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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1906)
TIIH OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SUNDAY : MORNING, JUNE 24, 1&C3. 0 :. fee ii tdS .. f- fi- . " 'or the Woman whose pride is in her cooking and the man who la 'ing to combine greater econ- . tJi lj . v.- -fczz fpfjl ' r . J orny and better food, there's a big wholesome lesson to be derived frotn an intelligent investigation of - V " li irirkifl ; J&fl 'Djil iIIKlP A ---'l -- ' the superior , features of "The Malleable." ' This splendid, range was originally placed on the market in . ,: , 1 r- .'4sljH !tj3 ' v ... '. , : . .- VfV iT"i I tllrfV '-' ' relponseo a demand ior range which shwld coniHne the sterUng maUeable constra LtT5f:y ffiffiV ; ,v. IB ' - . " m.w . in -'-M ,i . i . . - -- - ' '"' ' ' ' ' ' ' ? ' ' " 7 For the woman whose pride is in her cooking and the man who Is willing to combine greater econ omy and better food, there's a big wholesome lesson to be derived from an intelligent investigation of the superior .features of The Malleable." This splendid range was originally placed on the market in ' reiponse-to a demand ior 4 range which should combine the sterling malleable construction with ar tistic finish 'and the best modern improvements. In the building of these ranges none but experi enced range workers are employed men who afe thoroughijr skilled in their trade, whose work front one year's end to another is the building of scientific ranges." Before leaving the factory every range ' is submitted to three rigid inspections. . . ' - - RIVETED TOGETHER LIKE A BOILER Such Is the construction of The Malleable," a feature which insures perfect and economical opera tion. The quality of malleable iron is such as permits every joint being riveted to air-tightness, Norway rivets being used. Thus is it true of ;The Malleable" that it is the strongest range on euth--built on honor throughout of truest steel and malleable iron you couldn't break it ,whh a sledge hammer. . - - ' v THE OVEN -The oven is the very heart of the range its most vital part. "The Malleable" oven is air-tight- does not admit the gases formed in the firebox, and at the same time preserve 'all flavor and savory juices during process of baking and cooking. An ovens in "The Malleable" ranges are riveted and fitted by hand, and are aluminum finished. ,-; .;' THE FIREBOX . ,- The weakest point in most ranges is the firebox." "-In. The Malleable" this is one of the strong est features. Disposed around the firebox is over one. hundred pounds of the very best grade of gray iron. The size of The Malleable" firebox has been determined by exhaustive tests, designed to as certain the precise size that would by its smallness be most economical of fuel and yet be large enough to operate the range satisfactorily. In other words, it is exactly proportioned for the work, it has to do. r." . ':' ' DUPLEX OR COMBINATION GRATE - The highest degree has been .attained in The Malleablegrate, which operates equally weli with hard coal, soft coal or wood. By one turn of the shaker to right or left the grate can be ad-l ( justed for either fuel. ,"r : many other features )' Combine to make up this splendid range of which we particularly mention the air-tight lower warming closet, the largi and roomy top warming closet, which is fitted with drop doors, on which ! dishes may be placed; the ash pan, riveted to the nickel malleable front, .can be drawn directly from : the rihge-i-nb doon . . . " " , ,' We guarantee The Malleable" in every detail; guarantee it as economical in fuel; guarantee it - as a perfect baker, and we will install one in your home on the terms of $5:00 IN THIRTY DAYS am $1.00 PER WEEK THEREAFTER AND .WE WILL TAKE IN EXCHANGE YOUR OLD STOVE OR RANGE AND GIVE-YOU , LIBERAL ALLOWANCE FOR SAME t iZBprfcJff -: '' ; r- J$JT , f "I FBI VI 1 '. i Is Built in a . ' v -u.. . :. " Manner to All Mail ' Orders Receive 7 Special an J ' ; ,PromptV Attention r -": ri - ..', . . a Lifetime ..'. ;. ., . . , . " ' ' : ' "' - -. i . . . . .. j'