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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1906)
1 .1 ..... ... .' THE OREGON-VSUHDAY""" JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY. MORNING. JUNE 24,, 1803. 016 FISHES JOT ID GOVEROLIEDT IIET' v Moody Abandons Hope of Con- vlcting Rockefeller, Arch- ' bold and Rogers. - . RAILROAD PRESIDENT ;. TO ESCAPE UNSCATHED Clerks and Minor Officials Not to Be . Prosecuted,- but . Government Will Strike 'as Far : Up as Possible V- Againsf Rebaters. ; . " (Special DUpitck b Leased Win to The Jimraal) Washington, .' C. June 2J. -Thar .- was . a not of pessimism , running . through the talk In administration clr- ee-' today concrnfng th prapaaed prosecution of the. Standard Oil com' " pany for th Infraction of the Elklns . law, th antl-truat law and th . lawa Z In restraint of trad. " Th attorny--: general 'said frankly that he could not ; hop to reach John D. Rockefeller, John TJ. Archbold or K E Rogers. Th big fishes are to go unscathed. . . - All that th aovernment can hop to - do I to set acme of th moderately bis ;. men In th oil trust. It will be easy enough, it Is said.- to Set a whol lot .. of th llttl fellows, but th fedmini. ' tratlon will not try to Indict end con ' vlct shipping clerks and traffic under r. lings. Th whol aim will b to get ; as bis; gam as possible. At th outset It wat hoped that Rork '': efeiler and Archbold could be indicted, but that hop has vanished. Even At ' torney-General Moody admit It. Rocke feller is now in Europe, but ho did not , run away at th prospects that th gov- ; ernment would ' set after his pet oil combine. He need hav no fear of being Indicted by a grand -Jua-y-rfsom evtdene ' now in th hand of th department of .? justice. - . " - Bom month ago th two high priest of th Standard Oil company (Rogers and Archbold) came to Washington and .talked for two hour on night with ; , President Roosevelt. Th. facta a to their conference never became known. It is frankly admitted - hy --rAttorny-General Moody that it will be Impossible ' to reach-, th high officials of a great - trust of- this kind. . . . ' ; The sam la tru . of the railroad - presidents. . Ail th department can y hop for la to gat a far up among -th officials of the octopus as - president. It Is hoped to land a-few of th big .. fish and the energies of th officials ' of th department ar.. to be directed '," toward getting as high, as possible. . "V- Mr. Moody conferred with the presl- dent1 today. He Is preparing the. tes , tlmony ha will lay before th grand . Jury of several state. It Is azpected - , that ha will be prepared to submit th A, records to grand Juries In less than a ' week and any delay In indictments will A then rest with th Juries. -r.' KING COUNTY WILL FIGHT LOCAL OPTION (KnerHt Dtapetrt n The 7srsal.i Seattle, Jun IS. The Klnr County, I.lduor Dealers association will make fight ngalnst th passage of the local option bill advocated by th Anti-saloon league of th state. At a meeting held by th liquor dealer yesterday It waa decided that th membership should organise, for the fall campaign and should oppose the passage of any local Hiii inn hill hyiii al isaisismi a. It 1 believed by th retailer that they will hav to bear th brunt of th -fight. In -Oregon th contest ha been handled by the Oregon brewers and wholesalers but In this state retailers hav been more active. Th attention of th brewers was called to th ap proachlng campaign soma tim ago by th officials of the State Liquor Ieal era association. At that tim th brew- era did not take much Interest in th v coming fight,.-. ...'.'' r On of th largest brewers In th tat declared that 4 th property In terests of the brewer could not b af fected by local option agitation; and In sisted that th business was in no danger. Since that tim eight Oregon counties hav gone dry. -,.- This showing has aroused ' th big wholesalers and brewers to- a point 4 where they ar willing to' take part In th election fight. Th retailers, who wer prepared before, hav) taken Initial "atep, and th movement will be or ganised throughout th state. Clue Serge Spscid A Full Blue or Black Serge or -.. Cheviot Suit . with extra Trousers, of same or 4 ' striped material. Twenty-live DoMcrs Xt'a looU',way ofkseplttg a larg force of Tailors busy during , th summer months. , Thar' llttl profit la It for a but la return , w . gala away. w frtsnds. ( VV-. tftV 'Rama' Sons, Prop. 7 , T. T. Booty, MaaagM. IOS THIRD STREET INSURANCE CONCERN . . - FORCED TO CLOSE UP : (Special Dispatch by Leased Wire te Ttie Joorasl) San Francisco, Jun 21. The German .Insurance company of Peoria, - Illinois, after sounding a number, of creditors Upon"th subject of a 6 per ent com promise has closed Its Paclfto coast agency, resigned from th underwriters' adjusting bureau and retired to Peoria, , Illinois. Th German of Peoria was organised .under th lawa of Illinois In .1I7S with a capital of 1200.000. Now that th San -Frenoisoo conflagration has com-and gone the company ha a -loss of over 11.000,000 to face, with a 'capital and .surplus aggregating only . $3(0.000. Charles Cremer, th secretary, cam PURE -FOOD BILL PUSSES HOUSE With Only Seventeen Dissenting Votes Measure fs Adopted -.: by Congress. ; : . (Special Dhpatrh by LesseS Wire te The Joerasl) Washington. Jun It. With only 17 dissenting votes, th. pur food bill passed th nous today. Th senate and hous conferee will now attempt to reach 'an agreement on th respective measures of th two houses, but definite legislation can hardly be expected be fore th present session come to an end. Before th measure was passed two bitter fights enlivened th consider atton of th measur. . . - ... . "- Tha first was the successful fight of Mr. Sherman of NewYork - to- Incor porate In th bill a -section that eannera shall not ' be compelled to label their product as to weight and quantity, but If th eanner does mark his products aa to welghVtn'a marking must be cor rect. The Sherman- proposition super seded th amendment . offered1 by Mr. Mann of Chicago,-which compelled all canners . to libel their wares with th approximate weight and measure. The' second disturbance was on be tween the "whiskey men," thos repre senting th distilling districts, where atraight whiskey is born, - and thos representing the rectifiers, who color and blend th whiskey. In the latter file," - Stanley of- Kentucky, . a straight "whiskey" advocate, gave th hous an example of how whiskey is mad by th rectifiers In a second. The measure provide that coloring and blend ing of whiskey Is permissible. Representative Shirley of Kentucky gave an entertaining lecture of whiskey doctoring in order to make It palatable. and Representative , Richards of Ala bama,- straight "whiskey" member, moved to eliminate th section from th bill. Taking hi stand by the table in th arena; Mr. Stanley poured a quart or pur alcohol Into a druggist grad uate. "Thi alcohol Is 100 per cent proof. " h Tftegayi ,fff will at ths . fntestln Llprnan, Voltp d Co. Llpman, Wolfe ta Co. Llpman, Volfej gl Co. Llpmon, Volfo Q Cc. -t , it Z Summer CuHtete Sale Bruns Moilet K&ds rr, People goin( away will need medicinea and toilet good, will need them even mora than those who ro. BUY NOW. will have to pay on half to one third more. -Did you ever of Figa for 41c, Borden's Milk for 29c? We reserve the to each purchaser.- - . - - - - -- People who eUy at home' When thia aala ia over you buy Liatcrin for 59c Syrup j right to restrict the quantity LIsttrlse, $1 Size ..,.-.,... - . 59c Epsom Salts, lb. .....t.Rs? Dickinson's Finest "Wttoh Rochell do, lb.......lO Uasel . ...... IHf Bicarbonate of Soda, lb.5p Triple strength -Washing geldlits Powders, per ' Ammonia ...TJ - package of ,...... lOe? Violet Ammonia, per bot- Cream of Tartar, lb.. 35 . tie ...18 Borden's Malted Kllk... ,..;....20c Violet Witch Hasel. bot tl 18) - jai& jHuirm ionic., doi- tl ISf SJiaw'a pur Malt, bot tle i,..0 Pur Cod. Liver Oil. bA- ti.i.JJJt.i,a9) itino noiera Aiiziure - tablet .............. T Pepsin and Charcoal Tab- . let ....... .........Te l-grala Borax Tablets., Ta Rhlntoa tablets, half strength ...... . .X .7 Compound Cathartlo Pills. box .......,........T Paregor'lc, bottle ....... 7 I -grain Qulnln eapsules, per bo .Silet irPond'aEtractllsls package ......... ,.Q9j Castor Oil....,...., ...,3e. T, 22, 44 . Rose , Water and Pure .Jlyerln ,..7, 22 Camphorated Oil, par bot- ti ..r. 22 Pure Olive Oil. bottle, ..8. 22. 29. 44 Tincture Iodine, per bot tle 7, 21 Hoffman's Anodyne, bot- . tl T. 12 8wet Spirt of Mtr. . T, 12, 22 Duffy's Malt .Vfclskey. ..69c Murln Ey Remedy, bot tle , 45 Fletcher's Castorla, - pr '. . bottle ...... .-n,.. 22 'Aralca Liniment, bottle.. ..,.........19, 41 -Menthol : Liniment, bot-'- tl .......... 19, 41 Electrio Liniment, bot- tl 19, .41 Syrup Whit Pin and Tar ..41 Compound Syrup of Hore- hound 21 Syrup of Tar and Cherry ... 44 Laxative Fig" "Syrup, bot- ' - tl .: 41 Emulsion of Cod Liver . Oil. .p . .s41 Herplclde,. per - bottle. 11.00 59 Hydrogen Peroxide, JestL . ,14c, 18c, 33c ; Emerson Bromo Seltser, -V. bottle ,...8, 21, 41, 79 Dr. Harper'a ; "Vegetable ' Compound ....... ..83 'Mrs. 'Prlmley'e Vegetable -' Compound ... .-....83 Celery: - Compound , with Kola ' ...,,.. ,83 California Syrup of Figs .........41 Whit Rock Mineral Water.. lO. IS, 20 Welch' Grape Juice, bot--rU ......,...23, 44f Apenta Water, per bot- tl ............... .20 IJunyadi Wster. per bot tle 25. Hire's Root Beer. ......15c Swsnsdown Powder, box: 9c Eau Dentlfrtc Liquid Tooth Wash. ..16 Sosodont Tooth Powder : tubes v IT Pom pel lan Massag Cream, II sis -68 Dr. Graves' Tooth Pow der, can .......... .17 Sheffield's Tooth Powder, can .1T Sanitol Tooth Powder or Past . r.-ivi ifwi 1 T i Thespian Theatrical Cold ." Cream, on pound... 29 ' Satin Skin . Powder, per box 19 Rubber Complexion . Brushes 10 Finest Absorbent Cotton. pound 29 S-ouert Water Bottle, each ..48 . Dr. Charles' Flesh Food Roger ssd s!Set Poudre de Rlz ... ... He Fin Tooth Brushes, all aUe ..............12 Hind's Honey and Almond -' Cream ....42 Williams' Shaving Soap. cake 4 Fin Bhaving Brushes, badger 19 Fin bar Castile Soap, S pounds 39' Hair Brushes, ' valu to ll.SB .....60 Eau de Qulnln, small sis 44 Eau de Qulnln. . larg - sis -83 Tar . Soap. xtr . quality , for. camp, cake., ....3 Witch Hasel Soap,, par - cake ......2 Baby Soap, box S cakes . .............. ,...25 Dor In' s Rouge, lie each.. i Nail Brushes, value to lOe .U. ... .25 t-quart ' Water Bottle, extra 18 Bulb Fountain Syrlng. each ....... 29 I -quart Fountain Syringe, ack 68 Espey's Cream. 12c Palmer's - Toilet Water. bottl ......44 Roger ' A Gallett Rose Water ...10 Baby . Borated Talcum Powder .....4 Bensoin and Almond Lo . tlon 35 4,711 Soaps, per box, each ........45 Jspahes Cleaning Com pound, bottl..'. .....17 Rose Leaf Complexion Liquid 9 Milk Weed Cream, bot- . tl ,i 44j Parker Prays Diamond NaH Enamel ..17c Parker Pray's Rosaline, . Lustrlte Salve and Enamel' . box ..... ...... 19f ...... 22 Orang - Wood - Sticks, - Xustrit Nail Powder. dosen 10 box ......21 roronga wail uieacn, bot- - Kiexibi Bteel rues, as- tl 19 sortment 19 Foronga Nail FowdVr, Emery Board, flexlkle. . box. ...... ...v.... .19. dosen J. ...... ..9 This is the most attractive lot of Waists we have offered th(s season at a price the daintiest embroidery, the sheerest quality,' the newest ideas. You could not make the waists yourself at anywhexenear these extremely low prices.: . $1,50 LingerjeiWaists 98c Ladiesabt'uf -whiter Jawnrirontnnade-with four- em-- Waist Sale That Will Tcmgl Yen 5C3 StunnL".7 Reiv Licgerte $T Sacrifice Waists at broidered panels, with. clusters of pin tucking between each 'panel, made with long or elbow sleeves ; sold regularly at $1.50. ; S2.C0 Linflerle Waists $U7 i Lingerie Waists of fine quality white lawn i entire front made ofallover embroidery, with clusters of fine pin tucks each on yoke; new elbow sleeves, with tucked and lace-edged cuffs and collar; sold regularly at $2.00. - , ; : $2.50 TOalsts $1.89 ' Lingerie Waists of fine quality sheer white lawn; the front ia made with three panels of fine Swiss embroidery sep arated at yoke with clusters of fine pin tucking.. New elbow, sleeves with lace cuffs and collfh sold regularly at $2.50. $2.75 Waists $2.19"Tr; . Lingerie Waists of fine quality sheer white lawn; the en tire front is made of alloverembroidery with clusters of fine in tucking on each side of yoke. New elbow sleeves with) ace cuffs and collar; sold regularly at $2.75. "; v . : . $W0 Waists $125 " '? ' Lingerie Waists "of fine quality sheer white lawn, full blouse frontiancyV-shapcd, yoke of fineValenciennes lace insertion and embroidery. The front is made with two rows of lace insertion and fine pin tucking,, either long or elbow sleeves ; sold regularly at $3.00. : - '. ; , Z ' WIDOW SWEARS CREFFIELD AROSE FROM HIS GRAVE SUNDAY out of any dog. Now I will droo In few drODS of besdln oil and ha eulteH hrs-actlons to the woidhand ar- HH1 f Womatt-Say coloring matter . and her you hav (holding th glass up to th Inspection er tn nous (whiskey that will make rabbit. spit in the of a bulldog." Roars of laughter greeted bis Illus tration. " H challenged any member with a "taste" to sample the product of hi art and say that it was not equal (0 ne Dee t oourDon on th market. "But, gentlemen-K exclaimed, nhls stuff Is rank poison,' and when It gets into a man it's hen.' it would make dov of peace pick a fight with . th American, oagl." ... . , ' Th hous voted against th proposl lion to do away with blending. her with hi adjuster, L. P. Dewess, and announced that he and his brother, B. Cremer, th company' president, bad arranged to put up sufficient out of their private fortunes to make a settle ment to b mad on a baaa of 60 cents on in aouar. - . -, The Faclflo coast agents. Duncan A Rshflsch. wer Instructed to advise all poUcy holder :, to -'Tom promts their claim at th flgur named. The com promise proposition wss not a success. So on Thursday, night Secretary Cremer left for the east accompanied by hi adjuster, and signified his withdraws! from the coant. Th Cremer brothers ar banker of Peoria, Illinois. It will o Tor the policy bolder to decld wnetner tney will accept th compro mise oirerea or rorc tn stockholders' liability law by legal prooedln against rn cremer. Op - (Joarssl Bpeetal 8ervle. Chicago, June 23. Mrs. Wilson Ills- ner was operated on yesterdsy for id. penoiciiis. ner conaition is very low. ..J Always $1 Down $1 a Week CYLINDER 0- 10-Inch Discs former price $1.00.. ..Now 60c ASK HOW WE EXCHANGE OLD MACHINES IN ' Columbia Phonograph fnmnnv Columbia bldq. LUIIipCllljr 371 Washington St. Largast Manolacturcra in the World An Unequalcd Offcr J A vet f our famous 1S raise TEETH for $10. Painless extracting free with thi offer. Exam- lHtlo-and consultation t re. . Crown and Bridge worjk a specialty. Bxtractlng, SO cents . . , ;. 1 ..WISE DROS.'e Dentists TXZB9 ATJ WABaTTsTwTOV. v faia lOS. ?ya Srealag-a aad toadaya, Relict of Lata Modern .Jpshua Asserts That He Is Alive and in Oregon Now. WTH HIS FOLLOWERS - - HE WILL ATTEND , TRIAL era. From Follower of Faith - Sayiag They Arev Heading lor '. Seattle Court Room on Foot. 1 " ' " (Special Dispatch to Tbe Joonial.)' .Seattle, Wash., June-23. That the followers 'Of, Holy Roller Cref field' will be In court Monday" when.Oeorge Mit chell, his slayer, is put on trial for hi Ufa Is th startling statement mad by Mrs. Maud Hurt-Craf field, th widow of th lata leader, this afternoon. 8h ha received many' letters from ' Corvallls, Wsldport and other points through Ore gon. ' 8h assert that six of Creffleld's followers, all women, left Corvallls ,10 dsy ago to walk to Seattle. . She ay she expects them to reach her tomor row and call upon her. 6h also aays that th eight women who tood by Creffleld will make their way to Seattle from Waldport as best they can, Women Walk to Trial. Shs says that in th letters they told her they had little money snd would be obliged ' to walk part of tk way and suffer great hardships, but that they would be In court. Mrs. Creffleld de clared to Pollc Matron Kally. in whoa custody she has been sine th shooting, thst she knew her husband would appear In oourt Sh ay h cam to life th Sunday following th shooting. Th woman appears san and talk coherent ly. Sh cannot be turned asid , from her story that sh will see her husband Monday tn court to punish th man who sh says "killed him for a time." Bhe stiir insists that th dead Holy-Roller! is th apoatl of Goo, greater than Christ, and that h cannot die perma nently. . Sh saya that sine her husband arose from th grav he has been in Oregon visiting his followers and getting tbem together Jo come to Seattle to testify that her husband was a tru religious worker and never did anyone any wrong. Til latter that th woman ha received from th follower of Creffleld In Ore gon contain assertions by th faithful that Creffleld has already risen from th dead. Mrs. Creffleld's closest con fidant I Esther Mitchell, th slstsr of th accused man. She has been In th fustody of th polio matron as a wlt-1 ness. . Sh will testify against her brother. Sh also declare that .Cref fleld la alive and will be in court. She assured-Prosecuting "Attorney McTBtoSH today that she would testify that Cref field did her no wrong. Sh says that her brother never did her any kind ness, and that sh wants to see him pun ished for ' - shooting down Creffleldf Everything I ready for the trial, which promises to be th longest and most ex pensive aver tried In King county. The attorneys on both , sides admit that It wilt take over a month. Tbe cost to th taxpayers will run up to about I1S.00O. It Is not expected 'that a Jury will be secured " within a week: Be Sard to Get Jnry."T v' So general I th sentiment throughout King county that Mitchell did right in slaying th debaucher of hts sisters that ths prosecution will have a hard tim getting an Impartial Jury. - Th regular Jun panel will be exhausted first and then th special venire of SO called espe cially for this trial will be called into th Jury box. Prosecuting Attorney Mc intosh has for th last month had two of his deputies working on th ease, be sides th work h has don himself. He asserts that he Is certain of a verdict of at least manslaughter, and will fight hard for one of murder in th first de gree. - Mrs. Burgess Starr, th sister of Mitchell, and who was debauched by Creffleld." will" testify ln her- brother's favor. It "was because of Creffleld' re lation with her that he was sent to th penitentiary at Balem for two year. She Is very affectionate toward her brother, and ' declare sh will do her best to fre him. John Manning, th district attorney of Multnomah" county;- ha -notlfied-the defense that, he wilt appear on th wit ness stsnd In their behalf and tell what he knows of Creffleld's actions. Th de fen believes that the effect of his tes timony on th Jury will be very great, NEW BAR ASS0CIAT1PH IS SAID TO BE CORRUPT Seattle Attorneys Allege That Upstarts Are Tools of the , ' Corporations. , ' (Special Dlspatrh-to Tbe Journal.) Seattle, Wash., June XL Charges tbat ths new bar association .which is being formed with a selected membership Is being fathered by corporations for th purpose of corrupting th court occu pied the tim of th King County Bar as sociation at a meeting held In depart ment No. 1 of the superior court last night. . . . Not until about half of th 30 lawyer present had .denounced tn men who ar forming the ' new- association as 'paid, employes of corporations" and corruptlonlsts" wer - any ateps tsken toward promoting the interests, of the present bar association. . John. K. Humphries was th first speaker on th floor, and he led with srsthing denunuintlon of the men be hind th new sssoolatlon.. This nW assocation," said Mr. Hum phries,. "Is lormed for th purpose of pu,tUnf through a, law making it a crime for a lawyer to solicit business and a contingent bOl that makes It obligatory upon a lawyer bringing a personal injury suit to file hi contract In court show Ing what fe ha will get. Thi ex clusive bar association comes through the back door of the Rainier club, or ganlsed by the -corporations hnd their paid hirellnra WTorrupt th-court-ty pscked Juries, packed courts and per lured witnesses. ' "When the corporations want a Judge this exclusive association will see that he I nominated and will fore us to elect him. Let os get the members of this sssoclation at th polls. - Whenever they run for office let us fight them.1 F. M. Jeffrey than added , fuel to the fir . of discussion by declaring that Frederick Bsusman, R. A. Bellinger and Corwln 8. Shank, who wefe-on th com mute framing th constitution for th new .association, wer Working for cor porations. ' He declared th -new asso ciation was a corrupt on foftnd fr present purposes. ' BARNES' NOMINATION - : CONFIRMED BY SENATE (Specisl IMtpstrh bf Lease Wire te Tke Joernsl) Washington, Jun II. The nomina tion of Benjamin F. Barnes, assistant secretary" to th president.- te b post master of th city of Washington", was confirmed tn th senate after two hours of discussion. In which Senator Tillman mad his last speech, against th action TOE km STOVE "V". CO or tt Detroit, Mich. Has appointed us their sole agent for Portland and vicinity. , We are showing on our floor their xelebrated ay.'-'v- "-::y -'.'.z 1J:J. :::: .; ; .'' ,:. 66TT A TTTTThTPTT TTh A TXTPTTW MM Which for mechanical and scientific construction never has been equaled. The "LAUREIT RANGE" ' will cook and bake quicker will use less fuel and will last longer than any other (bar none) range on the market. Why? ; v " ' - r ': . .. The Improved Flue Construction VU1 Do It ' Come In, Well Be Glad tou -Explain. , Terms $1.00 Down, $1.00 a Week , li r-l , : MiiURECO. 184 186 FIRST STREET Too Gel tlarrltd. We Feather Uu Ncsl and Senator Carter made th only re sponse, -ii.' Th rot was first ,-oifcra motion to table a resolution of Tillman' for the Investigation of th Mr. Minor Morris' ejectment ..from ;. th Vhit . hous, for which Senator Tillman has held thai Barnes was responsible. This wss car ried IT to 1. and then th direct vote confirmed th nomination 3 to If. " ' Senatoe-TIUmaaspok.. against the confirmation-with much feeling and said that the treatment which Mrs. Morris received was an insult to American womanhood. Moreover, he thought Washington ought to hav on of its own cttlsens ss postmaster and Urged that there was a strong sentimdnt to this effect smong the people. , The senstor talked of Mrs. Morris ss a woman of extremely nervous and- ex citable disposition, whose action could not fairly be regarded a making th case an occtslon for censure. ..When he had done the. vote was taken. Senator TIHman will make another speech on the case In open senate ses sion onTuesdsy, having given nolle to thst effect. ... .- - Aged "Woman Seeks tftb, (prelal Otspatek by Leased Wire te Tke Joorsl) New York. ' Jun - ft. Mr. - Louis Stanton, ' bowed with th Weight of tt years, after being subjected to th most cruel Inquisition snyon ever hsd to fac In th city, todsy mad an attempt th kill herself. The hatchet with which It I believed th now famous murder In toe famous Stenton ' mansion In the Bronx was accomplished was placed In her hand, with, which sh waa Instructed Are Yo u Going; t o t Ive Country or Seashore? - .'.: ... , ... '-4. . . -;; ....... ' , ; .. Tou will Surely tsk some fancy-work ' with you. LET V8 BUPPLX TCH'R JN'EbUJS. :- ,,.'.,.,...., ,..r--; W-hav new.' up-to-date Ides for. Sofa ...PlllowaCemerpleces. Stamped Shirtwaists. Corset Covers.' BcltSi lists, . 'Bolero Jackets.: Baby A'Jothss, to ; LESSONS absolutely fniet a many as you want, . ' M f Our Special Offer Por one week only w will sell Corset Covers like cut. stamped our extra quality French cambric, complete with -material to embroider. ,, Special 39c ."'.-. Go NEEDLECRAFT SHOP - 388 Washington treat. . Ob Boor Bast of Haselwood Creamsry, to show how sh had killed her own daught'r, . 5 - ; ; . - A portion Of'lier hiurdered detisliter'S wa also placed In her hand to M r and fore a confession, but It all ended in failure. With on of th dngrrs- found In the old house In her hand, and driven to madness by taw lhlrd-d-? Inulal- tlofl, the old" woman snr limed, "I kill myself." -Heversl detectives Jn--for her-aml Oi arrested br for she could perform U,e i Mle was'l from Qustlims were bun. t ( ' qutlinr wer I ' 1 vsry c 1) 3