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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1906)
P THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING? JUNE 23, ltC3. 19 ,'4i SAYS SEATTLE IS R0D0IU6 ALASKA ' V: Government , Agent ' Thompson v Declares Portland Can Get Trade If City Makes Effort. ONE STEAMSHIP WOULD -MEAN MILLION A YEAR Alaskan Residents Eager to Trade Here If Tbey Can Havs" Goods ""-Transported,1 He Declares Seattle ! Spirit Has Angered People. " : "It Portland would wake up Md it into Alaska Idr-trade the result would he the greatest surprise of this city's whole career. It she would even start une steamship, that , would make sis trlpa during- the. seaaon, it - would be worth $1,600,000 to Portland." . '' This remarkable statement Is made by . R.. W. Thompson, a government agent at . Nome, who is visiting- In Portland. where be formerly resided.- m spears. of conditions, and Is a man of excel lent . reputation for veracity and food judgment. .He says tbe - talk of blt- terness - of feeling by Alaska people toward Seattle is not bait told, and that It will become fully apparent only when ' the merchants ot some other city come in with a steamship line and offer the . people of Alaska relief from the con ditions which they say are becoming well nigh Intolerable. But so long as ' thev tntiat dnnend An Seattle for mate nanoe and transportation they are forced to submit to the treatment they re- Alaskans Beta Bobbed. ' "The truth about conditions existing between Seattle and Alaska Cannot be stated In language too strong. It is as bad as words can express," he said, The people of Alaska are being robbed, abused and' held In contempt,, and Seat- tlo la steadily growing more haughty and unbearable. Surely, It is the pride that a-oes before -a fail. "Alaska people were a happy lot when It was reported that San Francisco was going" to put steamships Into the trade between that city and Nome. Then came news that Ban Francisco was aeacroyea and -the Alaska people were the'slncer est mourners. . They believed In San Francisco's Intentions, and had built their hopes that they were -to get relief from the intolerable methods of Seattle, i "As to Portland, the people o.fAlaska scarcely know It la on the map. They do not realixethat here, at the door of the Columbia river. Is a great city with the largest . wholesale stocks and cheapest produce prices on the Pacific coast, all of which might lust as well be utilised for the Alaska trade If Portland mar' chants- and capitalists, would bestir themselves and see the great opportunity. "Alaska .people use an Immense quantity of all commodities produced or sold In Portland.. They want only, the beat of everything. Tby do not ask any favors. They pay cash. Alaska is as rich In "mineral wealth as Oregon In material riches. Our people up there are ready to send back the gold coin for everything they buy from Portland. The trade of Alaska Is growing rapidly and the country Is becoming a better eustomer In. every sense- at the word. Alaska -has made Seattle. Should . the trade of the north be cut off there would be nothing left of that city but Its proud boasting. . ... -. ; Special Sleeper for Elks. ' On Saturday morning, -July." H. the O. R. A N. Cok-wlll run a special stand ard sleeper, Portland to Denver, by the way of Huntington and Union Pacific, for the Elks, account the - annual con vention of -the grand lodge of Elks at Denver. July IT, IS and 11. QsilySixDaysMore .That's all the time there is left for you to buy stock In THE 3. G. LEE . At $110 Per Share in nxca vosztztsxt asyabcbs o bubiat, jtjxt s, to . .', -j.. sias fbb hub. - " DO YOU KNOW who and what THE J. C 'LEE 'COMPANY 1st If yon don't, ftnd out about It QUICK. It's money in your pocket to know about this company. ... .. ; , " r . .,- .. - THE J. "CL LEE COMPANY Is capitalised for ' 1209,000. divided into .1.000 shares, par value $100 each, fully paid and non-assessable. , Two Dollars and Twenty-five Cents Per Share Per Month 18 THB-MALLEST DIVIDEND THIS STOCK HAS EVER PAID. Divi dend checks nre mailed regularly on the first day of each and every month to satisfied stockholders who have Investigated our standing and -, methods of doing business, among -whom are Bankers, Professional and Business men. - . OXTB ASSXTS 1U ALMOST RZ IlTirDUD TBOTTBABD DO&X.ABS and our SURPLUS near FOUR HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLAR! over and above all liabilities. . . . - - REMEMBER, there are only SIX DAYS left In which to buy this stock at 110 DOLLARS per Share.,' Investigate at -once. ... . The J. C LEE COMPANY Lafayette Sldf , Cor. Sixth and Was aingto Sta. , POBTLABD, OB. " HE TYGRADUA ES THIS EVENING Portland High Schdol Will Turn Out Large Class With Good . Standing. ' BEACH WILL HAN 0 ; OUT THE DIPLOMAS Excellent Musical Program Will Be Rendered at First Congregational Church, . Where , Commencement Exercises Will Be Held. Ninety girls and boys will this even ing .receive' graduation -.diplomas . frjun the Portland : high school. . It Is the fifty-fifth .commencement ' The exer else will be held In the First Congre gational church. Judge J. B. Cleland will deliver the address to the class. ' J. ' V. Beach, chairman of the board Of education, will present tbe diplomas. The Laic me quartet, Mrs. May Dear born Schwab, - Miss .Nettle - M. Oreer, Miss Ethel M. Lytic,' Mrs. W. . A. T. Bushong and Mrs. W. XL Thomas, di rector, will ' furnish the musical pro gram. ' - - - -. - The first Honor students are as ioi- lows: Evelyn H. Bigger,-.' Katheryn Bltser, Glen LeSueur BrledweU, Helen Kather- Ine Clark,' Mary Agnes Dowd, Frieda Oleger. Laura Wlnnlfred Hablghorst, Olga Marie Hallingby, Ruth Marie Howell. Edith Keyee, Luctle MoQulnn, Earl A. Marshall, Oeorge Stanley Post, Erma Eileen Rounds, Louise Schneider, Jeanette Stettler, Florence L. Toon, Florenoa Verena Wuest. - .. The graduates are: i. English course Ward Ackley. Hasel Eva ' Anderson, Harold M. Austin, Al wlna Bach, Evelyn H. Bigger. Lulu Blt ser, Katheryn Bitxe'r, Delia Bluhm. Ha? sel Harriet Bradley, Lyle Freeman Brown, Harry J. Cason, David A Cham bers. Helen Katherlne Clark, Klara Cleaver. Oscar J. - Cornell, Marlon L Cummins, ' Mary Agnes Dowd. Ruth Dnniway, M.. Lloyd Frank, Carl F. Ga llon.' Kathleen Allan - Oeorge, Eugene LeRoy Gets, Laura Wlnnlfred Hablsy horst, Deborah H. -Keck. Edith Keyes, William C. Kilts, Alma Isabella Kinney, Alverta Kraeft, Sadie Elma LeCompte, Ralph W. Marls, Russell D. Myers. Lulu M. ' Nicholas, Louis Hampden Plnkham Jr., Oeorge Stanley Post, ' Margaret Powell, Mary Esther Powell, Robert E. Rsmsdell. Edith Blanche Retherford, Sam Jones Robinson, Frances Elisabeth Richmond, Ben - Rybke, . Leona Adelia Sanaum, . Paula & Schmals. Florence Lavanda Shankltn. Tressa Geneve Spen cer. Maybell Rosalie Thompson, Flor ence, L. Toon, George T. Wilson, Joyce Withey, Hssel Morton Young. Latin course Glen LeSueur ' Brled weU. Lenora Blanche Brown, Ethel Elis abeth Clorke, Constance Marie Co veil, Florence Elsie Davis, James Leo Duffy, Carolyn L. Dunstan. Frank 0.- Francis, Leila Guthrie, Olga Marie Hallingby, Ruth Marie Howell, Jennie Xllly, Mar garet McDonald. Stuart Maedonald, Lu elle MrQulnn. Monta Maegley, Earl A. Marshall, Maude Mullay. Vivian Place, Lillian ' Spencer, Mlgnon, - Thompsoa, Chester Vivian Vosper, Peart Wilshlre. German course Margarethe Oeisler, Madeira .Adela Uayesv Frledal-Uiager. Zola Emily Hitchcock. Edith Laura Huuser, Florence E. Jackson. Jonas P. Johnson, Erma Eileen Rounds, Louise Schneider, Hilda Sechtem, Helen Ma son Standlsh, Madeline L, Stone, Flor ence Versna Wuest. -.... Latin and English courses Clarence Allen, Jeannette Stettler. German and English courses Leon W. Behrman'. May Sheehy. ' Latin and German . courses Marian Moore Ogden. , , . . -y MINSTRELS BY JACK TARS 6IVEH AT EMPIRE - - Benefit" for Seamen's Institute lCrven by Crew of Princeton r - , Highly Successful. . ! ill YATZBBT OITfiS AiO. TXB OBBDXT to oa, wu-aAMf raiK nus. i That a minstrel ls-the better-Tor an environment of . reckless and care-free living was clearly - demonstrated i last night when sailors from United States steamship Princeton gaye a delightful entertainment at the Empire ' theatre for the 'benefit of the Seamen's Insti tute. The jack tars of the little gun boat went, at the business like veterans. and succeeded in winning generous ap plause both In the Introductory portion of the entertainment and In the olio. which mads up the: second part. Admiral Goodrich, commander of the North Pacific squadron, sat in ons of the boxes with Captain Badger of the flagship Chicago, and Flag Lieutenant Sargent. In another were Commander Sherman of the United States steam ship Princeton, Lieutenants ..Fewel) and Mitchell and Ensign Caspar Goodrich. Tho opening chorus "Sailing, by the entire-company, served as an excellent Introduction, and received a vigorous encore. , N. Elchenbarger sang "I Won der If You .Miss Me" In appropriate manner. "Dear Old Girl, by J. H. Murray; "Nobody," by J. B. Love, and "The Widow." by R. P. McAdams. were received with enthusiasm on the part or me auaience, The olio was particularly good, each member of tbe company contributing to tnia part -or the entertainment the best thing tie could do. The Chicago quartet made a distinct hit. Scenes from a naval camp, showing the lackics boxing, romping, . playing .practical jokes and enjoying themselves gener ally, brought out rounds of applause. The aettlng-up drills and bayonet exer ctsea gave the people In- the theatre a glimpse at some of the sailors' real work. . . .; On the whole . the nerformanca waa highly creditable. and through ' It the Seamen's Institute was 'benefited to the extent of about 1300. POSTOFFICE CLERKS - , HOLD ANNUAL PICNIC The annual plonlo of the' postofflce clerks took place at Steel inn, the de lightful summer . camp of Mr., and .Mrs. Will G. Steel. Sunday. While the city sweltered In the heat of the "hottest day" the clerks with their families and a number of their friends, the carriers, enjoyed the cool ness of a genuine mountain camp with spring water and a splendid view of the sail-dotted river and snowy mountains. A most restful and refreshing after noon was passed with music, conversa- Dlseeae Bad Attacked the Bear and . would Doubtless-, Have Beea Fatal Bad BlgHt Besaedy ' Bo Beea Takes.. That Dr. Williams' Pink Pills will cure neuralgia there Is no room to doubt. So many severe oases of this painful dis ease have yielded to these pills that ths auferer who is prevented by prejudice from trying, the remedy deserves little sympathy. Mrs. Charles Bchults of 171 Thomas street, Newark, New Jersey, suffered for seven years with neuralgia which at tacked her heart and which did not yield to the usual remedies. The atory of the cure la best iold In her own words. 8he I had scarlet fever and It left me with a weak heart Then I took cold and a severe pala settled In the region of my heart My suffering was almoat beyena - aeseription. i - oouia noi : iaia and ths pain caught me at every breath. The awful pains would come on sua denly and I would have to Sit right down. I could not walk and 'would get dissv for a time. "I waa confined, to bed for four weeks at one time and nothtng seemed to do me any good. I was under a physician's care for months. He pronounced my trouble neuralgia of the heart and pre scribed for me. Ths capsules he gave me relieved me for a time but the pain cam back again.. - - "Finally Dr. Williams' Pink . Pills were recommended to me by a lady whose husband had been cured of paralysis by tbem and I decided to give the plus a-gooa inai.- wnne waa un the second box I began - to see an ' im provement, the pains became less fre quent and at last I was entirely ,ured. This was some time ago but ! have had no relaDae and have been in gooa neaim ever since. I think there Is no medicine tn enual Dr. Will tarns' Pink Fills." . These pills ' aotually make new blood which carries to .the starved nerves the elements they -need. They contain' not one particle of opiate, morphine, cocaine or 'anything .."soothing." They, cure troubled nerves by removing the cause of the trouble. Sold by all druggists or sent postpaid on receipt of price, SO cents per' box six boxes 13. 0, by the ur. Williams- meai cine Co., Schenectady, N. T. . tlon. basket 'luncheon, loe cream and coffee Mrs. Steel's coffee. This waa the fourth annual gathering of this kind and was a most enjoyable outing.-' CLASS AT ST. MARY'S -GRADUATES TONIGHT ' Annual commencement exercises of St Mary's school will be held st 1:1 S o'clock this evening at St. Mary's hall, Williams avenue and Stanton street Very Rev. Dr. Black of St Francis' church win aeuver ,?ne aaaress to uie graduating class. . An excellent , pro gram lias been arranged. ... EASTERN EXCURSION RATES Jane S3, SB, July S and S, Aagnst J, v, HFHaw mn 10. On the above dates the Great North ern Railway will have on sale tickets to. Chicago and return at rate of $71. 0. St Louis and roturn MT.I0. St Paul. Mln- AifltQuTrBoyfe ; ' Mdlvvearo ; - : For ladies and 'gentlemen the regula- - . tior NewYork styles. , Just received' by express Ladies' Au tomobile Hats in plain tan and shep- - herd plaid silk, with" Rob Roy tops. ,; Ladies' Leather Automobile Hats with Cravenette Hoods. : - . r- Men's regulation New York leather Automobile Yacht Cap with stitched, visors. , - - Z-..rZltJ'-.-, - ------ I Men's Dent crown leather Automobile Hats with stitched brims. ' In fact, we are showing a complete I line; of Automobile Goods from Ameri- ca's foremost maker. ' ' Agents for KNOX HATS and BEN JAMIN'S CLOTHES. - . .: AM 311 MORRISON STvopp.Postof3cfi. TO VAXUB, BOBB VAX SO OB OXTB BBTTBB. An Uncqualcd Offer A set of ur famous til False TEETH for 910). Painless extracting, free with .this offer. Exam, lnatlon and consultation free. - Crown and Bridge work specialty. Extracting. tO cents . WISE BROS.. Dentists AJTD WASKTBOTOB. . Opea Bvealags aad Budays. a ssilfa lBBSBi ps This sisnatars - ' For A Csrtaln Curt for Tlrsa, Hot, AoMn Fstti TVXAKXiK&AU Ai OONOTAOOCPT A8UB8TITUTK. J smeverysox. UKoy.H.Ti, nea polls and Duluth, Superior or Sioux City and return, t0. Tlcketa first class, good going, via the Great North ern, returning same or any direct route. stopovers allowed. For tickets, sleepingw car reservations or any additional. In formation call on or address H. Dickson, C P. dt T. A 1SS Third street. Portland. Plan Your Vacation Now Ask at Third m . K. and Washington Streets' for O. R. CS, N. Summer Book I , C 4 : ? A : :::.-';;s. : ' . , ) - iilSflSliiJ: - Crtpyrlghtsd by Welster. T, J. POTTPR," O. R. ft N.'s BEACH EXCURSION STEAMER. . . : ' ' Very ' . ' "V ' Iiow - :: ' ' : Rates -: ; 7rr:":" " lllSi';fe?lS '. North r SlSlif8 : Beach V-V' :: ; J- ' . Popular f1' (Cj XL- x ' 0ceanV r'.. ":'':. : V-" .:- ' Resort' , i '' , . ' , , ' 1 ; J' ... ' ." " ' , . f-. " ' . i ? Do Not Hliss : This trip BffMH.HaWHMlMMMMaWMaJ ' r Beach Season will be opened Saturday, ; and - the "T. ? X. l?otter,, lwill make the first trip of the summer, leaving Ash street dock at 1 o'clock in jl -thrafternodn. Reports from North (Lone:) Beach state that the weather. is laeai. particulars lor tneaKing: at liiira ana vvasnmgton streets. C. W; Stinger -oiv ; Ticket Agent Y: i "- - '. 1 I- 1;?