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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1906)
a i .... J Jt j -4 'Journal Circulation Yesterday V Was VOL. V. NO. 97. PORTLAND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY EVENING. JUNE 27, 1906. -FOURTEEN' PAGES. PRICE TWO CENTS. EaVJPIAVSER 4 TOP D. good EVEHiHG ( 1 si 1 1 n2mT r i iwJ Unm n in n 1 S f . ; ProUbl fair tonlfhtj Thurtdy ' V V """"ZT iE11 ' '" - V ' (r V (air and warmer; northwest wind. ' ClJ - vf jl; " T,- : ,;';; -------r ---- " - , -N. FRAI unim: mm. FILES TWENTY-! m True Bi1l$ Are Returned AgainsfTm Whom Are O. W. P. Men BOY 10 AD Secretary PlasdfWt. Hood Brewing Com pany Is One of the Men Indicted Electricians", Dock-' Employe, , Motorman and Car Inspector --Working for Oregon "- Water Power . Company , Are Among Those Charged With Crime. f . Xadloted tot Slectioa Frauds. T. soyatoa, a eel stent m- d perlatoadrnt o. W. T. : e - W. r. Jacks, electrielaa. O. W. e 1 -: e) T. B. Baldwiav eleetrielaa O. w. . .. - " : - A. m. Blmlek, 4ook plnje . c A. ' S, Tnuk, saotormaa O. I c . w. . . 4 a w. ... - . - pw o. w. r. - . Martoa BU, tebrr tke Oak. ' Joha Bohatld lUir-wr1tr. O. W. Olson, omtat-1rorr. 4 T. O. BTellaad. plnatk. .'' J. W. SiM, nptaindnt ef ootratkm at th Oak a. 0. 7UM, Meratajry Konat Xood ' Braarlma pemmmj. ', 4 Trenly-t'hra Indlrtmenta for flec tion frauda la Sfliwood precinct war filed by th (rand Jury thla afternoon wlth Judsa Beara, praaldlna; Judge of tha circuit court. Accompanying tha indictments war Informations drawn . by Dlatrlct Attorney ' Manning setting , forth tha details of the offenaa charged. 'Warrants were at' once laaued" and placed tn tha hands of deputy sheriffs . for aervlca.. .Thla means that before S night a number of prominent cltlcena will be anxiously waiting In Jail while their friends are out rounding up bonds . . men. -i Tha persons involved In the frauds - are It -In number,-hrefore wags will have a chance to ring the changes on the prominence of !8 and 11. . Eeren of the II are directly connected with the Oregon Water Power- Railway com ; panr. and two of the remaining ail are .' employed at the Oaks and get their pay from the O. W, P. J. W. .Reed, mayor of Eataeada and ' superintendent of construction at the . Oaks, I Indicted on three counts charg ' " tng him with Inducing voters to caat : Illegal .ballota. Alfred Drill, superi ntendent of power for tha-O. W, V nd Merton Bell, a Inborer at the Oaks, are Indicted for Illegal votlnfr , ; - ' , - ". Charged. Witt XttVt. . . " . . , . TM other 1 are all freeholders and j'ar charged with perjury in-hartng - sworn to affidavits which they knew to be false. . Heading this list are B. P. . Hoy n ton. assistant, superintendent of the O. W. P., and T. R. Baldwin, elee , trlclan of tha O. Wy P' each being lrt- -(Contlaued! 00 'Page' Three. ) LEAD HOW Morning Session of Recount Devoted to : Examinatiphtiof Re jected Ballots v Gain of Sheriff Word Over Of . ficial Returns Is Six Votes at r End of Sixtieth Precinct, Giv ing Him Lead "of One Vote Over Stevens. W ' Result of recount to romple- d d tinn of alzty-flrat.preclnc't: v-;'..- Total e nuraber .of votes - e cast 11.711 4 For Stovena 7.SSS a d For Word................ I.ltt e 4 Blank l.M v e -Word's gain on official re , d : turns, which left him 4 . five behind. , f Word's lead.............. I Not until 11:1 J a. m. today did the eowntars In: tba WoraVStewns. contest get dowa to the actual work ".t tallying the ballots. The bulk ef the morning wa-consumed in paying off of old scores, the raemlt being that Word was. credited with an advance of two notches over his opponent. Thla fact was all that left Word la the lead at the end- of the morning sae- alon. I.&at sight the completion of pre cinct placed the opposing -candidates on equal terms, with no advantage to either. In the recount of the only pre cinct tallied before noon Stevens made a gain of one: thus tha session closed with word one vote to the good. Kejeeted Ballota Xuntlaed. . Bealdea taking the sworn testimony of various election Judgee this morning. tne contestants dug down Into the Pile of ballots rejected and excepted to and drew more nalr-aplittlng distinctions than aver In tha hope of changing the decision on doubtful slips. Th,e result of the two hours' wrangle was that the court reversed six of his previous rul- inga. in rreclnct 30 Word was credited with an additional vote. In Precinct 40 an addition of one was made to Stevens' total,-In- -Precinct it one extra vote waa given to Stevens and two to Word, and tn Precinct H Word was credited with still another. Tomorrow morning there will - be more, excursions back into the pile of sheets on Judge, Fraser'a desk. .At that time all doubt as to past rulings will be settled one way or the other. The further reconsideration waa requested by Word's attorney, V. K. Strode, and the result, it Is expected, will be favor- abh to Word. May Bestead Second Beoomat, ff certain- Sevens ballots previously counted are rejected. Attorney Malarkey will demand a second recount of the first 10 precincts on the ground that he has paaaed similarly marked Word bal lots with the misapprehension that the opposing counael bad agreed that such ballots should . not be objected to by either aide Incidentally, Attorney (Continued on Page Three.) LOOT WELLS-FARGO SURPLUS 1 r. Minority Stockholders Accuse Harriman of Intending to Turn-Twenty Millions Over ; to Union Pacific Railroad .Company ' .(Joerasl -peclal tervke.) ., - Jfew , York. -June -A1 newrere ' gentatlon aa to what use will be made ef flt.aoo.6oa or of the ar ' plus which; the present management Of ' wellav Fargo A Co. '! said to have ae ' cumulated Is contained ' W ' a Wrculat i letter sent out by the representatives : of tha minority, stockholders who, have '.embarked In a campaign to force a dla ttributlon of part ef .the reserve fund. II has been alleged that the company's 'dividends have '-been ken-t down to I " per cent and th reaerwe allowed to pile up. so Harriman. who controls the com pany, may borrow from It when a dls ' posed. ' r- " It la now represented! In the circular tht ardent Is 1 In- prospect between tha Union Pacific railroad, of which Harrt ! man Is prealdeat. and Wells; Fergo -A ta, br which a large part f the ear plug will be paid over to the railroad In return for . am exclusive right to operate on that line. , The deal Is re ferred to between the express company ahd the Southern Pacific consummated In the days Of Collie P. Huntington's presidency , of- the 'road and It Is due to that ileal that the Harriman' Inter eats bow control the. Wella-Fargo Ea pree company. In .consideration for the right to use the Bouthesn Pacific lines, exclusively for il yeare "It gave the. company X.0 shares of Stock. The stork at the present market rates fc wm-ih fi.aee.tao. but some of the stockholders hare Information r that tn addition to the-stork the Southern Pa cific received f1.OA0.0oe, In caah. ' Of the S0.0A4 shares the Southern Pacific has U.joa left sn-1 It. is through the tiae of that lever that rVirrlman la able t. -nominate the afftlrs pf the com- I Ml IM MMMtMMMIMMIMM m aBBBBaaBW m 1 1 mm mm. mk ,. . mm ' i r " m t mm mm mm mm ii f i -ri mm m Mmmm. - mm . i w - . . - - t . . . - . . -- . ; 1 i4 I I -: . - - -l ? x- .t'X i -A swx -: ' i ; ; :'" 'i -.Vi ;' tP', fir . " i j i tLs"'.s, . , K -21 I Mrs. Thaw Praises Hus band for Killing Her Betrayer. 7 - (Journal Special Service.) 'New York. Tune. 27Why J 'Thaw should iave lived for oyer a year hi apparent happiness with his chorus girl bride .and then suddenly within " less than - a . X-inonth discover- that Stanford.:. White had ruined his horfte, is probably , explained : by Mrs. f Thaw's statement to Harry Bra-; dere.-a close personal friend of. her husband. She said : - - "Harry did just right. He did a" noble act. ' The. world should be rid of such men as White. I tried, to get . away! from White and him to-cease' per-1 seeming, me. . ror a tirne L. thought. I had succeeded, but, whenever I came within , his " reach I was sure to be annoyed! by him. . I loved Harry and. X wished to get entirely away from everything that reminded me of . ,my .stage life. It was cruel" of -White to continue his efforts to see me." . ' - Some interesting disclosures' of White's private life ' have, fol lowed his murder. One develop-, ment of today 'may have a par ticularly : close bearing on -the tragedy. The police have learned that White was assaulted and ' beaten last Wednesday night in . front of a. New York theatre by a young woman, .who used an um brella over his head. The young woman was accompanied by a man . who held ' White's arms -while she belabored himWhen . a crowd began td gather the man let go of White's arms, and -the latter made off. The woman was hustled into a waitmg hansom. She was described as young and, handsome. ' She was said to be in the theatrical profession. . No at tempt so far has been made to identify White's assailant as Mrs. Thaw. , White was 52 years old and .a a e " a. I . T " eminent m nis nroiession. dui fcet.,. found plenty oftime for the gay t Portr,it jir Harry ThaVJomeTiyFIoren liftJ'of-the Tenderloin. , In lhe : - r- - . . tower of Madison Square garden , . ,' : j - we,D,t' . r . X a. a. a - - .aaaaaAv aAAAAAAA afs am A sm am sfc afc a aaaaaalafc sfc 4 W WW9V f ftffff ftf ?f ff ff f ?f f f fTf f 1 Florence Evelyn Start HngStorles oF White's i Career Are Coming ; :.C to Light he had bachelor apartments and .it was there that heand-his c tress friends held high revels. He 'perhaps was of the best known and prodigal examples of New York's men about tbwn. ' In connection with Harry law'sTl ircTticliBethat-W hite ruined Evelyn Ncsbit while she was a"ver)- young girl and then, deserted her, a few extracts from the Suft are of interest. Thd Sun says: ' ' - ... : ''It is rumored, and generally, believed, that .on -several occa sions when complaints were made against Stanford White the S6- ciety for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children attempted to gather evidence to warrant the asking of his arrest, upon charges' of de bauching 13 and 14-year-old girls, but the society always maintained it could never get enough evi dence to -warrant action." " The, Morning Telegraph tells of . a significant incident in the Cafe IMartin which apparently precip itated the killing of White. The latter and a party of friends were sitting at a table. As Thaw-and "his wife passed White sneeringly glanced at Evelyn Nesbit Thaw, saying loud enough for all sitting1 near him to hear : f "There she- goes. She's any body's property She's only a" ' Thaw was at White's elbow at this time. Leaning over the table Thaw shook his finger in White's face. . - i ' . 1 " "You , III gefyou ToTlhosei words," he said. Later White and his friends left the table-at which fhey had been sitting, and walked through 'the dining room to the terrace, where they sat in the open air .'drinking. As White passed Thaw's table he tapped Mrs. Thaw familiarly upon the shoul der and said something to her which no one else heard. The gifl shuddered and turned pale. A few hours later Thaw shot "White at the roof garden.-- WIFE VISITS MURDERER linos Mrs.; Thaw Comes to SeieHusbandWhoMay' Escape Trial Because NWhite's Character LIT TIE UW FOILS BURGLAR Sees Him Trying to Enter House, ) Slips by Him and Gives Her -Mother Warning. In the big city of Portland there la one little girl who Is, mot afrakt. of a burglar, nor doee she cry or -scream when ehe sees danger and knows that something must be done quickly. . That one. little girl is Aleda Ray. T years old. who. when, aha saw a . burglar climbing into hef home last night, dodged quietly Into the house and gave a warning. In reaching the door, Aleda paaaed within four feet of the Intruder, who waa climbing a post In order to reach tha second story. His back was Joward her, TtoweveSr-and-he failed fo aee the tiny sentinel who bad watched bis cau tious operations. ' It was after o'clock before Jlttle Miss Ray decided to retire. - She had. been playing with other children in the neighborhood and on reaching home sat on the step for eeversl minutes before entering. 'She was seated there when he heard a peculiar noise behind her. She wasn't a hit startled, but turned and saw man climbing upon the porch. .' Beeldee ta If arm He Mothsr.. The lower floor of th house Is occu pied by Mrs. Guild, while the Ray 'am- , - -4. jit wW'r ' , ' ' ' t - u t i Ijm as &V MwaelHrw a4 . VmmJ q rn ; Aleda Ray and the Porch the Burglar Climbed. Ily lives u patai rs'The child knew that If she called out to Mr. - Oulld the bufglar would hear herland depart Anil, besides, the burglar waan't trying to enter Mrs. . Guild's apartments, for ha had" reached the porch- and' was climb ing a poet to reach the upper story. It was hito bar own home that 'he' waa By Her Actions People in House Are Aroused lanrfy Crime Pre vented, but Man Escapes. JANE ADDAMS DEMIES -v TAINTED MONEY STORY ... - jjoaraaf; Specie! aerrlre.f - Chicago. June 27 Miss Jane AdOama of Hull House declared that she had no connection with -the correspondence between 'Judge I.lrdsey of tha Penver Juvenile court and1 John IX Rockefeller, relative to the refusal of a tS.n.0 contribution by tha oU magnate to the work of the National Juvenile Improve ment aasoclatlon. ,V - ' ' According to, reports. Judge .Lindsay waa Innuenced to rejer't the money be cause ef the "taint" and to htwre been Influenced . to -a-.fctrge lent. by Mies Addama, .- . 'fcl . '' ', , " .. ' WTUtera fak gned, - .' ' : 1- M-Iearsal-ftpaclal Senrfc-e.). ?Wi Totk. June ' JJ.-fTown Tnilcs reWay 'entered suit for tl4A.04 hhe) against the Printers Ink Publishing company, ciimpUlnlng of libel published on May 0. an alleged SENATE PASSES BILL FOR, CHINESE COURT t Reeriai aerrln.) ' t . Washlngtnnv June tT. The- senate paaaed a bill today creating a 1'nlted State Viiort of China, fixing the plurea of meeting at Shanghai, 1'ekln, Tientsin and Tankow. - 1 -. , . going, she saw, and, she muet warn her mother. . 1 . ' . , . -She tip-toed aa quietly aa ahe -Could hp tne ateps and across the porch. The burglar was climbing industriously and did not hear the subdued footstep of the little girl Immediately behind him. fire reached the door without wsrnlng him and ruahed Into her mother'e room. "Thare'e a burglar climbing to our window," she' aald. Her mother went qulokly to tha window and confronted the burglsr, who hsd Just reached the window. Mrs. Ray called to Mrs. Guild and aroused others In the vicinity, while herirm" daughter"-aald "Skidded,' to the Intruder. 1 . Finding people astir and his presence known, the. burglar climbed hastily down the post and dashed through rear yards to the atreet. He ran toward the armory, but qul kly disappeared. A hurry call was sent to police headquar ters, but patrolmen found no trace of the burglar on their arrival. " However, they heartily congratulated the little girl whose presence of mind and bravery prevented the possible rob bery of her own home and that of Mr: Guild.. . .V., . v- ! . --j -. , 11 l .. ' K 1 ' EFFORT BEING MADE TO PARDON PRISONER , , , (Jearaal tpvrlil Serilr. ) '.aukesha.LWIs.Juna JT. An effort la Being made to obtain a pardon for W. C. Fuller who, with W. H. roster, waa teno to life Imprisonment a year 1 ( r the murder of in serd cou ' 1 r l"''r tnni'ejr. F"i"r ' T, -I - i Sensational Stories Against Morality of Slair Man .Turn Public Sympathy in Favor of Prisoner Thaw'a Family Stand by the Prisoner . ' ; tJnerast aperlal asrvlca.) New Tork. June J J. Sensational dla cloaurcai regarding Stanford Wblte'a past life aow that ha waa not by any' meana the angel that be has been painted by- hta: f rlende. ; Public eym pathy Is rapidly turning toward Thaw, hla alayer, and it la realised that it will be a difficult matter to obtain a con-1 rlctlon. Th dlatrlct attorney s office has decided to call frienda of the mur dered man to refute If possible - tha charges against White's moral charac ter, aa tha pvosecatloQ ta begtrnklng to feel that If the stories ara true or even untrue and not smothered at birth Thaw will never even be -tried tor -.White's murder. , - Preparations are completed for the coroner's inquest tomorrow, when Wit nesses ss to both White's and Thaw's characters will be summoned together ' with thoee who witnessed tha shoot ing. : New York pspera ara full of stories, of the two man, few reflecting credit. White la - pictured aa a de bauoher of young glrla and a tender- loin- t avorlte. ; . . . Family ataaA by Taaw. . Thaw aross early thla raornlns ate a light breakfaat oonalsUng of coffee and ' roll a, amoked a cigar, then received a -vialt from bla attorneya. Ha waa then taken la the, Criminal Court building, whsre he -was -examined by physiolana aa to hla mental capacity, among tha doctora being 'Flint, McDonald. Mahon, Foster and Magulre. Thaw stood the ordeal well and kept bla temper when 1 aaked queer questions,. ' Mrs. Thaw, wife of the prisoner, drove to Jail shortly after noon, accompanied by Tbaw'a brother Joslah, from Pitts burg, Indicating that the family will atand by Harry. Mrs. Tkaw'e Arrtyal.- --Mrs. Thaw waa dressed quietly la a White shirt waist, brown aklrt and brown hat. A brown yell covered tier face. Aa It happened to be the noon hour when Mrs. Thaw arrived, a crowd of about 290 persons, employes in the courts snd nearby offices, stood around in front of tha Tombs. Mra. Thaw tried to evade tha crowd by- driving around to the rear, but fall Ing she ea)d Joslsh Thaw were com pelled to walk beck to the front en trance. 1 Warden Flynn admitted them and escorted them to the waiting-room. Hera Mr Jfhaw Jad quite. a.Walu. aa . the prisoner waa still In Um criminal court building, undergoing the qutislng of -doctors Nearly a hundred porsona -were in tha waiting-room, but none of them subjected Mra. Thaw to- any an- ' noyance. Mra. Thaw appeared calm srxt self-possessed. In bar eyea was a gleam of analety. - eaawae fee Weaeoaa. M.rr. Thaw's aveitAsf with Ik. - tare ended at 1:S e'rmclr and ha was taken back to the Tombs, handcuffed to Deputy Sheriff O'Keef Thaw was white, nervous and hot. Aa a result of bla experience hla collar had wilted from pereplraflonv and he waa chewing savagely. at the stuo er a cigar. Thaw waa taken to the visitors' rhnm ' from the second tier "and brightened considerably when told that hla wife was waiting to see Mm. , Msantlmw Warden Flynn had gona to- the,- waiting room and, caned Mre, Thaw and the' piieoner'e brother. Mra Thaw waa compelled to give her name and address and thaw had to submit to . search of her peraart, tha prleow routine, designed to keep out deadly, WMpeeavaolson ar meana of escape. Mra Thaw aubmrtted to the rtilet graceful! v and aided -Matron Wrsnn. who conducted the aaareh. all ahe pna7 slbly could. Nothing waa found an-i then Mra. Thaw, leaning 6n Joslah a arm. was conducted to her-huebend. . , Xlaaed Setweew Bars. " - pefore the doctora Thaw refused t anawar questions and eouleV not he moved by them. Even irpon the adrlre of Judge Olcott.-ef his counsel, he re fused to answer. The ibystllan spent kn hour frultleely. 1 , Thaw waaellowed lo meet hla w1" and brother Willi the bars them. Both broke down s - 1 did Joslah. Tli c- . I kissed ss t --t 1' bars and ' Tliev V tf . A t 7 I V; -