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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1906)
J"' THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE '3, 1SC3. 13 'HOTOGRAPHER GETS FRESIIHEfJ OF YALE BEAT HARVARD ' ''m mm mam Oarsmen, of Eli Add Another laurel Wreath to Their 'IP Big String.' X: THE HOUSE OF QUALITY PICTURE OF RAILROAD 'IK "T A. I.I f 1 DAY WAS IDEAL FOR THE ANNUAL REGATTA May'lc kad here, in Blue Serge and many neat sha Jes of Gray in totk single and double -Ireaated ' 'vr:'"'-'' ' styles at ''-"' ::.-V ' '"' In Excltlnf Contest In '.Which Har vard Was Unable to Maintain Lead Taken at Start,-Yale Makes Spurt Y and Wing by Eight Lengths. UNUSUAL TRAIN SAT - "4 - 1"- The amaalng rapidity of light's action on the camera plate la shown by the latest photograph taken of a Paelflo northwest paaeenger train. Running at a speed 'of 14 mllea an hour, the seven foot drivers of thla engine revolve mora than four times every second, hurling the train through apace II feet at each revolution. .- : The .train la the O. R. K. Ca'a Overland Limited. Na 1. pulled by one of the new Pacific type oll-burnlng 4o eomotlvas. - The engine la In charge of Picture Taken by Gifford of The Dalles. . : : ... V tendent Buckler for the picture la be tween The Dallee and Rowena station. a favorable section of the finely bal laated traeka of the O. R. at N. main line.. Engineer Barrett tad Fireman Blble hauaer la aeen .standing at the' cab gangway. ' The appearance of a heavy volume of amoke pouring . from the atack la caused by the blowing off of team. But little amoka cornea from an oll-burnlng locomotive. . 1 The photograph, taken by inatanta neous method, by Gifford of The Dallee, caught the tmpreaeion of the engine's mechanism ao qulokly that It baa the appearance of a train atandlng etlll. The apot aeleoted by . General Supertn- A number of coplea of the picture have Just been delivered to the passen ger department and they are being ex hibited with considerable pride. The complete photograph embracea a. very beautiful view of Columbia river scenery. The picture will be ueed ex tensively In the O. R. N. Co.'a adver tising campaign thla year. : FLOOD DAMAGE IS VERY GREAT Thrilling Details of ths Havoc Wrought by "Cloudburst. Near' Mitchell Are Related, i GIRL PASSENGER SAVED . V DRIVER OF THE STAGE Part of Vehicle Arc "Found In John ' Day River Fifteen Mile From pot on Which Wall of Water Over- tOOk It " : V- ' (Special Dispatch te Tb. Journal.) Bhanlko. Or, June 17. The first stage .to a rive from the scene of the cloud bunt which occurred near Mitchell late 'Monday evening, brought many thrill ing atorlea of the experiences of the un fortunate ones In that locality. The losa of property along the low lands where the 'water rushed In Its madnesa carrying , with It trees and boulders of glgfcntto also la hard to esti mate at present jbut Is considered great On the higher lands where the water merely swept the surfaoe to a depth of a few feet the loss waa lighter, carry ing away newly eut hay, etc. One of the most prominent farmers In this lo cality lost his entire crop of several hundred tons. ' The Inhabitants of Mitchell were thrown Into the wildest excitement at the roaring approaching wall of water as It .swept down the canyon upon the dty. The rumbling being heard several miles away, the people took to the hills, carrying what effects they could hastily gather, fearing a repetition of the terrible ordeal of two years ago when the city was practically wiped off the mao. The water swept through the lower part of the city to a depth of 19 feet, flooding many business buildings. No doubt Miss Emma Speck, a promi nent young lady of Mitchell, had the experience of her life, ahe being the only passenger-on a stage three miles below Mitchell which waa overtaken by wall of water II feet In height wash ing the stage Into the whirling torrent. Her presence of mind saved her own life and the stage driver's. She was precipitated into the water and only by means of grabbing a horse's tall waa with difficulty carried to a place of safety, where she dictated to the snore anfortunate atage driver a means r eacspe. - Too much credit cannot be given Miss Speck for the bravery aha displayed. She was forced to suffer great priva tion, traveling nearly aU night through a ragged stretch of country before ae curing shelter, clad only In rags. : Only minor parts of the stage 'have been found.- being In the John 'Day river, a distance of II miles from the scene of the accident, i The farmers will Buffer great loss by the destruction of many Irrigation dams along Bridge creek, whloh rep- luesm many nunareas oi aouars. . William Wallace Graham Will give a pupils recital tomorrow evening at :I0 o'clock at Unitarian chapel, corner Seventh and Yamhill. In vitations may be had at studio, 711 uusan, or at the door. i L l ENGINE SPARK IS CAUSE OF FIRE Warehouses at McMinnville Val- ued at Twelve Thousand v V Dollars Consumed. - A CREAMERY EXTINGUISHED r" rWITH BUTTERMILK FLOOD Conflagration Started Jn Building Wherein Houcka Stored Hay and Rapidly Spread, Burning Out Block Before Being Quenched. - apeeM IMspsteli te The JeeraaLt McMinnville. June II. A big - Are broke out here la the warehouse district about 1:10 yeaterday afternoon and raged for three hours. For nearly an hour a high wind from the southwest threatened the . whole . warehouse dls triot. ; The wind later changed to the west and the firemen by beroto work succeeded In confining ' ths fire to one block. 'The water power waa Inadequate to cope with the. flames and -for two hours an efforts were made to keep the fire from spreading. Three streams were kept on the fire, but were Inade quate to cope with the flames. ' The fire started in Houck te Houck'a hay warehouse, supposedly from a freight engine which left the - yards about 15 minutes before the fire was discovered. The McMinnville Creamery company aaved their building by the heroto work of their employes, who pumped buter- milk from their large tank and poured It on the building. The losses are: Houck A Houck, ware house; loss 15,000, Insurance $500; Dave Stout warehouse, loss 1700, very little Insurance. I. ,.'. . , . Olympia Wood Pipe company, eon tractors of dty water system, lost pipe valued at 11.600 to 11,000. Harvey Nfeal, sesldenoe, f 1,000; in surance. 1500. Page Wire Fence com pany, warehouse; loss, 4100. Tom Bvnum, residence and barn; loss, $1,200. William Arthur, residence; loss, t BOO. Jones de Adama Planing company, lumber and ahlnglea; loss, $00; no in surance.' , ..." BIBLE SCHOOL WORK IS THEME AT TURNER (SpeeUI Dtapateh Tbe Jeurasl.) Turner, Or, June IS. "The Thirty Tears of Christ's Private XJfe and the Opening Eventa of Christ's - Ministry" was the toplo on which E. C. Sanderson touched ably this morning at the open ing of the seventh day of -the Christian camp meeting which is being held here. Today is being devoted to a Bible school session and there is great enthuslaam prevalent ' Several reports were heard this morn ing and the service closed for the noon intermission with an address . by J. P. Conder of Portland, Sunday school evan gelist of the Christian church. . 7 This afternoon la being devoted to the usual " conference ' and normal work, papers treating on Bible study and schools and miscellaneous business. . Fief erred Stoek Canned Ooedat Allen at Lewis' Best Brand. RIVER EXCURSION TO ASTORIA SUNDAY. JULY 1 Steamer TELEGRAPH TO FASTBST BOA TOO im SAW SXUOKTrrrUY' SQTTXrrsTD : A. CXAJUCZSw FUASTTU CJULTT. Leaves Alder Street Dock, Port-., ' - land ...... i -, . a. m. t- Arrive at- Astoria et.. ,...,1 p. aa, v - tve Astoria for horns at.. I p. 01. - Arrive in Portland St.. ...... t p.-m Meals Served a la Carta. . Carry Tout Luaoh if Tea WUk, ' - '. . IV . ' A delightful Sunday trip a charming ride on the greatest river of western America the best steamboat on the JPaclfle coast Polite atten tion to everv oae. y , j,. ' See the City by the Sea at Little Cost GLOB ' HEN WILL HOLD D OS SUNDAY - ' .-. V: ; Multnomah's ; Members Will Make. Trip b Down Columbia . v for a Special Outing;. ' The Multnomah club's low Jinks will be held on next Sunday. Elaborate preparations have been mads to make this occasion a memorable one in the history of the club's popular entertain ments, and the atart will be made at the foot of Washington street at :J0 a. m. ' The "committee In charge" has decided that the trip . will be made, rain or ahine. The steamer that has been engaged to carry the club members on the Jaunt has been specially fitted up for the aocommodatlona of a large party. Should it rain on Sunday the club men will entertain on the boat One of the many good features on the program will be the-music. Another will be the Jinks stunts that have been arranged with care and considerable work. . ' New Haven, Conn., June St. Bulle tin. Harvard won the "varsity eight oared raoe by one length. .""-' . (gpeeUl Dispatch te Tke Joernel.) New Jondon, Conn.,' June II. Under ideal weather conditions, with both crews in perfect form, the great Tale Harvard regatta took place today, and Yale won, thus leaving Harvard with out a plaoe In collegiate athletics. Last fall Johnny Harvard went down to de feat In football and last week Tale won the baseball championship. Hopes were entertained that the crimson would hold out on the-water, but these were only hoses,- which Taio has dispelled.. The' preliminary work of both crews gave their supporters' much confidence. When the erewa were called thla morn ing the conditions were such that nei ther side waa willing to claim a victory. Harvard went' in with a die-to-wln de termination. Tale waa possibly a lit tle more confident, but ' each man knew that he bad before him a hard taak. The betting at the time of the atart waa even. The slight wind that had been stirring the Thames died out, leav ing the river as smooth ss a mill pond. More Ideal weather conditions could not be plotiired. Tbe freshmen's race was tbe first called and tAe.. JTCungsters looked In prime condition. - Tale took the lead as soon as The starting gun waa fired and forged for ward a half a length. At the three quarters they had increased - the lead to a full length. Harvard was strug gling hard and rowing in fine form, but at no time were they able to cut) down the lead, and the Tale rreahmen snort across ths line the. winners. -Tims, It: i-s. WITH THE-PONIES V ON VARIOUS TRACKS (Speet! Ptapatefe to Tbe JoaraaLf New Tork, June S7. fiheepshead Bay results: Five and one half furlongs, selling Monfort won, Frank Lord second, Black mate third; time, 1:0T. - One mile Glorlfter won, Feasllp seo ond. Single Shot third; time. 1:80 l-i. Five and one half , furlongs Bthon won. Misgivings second, .Belcaat third; time, 1:0 4-1. . ,., ' The Mermaid stakes, one mile and one furlong; PrrvefsVwon. Sahara sec ond. Loto Wanna third; time, 1:64. r , Six furlongs Ironside won, Banban second. Confederate third; time, 1:14. ' One mile and one half Angler won. Glen Echo aecond, , Huntington . third; time, :is.5. . ' Beaalts a Seattle. Seattle, June 17. Meadows results: Seven furlongs Tavora won, Rossro second. Casus third; time, 1:18. - Biz furlongs Linda Rose wen. En chanter aecond.. Bear Hunter third; time, 1:14. Six furlongs Belle Kinney won, Flor. ence Fonso second. Sue Christina third; time, 1:14. , One mile and one sixteenth Massa won. Ila second, Boloman third; time, 1:47. . --. - Six furlongs IV Gladstone - won. Judge aecond, Cairo Santa third; time, 1:14. - One mile and one eighth Hoodwink won. Irag second. Harbor third; time, 1:7. PACIFIC COAST. LEAGUE. - DAH KELLYrTO FiGURE-IH THE CHICAGO GAMES Alumni of University -of-Qregon Plans to Send Phenomenal ; ' Athlete to A. A. U. Meet. ' ' Won. Lost P C. San Francisco 41 -17 .707 Portland It 20 .041 Los Angelas . ....... .IS SO .(60 Brattle Jg - 04 ' .4(1 Fresno ...II 41 .164 Oakland ..! 41 .117 Seals Swatted the Ball. - Bpeelal Dlspsteb to Tbe Journal) , Seattle. Wash., June 21. San Fran cisco had an easy time yesterday with Seattle, winning by a score of 14 to (. The Seals swatted the ball whenever they felt like It, a total of 14 hits scor ing 14 runs. The score: R. H. H. Seattl ...1 000010 1 1 6 0 0 San Francisco. .0 0401141 0 14 14 7 Batteries Vlrkera, Welch, Hansen and Blankensnlp; Hitt and Wilson. . -. . Oakland Bhmt Out. mpeetsl Dlspetdi te The Josroal.) . Oakland, Cal., June IS. Los Angeles yesterday shut out the locals, winning by a score of T to 0. The visitors scored five runs in the first inning on four hits and several miscues. Soore: R.H. E. Los Angeles ..... ..7 11 1 Oakland . . ,i...O 4 4 Batteries Bergman and Kager; Hop kins and Francke. . Umpires Hodson and McDonald. ... i . m . . .in. NORTHWEST LEAGUE. - '- Butte Bowaa Taooma. (Mpeelal Plepetch te Tbe Jaorntl.) - - '. , Tacoraa. Wash., June II. Tacoma Buffered a ahutout yeaterday, Butte winning by a score of 4 to 0. Tacoma'a three errors wsre costly, The score: -, ; 1 R. H. E. Tacoma . . ......000 00000 00 t . S Butte 0 0010110 04 0 0 Patterles Hlgglnbotham, Shea and Collins; lloon-and Swlndella. i .. r - Spokane Skat Oat. . (perlfl , niepetrli to The Joaraal.) ' Hoqutam, Wash.; June 2S. Spokane was shut out yesterday by Grays Har bor, the score being I to 0. Goodwin pitched a fine game, keeping the alx hlta gathered by Spokane well scattered. The soore: . .,.... t R. H E. Spokane . ...'...000000000 0 O'.i Qrsva Harbor ..100001 10 I 11 Hatteiiea Hmons and Sueaa; Good win and ioettlgr. - Umpire Uuston. r (Special Dispatch to The JoaraaL) ' University of Oregon, Eugene, June It. In view of the fast - that Tralnnr "Bill" Hayward baa expressed a wish to take Dan Kelly, the phenomenal athlete, to Chicago, to compete in the A. A. U. meet, the University of Oregon alumni - today decided that steps ahould be taken at once to raise the neces sary funds to enable Kelly to go under the colore of the lemon and yellow. The Idea of sending Kelly waa advo cated right after tbe O. A. C.-U. O. track ' meet, but nothing waa dona in the matter. Now since the- Multnomah AthMlo club has decided to aend Toungster from eastern Oregon the Oregon, students have awoke to the fact that club men are getting ahead of the state Insti tution and from now on all efforts will be. made to raise funds to send him from the state university, and with the aid of bualnesa men the plan will no doubt succeed. The Alumni asso ciation also decided to place the sinking fund of ths association at the disposal of , President Campbell for a loan fund to needy students. . The amount ia nearly S100. r AMERICAN LEAGUE. Wov Lost. 21 Philadelphia . . Cleveland . . . . New Tork . ...,.. ..14 Chicago . -.-mi mm sOO St. Louis. ......II Detroit . . ............11 Washington t ........ 10 Boston 10 ' At StTtonla. PC. .010 It .001 14 - ,(8 IT " It !" .(25 2i v .626 17 -.151 44 J .1(7 . R. H.' X. ...0 I 4 .1 t 1 St Louie . '. Chlcaao . . . . Batteries Howell and Spencer; White and Sullivan. At Detroit, . R.H. B. Detroit 6 0 1 Cleveland I 11 1 Batteries Siever and Schmidt; Esls and Bemla At Washington. ' r, R.H. K. Waahlngton . . '..0 1 0 Philadelphia.,. t 11 ( i Batteries Hughes and Wakefield; Plank and Powers. At Bew Tork. R.H. B. Boston t it i New Tork . .0 11 1 Batteries Wlntsr and Armbruster; Orth and Klelnow. i NATIONAL LEAGUE. - t- Won. .Lost P.C Chicago . . 46 l( .701 New York . ...r......41 , 10 .471 Pittsburg . . 10 10 .071 Philadelphia.. ......It It .493 Brooklyn IS M .410 Cincinnati....... IS - 10 .101 S, Louis. 14 41 .149 Boston . .......10 41 .117 At OlBolaauttl. 'i -'. R.H.-E. Cincinnati -vtnTrtu in .;-.-1. .1-1-1 Pittsburg .... .. I 10 1 Batteries Fraser and Livingstone; Phlllippt . and Olbaon. - Umpire O'Day. At ROladelpaia. R. H. E. Brooklyn , . ................. .10 14 1 Philadelphia . . ..-. t ,. II Batteries Strlcklett end Bergen; Sparks. Ritchie, Roy. Dooln and Crist Umpire Johnstone. , .-i ... , . ; At Bestoa. J . . . " R. H. B. Boston . ,.....;,.4 I 1 New York .0 0 Ratterlea Pf el Iter and 0Nell: Math- ewaon- and -Bowerman.- Umpires Con way and mmsne. y , j WHITE COULDN'T HAVE LIVED A YEAR LONGER (Jneroal gpeelal gervies.) New Tork, June 28.- The examination of Stanford -Whiter body by the cor oner'e physician ahowed pat, the lungs and kidneys were In such bat condltlos that White could not have. llted more than a, year longer. v , $10 to $20 oam 1 Rosentlatt & Co. Corner TLirJ mnJ Morrisoa Streets Copyright 1906 by Hart Schaffher iS Marx Hotel Eaton COS. BOSXJSOS ASO WHt ASJK STS. - NEW " BsadsoBMly farnlssed, elegantly eaatppeO. iniUMt, Ore ilnates' wels frees heart et shopptas sad biwtaesa SUtrtet. all Urge, airy, eutslde reams, eteem heated, eleetrle Itfbta. telephone ta each apwtaieat, ete. Lam tflcM, loaDstiiS. smokinf, wrltluc, Mies' reeeptlea pation. , Kombs reserved hr nH er teLpbone. Trhmu emalkaa sseeta walaa aad ataaaMm. Hpom $I.OO to $3.00 a Day peelal Bates' te Oessaerelal Kea, BBS. BAB BATOB, (Tersmly et Betel Cldpata. Spekase.! rtae Seatlstry AH work Crnaiaateea. Gold Crowne..B4.00 Bridge work..B3.00 Full set teeth. f V.OO; TelepBoaa 870. 00: S. S. T. S, raaa The. re Bid. Opposite Bllarg Bias Boaoe. Y. C. A. EMPLOYES CLOSE COHFEREKCE T0NI6HT Session of Three Days Has Been Successful -Branches of As-,' sociation Work Discussed. After a auccessful three-days' confer ence the employed officers of ths T. If. C. A. of the Paelflo northwest will conclude with an Informal meeting In the auditorium of the local association building this evening. - . . Robert Carey, general secretary of the Walla Walla association, led the meeting this morning, which was ons of the most interesting held during the con ference. - The following program was 5 2j 1 carried out by the delegatea: - l2Sr' "Problems la the Employed Officers' Ltfe," Reno Hutchinson, Portland; "Membership Problems. C. W. Wan cot t. Portland: "Securing the Annual Budget Spending It," C F. Ntviue, Ta coma; "Esaentlal Things in Buildings and Equipment," A. B. Allen, Seattle, and Robert Carey, Walla Walla. - Only one subject was taken up at this afternoon's meeting, but it was presented to the delegates by four mem bers. The subjeot was, "How Can the Association Thrust . Itself Vitally Into the Live of a Community" H. W. Stone. I. B. Rhodes, W. 8. Hale, Port land, and H. Booth, Tacoma, discussed the questlonx from all aldea. At to night's session tbe" delegates will In dulge la three-minute talks on T. M. C A. -Work. Another' feature will be a general discussion of the work done by the conference. . - ' Preceding the morning session today, the general secretaries and the physi cal directors played a gams of basket ball, which resulted in a score of 10 to 0, In favor of the physical directors. STREET RAILWAY MAN ' 'RETURNS FROM EAST After a Series of conferences with the Clark and Sellgman intereeta and a visit to various points in ths east, F. I. Fuller. J president of the Portland Rail way company, returned home last night. H. W. Qoode, president of .the Portland Ooneral Electrlo and O. W. P. compan ies, who was east on a similar mission, will arrive home tomorrow eight. ' The consolidation - which has taken place between the Portland Railway, the Portland Central and O. W. P., follow ing the purchase of the latter .by the Clark and Sellgman banking Houses, Is being perfected In form of a hoIding-1 eompany to he Jtuown -as the Portland Railway, Pdwer A Light Co.. with a t. '- 1 1 TBAT TZBBS TrBBUBO. .r ir.vou are languia, aepresseat incap able for work. It Indicatee thai your liver Is out of order. Herblne will assist na ture to throw off heedaohea, rheumatism and -ailments akla to and restore the energies snd vitality of sound and perfect health. J.. J. Hub bard, Temple, Texas, writee: "I have used Herblne for the past two years, it has done for me more good than ail the doctors. ' It Is the beat medicine evor made for chllia and fever.". I0& Bold by Wnndard, Clarke A Co. v i " SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. '-s- - ' r.M' lUTTaS AX9 CrOUOB STBBSTS. ' EUROPEAN PLAN . RESTAURANTand GRILL ROOM in CONNECTION :... Telephona In every room. Hot and cold water. .. " '.Bath, Elevator service. ; . TTo Onl1TH-olass Kotel Bow la OperaMoa. Opeaed Xaaa X, 10OS. Tl ! n" Single Room, $3.00 per Day and up AV.QI.ea Saitev $4.00 per Dy and vp i OXTSTAT BANK AND OFFICE RAILING - WIRE AND IRON FENCING " Barbed Wire, Wire snd Lawn Fencing, :'.' Poultry Netting, Etc. '. .r PORTLAND WIRE & IRON WORKS ; Phone Main 2000 63 FLANDERS ST, Near Third r fern"1 CLi :-BOa ara combined capital stock of 110,000,000. The company will bo Incorporated early next week, officers will be elected, and the properties Involved will be formally taken over. It la said Mr. Qoode will be president of the consolidated com pany, Mr. Fuller will be vice-president and general manager. The first-named la a man of large experience in the management of eleetrle light and power undertakings, and the latter ia regarded as one of the beat atreet railway mana gers in ths country. CORVALLIS SELECTS ; WATER COMMISSION (Special Dispatch te Tbe Joernal.) 'Corvallls, Or., Juns 18. rAt a flnal meeting of the Corvallls water commit tee, held last night the permanent water commission was eleoted to here after transact all bualneaa of the eom pany. The men selected are: S. I . Kline, Judge McFadden, R. H. Huston and F. L. Miller. " . 'I. Meal Summer Closing Is the just title to the garments we show this season. 1 , Their style, materials, fit and workmanship .arj faujtless. -.They - are built to satisfy, to gain-and Tetairi customers, and yet 1 they are priced moderately in consistency with quality. A .suit of clothes of such character, (either 2 or 3 piece) will add to the glories of the approaching Fourth.; No. large Cash Outlay required to indulge such, desirable attire either. 1 ,You can pay for your outfit at the easy rate of $ 1 .00 a Week EASTERN OUTFITTING CO. ifeS, irttesl IVASnilVGTON AND TETilH , -