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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING. JUNE 28. 1903. NO TAINTED MONEY WANTED . ' ' Portland'q Faaoteot Growing Otoi?o BY JUVENILE ASSOCIATION ;. . . 1 , 5? m. Bk , Judge Benjamin B. Lindaey f Denrer, Who Refused Rockefeller's Five t ; Million-Dollar Offer. " ;" :- '-' " (Journal Special Benlos.) . Denver, J una I. Before the organi sation of the International JuvenUe Im provement association at Chicago a faw leye ago Judge Benjamin B.- Lindsay of tha juvenile court at Denver, tha father of tha movement, gave- a pledge that ha would refuse John D. Rocke feller offer of f 5,000.000 to ftnance it , Tha offer of tha oil maa-nate waa made , to Judge ' Lindsay through hia secretary laat January, Judge Lindaey having made a trip to New York on . Rockefeller's Invitation. It was a con dition of tha Rockefeller donation that tha mr-vement be given an International character, and It was Judge Llndaey's intention that this step should be taken at tha national convention of Charities and Corrections at Philadelphia. Tha question, however, was tabled at Phila delphia -without a word of explanation. . - At Judge Llndaey's earnest solicita tion, however,1 a' meeting of juvelltie workers waa later called by Judge Mack of Chicago to convene at Hull house In Chicago. A -week before the date of this meeting Judge Lindaey and Miss Jane Addatne of Hull house met at tha triennial meeting of the Federated Worn mi's Clubs at St. Paul, and there Mlas Adda. ma told Judge Lindaey that only on the condition that Rockefeller's offer be I' ' , 1 ... T Clarke & FOURTH & WASHINGTON Special Sale 'At these money 'saving prices .you make no mistake in securing a year's supply. , , --( 'Per case Dozen, of 100. Sairitas Roll A 46 - 83.00 Mi. Hood Roll 84 $6.75 Woodlark Roll 88 SG.25 "Our Fair" ... Roll ....... 62- 84.06 -400" Roll .... - 72 $5.50 Aseptic Pkg... 81.13 $8.40 Delta Pkg..... 88 $6.50 Klondike Fkg. . 84 $6.40 Oneida Pkg. , , 39 : $3.25 "Doz. Case of 50. Perfection i Roll ....... Tishu Pkg..'.; 81.80 -$7.25 2.20 $8.50 DOYOUUSZOllE ' At this sea"son of the year, no article is more useful or labor saving about the house than a feather duster. ; ,'. . ' We have them in Turkey or Ostrich- feathersy all ' sizes at extremely little prices. ' ' Prices 20c to $1:25 Woodard Com pa ny toilet Paper. Feather Dusters turned down would It be possible for herself and other leading workers along tha llnea of the proposed association to attend the meeting. Judge Lindsay gave his pledge that tha association should ba formed with tha hearty sup port of all juvenile workers, but with do "tainted" money. TERMINALS IVILt BE EXTENDED Hill and Harrlman - to Expend ' Thousands of Dollars in Worth Portland.' -J.. VIADUCT OVER STREETS WILL BE CONSTRUCTED Advent of iliH Companies Causes Other Interests to Hasten Work Harrlman Will Extend Terminals to North and Hava Large Car Storage. On ground recently purchased by the Hill and Harrlman comnanlaa from P. L. Willis and tha Oneonta Land com pany, two miles north of Portland, the terminals' of ; those companies - will be extended, and large tar Storage will be provided. Tha Northern Paclfto Ter minal -company will rearrange Its track age In North Portland, and build tha long-contemplated viaduct and some nw warehouses, and tha HU1 compa nies will Join In the construction of tha viaduct that la -to carry wagon travel from tha Overton and district to the Alblna ferry. , , 1 na whole plan has bean growing slowly with railroad ' developments of tha last year, and tha atul viarinn a- scribed some months ago In The Journal wiu oa punt as planned, crossing over aU the streets that run north and south through the yards of tha Hill and Har rlman railroad companies In North Port land. The advent of the HIU compa nies and their large purchases of North Portland blocks for terminal grounds has had tha affect of hastening and greatly enlarging tha original plans of "-Northern JPaolflo Terminal com pany, which la a joint concern of tha HIU and Harrlman lines, owning tha present union denot alt an When tha Hill companies bought ground lor independent terminals west of tha present terminal company the Harrlman Unas wsra hammed in A ,h and they immediately took itm. - pand to tha northward, accordingly pur- onasing ma ground tnat lies between Qulld's lake and tha river. ' ' . rlu of Tiaduet. Tha bronoaed vledunt ..... . Lovejoy and Seventh, and ascend on a w imr crai inuu 10 norxnrup, where it wui oross ins iracaa on a level grade J 1 feet above ft he ' e. ni . .-., v a. -yvilll about Sixth street, where It will branch. one roaaway going to tha Greenwich dock and another to tha Alblna ferry. The viaduct wlU be II feat wide and provided with a roadway and sidewalk. The roadway will be paved with wooden blocks- The Mi rrlmin' KXmn.rr-.m It is said, remove the freight sheds now occupying the "west slda oft Front street and , lay. additional track a A- new frelghtheuse 70 by 1,000 feet will ba built on the east aide of Front street and north' of tha steel bridge. By an arrangement with the Portland A Seat tle Railroad company a strip of ground has been secured by tha terminal com pany for tha laying of four parallel tracks on tha west side of Front street from the present terminal yards 'to Fourteenth street. Tha contemplated terminal ground Improvements in North Portland will Involve Investment of several hundred thousand dollars, and will give Portland railroad terminal fa cilities ranlajna; with tha bast In tha country. ' ,- , ,4 , . , . ' V ' . RARE CHANCE TO TRAVEL July t ad .-Anrnst T, 8, t, September , , - i ,.. t and 10. ... , - - Summer excursion rates. Bale dates June IS, IS. July I, I, August 1, S. , September S, 10. Rata from Portland to Chicago, $71.K1 to Bt Louts, IIT.S0; Kansas City, Omaha and St Paul, I0; Denver, See. ' ' .For Information In referenre to fates and paKlculars aak C. W. Stinger, city ticket agent. Third , and Washington Streets, Portland. , . .. ,.;, PRETTY BABY CONTEST DRAWING TO A CLOSE The Pretty Baby contest conducted by The Sunday Journal is ' drawing to a close. After Saturday, June 30, no more pictures will be received, and the children whose photographs re not in this office, by that time will lose the, chance to win the fine prizes. r ." This is by all odds. 'the most popular contest ever started by a paper in Oregon. From almost every town in Oregon and Wash ington have been sent pictures of pretty babes,' and they are still coming in by .every mail. ; It did not seem possihle that there were so many beautiful children in the two states., - . v . The prizes are worth winning. The first, is a deposit ot $20 in the Oregon Trust .& Savings Bank, anj President Moore ays if the winner is not over 3 years old, and leaves the $20 with his institution until he of she is 21, that the amount to the contestant's credit will then be $100. For three other children handsome silver cups will be provided. ' . - ' .. ' - .The contest is open to any cmld, boy or girl, under 6 years of--age, in Oregon or Washington, and pictures must reach the Baby "Contest Editor, Sunday Journal, Portland, by. 12 o'clock midnight of next Saturday. : '. - . ' :"; , . "' The REALM FEMININE By BELEN BAWTHORNE THE GIRL'S FUTURE Now that the graduating season Is at band, tha question agitating many par enta la a choice) of a profession for the daughter. Frequently It Is the ease that until graduation time arrives uius thought is given to a girl 8 ruiure, ana even then It Is passed by unless the girl has had sufficient energy to mark out asms line of preference..' This question of '"the gill's futana Is fra. quently regarded as or nine import ance. Parents In thinking of the girl's future ofttlmts put too much import ance on the question of matrimony, a good match., but do not consider wnat may happen if the good match does not oome along or what the girl la to do 1n the Interim period between graduation and -a good match. It would be better if parents put out of sight, altogether tha good match and consider tha present. - If possible give a girl all the accomplishments, but by all means give her a practical business education, evsn If accomplishments must be sacrificed.' Give her this bual ness education so she will know the value of money, and If - matrimony comes, she realising tha value of money, knowing tha annoyances of the busi ness world, she is mora keen! alive to the responsibilities which her husband bears- of the dally grind, therefore lr more patient and considerate tnan a woman without, any business experi ence. , . . Take " the girl whoso thonghts do not center -on a future good match, and here Is where paternal Influence should ba exertedLBvery father who allowe his daughter to take, pocket money wages and work for the benefit of strangers la helping to lower tha position of all workers and Is doing his best to make his daughtsr a depend ant In her later life and a hindrance rather than a l-flp to any community. If tha girl must earn wage at all, she Is entitled to earn a living wage. The question whether a girl shall sarn a living wage for all time must be faced at - the first, by herself and : by . her parents. , 1. t Surely our girls are entitled to a means or iiveiinooa as wen as our ooys. and when the time for matrimony comes it will find . them better equipped, better able to do their part faithfully by tha training thay have re ceived.: They will be broader, more able to cope with life than the hothouse va riety off" Woman, who perish at the first blast of the winds of advsrslty. TESTS FOR FRUIT. . "Muskmelon time is coming," said the chatty green-grocer, "and the purchaser who knows how to buy a cantaloupe will get his or her money's worth out of the season. Tha first point In Judging your melon Is the weight A heavy fruit Is a good fruit, and if heavy, only the question of ripeness remains to be de cided. A good ripeness test Is tha odor. A ripe, fruit is fragrant, spicy, tempt ing, to tha nostrils. - Muskmelnna with dejtp furrows and rough surfaces are sound and sweet. The color in the fur rows is- also worth noting, ir very sreenv-areen it Is under-ripe; yellow. and it is apt to bo mushy. A very smooth surface often means that, the melon la over-ripe. It may ba too soft and dry for perfection. "In chooslna a watermelon, nit it to sea that it Is heavy, and rap on tha shell to assure yourself that It is sound. The test of weight and fragrance are good ones for fru)ts of many varletlea. Or anaes and grape fruit should always be heavy In proportion to their slse. Odor Is as good a test oi a pineapple as i know, except that of weight and the peculiar russet tinge of tha skin which means thorough ripeness. Nsver buy, at least for immediate use, a pineapple which has a bronse-green tinge. Pull out one of the green leaves at the top of a pineapple before buying it If this oomes away easily the prospects . for mellowness are good." , j FETCHING APRON. A fetching little apron for thimble teas, chaflng-dlah suppers and for tha many occasions at home when a dainty accessory of this kind is desirable. Is mada of a breadth of lawn 10 Inchea wide and II Inchea long. Cut the bot tom In three rolnts about six Inches TROUSERS TREE f . With . every Suit costing ' f 22.50 or more, we will make ' you an extra pair of Trousers from the same or different material Free. , Elks' Bldg, Seventh and Stark. .MM...T deept slightly gore the tides up to the top; tout the top in one point; hem all around. -At the waist line make 11 graduated tucks one half Inch . wide, narrowing to a point at top and bottom. The middle tuck should be 15 Inches long; the ones at each "side seven' Inches long, three Inches wide; the ends sre cut in points and trimmed with lace. - . i i USEFUL BAG. f The useful bag of black serge, formerly- monopolised, by the business woman and school girl, has been adopt ed by. tha housewife, who has recog nised In tts capacious depth a most convenient receptacle 'for the odds and ends picked up during a shopping tour. To maka a bag of thla variety three fourtha of a yard wide material will ba required. Fold lengthwise and French soam tha side and bottom. Then aew a casing an Inch from the top and run a ribbon through It to draw the bag Into shape. If It la desirable to make the bag more substantial Una It with a good quality of percallne. . . . . ROSE CAKES. ?. Cream, one cup of butter until light, then beat in slowly one and one half cups of powdered sugar, and when light and frothy add one cup of milk, ons half teaspoon of rose extract and three cupa of flour sifted with three level teaspoons of baking powder. Last fold in . the stiffly-beaten whites of five eggs. Bake in two deep round layer tins, spread a thick boiled Icing between and over the cakes and hava it tinted a faint pink with color pasts. - HOUSEWIFELY GOSSIP. To cat new bread or cake without crumbling, heat knife before cutting. Alcohol applied to window glass or mirrors after" cleaning thoroughly will produce a nice polish. ' - Three) or four scented geranium leaves added to about five plnta of ap ple Jelly give it a delicious flavor. Eggs aoaked a few minutes In salt watsr will not crack when put in boiling water. Fish Is much improved in flavor if fried In fat that has been used for a former frying, and baked fish is much nleor If skewered with thin slices of salt pork. , . . SPLENDID SEASIDE SERVICE Zt meases tha Pnblle and Bvsrybody . slmllas. . Saturday, 'June to, marks tha Inlttal trip of tha "Portland-Seaside Flyer," the crack train? of tha A. A ,C. R. R., which will leave the union depot every Saturday during the summer season at 1:10 p. m. for Clatsop Bsach points, arriving at Seaside at :60 p. m., mak ing only such stops sn route as are absolutely .- necessary - to the- euoeeeaf ul operation of thla fast train, excelling everything In point of modern equip ment and a -model -of -comfort and con venience. In connection with this strictly new train service, Saturday special round trip excursion tickets Will be sold from Portland to all Clatsop and North Beach points at rate of tl.SO, good to return Sunday evening. Tickets on sale &t city ticket office, 14 Alder street, and union oepoi. Building Permits. Tha following permits hava been Is sued: R. J. Holmes, storage platform. East Eighth, corner East Csruthera. rest 1200; John Russell, one-story dwelling; Sellwood, oorner Borthwick. cost 11,100; M. Anderson, one-story dwelling, Ben ton, corner Hancock, cost f 1,410; J. P. Flnler, repairs, to dwelling. Fifth, cor ner Main, coat $200) Oosslln aV Horn- blett, . S-story apartment-house. Sixth, corner Madison, cost 120.000; A. Roetne. one-atory dwelling. Wheeler, corner of Clackamas, cost I2.S60; William 8am anse, barn. Bast Clay, corner Union ave nue, coat 1160; Ira D. Baker, repairs to dwelling. 8kldmore street, eoet $71; Burkhardt 4k Weaveraon, workshop. Fourth, between Columbia and Clay, cost $100; H. Woodhouse, one-story dwelling, Hanen, near Dawson, cost II,-100;-B. Henderson, two-story dwelling. East Ankeny. between East Thirtieth. and East Thirty-first, cost $2,000; J. W. Cahow, repairs to dwelling, Sellwood, between Btanton and Knott, cost $700: Cart Retterapracher. two-story dwell- nsv East Thirteenth, corner Nehalem. cost $2,000. . i . r AT THE THEATRES. "Madame Sana-Gene." . The stoat elaborate production of the year la "Marttme Sana-Oene," . thla week at the Baker theatre. MIm Mwreare In tke title role nude as Imsiedlate bit with the Baker patrons eetrroay at the Brat perforOMiwee. The play la aelntlllatlns wlta bnmor aad baa many brilliant sernle efferte. Tbe play runs all the week with the regular Btatlnee Satur day. . Matinee at Heilig Tomorrow. Krerr one a-be som U tbe Hellle theatre and beam "Tha Telephone Olrl," wkfc-b la tbe bill this week, gore away after the performance ring to bla frlende that thla le by far the neat swrnoneae fiee.neg awini wnnf that thla eltr has bad fur a lens time. - The operatic aevre la added by eeveral extra aonga that are eraekerjarka. "ell I he the regular matlaeee tomorrow and Saturday. VAUDEVILLE AND STOC1L" . At the. Star. . At the Star" fhla week the enoedy remnaay ef people appeara In "A boat Baby." Thla baby la aalike any otaer ever aaea ana that It la found afte an eieltlng aearrh Biakea It all the funnier. Is tbe peat thla week are tbe aid fawltea. , Y Panlages New BilL Another big mnelrat prnaraia with mr act feature of BMrtt will b offered br raaUgea" tale weak, beginning tedaz. lu Ant vises kt The , Beot in Quality .Kan BsLle off Wsiisihs "This hat been the most wonderful Shirtwaist season in a great many years. It has been almost impossible for us to get sufficient stock, but our arrangements were so well planned that - we have been able to supply the demand. All the Waists in this sale will be of the very lat-J est types and patterns and Ihe best of fabrics. " " At $1.00 '.White Waists, dainty style, the materials and making of .the best and trimmed attractively. " ' At $1.25 Waists in white lawn and cham bray, daintily finished with tucks, others with lace and insertion. Tailor-Made Suits Spec'l ..Two' Notable Tubj:. 012.50 for Smts Trth Strictly Tailor-Made Suits for women, and misses; made" oflat est light or dark mixtures, eton and pony style,' nicely trimmed with fancy braids ; elbow or long sleeves ; skirts in J S A newest circular style. Special this. week. . . . ..V.. . aJ)laWedv $16.50 for Suits Woi 020 to 025 About 30' of these exceptionally clever gray, navy and black Suits to go this week at $16.50. Choicest summer weaves in stylish mixtures and Panamas, pony and eton effects ; lined with pretty shades of taffeta silk ; skirts are circular or pleated styles and are cut extra full. Special this ' , . Q Linen Suits . A great range of styles and prices to choose from. Every model that is new or out of the common in style is here. Some strictly plain and severe, others fancy tailored styles with a little touch here and there giving distinction. Each one is fresh and new and has the correct style stamp upon it. White Linen Jacket Suit Made of ex cellent quality material in the most ap proved styles, full pleated and circular skirts. Unusual values . Q OA at......... Wtifte Linen Eton Suits One of the motet popular new styles, skirt and t.wajst cut full size and perfectly fin ished throughout, full pleated skirts. Special this week yJ White Linen Shirtwaist Suits Dainty, cool and stylish," waist anH cVirt rttt extra full: ncatlv trimmed with pleats and em-' broidery. Specially G C A priced at:.... .,aPs-atlV White Skirts Handsome pique and Indian Head Skirts, in a dozen of the best styles ; strictly man tailored and perfectly fin ished. Specially priced for this week at $4.50, AA ?3.50, $2.25 and........;. .... .... v.... ..PleUU Colored Wash Skirts Black and white polka-dot duck, fancy pique suitings, coverts and other dark wash fabrics; these skirts "are all well tailored and very full. Priced at $2.90, AA $2.50, $1.00; $1.50 and .ePl.UU Three Special Values in Hammocks C1 Aft Ful1 s5ze Hammock, 4)1 eUU with spreader at each "end, padded head rest,r lQ-inch valance,- excellent wearing qual ity, large assortment of colors to choose from. r 1 . Full size Hammock, ai)laQt) made of extra quality t material, spreader at eacn en a, padded head rest and ' finished with 12-inch valance; a great as sortment'in pretty, new patterns. ri ' Extra heavy Hammocks, with spreader at each end, 5)sVa0U upholstered head rest, 12-inch valance; great assort ment of colors, to choose from. " , , . iiK.. Wanoerllle anif Atber. In - I vrmr&r kit. Then tool Profeaanr Rawaroa an4 a la fanMwa bnxlas kansaroot MeKenale O.. eomedr prortorrra: Miliwnt.. resiaia peneeator: Wtlllama ana DtI. eperatle atnf gmn: ktanae Sharps an4 the ttahnrne eklldren. alnsera and Saneera: W-an Wlkmn, potmlar barlteae, and amine pletnra eMaedles. .'-:"..-rr-. -rAt'-th Grand. . . ' "Yame,''' , at the Orand thla week, ' la a nMI and kepa the audience gneealns nnttl the. last attint. and then enam the explana. ties. - Thb) explanation la aa atartllng the act The Orand kaa a err food bill thla woek. the beM In a month. t - -4. -"aia TZBXO rxzuaTO. " . ' If rod sre languid, depressed. tnntr sbls or work. 11 indicates that your liver Is out of order. Herblne will assist na ture to throw off headaches, rheumatism and ailments akin to nervousness and restore the enersles snd vitality of sound snd tterfect health. J. .J. Hub. hard. Temple, Tesas, writes: "I hav uned Herblne for the pant two yeara I has done for me more irood than sll t doctors. It In the bent medicine ev mad. for chills snd fever." too. -by Woodard, Clarke A Co. jtt.i.i? la. as. la .1111" ' TTM" An ' exceptionally " strong line. These are white.; lingerie : Waists, well tucked and trimmed. - v'Siitfpp This is possibly the best offer of the sale. -Waists of sheer materi als, unusually well made. , and Skirts SAN FRAfCISCO. CAL. ".i ' im An tvovas smmts. ' - EUROPEAN PLAN : RBTAUIMfsTcnd GRILL COO'. In CC.'.'JsECriC." ffr- . ' Telephone la every room. Hot and'' cold water. . :yi ' Bath. Elevator service. Tke Oaly yiiwk alaaa SoWl irow la Ofaai: r 'a P. f r - V The in : Values n Greatest of All Silk Seles xar STTxarsL n ' . . UT TAaVKIOaT . 79. for BeVtUSQualides Look what's In store for you. We are determined to make this the greatest silk sale of the seasonbound to da it. TvtrJr ar that nffr- ; bhirtwaist and burtmg Silks in abundanee. Hundreds of ' . jards the variety, styles, ; - qualities and newness not to ' be questioned i the best col-. lection of hew,, fancy silks ever shown .by..' farlatvthe price. . . ' -. Louisiennes' and Messalin finished -Taffeta Silks in all ' .the new colorings. Don't pay $1.25 a yard before you see this grand array of beau tiful silks on sale to- rTQ morrow at...,."..-.... VC Fancy Suiting: ' SiUc8 69o : For Best $1.00 Quality Here is, without -doubt, one of the best silk offers you , ever saw; unapproachable 7 for-the money, the quality ,, of the silk at the price will , surprise you ; all silk buyers wiy stretch ;. the limit of their purse and lay in a sup ply for a long time to come; m the assortment you will find a great variety, of sherj "herdchecks,'neat small fig ures, new shadow plaid in -allthe new gray-effects f best $1.00 quality on sale tomorrow at. . . -UyC 75o OhangreaJble I i r Taffetas 49c Thousands of yards Beau tiful Changeable Taffeta Silks warranted all pure silk," full 19 inches' wide,; comes in all the best colors, blues, greens reds, browns, etc.; best 75c quaKty. JO On sale tomorrow at.iyC 7Bo &uit'g Silks 50o A big "variety of Waist and Suiting Silks in all the new. summer shades, neat checks, dots, stripes ; and broken' plaids, strictly all pure silk,, - soft and durable r best 75r quahty. On sale to morrow at .......... . 50c: 50c, 05o Fancy Suit ing; Silks 39o A lmost attractive assort--ment of pretty Suiting Silks, soft Messaline finished taf fetas, all pure silk, colors , and patterns' all that could be desired ; regular 50c and 65c grades. - On sale 3 A . tomorrow at........ .OyC vf'" ( t