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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1906)
f r t v. J' THE OREGON DAILY JOURNALV PORTLAND, i TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 23. 1809. 9 w , Jdi7DvTc;jc3 , toinoHT'i AjroiEMiirri. Hulllg . ..."The Trlephoa' Girl" v-Bakes ......... ..."Madam. Sena-Om" ' Lrrio D.Tld Oarrlck" Hir "A Loat Btbr' PintaM ...VaTlll , Orii4 . . .. . . . . . . . . . VaudaTllU , jDiimpi' in th sum of 11,409 wer warded tto Roscoa Macon from -' th .Portland Manufacturing company by the Jury . in . Judg Bears' court after de- . UDeratlng all night. , Th ' suit mi - brought by H. 8. Macon, guardian of Roscoe, who la aald to be but it yeare of age. It waa alleged that he . waa working on a machine uaed for , cutting wood Into proper a hap for mak- Ing basket, and had his right hand cut on by getting It between the knlvea of in machine. .Ten . thousand . dollars damages waa asked. Payment of dam ages was : contested . by the oompany, .which alleged that" young Magone was . not performing any duties connected " with his employment when he was In- . Jured, and that the accident was du to his own negligence.. W. M. Jackson' Jr.. . the advertising ; man for C. P. Blshon. -the clothier, 1 congratulating, himself on what be eon alders to . be a vote of oonfldenoe in his , family registered by the people of Ore gon. At the recent election two near relatives were eleoted to the office of county, treasurer In as many counties. 'The father of the advertising man, W. M. Jackson, was reelected to a third . term as treasurer of Washington county, while his father-in-law, O. W. Bradley, waa elected to the same position of truat In Umatilla county. - - At the next meeting of the State Ir rigation association, to be held at Hood River, an effort Is to be made by the -Portland board 'of trade to agitate the subject of unfair treatment received by Oregon at the hands of the reclamation .bureau. Senator Fulton has. It Is said, suggested that a systematic campaign along this line be conducted by Oregon . commercial organisations to the end that this state may receive more liberal allotments of the reclamation fund. - A 1-raonths-old baby girl that had been deserted by Its parents In Baker City was brought to the Boys' and Girls1 Aid society yesterday by Judge W. W. Tra vlllon of Baker county. It Is said that the child had been left with some . people In Baker City to board when It was very young and the mother has not since been beard from. The Boys' and Girls' Aid society will find a bom for the baby In a family. Examinations will be held by the civil -service , commission for deck hands. ' plate cleaner In the bureau of printing and engraving and a trained nurae in the Panama canal service. The exam inations will commence July 11 and end July 15. Pull particulars can be - learned from - Z. -A. Leigh, secretary civil service'- 'commission, postofflce building. , . Accompanied by a party of stockhold ers in the Weyerhaeuser Timber com pany, Frederick Weyerhaauaer returned laat evening from southern Oregon' and left for the east His trip south in cluded Jackson and Klamath counties, nd he looked over timber recently pur chased by the Weyerhaeuser company In the vicinity: of Klamath Falls. - . . The Central W. C. t. V. -will hold the usual meeting Wednesday at 1:30 p. m. at 0 Goodnough building. . An Inter esting program has been prepared. Temperanoe In the-Home" and "Loyal Temperance Legion' are the principal topics to be - discussed. - All who . are interested in the cause of temperance are cordially Invited. closed. A strong majority have already filed applications for the same positions for next year. The election will be held by the directors within a few day a - Holmes Business' college opened their ummor school Monday In. their new and spacious quarters. Tenth and ' Washington streets. Many teachers from the different counties of Oregon 'are registering for the term, as well as pupil from the grammar grades, and the management Is highly "pleased with the prospect of a prosperous term. -, The special committee Investigating the Portland Oas company waa sched uled to bold a meeting laat evening, but only Chairman Menefee appeared at the city hall and the session was aban doned. The committee has still before It the formulation of Its report to the council. . ; Water through hose for sprinkling yards -or sidewalks, tor washing porches or windows, must be paid for In advance and used only between the hours of B' and I a. m. and ( and p. m. It must not be used for sprinkling streets. If - used contrary to these rules, or waste fully. It will be shut oft The list treated Is rather extensive and shows that, almost anything will thrive In the rich soil and -under the climate of the Island. The list of products range from sugar to rubber and Includes all kinds of tropic! fruits. - In addition to this, the pamphlet sets forth the pos sibilities of poultry raising, dairying Jo bacco growing and bee culture. A re quest to the Hawaiian promotion com mittee at Honolulu will bring on of the booklets. . Under the recent order of the ways and means committee of the council that Portland should exchange, copies of Its ordinances with other cities, 17 (Peoples of the newly published codified ordi nances are being shipped to various towns and cities of the country by the city auditor's offlca These In turn send copies of their municipal laws to Port land. - This system has been found of value In formulating new ordinances. When a knotty problem as to the word ing of an ordinance oomes up a statute which, has proved effective In Glou cester, Massachusetts, Kalameaoo or Colorado Springs, is unearthed and the work simplified. The first graduates of the Odder Green school received their diplomas laat night. The president of the class and H. L Paget gavs addresses. Those who graduated wer: Cheeter Clark. Laura Jones, - Harris Krned, Meryl Whltcomb, George Albert, Ruth Bchwarta. Von Redman. '"Stephen Church, Belva Baahford, Esther Leber- man, Helen Munson, Edgar Stone. Mr. Easter, the principal, also gave a fine speeen. The officers of the church are: von Redman, president; Laura Jones. vice-president; Helen Munson, secre tary; Harris Edner, treasurer; Wynn xieaman, sergeani-ai-arms. Ten men this morning took the civil service examination for promotion In the water department to the position of water Inspector. - There are two vacan cies. An Inspector's duties consist mainly In running down rumors of con stant wests In a dwelling or other build- ing where. If the occupants refuse to make repairs to the plumbing, a meter is installed and the monthly bill In creases accordingly. He also must hi' spect the main and the - servloe fur nished. -..!,.', .,;.: Judge Webster in the county court this morning admitted to probata the will of Schuyler H. Parka By the terms ot the will, a son. Richard Parks, win receive ii.ouo from a life In surance policy In the W. a W. order, and all the Interest in his grandmoth er's estate. To the widow, .Nannie Parka, who Is named executrix, la de vised an the remainder of the croo erty. The total value of the estate Is said to be 11.000. Presiding Judge Alfred F. Bears and Judge-elect C. U. Gantenbeln this morn ing took the oath of office before Coun ty Clerk Frank 8. Fields. Judge Sears Is the senior. Judge of the local circuit court, having been on the bench 10 years. The next oldest, Judge In point Of service Is Judge M. C George, who win do succeeded by Judge Gantenbeln. Judge Gantenbeln will take his place on me oenoa next Monday. How would you like to be drowned In a sewer T This Is what nearly happened to B. F. Munger. Munger approached a place near the steel bridge where workmen are repairing a drain and tumbled In. , He was rescued by Patrol man Kagerton, wno punea btm out and saved also a bottle of whiskey which ieu irora Hungers pocket. Alleging desertion beginning In Sep tember. 1004. Mrs. Sida Palmer has ha. gun suit in the circuit court for a dl vorce from C. C Palmer. They were married in November, 184. Mr Pal mer asks that her maiden name, Slda de la Mer, be restored to her. Articles of Incorporation of the East Side Slabwood company were filed. In the orrice or the county clerk - this rooming; by M. B. Wakeman, N. S. How land and J. A. Hill. - They have a cap ital stock of 110.000, and will deal In slabwood. sawdust and other fuels. This is the laat payday for the teach ers of the public schools - until Septem ber, and all this morning they stood In line at. tha office of the school clerk re ceiving their tshecks for th months Just lY-Zttt-M. A atron melorltr have already . Tn? lnWarTfellef COmmltte which has been handling the funds collected for the aid of San Francisco sufferers will meet In Mayor Lane's office tomor row 'morning at 10 o'clock. Reports from th different committees will then be heard and the relief work closed up. . A. B. Hacker, who left Portland last winter because of poor health; Is now seriously 111 af the home of his wife's parents at Lansing, Michigan. , Mr. Hacker has been 111 for several weeks, but hopes are now entertained for his recovery. ' Diamonds, watches and Jewelry on easy payments at less than elsewhere for cash. We give you possession when making first payment, demand no se curity, charge no Interest. Marx A Bloch, 74 Third street. Remember musicals,, benefit of ' St Andrew's Episcopal church, at Trinity pariah-house, Thursday evening,. June XXi Excellent prograni. Object, one that should win the attention of our church people. Tickets SO cents. At .'"." Woodard, Clark & Co.'s and Martin Row' pharmacies. To the Warships and Oaks. -The Chl . eago, Princeton, Paul Jones and Preble, now In the harbor, quickly reached, every seven or -eight minutes, from-1 ,. to I p. m from Favorite boathouse, foot Morrison streetr-8outh side bridge, " and Oaks every f ewmlnutes all after ernoon and evening. - . '. "Hawaii; Its Agricultural Possibili ties,'1 Is an Interesting pamphlet issued by ithe Hawaiian promotion oommlttee. The booklet was prepared by Jared G. . Smith, special agent In charge of the : United States- experiment" station at Honolulu, and sets forth accurately and attractively the products of the islands. FANCY Here you will find a large and excellent stock pfFaricy Vests in the newest cuts and patterns. - They're not ; ex pensive, either. J V , $1.60 to ?6.00 llewett, Bradley & Co. Haberdashers 344 Washington St. Free School Children's Day at the Oaka Children under II years of age free from II to I p. m, (t the Oaks Wedneeday, June 17. A world of novel ties to amuse them. . - We are still selling eye glasses at $1; a perfect fit guaranteed or money re funded. Metsger Co.. Ill Sixth street. Milton A. Nathan, attorney, 1000 Stelner street,' San Francisco. Commissions promptly executed. Bank references. Call at Shanghai Baxaar, 4IH Wash ington, corner Lownsdale, for Chines and Japanese fancy curios. Acme Oil Co. sells th best safety oil and fin gasolines, Phone East Tift. For Quality, Quantity and Quickness go to Morris' restaurant , i Beck. 'the Jeweler, JOS Alder street Bargains- in watches, -. ,u Women's xchange, lit Tenth street, lunch. It to 1. Dr. EL C Brown, Eye-Ear. Marquam, Panama hatter. 111 4th. Phone Pac 107. Milwauklfl uCountry . Club. Memphis and Loulevlll races. Tak Sellwood and Oregon City ears at First and Alder. "WEIamette"Siwins Machines-13 Models-$ 18.00 to $35.00 Each-Second Floor ' "Voder" Porch Shades Kp th) Porch Cool and Pleasant-All Slw TEne Meier Fraiik .Stoe Woman's $3.00 Shoss $ 2. 1 5 Pair 1000 pairs of Women'tFlrteSoesand Oxfords in tan Rus sia calf, chocolate vici kidand patent leatherHeavy or light soles All dxca and widths All this season'a stand ard $3.00 fcKtwearY6ar choice for a few j 1 C day only at this unusually low price of, pair V VIJ Men's 5 Shoes $3.00 A special lot of 300 pairs Men't High-Crade Shoas and Oxfords to be placed on tale today at a ridiculously low price Shoes of desirable style in patent Colt Only about 100 pairs of Oxford in the lot Nearly all sixes Every pair regular $5 value Your choice while they last $3 Pr. Drug Sundries and Toilet Articles Sold Here at Rock-Bottom Prices STANDARD COOPS OF GUARANTEED QUALITY -MAIL ORDERS FILLED Pinand's Eau de Quinine.... Pompeian Massage Cream... 36 Sheffield'i Tooth Past .1T Poud's Extract Cream 1T Satin Skin-Cream ......19 Sanitol Tooth .Powder...,. T.16 Shaving Cream ............ Woodbury' Soap, cake......X6 4711 Glycerine Soap.......v15 2 pounds Castile Soap..,....16f Graves' Talcum Powder.,.,..) Bathasweet, special ......... 1 6 Camphor Ice, special.....;.. .01 Coke's Dandrilff Cure...,...33 All lines of Drug Sundries sold ' here at the very lowest prices Espey's Cream ........... . bwansdowne race rowder. Toilet Sponges, special.,..,. .8 ''Face Chamois, special 74 Bath Sponges, special, each,.19 Fountain Syringes, special.. .49 Family Bulb Syringes. .... .26) Women's All-Rubber Syringe 49) Spirit Gas Stoves, each. . .-. . .43 Fine Toilet Soaps, 3 cakes in a - box; great value, box...... 12 Fairbanks Tar Soap. ........ .3 Free, a cake of Cashmere Bou quet, guest-room size, with ev ery purchase of Colgate's Tooth Powder; the two special at 19) .Whisk Brooms at, each.'. . ..8) Tarine Bagr, best moth preven tive, special ' 49 Liquid Veneer, can..,.......19 Witch Hazel, special........ 16f Rubtfoam Tooth Wash. .....164 "471 1" Toilet Water ....43 Toilet Paper, special.. . .. . . , . .3 Solid Back Hair Brushes.... 49 Shaving Brushes, special.... 19 Herpicide Hair Tonic........ B9c Lustrite Powder, box . . . . . . , .19) Rubber Complexion Brushes.. 9f Tooth Brushes, all sizes.. ...tSf 3 in 1 Oil. a-household necessity, . great value ... .......... .S Sole Agents for "Peninsular' Steel Stoves and Range! FteMgwatora Ail Sixes and Crades-Basement The Meier Bb FrarilrStoro Men's SHk Negligee Shirts $5.00 Values at $2.95 Eo Avery anusaal tale of Men'a Silk Negligee Shirts In the Men'a Furnishing Goods Sep " ticn today and tomorrow 30 dozen Men's Silk Shirts in -white and tan A beautiful, rich, cool Summer garment of : pleasing style and quality Attached collar All sixes Real comfort in the hottest weather if yon wear a Silk Negligee Shirt $5.00 values at . $2.95 Jewelry and Stationery Specials New Box Papers, "Eton Hurl- Tally Cards, dozen... ...8 hurt's" fine linen, best style; Alarm Clocks, each......,.,. T3 great value,-box..... ..22) S1.85 Bracelets for, each T9) Program Pencils, dozen 15) Gold-filled and sterling Cuff Views of the- 'Frisco fire, in . LinksMretty styles. j......T8) colors. 16x18 inches, each. . .5) Amber Hatpins, each ... . . .., San Francisco View Books. .15) Be." '"'Xp;!. f f Vi Fafruft Pdaest,n?PSaSt l.tfe '."f 5aifc ViS tn?X ,V aV 1 Combs on sale at this spe- - per hundred ....... .......31 dt, ,QW prjce .!,., Carters Photo Paste.... -,,... 4f Flexible Nail Files, each.. .,19) Le Page's Glue, mends every- Scissors and Shears, all sizes, on : thing ........... ............7 sale at, pair............... 19) Women's Suits Half Price Sale extraordinary of Women's High-Grade Tailored Suits 1908 styles and materials in splendid variety Eton and jacket effects in serges, broadcloths, worsteds and Panamas Circular, gored or plaited skirts Black, navy blue, gray, tan, rose and fancy mixtures Plain tailored and fancy trimmed suits Well--" made and finished throughout All sizes The grandest values for theoney we have ever offered "T7T . . . $ 1 400 Tailored Suits $ 7.00 $20.00 Tailored Suits $10,00 I..-.,.!.!! I... .IIS- ' I I ISill S I III I II S I I SS SSSM $25.00 Tailored Suits $1250 $27.00 TaUored Suits $ 1 3.5Q $30.00 Tailored Suits $ 1 5.00 $50.00 Tailored Suits $25.00 Women's White Lawn Shirtwaist Suits, waist trimmed jvith lace insertion and tucks, also embroidery insertion! skirts tuck ed and insertion trimmed, very attractive styles; CO OA regular $6 values in all sizes; your choice at, each. vv-0 Women's Knit Underwear "Harvard Mills" silk mixed -rr Union Suits for women high neck, long sleeves, ankle ; length; hand-finished, with silk crochet, all sizes. Best --$2 - Undrwearr-f I - e : on sale at........ V 1 .J J Women's high neck, long sleeve Swiss ribbed Vests, in white, pink and blue; Sl.uu values...,....... Women's ' fine ribbed Umbrella Pants, white cotton lace trim- .' med, all sizes; great values.., ....swat C "Harvard Mills" gauze lisle Vests low neck and quarter sleeve;,' high-neck and long sleeve; also Knee-iengm tignts to match; best 65c values, on sale at this special il low price... ........... fJv "Swan Brand" Silk Vests for women Swiss ribbed, low neck, no sleeve; white, cream and black, all sizes; beautifully made QO. andc finished; regular $1.25 values on sale at...............Ow Misses' and children's Hot Weather Underwear complete stock,, all styles and grades, lowest prices. ' Mail orders promptly filled. RUFFLED CURTAINS $1.30 PAIR. An advantageous purchase of 500 pairs of Ruffled Net Cur tains enables us to offer them at a price down to the actual .cosLoLinaaufactufingt-I fles ; 3 yards long and 36 inches wide a curtain bargain yqu don't have the opportunity to buy every, day. f A Take advantage'of this low price,.......,"..... V IawV Lot 2 Ruffled Net Curtains, same as above, with lace in serting and edging; great special at this low price. $l.QO English and French Cretonne, 30 inches wide light grounds with floral patterns. Two qualities at special low prices 50c grade; 29? yard; $1.00 grade, 63 yard. Entire new stock of "Art Loom" Table and Couch Covers, Oriental designs and colorings: ' Let us show them to you Third Floor Prices from $2.00 to 910.00. f USES Dura CARS MADE OF PAPER In This Manner Bristol Shows How Southern Pacific Com pany Violated the Law. TTntn m. blottar to rprsnt East Portland nd a plc of yellow papsr and a plo of blu papar to eprsnt Union Pacific-nd Orsaon Short Lin ears, TJnltsd SUtes District Attorney Bristol Illustrated to Judc Wolvsrton In th United BUts dutriot court yes terday aftarnoon how th Southern Pa ri flo RaUwar eomnanr . violated th InUratat commsrc law As h walked about tn iona tani in th eourtroom th district attornsy REINFORCED CONCRETE v , FOR GULCH BRIDGE DAlnrnrAAA AAnnrstA I nat4 a W to b used on th deck of th pro posed steel bride over Sullivan's ulclv. at Orand avenue. Thle wlU be th recemmendatlon of th bridge committee of th executive board as decided upon yesterday after noon. It was decided to turn down alt bid so far submitted and readvertlse for new ones, v - No nil wUl b mad under th brldf. though City Engineer ' Taylor thought that Subsequent filling might damage th structure. ' New plan to carry th additional weight of th concrete deck must also be drawn. Th executive board Friday Will probably .adopt the reoommendatlon of, th bridge commit tee and ask the coflncll td pass-a new ordinance. When this Is don bid for th work .under th ,aew specifications 1 1 will b mdyrU4 for, , . .. u jj TOOUSERSOK VEST FREE With every Suit coating 22. BO or more w will make you a. Fancy Vest of a pair of , Tronaert to your' measure Free. , - ' SUITS to meaaura'flT.SOr to f 40.00. ; ; BBBa Elka Bldf , Seventh and Stark., moved bis cars" from on atatlon to another, explaining a he walked along, until finally b completed th circle of th big table aeveral times. . Th suit on trial was th on of the United States against th Southern Pa cific Railway company In which th de fendant was charged with having vio lated th Interstate commerce law by carrying coal from Cumberland, Wyom ing, to Portland, using two cars which wer defective. Th law specifies that all ears shall be supplied with up-to-date ooupllngs, automatlo airbrakes and other modern equipment and that they must t kept tn repair, else th cars shall not be used, or carried from one point to another, whether they be loaded or empty. Th law also says that a re ceiving oompany has th right to re fuse to eccept such cars from a con necting Una.- - rots of th Case. Th plaintiff alleged yesterday thai th Southern Paclflo did receive car known to be out of repair from the Northern Paclflo Terminal company, a company which transfer cars from th terminals, of on of th roads entering Portland to th Una of another. A. point raised yesterday waa on de ciding just when a ear was out of re pair and what should be the method of complying wtthtb statute, which ays that It must be repaired as soon as it ia found out of repair. The defense a 11 eared that it seamed sufficient reason to haul th car to tha neartat repair A nW STAB HAS ftXSXaT. No, w don't think Teddyll ret It, and Will Bryan muat sit down,. Becauee another candidal has risen In th Weet; - -- -i And when the people learn It on th old 'una they Will frown. Declaring that tha new, on Is th .... best. - They'll shout "He la a dandy, and we'll land him. at the topi .. He's the greatest benefactor of th preeent human race!" And when his name la mentioned, watch the unlveraal flop. And th smile that will suffue each - fallow fac. . .. He' a amart a forked lightning and he never atop to nap.i -. And to plsaae both- men and women he's awake o' nlghta to plan; And when you com to know him you'll declare, Tom, he's th chap!" -Aad you'll laugh when we Inform , you "W'r the Man!" UNION LAUNDRT, Second and Co rumble, Tel. Main tl. All family wasnlnar aad Ironing. o pound. , shops, while tha plaintiff asserted that th law atlpulated that th car was not to be hauled after It waa out of repair. The .defense used th Illustration that a car mlarht so out of repair In th middle of a freight train of 40 ears snd that thla accident might happen 60 miles from th nearest repair ahops. In such a ease to comply with th law, th de fense argued. It would be necessary to snd a crew of men with proper repair equipment andvrestor the defective parts. This the" defense stated was not within reason. ' Th case occupied the entire after noon and at th end Judge Wolverton took it under advisement. - . WANTS INFORMATION ON SUBJECT OF GOOD ROADS R. A. Harris, secretary Of th good roads commission, has received a letter from P. McDonald, secretary-treasurer of th Oregon Federation of Labor, ask ing information on th subject of good roads and offering th cooperation and support of th federation. . An invitation has teen extended to Mr. McDonald to attend a meeting of th commission July IS, at th rooms of th board of trad In the Chamber of Commerce building. He has also ben requested to invite the legislative com mute and others uf th etate- federa tion who may be interested. A general Invitation to attend th good roads convention has been ex tended to all the clvlo organisation of Portland or Oregon and to every on who I Interested In road Improvement POLICEMEN WILL BE ' SENTENCED TOMORROW Th' pronouncing of sentence upon ex-patrolman I season and Officer Klen lan, charged with aaaault and battery, has been postponed until tomorrow. Th trial was concluded yesterday and sen tence, was to have beeen pronounced to day. '' ' ' CHAUTAUQUA WILL , v BE WELL ATTENDED It Is expected that, tha attendance at Gladstone- Park Chautauqua thla year will exceed that of previous yeara. In dications ar that there will be a camp at th grounds of nearly l.00 tents. Arrangement hare been mad whereby JhL Grand YUMA The WerM's Orestes . week or ivy as. Bily Link's He-Se-, Zaa Bo iaeat. Kevatd WsHsisss. Veal -Mosey. ' West aad Smtpa, Herela Beff. ... .. Oraadisooee. HOTEL MOORE : .-; orzar az.x Clatsop Beach, Seaside, Oregon CLOT SOVSa O OMOOaT." Directly on the beach, overlooking th ocean. Hot aalt baths and surf bath ing. Recreation Pier for fishing. Sun rarlors. aleetrlo lights, fireplace and urnac heat Fine walk and drlvea. Sea fooda a specialty. Rates 12.50 and $3.00 Per Day sraoxAZi ATxa ar na wiat. DAN J. MOORE, Proprietor. PORTLAND -ACADEMY Portland "bregon. xata nu'wru ornT arrx. it. Fits boys and girls for Eastern and Western colleges. Includes a primary- and grammar school. - Boarding hal) for gtrla affording th comforts snd. care of a refined home. Office hours during th Bummer from a, m. to 11 m. For catalogue writ to th given above. , address camper can eecure necessary provis ions at usual, prlcee. No intoxicating liquors will b sold on th ground People from Oregon, Washington and Idaho, have written their .intention of attending th Chautauqua this year. Th park witl open for campers from July I to July 11. Hundreds of oamplng sites hare already been engaged.' If yea t t e-TS-erei Tis fer sal t i ) ' yoa Iv f. l ui; v i ,i ... , BASEBALL nuncuv rua . . .... Taagka aad Sweaty-fssrta, ' Portland '.vs. ;'j 17lACttA " a voitvr OasMe Called at ( M s. m. Sally. OeaMe Oaued B:W av gsaaare. , , . LeaiM Say. rriday AOMIS8I0N ttw. Otaaattaad, tfoj Okilsrea. Sea Seata, THE STAR . i . rifhth Wk ef the TaJl StOOK COKyAVT la the Lsiisklns Turn "A toar bt" la Omneetloa With s SiMclallT tVlertea Hra14 b th lUfln.d 8ktrh Artists. MR. THOMA8 WFAlKOCk aNU , COMA BCACU TTRNKH, ID "a slvitzm nvmo.' All WUIIVI-IIIVUII aw, fc. Beaer, Btga " rksae Mhi 10T. Snae ef lss-01a ateeh. n All This Wm. Mstlone 8einr4r. the fof . alar Biker Cemusnr Is e BMUtlful sad Klsborat Prerturtloa ef tk r Bos ThraAK Om.rty, -MADAMa aaira.ijig.w BVIIXO 'Hli K-v, tor s4 80s, . , M ATINER fBK K--llJc end V Meat Week "JU VAJI WaXa. , w.te me neuig inesire uuu Teslskt, l:lZTCrT Vlk Tkls . ' FssUly MitlnM Teawraw en Seraraay. ' KCXDAi.n atraiCAt comfast ' ' la the Teaerul Mwiaal Ooai4y thx Tixzraova oik." freMy Olrki. Cst'hf klte. rmnr anaeMo-4. rorriaa pmcti. ting, .., -, (le ! toe. Matin, 1& ! , . asts etllliig st Urine fat esiue . lyric t:-: j. .