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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1906)
11 THE. OREGON DAILY JOURNAt, PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING. JUNE 28, 1800.' NSW TODAY. -FranlrtrSmitlrMeat-eo; BSS AMr ilirt Basssa Tim aitd Bee- ill Ml Soata Tint trtxasrt, near fezia. 'Fighting the Beef Trust" Itt the rood. , ko&Rhr, whol. MM mm! ef Mrtludl saly ladepea. ,IM wtolnHi Batoaer ud peaws. Ws aiw oadaotlaff tU market tK that : err err au aad -romaa aaaa- bo fra of . ttae beef ' tout rarthanadra wa At alllar tO pa went eaaapNM tha aa otbar bate bar. . IaoRoaat Vl par lb. ......... lO v Veal Cutlets, par lb..', Hrenut Veal, par lb.......... a Prima Rib Hoaat Baaf. par lb....l2Hs Rolled Roast Beat per 11). ...... -lO. Vot Roast Baaf. I Iba (or.,.....X5 Dolling; Baaf. 4 lbs. for, .......... .ii54 , Btew Bf. 4 Iba. for ....... i5f Prima Rib Steak (very cnoicej , Iba, for............. ,.25 Loin' Steak., t Iba. for Round Steak, par lb. ............. lost Corned Beef, par lb.... .....? to B Breakfast Bacon, par lb. . . lTHt Bologna Sausage, I Iba for-, . .254 Frankfurters, par lb. ............. lOo 'Pork Sausage, perjb ..j.;lj,,0t Hamburg, per lb. .7.. .....'. 10 Special price and prompt aerrice to country butchers, also to boats and the shipping trad. Ws shall be glad to quota special .prices to hotels, restau . rants, cafes and boarding-houses. . St. Johns Water Front 432 feet frontage by 1,200 ifcet lleep, near Peninsula Lumber Co. Cloxon-Valentine Co. st.johns The J. N. Blair Company 315 Abingtoii BIdg. v Buy and sell all kinds of Real Estate city . and suburban. - The best buy on. 2nd street, $30,000. ; 1 OOx 1 25, 1 00 feet from. Union Ave.; 40 bearing fruit .trees, good 'six room: house. Phone V Main 6758.. Want Timber Lands NEW STORESand OFFICE ROOMS FOE RENT '"R. g Mr.: Third and Madison. .Apply ' Estate of D. P. Thompson T FIRST STREET. - WEATHER REPORT. " - - The trough ef low pressure yestsrdsy ever the Pacific (tatae new overlies ttaa weetera slop of the Rocky aioantatne. It kaa rsoeed cloudy and snaetlled weather generally U tha Pacific ststes, bat the rainfall ao far has brat vary light sad confined principally ta ' Cali fornia. Nevada and Utah. Local rain., heavy ln pUcsa, bare occurred, la. Jhe soil auux ana la tba Missouri and upper Mlsslaalppt val- leys. It la warmer la Colorado, northern Niw Malice, northern Axlxnaa, - northern Utah, Idaho,- eaatrra Waahlngtoa and aaatera Oregoa . and generally eoolcr In Xa&aa, sad thaoee east ta the Atlantis states. . Tha Indications ara for unsettled wssther la this district tonight ana Wedoeeday, with probably abowars la waatara Oregoa and weet- ' ara Wssbingtoa. .... 1 1 Tamp " 1 tattoos Max. Mln. Preclp. eK3r t, vrrgisj. . . , . , o.too. Maseacaasstta J 2 thleege, Illinois.......... T2 PeuTer, Colorado 76 Kansas City, Mlaanarl.,. 82 t Angalas, California.... 68 New Orl.ana, Louisiana... 04 New York, New Xork 80 Portland. Oregoa.. ........ TO Itoaehari, Oregoa.......... T2 at. Louis, Ml-onerl So As M .6 .9 S4 M m M T4- . M H m .0 .0 I to .0 .0 . .0 T T .0 T . .a .p. it Lege, ttaa S2 Pan Praaelaee. California.. M A2 . M 2 S2 2 Frokana. waaningtoa...... wi Tacoma, Washlngten walls wall a. Wsahlnatea. Waablngtca, D. C 84 MARRIAGE LICENSES. W. O. Barbear, R2S Kaet Paris street. 28: , Carberlne May Lorstt, 21. William J. smith. 21 Bancroft areaae, SI; Mary L. Bprlngmerer, IK H. Gernuilne, (28 Ollsss street, 40: Alice Wllllama, 80. Walter B. WTifta. Belhpo, Oregea, 23: Mayballa Moraland. 28. O. Ai rarnawortb, Seattle, Waahlngtoa. 88: Laura B. Bteffea, 28. A. H. Backley. 18 Bast Twelfth street. Berth, 18; Emma Noworny. 1. - - W. II. Btcnp, lala. Wsshlngtoa, 80; Harriet C. Adroz, 48. Arthur O. Nelson, BM Eaat Taylor street, 23: Beatrica O. Cbarabreatt, 20. Lou la Blink. 293 H outer street,' 28; Lena a- gertabcrgpr. 19. , 8. W. alrhay. 82. Jry fl. Rbefacld. 28. ; Otto Wahl. Moo at Tabor, Oregon, 28; 0111a Kay Beck, 20. Wadding Cards. W. O. Smith Co.. Waah Ingtoa bldg.. . rearth and Waahlngtoa ata. WadAng and call tug cards engraved at printed. T. Baahtoa, SS2Vs Waahlngtoa at. Mlaa Bertha Martiae- room (if AHaky eldg. BUmpIng and ne aaadlaworki leaaaaa glrea BIRTHS. rowin Jane to Mr. and Mrs. Plllard pewler, 4K0 OofdamlUi, s boy. . ALVOBD-Jnne 18. te Mr. and Mrs, Pred C Alrord.- 1404 Kerby, a hoy. - mi.LWime IT. to Mr. and Mrs. James C. Hill. 2 Cook aeenna, e nor. TOIINO Jnne 22. to Mr. and Mra William B.' Voang, 111 Humlwlt, a girt. OOI.HBt.ATT. Jane 8. to Mr. and Mrs. Morris OoMblatt, 81 tib and Orairl. a boy. , ViKl June 18. to Mr. end Mra 'Andrew Wood. ul Mlaslaslppl Tenor, a girt PAMlOBn June 24. to Mr. snd Mrs. W. B. nmford. TWI Sadie, s girl. M'COY May, 21. to Mr. snd Mrs. Lewis C. McCoy. I8 McMIIlen, a bor.i TTOKT June 22, to Mr. snd Mrs. Lonla Tost, aVT t'rrtoa STcnne, a glrL MHJ.EB June 24, to Mr. snd Mrs. Karl A. Miller, 836 Eaat 84th street, a boy. " Ulin ' you -want, to fjviwp" anything, TRY ::: .'Vjonnial : Hate: 6c pcf lint?, jeach' insertion. Wr4MMf44vm I -ate- . - - - lStfe m-, I millllltlttttlltltlMttlMMIItlHHIItlllt'tltlHt'lHtltnitlltltUHIUHHIMIt M M M 4 1 M M MM M 1 1 1 4 H DEATHS. DOW Jane M. Almna E. Pew, 68 rears. (02 Albhia STanoa, heart disease. . . rBAflUBH J one ' 1M. Frank 1C Pnanre. "16 rears. 8t. Vlncanfs boaultal. Inclaed wonnrt of tbroaL . GHAT J one 14, jamas A. Grar Jr.. 6S rears. I ort lino Bauiarmni. oraenua. kllXER June 22, Robert B. Millar, SS dars, TU& CleTaland imnh msrssmus. ' LA MONT June 22,' Cecil La MontT SSS Tsst- BIU. gunshot wound. El'88KtL-Jsne 22. Charier' B. Boaa.ll. 48 years, foond la akMigh near cast Murruoo, dmvnl... ... HEDDEKLf-Limte M, MarU J. Hedderiy. IS I rears. Good Samaritan noapltal. ambollsrs. OLSON June 24. Martin Olaon. 21 rears, St. - Vincent's aaapkal,-saanlngltlBi- ALLEN Jan. 24. Jack V. Allan, 1 month, 8t. Vincent's hospital, lnanitboa BLACKBUBN June 2S, Mra Israh A. Black- bam, 61 yssrs, S2S Jettereoa, Brlghra dls east. VV BTTN 0KB Jobs 21. Pstar Knrtlager. M years. St. Vincent a hospital, oroocua-pnati monla. . OKHTRA Jane 22, John nostra.' M year. St. Vincent s bospltsl. malignant enascaraitls. UNDERTAKERS. Panning, MeEntee A OIlbangb. andertakers sad smbalowra; snera la aeery detail, saaeath ssd Pine. Mala sou. Lady assHUat. A. B. Hametoeh. etldartakar and ambalmer. Beat Thirteenth and Umatilla ate. Phone Sail-. rood Tl. J. P. Iinl.r A Boa. Third and Madlaoa eta. Of flea of eounty eoraaer. Phone Main . Krtckaea Undertaking Co.. embalming, 40S Alder St. Pboas Mala 6122. Edward Belmsn, andartakar, 220 Third street. Clark Bros tor Sowers. 2S Marrtssa stiael aUTEBTirW CXaUTIKT. Blsgla grsTea lia - Pamllr lota fTS to ll.ons. The aaly cemetery. In - Portland which par neraally malnralna and esras for kits, ror fall inrormatloa apply te W. B. Machansla, War Meter Mock. city. W. M. Lsdd. prealdeat. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. William T. RoljA and wife to Harry B. Nortbuo. lot. s and B. . Warn. 82.800 Portlasd Trnst Company of Oregon to W. U'OrernlasL luU 18 and 18. block 8. Beauvotr 800 B. A. Cromwell and husband ts Walter r. Jeffreee at aL, 12 acree ia sectioa IT, townahla 1 south, r.nae 8 aaat 8.000 Tha Title Onarsntee A Trnat company to C. V. Thomaa, lots 4, 8, a, T, block 8, Booth St. Jobna 800 T. J. Nealoo and wife to Pete 0. Naalood, nndl Tided 14 Interest la lota 8, 8, block 280, Conch addition ..... 1 Hone; maar Trnet "company to Jamer T7. MCIr snd wife, lot 2, block 8, Clark Tarracea- ............ . 4S0 Oeorge W. Browa to Mary P. Khanbeck. lot 18. block 1, La or. I wood Park ' 80 Minnie P. Loater te Aahberry B. Town- ' send st sL, lots 1. 2, 8. a, 0, block 8. Breaklyn Helghte 2,400 OJerald Anderaoa te W. Jr. Ctallcota. 1 acre beginning at a point la south lias of Ca valine land 180 The Title Guarantee aj Truat company to Go.Lt Wilds, lota 12 and. 18, block T. Sooth St. Johns 800 Charlae Jackaoa and wife te 0. L. Derby, lot 10, block 88, Irrlngton 1,800 C. H. Holbrook to H. L Holbrook, par rel land In WlUlam Capias' donatloa . land claim, . seetloa 12, .. tewaahip . 1 , mortb, range t wast 1 E. Ousekeabueh et al.. te Merrltt L. Holbrook. lot 1L block a, iteyeranre addition 8.800 reter aenmeer et SI. to Anns M. Max well, lot 4. block a. Joha Irrtng's Ptrat addition Cb.rWe A. Dotaoa and wife to T. A. Hernolda et sL. lot 12. block O. Porta mootk Villa 250 lYonls D. Wlllett snd haahand te Paalel McKlnnon. aaat H of lota 11 snd 12. ' block 84. Irrlngton 4,000 Priori. A. Ball ssd wife to Mary A. Hark, lot 10. block 2. second Elect'rle addition 1.800 P. A. Inslsy sad wife to Ellaeheth P. Kelnath, parcel land beginning on east line of block 81, Carter's addition . . 1 Joha A, Gilbert and wife to George Jaeoba, parrel land beginning oa aaat . line of block 61. Carter's addition.... 1 Elisabeth P. Kelnath et si. to Oeorge . Jacobs, same property 2,000 Portland Trust- company of Oregon to Bert B. Karir. Ait . 8. HUlcreat. and other property 8.6TB Ellaa Tslpole and wife to Cbarlaa Henry roeter, lot 18. block 10. Laaralaraod .. 1,400 Marietta B. Puks and ansbend to John . H. Puke, lot 7, block 1, Moant BVott Park 1 Marietta R. Pake- to Albert W. Pake, lot 2. block 1, Moant Boett Park...... 1 Annie P, Holland to Margaret Holland, north 80 feet of aaat 110 feet of eiib dtnaloa kt 28. block ' C, Carter S ad dition . I Ths. RlrarTlew Cemetery assorlarloa te Arthur Johnson, lot 180, sectioa 101, Rlrerrtew cemetery t 100 Portland Trust Company of Oregon to Georia B. Wagrnier, Jot 14, block B. Bmlfh's addition 1 1 T. 8. West sad wife to William Mathl- eon. lot 12. block 10. Park View son Margaret McDonnell to Milton W. Smith. lot 8, section 4, tewnahlp 1 north, range 1 east Vincent Cook to Margaret McDonnell, same property . 1 P. H. Verier and wife to. Margaret Mc- j PonnelL lot 6, section 4; lots 2. 8. section t: lot 8. sectioa 10, townahlp . 1 north, range 2 east I 1 Stella D. McN'alr and bnshand to Al bert In. p. HiiMiard. lota 4 and 8. block 11. Woodmen.' 1.T80 Ellen B. Clafk and husband to Louts Oldenburg, 8 208 seres beginning at wet line sf E. Creswell donation land Halm, townahlp 1 annth.'range 2 eaat. 228 Prank Watson and wife te Alice Planer, lot 1. tract B. Orertns Park 880 Minerva K. Kellogg et si. to parld R. ' KellItt J..III. north H of bmck. city .'...,- 4,800 Eaatera InTeattseat company, . !td.. te . Jobs Hill, enutb M feet lot 1, block 8. aundlTUIon of RlrerTlew addltlna .... I Seorr, Jacobs and wlfa to Mary L. Tbnr- low. "parcel land neglrmtng on ahst line of , block 84.' Carter's addltlna 10 Iher land ' company te Rliaaheth Ingle ifleld. lot 2, block I. Cole'a addition ; . . ? 480 iKmllr niankholm sad bnanand re John P. McAdama. lot 8. bVnrk 4. RXaerrale. 828 R. A. Crouw.1t te Rot S. Leigh, lot 1, block 11. - North - ABMna 88 2. Cloy Hennetgh te Jobs Knorf and wife. -lot 18, block 84. Mnltnnmah addlttonif 1.000 Bertha rick t Albert Schuetiler. saat 16 . feet ef let 1, and weet IT feet of lot 1.. bUx 11 Jamee Campaa: Psrm... BOO roar Inenranca asd abstracts te real aetata the Title flnarantae A Trurt com near. 240 Waahlngtoa etreet. sarser saeead. i-MEETlNtf NOTICES. s. W . A.. BpajHOBIUtlg CAMP. 8,408, meet. wannaevuy ereDing, . Alias Hdf, ahtrd aad TROUBLES OF THE LQyERl, BUG: MEETINQ NOTICES. BOMETHIryO doing, tonight st ueorgs wasnington camp, ncr tar come. Visiting nalg:bbors welcome. Woodman ball,. Tenth and Washington sts H. A. PRRDRICR. Clerk. B. B. AARON. 0. O. , HAWTHORN B Lodge. Ne. I1L A. P. A A. M. Special communication vnsj iiyaaoayi evening ac r:on, Maaonlc - hall.- Burkhard building. Work ttr tba P. 0. degree. All Felloweraft Masons welcome. . By order of the W. M . .. C. E. MILLER, Secretary. M. W. A., Oregon Grape Camp. No. 6.878, Mon day ITtb sad Marshall; visitors welcome. NOTICE. svMerivw . mcmnitrufl ACBerBUierra Portland. Oregon, Jnne 18. 1806. Sealed uroposals. In triplicate, will - be received here antll 11 a. m., Pad8e rims, June 27. . loud, for furnishlne: 40 males (20 wheel snd 20 lead) for 'oar-mule teams. Delivery te be made et Portland. Oregon, or ether prom inent railroad paints. Further' Information -furnished st this office. United States re serves tha right to reject or accept) any . or sll bids or any part thereof. Envelopea containing propneala ehoald be marked "Pro poaal. for. Mules' snd raddreaeed to Alfred M. Palmar, major, quartermaster, U. a A. disbursing qnsrtermsatsr. . ' ' NOTICB OP BTOCKHOLOERS' MEBTINO. Notice Is hereby gives that the annual soeet ing of tba etorkboldors of the Midway Oil company will be bald at tha ofBce of Ladd A Tiltoa. Portland, Oregon, at 8 o'clock p. a., on Wednesday, July 18, land, for the purpose ef electing a board ef directors snd ' for tbs transaction of such other business ' as mar corns before the meeting. WILLIAM U. WHIDDEN, Secretary. THE annual meeting ' ef Prlnsvtlle Load A IJveetock company for the election or a "board of 'directors 'and such ether bustnsss as may properly some before the meeting. will be held st Its efSce In this city, corner Fourth and Oak ata.. on July 8, 1006. st d . p. m. LEO FRIED. President. SEALED bids will be received at the office et the school clerk, city hall, ap te 11 ., Thursday. July 28, 1008, for heating and . ventilating of ths east slds Hlrh School build ing. Plana ef ths building snd specifications of requirements can he sssa at the architect's , office. 834 Bast Third et. Each, bidder la rrequcted te submit plans snd speciflcstlons for tbs astd heating and ventilating appara tueea. . All proposals mast be ecoompsnted . by s certified ebeck for 10 per cent of the amount of proposal.. The ecbool board re serves ths right to reject say snd sll bids. Thomaa J. Jones, architect. Portland. Or.. June 14. 1806. r LOST AND FOUND. LOST Small light Mas enamel ladles watch. . with chatelaine brooch, en "ft" car or near scene et 8re Saturday afternoon. June 28. Phone Main 6188. Reward. FOUND Camera en Portland BeaaldV train Sunday. Owner cell 210 Stark at. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED Vemlehere. machine and hands. Oregon Feraltase Mfg. Co, Maaadai road. IP yes piar pool, go to the Wellington Par lors, Udg., Third sad Morrlsoa. MEN AND WOMEN te learn barber trade la eight week.; grsdastes eern from 616 to 628 weekly; - eipert Instructors; estslngue free. . Molar Brstea of Collages. 88 North Fourth St., Portland. SALESMEN WANTED For eae ef the la revel aaraarlea ta tba areet; asah sdvsaced weekly; Send territory open. Address Waaningtoa larsery Oa- Teppanlaw. Wash. AOENT8 WANTED te sell ao perl or, high-grade nursery stock; complete eutdt furniabed free: eeeh weekly: write today for choice of ter ritory. Capital City Nursery Company, Balem, Oregoa Union Hotel 81 NOBTH SIXTH ST. -' Weekly retee: Room. 61.28 up and board 84 80 ap. Anderson, proprietor. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS Young- men wanted te prepare for letter-carrier and rail way Biall clerk. West Cosst Correepoodsncs School, 246 Stark at. Opes svealnge. WANTED Coachmakerot steady Front St., corner Darts. . work. 4ft WANTED Boy sbrmt IT; steady work. Front at, corner Psvls.,' WANTED 8 energetic, reliable salesmen tor rapidly (rowing real estate office, between 21 years snd 40 yesrs of see: ability snd cbsrsrter tba criterion; drinking men aesd not apply. X 28. rare Journal. WAITERS, cooks famlllsr beat ' hotels. North 12th. near Marshall. Mr. James. 24T WANTED, AT ONCKES0 laborer, at Cssa- oero: wagea 82.25 per day. Call at engi neering department, Oregoa Water Power A Railway company.. Flrat and Alder ata., for parttfiilsrs, - WANTEI) Men for brlchysrd at Bevsath and Kussell sts. WANTED A first-class butter maker Imme diately; satletsctory reference required. A dreea Alb.DTJajBry sssocistloni' Albany. OOOD sticker man wanted, familiar with furni ture work. Apply InerabecBer Mrg. ce., East 28th. on 0. R. A N. WANTEIK A bright, active young man who understands coffee roasting; a willing worker; etate salary wanted sad references. , 0 88. care Journal. ' ' i WANTED Tnung men to peepers tnemsslvea for bookkeepers snd stenogrspbere. Since Sept. . 1 ws bars had 478 applications .from bullosas men: daring this sams period . ws hsvs placed 284 In position.. ,,rpen sll J the yssr. dav and night. Ws-wlll roe la a positloa when competent: enroll now. Catakigue. Behnke-Walker Business College. WANTED Msa ssr forsmea for corporation. salary . a anontn snd Doara. to go to ' ea.terg Oregon; must bars some money to Inrest ss security; erpertenc anneceaaary. Call Room 6 Braedeg bldgw Third snd Wssh- Ington. WANTED AS Indoatrloaa snd eanshle man In eacaj conty in -ms -normweat; atrsny ositloor. ' W.; B, Taylor A Co., rooms 6-6 Lsbbe bldg. WANTED Strong yonng mas sbant 20 rears of age te learn belt trade. Apply Hott-parl Co., 40 First St. , . WANTKD Lanndrymaa with as partner I stQraj)g J -i HELP WANTED MALE. 600 YOUNG men for flreroen and brsksmen on leading railroads; experience anneceaaary; Bremen get 6100, brakemen 8K; rapid pro motion to engineer or conductor at double tba salary: nosltlons now open. Address near eat offlce. National Railway Training Assn., Too fax too Dig., umana, meoraeaa, or Ml Ridge bldg.. Kanaaa city Hlssoan, BOT wasted ever IT yesrs. to press soap. Lock el. King A Cake Boss OS., S48 Hood t. POSITION OS watchman: age 81. good physique. reliable; referneee. W 16, care ' Journal HELP WANTED FEMALE- EMBROIDERT teacher; only one thoroughly ex perienced In all brancbea ef work need ap ply. Permanent position; good sslsry. The Needlecrsft Shop, B82 Wsshlngtoa st. LOIRIJI about 16 yeara of age to werk In fee. Tory.- Apply at once, amsa b arris-n era uo Co., Fifth asd Psvls sts. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, 848H Washing. ' ton St., ear. Seventh, apttalrs. Pboee Mala 2002. Female help wanted. WANTED Olrla ta maks slls st TB First st. Boaa of All" over- 0IRLS WANTKD Operator, to work oa shirts snd ever. lie. Lessons siren te Inexperienced. ' APPlfe' Standard factory No. t. uraad svs. and B. Taylor st. WANTED S wsltrsssis; ene far dinner honr only. Apply st ones Hobort-Curtls, 14th and Jefferson sts. - , WANTED Cempetsut- gtrl for g.neraU hones work. 827 Marshall at., between Nlnstsenth snd Twentieth WANTED A good woman cook at W a term's -reataurant, 62 v, Sixth St., near Pine, Ap ply at once. - THS HOMB LADIES AGENCY. Pemsle help furnished free to employer. Rrglatratloa Free. 16BH Fourth at., apetslrs, room 23. Maia B828. WAITRE88ES. chsmbsrmslds famlllsr with beat Places. 24T North 12tk. sear MsrshslL Mr. James. . . WANTED Help, snd Colombia. I'nloa Lanadry Co., Second WANTED Girl for general bonsework; family three. TPS Clevelsnd avenne, between Bsecb snd F.lllng atreeta. WANTED w- Panrry- woman. 14th and Jaf feraoa. - Bobsrt-Cartla, T0UNO strong girt to saalat at gensrsl bouss- wnrg; leer a to use rull marge a adults. 80 Hsnoock St. Esst 1888. A GIRL for general housework, smsll fsmlly; beet wares to competent woman. Phone East 1881 TflO Esst Taylor at. " WANTED Girl for hrmsewnrk. fsmlly of i. Corner Bast BnrnBlds snd 22d. phons Esst TBS. WANTED Japanese boy for half hour's work eTnmga. in exchange for Iraanns In English. SftoVi Wsshlngtoa st., room 4X GIRL for Sunday work In ice cream parlor; honra 8 to 6 p. m. N 18, care Journal. WANTED 8 office girls: no experience; wsgee 84V per month: no fee: send etsmo for oar- J iteulare. Poatofflce box 447. FOR SAT.R .A Otst-clsss plumbing bnslnen; bsve tpther bnelneaa and wleh to retire, Ad- h. u. Harsters, Kosenirg, Oregon. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. WANTED AT ONCE An experienced perry with 8180 to ran s paying laundry. rot particulars call 18814 Fourth st., ape ta Irs, suits 23. Main 6828. HELP wanted and supplied, msls or female. R. O. Prsks. 208H Waablngton at. Pacloc 1270. CANVASSER for qnlckaelllng srtlrles. sslarr and commieeion. Mrs. (Hire Brneen, E. 2th Sandy Road. Phone E. S.108. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. GEORGE T. ML'RTON. 884 Chamber of Com- meres, keeps books snd does generst expert accounting business. Phone Main 4b8e. BCIRNTIPIO honsec leaning asd garden work done by reliable map by the -day or job. Phone Mala 810. . ---.. - . , -- POSITION aa grocery clerk by a yonng man. s years- experience; good reference; good aeoonntant. C 88, care Journal. a WHO wanta met Am good all-around cook. 'Harry, tbs Cook." Mais 1182. POSITION aa bookkeeper or cashier; S rears experience; good references. Address C 68, core Journnl. - LANDSCAPE GARDRXIKO Ry the d.y er wees; new pieces laid oat, lawns made, etc.. by a thoroughly competent man. Address W. C. West, 888 East Dsvls St. JANITOR WORK. honaeclesnlng ef all kinds snd waxing by dsy or Jon, phons North 12th st. J. . R, ,- Pacific 2188. 224 Miiu: . , SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE WASHING to do at home, 80c idisen. rough dry. Apply st Mr". Spanler. BOO Mississippi arenas, en east side. -' LADY wants to -take ta washing, er ran go to other people s bouses If close by. Apply 128 Knott st. I - WOMAN wsnts sewing or sny kind of day work, la prlvste family. C 84. cars Journal. WANTED Position as housekeeper, hsvs 1 child, for gentlemen; will go ont ef town. Sonee.t Creamery, cor. . Klrat and Jefferson. MIDDLB-AGED -lady -wants icnamherwork oa Gearbart or Elk creek beach, for sum mar. Address C 68. esre Joornsl. ' SITUATION wanted by German girl, good plain cone, in small roomy going fo coe.T for summer; Best' sad reliable. C OA, - Joucaal, WANTED AGENTS. WANT TCO Agerrte; something aewg good Bailor; nig wages. axs meaay eiog . BIG PAT te one agent In each county working ror ins lawernrxK. uaiee. au atsrauam aiaau garusaa, vrssxaa. x EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. THE Portland Emti torment Co., BOSVb Morrlssa at. Phone PaelBe 2W. HANSEN'S RMPLOTMENT OFFICB ' FOB MEN. 26 N. Second at. Phone Mala 1826. BIG FOUR EMPv AGENCY Heln eupplled tree. 16 North Second st. Phone Msln 1816. WANTED REAL ESTATE. , ------ ---L- - -1-, WANTED Iroo ere, graphite or limestone Ian-Is . or claims; If you- ewn or know of any mra deposits of Iron ore. graphite or limeatone In Oregon or- Wsshlngtoa. and " which are for sale, nana asm plea - and correspond witn v. P. Charles, 827 Chamber of Commerce, Port land. Or. . . WANTED Lot ta exchange ror equity er T -coots Bones. Phoaa Esst 8A41. ta S WANTED House ea assy 818 Commerrtsl blk. terms. . Mala ' 8082. WB WILL SELL your property, no matter what It la or where located. Send deserlptloa bow - and we will do the rest. Investors' Guide Co.r-811 Msrqnsm bldg.. Portland. Oregon. WANTED Cheap Iota tn Walnut Park; ewners oniy. rnone wooaiawn xzo. WANTED FINANCIAL. WANTED Sftoo to open np sew sopper mine; win give sn extra gooa opportunity ana in ducement. . Csll la foreaoea Jonee' Book Store, 2U1 Aldsr st. GET yoor tnertgsge losns from T1s fonn-Lew- rence company, lewu r tret at. rtenty money, low ratea, no commlsaloa- WANTED TO RENT. WANTED or T-room heoes. with bath and small tarn, near arbool aad cars; gtata price. W B, care Journal. ' , ' ' WANTED Te rent or take charge of hotel or Dooming bones by mother snd a. tighter or in years experience ; . no oniection to cesmrry town or esmp. Apply 28 Fifth St., Portlsnd, Or., room 8. WANTED Two or three rooms furnished for light honsekseplng; cottage preferred. Ad dress "Jim," care Journal WANTED Esst snd west side booses. Bats and eottegee; caa rent at once. WESTERN OREGON-TRUST CO., . 281 Stark at. Phone Pacific 686. WANTED TO RBNT Roneee, eottsges, fists. stereo. niTwes, - moming, ate. Lana lorda will do well to csll on PORTLAND TRtlST COMPANY OF OREGON. Phone Be. T2. S. E. Cor. Sd and Oak. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. B. N. MORGAN, pioneer sprayer aad white- waaher. Call Boat 0X48. Ksxsemner the asms B. N. Morgaal 11 y.srs la la Portlaad. WB WILL BUY, twtb OR TRADE ANY OLD THING. WESTERN SALVAGE' CO, S8T 62 WASHINGTON, PACIFI0 TBS. WB WILL BUT year farrdtrirs soy eld time. western salvage 10.. azi waaningtoa ei. WHO IS M. 0. MORGAN A CO.? PAINTING, spraying gad whltewaahlng trees. baeementn. barns, aneka. etc,! esrgest gsaonns sprsylng rat6t en the coast. M. O- Morgan Co.. 822 Vale a to. Phone aaat air. , FURNITURE and boo e bo Id geods. Doa't Just phone Pa worry, loss time cine TO. . y. BOATS WANTED List yoor boats, s tea mere. launches, bargee, bowse ho. ta sea nostnoesss with ne far .al. or rent. We have call, for them every day. East 184. Mala 86dB MsIb 6686 sXRNITUhr wanted FOR SPOT CASH. PORTLAND AUCTION BOOMS. Sll First st. Msia 665! WANTED To bay household furniture. piete, tor ceah. Phone racine xzoi. WANTED Boll-top desk: .tats price sad eea- aitioa. w i, care journal. WANTED To buy medlntu-elsed -trnck or low- nown wagon, ursns atoms co. rsona atsia 22K8. WB need B cash regiaters. 1 typewriter. S res taurant outfits snd some money, westers RsJvsge Co., 627 Wsshlngtoa St. WANTED Gentlemen's washing to do at 182 Bnermsn street, cottage resr et isu. WANTED Iron ere, graphite er limestone lend or claims: tr you own or snow or sny isrge depoaita of iron ore, graphite er limestone la Oregoa or Washington, and which are for ssle. send ssmples snd correspond with C. D. Chsrles. 227 Chamber of Commerce, Port lsnd. Oregon. - WANTF.P Secrmd hand gasoline launch tn good rcnuiiHio, Bowiix un. , i . . xor iveing .oge. Anawsr csre of C 88, Journal. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THK RICHELIErt UH NORTH SIXTH ST. Klegeatly furalshed. steam beat aad hatha THE GRAND. 48H Nirth Third St. 1 tor genticmea si. in per weea ana Bp. ONE Isrgs fumlahed room, suitable for two gentlemen. 8.12 1st between Clay and Msrkst. FIRST Boor front housekeeping suite, suitable for two; gas range Boa location. ,J88 1Kb. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. THB MITCHELL, Flsoders aad 8eeatB Itooms, BMisokeeptng sad transient; eea venlest; prices resaonable. i LARntt elegantly - furniabed housekeeping moras; rss range, running wstsr. The Lowes ' dsle. BOSH Aider St. . ' . LINDA rooms. TIST A Sleeping aad housekeeping- 247Vk Fifth St. ,f - ' 1.28 PER WEEK Large, - clean, furnished honsekeeplng-rooms ; Isundry and bath. 184 - Sherman, loath Portlsnd. r .. - WEEK UP. elsan. furniabed houeekeea. rootaa, with yard, parlor. Isssdry. bath, far " Bscs beet. Soatt Staatoa at. . U ear. $fV 6 RfKrMS, -fttrjilehed for brmeekeeplng: steel rsngs; gas. 618 Seventh. Pboee Mala sow. .... ... , . . 4. A NICE t-room L furniabed Tor bonsekeertlng; most be sees te be appreciated. 884 College. aANTED Plain, reliable maple to take fnr nlahed rooms In beautiful home, giving owner jneala; walking dl.tance; ahundaDca fruit sad aow era Soott f 2, staniaga. FOR. RENT HOUSEKEEPING THE HALL. 414 Fifth Varnished hoasshesplng roome. Tourists wsleome. . FURNISHED" houaekeeplng flats for rant. 616 month; aewly painted. Call 632 Seventh St.. FOR RENT A nicely furnished heosekeepmg suite, with gas range, te man and wife with out children; very cheap. 842 Clay St. ROOMS AND BOARD. WELL-FTJtiNIgHED rooms with , hoard; rates rsaaonsbls. 442 Jefferson. NICELY furnished rooms for 4 young men, with or without board; walking dletance. 410 roarta st. - - LADY would Ilka te care for child er two: motherly care; ratea reeaonable. Inquire 842 r..,tMk-l. lai.. UNFURNISHED ROOMS. TWO IINPl'BNISHED at, . ROOMS. 182 Rher. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNL TURE FOR SALE. FURNITURE - in a large room that has pr t It loo, cheap: suitable for right housekeep ing. 42 Vk First St.. room 23. FURNITURE snd 22 chickens for sale, 8180: rent 68: must be sold before July 1. Tto) - Kssr iota st.. n. , FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. OPFICB eafurnlsbed rostne asd eample weoaaonga bios, apply eie PART of shop to rent,, eultable for pais tar cf - plumber. 208 Fourth at. PART of reel estate office, with roller-top desk Included, all for only 86 per month. Apply at room T, 188 First at. FOR' RENT HOUSES. " KADDERLY TRANSFER CO., prompt and re liable plane end fnrnltars-movers; aloe stoe sge. fboee Mala 1888. Offlce 110 K. Third THB CONTINENTAL COMPANY S4B STARK ST IN8UBANCB. RENTALS. SEB LIST. 88 8- ROOM boose, large basement. Key at u nen s urocery, eor. Hood snd Grant. FOR RENT A modem T-room hones, 860 Esst niwtk aw,!. . . ' FOR RENT Modera 6-mom bouse at 62 Esst ,22d st. Pboas Esst 6020. , - - 201 WEST 'PARK ST. Very desirable 12-roora realdence. Inquire TtO Chamber Commerce. FOR RENT Julv 1. 8-ranra modern ' cottars, Esst Slat st... Kenllworth. oa Woodstock car line: 614. FURNISHED HOUSES. FOR RENT Furniabed bouse,- eight rate rent: desirable location. lnnatre T28 Northrnp. Phone Pacific 221. FOR RENT FLATS. MODERN Broom flat; ateef and gas range, . wtndow-ebades, large cement beaemeut. . 200 (4 Halsey. .... BUSINESS CHANCES. WRrTB as quirk a hoof recent Important de velopments of the Hurst Automatic Switch A Signal Co.; bay stack before big advance. J. F. Herat A Co., 208 McKay bldg. WANTED AT ONCE Aa experienced party with f UK) to run a paying laundry. For particulars csll Iflfttt Fourth st,, spstalrs. suite 22. Msia 6826. - HOMTSEEKERS' EXCURSION overland 1s being organised to go to Harney ronnty, Oregon, For Information Inquire 608 Com mercial Mock, corner Second tod Washing, .tea sts.. er phone Msia 842. DO not keep Idle money. A posts! sard will bring yoa Information bow to get ths Isrgest returns on as absolutely ssfs Investment cf - from 8100 to $800. J. B. Bailey. BIT Lumber Exchsngs, Portlaad. Oregoa. , HOMESBEKER-r EXCURSION orsrlsnd la being organised to go to Harney county, Oregoa. For Information Inqulra 808 Com mercial block, corner Second and Waablng ton sts. Msia 642. Address Arista P. O.. Box 208. GROCERY and bakery for ssle or trsde for city or farm property. Address P 68, csre Journal. WHO IR M. MO ROAN A CO. I $1.100 FIRST-CLASS confectionery - on good corner on Morrison at.: thle Is s good busl nees. Csll at 107 Third St. . , ,,. BAKERY for sale. In good business town, shout 600 popnlstlon; good opening end location for restaurant: will txrbangs- for resldeoeo -- property in rortland suburbs or St. Jobna -ror runner psrtlcubfrs sddress Box a Mora, ' Oregon. , FOR SAME Hardware atora and buildings, doing Isrgs business; small town bat Isrgs territory; ressna -for sslllng, business Inter ests el ee where; 68,000. Address N 10, cars . Journal, $78011 ROOMS, sew furniture snd lease, all fall and paying well; will be Bold oa terms to suit. Csll at 107H Third St. FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP at a bar gain, located In tbs bssrt of tbe greatest wbest growing country In ths world; county , erst sad only shop la tbs vicinity; , only foundry In the eounty; shop efiulpped td flrat-elaee tools; we manufacture a specialty which has a wide sale over tbe weetera - parts of the V. S. and Canada: are doing a gtod business snd Is tbs best opening In the . whole northwest for s machinist and mnlder; beat of reasons for selling. C. B., care Jour, nsl,. . i ; . 460 A SNAP B.kery. confectionery and leg rreota bmliieos. at b.rgsln; says big; living-' rooms. 190 Qlbha at. , . 124 SHARES In an aid Wstshlisued wholesale bnslnees for sale at par vslue of. $100 per share: with this stock a grind position esd he had for a good salesman. Call at 107H Bd st. FOR Real sstste .office: cheep teat; eery terms. 881 Worcester blk. 2i0 HALF Intereat In a paying real eat a Is , tniatneas: ror thlg corns tl Suva. Csii at un xbita st, .. i, .. ' . ,--' .'.... , .-,. : i ! :; BUSINESS CHANCES. iter riN, CHAN-K Uttlnt mtlt ttil-wtH M - good eaorral abira turning atock 6 tlmoa; raah tradri low aipauaa; dlacount. John sou, care Journal. riHHT-t I.AKB mraar aalnra. aaat ktda: Inn ; aaaa, low rant; good stork, alagant flitnraa; price raaaonabla. t Addrara W 12. cars Joarnal. OINERAI. marrhanryaa atora for aala by t. II. Coucklla. Hodarllla, Or. A bargain. WANTED At ones. Baa te taka rharga a( plaror (alna scar Humptar. ' Oregon) salary (173 per month sod dividend; must bar. to II.UUO to Inraat as sacurlt-. Addrtaa ' D Te. cars Journal. FOR SALE Hslf Ittereet fa a well-eatahllebed . bualneas eltualed oa the Peninsula. , W la, cars Juu.-nsL ' . IMPROVED Smelter stock, 4.000 st 10s per share. Address H 8, care Journal. 8S0 GOOD paying restaurant on Fourth at.i rent only $.10. t all at 107 Vi Third at. COMPLETE up-to-date. 4 chair barber ahop. do-. Mia awu .miemeee. anqnw rooas . s 4SS)b a II IB at.-Phone- Pacific 80. FOR SALB FIrst-clsss restaurant, receatly. tent ted. centrally Iocs led: s snsp If taken - st once; rssaon for sslllng. too much to ettend to; no agents. Address Reetauriut Owner, C 57. cere Journal. . STOCK companies incorporated, If yea hare . . stocks or bonds for ssle, 1st me try te sell them for you. George M. Kellogg, broker, 840 BlUcott Sqasrs, Buffalo. 8900 FOB AN OLD sstsbllsbsd bualnsss) one of the best locations n tha city for the business; owner going east. Sea Buecael, 118 Seeond at. WANTED Man or woman with 6800 to Invest in light . Buna facta ring business; srtlcls of anlvsraef ' ass; no rlak and exrluslvs territory; salary and Inter cat for managing the business. . Ad dress D 68, care Joarnal. WANTED Ta meet1 gentleman who la familiar with tha reel eetsta bueinese snd re lues, te associate In business. Address C 62. JouraaL PARTNER wanted with 8800 te pay for char ter, etc., of a Joint stock company; pro poet tlon will pay from 18' te 40 per cent Brat year: wll) give 6,000 shares for ths 8500 snd psy rack your money from the Srst money re ceived from the ssls of stock; stock is sll spoken for now sad svery. .bare will sell within 60 days; unless you hsvs tbs mo nee to speculate, don't anawsr this: principals only. Address 0 46, care Journal. GOING to Als.ka; will sell 200 afaares of Hurst r-wiirx aaocs at ,o.ov per onare II inasa or Saturday. 407 Psvls St. - A LITTLB Bronsy te Invest with aervloe by sober. Industrious man;-wast have you T 0 64, core Journal. WANTED Msn or woman with 8800 to mvaet in light manufacturing tvualneee; article of unlverssl uss: no rlak snd exclusive territory . sslsry snd Interest for managing the baainees. P 68. rare Joarnal. WANTED Party with -from 610O to 81.000 to Invest m an Al msnufscturing pronnaitlon: will stand closest tnveotlgstloa. N 20. cars Joarnal. ..... a . 64.800 WILL bay a 80-room nicely furniabed hones, ceatrul. east side; good lesss, rent 1IW: clean 8200 per month. 6750 buys rlgsr stand on busy part Of Sixth: st,; smsll rent snd good lease. . WUNSCH A CO.. ' 610 Luniber . Exchange. . Second and Stark. . 14 ROO.14 lodging; a palace: mnat be sees . to be sppm-lated; terms. H. H. Hlgler, . room 80, 227 H Wsshlngtoa st. FOR SALE A 12-room halglng-hoase; ma.t be eeen to be appreciated; In the center of the city; easy terms: rent 111. II. H. Hlgley, , room 30. 2ST Wsshlngtoa St. DO yoa wsnt te make some money T ' Here 'It Is: A business msa of highest tf references will guarantee yon agalnat loss of sn In - vestment from fioo not te exceed 82.000. If taken Immedlstely, snd you should receive 1 820 for sscb dollar Inveeted; this Is your opportunity. N 28, care Journal. . SawiSiill fcr Sale : Fine milt, complstte,"' with engine.' bow' running, logging engine, hones aad messbouee, tea me, blacklmltbebop. ample boom space. . dam for Burning te 84-foot fall, affording water power : finest timber land snd 600. 0O feet logo la pond; . other timber and mill , property. For further deserlptloa call or adddress R. WOLVERT01C. two Comerelal blk. Main 842. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. T BY OWNER, one 6 ssd one T-room new modera house, 24tb and Wseco, Hnlladay Park addi tion; lota for sale. Phone Esst 1088. R. B. Rice. HOVER, ne liter from Portlsnd. Located as. der N. P. Irrigating ditch and en new north bank railroad; fruit goea an the market tkree week a earlier tboa la oar etaee mantling blgbeat prices; dally otesmera from Portland. Sale hv tbs swoera. Hover land Co.. Hover. Waahlngtoa. - FOR SALB AT A BAROAIN A 6w stock range, eoatslnlng about 2.800 seres: sll uoder fence; situated near Riee-' burg, Oregoa, oa S. P. R. II. 1 this Is one of tbe beet stock ranges In the country: I alee have another good stork rsngs containing I.4 acres, which will be sold st a very Mo prlc Un. For particulars address J. B, suthar n, owner . Rorebarg. Oregoa - FINR modern 8-rnotn cottage at 10A8 Esst Mor rtann. $2,000; 8.100 down, balance sionth'y payurenta. A. R. Smith. 428. Wsshlngtoa st. -;.-- Portland HdglltS Residence. 8 rooms, with t or 4 lots, lawn, water, sll conveniences:- up to date, grand view of ctly. rivers and mountains: this la . a bargsln snd will not lest long, r other Heights property. 608 Commercial blk. .Phons Msln 842. NEW 6-mnra cottage, bath and pantry, In South. Portland, lot 80x100: two thlnla cash, balance ' time. Owner, 1161 Front St. B A CRM on Penlnsnls: riser, level, cheep, sightly. Owner. 80S AHaky bldg. . BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATE. 100x100 In Piedmont, 61.000; half cash, balsace time. . room bones and lot 80x100, 11.000;' $400 down, balance 612 per month. 1-ots on Alnsworth see., 6280, else In Hlgh Isnd Psrk. Iioo; tsrms ssay. New 6-room bouss, 6100; 1B per month, Hoosea for rent. - A, H. BUXTON A CO.,' Rest Estate, Phone Bast 6202.' Union add Alnawortb ares. PIEDMONT Great ssls of Piedmont lots, ta Investors aa wall as builders; sssy tsrms' buy this wseh. INVESTMENT CO., 244 Stark St. - - FOR BALE Lot on Clackamas st., near 18th; win puna to suit purensBer, h aesirea. one Sherlock building. v LOTS In Piedmont have Increased In vslue ever 6128 this Isst meaua. why pat money out at T per cent T Invested In Piedmont lots It will make yoa from 28 to 80 per coat. INVESTMENT CO.. 244 Stark iu . Take "U" er St. Johua ear. TEN seres, all ttr cnTttvatlon. 6 .miles from of Portlsnd end 1 mils west or ciscxsrass ststloa; fins spring water piped te ths land under 40-fnot pressure. Price 8200, per aero. Five scree at ths sams rate. Five acres 10 miles eaat of Portland. 1 tails front 4). W. P. electric- llne. Fine sell -snd eaay to clear. 876 per sere. 240 seres 28 miles. north et Portland.- 108 acre, very ssay to clear, about 88 sere In cultivation, all- No, 1 lend; price ,620 per acre for all or part. Will give terms or might exchange for Portlaad property. For perti -ulsrs sea . 404 East Aldsr strsst. Phone Esst 481. DO yoa ' wsnt a nice modern 6-room boose, on ! nice corner, flne location It so, call 882 East Ssltnon. - Phone Esst 1182. THRSB prlroe for 10 dsys: f 1.100 for 881 f VanrnaTer ara. 6-room bones; 81,800 for Siuti st Kenllworth car . ststloa. 10-roota bones; essy tsrmd. Phons Scott 8828. 6Mqe-10 ACRES la Hsselwnod. 2 miles seat or Mont.Tllla. Call at Wl Third s(. FOR SALB CHBAPV6 aad T-room Bauaaai mod i era I ' pert casfe." 676 Gar-ld are, Tsha Wsadlawa ear. Pboae East BB4L . HATB cash buyer for Iota 1n Pisd-aont) ewners only. Phone Wood lawn 228. FOR SALB 8-foora dwelling, aa Irving St.. -bet Bod aad 24th. Address 0 SB. Journal. , ,1,. I i 1 1 ... - NORTH WEST LAND COMPANY. s L 206 Goodnottgh bldg. - . floe. W. Tnraor. M. W. Miller. We troessct -a- general real aetata - and brokerage business aad solicit a share f yeas pstronsgs. a (ro Nsw 4 room cottage within S blocks of -Trsmont. ea tba Mount Scott car line. Thle . 1s s cheap home If sold by July 1. Call at, 10714 Third st. .-' 11.200 NEW moilern 4 room enttsga St 681 allasouxl at,, L taj tsrms Is ealt. to start up s nana isimary ra a goes Iocs ties. Address Jt li. cats tleuiasi, . . . . . :. - s i ' '' if-- X