The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 26, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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Fifteen Gray-Haired Women Grasp Young
Prisoner by Hand and He Breaks Down
and Weeps Declaring, He Did Right ' ;
(Special Dtepatcb' to Tbe Journal.) ,
Seattle, Wuh, ,Jum It. When th
. Mitchell cm waa called thle morning
in the superior court If gray-headtd
, women were among the audience. After
the Jury was brought In before tb trial
started, one after another of the women
walked In the aid rail which divided
the lawyer and "spectators and raaped
Mitchell by tbe hand. ," '
With tears pouring down their face
the women declared that Mitchell bad
don right, and prayed the jury to ac
quit him. Many juror were affected.
'. Prosecuting Attorney - Mackintosh:
rushed into the courtroom and got-the
Judge on the bench.' The Judge ordered
the bailiffs to keep the women and all
Spectators In their aeate v .
Mitchell broke down and wept Ilk a
baby when the women were expressing
sympathy. . Court, officers ' were In
structed to taka great precautions that
no further outbreak occur on the part
of sympathiser of the defendant that
might Influence the Jury.
Three hours were occupied this morn
Ing tn attempting to qualify the tenth
Juror. At noon the tenth Juror had been
passed for cause. Two other jurors
will have to qualify before peremptory
Challenge will be used.- - . ,
Among the Oregon people who are
here as witnesses in the ras are the
member of the Hurt ' family, the
women of which were among the first
to be led away by th "apostle." John
Catlln of Albany, Mrs. Hager, Burgess
K. Starr. K. P. Harris and Mrs. Burgess
f Portland. George Van lran of Al
bany and James K. Berry of CorvaJlla.
Other witnesses who are to appear for
the defense will be sent for as they
are needed, as the fund which- ha been
made up for tb defense I not so large
that It ran be afforded to keep a large
number of witnesses In Seattle for a
week or mors, be tar th.ejr are .needed
to testify.
' Another reason that more ' of ' th
Man Wanted for Perjury In Con
nection With Land Frauds
v: Caught in Okanogan.
- United States District Clerk Marsh
received word this morning of. th ar
rest or Kiiey, jsuraen, inaietea oy.m
federal grand Jury In May for perjury
-in affidavits for final proof of, a home
stead entry of a tract of land tn Uma
tilla .county. Burden wa arrested In
. Okanogan county, Washington, and wa
atoner for Eastern Washington J. W,
Graham, at Riverside. Upon furnish
ing ball in the sum or 11,000 n wa
released 40 appear In Portland on th
' , " " ... J V . ,M ..,.. rami ... IU.VW
States district court.
? At th time th Indictment was re
turned against Burden another was Is
suer ror uarriaon ana uonan. wno wit
nessed the affidavits filed by him. Both
of these men were arrested, tried for
perjury and sentenced to pay a fin and
serve six months In th government
penitentiary at McNeil' island. .
Burden Jaieharged with having sworn
.to the statement that he had erected a
house upon the land In question, which,
- It l-ald,-i untrue.-. The. prisoner, la
also aaid to have sworn to other state
ments regarding th length of time he
lived on the land and to improvements
he had made. All of these statement
mnn m it, in, miMvtn ar, nnwn , n m
untrue In the cases of Garrlspn and
BoharVend unless Burden will be able
to present a defense entirely different
from theirs In his trial It is generally
-believed that he will be found guilty.
- Th-auretle who- went- on- Burden
ball ar Sherman Burden., Grant Elgin
and Emma Elgin. All live In Washing
ton, and It Is -thought they ar Inter
ested in th case.- .: -
' . (Joornat Special Service.) ...
: San Francisco, June St. At a meeting
of the holders of Insurance policies with
a total face value of 4100.000,000. held
in. Calvary Presbyterian church yester
day, step were taken to form an organ
ization to be called the "Policy Holder'
Protective league."
Thl organisation will prosecute the
claims of the policy holder against th
Insurance companies. . The ton of. most
Of the speeches ws moderate. A com
mute of three wa appointed to Inves
tigate tne iHvnv c inw tbouui t-umpw-nlaa
and to comnleta a Dlan of pro
cedure. No action will be taken pending
th report of thla committee.
(, : .. .. . i . 1 . ;.;-r
Wonraal Special Service.)
; Chicago, June is. jnrvai Konaurua.
from th house by his wife. He nursed
hi grievance all night and thl morn-
Ing forced an entry and killed hi wife,
'then with a knlfa cut hi own throat,
' dying In th presence of his three chil
dren. ' . . .",. ...
t. ' ' '
Yon ar bo properly looking out for
31. 1 ualea yon watch . Tae Jooraal
; . ' Wheri you have a policy in the Oregon Life you have one con
taining' the very best features of all other companiesr In addition
. that vou are an owner m tne comoanv and tne nrohtg of the him.
T ..
ness go to you. .7
, ' - . r '. ; - . - ;
v .' ' - A L. KILLS, President . . , ' '. -U
SAMUEL, General Manager. CLARENCE S. SAMUEL; Ant. Mgr.
witnesses ar not already In Seattle ilea
In th fact that it I not assured that
their testimony can b Introduced. It Is
th intention of the defense to introduce
evldenco showing the horrible deed of
Creffleld is hi "Holy Roller" - orgies,
but it 1 planned by th prosecution
that this evidence shall be prevented If
possible. Another line of prosecution
will be to show If possible that Cref
fleld had already been ponlshed under
th law by two year in th tat pen
itentiary, for- hi debauchery of Mitch
ell' sister. whU this will be met by.
th defense with a showing that under
the mentar strain and awfulnesa of th
whole affair th defendant wa tempor
arily Insane. . --...
- M. F. Townaend, M. F. Finer, John
Slmms, C Q. Swanson, B, B. Fisher and
Jesse. O. Randall war passed for
cause a Juror. Th Juror excused
were C. M. Sparman. Av"C. Abrams,
Wallace Bechtol.- W. B., Williams, N.
L. McCracken, George Chute, A. J. Boa
sert and Jamea Brackets
-" There I little chanoe of obtaining a
Jury this- week. -On Juror from
Knumolaw declared he was afraid to
serve, a when he told hi companions
he wa called for the Jury they told
hire that he ought to be tarred and
feathered If he cam horn without ac
quitting Mitchell.
Two other men were excused because
their wives had told them to be sure
and acquit Mitchell. .
- The special venire of (0 men called
specially for this trial reported this
morning. It I believed It will be nec
essary to call another venire before
Jury Is , obtained.
Mitchell la th moat collected person
In the -courtroom. - He alts bestds- his
counsel without making a movement
of any kind. He doe not even offer a
suggestion a the Juror are examined.
The courtroom - I crowded. Women
make up th larger part of tha-audl-enoe.
t. ..,- - -tv"
Buildings Must Have Halls
Lighted and Fire Escape Signs
--.- - on the Waifs.
Both the police and th fir depart
ment are now' taking active measure
to enforce th ordinance recently passed
which requires hall of Iqdglng-house
to be lighted and signs showing the lo
cation of Are escape to be hung on
th walls."-' . .,-
It la aald that. leas than 10 per cent
of the lodging-houses of th city have
theae aafeguard against fatal results
of Urea. .
Should a fir occur-at night In one
of these house th Inmates would rush
Into darkened halls and be forced to
grope through th smoae for the door
leading, to tb fire escape. Sues place
ar flretrap of the worst kind.
. Though th ordinance was passed in
March little ha been done- toward en
forcing it until recently. It is the duty
of each patrolman to see that each
lodging-house on hi beat having la
room or more shall wmpty with th
ordinance. A fine of fSOO la the pun'
lahment for' neglect to obey th statute
and each week that compliance la neg
lectedconstltnte -a -eparat .-olfenaerr-T)
Th district engineers ar alao to see
that . lodging-houses within - their . dls
trlots are provided with tb required
safeguards. -
An order ha been issued by th fir
department to telephone worker and
other electrician that no wires shall
be strung on or near Are escapes, which
are to be kept free of all danger of
becoming electrified jttthtlmthex
are.moBt nvweo. ...
Elijah Demanded That He Be
' Consulted on All Affairs of ,
the Heart.
(Jooraal ftperlal Serei,,.) 4
Chicago, June 2. That Dowle exer
clsed control over even th marriage
of th Christian Catholic church wa
declared by Deacon Judd while testify
ing In the federal court this morning.
.. He aald Dowle would not permit any
member to marry without hi consent,
as he wished to prevent contamination
by marriage with, "outside sinner."
Financial management of Zlon City
wa the subject of th court' Inquiry
thla afternoon. :
(Jneraal flpeeUl VttIc . )
Washington, Jun ; 20. Th senate
thl afternoon disagreed on the confer
ence report on th rat bill and sent It
back to another conference after Insist
ing upon amendments.
The house paaaed without amendment
the public building bill, th Vote being
practically unanimous. . .
- w- r
-;T -w.., T;--- r
"Band prosecuted Nan ; Patterson. I
can aay from an undisputed source that
bhargea agalnat White in regard to hi
relation with Ml Nesblt ar abso
lutely groundless and are hallucination
Of a diseased brain.
"Thaw I undoubtedly insane. He bad
several telephone communications with
hi wife thla morning. Bh 1 In tb
Lorraine hotel, but Inaceeslbl t newa
Daner men."
This afternoon alienists employed by
.th district attorney mad a rigid ex
amination of Thaw, to which the pris
oner submitted willingly The . find
ing were not made public Th ex
aminer are Dra. Thomas F. McDonald,
Auatln O. Flint and McGuir. Tb Ut
ter la attached to tb Tomb.
MoOulr aaked more time . to further
examine. He frankly, aald that, the
first examination disclosed evidences 01
emotional Insanity and trait of in-
olpent paresis, v
O'Reilly Dooh-Doohed McQulre's mo
tional insanity theory but declared
Thaw tb victim of an Inourable brain
malady, which lar certainly paresis.
The district attorney, it la reported,
has ordered Dels field to produce Mrs.
Thaw at- hi offlc thla -'afternoon.
Mr. Whit was notified of her hus
band' death by phone.
Sow Karry Tnaw Ke Xieautlfui Qirl
Wao Is Oaoa of Tra-dy.
(Jooraal goeeUl gMilce.l
Ptttaburg. June 2. It Is a curious
fact that young Thaw and Miss Nesblt
were both born and brought uprn
Pittsburg, but neither knew th other.
The poor little girl Mad often strolled
by and looked wonderlngly at th great
Thaw mansion and from the sidewalk
had seen the rich young man drive by.
But It ws not until hie eye fell. upon
a published picture that th young mil
lionaire determined to hunt out th girl
whos photograph had won his heart.
- For aome months after Mr. Thaw met
her she continued in her moleVwajr-of
living. With her own hands iter mother,
who lived with her, fashioned the simple
gowns In which she posed. Bh wss
still fn her 'teen then, and the very
simplicity Of these gowns added to her
youthful charm. Presently, howver,
her fortune brightened so muoh that
he and her mother were able to take
a pretty flat in the Audubon apart
ment. Then she dressed somewhat
more expensively,- a fact which was
commented on with look of mild envy
by her bohemlan friends.
At that time It waa well known that
Harry K. Thaw wa much in lov with
her.- There 1 on episode that 1 well
remembered. Mr. Thaw thought that
the parlor In the Audubon flat would
ba Improved by tha preaenc ot a grand
piano. So one day he sent up one it
waa of "th moat celebrated make. But
little Mis Nesblt drew the line at gifts
of grand pianos, and th men had to
haul it away again. , ,
Ooe on th -.
About thla time Mia Nesblt had a
brief attack of atage fever. Perhaps
It was Mr. Thaw who exerted the Influ
ence that secured for her an engage
ment as show girl, first In the "Wild
Rose,1' which waa very brief indeed, and
later in "Th Girt From-Dlxl," which
waa even briefer. -Th truth waa that
Miss Nesblt'a beautiful face wa not
accompanied by qualities which aulted
her for th stage, and that waa the end
of her experience before the -footlights.
To Mr. George Lederer Mis Nesblt
owe her opportunity to try ' Out, ber
tag capabilities. . -
Soon after the collapse of Mis Nes
blt' stag career ah went to a fash
ionable seminary In New England for
a year. It is said that she studied very
herd. At any rate, she suffered a seri
ous illness afterward which kept her in
a sarillarluji for several months.. After
her convalescence ah and her mother,
who are aald to have quarreled because
of her fondness for bohemlan compan
ions, were reconciled and went abroad.
- t Worth rive Kllllona.
As the wife of Harry K. Thaw, this
poor -
little Pittsburg girl who, aome
year ego, earned ber living a a model,
1 mistress of an Immense, fortune.
When the elder Thaw died, some It
years ago, he left the widow and seven
children an estate then valued at $40,
000,000. The amount received by Harry
K. Thaw wa 14.000.000. Nearly all
great fortunea in America have largely
Increased since that time. But even had
Harry, Tha w'g share not increased, the
Income, amounting to at leaat S2&0.000 a
year, hae probably covered vn his
sensationally lavish expenses.
' It will be remembered that Harry K.
Thaw ba been a great favorite In Paris
with most of th world-fajhous beauties
of that gay capital. He won their
hearts several years ago by giving a
dinner to something like a score of
them, he being th only member of the
terner sex present, and th Whole af
fair, including flower, music ' and
Jeweled souvenir, cost the tidy sum of
160,000. Th queen of thl celebration
wa Cleo de M erode. Lain de Pougy
wa aUo present, and Miss Anna Rob
inson, the latter of America. Since then
It 1 said that no American has been -so
popular with tha lovely women, of the
old world' capltala a thl sm Harry
K. Thaw.
Slate a Oonate.
Mr. Harry K. Thaw, who once earned
her living posing for photographs. Is
now much more than -the -mistres of
16,000,000:- she 1 sister-in-law to
Countess of Yarmouth.
In Harry K. Thaw' rambllngs about
Europe he ha mad many friend of
other titled personages, particularly in
France. It la not beyond possibility
that bis wife, by thla means, may be
come the guest of Prince Brancacclo,
th Baronea d Belllere and of numer
ous other princes, dukes, marquise.
count, viscounts and barons, who have
been Harry K. Thw' guests In tb
The marriage of Thaw and Evelyn
Nesblt caused a family row among the
Thaws but ended in th family' re
ceiving her.
Sfaa Tlrsl Oav Bvelya
aa Opportunity on Stag.
(Journal BDerlal Berrlee.l
Chicago. Jun It. That platonio
friendship and appreciation of art,
beauty and ability- were th only tie
between Evelyn Nesblt Thaw and Stan
ford, Whtte la the belief or George W.
Lederer, manager of th Colonial the
atre of thl city.
Manager" Lederer, who wa Mr.
Thaw'a mployer. when as Evelyn Nes
blt she took pert in hi production of
"Wild Roee," ha known her ever since
she was II year old, and he haa also
known Stanfordx White and hi career.
He Insists-that tha Interest which th
murdered contractor took In th young
woman waa that of a good friend, who
dealred to see her art and ability de
veloped and recognised and who waa her
benefactor when her friend wer less
numerous than they war when her
career wa at It senlth. -
Manager Lederer ! mphatlo In his
declaration that he cannot believe that
tha dead architect ever did anything
which might give her husband a griev
ance against him. '
Stanford Whit wa on of th finest
men who ever lived, sa id iederer at
his horn today. "When White first aaet
Evelyn 'Nesblt ah was In New Tork
with her - mother' and . ah was taking
part In 'Florodora' at th Casino. Bh
waa than a girl of IS. Whit was at
tracted by her dassllng beauty and be
oam Interested In her future when he
saw how she and her mother struggled
along. .
"Thaw was known to be of a Jealous
disposition, and It may be that when
his wife gave outward expression of
her regard for Whit In hi presence,
h resented It and murdered the man
through whos generosity Rvelyn Nes
blt was able to place herself abov hard-
snip." : , ... ,
Arc hi tact Shot Dead . Wall Watching
Prformaao at htadlsoa Sqaar.
' (Jeurail goeeial Beralea.t -
New Tork. June ts.--Tba. murder of
Bianxora white by Harry K. Thaw
took place' In th Madlaon Sauar
Theatre roof garden last night during
the performance.
White) "Who wa (he fa
the firm of Kim. Mead White, the
well-known architects, wa also a direc
tor of Madlaon Square garden. He waa
at th garden last night on business, aa
a director, and waa evidently followed
iner ny maw, who. it 1 learned
dogged hi footsteps : throughout th
.evening. .
While seated at a table about midway
In the . garden. White waa approached
by Thaw, who, after shouting. "Tou
dog, ;you deserve death. Tou've ruined
my home," produced an automatlo pis
tol and quickly fired three shots at Jila
enemy. Two of these took effect, Jth
third flying harmlessly Into space.
Thaw's arm having been thrown up Just
a he fired the laat time by a fireman
who waa on duty in the garden and hap
pened to be standing near.
Receiving two bulleta In ' the' breast
Whit sank -to the floor In a pool of
blood. 1 Instantly all was confusion. Ac
tresaes on th stage screamed and
women In the audience fainted. A panic
wa only averted by the cool manner in
which the management handled the alt
uatloh. - :t (lar Assumed IT am. ''''
Seeing that he had finished bin vic
tim, -Thaw awept th audience with bis
gun and started to back towardan
exit- A daring fireman, however,
rushed' In upon him' and quickly dis
armed him, turning htm over to th po
lice. . .
A woman, who-had been wyh Thaw
Just before th Shooting ccurrd, and
who la aald to b hU wife, rushed up to
him Vfter he had been placed under ar
rest and throwing her . arms about his
neck commenced to weep." She then re
gained her courage and attempted to
reassure him by telling him that she
would "stand by him."
It waa th lov of White for Thaw'a
wife which ia aald to have been, the
cause of last night's tragedy. She waa
Evelyn Nesblt.'one of tbe original Floro
dora sextet, and la - very beautiful.
White, bo rumor ha It, wa an unsuc
cessful wooer before her marriage to
When taken to the police station
Thaw attempted to conceal hi identity
by giving the fictitious name of Smith
and stating that he was a student of
Washington, District of Columbia.'-Thts
assertion waa disproved, however, when
he was searched, letter and paper, re
vealing his Identity being discovered.
That the deed wa premeditated there
..... ovsvms out soaas.
Westmoreland. Kan., May B. ltOt
Ballard, Snow Liniment Company Tour
Snow Liniment cured an old sore on the
lde of my ehln that waa euppoaed to be
a cancer, The sore waa stubborn and
would not yield to treatment, until I
tried Snow Liniment, which did the work
In abort order. My slater, Mrs. Sophia
J Carson. Allensvllls, Mlffln county,
Pennsylvania, has a sore and mistrust
that It is a. cancer. ' Please send her a
60-cent bottle. Sold by Woodard. Clarke
aV Co.
Must Mm
WE ARE VACATING No. 172 FIRST STREET. : Its doors will be closed. In the meantime you will find us topsy
turvy, upside-down, but we will continue to fling out bargains just as we have been doing ever, since the sale began.
Look at
It costs nothing to look, and if you do not find that our prices are the lowest you ever have seen in Portland or Oregon,
then don't you invest a dollar in our store. THIS IS YOUR CHANCE YOUR BOUNDLESS OPPORTUNITY
TO SUPPLY YOUR FURNITURE WANTS FOR LITTLE MONEY ! But come now. Do not wait till this sale
is over and then be' sorry that you did not believe us and buy while this chance was open to" you. I " ';,
- The Home Furnishers
Is no doubt.' Investigation of th move
ments of both Thaw and Whit early
laat evening up to It :10, about which
time th murder occurred, show that at
no time wa Thaw very far away from
tot victim. At dinner White dined with
his, son Lawrence, a Harvard man who
waa down for th night, at Martin'.
Thaw alao. took hi, dinner there.- Later
Whit separated from hi son, going to
th Manhattan club, where he spent th
evening, up to th tlm h. went to th
garden. '- m
A soon a he wa arrested. Thaw
aent for his regal advisers, Louis Dels
field and Frederick'- Longfellow, and
held a long consultation with them In
tha prison last night. They- war with
him again thla morning and ar now ac
tively engaged In preparing for hi de
fens in th trial, which promise to
prove one of the most sensational which
ha been before th courts.
South American Republic Will
urntsh Soldiers toDo Work
'on the. Project.
(Jooraal Special BerrleO .
New Tork, June 2s. A Spanish weak
ly published her today aay th Bogota
government is contemplating an inter
oceanic sea-level canal tnrough Sarlan.
a modification of th original plan of
th Atrato-Trurando route. ' '
It la reported that Colombia I as
sured of assistance and cooperation of
th various republloa of Latin America.
It 1 estimated It will cost 170.000,000.
The laborers will be soldier from tb
republic interested. ' .
(Continued from Pag One,)
that th grand Jury la to adjourn sin
die soma tlm thl week, he a a cltlsen
protested against such action.' He sug
gested that the Jurors adjourn from
tlm to time, taking a reat of a -week
occasionally If they so dealred, but to
keep up their organisation until th laat
hour of th laat day of th present term
of court. If fhta advice Is taken th
grand Jury will not finally adjourn until
August 11.
No Indictment wer presented Jn
court thl morning, but District Attor
ney Manning, gave assurance that tha
necessary informations would be ready
for filing at 10 a. m. tomorrow.
The grand Jury decided to devote thl
afternoon to the Investigation of street
car fender. Plans for a personal In
spection of the protective appliances
used by the various streetcar compa
nies were made yesterday,, but it waa
not carried out because of lack of time.
The expected outcome of thla Inspection
I : the recommendation of Improved
safeguards to take th place of device
that have proved Inefficient.
(Jooraal Special Sarvle.)
Stockton. Cel., Jun It. Although
Mrs. L Doux requested that a Catholic
priest be sent to her, none had visited
her by noon. The sheriff rear ah will
attempt suicide. He is having her
closely watched. Her dealre .to see 'a
priest strengthens the belief that ah la
contemplating suicide or Is about to
announce her willingness to go to th
gallowa without appeal. . .
Will Weloome Bryaa,
.Governor Folk of Missouri has been
appointed chairman of th committee
in charge of arrangement for the re
ception of William Jennings Bryan on
his arrival In New Tork In September
from hla trip around the world. i
This $15 Iron
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thwsday
Genuine Panamas
Regular $7.00 Values
: $5.15 - - v
It !s as Hard to man
age Real - Estate
without advertising,
as to manage a boat
without a rudder,
And as foolish to try
the one as the other.
The best days for
Real Estate in The
journal are Wednes
day and Sunday.. ',"
Frf erred Stock Panned Oooda.
Allan Lewis' Best Brand. - ; ' ;
' Th Seal Estate Column af Th
Journal ar Interesting- t bay aad
sailer allk. . ,
172-174 FIRST CT:
With every Suit . cestJnf
' f 22.50 or more we will make
a Fancy Summer Vest to your ;
measure Free. .'. Ji
'. SUITS to measure flT.BO
to 40.00.
. --t" ..'";:' .'.'.. ;.
Elks' Bids, Seventh and Stark,