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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1906)
THE OREGON COUNTRY "SSS&JS&S'r GOOD EVENING THE WEATHER. " saBBJBJBJBB - r Showers " tonight and , Wednesday ; . southerly wind, " ft VOL. V. NO.' 96; EVELYN IIESBIT LOCATED I I IS REGULAR IN VOIE RECOUNT Ann ininTnucnv oni int J ' ja- HIvU VVHIUIILU Ul IUUUL Wealthy Pittsburger Taken to Court in Be draggldEvehing Clothes and Lined Up I With Petty Thieves-rCrime Due to Jealousy. Will : Probably; Plead Emotional Insanity. Attorneys Engaged (Journal Special Service.) l, New York, Junc-26yr-His nerves unstrunga. nervous wreck, Harry Kendall Thaw, mufti-millionaire, member of a leading fam ilv of Pittsburer. brother of the Countess of Yarmouth, still wear- ing his bedraggled evening clothes, the murder of Stanford White, aTprominent arcnitect, wnonr ne shot to death last. night tmngthe performance of the musical ex , travaganza "Ma'm'selle Champagne " at . the Madison Square roof carden. Thaw was remanded to appear before the coroner, White's attentions to Mrs. Thaw, formerly Evelyn Nesbft, a celebrated stage beauty and artists' model, -are believed to be the cause of the tragedy. The proceedings before the coroner were brief. . On the affi davit of Patrolman Debs that Thaw said to. him "I shot Jiim," Thaw was held without bail and sent to thev Tombs. Assistant 'District " Attorneys Knott and Turnbull are conducting the prosecution. At the Tombs Thaw found, that the police had procured him a business isuit from his apartments. He quickly change and was taken to his cell where he conferred with his counsel. ' Police - Captain - Hodgln handcuffed .-Thaw to him this morning and took him .to the police headquartera. where he K ' waa meaaured and photographed for the , rogue' gallery. H waa lined up with f the petty thieve and plck-'pocketa and forced through the routine which all prlaonera ipuat pasa. . .,lra. Thaw locate, . . When Thaw'wae arraigned thla morn. Ing, aecuaed of the murder, he atlll wore the MdrfSgd evening clothes "Tthalehad on at" lhetlme of" thtf jnurder. Thaw, who waa cool and col lected last nighty waa a nervoua wreck thla morning. - - - r- The police after an all nlght'a aearch located Mr. Thaw thla morning. 8he t-.wa not molested but detectives will watch her until her part In the tragedy la explained. '... , ; ' . Returning to the police court Thaw Shielded, himself aa beat he could from -the photographera. Me waa met at the Jefferson Market police court by Dan O'Reilly, the famoua .criminal lawyer, whom he engaged to --defend 1 him. O'Bellly waa prominent- In.- the defenee Of Nan Patterson.' After a. conference wHh Magistrate Barlow. Thaw wta .remanded .to. appear -before the coroner. , It developa that. Thaw and White were together at Burns' restaurant on IN ORDER TO PRINT -SWINDLERS CHECKS t . . i . t. 1 - tiohriAf ftftat BWvlce.V ..... Los . Anjicjes, , ,J.iyie. . :.-:VlholesaU forgrry, so clever and unusual that It 'baffled thldetefltlvea- In 'the - police)-da-rrtmentt waa, nnearthed by IJet'ectlye June and Boyd and the' forge himself fisced Ihehlnd th bars. He gWea-the - f Anrivtivria Ithnurh he j - i nn ac'ore of-ltJrt'S and admit part Of th work. ,. . .......... , The police claim Andrew printed hi own blank checks, writing them in uch n way that the appeared to be the " paper of a large and prosperous cor: DOG LOST IN QUAKE FINDS YOUNG MASTER FIFTY MILES -AWAY ' (Joorssl Special Serrlee.) Sarr Jose, Jun 2. Wagging hlf tall wearily. Marshal Oyama, a Uocker spaniel yesterday found th Mirror hf master after having been lost alnce April II. ' Th dog, who was In Ban franclsoo at th time of th Ore, made hi way to Santa Clara college SO mile, where C. E. Spader la student. By a rtrcultou rout . h gained the boys' pliygroilnd and with a hsppy but tired tmrk Isy down at . the boy's feet and rollod over to be petted. .Unly one De- by Defendant was arraigned ihis morning for Blxth avenue --and -, Fort y-t bird street Sunday night In earneet, conversation until t:30 o'clock 'Monday morning. The past relation of White and Evelyn Nes blt waa the cauae ofvThaw'a hatred. It is likely tha he will enter a plea of emotional Insanity. Burr Mcintosh, the pubUr. awaited on Thaw In the-pwrcemni He Ik an old friend of the family. ThMr thanked him for coming, saying that ha waa the only friend he had aeen thla morning. He asked - breakfast, which he did. returning with a bowl of milk, crackers' and peaches. O'Reilly la only acting a attorney until the arrival of a member of the firm of De Lafleld De Lafleld. who have been retained a chief counsel. Coroner Dooley announced that the Whlt Inquest will be held on Thursday.' He selected an early date so that, the attorneya on both Bide of the esse can go before the present grand. Jury rather -than go over to that of next month. ., Thaw Insane. .- -' O'Reilly today - issued the following statement: ' "Inasmuch a De la field St. Delafleld, Thaw' personal attorney, ' are. civil lawyers,-William Rand 'Jr. "will appear for defendant in court. - (Cnntlilued on Page Three.) . poratten. To get the type they claim he broke into a printing office on South Broadway. 'He stole type and set It up, .then . returned later and - printed the checks. ,..', . - Andrewa waa captured a. the' result of one blunder. In printing the checks he forrot to remove the blotter nn whtch - tha - blank paper waa plseed due-4 ing tne process or printing. This blot ter carried the Impress of the checks aa they were set up and when the fore man saw it he recognised It aa th work of an outsider and the attention of th police waa called to It.. s for had th animal been to th lnstltu tMn In which, the. boy live, and thep It wa J(ith hi master.. C. Bpader, the 8an.9snclsco nil estate man. On the mortilng of April Is "Tarn," a hia dlgnind title Is abbreviated, waa at hi horn in the city. His kennel went -up In smoke and the dog dlsap peered. ' - Hla owner mad efforts to locate him but in the disorder it waa . Iiopokn quest. Reluctantly Bpader was com nelled t alve the s arch -and the little black fellow wa mourned aa dead, f PORTLAND, OREGON. -TUESDAY; EVENING, JUNE wai Mra. Harry Kendall Thaw, Formerly Florence Evelyn Nesbit. SIX CHUG-CHUG PEOPLE PAY , . . - . . . - . Judge Cameron; Fines Well Known Men Whose v AuWmobiles-WentrT6o:Fast: Saturday Night Twenty-five Dollars' Each , ; It waa "AutomobUe day" In the mu nicipal court this, morning and the air of the ' Bluffy courtroom waa redolent with the odor of, gasoline and cylinder ou. Blx members of tn elite or auto- moblledom appeared aa def endanta ' to answer to the charge of having raced their -respective Dentin puggie a a greater rata of speed than that provided In the city ordinance. Th testimony was eAinctuated with-referenc to car bureters, "spark "colls, water Jackets,' emergency brakes and kindred matter appertaining to chug-chug wagona In general. . - . . When It waa all . over th lx auto moblllsts paid Into th oity coffers 121 encb The six were: Dr. A. E. Mackay, II. B. Holmes, U Therkelsen, I II. Hol me n, W. C. Noon and Q. W. Kleiaer; tp- ConlOat Oo Tart, They Bay. . . Th testimonyr was adduced on th part of the defense aa to tli Inability of th majority of the car to develop a greater rate of speed -than 16 rolls an hour. The prosecution, under the able direction of Deputy 'City -Attorney. Fitxgerald proved by competent testl irfony.' that all 'bf'thoae arrested were guilty of a violation of tHe ordinance. This decision came .aa a thunderbolt to th automohlllots. particularly In view of the recent rise of l cent per gallon In the price of gasoline following John Pr-RocKcfellfl's mut4flee4-;lftt-th victim of the Ban Francisco disaster. arad of l"la Olothe."' ", ' t'pon the calling of the cases by Clerk Hencs'sey the motorist ranged (hemselvea In line In th piece usually occupied by a -motley collection af. vtifr rants -. and in answering to their namos entered a, plea of not guilty For ,th festive occasion ' leather coats, gauntlets,, cap and goggle had been laid aside and th latest-creation of th haberdasher and tailor were In evi dence. ' ' The first, rase to be considered wa that of Dr. A. E. Mackay. who wa ac cused of having 'driven hi Oldsmobile runsbout down Washington street at a speed of 14 mile an hour. Patrolman Matt Murphy waa called to the stand and told In detail of having-meaaured off SOD feet on' Washington atreet be tween glla and King street and th method-of securing the exact time of autoa by means jat a system of signal between him and Patrolman Smith with the aid of a atop watch. 'Accord ing to Murphy'' teatlmony Dr. Mackay covered the meaaured- oourse at - 7:25 o'clock Saturday evening tn 10 second, which figures 14 mile an hour.' - , Dr. Markny took the stand Irl hl own beltalf. .11 told of having jdrlvea a ma- PEOPLE , OP wmm mm if 1 . J . chine 'about th streets .off the" city for a period of four year and that this was th first time "he had ever been accused of fasf driving. . 1 alway try to 'do what-1 right." declared Dr. Mackayt "but it In difficult to. teU whether I waa going too fast on the - night In question. I' was Instru mental in having th ordinance enacted and would naturally not -willfully vio late any of Its provision.. i Th motor of my auto t Incapable of making over SO mile an hour." , . i - X. B. Xolme irot So Tast. .' i j H. B. Holmes, accused of having run hi car over the course Saturday night In. II seconds, developing a speed of 23 miles an hour, wa the next case en gaging the-attention of the court. - Pa trolman Murphy's testimony wa sim ilar to that of th preceding case. . Mr. Holmes, in his statement on the stand, waa to th affect that be had been run ning an aufo for four years and that h had alway tried to , observe . th law. . Mr. Holmea la - thlr owner of a fpjjr-cy Under Franklin car of ten horse power, which-, he declares cannot run over SO miles 'an hour nn level ground. The' cases -of I Therkelsen, charged with 'attaining ay speed of 33 mile an hour; I H. Holman, miles' an hour, and W. C Noon Jr., It miles an hour, were next heard. Th defense In these case waasimllat tot h preceding onw- t""" i . ... r,,. . T O. W. Xleiaer WaaU Vaiir lay. T O. W. Kleieer of th advertising firm of Foster Kleiner waa the last at the. derendanta to De neard. He wa ac cused of having run his big touring car at tl mfles an. hour at half past. eight o'clock on Saturday, night. MivKlelaer mad an extended plea for clemency and fair play. He pointed out that all of those arrested were reputable business and professions! men and declared that th method of timing adopted by th po licemen gave. the autolst th worst of It.- He admitted that there were many reckless chauffeurs, but maintained that if he and 'hi cedefendanta were guilty then 01 per cent of the motorist of th City violated the- ordinance. ., . Deputy 'City Attorney Fltsgerald In summing . up the ess made .a moat forceful address. : He said, in part:. . -' Wlnety-rtv 91 Cent Break Xdrw. ' "I agree with Mr. Klelser In this that 5' per rent of th antom6blllt of th city vlolat- th ordinance.-My .own personal - observation show thati .' W had a law a short time ago-that could h enforced. It prohibited machines from traveling more thsn. eight mile t.,W-.-'t v. i . 1 (.Continued on 1'age twoj . , j "-Sl"?l rk' 'iTffinSgyafH EE" 26, . 1906. SIXTEEN PAGES. Was Properly Driwn and Court Had Power to Allow Juror Akey son to Resign, ' Judge Decides Body Has Power to Proceed With Investigations With Assurance That Its Work Will Be Legal and Effective In Every Particular. Presiding Judge Sear of th circuit court this morning decided that the present grand Jury waa regularly drawn and that there waa nothing Irregular In aUowIng Juror Olaf Akeyaon to re sign. Thl decision wa bandd down In the case of the assault charge against Charles Bock, who I accused of having led th attack on th craw of the Johnn Foulsen on th night of Jun 13. Bock waa Indicted by th grand Jury. . . " ' . - Bock attom-y,- R. Citron, yesterday filed a motion, to quash the Indictment, charging that - the grand Jury la not legal -because of Akeyaon' resignation. Judg Seara said: ' . ,-, TThl motion was mad to quash the Indictment on the ground that th grand Jury 1 -Improperly constituted, alleging that the court had no power to permit th reel gnat Ion of Olaf Akey aon. The Mm thing that waa don , In thl oase w war In th habit of doing right along year ago when the grand Jury held sessions of four month at time. When a man wanted to leav th grand Jury and gave any probable rea son w let him. It la contended strenu ously by the district attorney that sec tion 1733 of th Oregon cod give this court power to discharge a grand Juror. It saya: 'If for any reason a Juror may not act the -court may t discharge him.' :,, Court Xaa roll hvn. "Counsel .lay particular stress on Akeyson'a being In good health, but he file an affidavit of Akeyon'a In which he says h preferred not . to serve on th Jury. It seem to me thla section of th cod leavea th matter within thw--ulcTtion--of--tha--eouTt,--and-glT th court full power to act. "Thl Juror spoke to ma about th matter and gave me hi reasons, and I thought they were aufflclent. Whether right or wrong, I believe that th court haa full power to act In thl matter and th motion to quash th Indictment will b denied." ' Attorney Citron took an exception to the court' ruling and if Bock la found guilty will appeal to the supreme court. .At the request of Deputy District Attorney Bert Haney th trial wa act for next Monday, July 3. Thl wa objected to by Citron, who said he wanted to move for a continuance. . "I want th trial to be had a speedily a possible," said Mr. Haney," for I am holding aeven sailors her In Jail aa witnesses." .. . . "Yes, and you have two of my clients in jail. ' said citron. - It was agreed by th attorney that th Indictment charging Bock with as saulting Walter Safer with a revolver and shooting at him .will be th on tried Monday. : N 7 NEW SECRETARY CHOSEN. eorge a. AJlem BlfM and John Oorklak X Bleoted to rosMoa. - Th feature of this morning session of th grand Jury was th election of a new -secretary. George a .Allen, who haa occupied that position since th or ganisation of th Jury a little more than a week ago, wearied of the task and in formed hla colleague that th time had come for them to choos hi successor. He-retired- txom- the room, and remained put while hi resignation was under dla- cusslon, When he went Inside again he was' Informed to hla great satisfac tion that -John- Corklsh had been elected secretary. ; The reason . given - by Mr. Alien xor resigning nia position was that the work wa altogether too ar duouar -H will continue, however' to take ah ctlv part In all Investigations a a member of th. Jury.. Deputy Sheriff John W. Gruast was on, of the two witnesses called thla morning. - He gave th Jury a long list of . Sell wood preclnot "freeholders"-' whose names could not be found on th tax list. Th men referred to, about SO In number,'1 algned voting affidavit freely. In many caae vouching for men who are known fo hav cast Illegal bal lots. The expected result-of Gru net's testimony I the Issuance of numerous subpoenas with th view of finding out Just how many spurious freeholder are represented n th list of signer of th affidavits now - under Investigation by th grand Jury., -. ..-u.. . George H. Thorns. , chairman of . th Democrat to county committee, wa called before the Jury at hla own re quest. ' Calling attention to the report . .(Continued on l'n Three.) TMO ORHQON COUNTRY; READ THE Yesterday fl Was PRICE TWO m i Totals at Noon Showed Word Had Gain of 1 FiveYotesi Over Official Returns, Placing - Him at Tie With Republican Sheriff-Elect ; Great Interest Shown in RecountFour ; Word Ballots Held Up for Decision ( i . - Result of the recount to com- pletlon of fifty-sixth prclne-" ':') . Total number of ballots ". 4 oounted 14.014 0 For Steven.;,. 7.11S. ' For Word....,.. 0,044, e , Blanka ...r 003 1 e Word'a gain onMhe official , return itS'f-.-, . . t Stevens'- lead on official re- turna waa five. Word and ) Steven therefor stand oven. .. For the flrt time Word overcame to d.ny th lead of five vote credited to Steven by th official return a. At noon today th two candidate broke even. At 3 o'clock' this sfternodn they con tinued th race, flying nose-and-noa down th stretch of th 33 precinct till on th Hat of unfinished business. Though. th tally sheets would, seem to show sn advantage to neither can-, dldat at th completion of. th recount, a far a th fifty-sixth precinct. . In reality a decided advantage la held by Word, an advantage which will almost positively mean two vote for him, and may possibly mean four. Two Word ballots rejected yeaterdayn th forty fifth precinct will without doubt be counted tomorrow morning on th tes timony of th election Judge that th invalidating mark were mad by themselves. An Identical situation pre vail with regard to two Word ballot rejected today In th fifty-third pre cinct, except that no Intimation ha been received from th Judge of th latter precinct a to what .their teatl mony will be In th ca. . - Witness stay B Called. Th Word-Stevens contest has reached a stags where witnesses will be placeo on th stand whenever Information. In their possession is deemed likely to throw light on th validity of a ballot Th ruling Of the court hav held that a ballot, becomejv-.inyalld when ...J elector placea upon it any mark or mark which ar neither manifestly by accident or a part of the voting process. Marks of any kind mad by Ignorant or careless Judges are held not to Invali date th ballot. Yesterday two Word ballota on one of which waa written th words "off and "defective" and on the ether "not valid," were rejected. It Being supposed that the elector had don the writing. -v ' . - . Later In th day, however. O. W. -AJ-len, one of th day Judge In that pre cinct, waa sworn.. and. declared- that to the best of his recollection he had writ ten the offending words. O. M. Lance, chairman of the board, partially corrob orated Allen' testimony. -.. Jndg May Kevere Decision. Judge Fraser wa Inclined to reverse hi decision and count th ballot for Word,' when Dan J, Malarkey, attorney . for Steven. requested that aotlon be , deferred until . thla morning. when th third election Judge, Ed Werleln, might be summoned. Werleln appeared this morning, but- Ma larkey .asked for another continuance, saying that he wished to have all. three Judge present and wished to hav th testimony of all taken by a stenog rapher. The matter wa therefore Mid Insurance Beef:andOtherScandaIsMakes-r American Captains of Industry Hide ' L Their Heads in Europe 2 I '".tJoaraal pedal Rervtee.t London, June .30. - Wbll . th capitals, of Europ ar thronged with well-to-do ' Americana." there ar alnguarly few famous American' mil lionaire In evidence anywhere. Th recent Insurance, beef and "other trust soandals hav mad th American multlrollllonnlrfs unpopular In Rurop. Mont of th Illustrated newepepera In London .are reproducing beef and oil cartoons, wherefore -newspaper readers In London and other capitals am famil iar with th Inquisition pfthOl Atnertcan magnatea. . "" ' Th trust magnates suffer from thla publicity, and find Kurope no longer a ssfe playrrnund. Oaden Armour ha not be-n t the RHi hotel In Iumlon for a l ' t 11" w homrril-.l with r i WUtra and clippings JOURNA TT Journal Circulation 16 9 CENTS. ow Ttarjro aws nrwt Kami, nva emu over again until tomorrow , at to be i ginning of th ' morning' session, " o'clock. ' T : ' ..'' During ' th counting of th Fifty-, third" precinct today two Word ballot ' were found which were marked much In ' a atmllar manner. Judge Fraser stated that the mark were probably made by the Judge, but unless that fact could be established th ballot would hav to be rejected. He counted them a blanka and laid them aside -with tha under V Standing that the Judge of precinct it . would be subpoenaed. to appear in court, tomorrow morning. Thus, though th actual figures of the recount leave th candidates with., no advantage between them. It will be aeen that Word ha a . bit th. better of th !tuatloiu . JSaoord Ooaat Had. A record count waa mad thla morn Ing. th taJly-aheets showing th count Ing of 1,330 ballota in three hours, or mor than 000 an hour. Th total rg istered - was ljOOe. or nearly three fourth of th entl vote caat in tie county. At th rat th recount went thl morning he end will be reached som tlma tomorrow arternoon. It la probable, however, that the proceeding will , be delayed Into Thursday, aa the) losing aide la likely to k for a re-, consideration of the pile of several hun-. . dred ballota rejected or excepted to which now Ilea on Judg Fraaer'a desk. Th total number of slips rejected thl morning was ten, seven of ' them having been cast for Stevens. This)-' would hav put Word two In th lead according to th figure of th official' returns, but two' mistake of th elec-., tlon board In precinct 65 war found In ! favor of Word, thua cutting his votes . down In that precinct from 100 to OS ! and adding to thl on rejected ballot In that precinct to 7. . Wrltla- a Ballot. Th ballota caat out all contained bih j necessary writing, auch a "mistake.' "If this Is not a straight Republican,, mak It one," 'for license." "33," to Only writing which 1 clearly not ao4 cldentat or not a part of the elector's at- I -tempt to vote, however clumsy, ar held ' to Invalidate th ballot. Th attempt 1 la to learn th Intention of th elector j and respect It. Judge Fraser stated to..) day that If all th ballota which weroj Imperfectly voted were thrown out ltj would amount to th disfranchisement' of at least 36 per cent of th voters. . So far In th count there haa not ap peered a single palpable instance f In-. tentlonal fraud on the part of th vote I In th casting of marked" ballots ' or on; th part of th election board In count. -ing or handling th ht of pa par. Th boarda for th moat part hav don their work well. . A few small rror hav been recorded, but they wer ium prlslngly few considering the character of the work to b don. HOLLAND ALARMED - : 0VER QUEEN'S ILLNESS Tha Hague, Jun 34. Queen WIN helmlna haa hd a sudden' attack of flli neas "which haa caused much alarm In thla country. Her health haa been poor since her marrlag.and there I great popular Indignation agatnat her . hus band. -. " .. of savag editorial from European pa per denouncing htm. Armour haa llvedl In delusion In London. It Is painful to him to have even th waiters in th restaurant nudae ons -another and point him out as the head of the beef trust. Armour is Invited to din out rarely.' H waa sitting next' to a noted pees, at dinner - night, and this peer wa" surprised to discover Armour an solutrly unconcerned at tha tnlqultle of hla business The-peer waff: f The man seems caiuu-lennlse, t spoke aa if the Lonrtjn pre.. I. f him a personal Injury by pub. r' exposures." -Wtlll.m RoeteffC-e ! seclualon In f t -r)lnlld hot- ' tr iiinlcr t tnot; r U ' DISGRACE l -. .:'.V 4T-