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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNALV PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING, JUNS U' 1ZZ3. 3! i.MMY REMARKABLE GAINS 1 A Nsw Leader in the Educational ; Contest Miss Effie May . Shannon of Seflwood Jumps to the Front. ' C- - : shows , 6m Th score today -I tnarkable gains, .. ... , Miss Effla Mar Shannon cf Bellwood i UkM the lead with S.67I votes to bar ' credit This l an eaceptlonally On s showing- for Miaa Shannon. l' i Tha young- lady la completely para-' $ lysed oaene aid and, cannot walk, but i Diuii wneet uerseir arouna in m puiir i A great many of theee subscriptions f were, obtained by a personal canvass. f and though bard work for her, Miss r education may enter tha eonteat at any time before tba close. September l. The bualneea ot contestants will brt to lnduoe people to subscribe for The Oregon Journal. If they a re. not already taking the paper, or renew, their aub- ecriptlooa by paying for aa long a period In advance aa convenient, thereby giving the contestant the benefit of tba vote allowed on advance payments. ..Votes will be allowed on all advance paymenta on subscriptions, ' whether so- llctted by the contestants themselves; or paid or remitted directly to The Jour nal ornca, or mrouan -sny oi mw r ' lar agents or collectors, but In all caaes the money must be In The Journal office before credit will be given for the votes. -' j ' voinrr fob ax. ; - , JL cash commission will be paid con testant a on.all new.-wyscriptlons se- m M.eeeeeei " ' v !;' ;'; v .; THE SCORE. 1, Effle May Shannon, "Portland Oregon S.,orace A. Wilson. Portland. Oregon ..................... 4. Clay Jones, Portland. Orrgon. ........ ....... ...... I. Kov . Johnson, roruana. uregon . . Bertie Chan, Portland, Oregon ...-....,,...,.. T. Mary E. Powell. ..Portland, Oregon ............. ......... S.Charles Groaa, Portland. Oregon ......... ............... S. Mildred L. Clemona. Portland, Oregon .......... l.Jvy Owens.' Cedar. Mills. Oregon .......... ......... ....... ,11. Louise Scott, 'Portland.. Oregon li. .Paul Nygren, Portland. Oregon IS. Ouy prabam, Troutdale, Oregon. It. Ruth Turner,-romana, uregon It: Ouy Johnson. Portland, Oregon. ........... ............... 1. Edward 1. Kinsman, Llnnton. Oregon IT. Harry Brant. Portland. Oregon.............. .- IS. Atleen Haekman, Portland, Oregon ; IS. Cart Shelton, Portland. Oregon... , a a S.S7S ,S,08 ......t,0tt ......S.S40 r ..... .1.170 . ......1.130 J.Sll . 1,600 ' Mov ....... 870 ...... .76 soo 160 ISO lit t , e .Shannon - has bravely kept at It. de 'termlned to , lead in tfila count. . Many .others have made large gains. -' - Horace Wilson, Clay Jonaa and Roy t-Johnson deserve special 'mention for j their hard work and are surely forging ;' ahead. Nineteen candidates aa now in r the race with vote to their credit' and subscription are coming In fast. . t " . OOmZTXOaTM OF OOaTTMT. r-W First choice of scholarship's, or (rand capital prise, to-go to the contestant having the highest score at .tba olosa of the contest; seoond choice to the' on J .having tha bezt highest score, and so on to the. end of the list, tha number cured by them personally, or procured directly through their influence. Thus every contestant will have a chance to earn some pocket money. In sddltlon to the opportunity-or winning ivo or tzvv or a scholarship worth from S100 to Sz60, supplemented with a purse of S180 for Incidental expenses. Blank voting certificates or ballots will be furnished on request to con testante or others who may have us for them. For aaoh subscription pre paid one of these ballots may be filled out to correspond with the amount and length, of time paid for the number of votes due, tha name or the eontostant favored, etc to. be voted at the con venience of the subscriber or contestant LEVELED SHOTGUN ill SAILORS Captain Jamiesen Reports Hav !; , Ing Been in Encounter With Strike Managers. PICKETS TRIED TO BOARD VESSEL IN SMALL BOATS Members of Boat. o4 That Came Alongside Were Shot Upon the Following Day From the Deck of the ?ff team Schooner National City. J CONTESTANTS; ENROLLED. '.. . The following named young people have already made annllcation or h X ""been nominated by friends for anrollmeit aa contestabta There is room ' contest will be. " y , ; " . CHARLKS JR08B....;,..;........'.....t: M. C. A., Portland.' Oregoa MISS MART E. POWELL... 417 Salmon street. Portland, Oregon. MISS MILDRED U CLEMONS. ..... University Park. Portland, Oregon. MISS AILEEN HACKMAN Myrtle Park. Arleta, Oregon. HORACE A. WILSON......... 166 Halsey street, Portland. Oregon. MISS NELLIE MAT SHANNON... Ml Tenino street. Portland, Oregon. MISS BERTIE O. CHAN... ..l2 Clay street,. Portland, Oregon. CLAT JONES.'. . .... .... 0S East Twelfth tr( Pnril.nri nn.nn PAUL- NYGREN. , . , . U..'.. SIS East Third street. Portland Oregon- T w. uwinn.....,..hi saat Thirty-aeventn street, Portland, Oregon. LOUISE 8COTT.1,,t.?....uj Central Addition, Portland, Oregon. ROT JOHNSON 74 Division street, Portland. Oregon. RUTH TURNER 101 Kerby street, Portland. Oregon. CARL SHELTON...... Eaet Forty-eighth street. -Mount Tabor. Oreaon. ) X OUT JOHNSON ...SOS Grant street, Portland. Oregon nKni KAni..,..,,.m wuiameiie Douievard, " Portland, Oregon. ELLA NELSON. . .'. .. ............... . .. , ...... . Nawberg, Oregon. GEORGE D. KINO.... i. .1.4 ....Kingston. Oregon. JESSE MOORE .TV. . . . vTuaAln, Oregon. Bianun b 1 r ili nv.i. , . : ..-.j .Halsey, Oregon. RICHARD W. GILVIX..., ...... .'.(.'.". Rose burg, Oregon. JOHN BENSON .....A.'. . ; . v. Chemawa, Oregon. GUT V. GRAHAM .Troutdale Oregon. AGNES J. EVANS .LatoureU Jails, Oregon . IVT OWENH .Cedar Mini; Oregon R. W. CYRUS , , ...Sclo, Oregon. MISS JESSIE A CAMPBELL. ..iWrenthanC Oregon.. CLARENCE MORSS ..Cottage Grove! Oregon. , MISS , TERESA GRAMMS ISO Grand avenue. Astoria. Oregon I Union sailors tried ' to board the steam 'scliooner'NbFthland at San Fran cleoo for the purpose of enticing her sailors to desert, but Captain jamiesen held them at bay with a double-barreled shotgun. . Tha following day one- of these men was killed and another badly wounded while approaching tha steam schooner National OMr, lying at anchor near by. Tha Northland arrived here laat night with a -nonunion craw and la loading lumbar today at tha mill of Inman, Poulaan 4b Co. for Ban Pedro. . "Since the killing of one of the union sailors who- tried to board the steamer National City things have been pretty quiet along the Ban Francisco water front, said Captain Jamiesen this morning. "I had to 'level a gun when the walking delegates came alongstds in a launch or they- would have eoma on board to search the ship for a crew. My union crew ha4 already -quit and I liad no sailors on board. I told tha atrlkers so, but they seemed . to doubt my word and I was foroed to ahow them that I was ready for business U they showed the least Inclination that way. Tha next day the same crowd went alongside the National City, with the result that one of them was killed out right and' another badly wounded."; ' Tha Northland experienced little trou ble in securing a nonunion crew, report the officers. 8 ha can e operated with four men on deck and these were se cured the day she- left for Portland. Union longshoremen are working tha cargo, but tha nonunion sailors are barred from assisting. . Captain Jamiesen reports having en countered a atrong northwesterly wind ail the way up- ma coast - - OF BENEFIT TO FARMERS. V of prises, however, to be limited to St unless a sVeatsr number of contestants shalt have achieved results Justifying yv.a liberal reward. - - f .'Conteatanta will be limited In their ; choice of scholarships to such as they i - oiti rams. ' Cash prises of a total of 1760 wlU be -, awaraea 10 contestants as rouows: I. A purse of 1300 for the general ex. L penses of the winner while attending t j iiuimui or ij laiuiuumi provid ing free tuition: . 1. A parse of 1100 to be used In the am manner aa the above. ' a. A puree of 1100 for Incidental ex penses to supplement a scholarship se lected from the following list. 4. A purse of 7t In addition to on of the following scholarships. t. A purse of $60 in sddltlon to 'on of the following scholarships. t. A purse of Sit la addition to on of the following scholarship, ran make personal use of. the scholar ships being non-transferable, exoept with the consent of tha management of the schools. Any yonng person ot school age who can furnish satisfactory references as to character end worthiness of assist anc in tha endeavor to secure a good ' TOTuro Borastru. The . voting power of subscriptions will be In accordance with the following scneauis: . . 4 Sally aad Sunday Journal. ' t r Prloa bv Time. ,lCarrler MaiL Votes. on Tear ......... S7.60 17.00 -, 1,600 bix MontDs 1.76 Three Months .1... 1.06 Two Months 1.80 One Month ........ .ft Daily Joaraal Without Saaday. " Prlcoby Time. . - Carrier.- MaiL Votes One Tear ........ .15.00 Six Months ....... l.0 Three Months 1.S0 Two Months 1.00 One Month .60 1 . Sunday Joaraal. - ' ' : ' ' Prtoe by Time. Carrier. Mall. Votes one xear .11.60 11.00 160 Six Months 1.11 1.00 lto , 1 f Bemi-Weekly Journal. . . . . ' j Price by Time. - " - Carrier. Mall. Votes One Tear......... . ... 11.60 soo six Months S.7S 1.S0 1.S0 .ft 16.00 S.7I 1.40' 1.00 .19 700 SOO 160 tt 1,000 460 100 120 to .76 100 ' 1 eeeeeeeee V' v ' THE SCHOLARSHIPS. ' Following is the lint of acholarihina . 'with of ch; offered as prizes. Detailed information tonccrning themiT will be published from time to time, or furnished on application to X ACADEMY OF THE HOLY NAMES, ' Astoria ...... 1 . ". . . . f 2SO ALBANY COLLEGE. Albany ....,.100 BEHNKE-WALKER BUSINESS COLLEGE, Portland. ...flOO CAPITAL -BUSINESS COLLEGE; JSalem..V. ..... . . . . .f 100 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY. Portland. w.........M......f IOO 1 DALLAS COLLEGE. Dallas.. ....."...................100 GILLESPIE SCHOOL OF EXPRESSIONrPonlarid.......f 120 v - J T . v . it it t . nv . r . t... - . . - m.LLi 1 no. I AVAU&MI,, I'Ortiana. ........ ,,.f 1VO HOLMES BUSINESS COLLEGE, Portland....... flOO HOLMES-FLANDERS PRIVATE SCHOOL. Portland..... flSO - INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS. - 14 Scranton, Pennsylvania . ..SllO McMINNVILLE COLLEGE. Mc Minn ville. , ... . . ....... :.f 40 OREGON CONSERVATORY" OF MUSIC, Portland ..f 200 : One Violin Scholarship 125 . ' One Guitar and Mandolin, Scholarship...... r. flOO PACIFIC COLLEGE, Neberg. , ..flOO PACIFIC TELEGRAPH INSTITUTE. Portland .......fl25 PORTLAND SCHOOL OF DOMESTIC SCIENCE, Por land Y AV C A) eee ( iitt rr f"'"j l SACKED HEART ACADEMY. Salem............... -v.ifleo aS ST. MARY'S ACADEMY, PortUnd.7rTt.V,iTrrrS,f aOOilorewof Steamer Alliance Save Stow. : i .7.,......;.. ........ .tf 20-Mule Tecim Borax Cleans Silver s ware Chilia d F " 11 U) mirc U piHl&M Cooldng I TrU If Ts Omw9'- r y w Brighl Utensil. :ens Removes Stains - ,'.', AsSX yamv Paalas1 fes SO-Mule-Team Borax Brew Steamer W. B. Todd Ooes Jnte Oonualseloa am Upper Qolnmhla. Tha steamer .W. R. Todd, built at Alnswortb- this summer, has begun running on the upper Columbia, leaving Kennewick yesterday ' morning for Priest Rapids. This run is about to miles- in length in a territory that never before has had service from steamers. Kennewick la situated on the Columbia river eome three miles above the mouth of Snake river, which, until the Irrigat ing canals were- put In, was a dreary waste of " sand and sagebrush. - Now small farms, -gardens and fruit orchards are appearing on the banks of the river and tha country of Jackrabblts is now peopled with enterprising small -farm. ers. who will find' in the new steamer a method of transportation that they have eagerly looked f off Each shipper will have transportation facilities at his own door. . . , The Todd wilt leave on the Kennewick run Monday morning for Priest Rapids and White 'Bluffs and eater to the wants of. tha people in a territory that heretofore had to be supplied by teams hauling from SO to 40 miles from the railroad. Until the ' Open River boats are in operation Seattle will profit by this routs, aa the merohandlae eonsumed- ty the people on this route will be shipped In by. the Northern-Pacific railroad to Kennewick. The ratea In tha new tariff of the Open River steamers will change this as soon as the connections can be made between Portland and the portage, and close connection will be made with this . steamer at Kennewick. Arrange. ments are being made for through rates by these boats which will open to Port land a territory never before . covered by Portland merchants. r . PLANNING BOAT RACES. Skippers of British Tees Is la Xarbor ' Believe They Oaa Bow. r' . The skippers of theCTltlsh ships Procyon, Oalgate and Bardowle are planning a rattling good boat race 'to be pulled off In the harbor on the. Fourth of July. Captain Johnston of the Pro cyon has challenged the other two skip pers to pull any kind of a craft any dis tance, and Captain Griffith of the Oal gate has practically accepted the coal lenae. Captain Suiter of the Bardowle haa not formally announced his Intention of showing Captain iotinston how 10 pull a atroke, but he Is said to have hinted atrongly that when the time comes the skipper of the Procyon-' will wish he had never laaued the challenge. - The ships will probably alao be repre sented by crews. The Oalgate has some speedy boats and Captain Griffith has an Idea that his men can walk away from, anything that the Bardowle- and Procyon might enter. RAN INTO BIC SEAS. Captain Bridget of tha Steamer jAsna- doa Beporta Exciting Voyaa-s. After discharging a cargo of oil at the Portsmouth tanke the steamer Asuncion. Captain ' Bridget, left down the river at 1 o clock this morning bound for San Francisco. ' -. , : ' . -f Coming from 'San Francisco- the Asuncion had to buck one of the atiffest northwesters ever encountered along the eoaat, and Captain Brldgett reports that for .houra the big -filt carrier did not average more than six knots. Tremen dous sea a pounded-over' the. bows and at times It wa,s with difficulty that er head wa kept up to the aeas. It took St houra -to make the run from San though the averag time Is 10 hours. With the wind -In his favor Captain Brldgett expects to make the run to Ban Francisco In 4T houra . - . T X A rr..r-....ftvw S-TOTMAN r ALLS OVERBOARD. . PREPARED FOR. CAMP. 7" - ' MEETING AT CANBY ' ' (Jmu-eat tpeelil arTto.t Caaby. Or June trArrangemetits tr uader.way fer- the rempmeetlng rhtoh I t be held here from June II , ta July I. and large numbers of people from all parts of tha stat are planning Spoa attending. Rev, T. L Jonesv-Proil- -- :. ..',' v u- 'i - '" 'I ' . -'' '(,.. ,. - 'l '. dent, will conduct the meeting and will be assisted by Rev. Smith of Nebraska and, a, large number of noted divines from different sections of tha country. ".Everything points to a most success- rui meeting. There ar the best sc ooitVmbdatlon to be had by the' campers, the water belnr e-rcellent and the site well chosen. -There will be no charge for ess of tb camp grounds and free straw, will tie provided. Reduced rates have bean-secured on the railroads . awayw Life at Astoria. Offloer of the steamer A 11 lane re port that a stowaway fell overboard from the vessel last night as she pulled out from Astoria on-her way to Port land. A boat was quickly launched and he was rescued' by 4ha crew. The .fel low's name- waa not learned, but he claimed to be a,' fireman and tried to steal a iOda to this city. It went on board at Asi.orla In art Intoxicated con dition. aid vhen told by-Purser Bater to vanish did It so hurriedly tNnt he for- Free sample aad booklet - for So. Stamp aad dealar's name of lACII0 OOAST BORAX (JOMPAIfT, -. Bsosa Bulldlna. Oakland, Calitocaia. doc)c at T o'olock thla morning, bringing SO. passengers and a full cargo of freight, including about 40 tons of but ter and cheese from the Coos bayfcoun try. Captain Kelly says the aldw voy age was due to heavy, head winds against which tha steamer had to fight all tha way from Eurekai -- The sailors have given no notice of joining tha strikers and it Is understood today that tha Alliance will sail Thurs day night. s" LINERS GET-BUNCHED. Aragonla Will Tellow tha Arabia ta -" yrobabF &ass Than Tea raya. There is a strong probability that the oriental liner Aragonla will reach the harbor before the Arabia, which ar. rived Saturday night,- gets away. - The Aragonla Is only ten days behind the Arabia this time and with fair weather on the Paclfto may gain a little in com ing across. - . This is welcome news to the long shoremen, ' who began to fear a alack seaaon on account of the sailors strike and tleup of coast traffic. With a cou ple of oriental liners and the Independ ent steam schooners ltv tha harbor thsr Is a good deal of work In sight for at least a couple of weeks. LAYINOPIPE FOR FILL . eBawasWaawaawswa v Dredge Will Soon Begia Work on South Sid of Morrison Street. In a few days tha work of running pipes from the river bank to tha mud flat south Of East Morrlaon street will be- finished and the dredge Portland will then commence pumping- gravel from the river. The owners of the slough on the south side of the street ar anxlou to have it filled without delay so that they can commence tha construction of buildings thereon. Tha Port of Portland haa not yet en tered Into a contract with the' United States engineers for the use of the dredge in deepening the channel to the sea, but It Is expected that this will soon be done. PortlancTaO New Department Stofo SPECIAL DISCOUNT WITH EVERY PURCHASE DON'T WORRY WATCH US GROW Still Calling: Attention to Our Motto 9 WILL LEAVE TOGETHER. Warships la B arbor SaU for Astoria at S o'clock Tomorrow Kerning'. - With ths flagship Chicago in the lead, tha five warehlpa In tha harbor will leave down th river at S o'clock totnor row morning. Pilot Patterson will be on the flagship and other pilots will be chosen on the bridge of the Boston and Princeton. The torpedo-boat destroy ers Preble and Paul Jones will not re quire any pilots. Tha warahlps will remain one day at Astorls. From there all except tha Paul Jonas will proceed to Puget sound. Tha Paul Jonee, It Is understood, has been ordered to Santa Crux. WHO HAS SEEN THE SAW? for S. B. West Searches Waterfront Stolen Wood-Cutting- Kaehlae. S. D. West of 80 Grand avenue visited all thj steamahlp offices snd wharves this .nornlng In search of a steam wood saw mat ne said naa oeen stolen from his yard at Orand avenue and Eaat Everett street soma time during the night. Mr. Weet was ; deeply dl appointed - when he reached - the yard after breakfaat and found the saw gone. "I have an idea that th thieve wanted tha saw for the country, where It would' eome In handy' for cutting cordwood. and t believe Jt will Jand on one of tha docks soon. - ALONG ,THE WATEBFJIONT. Francisco to! the Columbia river, al-1 Tha German bark Frieda Mann Is re ported aa having sailed from Honolulu yesterdsy for Portland. She arrived at tha Island port some time ago with-a general oargo from Europe. Tha oriental liner Arabia is discharg ing cargo at Alaaka wharf. She will probably remain there until Friday. Tha steamer Tiverton, which reached Astoria laat night from Ban Francisco. HI load lumber at ona of tha lower Columbia mills for a return oargo.- Tba steamer Despatch will arrive In the - harbor from . Ban Francisco. thla evening. Bha is ona of the vessels that managed to get out of Ban Francisco harbor with nonunion crews after hav ing been tied up for several days. The steamers Aurella and Tosemlto have alaostarted north. , - The steamer Oeores K.. WsntwnrtK Is at the foot of Washington street to dey receiving 'repairs to - haf 'rudders, got to I'mk for -a gangplank' and sot which were damaged 'bya 'ansg reeter. plunged into the water, . 1 day. " .M . . w - Tbe AUhince arrived at Couch street) Tb schooner W. T, Oarmg will finish. " - , -i ' '-'' .' ' J fi ''' -,- ' ' ' Read This Snappy Bargain List For; Wednesday and See Some of the Reasons. ' Women's Ready to Wear Specials 110 White India Linon Waists, beautifully . . i " t j - i .f inmrnea - in iace ana cmDroiacry, regniar. value $1.75 each: Wednesday at. .....70 6 Dozen white shrunk. Linen Waists,' just the . right style for outing or traveling, regular ; price $1,50 each. ' Wednesday at...... 79f 50 Fancy Mercerized Sateen Petticoats, in bright colors, just as pretty as the silk ones ' and more durable, made to sell at $4.50. ; Wednesday. at-.-,. r,. ......05 50 Black Moreen Petticoats with full 12-inch flounce, well tailored knd made to sell at: $1.25. Wednesday at.... .J... I.... .34e 30 Worsted Flannel Walking Skirts, just a lit . tie out of season or they, would sell from :1$5;00 to $7.00 each. Wednesday at.... 8d 18 Serge Walking Skirts in staple styles and good color, worth from $4.50 to $6.00 each. Wednesday at ...... f 1.61 60 Beautiful styles in Ladies' Turnovers, worth up to 20c, at . . ..j 5 All styles of 25c Side and Back Combs at . 14 Special Lot of Hosiery 60 Dozen Children's black dropstitch full fashioned Cotton Hose, sizes 4, 4, 5, Jiyii .worth 25c per pair, but on account of being all small sizes will close them """" at, the pair......-.......... 5f One lot of Ladies' colored silk ribbed Vests, slightly soiled, worth $1.25 each. Special Wednesday at ,...734" One lot of Ladies' cotton ribbed Vests, regular - 25c quality at.......... ........,...15f One lot of Ladies' cotton ribbed Vests,the " regular 35Tquality "ai '.TT724d Wash Goods Sliction A beautiful collection of fancy Organdie Ba . , tistes in high colored floral and set patterns, just the right thing for the warm suYnmer days and evenings; sold by some stores at. 25c. Wednesday at .'....' 15e A full assortment of colorings in the large polka dot Percale on white ground for mak ing the college blouses and suits, very fine soft cloths, 36-inch, at. .15 60 Dozen Turkish Towels, bleached or un bleached, size 24x54, 14-oz. to the towel, " worth 35c each, at. ............ ;...,..23f Notion - Department Fancy Belt Buckles, gilt or silver, 25c ones for V.. MJlOd) Fancy, Belt Buckles, gilt or silver, 8tfe ones ' for H . .. . ...... ... ..... . . , . . . . . .24d Fancy Bert Buckles, gift or silver, 19c ones for ........10e Pin Cubes assorted, large size, at.... ..4 Ladies' Silk JUastic Buckle Garters... 15 Ladies' Fancy Silk Elastic Bucklo . Gstrtcrs - gi24 Men's Section Our prices, on all Men's Furnishings will be ' reduced from 25 to 83 per cent as a special for the Wednesday buyers. Below we iterarze some of the striking bargains of the day. - READ ON Most of. Portland's "people want bargains m merchandise for less money and NOT cheap goods for the same money, or perhaps less. We have the good merchandise for less money and now is the best opportunity for you to bqy ""anything you need or want in our MenY Fur nishing Section." - -. A Good Negligee or Golf Shirt, that sells at all - exclusive . stores - at - $1.00- and - $1.60. We will place on sale Wednesday at the spe cial price ,.,.,.,.M.,..MM.8ofl See them in our window. Our Suspender Sale is still raging at the fol lowing prices suspenders that sell for, 26c, , 50c 76c, we still keep the prices down to. ..... .15fV lfS 31 8? , '. ' ' -' , '.. "r ' . , 'j' : . ;,. . . Shoe Department ' Ladies' Dongola Bals., worth $2.50 at . .81.15 -Ladies Vici Kid Bals., worth $2.75 at.lO Ladies' Patent Leather Bab., Cuban heels, ' medium sole, worth $2.60 at. .... ...81.38 Misses' Patent Leather Spring HeeJ Shoes,' " worth $2.50 at..........;.. .......81.68 JMen'aViciXid Shoes, regular $3.50. at. 31.08 Men's Box Calf Shoes, regular $3.00 at. 81.88 Arm and Hammer, best Baking Soda made, ; 1-lb. packages, 'sold regular at 10c On ' sale Wednesday, - package. ... . . ,4f Limit,. 6 to a customer. Best Laundry Soap made Feldman's Xtat Royal Savon Soap, regular 6c bar, 7 bars for ;.....;.25e Elk Savon Laundry, made by Mt. Hood Soap Co.; 12 bars for.. ............ ..25 4 Bars Sapolio. for...... ..ii, ...... ,.25 Rising Sun 5tove Polish, box. .4d) Regular $1.75 7-piece Decorated China Salad Sets $1.15 25c Glass Vases, 16 in. talL Special. ,18f loadlns? lumber at th mills of. th Portlsnd Lumbar company In a few days. The British steamship Richmond Is dua to arrive here this weak from Janaa to load lumbar for a port in North China. She comes under charter to J. J. tjoor A- Co. MARINE NOTES. Astoria, June II. Arrived In during tha night, steamer Tiverton, from Ban Franotseo. Arrived at 7. and left up at 10:SS a. m., steamer Deapatoh, from Baa Francisco. Arrived down at S:IS a. m., steamer Asuncion. Arrived at 11:10 a nv a four-masted barkentlna ArTlVM. acimoriar Monterey and Darken tin Fullerton In tow of -tug Daunt less, from Monterey. .Sailed at - 11:SS a. m., steamer 'Asuncion, for Ban Fran cisco. .. .... San Francisco, June 5. Arrived, schooner San Buenaventura, from Columbia river. Balled at S p. m., ateamers Aurella and Toaemlte, for .Portland. Astoria, June' IS. Arrived at I and left up at T:6 p. ra., eteamer Alliance, from Coos bar snd Eureka. Ballad, at t p. m., brlgantln Geneva, for Saa Franctaco. Left up at s p. steamer Northland, - . ... . . Oakland. June II. Arrived, sobooner Alumna, from Astoria. .Honolulu. June II. Balled, -German bark Frieda Mahn. for Portland. . Queeoatown. June St. Arrived, French bark Jaoques. from Portland. - Astoria. June J Condition .of the bar at S a. m., smooth) wind northwest; Freferred Btoek Oaaaed ttooda, Allen A Lewis' Best Brand. - Th Saaday Joaraal Is a great a paper.- u rea waat it, paoa Kaia ' ' aT aa ar The only form of food xnade from wheat that is all nutri ment is the soda cracker, and yetthe only soda cracker of which, this is' really true is Uneeda Biscuit j" ' - -The only Tha only tThe only "v''" ; i- . '' ' 1 . 'i ' soda cracker scientifically ' : - :baked..;: soda cracker 1 'effectually protected, soda , cracker ever fresh, . crisp and clean. soda cracker good at all' .. .times. . -- 1 ---i : 0 In a dust tight, ; 7 moutur proof packaz$. 1 . NATIONAL StSCUtT COMPANT c n - v v -'.