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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1906)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SUNDAY ' MORNINGS JUNE 2V 1S03. loun Topics mrmmwmmmmrw aaMaSBBaaaaMa w-w TOVIOXt'B AJfUBZXZXTI. . "elite.. Bakar.., . ."Tl Telephone Girl" ...... ."Madame IioHIoti" ...... ....."The eVrpenle Btlog" "A OocxI H alur-d Man" . Lrrie...... Bur (Iran..,,. FeDtagea.. VMIfltfTUM Vaudeville Th musical tor th benefit of St. Andrew's "-chapel.. BerrT"VV. ' Powell chaplain, which was postponed on ao ount of the flan Francisco calamity, 'Will be given, at Trinity, parish house. Nineteenth and Everett streets, Thurs day evenjnif, June J. at I o'clock.- A very . attractive programme, been ar renged. Madame- Oondennlng-Mltchell, a . gifted Australian singer, will appear for the first time before a Portland audi ence. Among others are the . popular Mansanlta Male quartet; Mr. F. T. Crow ther already a favorite, and Miss Helen Rrlgham, Miss Annie O'Brien and Miss Grace Jennings, high among the coming. Mr. J. M. Harris, a vocalist from Baa Francisco, has kindly consented to ren der : Mr. . Raymond Hitchcock's famous , character song, "Ain't It Funny What a Difference Just a Few Hours Make." Mr. Carl Denton will be at the piano. Tickets KO cents. At Woodard. Clarke , A Co.'evand Martin and Row' pharma-J cles. ... Robert Burch, has taken an appeal to the circuit court from the ruling of County Judge Webster, refusing to al- low his claim of $40 against the estate of Mary Burch.' Burch asked the sal of a tract of timber land 1n Tillamook county to satisfy his alleged claim. This was contested byV his daughter, Gertrude Burch, aged JT.-Who alleges that her father's claim . . against her mother's ' estate ' Is not - valid. " She says - her father ;; gave - her mother the. . $460 for signing - a deed to some property In Minnesota that he wished to sell, and Is now trying -to get it back. Btae also states that the timber land could not. be sold now at rits full value, -, v 7 "r . Come along with us today to the Cas eado Locks, at. II for the round trip of T lit miles. "Thi Chaa, R.-Spencer- de- parts from Oak street dock at a. m., returning at 0 p. m. This la America's -most charming excursion trip on of the most delightfully romantic in the wairld with the mighty mountains on. either .side of the river, the wonderful! waterfalls," wdeep7 dark canyons, pyra midal rocks appearing as If carved by hand,- entrancing landscape and en . chanting groves. Come along and have a good time ' today. Meala served If desired. " . ' ' ' : - '-. A Successful Opening. Scoree of old friends and new patrons visited - the , new place opened yesterday at 140 ' Seventh street, between Alder and Mor- rlson. by Mas Smith, proprietor of the Savoy restaurant He certainly must have-felt gratified at the liberal patron ' age accorded him on his first day in - the new location. EverybVly expressed satisfaction at fhe splendidly appointed dining room and private rooms for la dles and families.- The service was ex- celient and Mr. Smith deserves the con .... tinned good will of. hte patrons. . 'Voters may learn a lesson by this In- - veatigatlon. Hundreds have learned by . -' Investigation that our studio has not a ' " superior on earth. W never have per mitted a new and good thing to be in jrented for the Improvement of photog- . raphy to escape us, hence the just and . honeai claim that our studio Is not sur- -tjaaaed. Open-Sundays, from IB-to- "4. Moore, ,J51ks' budding. Seventh and ' Stark...-.-,. ;r Troltey' Excursion on O. W1. P. To Oresham, it cants; all points east of Oreebam to and Including Estaeada, 10 tents; -Oregon" City and Canemah Park It cents round trip. Car leave First and Alder- street for Estaeada 7:S0, 1 1:39, 11:a. 1:10. 1:40. 8:44. .T;H; for OreUgTo-jOraaham. Oregon Cityatd--CTre-4 gun City onthe odd hours and every 40 mlnutea. Dinner at Hotel Estaeada Tic; dancing at Canemah Park afternoon ""' unitia; - . .1 There la no trade In which th people are more enacting than the tailoring. j The beat work makes pleased customers, and pleased customers always send their friends. That is tlieTeaaon-our bualnens - has Increased steadily for th' past It yeara. Remember our price. Any suit in th house to order. SSB. No more, no less. Unique" Tailoring -company)' SOI -jtarkv neatiaiath. . - Th grandest thing in Portland. I . th magnlfk-ent -.panorama of snow-capped - mountains, rivers and vallays surround ing this city. To see this to th best ' advantage, go to the obaervatory. Haw.' thorn Terrace. Portland Heights. Pow . arful telescopes, monster searchlight. . Mount Rainier, 11.000 feet high and 10S ' miles distance, Is visible todsy.... Information has ben received that Judge 8nell has granted Rose M. Eat a divorce from Benjamin Eatea at Ta coma on th ground of desertion, be ginning In April, 1(01. They were married In March, 1100. It was ordered that Mrs. Etr be allowed to re im rher maiden name. Rose Schneider. Kate Is said to b in this city. An Injunction was granted by Judge Sears yesterday, afternoon restraining W. L. Drobach and E., A. Hattley from removing th furnttur from th New I-9?!a'!,ot'La' Washington street. The suit wjiougBtyTi"TfUmmr -1 . -J 1 . J Wedding Rings and Wedding Presents Nowhere will you find a more select line of Wedding 1 Rings all $hapes and styles .in M, is and 22 karat. Our assortment - of wed- .ding. presents, .consisting 6l rich and rare Silverware, ' Cut Glass, handsornely deco-r rated ' China, etc., has - brought us to the front as - Headquarters for Wed ding Presents ; ; ... PRICES MOST,, : 1 "REASONABLE C.; Heitkemper Go; Jewelers and lUversmiths. 286 MORRISON STREET? 'owert PTieed Mweiry atonte foe ., lgh-Orad Ooede. W. H. MOOfeE E. LYTLE - W. COOPER MORRIS LEO FRIEDE II. A. MOORE CXIcers tzi Directors , 'J " of the Oreflon Trust &. Savings Bank . Sixth and Washington Streets, ... . Portland, Oregon. This Bank Is Open SATURDAY NIGHTS To accommodate its customers arftt the public,' pay checVs and receive deposits and do a general bank ing business from 5 to 8 o'clock. WE HAYE.. FORRENT . Safe Deposit Boxes' If you have private papers, notes, mortgages, policies or deeds you should have a box. , Call and in spect our -vaults. , . ' . l and alleges that the furniture was sold for $4,000 to Margaretha Lang. wno gave eight promissory, notes of Iboo each in payment. W. I Brobach is said to-have bought the goo.d'Trom Mrs. Unit and. to have paid all of the notes but two. Judgment for S1.Q00 and the Injunction - restraining th re Jnoval of the furniture until the notes are paid are asked. , ' ii, . r- The "annual pienlo of th Portland postofflc employes will be held today at Steele Inn. the residence or wilt U. Steele, who was for" 14 years in the registry department Of the local postof flce. '- The grounds are situated on Ful ton Heights, a delightful place for an outing, and the clerks and carriers will be out in full force. .t.,;' ' Water through hos , for sprinkling yards or sidewalks, or' washing porches or. windows, must be paid for in advance and used only between the hours of I and I a.. mT and S and p. m. It must not be seed for sprinkling streets. If used oantrary to these rules, or waste fully. U will b abut off. . , . " - . Articles of incorporation of the Port land Fuel company were filed in th county clerk's office yesterday after noon by a. A. Steel, J. B. Schoolf leld and K. F. Cannon.. The articles state that they purpot dealing in wood. Coal, and other. fuels and feed. Capital stock 1(0,000. , . , . To the Warships and Oaks. The Chi cago, Princeton, Pant Jones and Preble, now In th harbor, quickly reached. every aeven or eight minutes, froml to $ p. m., from Favorite boat house. foot Morrison atreet, South side bridge, and Oaka every few minutes all after- moon and evanlng. , . - Sunday Outings by Trolley on the O. W. P. To Estaeada on th upper Clackamas river. !& mile from th city. 60 cent round trip. - Dinner at Hotel Estaeada. 7t cents. Cara leave Flrat and Alder streets 7:10, :0. 11:J0 a. a 1:10, 1:40, 1:44. 7:15 p. m. - Tickets on sal la th waiting-room. Special Rate on O. W. P. Tomorrow. man Park, It cents round trip. Dancing in Canemah Park pavilion afternoon and evening. Cars leave First and ' Alder Uel.JoXJDregon.X'Jon tf,e oddhour and every 40 minutes. Tickets on sal In waiting-room. Evergreen Sanitarium, 140 Corbett street. A quiet home for the sick of both sexes and women In confinement. In charge of graduate nurses from Bel- levu and Polyclinic, New York. Splen didly furnished rooms and surgery in connection. Ttlephon Main 1800. The American Adjustment company has hen incorporated "by C H.- Farrlng ton, E. E. Farrlngton . and F. W. Whit field. Their objocta ar to maintain a collection agency, audit -books and ac counts and guarantee titles. Capital stock 125.000. - ' . J Real estate, in Portsmouth valued at $200 comprises the e elate of Charley Anderson, according to th report tiled in the county court yesterday after noon by. the appraisers, Charley t,lnd, NelsJLind and Claus Anderson. Th estate of Annie E. Robert con sists of promissory notes to. the value of " $T,2S, -according- to -threportTf the appraisers, Louis Buck, R. J. Lewis and John Farrell, filed in th county court yesterday afternoon. Oregon City ' Boats. Bring your friends Sunday and show them th beauties of the Willamette. Leave Tay Jor street 1:10, 11:10 a. m., 1:10 p. m. Leave Oregon City 10 a. m., 1:S0 p. titt 5:10 p. m. Round trip tie. Trolley Excursion on O. W. P. -Tomorrow to Oregon City and Canemah Park and Oreshara, 16 centa; Estaeada, 50 cent round trip. ' Ticket office and waiting-room First and Alder, streets. ' This will remind you that now Is f time to have your hair mattreases reno vated and returned th sam day. Phone Main 474. The Portland Curled Hair Factory, H. Metiger, proprietor. Se th wonderful Camera Obacura new open to the public, located near th observatory, Portland Helghtar'Th most wonderful thing In th northwest. Admission 10c: children 5c. i . Charging desertion, beginning In June, 1905, Ludwlg Beck has begun ault In the circuit court for a divorce from Rose May Beck. They were married In thla city In May. J. MI, - - i - - 1 1. f- " " . "" "' ' Lost or Stolen. Boeton bull terrier; brlnrtle, four whit feet, "whit - blase on face, screw tall, answers nam Ted. Reward $10 for .return to til Fifth street if " : Who wants 4o tnov to Florida? t own - a 120-acr farm - en . gulf coast Will sell or exchange at bargain." Ad dress . Hiram Vrooman, Box ' 454. Port' land. .t , " Screen Door and Windows. Regular sixes in stork; odd sixer triads to order and fitted to openings. F. E. Beach Co.,llS$ First street. ' rhon 1$24. - W'hir rates east call at th Chi cago. Milwaukee aV St. Paul railway office. -14 -Third street, corner . Alder. IL S. .Row, general agent. j .,JWMnr 8. , Peterson, OttoiJ. Kraemer and " Virgil -JU -Clark, appointed to ap praise th value of the estate of Anna Winter, filed a rtyort U tit aauty SAYS ST. HELENS BLEW HEAD OFF- Rancher Living Near May gar De r claret Mountain Wa In Erup tion Last Wednesday. ' SAYS HIS NEIGHBORS , WITNESSED THE SCENE As Result Contour of Mountain Peak Is Considerably Changed, He Al leges, and Declares ' Investigation Will Show He Speaks Truth,'; How doea Mount Saint Helen look to Jrou thla morning? . . ', Any different from a week agof ' Can you make out two distinct humps peek ing over the western border far up above the snow lino that were never ther before! If you tan you will have rea son to' believe the story of C N. Davld 9nolMygar that the whit lady of the northxperlenced a violent eruption on Wednesday last. - C. N. Davidson Is a rancher who for' th past II years has lived and labored near the llttl town of Maygar, due weat of St. Helens. On Jaat Wednesday morn ing he was hoeing in his potato patch. At -10:40 a. m., as nearly aa he is able to figure, be looked up to aee-his hired man, John Vlnlng, racing madly in his direction, hat off, hair flying and ho pointing tragically toward ' th . snow capped peak to th eastward. ."HI. yl!" screamed the excited fellow. "Look at th mountain! Blowing ' up, that's what she is!- Oce, I wonder if we re going to have an earthquake?" The hired man had not been to town that Sunday, and so 'Davidson did. not take th trouble 'to smell hts breath. Instead, he cast his eyes toward St. Helena and immediately perceived - that Vlning's tantrum had not been without cause. ' Besorlbes the eruption. "I Raw a great funnel-ahaped aloud." declared Davidson. "It waa white, snow white, and its top cut far into th heavens-. It ' seemed to be ' projected with th velocity of a cannon ball. - It did not break for many hundreds of feet and when It- did it spread out to right 1 and Jf t Lhurrled to call the neigh bors, and a number of us watched" to gether for hour after hour. Sometimes th flow of the white stream was stronger, sometimes weaker, and ' ther were moments when we could catch a glimpse of th mountain tip itself and could see that great changes had taken place In Its formation. Immerme quan tities of rock and earth had apparently been vomited out of the bowels of th mountains upon its northern side." irosltlv au Saw It. Mr. Davidson Is positive that th phe nomenon he aw waa a violent eruption of Mount Saint Helena. Th whit funnel he believe to have been steam, ejected with Tltanior violence -from ' a newly formed crater. He watched th play of steam and smoke until 5 o'clock that evening, when It subsided. Th next day he made careful observations and was convinced that th northern side of the mountain had materially altered In shape. Two humps were thrown "so "high fhaC lri his opinion. hey can be seen from Portland. These hump war pointed out to a Journal re porter last night. Th humps are cer tainly, there, but it must be left to thou more familiar with th outline of th peak to say as to whether or not they ar newcomers on th topography of St.. Helens. Davidson gav a list of jutmea OtJiUaighboraho-nd -ready4j to verify his statements in detail. Somif , Jlu" llJLl r th Br. w tob"r.. we shall commence work re of them ar Mrs. John W. Hoffman. Mrs. Roberts, R. C. Davidson and wife. and Mrs. C. A. Johnson. Th rancher telegraph his news to Portland from th nearest station on th day of the erup tion was because he supposed hundreds of other people In the country had seen It as clearly as he. An Inquiry made last night of Will Q. Steele, an authority on mountain history In this section, ellolted th Information that Saint Helena was one Jn eruption many years ago. Mr. Steel knew noth ing of the alleged --"blow op" of - last Wednesday. . Davidson spent last night at the Hotel St. Charles. H will leav for his horn near Maygar today. court yesterday afternoon stating that the estate has real estate In this county worth $10,000. Netice to the Public W wish to Inform you that we hav no solicitors for work of any description. Hayea Hayes, photographers. , $50,000 stock fireworks to be sold wlthn next 10 days, wholesale and re tail. S3 1 Morrison . . Street. Marquim building. -. W ar still selling eye glasses at $1; a perfect fit guaranteed or money re funded. Metiger Co., Ill Sixth street Launches for"warah!pif Merrill's boat house, north side Morrison street bridge. . ' Acme Oil Co. sells th best safety oil and fin gasolines. Phone Eaat 78. - For Quality. Quantity and Quickness go to Morria' restaurant. Women's exchange, 13$ Tenth street, lunch, II to t. , 'Wooster sells v7rythlng 40$ Wash ington Street, Panama hatter, $11 4th. Phon Pac. $07. Prla waits Cedar Park tonight. PORTLAND TO GET : . ; , .. ANOTHER FACTORY t)r. W. R. Wales of Denver, Colorado, Is Stopping at th Portland hoteUwhll, arranging with local capitalists for th tabllshment of a large chemical fac tory In this city. Dr. Wales has plants at Omaha, Denver, Kansas City, Bt. Paul and Bait Lake City. He will also es tablish factories, In Reattl and Spo kane. -- Th principal article that will be man ufactured will be metal polish, of which Dr. Wales is th only manufacturer weat Of .Chicago. Many persona of both sexes will be employed and a special building may be erected for thtnw concern. - - y..,J.i' ' MAINLY PERSONAL Mis Emma Tfummel. wilt- leaw for Chicago, New Tork and Boston July 1 to b gone annut a montn. fleora-e I Baker has received a letter from Walter Reed, formerly a Portland optician, saying that M'f. Jteed Is In Shanghai. Chin. , Sf..--' " . 1 Hft. .i .": t rot enlca twanlts ue ib Wat Ool. I M ftVIM . . . - HIE METHOD OF SELLING PIANOS NEW RETAILING SYSTEM IN AUGURATED . BY EILERS i -'PIANO HOUSE. ' - Automobile and Carriage Service or Patrons." Temporary Relief at Wholesale Department. "Fine New Show Rooms at . Thirteenth and Northrop Streets. New System Means Much to Intending Purchas ers.' Read Particulars. Compelled to retire from active retail selling of pianos and organs waa th gloomy future which Ellera Piano House rmd to face. -?:nble to ure satis factory renewal of th old lease and th Inability to arcti re other suitable retail quarters, no. alternative remained but tq retire. . At th eleventh hour terms satis factory to both parti, on a new basis, however, were arrived at, and a new leaae waa signed covering a period of five years. The new lease Includes th west portion of th building formerly occupied by Aeolian Recital hall and th general offices of Kllers Piano House, together with the entire upstairs, pos session of which, however, cannot be obtained until late this fail, owing to th leas of the Portland Business col lege, the' present occupants, not ex piring, until October. These new arrangements, however, did not relieve the necessity of-retiring frn active retailing for th time being. t Temporarily.' th Oregonlan Premium Talking!-Machine, department, for the dlatrlbution of Victor and Columbia rec ords, was moved to the upper corner of th Old Kllers Piano Houae, in the front part of former Recital hall. In th rear portion of the earn hall was put Pianola subscription library; -and as -soon as completed th general offices will be removed to a (nozianrn floor that will be provided In th northwestern part of the building. This, however, loaves us without suit able retail salesrooms. Th old adag that "Necessity is th mother of In vention" was again proven true, and fortunately a novel idea has-been worked out which greatly relieves th situation. -. - wew salesrooms In our large, well lighted and. spa cious warehouse ot th corner of Thir teenth and Northrup streets (which property w own), w have fitted up a number of suitable showrooms. Her you will find a complete assortment of brand-new Chlctrerlngs, Wehers, Kim ball a, Hobart M. Cables. Haseltons, Schumanns, Haddorffs; also Pianola pi anos, pianolas, orchestral lee, organs, electiio nlanoa, etc, etc. Th sam low prlcea that bav mad th "Famous quarter-block of fin planoa" a house hold word throughout the entire north west will prevail," coupled with, easy term of payment. In addition w hav Inaugurated for the convenience of our patron as auto mobile and carriage service between our down-towVi offices. at SSI Washing ton street and theae new display rooms at the corner of Thirteenth and North - Planoa will also be supplied for con cert or rental, as heretofore, but all nnlltlAna must tie made at nur down town office, 151 Washington street, corfmanagr and th nglnear, nr faric . . -New Store Virtually. It Is Dlanned to entirely remodel th Trtion -eoured under th new lease. which win eventually give Ellers Piano Mouse a larger space than ever before and effect a saving of at. least $3. 000 modeling the upstaira premleea. Con. venient stairways, and a modern ele vator will -be Installed. Several very Ine mimie emdloe en ulte or slna-1 will also be provided. W ahall hav a fine recital hall, twice as large as our former one; a fin Aeolian and Pianola library room and also talking ma chine parlors will be sorti of th note worthy features. Th upper or western -portion of th block formerly devoted to Aeolian hall will be remodeled and rebuilt, as an entrance to the new upstairs salearooms, a portion alao being devoted to show windows, delivery rooms and prlvat offices of th various managers. In - th - meantime, however, Eilers Piano Hous will continue on the baal mentioned above, and if you contem plate the purchase or rent or store or the 'moving of a piano, call at Ellers nano Houae, idi wasmngton street. courtesy wlil be shown to patrons and inienamg purcnasers. BAKER TO GO EAST TO GET GOOD STOCK PEOPLE Theatrical Manager Will Pick Out Best Material He Finds .. in Eastern Companies, 2. With th Idea In View of getting for th Baker stock company ome of th best actors and aetrssses now appearing In stock In the United States, Manager Baker will leave In two weeks for an extended tour - through . th principal cities of-the country for-th purpose of seeing productions of th best summer stock companies. If he sees an artist who take hi fancy, that artist will become a member of. the Baker stock company If money and , persuasion ean do It. , .. i Mr. Baker will begin tilsj tour at Oak land; go on to Los Angeles, from ther to Salt Lake, .Denvar, Omaha, Chicago, Milwaukee. Philadelphia. New York" and Boston. If he fall to find what ha wants -tn thee -cities he may take a southern trip and look for material among th theatre of Charleston, Mo bil and New Orleans. "W will retain in the company all th principals who hav endeared them selves to th Portland public," said Manager Baker last night. "W expect to get eome new people, and w will get th best in th country." v Among th artist to be obtained by Manager Baker are a character woman and an ingenue. Oa this trip Mr. Baker will Also make arrangements for pro ducing th next stock season many of th eaatarn successes of th paat two years, some of which hav not been re leased for stock company production before. ' . . v The Dalles Will Celebrate." - The Dalle,' Oregon, will hold a mon ster Fourth - of July celebration th year. As an inducement ror mis end otbsr celebrations that day th O. R.,m N. .Co. will sell on and on third far tic Vet July I. I and 4 with, final limit July. . , ' ' . : - . . .m ' . . . fMraaV ate lateres-tlag to bays tad BRINGS BIG CARGO FROH JAPAfl Oriental-Liner Arabia" Makes Better Time Across Pacific Than Ordinarily. HALF OF THE FREIGHT CONSISTS OF CEMENT Captain MeUenthin Says Famine in Japan Is a Thing bf the Past and That Reports Have Been Greatly ' Exaggerated Mill at Hongkong. Light, variable wlnda and fin' wea ther, with a smooth sea, mad it pos sible for the Portland-Aslatlo liner Arabia to make th run from Yokohama to th mouth of th Columbia liver In a little over IT -days, -or about-a day quloker than th average passage, Bh arrived ln th harbor at 10:10 o'clook last night and tied up at Montgomery dock No. 1. where sba will commence discharging part ot her cargo tomor row, morning-. , ' ' Th big Uner flea deep in the water, and this la explained by "her bringing on of th largest cargoes ever brought here rrom th Orient. All told It repre sents nearly 4,000 tons. Cement con stitute a th lion's share of th cargo, matting, camphor, gunnies, sulphur and tea making up th bulk of th remainder of th freight.- Besides th abov named article of commerce, th manifest shows large shipment of panuta, -tin. tapioca, pepper, coffee, nutmegs, cloves and outer spices, and about J.ooo1 bag of rice. Captain. Metsenthln says the Arabia had the ocean all to herself In coming across from Japan, for not a sail of a streak of smok waa sighted during th entire yoyaga. In every reaped-the trip waa a most pleasant one. 'On hear very llttl of th famine at Japan nowadays," said th captain. in speaking of general conditions ta the Orient, "and there ar many who aesert that the report sent out rrom th In. terlor were greatly exaggerated in order to detract attention from unusually heavy Importation of provisions, etc. for future occasions. Th Japanese flag 4 prevailing In all th Japan her bora, and European firms ar ex perl nclng a slack season. r "A matter that may b of consider able interest to th people of Portland Is the building of a large flour mill at Hongkong Jn company with A- H. Ken. nles, th promoter and proprietor, I vis ited th mill, which is being crowded with all possible vigor. Th mlU ta sit uated on Junk, bay, eight miles from Hongkong, and Ilea well sheltered on th foot of high hill; in fact on a better place than Hongkong harbor. Junk bay being a plac of refuge for vessels during ty phoons. Th main buildings, which ar nearly finished, consist of the store house for wheat, with a capacity of 1.000,000 bushals. the mill building, where the Installation of machinery ha J b(lsun ,nd th storehouae for near, completed altogether. Two fin dwell. Ing houses stand completed a llttl way up th hill, and ar Intended for th Th main buildings ar of steel frames filled with brickwork. The power plant la to be a Diesel oil engine, of which th fuel tank is to be seen away up the htH.. A solid stone pier runs th whole length, but wheat ships ar to be anchored about a ship's length off gad to dls charge Into lighters.' JrtA,Stuhran Importer of, menagerie animals, was among-tTiierowd"w1io groped their way in th dark to the dock. He expected to receive a larg oonalgnment of big monkeys and ape. hut-aaaorely disappointed, for the quarters In th forecastle harbored only on simian, and a very ordinary speci men at that. Th big monkeys, so th Chines stated, will arriv on th next liner, which Is du to arrive her In about 10 daya. ALONG THE WATERFRONT. Captain WUlms of th German ship Emlllo will celebrate his birthday this evening on board the vessel. - A num ber '"of friends have been invited and th Wffalr promises to be on of th happiest of the kind along th water front for many a day. Th brlgantin Geneva will leav down thla morning bound for San Franclaco with a cargo of liftnber. Bh cleared Friday and Captain Thompson signed his crew yesterday. Th steamer Skagit will be launched from th ways at Supple' boat yard next Saturday. She will be taken around to Seattle by her own Steam about th first of August . Th schooner Alvena and th British ship CarneddWewenyn ni arrive in the harbor this morning. Th Britisher comes under charter to Balfour, Guth rie & Co. to load a cargo of wheat for Callao. Peru. The schooner W. F. Garma will finish loading at th Portland Lumbar Mill thla week. " "" River steamers are enjoying a heavy traffic thea daya and tha excursion! boats ar doing a thriving business. MARINE NOTES. , Astoria, Jun' $J. Condition of th bar at ( p.- m. smooth, wind north west,, weather clear. Arrived at 4 a, m. and left up at 12:1$ p. m. German steamer Arabia, from Hongkong and way ports. Left up at 10 a. m. British ship Carnedd Llewellyn and schooner Alvena. Arrived down at I$:t0 and sailed at :$0 p. m. British ateamer Tottenham, for Shanghai. Sailed at 1:$0 p. m. Schooner Bailor Boy, for San Francisco. Sailed at - a. m. Steamer Klmor for Tillamook. . San Francisco, June t$. Sailed yei terday Steamer Tiverton ' for Astoria. Redondo, June tl. Arrived yester day Bohooner Irene from Columbia river. . Queenstown. Juni $$. Arrived British ship St, Mungo and Norwegian ship General Gordon from Portland. , The Way to Travel. - The road that gives you the. service should be th road to travel. Th Can adian Pacific not only boasts of furnish ing th very best service, but th eoenlo attractions are unquestionably without a parallel. Tour Itinerary ean -be ar ranged so that every foot of th seen I a portion of th line 1 viewed during day light.. Th ehier attraction ar th Franer eeooa. Valley of th Illeeillwaet, Albert eanon, th Great Glacier of th Selkirk, jcmertatl range and Canadian national pa'rk. all of which ge to make up th grandest panorama of mountain scenery -tn- -th world. ' f For , descriptive matter and full particular regarding rata, etc. rail on or address F. R. John. on, F. and P. A., Peruana, Oregon. "'. i 'f i . ' Headquarters i$$l Morrlaoa street. Marquee, niiling. ... . . , ; Fireworks! Now is the time to buy your Fireworks; avoid the rush. We carry the largest wholesale stock in the Northwest, in' eluding- largest Exhibition Sets for City and Country Towns, loudest Giant Crackers, Fancy Rockets, Roman .... i i . , Candles, Torpedoes, Flags, etc : ' s Andrew ; 287 MORRISON ST, BET. EXXT3C SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. SUTTZB AST9 ) E UROPEAN P LA N RESTAURANT and GRILL ROOM in CONNECTION . Telephone In every room. Bath, jtievator service. Th Only rirsVclaaa Hotel Srew ti Tr nf net Single Room, AVaieS sit. c4 no OinrrAY SCAnr, Sfastagef. . Fin Seatlstry AH Work Gold Crowns.. B4.00 Bridge work.. B3.00. Full set teeth. SS.OO Telsphoa SlaU STee. Opposite men naate Memae, Oct back your strength. eneriy, ambition, by -uetng BASSETTS NATIVE HEftnS. Cost only l lor three months' treatment ' osjey back If eloeaa'l care. Also 33c sue, AtDrucgists' (In black braes)! If not. vttl ta PtXS r Dsmtfarlett lerWC. Cat. MONEY AH work guaranteed tor tea yeara Lady attendant alwaye present AH work don absolutely without pela by specialists of from It to $ years' es perlenoe. ...... i . Oold fillings. Bridge Work, . Gold Crowns, ArtlSclal Teeth, , . B0ST0M PAINLESS DENTISTS ttl Morrlaoa St. Op p. Meier Flank and Poetoffloe, Western Summer Institute . For . Teachers--Preparing, jfor August Examinations " " Address UD.A.QR0UT.. V XADD SCHOOL OSTEOPATHY -,XR. BP 8HEPHERO Ml-S Kaolsay Sldf. Fhoa ataia asee. President California. College of Oeteop. ethy. ; - - Member Cal. State Board ef Examiners. CAPTAIN GEORGE STOKES LEADS BRIDE TO ALTAR " Captain George W. Stokes of Engine Company No. 1 waa- married Friday evening to Mlas Edna M. Lundby. Th wedding was th culmination of a lov affair of long atandlng. Th ceremony waa performed et the residence of the brtd' mother, 410 Hall treat, and tl of mor friends and rela tive attended. Rev. A. W. Wilson of th .United Presbyterian church, offi ciated. Captain Stokea Js nn a 1 days' vacation and Is receiving; th congratu lations of friend. They will be at home to their friend at tie Hall street. . ' Oait Denton' Progress. Carl Denton ha-arranged thla pro. gram to be used today In the service at Trinity church: 11 a. m. "Meditation In D Oull- mant:,Totlud in F," Rlnrk." ' t p. m. "Bong without word,. teahayi "Poetlud In B Flat," Volk mar. At th morning eervlce Madam Olcndennlng-Mltchell. a recent arrival from Sydney. Australia, will sing "II Shall Feed Ills nook." from Th Mes he Mes has the il range Ci co. elan" by Handel. Mrs. Mitchell good fortune to pnesea a vocal whCi e-' ' r t ; i toU Ce nanuitMd. j23Lv.t.- (chip-' T UAJM' m ... "e tr MUM. Mr f I $ Cii.u oaw. LawaBBBaHslla Mm Kan & Co. FOURTH AND FIFTH. OOVwH - Hot and eold water. Opemsloa. Opened Xaae a, 1IOC $2.00 per Day and op and an HOTEL MOORE . on axn rmm thas. : Qalsop Eesdi, Sesslie Cre;:3 "rn oun serrn oar varnaem." Directly on the beach, overlooking the ocean. Hot salt baths and surf bth Ing. Recreation pier for fishing. Bun parlors, electric lights, fireplace and f umaoe heat Fine - walk and drives. Bea foods a specialty. . v Rales $2.50 and SS.C9 PtrDiy SnOZAX BATXS BT TSB WBBK DAN JT. MOORE, Proprietor.' Hotel Eaton 00 X, BOSJUSOV AST0 XST PASS STS. NEW ' BtadeasMly ronlahed, elesaatly eqalpuet. trepraC ere stlnDtee' walk tna seaH ef akoppiaf aad aaataaae eutriet, all larse. u-r, eetslee won, stetai keetea, eleetrtt llfhts, telepheoe In each apartaeat. eta. Larse etaete. laaodne, ssMklag. wTtttBS, ladlM reeeptlo partara, . aeasM by bmII ee teUpaeae. Private estaiaes stests toatas a4 Hoomt $I.OO to $3,OO.m Dmy Btl Bates as 0sisnreti HI, VAI IAT0V, rrersHrty of Betel Vtdaata. isiai, EeBeColivell ' j" '. (FaraMfty Farta. - WSOLEWLE AN0v ETAn. CE3CC2 -J. Sit. SM. IM ThM sfc. ew. Jiffai, - Big Store of Little Price roixowrire psioks vat Sats Terr see OH XTXXT DOIXAB. etTALITT VAkAPTXU cHaLige e sxst mAxne pewna Is etUl, pat lb , ...tee SET SBAirnATXS SUOaS, PXB BAOX.$e.Te n ibs Bar eaAvrrtAnB svsab i ee t pkgs Migoena eteaaed eartaata ........ .M I pkgs sew iuea eeeaed reJata Me I lbe sew ajuea loom lfaeeatels I -Ik caa lUiyal baklag powder .............40 Crease Biarkwell'a alive en, at ttlas..eM l-lk pkg Arm A Baauaer eoea 1-gal caa faaay table syrap . 40 H-gal caa faaey table arnip ,,,,,.,..Oe . ghre4od Wbwl Mecatt Pv pkg .....lee yaaey Early Jon Peas, per torn CO II bars moral Batea eoap .... T eaaa best H aardlaea la oil. I lb palla pare lard.... 10-lb pall pore lard ......$1.1 Oere erater 1-lb eaaa, eolld, per a....... .to H O eats. S-lb pkfa, per pkg .......10 Beat Bteaie aaaa. per lb..... lie kradd.4 eeeoaaDt, per lb ....... .......... ,1s eatefe eata. par pkg ................. ...... to Feeltua cereal, per pkg ...t .....SO rail's Kaptba soap, per bar te Best eert-wheat door, per aaek ....$1.0(1 Java Mocha coffee (regular Me) .......V H bos Bade crackers (abeat 10 Iba) ......Oa raglisb Breakfaat tea, pa lb .............It Faaey Oaapowoer tea (regular I8e) ,..,..,. Daaeda .Blaeolt, per pkg. Ke Oeiirerta Taieaeay sad Prllayaa .v non stAni ear. BLAIR Ca BAIBLB ABB (iirrri - WOAAaV . - ;- Art tie am, aweia, siaaatt. lea aw. l .m.tarr aa hatlaio werB ataaataetarad frost the baa a aiarblaaadfraana. CanaepuaeaeaveM ereare praeaptly attaOa4 to. . UA tU HUeS hrttt IfUte - PORT LAND OB on 7 feiv uiyfiVU' ( s r'-t .- -. f O . 1 t e b4 ) vita Hwejea 1 t - - I trait o and ac-rano I - . . . ; . .:. n mm 0