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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1906)
THE OREGON, DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND.' TUESDAY EVENING. JUNE 3. 1SCX FROr.l SALESLAD1 IVAfJT flO f.lORE QFl TO HEIRESS PROF. OILIER 20 ME-A. PflAMG. ...... t . r 1( . . . : ; ,v ..jr. ' 6pokane Girl Grubstakes Brother i to Prospect for Gold and . Wins-Fortune. . IS PLANNING JOURNEY1. " ' : TO ATLANTIC RESORTS eeplnf Up Courage, Georgia Savage - Sent Larger Share of Salary -wy , and I 1 Rewarded r With Comfort . ' able ' Bank Account. . ,v, , : ;. '. .. (ffpn-Ul IM-patrh to T Iml.) Spokane, June l. Miss Georgia Bavag of this city, -Until a wek ro ale-lady In one of ' the ' . department - stores at HI per week, now haa a bank 'account of 1 60,000. A week ago aha waa earning not salary by fitting sulta, now aha ta preparing for a trip to Boa ton and the. Atlantic coait resorte. The -change waa brought about j by her faith In her awn good fortune.;.,,. . .... . j A year ago bar father and brother t-vere aU llTlng. hera working for email salaries. - JUst fall during tha excite ment over tha rich finds In tha Nevada ', goldflelds ' they determined : to try to ' make their fortune there. J Tba brother waa aant ta Nevada with the underatandlng that he waa ta pros pect the country on a grubatake basis, the alater and father' paying the ex penses, and all three ta ebare and ehare .alike In profits. Jn February the brother located Tour ' claims and started to proapect them. ; They looked good and the father Joined blm to aaalat.hla son in handling the 'dJroJeet, Last week the mine .; waa aota xor 1180.000. Miss Savage 'weekly sent a large partlsn lnterv-1 covering most of the MU of hen aalary to her brother and her ' . 1 . . .51 I . .. oure" n-Tr xativrvu. ,ofif y t f ' sure of 'his iuicceaa. ' '. . Bbe will make Spokane her permanent home, investing her money here. Bhels but II years, of age. . SIX PEOPLE PAY (Continued from Page One.) . an hour in. the city limit; they could 'break, their necks if they planned out in the country. ' We did ' not attempt to , 'protect the rural dlatrlcta at alL "The chauffeura aeemed to think that "was unreasonable and went before' the " ' city council and prevailed upon tht 'body to let them run 11 mllea an hour ; "in the fire llmita and IS mllea an hour ; in other parte of the city. . That, law ;i difficult of enforcement and the only i. ''way to enforce It ta to send out care-' 'ful and reliable ofBcera to take their : ' apeed and' to rely absolutely upon the "atatementa of thoae officer and pay no 'attention to the atatementa of the per ona in the automobile. . Boone .Bads; Motorists. . "That, la the only way this kind of ' an ordinance, will ever . be enforced. These 'people 'always aay that they do ( not know how, they are going. After j they once get this automobile fever in "their systems, unless they are abao ' j lutely flying and their machines off the , ground half the time , they feel, as If , they are crawling along. They have ' , to go from II to, 60 mllea an hour be , fore they feel they are going some," , - Judge Cameron in passing sentence , gave it as his opinion that the Intent . , did not play any part In the determlna ' tton as to whether the speed limit had ' . been exceeded. He eta ted that in view Lor the fact that this was the first of fense on the part of the defendants be . j would Impose the minimum fine of 1 25. . The casea of the streetcar men arrested - on-the same charge. beard next , Thursday. u..: ., L t -N. B. Taylor waa arrested tbla morn ; lng for driving his car faater than the ordlnanoe permits and his case set for tomorrow. . r The Way to Travel. The road that, gives you.:.tha.ervlce ' should be the road to traveL The Can. !' adlan Pacific not only boasts of furnish lng the very best service, "but the scenic - attractions are unquestionably without a parallel. Your itinerary can be ar ranged so that every foot of the scenic ' portion of tbe line Is viewed during day : ' light. The chief attractlona are tbe ' ? Fraaer canon. Valley of the Illeclllwaet, 1 Albert canon, the Great Glacier of the . Relklrks, Ottertalt range and Canadian ' national park. aU of which go to make up tbe grandest panorama of mountain scenery i the world. For desorlptlva matter and full particulars regarding ' - ratss, etc. call on or address F. R. John- son. F. and F. A., Portland. Oregon. Watch Consistifisr of the most reliable American or Swiss movement, irt a nickel, solid silver or gun " metal case, U: For the Mountains or "Seashore Is , the 'most appropriate and , doe not represent a large out lay of money. As ours are spe cially jelecte4 fortheirrtime an4 wcaring qualities and are of interesting prices, From $3.50 . to $18.50 , - Your investment becomes a most t - -" attractive one. , Cor.'Thifd and Washington Ms ; "'a , J , Upticians -.;. Diamond Importers , ' v - A c y a. Woddlawn Parents File Remon etrance Against His Reinstate ment as Principal.' , ' s"sssasjsssss BMaasssaw-sa ' . OTHER PARENTS ASK 4 V HE BE TAKEN BACK Pupils Like Him Became He Did Not Enforce Strict Discipline and They Were Allowed to Do About as They Pleased While In School' . A proteat against the possible- rein statement of Kdgar A. MUner am orln cipal of tha Woodlawn achool. glaned by 134 parents and property ownera of the neignoornooa. waa - presented - to the achool directors at the meeting last evening. " C A. Ambrose handed In the remon st ranee with the remark that every signature upon it was bona tide. come time before tbe meetlna a netl- tlon signed by a number of na rents who aajted that afllner'a resignation be re considered had been filed. MUner resigned six weeks ago after fight with hla wife and daughter, the police station furnishing Ihe setting for the last act. His resignation, written tha next day, was Immediately accepted aa Mtlner had already left the school to look after Itself. rupUs 7iked Kline. It - aeeraa that ' many of the pupils liked MUner because he did not uphold the teachers In snforclng discipline, and the youngsters did about as they pleased. Since T. J. NewblU took charge of the school proper achool discipline Yl hu. Atkllki4 ' nn .A m nrm ft.. ner aaminisirauon, ana some or tne children have sighed for the careless ways of the former principal. J. V. Beach, the new chairman of the board of education, took his seat lsst evening, lie announced the committees for the ensuing year aa follows: Examination of teachers, Mrs. I TV. Bitten. Frank Rlglerj Judiciary. Richard Williams, I. N. Flelschner; flnsnoe.1. N. Flelschner, Mrs. U. W. filtton; Insur ance, I. N. Flelschner: construction of new buildings. . H. Wittenberg. I. N. Flelschner; repairs, Richard .Williams, N. Flelschner; supplies, Mrs.- Sltton, Herman Wittenberg. Mr. Wittenberg was abseat and the feud between him and Mr, Williants slumbered.. . - School will begin September IT. The Chrlstmaa vacation will extend from De cember 14 to January I and tbe schools will close June 2f. The directors Artli meet the principals tomorrow evening. Soon after this meet lng the annual election of teachers will be held. .. 1 -,.-' 4 MARRIED TO CHEAT DEATH FROM SPOILING PLAN ',.-" ' . - - ' i ' --'. ' ' r- t Artist and Sculptor Wed Just Be fore Operation Is Performed ' s Upon Croom. (Joarnal Special 'Berries.) Chicago, June 2. Fearing their wed ding plans would be shattered by death. Miss Julia M. Bracken,' the sculptor. and William P. Wendt, the landscape artist, were married today. The cere mony was originally planned for Wed nesday morning. - Instead -the -bride groom had to go to tne.nospttai to ne operated upon for appendicitis at that time. A prior operation for the same trouble was unsuccessful and grave fears are entertained for the results of this one. The bride, la creator, of tha group, "IU linols Welcoming the Nation," which atands 'at Springfield, and of "James Monroe." which was exhibited at the St. Louis fair. She wlU retain her studio In Chicago. r " PRESIDENT ANNOUNCES FEDERAL CANDIDATES ( Journal ' Special Bern re.) Washington, June ts. The president haa nominated . Ruel Rounda te -be United States marshal of Idaho; to be receiver of public moneys at Missoula, Montana, Daniel Arms; to be surveyor general -of Montana, J. F. Cone; to be Crow Indian agent of Montana, Samuel G. Reynolds. 4 , . PORTLAND PRESBYTERY- : MEETS THIS AFTERNOON -In the First Presbyterian church this afternoon a meeting Of Portland pres bytery Is being held for the purpose of receiving the resignation of Rev. A. Hcrford of Bethany German church. Arrangements have also been made for the ordination of Rev. George W. Arms, who will take up the work at Anabel, Eagie Creek and East View. There will -be a meeting of the au thorities of the First church tomorrow evening to consider the call received by Vr. E. P. Illll to a chair In McCor mlck seminary. . PLAN VACATION NOW. "Potter" does, em Jane SO low Upper Columbia. Blve lutes. June 10 the "T. J. Potter." the popu lar O. H. N. seaside excursion steam er, makes Its first trip to North Batch, (-touching Aatortagoing and returning: Very low excursion rates now in ef fect. 1 'T Delightful .outing trips fnay be made to upper Columbia river points, ther-new local O. R. & N.' train leaving tTnlon atatlon at 1:16 a. m. dally and return ing at I p. m. ihe same day, making it posslhle.t-spend a day' at any of the points of interest along the river be tween Portland and The Dalles. Very low rates In effect. v For partlculare abodt the summer Ye-H sorts ana trips m mira eng- vvaxn ington streets,-Portland. 'C.W. Stinger, city ticket agent. -' . - ' Teachers at Victoria. . (Journal Special Serrlre.) Victoria, B. C, June 2. Several hun dred" members were present today at the opening of the annual meeting of the British Columbia teachers' institute. The feature Of the opening session was an address by Jamea U Hughe of To ronto on fheV "Modern . Tendencies of Education." The Institute will continue Ha session untlliFriaay-.. A - 'f ' A- i .''-.". .'. rice. 38 Fin Dentistry. -AU Work Guaranteed. Gold Crowns. Bridge work.. Full set teeth Telephoae Ualm 878. 6, S, T. S, Chraad Ta. tre Blda. , Opposite ZOer Flaae Xousa, COMPLETES HIS PLANS TO PUNISH POWDER TRUST Robert S. Waddell Enlists Gov ernment in Effort to Break Up Dupont Monopoly. t Jnnrnal Soecial 8rTiri. .Chicago. June US.- Prosecution -of the Dupont Powder company under the Bherman act Is to mark tha climax of the effort put forth by Robert 8. Wad Jll prealdent of the Buckeye Powder comapny of Peoria, to break up the al leged monopoly against which he be aan to fight last February. In both houses of congress. ,1 Waddell la In the city armed Vlth a letter from Assistant Attorney-General Purdy at Washington, whleta-atated that there waa nothing to prevent action for -damage being tarted: agn,lnsti the alleged powder combine under section 7 of the Sherman act. f . Waddell has been connected witff the Dooont people for more .than to years. and during the last 10 yaara of hi con nection with the oompany he was gen eral sales agent for the United Statee. Three years sgo he-aevered his connec tion with the company, and established the Buckeye company of Peoria. He become s fighting - foe of the Dupont company ,aoon sftef .starting Ms. busi ness. - WOMAN TRAVELS WILDS ' OF ALASKA FOR RELICS . ' , SBSBwasaasssswawasBBjsss - (Jouratl Sporial Scc.) Ban Francisco. June t. Among the sojourners In the city 1 Mrs. Ella Qng- ALLEN r n v man, caaimo reiio cuuwcior, wnu ia on her way to Alaska on S daring trip to continue her interesting work. Mrs. Ongmao hsa a collection ot Alaskan rel ics, which received first prlss at the ; . " r AO-"." i 5 ''ewfsr4 Si PrCc in1"" t . From the Mills $1.10 Per Sack We Sell and II1LT, bCABObT a OO STI Morrison Bt. Phone klaln 184. . ' axbbioxt a somn, 10 aid Bt. N. Phone Main ei. . a. T. DBVEBSZBV-Oth and B. Jdorrt - - son. . Phone East 148. CrTTsTmm Marshall. a Kxcnr, " ltd Phone Main 141. and UOIWITI BltTTH, 840 Union Ave. K. Phone East 8644. - TO. MOOXZITTOa, It Phone East 489. Russ ell Bt. A, O. MAWKXirS, T8th and E. Morri son. Phone East 780. n- - it ii ii irv LTr u wy v i n "C0RVALLI8 MILLS BEST Dealera handling our flour and desiring their name included In our ad vertisements will kindly writ or phone us and they will be published. nans avmxKD nox otna- PORTLAND OFFICE 531 LUMBER EXCHANGE Phone raoifis Ml. Bt. Ix)ula esposltlon, end Is regarded as the most valuable of the kind In the world. The trip she contemplate tak ing this summer will not terminate un til she reaches a plao 60 mile north of Point Barrow, where the tribe have never yet oeen approacnea oy wmt men. Here Mrs. Ongman . will en deavor to made a collection from the relic they bury with their dead. The Dalles Will Celebrate. The Dalles, Oregon, 'will hold stnoh- sler Fourth of July celebration this year. : As an Inducement for this and other celebrations that -day the O. R. N. Co, will sell on and on third far tickets Jul s and 4 with final limit July . V---. . . ..' Examine our stock of new and slightly used Pianos, Organs and Piano Players. Make your selection, offer us any rea sonable price, pay down a small amount to suk yenience and the t instrument will be delivered promptly at your home. Pay thereafter in ' easy, monthly sums. . PIANO PLAYERS Pianolas, Affellos, Sim plex, Eclipse, Uardman and all the best known makes p piano players. 'Prices range from $40 itQ.Siso.' ; , -;- ,; PIANOS These new ones to choose from: Everett Hardman; Knabe, Packard, ' Fischer, Mason & Hamlin, JCingsbury, Wellington; T Cable." iiiTiToier TTYa iMr. a.: tfrMorrison Direct to the Dealer Every Guaran teed Recommend It: T. smasam a, OO, Tth and Wash-, 'ington and 16th and Broadway. Phone Main 117, x scam a oo, u$ ad Bt. Phons Main 488. A. Sromir, 17th and E. MalnCThon East 441. sc a. aosrmar. sm Phone Eaat 8644. SnssaU . J. SC BliaaaiT, 876 E. Morrison.' Phone Fjat 841. oisooiu ursaiUT. Balstom Oosv Us44rt ICaaag-er. PREPARING CAMPAIGN "" AGAINST STANDARD OIL '"" (Jooraal Borstal SerTice.t ' 4 Washington. Jon , 14. The d 1st riot attorney and other federal law offloers who ar engaged Is th prosecution of the Standard OLUeompeny ar gathering In Washington. Conference with At torneyOeneral Moody ar i frequent. This week there will e a number nf masting under th direction of Moody to plan a campaign. Th erreuiatlom ef Th Journal ta Fortland sad ta Oref o exceeds that of ay ethe Oregoa Bwwpspss. .1.. ye have dozens, of well known' v high, grade pianos taken uv trade, Pick but the one you want and make us an offer. Pianos from $30 to $500. . - '"'?'.' ORGANS High & Hamlitir etc., at little instruments, r as$10 and $12. - Notice to Patrons '. ' ' . v, , .. -'.!,.,..' .; '""'.'''"' " "We wish' to announce to those yvho take advantage of our pav a lit tle down"; plan that after July 1 we shall maintain an office down town to look after those accounts .That 'does not mean we are going to con tinue in the piano business or use it as an excuse to break faith with the public It means that the Allen & Gilbert-Ramaker Co. will preserve in violate the confidences reposed in it and will go to the expense of main taining an office rather than turn accounts over to a bank or to strangers. FOUR ybwQcimi FELLOWS GROCERY CO. -r 849-531 Oak St, Between Seventh and Paris ."THE BIG STORE WITH THE LITTLE PRICE It will always pay the careful buyer to investigate our prices before buying. . Our groceries are the BEST; prices the LOWEST and A Few Mid-Week Specials 7 Pounds Eastern Rolled Oats. ..........,..........25 1 Package Scotch Oats. -...J......10f .1 Can Ghiradelli's Chocolate. ....,................ ..25f 1 Ppund Baker's Premium Chocolate.. ...305 . 1 Can Baker's Cocoa.... ...................... ......20) 1 8-lb. Can Assorted Sopsi.e..;:.";...'..........! 5 Cans Star Cream., ...... A.. ......... ..j.25f 1 Can Eagle Milk .'. ...... .... . ... .......... .J. . . .15f 1 Package Postum or . Figprune. .................... .2,0 rSack Dry Granulated Sugar.;..".'... ....... ,T77r.T;?4.657 Sack Best Dry Granulated Sugar ....'.........$4.75 Dn't forget that we hlva the finest Meat of all kinds hat ; the market affords and our prices are the lowest. i , Watch for Our Flour Phone uxzsszzsszz: MUST STOP SPOILING : ' . NIAGARA FALLS' BEAUTY '-(Jearaar Speeiet. Ser-iea.t -w.shlnston. Jun II Th house hs adnnted th conference report blU to re strict th us of th waters of Niagara. grade organs, Estey, Mason your own price, borne fine' 1 Jet gov for as low whichi we wili Out-of -Town Trade Write or telephone what you want. We will make a selection for you and: if our selection and terms do' not please you, don't pay a penny. DAYS MORE r' -X. .... . t . ' . . mm delivery prompt. Main 2596 Th committee has authorised favor abls report to th senate on th lock canal - - ' - , - :- ' ' Our Ala. " " ' '' Our only business consists ef making reliable eyeglaases at very reasonable prices, ill fourth street, near IamuUJU ii -v.. t