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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1906)
THE -. OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 23, 1SC3. FOR SALEREAL ESTATE. FOR SALE FARMS. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST. " HOTELS. FINANCIAL BANKS. dcQTOi Park Lots - This Is txte best ' residence pmucity na ths market, tou 148aao as Mwip 13) , per kit and up, hi An resilience dletrlet, AIM 4 ,ieet rot He en lots J1M1UKJ feet, , close lo , bol, church and nf station; . price from H)0 to 11,660. Farm land, mall trans, sultsuls for plat " ting, and a number of 6-srrs tracta; price , rsnglng (roca 1110 to (ITS per acia; all eleee , to Lents, rail oa "r -IRA KlLBORN, Lenta. Oregon. Sl.BWt 4-RO0f bona. kt, In Sunn raids; has fruit and shrubbery! a-halt , cash. Call at Ifftti Third at. hOW Is roar tlms to bat doore. windows, floor tag sad all hind of building materials at a bara-ala. Appl to Americas laa Pbooe ranae soi. OT'gEi batlt, ssy part of elty, essy psyments. (II Commercial blk. Mala SOoo. . lOK SILK SO arras, anltabla fee platting. ' Inquire Kast 4X. ' S80 POLL lot la Mayor Gates addition : atraot Improved and aldawslt dowa; eaet- frontage; ' atora oa Boat kit. D, T14 Cbanbst; of Coaunsrea. , . KW bars rash barere for vacant business prop arty oa 1'nkm or Williams t' want It X oars: owners only. -' . L .. vCOLVM Bl A INVESTMENT CO.. -"" ' - Cor. Alnaworth aad Union are. . ' r Pbooo Woodlawn Till. 7 SEI.LWOOD LOTS. IS dowa aad $8 a monthi ' from ITS to 1300- Bellwood Townelte Co. H. P. palmar, mas ajar. Pbooo Hast 4T04. (,1,(K0 GOOD -room nooss aad T lota, with M bearing frolt two; chicken bouse and ' bara; ons-balt ml la front car lino; one-half rasa. Call at 10T Third at. ton BALI br owner, e-room booss. 83.000. oa - Sellwood car Hoe, 20 mtnatee' ride; elegant . lacatlon; good terms. Inquire at SO Ahlng toa btd. V FOR lALfj OB TRADE 4 lots ocBtrslly k - rated In tbs town of Ooldondala. Weahtng ' ton. Writs owner, James F. Nixon, Har ris burg, Oregon. -..- -HIGHLAND REAL ESTATE 1 KEALTI, RENTALS. INSURANCE, . COLLECTIONS. - pnalnras entrusted to my ear win bo promptly attended to. . SPIER, NOTART PUBLIC. 'Phoo Woodlswa M. 1088 Fne sts.. North. Portland. Oregon. 12,660 GOOD t-roora boa as and quarter block; nlro frolt trees; nosr East Soti st-i 1500 rash. Call at 10TH Third St. BOOD eubarbsn homo near Wlberg Lane; lot 100x100,' frails; price S1.S00. KlasoU, Com mercial blk. Mala 2823. iOCSR AND LOT, 111 12th at., food bargain. Davidson A Ward. Chsmber of Commsre bide. BIB Bast Bid Baal Eststs Co. for oast sldo property. Wa bars loo farms for sale, front one arre ap. oOT,. Hawthora are., psoas aaav lim. - pO yoa want a eoraar lot oa BhsTor at. I turrets tmprorsd. Iaqnlro of owaor, Kast oa. - ' , a roR BALK Lot, block lianayslde car, water aad sower on street, cheap. , Address 0 M, v tare JoaraaL e NICB corner. TRzldO. at tb aad Broadway. Inqatre at 8M Broadway. ' a OR BALE Neat R-room mttago, . lot tSxIOO; terms. -MS E, Sixth at. N. Si.TBO ONLY IS blocks from city bsU, corner lot, d-ronm hotwe, hot and cold water. la autre 341 Lincoln et.. corner Second. rOR BALE Bit barcala for smirk eale; d-room auborbaa cottaao. ground 100x100 feet, fratt and ahrabbery; by owaor. O. W. P. Towa- ; side Co., SIS Aider at la ft W. P. Ry. walling- BOO PA RMS, small tracta and lota; bargains oa -. , 0. W. P. electric line. 0. R. Additoev Lsats, Oregon. Take Mount Scott ear, so. - Si 28 Lots In DEN PARK TRACT. SB cash and $2.50 per mootb. Bnil HQ a water. 4 blacks from rnarerslty Park Station. ----- High, Ural and sightly. 5 Good neighborhood. Correspondenrw aollrltrd. , -PKAVKR REALTY COMPANY. Phono Mala 6L . 424 Lumber- Exrbanga. (OR SALE ftmall B-room hooae, S blocks . from car line, IU0OO. Jnqulra. MT Qaauav beta Bra. . r"0R 8ALB S choir lota. Portland Half bra. Iarel st.; make offer, rarrlnfton, SIS v Chamber of Cemmerca. i . 2B CASH Tor Are days only. Bice comer lot on Union avenue, opposite Piedmont. r Address owner, 0 So, care Journal. SMALL cottage, lot SOxloo, fruit trees, barn, i good team anil wagon e. 8SS Rodney are. BOMKBEF.KERR -Lj. j and 100x100 One corner lot. Within S blocks of food earltne: only $3,830; S1.000 down. Close-in swell modern reeldence, largo hard-anlahed frescoed rooma: full brick basement, furnace, bath and oTerythlnr that . -goes . to make a atrlctly modern ap-to-data home; 100 choice blooming rose bushes, bear ing fruit trace, beautiful lawn, carpets; S lots 100x121 feet. In district of fins rest- - denres, 1 block rarltno; Sd.OnO; $2,600 dowa. Bungalow, rooms, modern throughout; alee (rounds; too' 11 be delighted to see It; ' don't buy until yoa do; It's one of the best homes la city for price; $.IM0: -halt dowa. , HOME LAND COMPANY. 14Btt Vint at. Phono Main 1420. SPECIAL 4 large lots. B room cottage and . barn, near Bnnnyslde. 1 block Wear, $2,100. rSOD, oou aas( e? aaningww va. I OR BALE By owner, beautiful home, west slope Mount Tabor; H acre ground. S-rooaa bnnas, barn; flns ahrobheTy and hothouse log IB; choice fruit. Inquire at Mount Tabor drugstore. i. $1pn Lota In rOXCHASB ADDITION. $5 cash and SB per month. 4 ' City Water. 4 Works from car line. Correspondence solicited. REAVER REALTY COMPANY, Phone Msln SOBL 434 Lumber Exchange, TOR BALE Lots between Hawthorns and Di vision sta., $.SAO and up; $10 down and $10 month, by Conklln Bros., SIT Marguerite are. IN BT. JOHNS-" -t 12S Lota In terms, rinse In. 1 87ft Ijnts Box 100, esay terms, t blocks ' from carllns. , $ RIMw-LoU BOxino orr Jeraer a.r cloao tn. $l,SO0 Lot SOxlOO on Iranboe St., near court boose. St.BOO Lot 100x100. near Wookm Mills. $5,600 2)x200 factory sits; a gool loTSSt- rnent. , .u TIIH nAMB RROKERAOB CO.. Room B Breedrn bldg., Sd and Washington. jroR BALE 10 acres In high Stat of cultlra y ,-lnn In Canby, Oregon; T14 In strawberries tbs( yielded this seasoa $50 per acre; good ,- bouse, nne water; price $1,800. Wllllsm ; t'antwsll, Osbora Hotel, Grand sts. aad Kast Ash. Portland, Oregon. CHICKEN-RANCH, desirably located, In Bell - wood. Including email residence, for $000. . Klnsell, Commercial blk. Mala 2823. fct)R SALE arras covered, with cherry tree. B blncka south of Lents; excellent for plat ting; price I 'J. BOO. Mont Bcott Real Batata to , Lenta, Oregon. Phon Bcott S284. BlINNYBIDB RRSIUKNTR B-roora new and strictly modern cot tare, S blorks from car- . line; corner lot 44x100, beautiful laws with fruit and ahsde trees; this la a bargain st $1 BOO; only $2B0 dowa with terms to suit. ' Don't wait If yon want a pleasant bom. . H. W. GARLAND t CO., ' , mi roartb St. i - 4 BqpBKBT-BUILT T-roooi bonso la Irvlngtoa, - - 4hnrneirbly modern, oa full lot. -. $.1.000 Strictly modern B-reom bonso, Wil liams avs., near Tillamook. . n uiM.n ex vi.. BIO Lumber Excbatixa. Beemid and. Stark. t nr. pirDMoNT. -M ... ... ' SEE PIEDMONT, '' All Investors sbonld surely-. , BEB riKDMONT. Tab "17." 8t Johns or Woodlswa csr; cars leave every S or 4 mlnatea. Second and Waahlngton ats. - ' FOR SALE FARMS. i $0R SALE, by wner J alt or rt of on of the best fsrms near Foreat Grove; ,1o4 srres; .2ii0 scree bottom land. W 10, care Journal. JOR SALE 2S acre, S miles from - Roseburg Or.; irwd bouse, barn and fralthonse; all set In fruit and berries; .will axrbango.bslf In ' Portland residence property. Address Dtllard - 4,'Clayroa, Rosebnrg, Or. , , , a, SBCTlhN In Gilliam eoanty. wli . summer fellow snd sattat; on yalli rlth crop. snmmer rsimw sn saiiai; on yauroan, mile to warehouse, poatofflf-e and ei-twml; i2 per acre. W. t, Wataon, Uwsadolsa, rafoa, - 1' r rOR SALE One of the best little stork" fsrma, Vatublll county, kits of good ou tattle rauga, eoaalatlng of BO acrso; 4o acres la arst-class -crops swd - IS - oereo seeded to cketer, -well feuced aad lota of good water, firming Im plements, 1 bpsuldlng covered, hack, 1 team of bora, 6 rows, d a Tea -old heifers, i S cnlrra, T bogs, in h so dc-of. Angora goats, rbli-keas snd turkeys, sll kinds of fralt snd borrlss. B-room house with household furui lure, separator, water tu bouse, largo barn and ottier outbnlldlngs. ' phone In houae, M. P. IL, good school; that all go for S4.UW If sold sooa; easy tor ma. AdOrssa 0 W, care ' Journal, , IMPROVED farms, $0 to $100 per acre: B to 10 miles 'out. O. R. Addltoo. Lents, Or. Tske Mt. Bcott car. 0 crate. . ? SO ' ACRES good land, spring branch, osally cleared : no aaa f land; wlQ aell at bargain. Bob 103, Batseada, Oregoa. - LOOKING for -form? Why sot buy a rasrb la-one of the beet wheat counties In Oregon! Over $00 acres; 400 uader cultivation,- good boaae and bara, orchard, springs; $18 per acre; $4,000 caeb. tialanea long time at T per cent Interest ; will take crop pay. menta. If Intoreated, burry. Sherman county land tore like not cake. - Address W. A. Heiton, Monhlaad, Oregon.. THR WORK OF A LIFETIME Has made an - Ideal form of 110 acre 4 miles fsom Lents 60 acres under cultlva tloo. fruit and berries; bara 60x62 feet, 40 feet high; B bead of horses. 4 cows, 1 ' relf ; farming Implrmsnts of all kluds, X wagons, mountain hack and buggy, bsrncss, etc.; bouaa with 11 moms, mads modern by - eapttve - spring, which sum (Ives complete ' firs protection; nearly all the furniture snd everything else foes for $125 psr aers; $7,000 cash, balance 0 years' time. MOUNT BCOTT REAL BSTATH COMPANY. Lenta, Oregon. . Poena Bffrtt 22K4. FOR SALE TIMBER. CERTIFIED scrip, any eii prices. W. G. Uowsli. SM o Blsceet. Cbsmbee of Cos. WANTED Timber claims, close to water a railroad, for cssh) owners only. , COLUMBIA INVESTMENT CO., - ' Cor. Alnaworth and Union are. , . Phone WoodUwa 325. RELINQUIRHMBNT FOR BALB Timber eUlm. S.600.000 feet fin yellow pin, well located; must soil at cores price $160. 0 S, Journal. FOR BALB BOO.000,000 rdotr fir timber; a , Brst-class milling and logging; propoaitioai price will only bo quoted to an actual buyer. Call at room 61B, Marquam bldg. FOR SALE TB.000,000 feet of fir timber, close In on rarurisd. Including logging ootni ana eawmtTT with capacity of SO.OOO feet dally; It takes at once caa bo purchassd for ths Clce of the timber; act quirk If yoa want a rgaln) moat aelL Owner, W T, care Journal. FQR guaranteed timber Claims call room $24 Liomner aixcnange- uar. - HAVB yoa got timber lands, ltM or more acreet Or are yoa in ten rung to purcoassi .nave it cruised by an expert eruieer snd be In s position to know II market value; satis faction guaranteed. N IT, car JournaL a, HOMESTEAD rellnqulsbmsnt In Klickitat eonnty; gooa una ana nne umoor. r is, care Journal. $.800 ACBE8 yellow fir la Oregon, convenient to good logging atrsam, mm ana gooa nsroori -low price If taken soon. Address N 22, car JournaL HORSES AND CARRIAGES. FOR SALE Team. 8,000 pounds; 1 team. S.6M Knada, and 1 cheap . bora. 1.200 pounds, ions Bast 854S. Russell st. n . u r. mb,, -. .11 b.A. Sm a.l - very reasonable pries. Inquire STS Front fUiJ ALL kinds of horses and w a roue for sale or hire at reasonable pries. - 300 Front st. - AI'OTION BALB, 420 Kaat Clay, comer Sixth. Thursday, June ax. at l p. m., -40 neaa of horses, also several fair delivery, express snd csmptng wsgons; 10 set of bameas. John Twaddle, auctioneer. WANTED To buy medlum-slsrd truck or low. down wagon, cran uottie vo. rnone aiaiu 2288. - " ' " , 2$ Horses 57- r At suction and wit boot fall at the TJirlon Stockyards, Portland, Oregon, Friday, June SB. 1 p. so. sbsrp. This la a much larger and better lot then t bare bad at any of aiy ' other aales, and wHI b the best kit of on- broke horse sold Is Portland this season. " Come and see bow fast I will sell them. Remember tb data. Friday. Jon 28. at 1 o'clock p. m. , . JOHN TWABPLB. TO EXCHANGE. FOR SALE OR TRADB for country atora, nice cleaa grocery, Jocateo IB pieassnx pari 01 city, doing good bnslnaaa. 0 TB, care JournaL 107 ACRES, T mile of Vanoonver, Wash.; 88 ecrss In good atato of- cultivation; food house. barn, windmill ana xsnx; wnu mis rarm goes all the farm Implements and present crop; value for all. $7,600, or axchang. Call at 10TH Third at. 100 ACRES near Trout dole. 40 acre In cultiva tion, B-scr orchard; nig nam, sron muc bouae; fine spring, with wator piped Into bouse and barn: will sell for $n.B00, or ex change for Portia ad property. Cell at 10TH Third St. GOOD upright Kimball plaao for suburban- lot. . 1 m T 1 FOR BALB OR "TRADB $2.B00 stock of traceries. Including store Sxturee; will trade or Portland property; now doing a good btial ' aess; locsted oa Williams a vs.. osst aid. Applr'2C2 Russsll at. Pbon Best 18ST. FOR SALE FURNITURE. V BUGS Bad furniture of all descriptions, brand- 1...- ...I MMk.ue ie IIm. on Nob H 111 or In a B-room cottage, do not buy before yon see whst I bare to offer at my residence, 860 East Alder, comer lath. $90 OAK buffet $oB, 5 parlor davenport $88. , $40 bed davenport $25, beautiful oak aad ma hogany furniture and ruga for 6 or 10 rooms, seed only three weeks, cheap. fXW Esst Alder. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. WB prmt roar nam oa 80 calling earth, proper .. giae and etyle. 2n0 business cards. 1U A. W. Bchmale Co.. S28 First, Portland. Or. SPLENDID lot of damaged sewing-machines: Wheeler t Wilson, Ringer, Domes tie aad others. S. 8. BlgsL S88 Morrison St. FOR SALE An elegant large circular show ease, at en extremely low ftgnre. Apply to Mr. O. H. Lswltt, OoldM Eagle, Third and . Yamhill ata. HOLDRN'S RHEUMATIC CURE Sura car for rhsnmatlsm. Sold by all druggtste. - BOOKS bought, sold snd errbsnged at the Old Bonk Store. 228 Yamhill st-. BILLARD AND POOL tables for rent or for esle on esay payments. L- THB BRUNSWICK-BALK B COM.KNDEB 00; 48 Third St.. Portland. WESTERN OREGON MINING MILLING CO. headquarters; stock foe Sale snd Informatloa at First at. Phon Main 1828. - WB need furniture , and will pay full vain, rhnne Parlor Tttl Western Salvage Co 827 Waahlngton at. - SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES mad to ordet; .. eeeond-band anode for sale. Carlson St Ball . Strom. SH8 Courb at. Phono Clay 871. SHOWCASES, countera, Siruros bought, sold or . exchanged. Western Salvage Co., 82T Wssb. tsgtoa st. ' Pselfle TPS, ARTISTS' materials, picture snd framing. -1 I. H. Moor bouse a Co., Ill Alder at. 4 HAND60MB 'wall cases, 14 (Set. 11 feet. S S feet. Western Salvage Co., 821 Waahlng ton st. - FOR SALB Good fresh' inllrh enW, with or without calf; a gond horse, 1.B00 potinds, sound snd gentle. 1004 Mllwaukle.ars.j Sell wood car lo Oretton'a Grovs. OALE WINDOW SHADS CO.. MIT-Salmon, at. FOR SALE Olda mnbbnot'ln good shape; a bargain. Phon Woodlswa T8. FOR SALE Good fresh milk .cow, with or wlthl out cslf. 10O4 Mllwaukla as. -Bellwood car to Oratoo'a Grovs. -- ' -White - Sewing Marblns Co., H. D. Jones, SM Tm- niu si. t'none aisiboiiu. . - - FOR SALB-e-Mssmt fruit Jars. H gsllon nr. oosrt .v, prnt one per issen; mis ant coo kers complete. Crens Bottle Co., sornsr 14th sad Coach, , Fkone Mala UBS, 1)IMKNSI0N sheeting ablplock. root-paper, 23 sesia riv nau or teat, at a oargam. tan Trial bldg., the Trail, fair grounds, or 022 Lso, eve. " - " ' TYPEWRITER, good as new, at lees tbsa naif cost price. Inquire 233 wasblngtua St. FOR SALE Barber-shop. , 8u8 Kaat . Morrison. 1U CARAT dlamood, cost 1CB; will trsde for horss or wsgausi or sell cheap. Call Sll Waahlngton at. PERSONAL. MADAMS ANNA LUCKBY Principal of the American Beauty Parlors, gives scientific treatment foe removing wrinkle and facial blemishes with the French paste: -sleo Mate. Karrow'e famooe remedies. Kleetrlo and sapor hatha given. Pstlents received, ' with treatment. Board and - room- Satisfaction guaranteed- Testi monial from .leading physicians. Suite It Lange hotel. Sixth aad Washing ton sta. Photo Mala SOU. - MAKE MONEY EASY.- ... Bassms av foot spectsllst; get .8 diploma: our mail coarse In - chiropody on n lets of 1 four lecture. Formulae, Inatrnctlooe snd our method of removing corns, bontoo. cal louses, lugtuwlng and chtbbed nslls, wsrts, . moles and s II exereeenee of ths human foot. By mall, $2rV; $6 dowa, balance on easy pay. menu; after first lecture It will pay for It self. Write for full, particulars. Address Western Correspondence' School ,ot Chirop ody, . Allaky bldg.. Portland. ' Or. 'SUITS pressed while yoa wait, BOc Ladles' skirts pressed. BOc. Gilbert. 108 H auth saw salt to Qoells. Phoae i seine JOM. ANT ma a or worn sa can be strong sad sappy by sslng Brains Pills, ths (Treat ton lei price 81 a boa. 8 hoses an. with fall rueraatee. Address or call f. A. Cktmensoa. druggist. and Xamhlll ats- roruaBO, ur. DBTECTIYB AQBNCY Ooafldeetlal tavoetV gallons; reports mads en any Individual bast- Ksa or propertyt missing relatives Iocs ted 1 d debts collected; charges reasonable; eov ' responds ' soHHredi . . Oregoa Detactlvs Service, offices 114-111 ColBmbla bMg.. 888 Waahlngton at. Pboao Mala MIS. . LADIES' Tnrkleh barna. mass ago. bydristrls parlors; strictly first -el aaa place for ladles only. Flat A. Bfll Waablngioa stt, bstwasa lth aad lTtb sta. - DR. PIERCB. epectallat dlseaaes of women: aR , Irregalarltlee corrected: no expoeure: edvlce free. Call or write. Room 8. MS4 Third st. MANLY vigor restored by Dr. Roberts' Norva Globales. One month's treotmsat. SS: S Bioa ths, JS seat securely sealed bp maR. ' Agents, Woodard. CTarks A Co.. Port! sod. Or. ELECTRO THERAPEUTIST. BeaJ. H. Stahl cures everytblnf, rbeuma tlem apecUlty. 91 First aC YES, Palm Tablet meke roa sleep paifeetlri . they euro aervoasaas ad sasks yo stroogt prle 80 a boa, $ boxes $2,80; guwraateed. All arafgleta, or address Brooks Drug Cow. 8f North Third St.. PortUad. OrogoB. SEXINR PILLS rare all form of nervona or mosculsr waakness. for mea or v. Prle $1 a boa. 8 botes $8, erlth fuU guaran tee. Address or call J. O. Clomeoson,- drag gist. Second and Yamhill Sta- Portland. Or. HOLDRN'S RHITMATIO CURB Sur rneamatlsnL Bold By all arovisa HUMAN HAIR BW ITCHES Par after yon re ceive them; send a aampla of your hair and we will send yoa one of oar $1.80 switches., 2 VI as., 22 Inches; If s big bsr- faln remit; If sot retnrn. - Adorees Ladlea sir Emporium, 824 Dmrbora at., Chicago, .111. - DR. O. Y. KBTCHUM cars promptly private . dlaeasaa, kidney, nervous, eklo and special fatnaleiroohlea. Cell or write. Offlc V"J4 Third St.. or. YamhlU. Phone PadfU 2228. TURKISH BATHS. S0 Orefonlsa bldg.i U die ays, gonuemea nigota. atata ups FORBIDDEN FRUIT,1 A Oa Lottie rto." "Story of a a Slav.'v' '"FiMiy Hill." ''Agae." Womso of Tlrs."TWc escb; list tree. A. W. Schauta Co.. S28 First at. DOLL'S HOSPITAL Repairing aad di easing. SSI Xsmhin at. BINO CHOONG, Importer ef Cttnew root 1 SCIENTIFIC vibration relieves suppisssedr pain fill monthly periods, paralysis, rheumatism; . free examination. . 108 Weet Park at. RALM OP FIGS for aR female d East BelmoBt. Phon Beat 4084, DI8EA8E8 OF WOMEN Private - mstsrntty knspltsl; rmlet location snd special ear. Dr. Atwood. Morrleoa sL. room 8. Phone Paclfl IT6S. HOLD ON Thar Is one thing that wil car rheumatism. Ask yoar druggist for berk tonic or address or sail J. O. Clems nooa. drug flit. Portland. Or. MOLES, wrinkle, superfluous ban1 removed. It me tell you how. No charge. Mrs. M. D. Hill, Salts 1. Selllng-Hlrsch bMg. Paclfl IBS. WB MAKR' a specialty of superfluous hair. skin refining, scalp. Invigorated, manicuring, blemishes removed, bnlduess trusted; work guaranteed. Boom 202 Good Bough bldg. ELDRRLY lady with property wishes to meet gent over 80 matrimonially mcllnod. X 12, care JournaL A CHRISTIAN lsdy wtshee to meet a Christina . gentlemen aged about BO; object, matrimony It suited. Address X 8. care Jon real. PEDICURING and healing: rbenmarlsm cured by hsndrubbing. 144 Vt Sixth at, near Alder. MISS ETHEL WARD, face and scalp massage, manicuring, chiropody. Room 25, 1404 8th. WANTED- To meet respectable young .. lady with Intention to call oa and go out even lnga. F. C. Bcltler, 234 Columbia St., Port land. Oregon.- ' - 3 m AUTOMOBILES. COVEY A COOK Motor Oar Co.. Fifteenth and Waahlngton Agents for Cadillac, Pierce, j, Greet Arrow snd Stevene-Dnryea motor-car; machine rented, repaired aad stored. Mala 868. ART EMPORIUM. PROFESSOR R. MAX MEYER, 848 Alder. Portrait snd Isndsesps srttst sad teacher. ATTORNEYS. A. H. TANNER, attorney, 60S Commercial blk . Second and Waahlngton sta. Phone Main 842. ARCHITECTS. H. H. MBNOSSL Architect. IIS Second at. ASSAYERS. GARVIN CYANIDB EXTRACTION CO.. Montana Assay Office. 188 Morrison st. BATHS MASSAGE. YOL'NO lady give vapor, alcohol and mdlcatd bath Parlor ST. 288H Stark at. S L AI1 ES Bath, face and seal msssaga. 208 Fifth, bet. Taylor aad Salmon. TWO young ladlea give massage, tub snd vapor bathe. - 110 Fourth St., cor. - Washington. Rheumatism, cured by mssssge by young "Oar. msn lady. 2XMV4 Stark, 21-23 Tacoma Boose. MISS . RAYMOND give baths and massage treatments. Tb Cosmos, SrtHVi Morrkton St. LADY from the esst give scientific mssaag, vapor and tub baths. Soil Third st. TUB BNOWPEN BATHROOMS. 2RTH Alder St.. between 4th end nth Tub and Vapor hatha, maaaage, electricity, phono' Main 688ft. - BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. HOWB. DAVIS KILHAM, 10 111 Second et Blank book manufacturers: agenta for Job Improved Loose-Leaf ledgers; ees tb act - Enreka leaf, the beer- oa the market. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. 8. RIRKE WALIr CO.. B04-808 Everett at. Largest botchers' supply Bouse on the ooaat. Ssassah. --wnrvaaaarsasrirs-nr I I I iffmir""!! COMMISSION .MERCHANTS., BTBBDINa St FARRCLL. produce sad 1 slna aserrhsBta. 148 Frel at et. r Fhoao Mala ITS. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. ltawasBwSamxsBl M. .A. GUW8T A CO' Dlstrtbators of " ort ad. Orsfon, i Frcc2 Freer Free! v - ' IF NOT CORRECT.' "" a ... . ' , PROFBviHOS) A. FTO, - ' Tb Eminent . Clairvoyant Psychic Mystic. -Special . Reduction This Week. Resdlufs, ' fcOc BOc 80e 600 60c 80s 60i BOc BOc Woaderfaf, bewildering, Is . tb work of Pyo, wbaee readings are a revelation; adrk on ip, marrlags, eoortanip, business, mines; also reunltao the aeiMrated: elves ascret power to control snyons In 21 daya. He telle your full nam and what yoa want to knew. All business strictly rmiftilentlsl. , Ths our. H03V, Wssfalngtoa St., snrner - Fifth. Hours . m. to p. m. - Alwsys Consult ths Best. ' PROF. B. KHIMO, - ' Ores rest .living astral deed-trsne elalr voyent ef the sge; sdvlasr oa business snd all affaire of llfs; tells year full name aad ' wbat yon called for, whom yoa- will marry, j bow to control the one yoa kv. even though Billes away; reunites tb separated: glvee secret powers to control; no long delaye la siting. Hours TO lo 8. daily and Sunday. Permanently located la ble own home. ' .-. 2&S Fifth St.. corner Msdlaoa M.J; , A SPECIAL' $A reading for $1. St.; Georga Ormonde. Royal English Gypsy. ' Consult . him on love, business, rbsnges, marriage, dl . vorcei tells names, datae. secrets, bow to fet well, be magoctlc. physically sndaveb sllv vigorous: overcome bad habits, gives good lurk, cures vltsl kisses, evil Influences, spells, deafness, snsent treeimeni. tocsres missing friends, burled trsssure. mines, ore veins; - tells yoa exsrtly what you wish to know.'llOH roartb at., corner Washlngtna st. MRS. STEVENS, Portland's leading palmist. utmlnM. iiul eleleeneant. ISA Seventh at.- epp. Hotel Portland. MADAMS ANNUVE, the wonderful cbslrroy . sut and franco medlom: consult hsr before sa . gaging In any undertaking of any natural . paat. present and futurs, given; palmistry resdlngs. 26. 1ST Wast Park St.. nar Morrison. PROP, WALLACE, ths great palmist, tells yoa svsry thing from the pslm; teaches pslmlstry; about marriage, lovs, business; complete resdlngs 60c; aecorats sad trutli fuL S8H Sixth at., sear Stark. MADAME EVE, sclentlAe csrd reader: satisfac tion guaranteed, lsftv, Sixth St., cor. Alder. COLLECTION AGENCY. DOr.-l ANY ONE OWE YOU MONEYt WE COLLECT' BAD DEBTS OF ALL KINDS. NORTHWESTERN LAW A COLLECTION CO., 122 GRAND AVE.. ROOMS 14 AND IB. CITIZENS' BANK BLDG. CUT THIS OUT. PHONB EAST -8048. COAL AND WOOD. ALBINA FUEL CO. Dealers In eordwood, coal and greea and dry elabwood. K. R. and Alblna ava., S block east nf ferry. Bast 674. WESTERN Fsed A Fuel Co.. on Front, be tween GUssn aad Hort, dealers In all blade of houae cos Is and blacksmith coals. Pboue Main IMS. STEEL BRIDGB FUEL OO. Dealers la coal, eordwood and dry alahwood.- . Phoae East 424. OREGON FURL CO All kind of coal and wood. 80S Alder at. Phoae Mala 66 BOX and planer wood. Standard Wood Oa. Immediate delivery. Phone Esst 2X16. - 4-FOOT eordwood $8.60 per cord; sawed, $S TB and $4- 488 Commercial at. - Phon S. 6100. PORTLAND 8LABWOOD CO. Slabwnod, $1.60; end wood. $1.75; Inside, $2; dry, $2.60. Mala 8119. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. WASHBURN A FLOYD Carpenters, Joiners and carriage work. 88 6th at. Pbon Pacific 2108. STAPLES A MOORE, contractors snd Jobbing', sll kinds of cement Work, walla built of stone snd cement blocks. 1811 First. Msln 6064. a CARMICHAEL, contractor snd builder: store end 060s flttlogs. 88 Fifth St. Pbons FcctS 80S. . I. HENDERSON- Carpentering and Jobbing promptly nttended to. Residence 60S Mil waukts at Esst 3SS8. . IF yoa want second-hand lumber at a bargain call st Trlxl bldg-, fair grounds, or 622 Leo sv. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WHOLESALE crockery and glass ar. Preel Begele Co.. 100 to 118 Fifth, cor. Stork st. carpetVcleanino. STANDARD Carpet Cleaning Co., largest plaat on the coast. Lorlng and Harding ata., tele phone Eaat 2R0 Carpets cleaned, refitted, ewer and laid; both ateam and latest com- prseaed air process : renovating mattrseeea aad feathers s specialty. SANITARY carpet cleaning, suction and com pressed sir combined; carpets cleaned on Soar without removal. Mala 6684. Main 8200. t. HUNTER, steam carpet ' and matinee cleaner. 660 Jefferson, Pbons Main 214. CAFES. THR OFFICE SW1 Waahlngton St., pbons Main TTl. nemoet vigneax. CHIROPODISTS. CHIROPODY AND PEDICURING. Hill, Suite 1. Selllng-Hlrsch Bldg. CLEANING AND DYEING. ' WHITE LILY TAILORING CO. Cleaning, pressing-, repslrlng; French dry cleaning. Phone answered .promptly. Pselfle 418. Alder sad Tth. Portland Steam Cleaning A Dyeing Works; prse-tb-sl batter' In connection. 211 4th. Pacific SOT. CLOTHES cleaned and preeeed $1 per mootb. Unique Tailoring Co., S4T Waabugton at. - I. W. TURNER, prnfeea tonal dyer and cleaner. SOB Jefferson st. Pbon Msln 261S. DANCING. LESSONS fn dancing at your bom, or at my resldenco. C. P. Smith. I'sclflc 1118. I DRESSMAKING. DRESSMAKING of all kinds. ' Hotel Ken von, 18th and Washington. Pbon Pacific 406. FASHION A BLR DRESSMAKING Miss Taforre of Ssn Franclaro would like the patrnnsge of Portland ladles; will design for or assist yoa. It 10th st. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO. Engloeera, enntrac tors, repairers, electric wiring, supplies. 84 First, cor. Stsrk. Main 8S8. R. H. Tate, mgr. FURNACES. BOYNTON warm-air fornaee-asv fuel. J. a Baysr Pursers Co.; 266 Second. Main 481,"" FURNITURE FACTORIES. 0K8XION Furniture Manufacturing Company Mannfacturere of furniture fur the trade. . Portlsnd, Oregon. FURNITURE maaefactarlng and eieclsl orders. L. Ruvensky's furnltnre fsctory, 870 Front st. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTT-AND WIRB ft IRON WORKS 268 Flanders et.. cor. Third, phone Mala Booo. GROCERS. WADHAMS ft Cq.. wholessl grocers, msna fsrturers snd eomttlsslon msrebaata. Fourth aad Oak am. ALLEN ft LEWIS,- commission andprodur mee. chaata. Froat sod Davis sta., Portland, Or. GASOLINE ENGINES. STATIONARY and marine; "Little Special" taeoiine launcn, fivo; seenna-asna - eiectria iBBChe and hulls. RKlERKON MACHINERY CO - ' 182-4-8 Morrison St. HAY AND GRAIN. X L. COOPER ft CO. Potatoes -feed Sad IU, tnkiB its. i' 'as Cast IMT, HOTEL PnrtteBd, Amerlcaa pUa; $S, $8 as day. BELVEDERE; ESropeaa pis a; 4th aad Alder ata. HAT FACTORIES. HATS cleaned, blocked, made like new Cos 80; expert Panama bleacher. 64 Third,, near Pins. Branch. :Q4 First. Pselfle 18. ' N ( HARDWARE. ,'ffTortTTnd- and Hardwire Co. solicits opportunity to quote prices. 188 1st at., cor. Alder. Mala 1384. INSURANCE. ISAAC L. WHITE, fire Insurance. . bldg-. 800 Pskas) JAS. Mcf. WOOD, employers' liability ssd In dividual accident surety bonds of sll kinda. Phono 4T. SOS McKay bldg. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN Oa Improved elty property or for ball ding purposes, for from 8 to 10 years' time, with privilege to rcpeysll or part -of nea after two yeara. Loans approved from plana sad . money advanced aa building progresses; BMrtcsgea taken np and replaced. - FRED H. STRONG, rlnanclal Ageat, : 2U Stark St. THB STAB LOAM CO. Any salaried employ, wage-earner, caa gel sa hul nota, " without mortgage , -. Month. H Month. Week. $W 00 Repay to as $18 S or $4.60 or $8.88 JT noRepay to aa $ 8.88 oc 81.BB or it.88 15.00 Repay to aa 8 4.0ft or U 00 or $1.00 S10 McKsy bldg. on policies, pianos, . furniture, warehoaoe re . celnts, etc; say doeerving pereoa may a era re a liberal advance, re pay Log by easy weekly or monthly Installment NEW ERA LOAN A TRUST COMPANY, SOS Ablngton bldg. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE Aad others apon thslr own name without 1 security: rhespeet ra tee. eaaleet payments: office la 88 erlnrtpel cities; aava-yottraalf money br getting our termo first. TOLMAN. 2?l AbloeVoa bMg., lost Tblrd St. HBADOUARTERS FOR SAI Rt LOANS Mooey caa be borrowed on easy payateat Bias, lowest rstes; strictly confldentlaL . - CREBCENT LOAN CO.. . 428 Mohawk bldg.. ear. Third snd Morrteaa. MONEY to loaa on real, personal snd collateral security; speclsl attention to chattel mort gages; notes bonght. a W. Pallet, S04-S - Fentc bldg., 84 Sixth at HIGHLY respectable place where lsdiee snd gen's Lean borrow- money on diamond aad Jewelry. Collateral Losa Bank. 288 Wash-, Ingtoa st Phone Black Tl. . MONEY to loaa oa Clackamas enanty lend. B. F. sad F. B. Riley. 608 Chamber ef Coav LOWEST rates 00 fnrnltor end" piano. Bast, era Loaa Co., 448 Sherlock bldg. Pselfle 2118. MONET TO LOAN on all bJnds of eeeorlty, - William Hull, room S, Washington bldg. TO LOAN Sums to suit oa chattel security. R. A. Frame, 614 the Msrqossx. tr; WILL Vss S. 000 or lees on res eststs security st 6 psr sent, Fsrrington. 818 Chamber ef Commerce. , . PRIVATE money to loan near Portland at ressonsbls rates. Sol Bloom. 688 Chamber - of Commerce. , ' Money to Loan f From 1 private funds oa Improved property. T J. U WELLS C0 -- 84 Grand av. - TO I-O AN Money 1b email sums n real estate; very reasonable. Address P 4, car Journal. MONEY. TO LOAN at 6 per cent Fire and caaualty Inanrance. ' Henry C. Prudhomme, 618 Lumber Exvhanga. pbon Main 446. $3,000 OR Irs to loaa on real aetata. 0. A. Josjbsob, SIS Commercial blk. MONEY loaned salaried people on note; cheap est rites. F. A. Newtca, 424 Abtngtna bldg. MONUMENTS. NEU A KINOHLEY. 288 First at.. Portlaad'S leading marble end granite work. .MUSICAL. EMIL THIELHORN. pupil t SEVCIK. viol I o teacher. Studio IBS Sixth. Tel. Main 8868. MACHINERY. THE H. C ALBEB CO. Second-hand msrhlsory, aawmllla, etc. S48 Grand av. B1PPELX- A . MYERSV-s blnlats- aad-eVae-trtclase; electric elevatare, elsctrlcsl maehln. cry and gssollne engine a specialty. 224 Oak St. Phoa Mala I82A. . B. TRENKMAN A CO. Mining, sawmill, kw- flng msrhlnery; bydranllc pips, castbig; all Inds repaired. 104 North Fourth. x:1' 1 si 11 an aa 11 mi nil 1 I I 11 I'l t MAGNETIC HEALINO. SEXUAL dlsessos of both men snd women cured: ronsaltatton free, Msht 41 TS. J. 0. Diamond, L. H. Heart, IRS Seventh et. ORIENTAL RUGS. ORIENTAL RUGS repaired aad c leased by ne'lv experts; we as the origins! vegetable dve cashmere wool for oar repairing; all work guaranteed. Call Bp Oriental Rug Re pairing Co., Pacific 236. 644 H Waah. at. OSTEOPATHS. DRS. AD IX A NORTH RUP. 41S-16-TT Dskam bldg , Third and Washington ata. 1'beae Main $48. - Extmlnatloa free. THB very beet lsdy osteopath la town. . Dr. U O. Johnsoa, salts IS. Sslllng-Harsch bldg. DR. PIERCE, osteopath, rthrstton and the a light. 61 H Third ex. Phoa Psclne 86T. PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. F. K. f BEACH ft CO. The Ploaoer Paint Co. I window -el, ss snd glaalng. . IBS First at. Phono 1884. . PLUMBERS. DONNERBERG ft R A DEM ACHE R. removed ts No. 808 Bnrnalde at. FOX ft CO.. aanltary plumbers, 231 Second, bet. Msln aad Salmon. Oregon Phone Msln 8001. FINN1GAN BROS, ft CO.. 2X8 Third st. Phone Msln 2BO0. Plumbers snd besting engineers. PRINTINO. THE jrfoDHRN P R I N TE R Y Artistic printing. 26 Rnssel bMg., Fonrtb snd Morrison. Phone . Pacific 1626. . J ' ANDERSON ft DI'NIWAY COMPANY, Printing, lithographing, blank book. Pbons Mala IT. . Staj Alder st. -1-RUBBER STAMPS.- P; cOsT A if P W OR K S? 248 Alder St. . phoSe Mala . T10; rubber stamps, sesls, stencils; bsgghss,' trade checks; send for catalogue No. SB. ROOFINO. TIN ROOFING, gutterlnc. repairing and genera I jobbing. J. t11- 1 Jefferson at. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES of every deacrlplloa; bank, bat snd store Sxturee made te order. The Lutke Manufactnring Co., I'orMsnd. : . R. H. .BIRDRALL, dealraers scent M. Winter Lamber Co., T Hamilton mi. - aiai oo.. SECOND-HAND vGOODS. ATWATER' A CARL' furniture boose Highest Rrtcee psld for second hand furniture, SIS ecosd sti'Tboss Pselfle S. HIGHEST cash price paid for ySCoswd gooda. Phoae East 6077. 128 Union av hsad av. STREET PA VINO. - WARREN Construction f.. street paving, aid, . walks snd crossings. T16 Oregon! a a bldg. THE Barber Asphalt Pavluj-C. of PertUad, , Otflos SM Worcester si . x ' ST BATIONAL klXX OF FORTLARD. Deelgaated Depository an Flnaadal As at f lb raited rVoaldewf..,.;. a. u Ml 1.1-8 raable ' Wi, "JJIJI J ant CaablT.............V. C. ALVORD Second Assists! Caabler . B. F, STSf ,. Assists Ittecs eS r-M-. - 1 1 . m ... Sight Exrbaaga and Telegraphic Transfer sold on New York. Boston. rMreee. St. Leora. Bt, Paul.. Omaha. San FvanHsc aad the prlaclpsl points In the Nothwe-a - Slsht and time Mile draws la sains to salt en London. Perls. Berlin. Frenkfort-oo-rhe-MelB. """"" f. xokohsms, Copsuhsgea. Stockholm. St. -DO T1T.T0V. BARKERS fKvtabllabsd .la 8 IFvtabllabed .la iieekie. a.s Traaaaete a Sianal able terme t- . - , . . ( Statsa. Sight Exrbang and Telesrspblr Tra safer sold on New. York. Waablneteei. fwlesr", St. Lsals. Denver. Omshs. San rasdeco aad Moataaa snd British Colnmbla. RveheBgo q London. Psria. Berlin. Frankfort. Honskena. Yokohsms. Msalla aad Heawlnla. M FJlCHAKTr S, ATIONAL BARK. PORTLAND, OREGON, J. FRANK WATSON Fresldeet R. W. HOYT.. Caeble "aaeU Oaaoral Banking Bwlaoaa. TranaaoU Oaaera! Baakla te All Parts ef the World. Collecrloas a Specialty. BARKERS' A LUMBEAMA'J'S BAVK--Petlaa4. tregoa. Corner Second snd Stsrk streets. Commercial ssd savings department. Interest psld oa saving sccoonis. Drafts an letter of credit Issued available la all parte ef the world. Ope Saturday evenings frsoa T to 8 for the acoommodsttsa of customers. , . " PELTON ; ...Prerldeat E. P. MRARS v!5E! FRED H. ROTHCHILD... First Ylca-Presldeat H. D. STOREY. ...... ..i.i.Aeststsat Csshlse JOHN A. KEATING ..Second Vice President PLATT ft PLATT. ftmersl Cos el TSM BANK OF OAUTOXVIA KstaWlshsd 184.' Hsad' Offir. Baa iaaalm. ''", r Capital paid ap ,. , . . M.00a.000.otM8prplns aadewodtrlded J"",!- L'JrasBiiti ' m mni sveosiuB ana B-xensaeT rtosjoese trsnssexsa. . . . Interest e time deposits. Aeooants opeawd tor ssms of 810 sad anward. Fortlat awaara ' Chamber ef Commerce hnlldlng. ' : '.. : WW. 4, MACRAB.. Manager. J T. BURTrHAFiLt. - T -AasietaBt sfsaeoxer t T rNITKD STATES VATIOBAI, RASTX OF PORTLAND. OREOOsT. B I ; i aenowm 1-ar. Tpaeieeete a SUnere-l "V-kine Bmste as. noruwesx tjov. i rb'Tittd Stele aad karoos. HooeVnns snd Manila. Collect lona Stada an Fswrable President , J. Q. AINS WORTH Vice-IT eel dent. R. LEA TARNS Asslstsnt Csehlee...... A. M. WRI1HT TRUST COMPANIES. aeeej'MwaeM i.iliew,ii.ia iiae'sma. "i'e 1 1 ,,u tkvbt ar, I tj uxtuu a a . na.cuutfi.-En ovbk Sl.tpm.orei. tenerai SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. Tim certificates, (BOB or over. 814 to 4 per cent. CeU lor hook BBS Oak at. Phoo BBNJ. I COHEST., ............Proa Idest B. LKB PAGET Secretory CJ tCVRITY SAVTNOS A TRUST COMPART- a Oeoeeel -.eklno BnalnaoS. so Time an fleet,. . te Aete aa Tenstee foe Estates, AvausBis in Ail rarta a F. ADAMS i.Preeld U A. U MILLS.... Second Vice l.e.1 deal B. GEO. F. RUSSELL 'KS MORTGAGE OVARARTEX TRUST COMPART BAVX. ' ;'. General Banking and Trust Business Transacted. Interest Paid on Tim Caposrr. 0. W. WATERBUBY. ..:::.Vr m vaa.w Elks Temple. Seventh and" Stark' eVT 0BXHW1STEBBT TJARARTXR A TRT78T I 'w uimDsr Kxcnaage, a. u. corner neoona snu Btani FISCAL AGENT FOB CORPORATIONR. Stst. County, Municipal and CorporatloB Bonds bought aad aold. Hew eatorprlaas . and flnsnced. Stocks and bond gqorcntood. TTTLT OTT AM ARTIE A TRUST COMPANY t4o Wast. Ingtoa, Street. Corner Bsocaa I MORTGAGB LOANS oa Portland Reel Batata at Lowest Rat k Title lasers. AS, a areaets -Puratshed. BONDS AND M ORRIS BR0S-18S elis Bsreet, Pert! aad. Oregon. -. Offer ailt-Bdg Inveermeuta 1a atantrlpal aad Bathed", Bond. Wrft or CR. D0WRTB8-KOPXTXB OTatPATY--Xatabllsh MSB BBOXXBB STOCKS, BONDS. GRAIN Bought and Sold for Cssh and aa Itargta. Private Wires. " ROOM 4 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Phon afsta ST. Overbeckg Starr S Cooke Co. 10, gT. ZrZV. . ORATR, PBOTT8ION8. COT TOST, STOCXS AND BORDC , WE DO A STRICTLY 00MMIS8I0R BTJBINXSA " ' ' rv .ileau Marksts bv Private Wire. Quick Service. REFERENCES Ladd ft Tiltaa, Bank. Conttmoos Markets by TU,"' guST Na tlonal Bank ef Portl.d. Uaexcelled facintle for hsndllng Tonopeh. Goldfisld. Manhattan and other Hated rntnlng stock. Louis j. mffi K MCRICIPAL , SCHOOL AND ' CORPORATION BONDS arirtiaet Returna to Investors Oooslstes t With A boars ts Safety. . PORTLAND NORTHWESTERN HOMB TELEPHONE A TELEGRAPH SBCTJRTTIBS SAFES. PORTLAND SAFE CO.. sols agenta for HER-RING-HALL-MARVIN 8afaa and ' MANOA- iiEBB Bteel net w. e w. . mm DIBBOI.D Mangaaea and fireproof as fee; auc ceeeful pragveee stslost burglar aad fire; lock oats opened. Mr. Super, mechanical expert with i ,f' 1 m PtTJlu1 lra Phone 1865. SIGN PAINTERS. GOLD SIGNS, window lettering, cloth banners, economical electric slgne and s1 of sU kinds made quickly. Foster A Klelser, Fifth sod Evsrstt. Phoa Bxchaags 68 W. P. BRBOER ft BON. 24 Yamhill St. Signs of all kind. Phoo Pacific 2232. " SCALPTREATMENTr SCALP aad face maaaage. maauteartng; agent for Dr. Oirl.tleoTa French toilet articles. Jl-lS Orend thestr bldg. Main S4T1. Hoars, $ 80 to S. TELEPHONES. THB only sicraslv telephon boas. B.-B. nisctrle A Televhon Msoufsctnrinf com. yeny. 82 Fifth at. r TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, braah. soap. $1 per mootb. Portland Laundry andTowal Bunnlr t.. SI 1 m u . anu . - -.- TYPEWRITERS. HEW typewriters, sll make, rented, aold and repaired. Coast Agency, 231 Stark. TOMOT. TRANSFER AND HAULING. SAFES, p.soos snd furniture moved, parked ready for shipping and shipped; all work guaranteed; large. 8-story brlc k. rV warehouse for storage. Office SOB Oak at. - C. M. Olseu. Phone Msln 64T. THE BAGGAGE ft-OMNIRSJS TRANSFER CO cor. Sixth aad Osk at; baggage checked from hotel or roeldeae direct to destination; paaoengers 1 therefore avoid rueh and annoy ance st depots. Private Exchange 68. , 0. OPICK. office 88 First St.. between Stark sad Osk sta., phone 688; plsnoa aad furniture moved and perked for shipping; commodious brick wsrebous with aepsrats Iron room, Froat aad Clay at. L OREGON TRANSFER CO.. IB North Sixth. Phone Mela nw. neavy - ,-s POST SPBCUL DELIVERY. No, 200 V4 Wsxh- CUT rate on poasobold good to sll points eeet; we tieke up csr loads; speclsl room ror trunke whllo waiting. Oregon Aato-Deepatch. IS First et. Phoae Mala T1S. ' - WINDOW SHADES. GALE WINDOW SHADE CO., S6T Salmon Plain and fsucy snauea msoe, tq ararf, WIR3 AND IRON WORKS.- BAST PORTLAND FENCR ft WIRE WORKS, 180 E. Water st. Pbons Ktst 821, UBOOlXi'a W aiwwae From th Boston Post, -It 4Utd ibfX st ona.tlm PrBl dent Lincoln -wajs con verslns with an aristocratic AmcrlcAn 'Indy altout tth United Btatea. when ah rsmAfhad; "I lov my countrri or course, but am much grieved that ther r so msny common poP' ' ,,, 'Pll6-: "But madam, think how God must hv loved therar-lfw made o many of them." A soldier at. who houa when a boy Mtiooln paused in his tramps In Illinois, and who toaned him a r whetatono to aharpen hla Jackknlfe, met him during the war, in Washington. Llnooln re membered Ih6 Incident and apok of th use of the whwtston. "f.a-a-8." drawled out th old sol dier. "V,hateyr did you do wltth the whetstone T I ner could And it, W'e 'lowed mebb you took it alons with you." "Nono. I.jiut It-on top of. the antepost-r-that hlgH one." ."Mebbe you did; nobody els oould have reached it, and none of na ever thoiiRht to look ther for It." there It was found where It was placed fifteen year before... The nidier report inw caci fa to pirai tfeat, ' . e' OBEGOV. . e. .. u . B, .tee. petrwnsrg. Mecow;MricDjw...-, 1816. 181. f e . CnlU etl.ane m ml sM Bstnt on .boss. I . Kl- I m BnMna an etl eiileCe t- She VattSSl ' R. L. DURHAM...,...., GCfiRGR W. HOYT. , . . .-astetsat Drafts a a Ls Iters ef Credit Issced AvsUaaJS. join, mi mmt . . DKAPTS TRflrTED Avstlahl IB An CSnoB nira uq wis. Vlco - Prseldeat. . AY 6 . Caahler BCBMRk 6 Asletant Cashier ' A- UOIT 1 as viassx itsw v, werl. oanxing. axcaaaa n ' r -r T- r.e.., $ to 4 Per cent: abort -call speclsl eerttnearee ef "ILLUSTRATIONS " Sowtkoas anot ThJr Prlvat Eirhaof TB - - H. U PITTOCK l''ESSI J. O. GOLTRA,....-...--.AetotaBt aworotarw to Morrison Street. Pvrtlaot, Oiog . s. SAVINGS DBPARTMBNT. Interest A nerS Trustee for Estates, Drafts r 8 Laatove eg Crecai or tne won. A. LEWIS,......., O. JUBITZ Asolstsat Cecrstary a Bi n,eSal r 'Streets. Phenc Mat ISA COMPART Portland, OrseTSBU (as aosd f or). INVESTMENTS. - BIYrDBND STOCKS- BANK AND CORPORATION MR. DOOLEY ON SOCIALISM. F. P. Dunn tn Colliers. "Socialism la no lontrer talked to ye in Piatt Doitch. but handed to ye fr'm th' top lr a ooach or whispered fr'm be hind an Ivory fan. It's betther that way. I prefer to have It In a sobiet all Iv goold fr'm fair handa to takln' It out lv a can. "'Twaa dlfrrent lo the trodden days, A gr-rand chance a Socialist had thin. If annybody ' undherstood him he was . kilt b lnfuryated wurruklnmen. It wa . a good thing f r him that h on'y apoke ,' Oerman, which la a language not ' gln'rally known among cultivated peo ple. Schwartxmelater. Thsy used to hold tMrlr meetrrrsr Hrf 'oellax irr Wlnt-nrorth avenue, an' th' meetln' was moat always followed be an outing In th' pathrol wagon. 'Twaa wan ly th apoorta to go down to ac th' Brotherhood Iv Van rushed off in th' on'y municipal owner ship conveyance we had tn thtm days, ' an' havln' their apectaclea busted be th' hardy an' loyal polls. , i-'Tls far different now. No cellars fr th Brotherhood Iv Man. but Mrs. Vanderhankarbllk give a musical aoree f r th' ladlea iv th' Female Blllyonalrea Arbelter Vereln at her tllgant Flftk , avnoo manalon - ylatcrdah afthernoota. Th' futmen were dhreased in th' eoav tums iv th' Fr-rlneh rlvolution, an te waa served In Imitation bombs.' "The meeting was addhresaed be th well-known Boclallat leavder, J. Clareno Luraley, heir to th' Lumley mlllyeaa. This well-known prolytartat said he had become a Boclallat through atudyln' hla . father. He cud not believe that 'a ays'' tem waa light - which, allowed aueh ft . man to aocumylat : three hundhred ' mill yon dollars. H had frequently , thrled to In throat this vtn'rable moaa- -back in Induathreel questions, an all , ha replied was: 'Oct th'- money.' Th' ladles prtsint cud appreciate how fool ish th captains y tndusthree are, be eausav they were marrld to thlra an" knew what they looked like In th morn ln. Th' time had come whin a fierce : blow. must be shtruok fr human fre- . dom. In conclusion, he wud alng tb' 'Marsellaiay an' acoompany himself on a guitar. Th' hoatess followed with a few re tnarka, She said Socialists were not , dhreamers but practical men. Boclallara waa not a question iv th' hour, but had come to atay aa an afthernooa jlntr. talnment. ,lt waaUea iplnslv thin . bridge, an' no wan eud call ye down fr lad In' out Iv th' wrong hand. She had made up her mind that ivrybody must do something fr th cause. It waa . wrong fr her to have other people wurrukln' fr her, an' -She intlnded to free or bounce her aervanta an go to -tlvs at a -hotel. Bhe wud, do her share In th' wurruld's wurrttk, -too. an with this in view ahe was takln' lessons In mlnichure palntln'. ' "r -ia-if prlalnt asked Mr. Lumley wud Urge hata be worn undher Socialism. Ha anawered no, but th' mare becqmln'.. toque; but he wd look th' matt her up In a book b Kart Marx that h undher stood was an authority on these eiih Jecta. Th' meetln thin adjourn afthar , passln' a raolutlottJ callln on th' hua band lv th' hoatess to go an' Jump in th' river." - - , - ' - : ; - ,: lease ef Haxaor, . .. From the Philadelphia Bulletlri. "Therea nothing like- a sens ef humor." said Read Admiral Bnehler Atlantic City.' "In a woman, in a sol- . dler. In A sailor. In a elerk. a aenae of humor ia a help and a blessing through life. "At the aame time, even a aenae 6f humor may enlst in sxces. t. for mv part,, shouldn't oar to' have an great a Sena of humor ss S Brltlsfc 8oM1r ' I once heard About : --, This aoldlsr wss ..rdrd' t - be) flogged. During tha flogging he laugte1 continually. Tba l"Ah was laM on a.i the harder, bul under the rain of blows the soldier laughed. . ' , " Wbat are yoti laughing alT tha fw geaivt ffnally aaked. "Why. the soldier cUucU To V 1 irrorif mA"." t ' "A . j. 1