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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1906)
.'1 "T THE OREGON. DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. TUESDAY' EVENING, JUNE 23; 1803. GIANT IS. DRAGGED TO BOAT ' - BY TWENTY-TWO STRONG MEN " " fJoeimal BperUl Barrios.) ' ' Ksw Tork. June il. The largest man In the .world, Machnow.." the Russian Slant. ! among the recant arrivals from Europe on tha steamer . Pretoria, He pomes to go en exhibition. ' -- ln.-eplte-of-the- enormfus'"sTr!s' of Ma oh now, ' who atanda " 9 feet I inches tn hie stocklng"feet and weighs more than 40 pounds. ha la afraid of sea travel In a- and Oh la la the first ocean' voyage bathes made, although he often received large offers to appear in this ' country. " - . CZAR DISTRACTED BY MURDERS r Assassination of Government Of ficials Continues in Many Parts of Russia. FRESH MASSACRES OF kNNED TODAY Council of Empire Follow Policy of t Wait and Watch, Fearing to Expel Agitators Lest They Return With ' Others. , (Journal Special Srrtlra.1 St. Peteraburg. Juno 15. With muf flers of minor officials continuing In . Various parte of tha empire tha govern ment la well nigh distracted. To add to tha trouble reports come of a panicky ; feeling In Blalyatok, of persistent ru mors of another contemplated maasacre 'Of Jews, which- Is' 'said to have been planned for today. Strict orders have been Isaued to -the troops to put down any attempt at a riot and to prevent Fathering . Tha chief aim of the csar's advisor fust now seems to be to avoid an open rupture with the lower house of parlia ment. Their Idea seems to be that the trongest card for them to play la to permit tha peasant representatives and the covertly revolutionary groups to pond their energy In debate or! the theory that the government has larger resources of passive resistance and ran . afford to wait for time to moderate k the popular passions of "late so ex plosive. It ts reported, from St. Petersburg by Journals,- onoe known to be In close touch with Count Witts that before be started for Vichy he urged hla col leagues In the council of the empire to adopt a policy of liases fairs, the pro gram of wait and watch: . The feeling aeema to have found Ita origin In the advice given the czar be fore the former's departure for Ger many. Ho told Ooremykln that no douma would ever' be lees difficult to manage thanMhla -one" and that ' tf It were treated to virtual expulsion the result would parallel the scriptural epi sode where the expelled devU returned With several others worse thsn himself. Hla advice Is said to have made a deep Impression on the-csar. who 1s "firti t ( , rally susceptible to scriptural similes. Watters are shaping now for a pro longation of the run of the lower house , through' the summer., with the odds decidedly tn favor of some large con reaslons to the peasants In the direction Of their land am bit lone. The composi tion of the agrarian eommlaaton Is a ' eroof of parliamentary moderation, and unless Trepoff attempts some desperate roup the situation will Improved M. - Trepoff would abolish all semblsneo of constitutional , government, but the al titude of the troops checks bitn. Word . comes from Ufa that Prince ' Hanveloff. owner of a vast eetaie. and 'one time an officer In the guards, baa been kilted In tha streets, the nmntmlnt I ...... .' ..... 9 ' Death Prom XoakJaw " TV'."." never follows an Injury dressed with Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Tta anttseptlo tnd healing properties prevent blood ' poisoning. Chaa. Oswald, merchant, of henaselsersvUle, N: T.. writes- "It cured - geth Burrh of this place of the ugliest sore on his neck I ever saw." Cures ' Cuts. Wounds. Burns and Sores. JSo at v (ik Id more rru Co. - 'C J JEWS' PU ' "" J" - - - THIS IS ' MACHNOW,, THE , RUSSIAN GIANT, SAID TO BE' THE LARGEST MAN IN THE ' WORLD. HE STANDS - 9 FEET 3 INCHES -IN HIS ; STOCKINGS.: When. Maehnoer reached Dover, pre paratory To sailing for New Yrk. he re fused to leave the car to board the steamer. - .. .... . His 'wife, almost In tirs, pleaded in vain w,lth htra to try and overcome his fear of the sea. but ha remained stead fast In his determination to cancel tha American engagement , At length It was found necessary to drag him out of the car by main force and, wildly . fighting and protesting, he was placed on a stretcher formed by the shoulders of II seamen and carried-to the Pretoria's deck. tlon being the., outcome of a political conspiracy. A ssrgcant of police was killed here laat night, and various -murders of that kind are of dally occur rence. . I . WORTH A FORTUNE BUT LIVED IN FILTH -... - . . . i ... (Journal Special Brrrice. ) Berlin. June IS, From Taganrog. South Ruasia, cornea the report of the death of an eecentrio Individual who formerly held a subordinate position under tha government, but had lived for years the life of a recluse under condi tions a beggar would despise. His clothes consisted of tfllthy rags and he lived on offal picked up In the gutter. After bia death 121,500 In cash was found In his miserable garret, a' laifge number of bonds and deeds of several pieces of land, bringing up the. value. of Hils estate to 1116.000. The miser left a will directing that his two daughters, whom be had con stantly refused to see, should enjoy the Interest on his fortune for life, the en tire estate after their death to become the property of the church. mi ARCHBOLD'S DAUGHTER WEDS 1 - ANTI-HOME RULE IRISHMAN Miss Anna I - - , (Jearmal Speelsl Service.) ' ' London. Jtine It. When John D. Archbold or the - Standard Oil company arrived J 'England with his wlfs ser eral dajrs ago. he was distinctly sur prised' to learn that his daughter Anne, WhO had been visiting In England, was married to. a young Irishman.' Armar Saanderaort, son of the Rlxht Hon. Ed ward James Baundereon. M. P. Mies Archbold Is the youngnst. daugh ter of the Stsndard Oil magnate, and Is heiress to one of the largest fortunes) In thfs country. 8he has always' been of a fearliiss. independent nature, and &as taken part to- tiger hunts la India. . a, t& 1 PXWECTLT DELICIOUS ' POamVELT BE1TEFICIAL j In 8osodont Tooth Pasta are combined tha antiseptic, alkaline andaatringentpropertiesof Soxo dont Liquid and tha amoothneaa of Sosodont Powder. Will not harden in the tube or decom pose. Is positively free from acid and grit. Will not tarnish . or scratch tha enamel or. gold work of tha teeth. Sold in col lapsible tubes at all stores. - Siht Paxil "Aliet Fivlriti Wei irriand," n amusing and attractive iiltla story far tkt thilirtn. , Haul A Kocxxt, New York City. WISCONSIN 'DEMOCRATS III FAVOR OF BRYAH State Convention That Meets Tomorrow Will Sing Praises' of Nebraskan.- (Joaresl Speeltl Service.) . Milwaukee, Wla.,- June . The Demo cratlo state convention for the adoption of a platform of principles assembles here tomorrow and numerous party leaders are already gathering for the event. While It was announced at the time It was decided to hold a atate con vention that no attempt .would be made to nominate a ticket, that the work of tho convention, would be confined to the adoption of a platform, the indications are that the slate will be practically agreed upon before the convention Is over. . v ' - V There la little question that the con vention wfll indorse William J. Bryan as tha party leader. Ae at present out lined the resolutions wlU not name Bryan as a candidate for the presidency, but will laud him aa the greatest leader of the party now living and wilt indicate beyond any possible doubt that Wiscon sin Democrats would be glad to follow the Nebraskan as the standard-bearer In the. next presidential campaign. OoBoaafh to Travel. ' ( Jeernal BpecUl Service. I London, June I. Lloyd's Newspaper announcea that the Duke and Duchess of Connaught are going to Canada shortly after the naval maneuvers - now in progress are concluded. They will be escorted by some of the vessels belong ing to the second cruiser' squadron, at tached to the Atlantic fleet, under com mand of Rear Admiral Prince Louis of Battenberg. Tot quick results ass the Waat OoL. mii of The Journal. Archbold. When she left for England no one in hef family had the slightest Idea that ahe would get married. After she mat young wss not long be fore they-were deeply in love.'. vHe. too, hes .something of a fortune. Castle Paunderson being one of the most magnificent ,4n Ireland..' His father Is best known aa one of Mho leaders in parliament against Irish' home rule. Tie Is a noted-Orangemsn, being -a past grand master. The bride ia about it years old. ath letic, clever and good-looking. I She has lived with her father ami - mother .In their home at Thirty-seventh street and Madison avenue. . . .. IS" SPRING SEASOr GAY PARIS Dramatic Revenge of Husband Upon Wife Who Proved to Be Untrue to Him. ' THEATRE HAT CONDEMNED BY PARISIAN AUDIENCES French Courts Have Just Decided . That Will of Peasant Leaving. Ba tata to Favorite Bay Horse Ia Valid in Law.' : ' - -I; - (Journal SpecUl SerTlee.) ' Paris,' June t. A dramatlo ven geance waa taken by a deceived hus band at Belleville, the Industrial quartar of Parts. Disguised as an aged beggar, with long gray beard.,, he took up a position outside a church and opposite ths bouse where1 he- thought his wlfs waa carrying on anslntrlgue with an other man. - For two days hs remained there, kneeling In a supplicatory attitude and asking for alma. 4 -.. One morning a man and a woman came out of the house, and the woman threw a coin to the pathetic figure on the church porch. Instantly tha supposed beggar lesped to his feet and drew a revolver from his rags. He fired and the" bullet en tered the woman'a neck. 8 he fell to the ground and was taken to a hospital, where her life Is despaired of. Americas Bruits Thief. An American visitor gained the ad miration" at a. Partelan crowd the other day by his drastic treatment of a pick pocket Standing in a crowd watching a bio scope display at a street corner, he de tected a thtef in the act of running off with his 1200 gold watch and a scarf pin. . . ; r- " ' ' Pursuing the man, ha hsd nearly caught him when the "Apache" turned and fired twice at him with a revolver, the bullet passing through the-American's coat In the next moment the American .bad knocked bis man (down and was pummellng htm. He recovered hla property, and after handing the pickpocket over to the po-. lice went back to the bioscope show. To Abolish Theatre XeAev' The theatre hat has been. doomed by an overwhelming vote In favor of Ita abolishment On ono svenlng last week blanks were distributed among ths au diences of all theatres In Paris, upon which the following questions appeared: "Do yon favor the abolishment of hats at the theatres? 'Do you favor, the adoption of a small theatre hatt Do you wish the present style in evening hats to be maintained t" - Out of 100,000 voters, (0.000 pro nounced themselves in favor of the abolition tf hats at the theatre, SS.0OO odd-pronounced for the small hat, and the remainder voted for tho mainte nance of tha status quo. ' . -A meeting of the theatrical managers of Paris has taken place and an agree ment has been reached according to which no hats will be admitted to the parquet and first balcony of any of the first-class playhouses. This ' rule air ways existed with regard to the Opera and Theatre Franca Is. - Important Invention. '. A Frenchman named Jean Denlssel, living at Boubalz, has invented a sys tem for firing torpedoes at long range by means of electric waves. Starting with Dr. - Brauly's discovery - whereby are lights and ateam and electric mo tors can be started by wireless trans mission at considerable distance. Denls sel has perfected a device which Is highly sensitive and of great precision and works underground or In the water. It will receive electric waves without meat or post at a dlstsnoe of several miles. The manufacturing cost of ths machine Is about (0 francs, or $10. Xorse Inherits Estate. The French courts have Just decided a curious will esse. In which a bay norse nas Decome me principal legatee of a wealthy peasant who died at his home near Toulouse. According to the win. me norse wss to inherit ths old man's entire property, but the animal Itself he willed to hie nephew. Rela tives of the deceased tried to break the will, but it has-been upheld by the court. f Are atamoTlar Tattoo Marts, Tattooing having gone entirely out of fashion, notwithstanding that many European sovereigns ars decorated In this wise. Parisian beauty doctors are busy obliterating the undeslred marks. Their process is a very slmpls one. but of course should not be attempted by an amateur, as an 'improper use of the mixtures used would mske a good desl worse mark than the one which an at tempt had been made to obliterate. For removing tattoo marks proceed as follows, ssy the besuty doctors: Bathe the mark With a solution of tan nin, and then prick the design all ever In precisely the same dots ss those made by the Ink' with a special set of needles. When this .Is done a stick of nitrate of silver should be rubbed over the design and finally It should be cov ered with a coat of tannin prepared with ether. In time the skin will drop off and the tattoo disappear, but in Ita stead a mark resembling a burn will remain. This mark the beauty doctors only with great care and patience can remove. ed. J tiaerssl Special Srvtce.l Portland, Me., June S. The Republi can eongresstons4 convsntlons In ths four districts of Maine today reeultd In the renomlnatlon of all the, Incum bents without opposition. Ths State convention assembles In this city to- bit rov a oovamr A Moee of Ballard's Horehound Syruo Wilt relieve It. Have you coldT ; " Try It for whooping cough, for asth ma, consumption, for bronchitis Mrs. Joe Mcdrath. 127 E. First street. Hutch Inson Ksnsss, writes: "I have ujed tallard'a Horehound Byrupintmy family for five Jrears. and find it ths mst pal atable medicine l ever need.. Sold bv L Woodard. Clarke Co. " SAVE MONEY Aj- M J ? '' - All work guaranteed for ' ten years. Lady attsndsnt alirays present. . All work done absolutely without pain by speetaliata of from. II to St years' a, perlence. j Oold Pill tugs. Bridge Work,' Gold Crowns, Artificial' Teeth. , C0ST01 PAIMtSS DENTISTS tlltt Morrison 8U Opp. Maler ' ftaak - am rosiowce. Awgetable Preparationfor As similating thcroodandBetfula Ln the Stomachs antLDoweb of EE Promotes DigcstiooCheerfuj ness and Rest.Contalns neither Opium .Morphine nor Mineral. 1VOT XAR C OTIC, jmnYtafoujysANuajtraaai A perfect Remedy forConsQpft Tlon. Sour StonueDiaritoea Worms Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss or Sleep. Fae Simile Signature of " . NEW YORK. exact eosTf orvrsAi Cure or No Charge s&S12.50 ST 'f a . e LOST POWER RESTORED There is not a man in existence who is suffering from im potence that we cannot rebuild so as to accomplish the greatest de sire and satisfaction, and after we have cured a case of this kind there will never again be a sign of weakness except brought' on by imprudence. ... VARICOCELE Varicocele is 'a diseased condition of the scrotal veins. It may be caused by blows, kicks, falls, heavy lifting, mumps, early indiscretion or may bs a symptom only of some special weaknsss. The proper treatment conalsts of -local application for the purpose of. dispelling the stagnant blood and contracting the swollen veins, aa well aa Internal medication to strengthen he nerves which govern the blood" supply to .these veins. - r - , Though caunlng you no-troubleat-the present -thneryonr-Varloocele-will. If permitted to go without the proper treatment, impair and destroy the elements of vitality. - . I dally demonstrate that Varicocele can be posltlvsly and speedily eured without cutting, burning or any other form of operation, ; Urinary and Prostatic Diseases Cystitis, Irritation at Neck of "Bladder, Enlargement and Inflamma tion of the Prostate Gland and all diseases of the Bladder and Kidneys quickly yield to my modern methods of trestment I especially Invite old chronic esses that have been uneucceesfully trested elsewhere. Also Piles, Blood Poison, Stricture and all chronic diseases. WRITE, if you cannot call. "AH correspondence strictly "conft- dential, and all replies sent in plain envelopes. No 'names, cases, letters or photographs of patients published or exposed. Inclose 2-cent stsmp to insure reply. - - HOURS 8 to 5, 7 to 8:30 Dajly; Sundsys, 9 to 12. St. Louis "ScT Dispensary COR. SECOND AND YAMHILL STS, PORTLAND, OR. THE DOCTORS WHO CURE Of what value is mere tempo rary relief to the nan who la a physical ' - and ' mental - wreck; through excesses and dissipation that havs robbed him of bia man hood, his strength, his vigor nd hla usefulness? ' Ths weak, broken-down ' man who comes to us ts eured per manently, not simply stimulated for a few .days, to relapse into a - worse condition than before.. We cure him to stay cured. arm ccma wiAur . . . .- because we employ a method that reduces proststlo erUargemeBC expels ths germs of contracted disorders, and' builds up the wstd tissues to a healthy eon, dltlon.' -v i vi tuii cojrrmACTXD sib- . : ;-'BABS i -i I . i arid .speedily " and permanently paiflrata tha nnisnn from ths sn- tire system, end ssslst nature to W. BOBTOB DA Til, V. D., K. O. F. , 0. work her own certain cure. Tamaty-tkrae Taue a yaelallst, wi oxrma-xrBSTmAiv oimtTonow br a method distinctly our own; a safe, certain and permanent cars In every case. w, nu mCtTIO XOOn POIBOST V by a harmless vegetsbie remedy that goee direct to the lt ofth dls- , ease. No miners polsows, but a perfect cure, gathered from . natures, -own laboratory; P - -, . . . - , v - Trm cvma taioocm. ... by our own palnlassv safs and effective method, after all others rait We Cuarantee a Cure In Every Case Wa Undertake or Charge No fee fonsultation free. Letters confidential, Instructive book for men 'mailed free tn plsln wrapper. . ' ' .i . . rr you cannot call at once, write for symptom blank. Homo treat-., ment successful.' - - ( - ' -' . v . A1IL Medicine Free Until Cured1 Office hours: l a. m. to I p. nv; 7 to I p. nvi Sundays and holidays, ipp-Wi Norton Davis & Co.; , , Offloee la Taa JTor Hotel, SSVs Third r, r?rs.? rise,- Portland, ,0. BBS UUuilU JFor Infants and Children. , Tho Kind You llavo Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years ft .AT AW m il llliill ESTABLISHED 25 YEARS IN PORTLAND. CONSULTATION FREE- Our Fee for a Cure ABSOLUTE GUARANTEE. mm) - o Portland - PORTLAND, ORKOOH. ' ' EUROPEAN PLAN ONLY HEADQUARTERS FOR TOURISTS . , . AND COMMKRCIAI t, x TRAVSLKKS. , . Everything to eat and drink, sgd it costs no more la the . Portland Hotel sUtbakeJUr than elsewhere In the city. Xvery weekday night from l o IA . K. O. IOWIM, SCanageo. 1 Hotel Eaton cos. KOBmnov atd wist auk sts. NEW Rsndsoswly raralabsd; elesastly sqiilpuea, Srproot. Sts siiaatas walk frosi assrt ef thooviam aS bwlatss SUtHct. all terse, Irr, eaMSs reoaw. atsaai kMtsd, alsettis tithes, tstaptaase ia each anartsMSt. ete. Irt eracM. marinf. smoaias, wmug. tedlae racapttna paraits. . Mean br smO sr talapheaa. Private esuilbas siasts ttalas sad ttom$ 0I.OO to $3.00 a Day saeiai Bates ts Onmaraial Mm. BS. HAS ZATOV, (rerswrly at Betal Ctesatt. a,awasa Portlaarlli';' : Widely Koowtt; snfl Saccessfol ; t , Chines " MedlciMJ.-., Root aind , Herb Doctor CGI m His faswoa rsmaSlaa, tils lagsadiasts at ' whtek Import direst frosi tba Oftaal is large QuaotltlM and prapars sad pot as fas saa 1a kla np-a-eta labetnrv. Me sWtnrf. putaana or Aroge at say kina ssed. Psrsly . TsUbla. ' Tba Doctor treats sseeaaatslly sad gssrsstess - ears an atomaeb tmsblaa, eatarrS. sstlina, - -Inns, .throat, rhconatlanf'. , aarveisnaaa, llvas, jkldaay sad Mat manhood. . . i, ' . rxvAix TBotrstes t wo all " parraTB r-;.. : ,-. DIABASES. He false sr nUlaadlns statements te fee sfflietaS. A aate sad laaung eora In tae olck- . aat aoaalbls ttme and at the loweat east see- ' sihla tor boeaat treatment. . It jnm eaaset ealL write far srmptaei blasft . tad circular. Inclose 4 teats la atampa, , . OOWBtTLTATIOlf PBIB. 1 . . Ths C. See We Chinese Medloiae Oa 1SSH flxat St.. Oar. Jforriwa. rorUaas, Or. Plsaaa maattoa tais papat. blood poison rot siow mi Twim turs ws havs mads the enre of bleod polsoa a speolslty. Priaaary. saceaSery er Tertiary Bleed Pelsea Permanently Cured. Youeaa be treated at home under asms guaranty. Capital 1600.000. We solleit the most obstl aate eases. If yea have exhausted the old methods of treatment, and still have aehea and pains. Mueus Patches in Moath. 44ere Throat, Pimples, Copper-Colored Spots, Ulcers on any pars of the body. Hair or Erebrows falling oat, write for proofs ef cures, loo-psgs Book Free. COOK REMEDY CO, MSB Bitttll TlBfU. thWafS, 111 to Your Hair Falling Out Breaking Off or Harsh? HAY'S Hair Wcctth Feeds Haif-Raala, Meats, stlseaiettea Seals), Imaaedlatelr Sieea HaUrl'all Inar am Starts Hew lrevrtat of TtiieAi Sllkeai HAIR. Mar he save ay ; laciiaa. - terse RAr. IMflM.-,L DRfTOOISTS. Every Wcreeei I a boat toe weedarfat M4IV1L walruag Spray I The new Vaiajal Snasja, Mjm- athar. bat aend Mme for UluaUalMl book mm. ft full nartleulara and dlrwtiora la- valuabia to laiie. tllRCIL rOV, -i. warn rr.. aaw ivaa. a, a. ssidmobs n co.. ir 7HTBD t lAXXT. AMD WOODAAO. GXAAU 00. Scott's Santal-Pepsin cejs.::s A POSITIVE CURE rarlnflasnaetlea aeOstanjhaf the Bladrfcraad Hmsl Kid- - laiekhr sad aanaaaastir the rorat at Slsianhess) and Silawe, as siaitar W sew loot rtaadias. Abaolatalr Karsilaaa. Srusista, TKEeinAl-fEFtCl Billataatahja.Otsa. WeaAara. Clerhe a. IN YEARS TEST II . For Stossacaj and In a. Dowel trouble. Ur. r and KleWya, and I au aawmmca sua w inw pure blood or weak nerves Smalt su (tsblett) lie., ktrgs sua. tlOO. At Drug' gats' (in black fc"1" s not. send lor f KL trial boa lo a-aMM'i Nailvo Herbs Company , unio! ar ca.Cal. easBawrfy. e-st, vnsj ttaows) T a-v. Tarraat a Bsaraat at i" 1 t , s - - VIVX-Q,. I SWI avi ast-jioronTeeiao. j" jCm'm. 1,11 1 ' kJiStlL. aouaot no W iS tf II ;0 VI A-H aL mm i