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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 23, 16C3. BRILtlANT riAUAL IVEDlJinG OCCURS Ttie"blFFEREtlT' Store OLDS, &J( ING 5lhih Usshintfpn S,;.-. in PARLORS OF ELKS' TEGPLE BoatswTn'Glass of Cruiser Chicago Married to Miss Mary Isaacs, Whp Traveled Across Continent to Become ... r t His Bride. . --"J, fl Big Building Fairly Bulging With , A Mid - VJeek : . Melange of Marvelous Values in Goods of fJerif I. UORTSJM Splendid Summer Merchandise I ' . T , : j . .:: ..V .- ,. y - V - Boatswain Jamea Glaaa and His Bride. " A brilliant naval wadding took 'place in Portland yesterday afternoon In tha parlors of tha Elks' templa on Stark street. Admiral Goodrich, commanding : tha PacJAo squadron. Captain Newell of ' tha Saturn and a doaen other nayal of flcere of various degree were present. ' Tha contracting partlea were Boatawaln Jamea Olaaa of tha erulaer Chicago and Id Is Mary Isaacs of New York.. --The ceremony waa .performed by, the Rev. Father McDevItt, The bride was attended -by lira. J. K. Reed and the groom by Thomas B. Casey, one of his shipmates. The bride waa given away by Admiral Goodrich, who later pro posed a toast to the happy couple, which - waa drunk -by- all presents Previous to 'the wedding march six side boys arid the chief boatswain's mate "piped hire over the aide," an honor properly con ferred only on ranking officers, " The wedding waa tha culmination of an attachment ' begun at school. Two .days-rafter the graduation of Miss . Isaacs' from Heyaer college. New Tork, her encagement to Glass waa announce!. That was five years ' ago. Glaaa sailed away and alnca then had seen his af danced only occasionally, not baring visited .her for two years prior, to. the wedding. It waa Intended that tha ceremony ahould 'be performed 10 months from now, but tha boatswain de cided not to wait, so Miss Isaacs traveled across tha continent to meet him. " . After the Wedding a reception w held, punch and a buffet luncheon being served. Mr. Glaaa has secured a rur lough for It days, part of which time will be spent by the couple In visiting nearby points of Interest. - The Chicago goes from Portland to- the yarda at Bremerton to remain two months. During this time Mrs. Glass will remain ashore with the other of ficers' wives, no women being permitted to live on board a warship, and subi quently aha will follow the cruiser by rail when It moves. Boatswain uiaea hopes eventually to be assigned to shore duty. ..- LUMBER COMPANY EMPLOYE. HAS PURPURA HEMORRHAGICA Jamea 1 Oliver, an employe of a lum ber company at Mllwaukie. la critically 111 at Bt. Vincent a hospital of a. peculiar - disease. ' Tha disease beara tha scientific name of purpura hemorrhagica and Is of such rare occurrence that medical libraries contain no Information con- cernlng it , One of tha peculiar eharacterletica 01 tha dlseaaa la the breaking out of pur ple spots over various portions of the body. .Tha . patient also bleeds from almost every part of the body the nose, - mouth, stomach, bladder and other por ' tlons. Physicians declare that likely there ta also internal bleeding, which they cannot discover. ' In the particular case at St Vincent's the patient la afflicted with large blood blisters on his tongue. The blisters break frequently, causing a flow of blood, but return In a abort-time. - Physicians are unable to explain tha exact causa of the disease, but declare that It la due to some special .form of bacteria. ' While the disease Is of very rare occurrence It la aald that It has caused epidemics and that three years ago there were four cases In this city. It ia aald-tuat-the disease nearly aWi waya has fatal results. However, It is expected that OJlver'a ease will be an exception In that way, for physicians express tha belief that be will recover. He has been confined in" the hospital for a week. - . It la aald to ba the first caae of ita kind that waa aver taken to St. - Vin cent's, and It la also said that fsw phy sicians have wltneaaed the result of the disease. Consequently Oliver's case la attracting a great deal of attention in professional circles. NATIONAL GUARDSMEN TO SHOOT FOR TROPHIES . . . Tha annusl rifle competition between teams selected from th Orffon Na tional guard will be held on the riflo range at Salem. July , 10, 11. Teams will be selected by the commending of- ' fleer of each company and will consist f four men and one substitute One temmlssloned officer will be allowed on each' team. Tha competition has been divided Into three branches tha atate trophy match. Stat medal match and atate individual match. The state trophy-matches will be for the company championship of the state; and the atate medal match, will be open to all membera of teama com peting for the atate trophy. Prises will ie given for the best scores and will Include gold, silver and bronse medals. A SICK MAN .OR WOMAN cannot afford to waate time and money - nxDerlmentlng with unknown remedies. Tootften They only make matters wor.e Stick to this oh triad ana tew llostetters Stomach Bitters and you have tha best ' that science can produce. For M years . It - has been tha sick man'a faithful f r I a n d, . always curing ' - . noiniston, yLATULEVCT, . ABTina. SILIOrSWESS, , COSTTVBHBSS, . BYSPBPBIA, IWDIQBSTIOW ST 8CAI.ABIA1 ..MtB, Don't fall td' try H at one. It will do you a lot of good. ' -.1. at I) ! Special matches will also ba held among the various companies while- tha men are at Salem, and keen competition la expected from tha record of past per formances. The range will be open for practice July 7, and many of the sol diers ,w!U take advantage of tha oppor tunity so that they will be In good shape when the eventa are pulled off, . GENERAL BALDWIN IS 7 -RETIRED OF AGE LIMIT Washington. June It. With a record of 41 years of brilliant and .honorable servioe to hts credit. Brigadier-General Frank D. Baldwin waa placed .on the retired list of the army today, having reached the age limit of 14 years. Gen eral Baldwin la a native of Michigan, born-In 1141. He entered the military aervloa aa second lieutenant of volun teers on September I, .1861, and . waa promoted to captain of the .Nineteenth Michigan Infantry. He waa mustered out of the volunteer service In June, 1 86$. appointed a second lieutenant in the regular array In February, 1844, and promoted through Intermediate grades to Colonel on July If. l0l. The follow ing year he became a brigadier-general. - General Baldwin commanded the first body of civilised troops that ever suc cessfully reached the aouth shore of Lake Lanao. island of Mindanao. There waa a desperate battle with the Moroa at the battle of Bylan, ending In a complete victory for the Americana The vacancy created In the list of br' by the retirement of General Baldwin Is filled by the promo tion of Colonel Walter, T. Diggan. First Infantry, to the rank of brigadier-general. . . "" A : OREGON EXPRESS TRAIN DERAILED AT GOODYEAR San Francisco, i June II. News waa received af Oakland last night of the disabling of the westbound; Oregon ex press. No. 11,. of the Southern Paclflo at Goodyear, near Sulsun. The only re sult of the accident wsa a blockade that delayed traffio for several hours. I The front truck of the engine left the track aa the train was taking a siding to, open th road for another passenger train. It waa moving slowly, and aside from, a Jar aa the engine fell upon the ties, the passenger ware not awarevOf OPPORTUNITIES Offer to a larje buainesa that smaller houses are not allowed to sec and while every conadentlous merchant has the advantages his skill and planning develojj and can : give very good service a till it remains for the great busi nesses to. develop great and varied bargains. No matter how prosperous conditions are and business thro'out the country is prosperous todavwno factory can keep just busy enough at all times. There are occasions when all obtainable help ia kept busy, and weeks when the owners have trouble to keep the necessary permanent . force in work. . Our orders dip into such lulls and the economy to ours and yours. .' We judge the unknown by the known. Take the cotton industry. , Cotton has been very deer; why mills even found it cheaper to atop than to run yet sur plus' lots appear good goods in wrong hands and we have offered aa wonderful economies in cotton stuffs this year as have come in other years. The tension is also great on linens and woolens yes, and many other lines; yet of all years this is the one when shopping pays the ahopper. Everybody has not aa yet come to KNOW the advantages of this OLDS. WORTMAN ft KINO store. Prove them now. Share in Wednesday's bargains. STEP DOVJll to Kitchen Wares WORTHWHILE SPECtMS 3d FLOOR A Special Sale of OUaa Ua Weckv- . Odd pieces Decorated China - at Special prioea. ' Olives: regular value 69c. Special .SOe Olives; regular value $1.05. Special ..............6Sk 'Ice Relishes; regular valuer 11.16. - Special. ,.r.-.TO Leaf Plates; regular value IMS. Speclal.i... ...... .ftl.OO Leaf plates; regular value 42.86. Special..... S1.2S Balads; regular value 11.86. Special..., ... Oe Salads; regular value 11.00. Special....; S1.25 Berry Bowls; regular value $1.85. Special... 86e Berry Bowls; regular value $1.46. ; . Special fl.OS .nun xwwiij m ui.r tkiui ,uc . " Fruit Bowls; regular value $8.00. Fruit Saucers; regular value 11.80. Fruit Saucers; regular-value 16.00. Fruit Saucers; regular value 16.26. Fruit Saucers; regular value 15.40. Fruit Saucers; regular' value 86.76. - Special Bargain Table of Odd Special....... -60e . Special.. v .fl.25 Special, dosi.. '.111.20 Special, doaen.... 1 13.00 - Special, doaen. . . .1 13.20 Special, doaen....) 13.35 Special. dosen....a;3.)5 Lines of Glasaware. - SeaeoaabU Article, ' " - Uncovered Jelly Tumblera Special, doaen. ........... ,'.25g ' Covered Jelly Tumblers. Special, doaen. .......804) Mason Rubbers. Special, doaen ........................ .4e Mason Jar Caps and Rubber. Special, dosen.. ....20e Economy and Vacuum Fruit Jar Cape. Special prioea on Refrigerators and Ice-Cream Freesers. Illinois Refrigerators. 87 inches high, 81 Inches wide. 15 inches deep. Special , .S6.T5 Automatic Enameled Refrigerators, 41 inches high. 88 inches wide, 18 inches deep. Special .918.00 Automatic Enameled Refrigerators, with water cooler, 48 inches high, 86 Inches wide, II Inches deep. Special. S23.TB Thirty-four stylea and ahape to select from. - Bargain Brevities Special Wednesday HlOe. package linen cloch finish Envelopes io ma ten. Social. T4- Jt Alls""" wuiv Mwakm, Dyrcill aU4f 16c pkg. of 100 white Japanese Crepe Paper Napklna. Spl.lOe) c roll Toilet Paper. Special 6el or, doaen ...65d 20o bottle pure Witch Haset. Special .4 Beat American Spool Cotton, black and white, all atssa. Special, T spools . .254 Transparent clear Glycerine Toilet Soap, t cakea In box. Special lOe) lie nickel-plated Folding Coat Hangers. Special 104 Pair 10c black and tan Shoe Laces, extra wide. Special. , .64 llo Jar Petroleum Jelly or Vaseline.-- Special..... 10e ' 6o package fine white smooth finish Enveiopea. Special.. 3e 26c beat English Tooth Brushes. Special jsa 75o bar Imported Italian Castile Soap. 'Special .49e 86o 1-lb. packet linen cloth finish White Writing Paper. Special 19a) 75c fine quality gold-mounted Shell Back Combe. Special. 49 Ic fancy lace edge Shelf Paper In 10-yard ptecea. Special. 3g PRICES DOVJll Oti 2d FLOOR Wool Shirtwaist Suits Hall-Price $12.50, to $75 Values . - Choose front any In the house, a wide - selection. , charming models In' tha , Shirtwaist and two-piece styles, latter In . Shirtwaist , effects. Handsome; ' Veilings, Drap E' Etss, Panamaa. - . Serges, .. etc., smartly . trimmed In 'pretty laces and exquisite embrold- i erles. In regular length sleeve model or elbow sleeve style, made ' with . fancy yoke and 'girdle. Any coloring . plnka, whltea, navy, tana, light blues, hello. - browns, greens, ' reds, corals, or plain black. Every ault a - great value at the regular price 118.60 to 171.00. All at to cloee XAU wca. Eton Coats at Special Sale Prices A splendid choosing from these smart. Jaunty .Jackets. New, stylish models in very latest effects. . Bilk and broadcloth In the picking. No garment quite so handy as a wrap-for the cool Bummer evenings an all .'round necessity with most ' wearers the year through. Special fee Wednesday -- 112.10 Coats now.. ...8)9.38 121.00 Coats now.. $18.TS 111.00 Coats now.. 811.25 818.00 Coate now.. $22.50 gll.MCPltijowf j3.85", HIOl Costa now.. 8 285 x - Waists Reduced f - - Lace, Silk or Lingerie ' ' Lavish Stocks too large and varied for unnecessary deeerlp - live detail. The tale that Interests la the newa of reduction. -. Appended- 112.60 Waists for...f9.38, U0 00 Waists for. .$15.00 115.00 Walata for.. f 11.25 126.00 WalaU for..fl8.T5 Art Pieces. - ; Cushion TopsCenter Pieces' . Pretty home "fixings" underpriced Annex Second Floor. Tapeatof Cushion Tops, with plain backs and tassels at - corners: In a variety of design These cushion slips are all ready for the filling. Special Sale price, each r...3Te . . Tse 8L40 Oealerpteeee for SSe. Stamped Centerplecee of fine handkerchief or .heavy linen, stamped In. a variety of dealgna In floral, English eyelet, conventional,' Mt. Melltck and Roman embroidery. Some are partly embroidered. Sixes 18, 84 and 87 Inches; our 76e to 11.40 valuea Special Sale price, each..., 204 Children's Dresses : - Great Bargains How can-We begin to tell you of them alt and the values they represent? Simply can'tl But thla will give you some Idea , Children's White Dresses SS Ve Cent Off. . Theee dresses ere made"bf fine white "lawnarTndlainihoir and organdies. In all the latest creations and combinations of laoe and embroidery, from the plainest to the most elaborate. SIses from 4 to 14 years. Tour choice all week at as rTS CXaTT OTP. - OalMrea'a Watte Breeaea tog SaU. A few odd numbers of Children's -White Dresses In lawn, . llnon. or pique, in one and two-piece styles some of them the pretty Peter Thompson sailors. Ages from 4 to II year Our II. 00 to 112.00 values. Special for all the week at J AUP rsuca. Colored Pusses a Fourta Ease. In addition we shall offer our entire line of Colored Wash Dresses for - Children1 materials of percale, linon, gingham, etc.; agea 4 to 14 year All come at. all ............ vmm rvvan vrr. ANOTHER STEP to Relt Important 500 Xld IVeathet Barbs SSe. A line of hew Belts in white, black and gray kid leather, with two-tongue spring buckles, which buckle in the back. Special at f 89) Silks rWondertul Values Wednesday Ends the Sale You need the Silks; they're new, smart, and seasonable; then, think of the savlngsl . .. . 1,450 yarda swell Suit Silks In Taffetas, Peau de Sole and Louialenes, In all wanted colors and styles, the new checks and atrlpea Included; regular values 66c, 11.00 and 11.11. Special only, yard .....67e White Japanese Wash Silks These wanted silks at a big aavlng for tomorrow . -17 and 81 Inches wide; reglar 11.15 grade, for, yard..,'.98V 1. 27 and II lrcheawlde; regular 11.10 grade, for, yard. .81.18 IT and t Inchee wide; regular 11.71 grade, for, yardv.f 1.43 IT Inchee wide; regular 12 00 grade, for.......... .Y.. $1.64 . Regular 11.00 grade Glace Peau de Cygne, 10 Inchee .Wide, In ' a large eolor assortment. Special for Wedneeday..,..79e ROCK BOTTOM, GROUND FLOOR BARGAINS Vash Fabrics , BAnrrr cottohs abb srvmsT xorars at uttu . '.. nuoas. Vataral Uaea vttUgs. ' ' Thoroughly Shrunk, In three great special value at, : " yard........... ...2S3Be) and 404 -Bew Arrivals ia Pretty Waaa nitugar New line of Persian Mulls and Pearllns Cloths; fine, soft, silky finish fabrics, at, 1 yard v . . . .25. 30. 85e, 404 arTd 50e Imported Madras in neat figured and triped effect -for. Shirtwaist Suit Special at, yard..... 21e Figured Silk Mulla and Lappetta, In beautiful floral effect. Special at, yard ......,..........3Sa ' - . ' Me Mlk BoUeae Me. '-. "I"---'' Bilk Eollene.'a soft sheer cloth for street end svenlng wear; regular Value 60c. Special, yard ......38e Veilings and Veils for Half-Prke SOME FOR LESS Caiffoa Telia, 1 H yarda. I yards and 8 yards long. In navy, green, tan and brown; splendid for automoblllng or driving; also some fine lace vetla In navy, black, white and brown, and ranging in value from 11.00 to 11.00, and an assortment of fine silk net veils worth 11.74. Tour choice of any of theee at MAM? P8UOB. Another lot of Tells ef Taxed Meek with silk chenille dots. In black and white effect These veils are f one and a half - yarda, long and are our regular 11.00 value, . Special Sale price ,'. r .89e Leather Goods Aisle Annex "- ladlee fLSS Band Parses 'see. An assortment of thla season's newest Hand Purses, with strap handle on back, coin pocket with nickel frame, with compartment on each aide, an outaide card pocket and aa outside hsndkerchlef pocket; reds, browns, tana, greens and blues; oar 11.26 veu Special at. .....v........98 "j: Ribbons Great Values ". - SO t Me Bibboas fos Mo. ': '. Plain Satin Taffeta Ribbon 4ti lnches"and IH Inchea Wide, In ail colors; our I0o and 05e value Swell black and. whit dotted Ribbons,' 4H Inches Wlds snd - our 10c value. Dresden Ribbon m Inches and 4H Inchee wide;. aone - ' print warps; others, printed ribbons; worth to lie thayarX All .Km a.tal 'fl.l nrA. n OCA vftnT FOURTH Sevjinn floor Machines STORES Carpets, Curtains : and. Bedding Pay Only Here9 for the Agency's $K Sewing Machines Buy an ro. W.,1 JKeasettold Sewing asi, if, ma4tt to our order We know all about it; and. knowing It. give it a tea year guarantee. : Rich oak woodwork, drop head, high arm. swell: front cabinet, bsll bearing throughout; all the modern work-and-tlme-aavlng improvements; full set of at . taehments; best In town for 146.00, but. our price here Is only. . ,....,...$24.9 Same aa above, with the automatic lift; most stores sell at here at - .i. , .826.00 nr OABVBT STOBB FOPBTK FXOOB. The newest, handsomest. "best style Carpets and Floor Cov erings In .town.- Finest assortment of-Carpets, Rugs and Linoleums In.tka Northwest, at prices that mean mighty sevtnge when compared with thoee of other stores. The only ' NEW atock of Carpets in Portland. - .. A1 " irew Wool Blankets. , ''- V-,,'-'-,..'". In fine white wool end full, generous sise, at. -' ......,..$4.50 to $15.00 pair.' Sammer Comforters. Ia light weight, filling of best whit laminated cotton; light -a a puffball but -warm as a kitten's "fur; coverlsga of - dainty,-pretty sllkolines. ................ .$1.25 to $4.80 , " ' Bend some Tapestry Coach Cavers. in beautiful and unique OrlenUr effectaT fringed all " - - round . . . . i . , . . . .$130 to $T.BO PRETTY PARASOLS Many Worth $7 Tou may study the season's favored Parasol fashions from these; ye though prices ere much below real worth. Thia la the secret. - They're from a (manufacturer anxloue enough to sell hta Summer atock that he took half for his Parasol Bo the news -is worth heeding, and quickly, for you want the Parasol Tha choosing embraces fine hemstitched Silk Para sols, with enameled handles and gold frame; In red. navy and green; beautiful silk with fancy borders, natural wood handles and enameled frame these in red, green and navy. - Fine-Shot Silk Taffeta, with enameled bandies and Paragon- frame; in green, navy, red and brown; uaual 86.00 value. - . - Fine Taffeta Silk Parasols, with fancy embroidered border. Ivory tip and carved Ivory or enameled handles; usual 17.00 valu . . ' ' ' Beautiful black and white effects, with T black " carved handle; regular 14.60 valu -. Fine All-Silk Taffeta, with fancy Dresden border come in different colors; usual 11.60 valu Beautiful -Rajah- Bllk-Parasela- la-lavender .and. pongee;' . witn nanaie enameiea to matcn. ., - - , Special Sale price, $3.1$. , 1 ' At the Foot, We Start to Build Business With ' " ; ' J '.:." '-r: :. J. I.V"t-' - Good Shoes for - ... , - the family ExcellentValues . , . . i Smart,- solid footwear, full ef atyle and splendid wearing equalities. Much better than the klndaold about town at the price. Selected leather atock and there everything In that which affecta the looks after a few wearing Ditto service. Our ehoea have solid eak-tannecsole and are made up in the highest art of modern shoemaklng. Considering the ballooned prices en good footwear today these are the greatest values In America In Men'a Shoe We mention but two line Com In and see the other- Men' beet Patent Leather Shoes In Oxford style. Blucher c regular cut, laoe, style, and made ever our famoe i form last. This shoe Is a model of extreme c dressiness. We csrry this style also In a t. i i leather. Choose from all slsee at 4 Un'a dark brown kid Bheee in 0fort c t at.'jh round-toe last (straight last r r . very flexible. Especially su ) ..'. 1" brand-ny s.js the ntsoask - ' -