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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 13 UCX 14 FATHER IS KILLED Transportation. TRANSyOKTATJOIJ. TODAY'S MARKETS Very Favorable Weather for th Hop Crop la Having a Bearish Effect Upon Values in This Market and a- Sale lei Reported Lower.. 11 1 1 I-1 ij 1 i..iii'l "i 1 mn ib i Specid Ateka mm, BY HIS SOIL Excursions June as, HOPS SELLING AT LOWER PRICE . " John Swan Disposes of Fourteen Bales of Choice at Ten ' and a Quarter. " 1 ) y HAMS ARE ADVANCED : BACON PRICES LOWER While all preparation have been made for a decline In. poultry prices there will be no change in exlatlng values as Ions- 4 as receipts do not become heavy, d) Present arrivals are very email 4 and the email dealers are able to. take all that comes without any 4 serious effort Small call com- ling- at this time for -duck, the 4 4 . Chinese being the principal In- quirera, . . Scarcity of Poultry Holds" Price - Egga-ln Good Position With Yet terdsr. Advance Mainuined Griin - Bags at High at Ten and a Quarter, mat Street. June SB Tke-prmelpal features of tbs Port laud waeleesle snsrhes Uir are: ., Regnlsr heme He sdTsaced. ...... . Bacoa prints He tower. - ."' - '-. Pieoi bsuw r adraiiesd.- - "' Hmril ears green osnsnss arrlTe. ' Hop sale at lower price, r Srsrclty ef poultry holds price. Fs are-flroi fft nnchsnged. , 4 r New fresh blscC fign froia south, y far cantaloupes aniTea la, : ; v Strewherrtes higher wltb scarcity. lAgonherry demaad Is heeTier. ," pineapples lower; beerier shipments. floor buyers and eellera apart. : tirala nags firm.. , SIlTerekln onions are coming, r -r Old potatoes aril a f price. Hay market tn pood ahape; poor guallty. Scarcity, ef di eased assets. : - -, . .. ; :v" Sep Sale at Lewar Wee. ; ,7 '; " With the areat haproreowiit ia hep-, crop . . . - i t a eemand - BTOoperra iari-v ww - ------ for ISOo's aa a week or ee age. Ttewe are still a few enters la toe ssarket there alwaya are . bat the prlcse are toe low to consider. -John - V. Swaa ef this city, whe ksa a hop rar along the Clackamaa-Marioa coaaty lines, sold - 14 bales ef choice hops ef 1005 growtb yester day afteraeoa at lOfce a peasf. The sale was ' made a aa order frees the east.- Swaa has heea efterinf his hops for sale for arena .time ana a wees or so a. "v . r . lorsi eeaier si s sugniiy, .....-.. opt ton was allowed to to by. The present .1 mmmmm tm MMttrina tlM fOW mamlng holders te become afflicted with cord feet. .SeeersI ether email salea are reported today arenas ine seme mw. tmiiiM lfurhae and Lewer. " . Aa adrnsee ef He a poand la aaaoancad today by local prorlaton packers ea regular basis. Vciu at. oaMed fee a Doand o. Breakfast - bare la lower, there helng a decline of He u former alaea. . No ebaacea appear nt lard el '. ether Itaee. . ' , earsity ef Srsaasd Ksata. The cooler weather brooeht forth a falr-atacd . eemana aaa laere were pracimiv Frlces ea both dressed eeal and bogs are firmly aeM at Jiwmai i if urn - - - iu riw state rhst ea atna are not reanlag so heary aa a few. days awe ' goandte ef Zealtrv Helde rioa. There was scarcity ef poultry so pp lies a lent rne street umey eea en V -wwf w'j maintained by the trade. - - ' Kisa are quoted firm St the rise ef He re ortcd by The Journal , yesterday. tostera etoens earing ww wi r JOURNAL'S DAILY - TIPS ON MARKETS e 'ddjLhd e .1 a Tlie Iti- rwmere butter stIU rather dull along the etreet. bat eity ereamerlee report a fair trade. . Coaatry atore aa good call at the price. , ; ' Yew Keek Figs Freei the Seat. The first shipment ef new black flea was reported by Psge Son this mora lag. Shipment was from the smith sad was la good ahape. I'rtce sold at m 2 per box of about SO pounds weight. - . a M .I MBtalminee came la from the soara - thta morning, this being the first fall car ef the are arm. . Hslf saweded here and half to aorta. Price lower. A rail ear rrom wnem Is due tomorrow eeenlng. wreea Cera Lswer Agaia " Green com Is sgslnla better supply and 'Vice Is lower" today. TV"-r . " . Mllrerskla on tons are arriving aad are finding good demsad at l4e. Old potatoes sra finding a fair esle at 40e aad Sue a Back. Reeeral ears ef bananas came la aad were unloaded thla morning. Stocka -were acnarally grsea.l hut were hi good shape. Cherries are Joaitag faster and the price te easier. Demand for ioganhee. rle is new heavy aad the price m maintained at (1 23 for Sea. Thla la for goad stock. Some eld goods sold as low as II today, strawberries scarcer aad higher, -prices for good stock ,at 2 todsy. Orsla Begs Tirmer. ' The gesm bag market enatmaes te bnoov and today prices range between lOe aad l"Vic, wltk - the first price tor eueatlty lets. Three prices are f. a., b. Portland, tirsla dealers report enBSJderahle - difficulty - la eecuring a en' flcteat supply- ef . hags, eeea at : the heavily adeaaeed Quotations. . near Bayers aad Sellers apart. . ' There h) eeastrlerahle dlrrreaee'of eplnloa among bayera and sellers ef flour st this time. Orieatal demand at the BManent hi eery llaht. -the trade being ef , the opinion mat price eheuld be about tar-a- barrel sorter those wtal-h the local trade la willing te quote. No sales ef importance aa a reeult. Wheat la quiet aad enchanted.- A etlffer feeling is shows la bsy tedsy. Re-, eetpta are light and what- stocks are now com ing generally faU dews la quality. Prices about tb sease. The trade psys the following prices to Front etreet. Prices paid shippers are less regalsr rata. Hear aad Peed. OP. AT BAOH Calcutta. 10131014. ' WHEAT Club. TSc: red Bossisa, ae: blae Stem. Tec: Telley T0J71e. . BARLST Teed. 124.00; foiled. tS8.00djM.00i brewing. fSt.OO. '. COErt Whom. IStdi eraeked, S3S.SS per ....... RTBS1.H per ew. - OATS Producers' price No. I white, 19.00 q) grsy. 2S.o0g2P.. FLOUR New eastera Oregoa patents. .t gOQ S.S: strslyhts. H 3 W); rtport. H IS3 2ll; eallay. M M; graham. Vs. 3.r; whols wheat. S.T5; rye, Koa. lo.OO; bates, llTft. MilXSTt'ryS Brsa. llf.SO per ton; mid dling, 12 00; shorts, 'couatry. 120.00; city, ; lio'iot chop. lia.ooajM.oo. RAT Pmducers price Tisaotar, Willamette alley, fancy. 12.fl0: ordinary, 10.00'?t 10 SO; esatera tlrefoa, 1B OO'SU OO; mlird. ilO 004J ' m.Mi: clorer. ; grsla. IT.B0OI.69; ebest. . I7.00ei.00. Batter, Zgga aad Pssttry. BUTTTR -PAT . a. b. Ponlaad Sweet eresm. 20c; sour, lleT HI TTER Ctty eresniery, 11 He; outside faaey. IVWJOc: amtasrr."lTHc: store. IXHvlee. ' - EO',S No. -I fresh Oreeim, candled. SIHe. CHIftsV-Mew Poll cream, f lata, 1 1 H6al2c; : Yonng America. ia413c: California flstsTllc POtLTRT-WljeJ chickens. lHe per lbi :,JiKJ bens, tasniee per lb; roosters, old. 0He 1b; etsrs. llllHe lh fryers, lHTc; broTl ers. lauiTe per lb; old ducks, ir.enae per lb: sariae dorks. Ic per !b gaeaa. oaiVc in; turkeys. Ine per lb: dressed. 20s V jW pstTs 'oq-00 pr Pigeoae. Moss, wsol aad Hides. HOPS Contracts, liajg crup, lve per lb:' tens Orcr-n. loerlOHc . - 1 .w a, Oor-i:pa , Up Vatlry. eosrse to awdlaaL Jc: fine 2c: eastern Oregoa, sesi . mill A In New, so,. " - " SHF.KI'aKINa Snrarlaa. IftajSDe each; short -woot. IT. tl medlra. weeL eOdlTIa esehi long wool. TVeJIi.oo eeek. TAUXiW-Prtssn, per la. He. I tad , ansae. 3ttmc. . t IIITTIM HARK not atort. SaSHa per lb! aut. aomtnal; IBOg, iHr lb. 7( 1 i : FIIDrs rrryf Ne I. Mt sW and aa. ishsi m.t,w rr , r, iK n i, a is in ms. lec nry esir. ry esir. ne. I, seder a hm. 1.V: as Hed kldt, steers, soand. 4c lbs snd aer. lOajtllr; eows. H4Hr; atari and bull, sound. i?c:'sin. M as SO lbs, Sc; nit. sound uader U lbs. lie) fre aseslted. te leaa.- rttUm. 'm 1k Umm. r Bora hldee. salted, ear. SI esl TKt ava. l.ooell.Mi eett hloee. snaSuc: enat akin. jemrnoa. each. I05t: angora, aaea. Soc Traits aad Tegeuslee. . PrrTATOrs nicet aarted. SteTV per -sack; dcers- pHce r,ir car lots, eOHSOe per W; erdlsrjt iOfiUrt need news' price. 1 new Caltfnml,. sfsn; iW., giooajfrbO winqmav res, bsic saw Ih. - l.e0 sIlTen, 1 75; gsrUe, rRRSH FRrlTH Annled. SS.o0eS.A0: new apples, 1.S3; orsnges. sledltcrrsnesn, tt.THtJi; nsnaass, oc in; lcm.Hie, GDoirev es.wwn.eo in hot: faucT. per box; limes. Mcx- Icas. T.V per 100; itaugerioes, ; pineapples. liJS:i.0O; Hawaiian. ; strawberries. S2.00 per crate; aonaeberrlea, Aeinc per lb; cherries. lb; plnms. $11 1 (M per crsle; sprlcots, tl.oota.oO: pescbes, llatl.M: logan berries, f 1.23; caataknipea, I1.00U4JM; rasp berries. I1.TS. vv.r. eta (tl.Kt TMrolna. new. 11 ISO aer sack I csrroU. 1.TS per sack: beets. 11.50 per asck: pseValps, ll.SO per sack; Oregon radlabea.. SOc dtis; cabhsge. Oregoa. ll.DOttl.76; hell peppers. 3no lb; MexIcsB tomstoes, lamornia, 11.10 1 Ho; local aotuouse, psranipe, wq 11.00: strlns- besus, Oregon. fttc per lb; esnllnowcr, 11.00 per dns: prss, SHOSHe lb; horaeradlth, vVTe lb; artichokes, Tne per dm; rrsnberrlce. Jirarys,"U bbl; Coos bay snd Tills nook, I0 00; sapsrsgns. Oregon. B05e per tus baaches; VtalU Walla, 11.00 per box; aqussh, I Me; stdnscb, 60e per box; greea enlona. Orrana, 12Vc per dns hunches; racum bees. W)tfc per dos: eelpry- II per dos; green corn, !HU2e dns; summer sqnssh, TVt Il.tM box; erxplant, eOe Is. vair.V r Mil its Apples, ersporsieo issg 14c per lb; sprlcots, 14c per lb; peaches, I3Q13HC per lb; sacks. Ha p-r lb leaa; prance. SO to . 40. Or: lit dmn on rack sixtsenth mailer sine: figs. California black. S2Hc lb; California white. gv,e per lb; dstea. goldsa. TH Per Ip; faros, per 10-1 box. . wraaerisa. Vata. Eta. atT.Aack baata (tibc. IS. SO: powdered. S. 16; frait grann rated. I0.IS; dry grsneiatrd. 0L conr. A. o m; neei arsjnuiarra. wseiern, aj;. Mawitlan. SS.ak- extra' C. I4.B5: aomea C. 4 45; D yrlkw. M; bhls. loc; U bbls, Jflc; botes. 60c sdrsace or ssck fcasls, lees o per ew tor cash, IS dsya, msple, UQlbc TJ A bore prices ayply to sales at lees thsa car iota: Car lota, at apedsl nrlcea subject te Suctnstlons.) . Honrt 4J S0. per erate. 1 2 : " COFKEE Pscksse brands. ld S5Sti4.TR. SALT Osras Half ground, 100. 10.00 per CHICAGO rMKETA SHADE HIGHER Wheat Advanced at the Close of . the Session Despite the . Early Weakness. LIVERPOOL OPENS AND CLOSES WITH A LOSS Heavy Selling by Pit Crowd Fails to Check -AdVance Bradstreet's Re port Shows a Decrease in. Visible Supply and Is a Help to Bull Cause KILAT1V SVffi HEAT TALUKS. July....... rieptember. Itecembsr..' -blsy Close 100ft. rioee Close June SS. Jane 25. . .H3H .Mt I ,w1iB .n."H .HoH si. .00 7t Osln June 36. I .001, - -.oou V -oH ton: 50a. $.H0: table.lalry, ROs, I1S.00; 100s, 111.75; Imported Ueernoot. 50a. $17.00; 100s, 10.50; Mas, 1.00r extrs ne. bbls. 2s, Sa. 10s, aa.ouaz n.oo; oiiik, o. ..",vf.,'"f . . 50s. rfsx4c: Llrerpool lnmp rock. I10.50 par oa: Ml-lb rock. 9 l": 100a. 10.00.'. R TCSi Imperial Japan. No. V Set lta S. SHe; - New Orleans head, , Tel ' Ajax. . Be: Creole. Hc RKASR Small white. I4.SK; lsrae white, SS.bfl; pink. I3.7R: tayea. S4.T5; Llmas, .S0; Mri lean reos. eskc. NITTS Peanuts. Jumbos, se per lb; Vbvlnls. Vc per lb: r mstea, nerie per in; Jans neae. BKm roasted. T7He ner lb: cocoa nnts. aritilHV per dos; walnuts. lRAlSHe lb: pmeanta, lO012Ht per lb; hickory ants, loe per lb; rhestnnts, eastern, IHQIOc per lb; hrstll ants. I4lse not lb: filberts. U9lSe par ,v, ,w y- ' ' - -- -- .-ip.iH , r "T- ralata, Osal Oils, Its. ROPfS Purs bUalla. 144c sUadard.. lSKet ska I. lie. COXV Oth Fesrl or Astral Csaea, 1SH pee gsi; watee watte, irea onm, ise per gsli woodea, ITe per gtl; baadlight, lTo-deg, ssaes, 9Xl ner sal. . - OArWIUNK -dg. erasa S4Hs per Sal. iroe bbls. le per gsl. BENZINK og-deg, eases tSe par sal, Irea bbls lane per gsl. TURPENTINE la esses Sda per gal; wsedes bbls DMc per gsL WHITE LEAD Tea lots. 1 per lb; BOO-lk lota, ac per in: less kits. Be per an, -WIRE It AHA Present basis st ft 58. UNNKrr, OII Pare raw, ra S-bbl kits, ode: it gsl; genatas Settle- S-bbl fete 4c: 1-bbl Stsrr A l-bbl lot, S.V; esses, 6Se per gal; genatns kettle- hollrd. esssa. eoe per gsi; b-odi lots ose: i-bbi lot Sbe per gal: groand eske. car lota. If). OS par tea; leas ths E ear lots. IM.00 aer too. ateata. Flak aad FrnUloaa. rn rrH ukaTB Front street Beef steers. 4 He per lb; sows, Sj(4e per lb; bogs, fsaey, SUc; ordinary, TH&Hc; poor, 77Sc per lb; balls. 8)3He ner Ibu real, extra, 7e per tb; ordinary. e par lb; poor. B per lbi mutton, fsncy. CHc per ll; Ismbs. Sc. HAMS. BACON . ETCc Portland pack (lorsll hams. 10 to 14 lbs. 1HC per lb; 14 tn It lbs. loe per lb; nresxraai paeon, imaxuc per lb: nlcnle. llHe per lb: cottage. lOUc per lb: rae-nlar abort eleera. ansmoseo.. m mt lb: smoked. 11 per Ibr clear becks, smsmoked. lOHe per lb; stnosea. line per id; union Duns, 10 to IS lbs; unemoked. Sc per lb; emoked, Os per 10; riear Drum,, .v r-T w , samked, lSe per lb; shoniders, lOVe per lb. LUt-AI. LAltu aettie tear, jus, jze per n- iul. 13He ner lb: 60 lb tins. 11 He ner ,b: stesm rendered. 10s. lie per lb; la, 11J nr lb: compouna. 10s, nuje. CANNED SALMON Columbia rlTer, I -lb tslla. l.SO; 1 lb tails, 2.T5; fancy, Mb gats, ll.POt .in rsncy asts. gi.i.i; rsucy t-10 orsm. sx-io, Issks ulls. pink. SRilSoe; red. ll.SO; aomlosi IIBnOWI rvu, iv pjr mi airamirr-, DC. V9 lb: halibut, 6 He per tb; crahs. 1.50 pcVtlosi striped bean. ISHe per lb; cat Bah. Te per lb; nulmonr Columbia riser ehloook. He lb; steel besds, Ne lb; blnehacka, Te lh herrtng. 5c lb; soles. So lb; shrimps, 10c lb: perch. Be per lb; black cod. Te per tb; tnmeod, Te per lb; sllesr smelt, Te per lb; lobsters, 15e pee lb; fraeb mackerel. Re per lb; erawflth. See par dos; shad, He pee lb: etnrgeoa, lOe per lb. 0TBTKE9 Raoslwater bay. par gal, IS. SB; per 110-lb ssck. 14 00. a;i,ABi nsrosaeii, psr eK. stw; rnsor lams, (2.00 per box. A WEEK ' WITHOUT SINGLE HOG IN THE YARDS Unusual Situation Is ' Ruling- Packers Must Buy Elsewhere r-Sheep Market Rrrn." " Pnrtlsnd fnloa Stockyards. ' Jnne SS. Ura- stork receipts: ... Hogs. Csttle. Sheep. Todsy , 1"0 Week ago 00 - i.uuv Month sgo. Vrsr sgo. 1 Bnrers are exoreaslna eonsldersble wonder ss to the reason for the (enersl: sbseneo of hogs. .Not . slntle srrlrsl todsy la tnc rsrria... This romnletoa. a full week With out the receipt of a single hog In the local yards. Packers sre paying no sttentlnn to the local shortage, aad ren Untie to bay supplies la ihe esat. Cattle are stilt eoailug and the market Is not any too bright. Sheep eery Brm. Agsla not a single arrlrsl. Today SO boraes esme In. orncisl nrestoca pricea -. - , if t... . . I a? mot lull pr-i rippq 1 - w blockers., and CMua . fats, H-bO. jtorkers snd feeders. " d.25. ' Csttle Brat esatera Oregon steers. 1.1.15; best cows snd heifers. .t.ZS; storkert - and feed ers. 1.1 8: holla, 2.50. BbrcpODesrungs, BHrri mrnos, s'sjnc, t , EASTERN CATTLE STRONG. Chicago. June 2d. The wheat market was la strong hands todsy snd despite the early pres sure snd Ihe beary selling by eommlesloa bouaes Ihe close wss higher thsa yestenlsy. Ursd- street's report, snowing a decrease of 1. 544.000 bushels esat ef the Riirklee snd a total decrease of S.O46.000 bushels, wss the principal bullish IncentlTe, but the weather conditions were alee fsctor. The rains of Hatnrday and Sunday through the' south effectually pnt a atop to ssles of wheat by the farmers at country sta tions through Oklahoma snd northern Texas, ami delayed threehlng operations generally through the southwestern' part of -the winter .wheat states.: There was more rain In the anuthers part of these ststes ysslenlsy. sad there are prospects of further delays la harrestlag opera tions. l.lTerponl closed lower. Official nootstlons by Orerbeck Cooks compaay: ' " . ,- WHEAT. Opea. Mlgh July I .3H I ,M Sept .SS ' . -.Mil Iec.,.., i4U ' .4l slay...... .M1 . .MH . - , CORN. Jnly.... . , '..BOH .51 H . ept jiii .sas Uect.,..'. .40, ..VH " ' OATS. Jnls. 37 H .SSH ' Sept ' -.S4H ' ( -SKH Dec ' Ai MS, ' MESS PORK Jaly...i. 1T.0S 17.S0 Sept lit 2 ig.m Jaa... ... 15.00 -16.00 ' ' -I.ARD July S.ST Sept,.,.i S.9 S.OT : Oct S.8S - KKt SHORT RIBS July...., S.2S ; S..12 . . S. S.M Hept.. S.15 Jt 0.2.1 P.1.1 P 2A - Oct. 0.O5 S.07 S.pO S.OS BtAOSTXEtri ORAIsT XZP01T. Ixvw. S2H '. .MH ' .SSI, .8 ..VH .ni .4a. JITH 41 -SBVs ' if A io ta ; 15.00 ' s.tV s.aa S.S5' f .3H .MSB .MS .51 'A .52 V A , .SH .tou A .MSA 1T.1TA ld.TT 15.00- sub S.OT " S.ST "' ' ANACOfi OA SHORTS RUI J TO COVER Adding; of Twenty-Five Cents to the Dividend Causes Change In Sentiments TWELVE QUARTER POINTS ' , GAINED DURING DAY Lawson Comes Out With "Another ' Tirade Against Everything Except Trinity; the Latter Being His Own ' Property. 1 .' ... Parent Accidentally Shot While J Attempting Abduction of -, Daughter. A - YOUTH WAS DEFENDING : HIS YOUNGER SISTER Mother Was Divorced From Head of Family and Had Custody of Off spring Whom Elder Haun Was De termined to Possess. SET 0A.I. ...IS I Ixjul.Tllle ....... . ... l Missouri Parlne.. ... H!N. Y. Central ... ... SH Pennaylranla Pesaiie's usa .... Reeding 3 j... ih Chicago. June Sd. grala elalbla supply: Wheat Esst of Rockies...... Europe and afloat.... increase. -Brsdstrest's ; report of Decrease, bn. ........ 1,540,004 1,500.000 . 1.044.000 .1,141. OOO . l.iw.ooq LiTzaroor. oaunr masxet. Llrrrpool. June M Official, pricea: rrooA 1. Jnly... Sept.. . Dee... Jnly... Sept.., June 2d ... as 7 lid ... Os T$d ... Ss Td ... ds 1i j. 4s Hd Close - June 2d Os T.d as SHd s 8t,d CORN. 4. SHd 4s SHd Cose lot June 2.1 Jane 20 Sa 7Sd Os SHd Ss 8d da THd 4a SHd Hd Hd Hd Hd . Chicago" oHranr oat iots. Chlrsg0r- Jons -24V Orafea-eae- letat Cars. Ursds. Est. Wheat 1., d It 8 Cora - SR4 514 , TW Oats 255 g MT Wheat eara todsy: Minneapolis TT. 177, SS. irar sgo: Minneapolis 100ft. I 042 log Dnlutk Dalutk SO. 1 I points up to S points off. uti COTTON TWO HIGHER TO TWO POINTS DOWN New York, June 20. Cottoa futures 'closed 1 off. by Orerbsek, Starr a robr. Jnne 20 June 25 10. .IS 10.50 10.87 10.40 10.12 10.12 10.23 1021 10.25 fflrlsl Quotations Cooke company; January Febnisry March ... June .... July ..... Atlglia September October . , ?iO Te 111 teibff - Decent bar - Open. ...10.35 ,...10.IT ....10.41 '.'.Vio.oi ....10.1T ..10.20 ...10.23 nigh. 10.3M 10.:i7- 10.43 io'.is 10.80 10.23 10.28 10. IS 10.40 10. U 10.15 10.10 10.21 .less 10.S5 10.44 10.10 10.11 10.1 10.24 10.20 10.27 10.2S 10.53 103 Liverpool Osttoa Lssrsr. . I.rrernoot. June 20. Cotton fit tares cloned S te S points hnrer. ' . , BAST rSAJC CISCO XOOirt STOCKS. 8aa rrancisco, Jnne 2S. OfSclal class 1 TtlU. I Bid. Belmont .i.w . nun rrog... .12 Cbioaga Xarkat Is Batter Moral la " r.rr " oood Fositio. ' v -: Chicago', June M.-'-LlTrstork receipts: Hoseu fettle. Sheerf Cblesgo ,.i..,,.-....i., 2.5a IStsiO Ksnaas City...,. ...IH.ism jo.iaai n.Oia Omaha- IO.00O - .'1,500 l.'sn) llocs are strong with 4.000 left orer. Re. eelpta a year sgo were IS. 000. Today's prices: Mlied. S.i!."ltMH: good and ties ry.' tn.Miiit O.niH: rmifih aud heaty. Sti.S0itta.40; llgBt," Otile nirons. . Kbeep Steady. -- . - 1 - - Cssh Boy Oolrira Anrhsr. Home 1 . Jim Butler v;., MncNsmsrs ... Mldwsy ...... Montana NortB Stsr ... Ohio Neesds West End .... Adams Atlsnts -. Bluebell ...... Booth (orsniMs Mt . Ton. Onarrr. nismoMdBeld - .22 fl,,l,lneld - 4.. .42 Illeiter Jumna .a.i.e..2H,l'lrsnny .17 A ISteinway ...... S .20 . .41 t on. Cal-Ta TO .25A lOphlr S OU 1.2TH IMeklcan -nnrn .50 ,sa It'sledonla ...... .Si . 2 10 lEschetiuer ..... .45 2. OB I Norcmas , ,H9 ". .62 lOold Crowa-io.--.86A .2H Ittreat Bend ...i .80 IS 7H Rescue 12 2.50 I Black ButU Ea. .02 .05 . (Tramp .as .10 .fioldea Belmont. .eA .lA Montgomery kit. .AS .28 Hunaet .20A .20A lKeplre ........ ,2U .10 Manhattan .") , Saylor-llumprsy. .15 - .4 Jnmbo Ettea... Kendsll 4 Lsguns May Queen .. Mohawk ...... Red Top Sandatorm .... Sllrrr I'lcfcW.. St. Irea ...... National Back. Itenrer Krlliae ...a... Oold Bar ..... 1H .5S .IT .22 A 1.5o l.en ,5T .23 .40 .44- 1.40 .T 1.0S " Hold Wedge .a ixme atar lit. Bend Ei.... rit. Bend Anaei. Crescent , Iieneer Annex.. Bnlls a Besrs... Blsrk Rock .... N. . t'onsol .. (little Joe ...... May Sower V.' .V . Ilnmplng Jack... Bullfrog Mia... .15 .14 .00 .00 .IOA .10 .10 .02 .02 .2BA ." " .20 1 .22 .SS ' Aaaconds . . A ma tg-aaaated Atcklsea .... Smelter Baltimore H Calorado Fuel . ... U Chessneska ....... VI Rock Island fansdlsn 1 Moatbera Railway locomotlra HI Southern raciac. Iiearer - H 1. Steel, pfd Erie H Weatera V Great Westers..,. HI NET LOSSES. ' Sngsr V ., HlKaty "H Brooklyn H I Norfolk 1 St. Paul HlOnt. Western... m ( entrsl Leather. Hi Republic Steel ... H Woolen H Rock lalasd. nfd.-. H Northern PaciSe,.. 1 Union I'aclAe H Illinois lemrsi.... Hie. B. KUDber...... ih Ifeilcaa Central... HI ..ii ew ivr.i awn- .... was almost funnr to ace lust bow fsst the shorts began to run for eoeer when the extra dlrMend ef 25e waa announced for Aaaconds. - The market up to that tiase had beea In the Sra grasp ef tbs bears and they were pushing prices down wltb a-success that put sll their recent operations en a aomlnsl bssis. Tsklug the market aa a whole today the actlpa was eery erretle snd gains snd losses were of equal occurrence. Beading and the Coppers were bought eery bearlly aad this put ths sslaa Terr hick. The transactions ap to II 'clock smounted to 480,000 shares, but tbs reel sctlrlty beasa Ister. snd no to ths noon hour the sales were T21.S0O aba res. The msr-L ket closed mixed, with money rates rather Igk- 1 ... . . . ornnai qootanons ay trrernees. Btarr t"Kis compsny DESCBIFTIOSW Anscenda Mining Co... Amal. Copper Co Atchison, com do preferred Am. Csr dj found., com. ao prererrea. ,.4..,,. Am. Sugar, com Am. Smelt., com do preferred ..,,... Baltimore- Ohio, cam. do preferred Brooklyn Rapid Transit Csnsdlaa' PsciSe, com. Cki. A AltM, com..,.. do pre f erred Chi. A tit. West., com. t ni., mil a st. Paul Chi. Northwest., com. Chi. Terminal Ry.,..,., Chesapeake a Ohio..... llawKask-dvJronv com.. Cold. Bouth... com....... do 2d preferred. do 1st preferred...... Delawars a Hudson.,.. Ocla., Lecka. A West... D. A R. 0., coat....... do prefer-ed... Ene, com do 2(1 preferred , . ' do 1st preferred Illinois Central , IxKiisTllH) a Nash rills.. Mexican Central Ry.... Missouri Pacific M.. K. a T., com.....: do preferred New York Central. ..... Anu. Cotton 011.-, Am. LocomotlTe... ...'. Federal Smelters Norfolk a West., com.. do preferred North Amerlcsa N. T., Ont. West... PennsylTsala Railway... P. ii.. L. a C. Co. .... . Pressed Steel Car, com.. Pacific Mall S. S. Co.. Resdlng. com ,, do 2d preferred...... do 1st preferred Rep. Iron H tee t com.'. do preferred Rock Island, com....... do nref erred SoutberB Rr-. com ...... do preferred Southern Psctfle.. ...... do preferred St. L. S. P.. 3d pfd.. St. L. a S. W com.... do preferred Texss a Psclfic Tennessee Onsl a Iron.. Tol.. St. I,, a W., cam.. do preferred .,. Union Pacific, com..... do preferred.......... Central Leather, com.,.. do nreferred.., D. S. Rubber, com...... do preferred .......... V. S. Steel Co., com.... do preferred.... Wheel, a L. I., com... do 2d preferred...... do 1st nreferred Wlecoaslri Central, com. do preferred Wert era Union Tel Wabash, com do preferred im.-woolen..-. Northern Pacific. . J 232 H en Ik 88 108 87 131 143H 11SH 118 TflH ISO 101. 1T8H ivw S2rt 48 8H Z1T 42 smh 00 T8H 1T0H 14.1 21 04 2 185 oH 04 ' 88H 0 an 47 lOU M 47 S4 128H 00 ST 05 84 S5 ia 45 21 H 62 H HI 153 14H vn 8TH 102 48H 108 80 103 IS 24 24 ) 80" 202 245 80 8BH 108 8T 18V 140H H5H 11a TTH 100H 228 00 88 tlOJH" 10H ITT 10h 68 48 S4H 48 OHH ZIT 42H S8H 42U 78 Vk "oh is.l 21 06 as 138 04 88 00 S5 47H 180 BOH 4TJ B4 128 90 27 aa 24 aa 85 08 i 120 eo 21 H 62 an 158V 140 Kf 87 102 48 80 103 18 24 24 si" 18 SOU 1202!' 244 00 SOH 102 1100 l'inni4 142 no 117 T5 150 ISH ITS 100 BT 4H S3 ST OS 219 42 SS 40l 08' 78 iin 141 21 H 04 82 18S 30, uth aa 87 0 an 40H 12H 80 4T 83 120 SO 20 05 23 S5 08 lioi 44 ai 62 SOH in 144 08 88 101 4T. 107H 85 102 ii" i i 86 202 140 116 11T 2 7T 100 26 Tl ' 10 170 100 13 6T 8.-1 4T 08H 21 T 622 42 88 42 8 TKH 1T8 14.1 21 W 82 00 138 30 08 04 88 14 00 6 47 lSO'i P" 4T 83 128 00 27 ; 00 24 03 86 WK 08 110 48 61$ 81 15311 25 48 148 - 2 87 101 47 ion 1MU 88 34 4T - 43 80 302 '4 Total sales for day. 1.171.500 shsrea. Call money closed 1 as per cent. -BosTOsT oorm m akxit. (Special' Dlspstcb ' ta Ths JoarnsL) Enterprise, Or Juno Meager do. tails of tha alayins of a man named Maun by his son at tioftlno tiavo boon received hers. Tho report Is to the af fect that . Haun was shot, by tho boy while attempting to abduct his daugh ter from the home of her mother, from whom he was recently divorced. According to tha story" aa received here young Haun, a lad of but IS yeara, wss hunting.- He was accompanied by tila little sister whom their parents had been at variance as to the posaea slon of. The courts bad. decided that the mother should have 'her custody when the decree of divorce was granted. While the children were In the woods tbey were discovered by their father, who attempted' to seise the little girl and carry her off. Her brother was a little way distant when the father ap peered and waa first apprised of his presence by the frightened cries of his Sister. " , ' -Gun In hand tho boy rushed to her assistance, crying to his father to de sist. The father refused to listen to his son and a scuffle ensued In which the sun was discharged. It Is claimed ac cidentally, aad the elder Haun shot iff the right side. Young Haun had not been arrested when the last report was received snd It Is understood that no sag Ion Is to be taken against, him. It being the general verdict that his act was accidental, but would have been Justified in any event. MINISTERS FAILED TO ASK REASOM OF Sag. for Roans np. 'Aaomrp-yTJorT-soTrnD- xzoubsiovi . iTiix nri M.TI. ' tOTTHXASTXEV ALASXA ftOVTS. w. - V s sTatehlkaa. Juneaa. Skagway, Wklta Boras,. Dawsoe aag f alrbaaka . i . R City of Seattle. June SO, Inly 10, JO, SO. a a u..M.hi. i..i s 1. ejk. Bi S. Cottars cite Irla'sitkal June JO, July IS, ST. .-......,' f tvoxx otm. ' ' " tblrd sailing a. S. Bens tor about July J- rom saji raA-toisoo srutoT. ' From Seattle it I s. a, .Umatilla. Jane SO. . ' . fnrtlaad ofSos, Stt Wasaingtea St., ' - .... . at. LIE, rasa. IV.Agt. a . DTJNANN. O. P. A.. ' aurisi sr., bbb iiMnen While. Commending. Professor Drew's Work the Association : Took No Radical Step. Boston. VXITEO STATE! OOTIXsTMEirr 0DS. Xw Tork June 30. Oorernnieot bonds: rOKTLAJTD BAirX. STATE sfEVT. Clearings Balances I748.K1T.AS 84.48T.8S Beala Wright, member of the Amah lean tennis team.sf present In Eng land, 'suffered 'the amputation of one of the flngers on his right hand several days Sa"- The accident wag caused by the -Wreaking of a- soda, water . hnttle ,n'l:Kh locrssltattd 'the operation. la Twos," registered.'., ......... 11103 db coupon IWH Threes, registered. 1M8 do coupon 1ims Tnos. sinsll 4ends. . , irVvn"'- Fours, re a let ere d , IHOT do coupon. .1 1 . ... IflsiT . Poors.! rerlatered. ....... 1025 do coupon IK'45 Matrlrt of lolumkls.... s., Philippine 4s. . . , ........... . . . 1 Bl.l. I08U 103 108H loan 102 ,loI 108 120 1?? 110 Ask. ire. 104 IJ 103 100 103 104 120 130 SAM rKAXCtSCdj LOCAL STOCXS. Ksa rrsnotaro, June 20. Official rinse: ' - Bid. 8prlnfVsller Water......:,,, 23 silant Ptwiler 80 llswsllsa Cemmerctal ..,.-.'. S3 ll'smkes. Susar...,.e, .... II llulrliluSoji Sugar 14 Mskswell Sngsr 84 ' Onosnes Snsar ..... , .11 pasuliaa Husar...J.v...-l ... IS . . Alaaks Psckers'.. H California rniltcinners'..,. ...... ..11 Psclfic Ststes Telephone...'. ...... .. ., Ask. t -SI 88 ll'i 14 j 84 82 1$ 100 Starling Eaokaaga Kates. . New York. Jime 28. SteriHt ratas: OcBiaad, t4ii SO days, &2 . , . - .. Advenlnia MiKmea ArcsdlBii .. Atlsntle .... Blnahsm Cslumet ..... Ccntennlsl Cooper Range Italy west... rrsnaua ...i IJreene Con., Clranby Hohawk ' Kersds Con.. North Butte, , Old Dominion. Osceola . .... Psrrot Jane M Official close: Bin Mid. Pboenlg .SO Qnlncy ft!) no Royal 1T.TS Shannon , - S 00 Tamarack . , S.82 Trinity 8.82 t'nltsd Copper 83.00 1'tsh 55.00 Victoria a on IT. 50 IWInona 8 T8 S4.60 WblTerlne ... 18 00 It'. S. Mining.. 55 TB Boston Con... 4 7 jcsl. Aria., loe 50 BUck Mt .... S.00 r IKsst Bntta... O.00 I ButU Cosier. 20.75 IKIy ...,.-...r- S.2S- 9 8 50 ar.a, 8.50 . 12.50 , 27.50 fl0.00 20.00 Tl 25 16.2.1 11.00 811.60 lT.Ort 85.25 88.00 30T.TS 85 50 (Spsdnl Dlspstcb te The JoaraaL) Salem. Or., June to. The Mlnlaterial association of thla city, which was to Investigate the causes for the dismissal of Professor William Prentiss Drew of the chair of Greek and Lsttln In Wil lamette university, did . nothing; at their meeting; yesterday but to pas resolu tions commending; Professor Drew's ability as a splendid teacher and - his character- as a Christian gentleman. It was expected that tho city mtnlaters would briny pressure to bear to have an answer from the head of tho-university on what grounds the- trustees ejected Mr. Drew from the college fac ulty. It la stated that the preachers understand there were other reasons besides Drew's work for the Anti-saloon league which were distasteful to tho trustees and to the president of tha uni versity. Those who are' closest to the affairs of the college gay they know well that the attitude of Mr. Drew against the saloon would not have nec essitated his removal from the faculty, at IS stated that he was opposed to the policy of the . school aa directed by President Coleman, but Just In what particulars he was at variance with the executive head of the university Is not fully known to those on the outside. Apparently the embers of this Internal f)rc among the professors of the college of liberal arts have been smoldering for some time, and the time for the eruption Was opportune at commencement time, when changes In the faculty were to be made. Tho friends - of Professor Drew, because he was an Intrepid church worker, are said to have made too much capital out of his dismissal. It Is believed that It Is tho aim of the local Ministerial union to get a "posi tive atatement from President Coleman gs to -whether or not Professor Drew was -removed because of his labors, In behalf of the Anti-Saloon league. . Some are of the opinion that the agi tation of the Drew Incident Is to be kept up to diminish the popularity, and mini mise tho work of President Coleman. BECKWITH CASE IS v v : NOW BEING HEARD ' Judge ' Cleland ts hearing testimony in the suit of J. B. . Beck with for a permanent injunction restraining the Oallce Consolidated; Mines company from transferring on their stock books three certificates of atock for tS.OOO shares. - , . Beckwlth alleges thst the stock, waa and atlll la his, but that It waa stolen from him. He says he notified the of ficeraNof the company of the theft as soon as he learned, of -It, and they are now threatening to transfer the stock on the books of the corporation. . In answer it Is alleged that Beckwlth sent the . stock. wltb a sight draft to the Oarfteld bank In Chicago with In struction to collect the draft and de liver the stork to a man named H. Levy. . It la alleged that. the bank de livered the stock without collecting the drafwmi that Levy sold the stock as his own and It passed . through the TELEGRAPH . . '. ; raateert as the mire Ths only steamboat making a round trip Except Sunday Between PORTLAND nd ASTOHIA -.-.-SMO WAT eWIBJT ... lesave Portland............... ":00 a. ra. Arrive Astoria .,..i:o p, tn. IeMve Aatorla. ....... ,I:S0 p. nv Arrive Portland. ............ .: P- sa. MX8 SERVED A LA CARTB VcrtlaaA landing. Aides Street Book. . Astoria Xeaading, OsOlendar Book. B. B. BCOTT, Agent - Phone Main US. SB STEAM A filPo , 7 VAST aASD POPULAR ban Seattle 'JlTTEllOaV, June' SO. July 12. 34. 1 "DOLT KIM," Jnly a, IS, SO. . f . " . , CALUXO AT' '.' ' ' ' Ketchikan. Juneau.' Douglas, Raines.' Skag way, Conoerta wltb W. P. Y. route for , . Aula. Pawaoa, Taaaaa. Noms. ate.: Pee All Soatbagstsra AUsks Porta. 4 Call or sead for "Trip to Wonderful Alaska, V "Indlsa Bssketry." "Totel Poles." , THE ALASKA g. a. 00. " Traak Woolasy Co., Agents. -' ' 353 Oak - st. - r Portland. Or "REGULATOR LINE" The. Dalles, - Portland It Astoria Navigation Co. Boats leave Portland ant Tho , Dalles dally, except Sunday, at 7 a. m., arriv ing about I p. m., carrying freight and liasengera. Splendid accommodations for outfits and livestock, Doek root of Aides at, lortlaa Toot - , , ef Court srk, Tbe Bailee. ' . Vaoae Igaia S14, VogUaadU (esata (rss) is Lostsv Airtve, 3Traias to the East Daily 3 Jk Inmag atsndaiw aad toartst steep. touM .tUf to ka. Cblcaeo, apoksaTi TfcIrL fc o'ng-eaa dally to Cssaas City. th. I ... L ., enairesra (sasts Chlcaro-Portl.nd Som., Snok.V. VS. HS,on. dly, S:S0 am S:00pai r.i ,'-"" wsna Walls. ......, o '.t s"" aae s .d . ' At'M'arn points, dslly. S:1S pas S WaaJ Rrrilad led"!''" Vf ,:" ,:U r;: Tf " "-3 ' rrnad. daile a-ts am a na mat SW a.?MBt TilTISIOll. and way points, connectlna arlra steam-- .. wp" points, ronaeetiag wrrs tuSZ .J!Z""' Bcb. ateaajai eaeeBt aw.i w sssttw i. a. mmitr. about I . d!7' S.tnrdse. 10 p. m. Arrises T ' at..--eeept Sender. ' roe n.JiTO.1' -" Points. atl.n d '.T1 ty and Ismklll rread Rel VV;"? .?"" "d Modoe. Asht. dork, ailtrtnsi i?."7'.rIrDt aday (water pee. SBBdsy.; Lml.Jatl'' Pee rAK".'" RfttTTlt ; 'Ktaaria Ws.h'- a "ay points frotg tea Ear. A' "'mmm Bpeksaa snd Lewis. No 4 5!nl:4 . 0a arrteal Trala Ticket Ofdce. Third and Wa.hlngtoa eta. r . Tslenhnne Main TIB. ". 77 EASTvu SOUTH la " 0T. f Leara. ArrlT tTnlon rianiiS - . . Orer I and Ei press Trslna fe "stem, stoseoarg. Ash. Isad. Sscrameato. Ogdea, ' Ssa rrancleoo, Stock tea . " . jr r'- iv i i-aso. Nsw Orleans aad tks seat S:S01 HM Bat Moralng train connects st ' - Wood hum aillr -nant - -' . ' Snnday Trttk " train for""'.' ' A Moant Aagsi. glleertnn, , ' '" BrownsTlUe, ' SnrtngSeld, " Wendllng and Katroa.... S:4Spsi nJSaM Bugeae passMigee con nects st Woodburs -wltk ' ' ' ' r Mount Ansel sag tna local e:, nsI e-tn.m aa Corrallts psssenrsr., ey.,m . ag w prd - gherldsa pssseasee....... M Wlra " eg:a(iBj rarest sreee nssseaeer. IllOrsS pas . HlnlOaBi Dsfl.T. ' llrmnr eeeewt Snnclar. , JTtPFBRSON-STBfCKT STATTOW, -' . fee Dallas-snd Intarsaerflate nolnta e.tle d:lB p. m. Aniea Portland 10:10 a. am. ror rime ani card or (tewego sotMirbsa tralag apply st City Ticket Of flee, or ststioa. " Tickets to Ksstern nolnts and' Fnene-a. el Japan. China. Ronolala and Ana trails. nty ncaet nrnce comer Third lad waaae Inytcei streets. Phoet Mala Tit, a W. STII40BB. A. t.. CBAIO. ; . Cits Ticket Agent. , (ea. Pass. AresL S. S. F. A. Kilburn Per Coos Bay. sWrska aad gas rrmneieca. Next sailing from Portlaad, Monday, Jnly S Kelt selling from Baa Francisco, Toes., June tg g. L, OBBBrtOOOB. Agt, Otaaaa-lcb Dee Be. B. r-hone Mala lL . hands of several people who knew noth ing of the fraudulent manner In -which It had been secured from Beck wit It. The stock ts now in the hands of J. H. Plckart H. A. Combs and. Harry H. Lewis A Co. The Oarfteld bank Is paid to be insolvent and the present holders f--th-sttfrsk--t he -court- to adjudge that tho loss Is Beckwlth av PUBLIC SCHOOLS CLOSE TODAY FOR THE SUMMER "'.''!' 1 ; All the public schools closed ' today. This morning, the students received their cards showing the grades ' they made' during the term, and before noon achool In Portland for the year waa over. Last evening a number of tho schools held graduating exercises. - and this evening the commencement exercises of the High school will be held. . The office : of City Superintendent Rigler will be closed within a few days. It will reopen soma time In August. 1, : ea Serpent's Ktistsvohe. A French scientist has appeared to defend the existence of the sea serpent. According to the British Medical Jour nal, ho Is Dr. Raphael Blanchard, pro fessor In the medical fncnlt-r n ka University of Paris and member of tho Acaaemie os aieaecme. . - "He not only describes the monster, but gives a portrait, of him," says tho JotimaL ""The Bert-ant hsa a bead and .'t,oi like a seal, but with an Immensely long inn ana a very long ana flexible neck. He Is alao ornamented with a ene tache, and he la believed to have, a mane, though this does not appear-te bo quite certain.. . . '. '. ... "Blanchard ttronoaea to name it. beast MeroDhaa a name auara?eA v. Otidemont In 11. - " '," Aa Alarm lag Blroatlom frequently results from neglect of clog ging bowels and torpid liver Until con stipation becomes chronic- This condi tion la unknown to those who use Dr King's New Life Pills; the best and gentlest regulators of Btomach and Bowels. -Guaranteed by Bkldmore Drug Co. Price tc " C J HANSARD GETS HEAVY ' PENALTY FOR CRIME - (Special Plspatrk te The Jsornal.) Albany, Or., June Z(. Judge Ben aon of the circuit court this morning aentenred O. B. ITanaard of Lebanon to pay a fine of 4J00 and coats, together with to days in Jail for violation of the local option liquor, law. The sentence of 20 days In Jail must be served, the law leaving no other alternative, thla being the second offense. . . . . " , Will SoU Beoeptloa. .. . Mrs. Sukhoda Banarjee and Rev.' P. B. Biswas will receive their friends Thurs day at the home of Mrs. A. E. Wh Re sides, 10 Qulmby etreet., They will have a farewell meeting BVlday even ing. June it. .-at 431 Rurnalds street, between Tenth - and - Eleventh streets. Servicew begin sf 7:4t.1-Dr. P. F. Bresee, general .superintendent of tho Naaarene church, frora Ixis Angeles, California, will, preaide at this meeting-. Mrs, Ban-1 arjee snd Mr. Biswas leave Saturday for .tEetr home In India. Dr Piprro sik Third st. Lfl e r I CI Portland. Or. Ooasnltattoa and Xaeyinlnatioa rmiiat. - Portland, Or. ' n " ... A CWM g what you want If you artffer from Tan. VT.e727 ' riflr9' omorr, O-ate, Btriotare, Kldaey, Sif Urlaary Slaaaaa. srarvona BebUlty. Zeost rt- 7' 5Vr1 waakaaea of orgwag ad a bfwakiiig owa of saina, braia mat body are often the reaults of Bright Xrooses 11 i. eaU!? . 7 "sgee, XadflsngwtloM snd Toutaful Vouies, .. ,.. ,u ,or DUB,nraa study, pieaaura or tnir mt,' Mm. tA i.e. ev. -- . . . . 7 " :- V ,.V wnis anuw JvM we Wli '"e sssausaiy, auappy will make row a 0 TIMKARD OF TRAINS Portland. Taloa Depot . . iLsers. Tsllowsrbne Park-gsnsaa Clty-St. Louis .Spsctal for Cbehalls. Centralis. Olym- : pis Oray's Bsrbnr, Soutg Bead. Tscema. Seattle, Sno- . kane, Lewlatoa. But to. ml- , lings, fleBTer, Omaha. Ksn aas city, St. Louis and Sonthssat. dsliv ...... North roast Limited, elee. trie lighted, for Tseomg Sesttle. Spoksne. Butte. Minneapolis fit. Psnl aad the Fast, risiiy , Pnget Sound Umlted, for riaremont. Cbehalls, Cen trslla. Ta corns aad Seattle only, dally Twta Cite Fipreaa fee Ta- Mini, sesrtrs. npnaane, Welena. Butte, St. Psnl, , ' Minneapolis. Lin cohl, St. - " Joseph. Ksnsss City. Oms- bs, 8t. Ixwta. wttbont . .-. . ehsoee nt ears, rrlrset eon. eeettonn for all polnte Best snd Sonthesst. dally.. 11:48 pea 1A;8S paS A. : D. CrIArT01;. Aastsraat Oensral rsse" senger Agent. MS jisrrinoa street, earner Third. Portland. Oregoa, Arrrra. SrSOaai d:3Sae 1:00 pa fm aa. 4:S9Bl gftOBsl Astoria & Columbia ' River Railroad Co tTaioa for Msygers, Salnlsr, Cists. wesrport. cnrtoa. lsTa. - Arriree - kanls. Astoris. "Warren rem. Fla. eel, Hammond. Fort Stev ens. Oearhart Park. Seaside. 8:00 eta 11:88 Sag Astoris snd Seashore, ea prees dally THIS pa 0:80 pal All trains defle. J. C MA TO. o. F. and P. A.. Astoria. Or. ' a A. STBWABT, Commercial Agent, Ml Aids street. Phone Ifsla SOS. wW"l ' 1 1 sal 1 i ' PORTLAND Phone. Main: 2000 , BANK AND OFFICE RAILING WIRE AND IRON FENCING Barbed Wire; Wire and-Lawn Fencing, ; Poultry- Netting, Etc." " VIRE & IRON WORKS j 1 m FLANDERS ST., Near Third - TNK COMPOmABLX WAV. . 9 Overland Trains Dally 7 'She Orieatal Limited, tbe Past Hall TIA BBATTLB AND BPOKABB. Ply. ., Lesrs. Portland time eebedala Ts and from Spoksne. . St. PsoL Minneapolis, . Irsluth and all points - feast eta Seattle 8:80 aa - t I lies pm Tn and from Bt. Psnl, Minneapolis. Dutntk and all points Bast Dally. Arrlrs. T-OOaa 80 pa via Spokane 81 spa S:0Saa sTorthera Stsemshla Os. Salting from Sesttle for Japsa aad China ports and Manila, esrrlng sea. asagera and freight- 8. B. Mtnneaeta, guly IS. . 8. 8. Dakota, Saptsmber S. KirrOH TVSIB KAiSHV Ilapsa Mall Steaaishlp Co.) ' I. Blejun hfam will sell from Seattle shout Jnae SS for Japsa and Chins porta, carrying psasssgsrs aad freight. For tickets, rates, berth fas errs Hons, ere., call na ne address ' K. PTCirSOlt, 0. r, T. A., ItS Third Si., rsruaaa. oragea. raeea aisia see. Steamer Chas. H Spencer PAST T1MB. ' V TBI COlTTaTBIA THE rtTriST tKlV X4 THS UBIIEO STATES. 1 laaTsasOakireat duck 1 a. m. dally far The Dsllre aad. way pointa, arriving The Dalleg S p. a.irttUrnlng i.m p. m., arelrlng Porto land 10 p. S3, (sxcept r'rldiy snd Snadsyi. Sua. dsy excursions Csaeade Lacks, l ai re tarnln 8 p, e. j ornce and wharf foot Oak street. . Pboae Main jnoo. , c' ' - csAixxa .- .nxxurrx. avourr. t j 1 -j ' i. 'A