - Chlcato A Great Weetern, eommoa. 18 i -Chlcaso, aUlwankee a St. Paol....l7H4 Cblcese a Northwestern, com....lftT Chlcaso Terminal Bailway - ChcstWke- Ohlo.v.-. ; rrrrr. C flora do reel a Iron, eommoa Colorado Southern, eommoa . Colorado Soatbtm, second preferred . Ookarsde Boathern, first nrstsrred.. Delaware a Hudson .. Welaware,' Lackawanna A Western, ... Donee a Bio Orsnds, eommoa..... 0H. Denver A Rio Grande, preferred.. .. Erie, eommoa... 404 Erie, second preferred... 88I4 Erl. arat preferred............ Illlnol Central....... ...1TB4 LoolsTlll A Kaahrlll. 141 Metropolltaa Street Hallway....... .. alahhattan Railway .. Mexican Central Kallmay. ......... 21 1, Mlaaoarl Paclfle Bfl Mlaaourt, Kansas A Texas, eommoa. 33 Mlaaonrl, Kansas A Texas, preferred AS New York Cantrsl ......1.14 Amerleea Cotton Oil............... z "4 American Locomotive. ............. 8Tfc Federal Smelters..., 93 Norfolk A Western, eommoa...... M ' Norfolk A Weetern,' preferred...... .. North Amerleea ,. ST New Tork, Ontario A Wsstsra.... 4TU PeaM.TlTsnla Railway 12N4 People s Oas, Ll(bt A Coke Co.... 814 Pressed Steel Car, eommoa 48 Preaaed Steel Oar, preferred ,. Pacific Mail Steamship Company.. .. Reading,. eoana Ueadlu, aecend preferred. - Reedlns, Srst preferred Republic lra A Steel, eommoa.... 38t4 RepnbUo Iron A Steel, preferred... 84T4 Rock laland. eommoa S3 Rock Island, preferred 88 Boutbsrn Railway, eommoa 84 Southern paelfte , 884 Roatbera Pacific, preferred ,. tt. Lonl A Baa rranclece, 2d pfd. .. .' St. Leula A San rranclaeo, 1st pfd. .. . St. Loan A Booth western, com St. Louie A Sooth weetern. pfd... t0 Texas A Pacific 148 1 14T - 304 81 82 88 1H6 80 8T4 Mt4 88 J S 4 wi 12v 88 Vt 48 84 j 83 1284 0 80 rt 24 8 68 ' 130 48 64 21 &o4 HVk 1&S 2SH TenneMee Coal A Iron. . Toledo. Bt. L. A W., eommoa.,.. Toledo, St. L. A W.. preferred.. 4 In Ion Pacific, eommoa 1424 144 I'nloa Pacific, preferred... , .. 82 lotted 8 tat Robber, eommoa.... 4SH fnlted State Rubber, preferred I'nlted State Stl Co., eommoa... 85 4 T'nlted Sutee Steel Co.. prof erred.. 101 Wheel. A Leke Erie, common .. .. Wheel. A Lake Erie, 2d preferred. ... WheeL A Lake Erie. It preferred. .. Wteeonaln Central, common Wlseonsla Central, preferred .. western union 'iswfrapa......... .. Wabaeh. eommoa 18 W aba eh. ore f erred 44 American Woolea. 85 8.1 Northern FsdfK 1884 188T4 HENEY WILL ARRIVE y SOME TIME THIS WEEK Word has been received announcing that Assistant TJnltd Btatea Attorney General Francl J. Heney will b In Portland thl weak to prepare th vl deno In th land fraud cases to com mence July t. It waa definitely announced aom tlm So that Heney would arrive her July t. In tlm for th opening- of court by Judge Hunt of Montana, but It em thst h will rqulr som tlm to pro per several of th eaaea and has ohanged his plans accordingly. Ther la atlU much speculation as to which on of th land fraud oa will b triad first, although It Is said that th authorities are eager to hav Con greesman Blnger Hermann brought Into court, - Thl deslr on th part of th authorities la said to hav bean Inspired by President Roovlt. Many of th remaining case ar x pected to attract but llttl attentions al though th lnerest In th Putar trial will probably be kept at th sam high pitch as of th paat ;i DIRECTORS ELECTED . ; , l. ;1F0R INDIANA MINE .". ' . -. 1 - 1 Baker City. :Xr, Jun "Jt, At it meeting of th atockholdar of th In diana mlna.ln Baker all th member Of th board of director wer re elected xcpttng on. Th board I now composed of th following: J. W. Messner, A lonsc. - cleaver, - Klmy K. Cleaver, W. S. Myers, William Ooodlya hann, O. T, ' Aldrlch and Henry Bhlea . ' Special Sleeper for Elks. . ,Oi Saturday morning; ' July 14. th O. R, N. Co. will run a special stand ard sleeper, Portland to Denver, by th way or Huntington Sad Union Pacific, for. tha Elka, acconnt th annual con vention of th grand lodg of AUk at Ienver, Jul 17, 11 ac4 It. Are Yea To have a majority of fh po pl look npoa aad think of 700 tor axaolly aa tt la -protaratl In your advertising- beln as big, comparatively, aa trla ' Space yem use, comparexl to IK , spec" ued by your oompat-; Itora; aa being as ntarp1alnaT a your advertlahig as bing du)! on th day that, your d-, . vertuing Is duU aa (tot eartng for bulnsaf all on'tha'days ' , that 'your' advertising does Tot appaart . That', bow th mattar I will lmprea thm, , . -. yJ; . ' .'. ' f y , '., ' j ' . , . :, : , -4 . vV:m.-.'.. r '.'i,''' y ' '''!:':. 1 '-V .'.A MAI1Y IMITATIONS " 'BUT ONLY ONE ' GENUINE V , BUTTERNUT BREAD MADE IN OREGON You Will Find This Trd , Mark on Every Loaf. - SOLD BY ALL GROCERS Phone Main im X 'r MARRIED ONFM0NTH AND TRIES SUICIDE " After on month of marital . bUss, ' Mrs. George Lleding determlnadV to and her exUtenc and accordingly turned on the gas In - har room In- th Kingston house and lay down on th bed to await the coming of .th grim reaper. Oorg Lledlng, hr husband, a bavber by trade, arrived shortly afterward. Dr. Whlr waa summoned and by Ms ffort Mrs, Lledlng soon regained consolousneaa. It t understood that ,th attempt at : suicld was th result of. a q.uarrl be tween Mr. Lledlng and her husband. Th couple wer married about thre weeks ago by Judg Cameron. Th woman was arreated at that tlm un der th nam of Bual Ksrr by Hotootiv Kay. On a former occasion sh la said to hav attempted to nd bar lit by means of poison, RARE CHANCE TO TRAVEL yuly a aad S. Aarturt T, a, S, ptomh? aad SO. . - . . Summer zcurlon rate. Sal data ' Jun II. St. Ju'r . . Augut T, t, . September t, 10. Rat from Portland t to Chicago, 171.80: to St, Loula, ItT.IO; Kanaaa City, Omaha and St, Paul. to; Denver, ta- ' - , . , . '. For Information In rafercne to rate and partloular ask C Stinger, elty, tlckt agent, - Third . and Washington treets, Portland. . ' PENDLETON DEALERS - ASK PAY FOR STOCKS (Special Dtopateh t Th ornel.t ' : Pendleten, Or., Jun It At th olty council last night' thre lsrg bualneea houses of Pendleton preaented bill to thai city for damage rolved to their stock ' of goods during th recent flood amount- lng to 1 11.1 11.08. Th claims war not allowed and suits will probably follow. . Th Arm wer Bakr A Folaoa . Fur niture company, th Fair., gtor and People's warehoua. JOHN E. BEALE AND . MRS. BROWN MARRIED (Journal Special Ser ire.) - New Tork, Jun II. After sailing on th Teutonto for Europe John EL Baal, aged 1r and Mr. LJlllaa Brown,, sgad St. both of Santa Barbara, California, announced their manias Monday. ' Restaurant oosu man auto oouox sts. on m bay un arxoxr. ' S laser from 11 a. ta. to S 9. at. Vuree f Tomato Soap fr witkt Ohiokaa Salad, Mayonnal Shad Bio . ,,...,e.e. Fried ataaor Clama ..... e. Flckled Molls Keewtag Bouad Salaioa, Whit Saao..w. Stsauisd XJttt SJk t71aaaa..... Olata Bonlllon with To..,.." am tteeka with Oabbage., ... . Teal Chop Biwaded . .e ,so aoe) .150 .IB .15e .ISO 2O0 .VOa -i 0 Short Bib of Beef. w rickled aeamber Toao, r rotate Salad . .. rala4 Q Xeart wit trrla team Beef gtew with Tgwtabli. . . . 1 BVoaart Sprlag IVaJa, SUat SoMt Oaieaea with BVoeara Fork with Piaeeajaer. . ., SO see) Tsa With Drews lag Boast Bef, Faa Orevy Cof f. Bread aad Baits -1 wl'h aU r . Dials v-roo- iy f , fc AJ- " S If t'OS t 8 k V I . o4merican r- 1 -