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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1906)
THE- OREGON SUNDAY jdtAlT6aTIAmTrAVT,TORNmG.-' K71Nng-34r190r r- HOW TO EE jHEALTMY AMD BEMJT BY MRS I-EI!r."J SVMES ' ' - ' "' ' " i mm taw m. '' 1FUL I ZZ? Yfi STv i I A - t - . - - ,1 ;, . . : . - -ssaMniiki(joodCreaDrt - . rks Wonders "TIIE new collarless styles are be- 1- Ing weicoraea wun , aeugni ny ' every wcrhsn who can wear them, partly" because of their beauty, but largely, too. because of the ease with which it la possible to keep , the neck at It prettiest .when It is un trammeled by even the sheerest, light- est apology for a collar that a lingerie - blouse ever boasts. As only the exceptional womao can . wear them, however. It Is wall for those who cannot to guard against thd ugly line high about the throat which la aa Inevitable outcome of the wearing of - -collar In summer time, when- dust and , perspiration conspire to Injure and de . face the akin wherever there la the slightest degree of pressure.. . But first a very blgvounce of proven . tion of all sorts of ugly lines should be ' taken, and that Ilea in avoiding , the-r- Wearing of anything tight , about the throat. Tight collars brfnt- on endless ills from a beauty standpoint creases and a dark line very dlftlcult to remove, to say nothing of ths headachea ana V flushed face. If you have your lingerie collar boned, see to it that the end-of each - tiny bone are well covered; and don't -ee-Th-mnd-6rbene "which spilntsfr and work through their covering like Mrs. Symes - Beauty Advice to To Enlarge the Hips WILL you klnaiy advise me what te do to develop my hips TV My ehoul- . ders ere beautllully " developed, also my neck and arms. I have taken all sorts of exercises, trying to develop my hips, but cannot. . I thought perhapo rubbtn olive oil on the hips misht do some sood, er perhaps you know oX something better. 1 will appreciate your kind advice very much. Thanking you. I am, vary truly, B. T. F. - Frequently practicing tha following "exercise will enlarge the hips: stand- - ing alternately on either too Viewing - the free limb pendulum-fashion from -the hlpe, each time allowing It to go,, as fsr forward and backward aa pos aible. , -, .. ...... ..... , , ... For Scanty Eyelashes Being a constant reader of your "beauty , column." would vou favor me by answering ' " these questlonsT ' .f Have been nslng a recipe to promote , frowtn of eyelashes, which produces no st eel only they are falling out rapidly. ' Can you give me a good recipe to pro- ' mote their growth, that will make them ' Ions and heavy and that will show desired .. eftret within two monthsT What shall I do to develop the neckf . .' Could you send name of rood cleansing sresm you spoke of In column f vanitt fair. Eyebrow rtnd Eyelash Grower. Cologne. VM ounces; glycerine. 14 ounces; fluid extract of Jsboramll, 1 drama , . Asitate Ingredients till thoroughly Inoor , pore ted. Apply to the eyebrows with tha i nrush end to the laahee with a tiny camel' - . heir paint brush. Ths brush must be freed from eny drop and paaeed lightly along the - edse of the eyelids, exerclelng extreme ear that no minutest portion of the lotion ; touches the eye Itself. ; Massage with a good akin food will help to fatten your neck. ; " ; Cleansing Cream. - -I- White wax, I ounoesi spermaceti, " ' . - eunres; sweet almond oil, la ounces; die , tilled wster. 1 ounces; glycerine, 1 auncee; ' sallcyllo acid, M grama . .. - Mole Upon Nose ' 'V -2- Being a careful reader of your sugseetlons' ' as to the beauty column, I should be very ' glad to have you answer my question. . I have a large mole upon my nose. I ' - -would Mke-to anew -what I eould use to remove It. I have tried acetlo acid, but that doee not help one blti . ' Will you kindly publish at your early con venience f CONSTANT Ki-ADKR, 1 know of nothing that will remqve -'. molea except treatment by electricity. . The remedies so often published by m are for moth patches, which yield to treatment much more readily than ,-molea. .; , , ... - . (;,., . : : : t Remedy for. Freckles . . Will yon pleaea publish for me on your . ' ejese your best remedy for obetlnate , Zreckleef I would alee like a-remedy for a . H prominent collarbone. Thanking yon la advance for the fevor. I sm. yours truly. JULIET. If you will try this formula, I think, . ' ths freckle trouble Will be removed: ' Oxide ef si: o, i armmj euooniae of mie fnuth, H dram: dsitrlo, l drams; glyoer-- . Ine. 11 drsma - r ' yes 4t prominent collarbone r 1 .would suggest" massage with a good V skin food. TbUvwHl serve to fatten the neck and s cover the -objection- - able bonei , -?r. :, Blook Too 7 hid i wue ' it ik you If vou will issm ' "! me a formula fur a good tooth pow , 3r something that . will deodnrlu the breath and at ine came time wniten th j teeth. lslso would like you to tell-ma how te make sachet sawder the kind that ; . retains the odor. My hair la light, not golden onlte. but If jast a shade Hauler would be so, I want- . . I w: r k V eomethine? thae a,m taka the dlnav look away, and, it anything, would prefer It . darker rather than the opposite; but it there . Is anything harmless I can use to any - advantage either way, would yea suggest It to met I knuw you are not a professional phy sician, but my blood Is too thick, and I want to know what I can take to make It , thinner. I suffer terribly from this warm , weather and perspire so badly I am com pelled to change sack garment once ana Anything 'you may he able to tell me will be appreciated more than I caa say. - Thanking you is sdvance. I remain, youre - very truly, Vrom the following formulae you - doubtless can -receive- the help you askr A tooth powder la given aa a. . cleanser, and an antlseptlo wash aa a deodoriser. The egg stiampoo gives a- -aoft, glossy effect, without changing the color of your hair. All I oan .say with regard to the condition of your blood la to suggest a purifier. If thla doea not prove effective, coneuit physician. - . Cleansing; Powder. areea nut charcoal, I ounces; cuttlefish bonr "icTvaw arse nuts, pounded. 1 PoSnd snd mix. Two orthr. oil of cloves or of cassia may be adaea u. . perfume Is required.' ' Antlseptlo Tooth Wash tor Offen slvo Breath (Baaumex). Phenls acid, 1 gram; borle .oold. grim.? tnTnTol n crysuls.. J . centl gram; essence of nwniha. W V ' Ln0-' ture of anlea, 10 grama; distilled water, a ( "'fiin'se ths mouth with the above, which slSu" be diluted for ue. in the f-orjr-tlon of one-half tooth "VtesVnSK tlty of clear water.- Ue after asca ne and St sny time required. Boss Sachet Bowder. Powdered Florentine orris. ouncest roee leaves alr dried). 10 ounces; musk l Jw der. 20 grains-, lavender flowers, I ounoesj C'lXlx Wa ke. Closely eork- nta . you wish to use for the sachet. v Egg Shampoo, . Tolk of one egg 1 pint of rainwater (hotV ' 1 ounce of rosemary spirits. But the mixture thoroughly p and uss It worm, rubbing It well Into th skis of the head. Rinse In several watery - You cen give yourself scalp mesas g oy , perslsuntly following the rules. ; TBlood Purifier. ; . . Cream of tartar,- ounce; potassium esr bonate7 10 gralne; fluid extraot of podo shvllum, 1 nuld dram; compound Ouid ex Csot of sarsaparllla. 14 fluid ounces: oom vound tincture of cardamom, 1 ttuld dramsi glycerine. 1 fluid ounces; wter anougn to make 1 Buld ounces. iu. The -lose Is from oe te two thlspoor fula morning sad evening, otter I 'eais " . Darkening a : Switch Will yo slndlyA publish the recipe foe;, darkening a awltcfct. Mine ts so much light- - er than my aw MJ. tour. la gjed, f ' A good hair dye would bring-your witch to th proper shad. Th color of th dV would depend upon th hade of your hair. Offensive : Perspiration . r , rder of your besuty and health - -i am a reader of your beauty and health olumn. Some time ago you eald try ualng alum water an otM-acic powoer sot onenaiva pereptratlon. I hav tried that, but It doea ' not seem to do any good. What would yo ad viae me to do? ' : i i ONE OT TOUR READERS. "' Another preparation that may help you with thla trouble le subnltrst of bismuth. I th part being dusted free ly with It. . It will blacken th cloth ing, go It la beat to protect your gar ments In some way. - ' Other helpful suggestions ar bath'' Igg with astringents or tannlo acid (a teaspoonful to a pint of water). B earf ul of Unnlo acid, too, lor. it wtU 1 1 tu I . ----., . . - .:..r.-..s;;-14 .r.-v . .v':r i ' .j j yjp a j ' "r- r-f-Wien Vie Ear. WVX- so many pins, and which mk ugly i soratcbad placaa upon - th akliv-tba ' acratchaa oiMa hard to baal. ( Thar ara two waya of removing tha dark collar Una about tha throat. Ona la to apply paroxlda of hydrogaa br ' 'maana of a bit of abaorbant cotton or a aoft cloth. Juat dab It on at night after your bath, leaving it there alt - night, and waahlns it off In .tha morn- '' S T" 7- Apply every two or three night until tha stain la bleached off In a couple of . weeks this should be accomplished. The other way la to rub cold cream . or vaseline well Into the throat where It la marked, letting It stay on all night, ' then wiping oft whatever exoeas ef , f;rease there la in tha1 morning andtbath ng with aoap and aa hot water u you. can stand. Finish by sponging with . cold water, making a cup of your two hands and dashing the cold water on freely If you are susceptible to colds. , Do thla every night for two or three ' weeks, and the dark Una will gradually disappear. . Massaging the neck la of great bene fit; whether It be thin or fat, for -the muscles become developed by the gen- , tie exercise of massaging, and keep fat neck from getting flabby. For a thin neck the massaging ahould be accompanied by tha use of a good cream, taking care not to use either lanolin or cocoa butter too freely, as both of them have a ten dency to yellow tha akin. One more point when bathing take a small flesh brush (a aoft nail brush will do) and aoruh- vigorously well Into (he edge of the hair. Dust and perspiration often make as ugly line there aa the collar doea on tha neck itaelf. . .-v-v- Correspondents stain the clothing. Improve tha skin by massage arid frequent bathing; redden It by friction. Take plenty of exereis, with - occasional alcohol or coiogn ruoa. .. ,., Hair Too Dry, l have three little girls from M to I years of sge. They all have nice, light hair, nut It Is very dry and brittle. Would you "ease leu me wnat to ao tor rcr Ana eiso ell me of a harmlaea dentlfrloe for tha cnimrea to use. I enjoy your pere very much. - SUBSCRIBER. Try the following lotion for the llt 1 tie girls' hair: : XoUou for Girls' Balr. Olycerlne. 1 ounce; eau da cologne. " pint; liquid ammonia. 1 dram; oil of oris num. Si dram; oil of rosemary, Vk dram; tincture of cantharldos, 1 ounce. Briskly agitate for ten minutes, then add -camphor julep, S pint, and again mix well and stir. A few arc pa of esaenca of musk -. or ether perfume can bs sdded. ' This tooth paste. If used at least twice a day, will keep their teeth , white and sweet: Paste for Children ;s Teeth. . Orris root powder, I eunoeo; myrrh pow ' der, I ouncee; pumice powder, I ounoas: oil of cloves, X drame: oil of letBoo. I drams; oil of rose. SO drone. Solution of carmine sufficient to ' color. Honey enough to form paste. A Harmless Rouge '. Some time ago I noticed a harmless rouge made from strawhemee. Will you kindly ra peat the dlreotlona and oblige, youre re- epectfully," - " U D.T This Is the rougs that "I D." asks -fori : - . Strawberry Natural Blush. ' A.Tr!h. rip strawberries. I auarts; die tilled water, 1 pint. Place In a fruit Jer and set the Jar in a saucepan of water over s slow Are Let the water simmer for two hours, snd strain through a fine hair aleve. When ,J cold, odd pure sloohul, la ounces; beet Kua- slan Isinglass (dissolved, so grains; pur ' carmine itlrat dlsaolved In th aloohol). If grains: attar of roses, 4 drops; oil of BerolL " drops; oil ot ceo rat. I drops. ' - Keep closely stoppered In a dark place. Apply to the eheeks with a bit of absorb- . ant cotton. . r - Freckles and Pimples "I would-like you to publleh a reclp for my skin. I sm troubled with freckles snd pimples and, I have been that Way for two or tnree yeari. A. doctor once said I had sens akin dleeaae. I would be thankful for a cure poettlve cure. lipping this will receive your attention, I m, yours respectfully.- . J. i3L..J - Her is i a special preparation for this disease.. It Is best to correct this - trouble first, than consider th frekl ' question. . Whiteheads (Aon Xoausoom).' ' Open each seed sen with th point ef a Una oarobrto needle. The hardened mesa oust be pressed or pricked out. The eaisiv sea of the, gland ahould then be bainad." " with a little toilet vinegar and water To? with a very weak solution of carbons acid and water. Sterilise the needle beforalys. J ,,- . rr A. ' ExCfSSM PcrSptrattOn ujs 4 va. iwiHi ww bvuuis wsier. Will yo advise ma what to do foe ... eeeelve perspiration under the arms and ot th bands? Would like something la , liquid form, and when could I get th seme? L ( f For ' xoesslv i perspiration under ' th arms try th following treat ment Wash night and morning with hot water and common brown aoap- Bathe several time a day. with a solution of a - teaspoonful of , alum to a pint oft water. Duatlnsrth part with boric acid powder has alao been found Very effective. Excessive per spiration of the hands Is usually du ta Btf YtUtMe, S4 UZ ttHtlBMl Tr OR those mortals not blessed 1-4 with an abundance of hair, and I 1 who must. In consequence, use plumpers to get the pretty soft pompadour which is so marked a char acteristic of the present fashionable coiffure, thla new uae of malln cornea as a positive boon. - v Curiously enough, though so aoft and light that It aeema utterly lacking in bodr," mallne nolde the hair Just aa you . nx It. giving it besides a pretty softness which cannot be got with the more tangible plumpers. -Mallne cornea in so many ahadea and tints that It la possible to match your hair exactly, which, by the way, la a . point which cannot- be too strongly emphasised. Cut the mallne lnNatrlps. crushing each strip between, your hands and straightening It out again until it ia . robbed of every .particle of stiffness, and looks, at a little distance, like cloudy tolls of hair. Than li la ready for use. - Part , the hair acrosa the top of the head in the usual way for making a pompadour, and lay the crusheu stripe of the mallne in back of It, fastening them In nlace with tiny. Invisible hair pins, 'men oomD tne xroni iocks smouiu y over the improvised plumper and pro- . ceea in tne usual manner. - - The mallne may be used In the same way for fluffing out the halr-at tha back of the head-low upon the neck, some "pompadours" extending all the way around the head, 'ihe mi usual way, however, la to allow the fair to fluff out only In front, and upon he aides to bal ance with the front: bringing it up smoothly In back and fastening up tha loose enda with a small plQ or barretta. which would build up your health and atrengthen your nerves would help to overcome thla condition. The follow ing lotion wll be temporarily bene flclal; .. Lotion for Profusely Perspiring Hands.'.' " ' Borio acid, M grains; borax, 1 gralnst salicylic acid, l5l grains; glyeex-lns, J .Ounces. Rub on th hanae four or Bv .. times a day. Wash the handa In warm . - water before applying and dry carefully. Gray Hairs Becoming Numerous With regard to tie phyetoiaifs prescrlp- tlon for jgray hair that you give so fre quently. I wish to aak how cfton It lhould . -, be use and If It le a thing wl.toh It one -. . used must be continued to obtain good -re- UM y hair le, or should be, dark brown, but the gray hairs are becoming numerous. If I could get something which would prevent them being so noticeable, would be very .. firatefuL I have a ehampoo nbout every iree weeks, snd could have th same per son apply tha tonic S. B. To Bestor the Natural Color of the Hair. -. 'V ''. (A physician's prescription.) Sugar of lead. Vs ounce; la sulphur, Jm ounce; aasence of bergainoi. H ounce; alco hol. V, gill; glyoerine. 1 ounce: Unoture of ' cantharidee, W ounce; ammonia, ounce. Mix all In one pint of soft water. Apply - to the roots of the hair, which muat be clean. . The dye should never be applied If there Is any Irritation or abrasion of th scalp. The best way to Us any stain le to ap- pty It to the roots of the balr with a small brush ev toothbrush will answer for the purpose then epread It evenly downward through th tresses with aa ordinary hair- . -brush, W-t ------ - Depilatoncs r v . V F. A. B. One of th oldest fleplln , torles manufactured, and which has -very large sal. I aa follows: - Sulpbydrat ot soda, lou gralnai Chalk, X00 grains. . . Mix thoroughly and keep dry In well-corked bottle until wanted for use. Tak enough to make a paste . and add warm water to It until the proper consistency la secured. Spread over the hairy aurfao and ajlow to remain for from one to nv minute, according to th nature Of the growth and the susceptibility ef the skin. -then scrspe off with a blunt blade) a paper knife, for example. It should bo removed, aa in every case with a de- f'llatory, when the burning sensation s produced. Too long contact with the skin ahould be. avoided, and Im mediately after the hair has been re moved the denuded surface ahould be gently washed with warm water and a cold cream or a bland oil ap plied to prevent Irritation. Another good depilatory le mad as '"sulphide of soda, 100 gralnai slaked lime, 10 grains; starch. 10 gralnst . lime water t ' fluid drama. -Apply as . the preceding, Rarlum SjlDhlrl IS 1"0 UBSd . past for depllatorlea Th standard .formula Is: . D.. iim auinniaa. an arraina: nownar. . cd chalk, e0 grain. . Mix with water. Th barium aulphld must be absolutely dry to b affectlv when It l mixea wun in cnaix. Enough water .ahould be afterward added to make a thin paete Sulphld of strontium makes also an efffolent depilatory. It Is made aa follows: rfulphlde of strontium, I drams; oxide ot sine drams; powdered starch, I drama . Superfluous, Hair ' Twould like, to know What th do to rid th ' skin of superfluous balr. Tours trul .,. , - . . CH 'yKC u an . 7: Cut Vie lifeline The MalineMistL Hzir n A. - V. -X - r Care of the Face and Figure Cheeks Too at Just a few lines. I read your columns la the paper every week, and nod I am much benefited by them. Would you pleas answer the following questions? What could 1 do to reduce my Waist T . Is there any way In which very tat cheeks Jinay be made thin? What le sood to make the hair grow thloh and long? Also, what la th hum of whit aDOts under th aajiar I am 14 years of age and rather stoert, I, rv (all for my art. Do you thlnlc i I grow taller I will get thin, or will - . . am v ev ' that as I grow taller I will get thin, OJ will . the fatneaa star with me through Ufa? I ' have never had any great sickness. Would you also give the name of good tooth powder that will not Injur the teeth? HOPE FIT Exercises for . th reduction of th waist hav bean published since receipt. or. your tetter, eneen tnai are roa Cheeks that are too la may d reduced by persistent ana nrra massage, without th uae of a lubricant or akin food. Whit spots on th nail ar usually th result of knock or . bruise, although sometimes they Indi es t a depleted system. Th probablll . tie are that you will grow slender as you grow taller. Howsver. the things , cannot be foretold, and ft greatly de pends on your mode of life, diet, amount of exercise. ta. as to whether you grow stout or thin. am giving1 you formula - for aa excellent tooth powder. -J , Tooth Powder Precipitated chalk, 4 ounoesi powdered errie root, t ounces; powdered camphor, t unce. i K educe th camphor to a fine powder In a mortar, moistening It with a very little alcohol. Add other Ingredients. MIX thor oughly, and sift through a nn bolting sloth. - About Bust Development Will you kindly repeat the "Vaucalre Remedjr' formula for the enlargement of the buat. X am ft) yeara old and never had a full buat. bo you think It would help mef And about how long would you advise me to keep using It? Uow soon should I notice results? MARTHA. ' I repeat tha formula with pleasure. It ha proved moat beneficial in many cases. It la impossible to tell just bow long a time will be required before r. ult ar noticed. jj. Vaucaira s Beffledy for th Bust, I.i,.ia .nnet a( aaleaa tnatanieL. la Liquid ' Lacto phosphate of lime, IS . grama Tincture of fennel. ei, 10 t The doee Is two soupapoonfals with wster before each meal. Dr. Vaucalre also ad viaee th drinking of malt atrot during meal 1-' - - -. , .- " To Clear the Face, ' Mrs. H. Bleaching th superfluous hair on your face with peroxide of hydrogen would no doubt n.aka It less ' noticeable. - Electrolysis and X-ray treatment ar th only medium by which superfluous hair ran b per- ' menently and successfully removed zrera the f ace, tt T eannot hay this .- A A-'A' r v0 -Piece Trinde of treatment, the best you can do Is to keen the growth In abeyance by us of depilatories. V Falling Hair Will you please eeud me a cure for fall ing hair, dry dai.drun and Itching scalp? I am almost crssy from tha trouble. I hav - tried everything, buv get no- Benefit from any.. I hsv been watching the paper for a our - hke mine, but I don't see any. Thanking you for an earlv reply. I am, yours truly, . Mrs. A. R. W. If you try this dandruff cur. I thlnlc . th other trouble will b removed alao. They usually ar a result of an " excess of dandruff. . . -..J To XLemova Dandruff.--,,. Tlnetur. of eantharldea. 1 ounoei nquiq ox r ammonia, l aivcerineu a e"i w erin. )a ounoei . th. ijrme, H dram. . , Mi. toa-nh.e with a minces of roeeerster. Bub the scalp thoroughly with this prenr- tlon until no furtber evidence of dandruff Is noticed. A ' Cure for Melancholia .. I expect you will think this a queer oueetlon. but you eeera to have a cure for. all troubles. I wish you would give me a - cure for "melancholia." I have had It for a loag while, and somehow I oan t gel rid of It. I have two eweet little girls. 1 and. I. My surroundings are most pleasant. ' Tour trouble la. after all. ajnatter ot rAlloBophy. It may seem bard to accept tills, but when you know that realty there Is no cause for uch . depression, the cure Ue within yourseif-r-with your own strength of will, iiak a brav struggl to and hear and fel only bright things. Vompar your lot with some mora unhappy on. That Is a help; It I sur to make you ashamed ot your self. And, to tak a rsther prosy view f the matter, keep your liver In good shape. Your body muat be well. Oct plenty of fresh air; hit plenty of sun shin Into your system. Too Stout ' Could yo give ma reclp that would reduce my stoutnees, ana inn sm pre vent rush of blood to the head? , . I would Ilk something that would b laxative. A. R. G Sules for the. Reduction of Plesb. " Avoid ell starchy nd sweetened food, all eereale, vegetables containing sugar or starch, suoh aa peaa, beana, corn, pota toes, etc Never eaLfreeh bread; eprlnkl It with' salt instead" of butter. Uilk. I re aret to say If it be pure and good. Is Fattening. Skimmed milk may be drunk. Mot water la an excellent euhetltute for ether liquid Add a little ef the Juloe ot limes or lemons to It, If you choose. Limit your Bleeping noum o . .u- side No nap Tou muat take exercise, If yo oannot walk at leatf Bve iilee ay, ana ao no wiwy s Inatltutlons when) mechanics to one of the ( 1 r -a Is given, aeverai-'or my corr port excellefil reaulte tro. i getting th vlgorooa e The ystm Is t.- ftasil the sm li . i ! Aaraya ev bnrca au eutwu. lea wt tmxm umO reur sba Tbe aeetruatiaa at tat by tne one vswtJhod ot ewrtns otxetty. m ! mmii mti n ma n w Ml mil SlhA - luitUva, aabh aa Unortne powder. ox. reds fee; . chicten .ie amartg us good . this wnyu . ts be tJaksai to ; with the ahovw attat. lA; Concerning the Faucaira ' Remedy - . o quite a long while I have teea a rateneted reader of your eoluma, sad I , am especially Interested la your reeipe tot the Vaucalre treatmeno and aa you. ay . tt Is perfeotly harmless, do yea tnlnK three bottlee would be sufficient to make a decided development la the bust T The quantity to he used to applying - this treatment depends entirely upon tha Individual casee. The only rule to foU . low la this use tt untU result are ob- - talned. Borne cases respond to the treat ment quicker than others. . r - . 'Dark Spots on Forehead h " I am a carefol reader ef ymr oeluraa. nt so far I have not seen aaytbing la It that would help m . . I bad dark brown spots on my eheeM and forehead, and thinking "J!, t wntild remove them. I maeoj i eome peroMe of hydrosea and later ox vonr erem r umwu i... The brown eeeraed to dlsappeeJem stead my cheeks are bow horribly ree ar red and blue streaks, aa tboogtl Pood vsina are visible through th akin. "enly some people call them liver spots. 5 . not sure or tnat. wnat ceui you do fop met anxious riidsil named tkin,wl,U th" leotion fo Inflamed Skin. V.'.1, ' ou1rIS.l0,?-1 ,artmi distilled witch ha eel. er m hit Af1'Lw"h P'0 'd linen? 'on? times' S0 ooUon- v thT So Make Red Hair Dark 'biRm"?, "S1 s4- I havrle! " !o55 iV bJ,ok.u' but did not do any ft veVrmS"L' br,n Md- n1 1 detee )TKlrr. uch. FLORENCE B hutnfi r,reparat,on Is a god tonlo, Wrm i".01 oth' than to darker? hat: Try t1- dya for your tii Walnut Stain for th Hair. Wonr ounoea of walnut aklna beaten te Mr5ea0TTh,Ch '5 Ad4' Pur alooholTU e'snt dare and straliu X, "5 dye th. hair shooed TbS ?h. HSomk"rff'? br thorough shampoo. i.dr-?houla b applied to the halrbV nmM-0t.Joo,h bruah and UoaaJon.l combing with a new comb; oontaot wltla th scalp should be avoided. , . High or Low Heels .hppao1; ssr brtR: ,J SmPi,fJ ?ut i ? OTW " rears o4 and 5m i.w:l,A lm "ere anything I eould S?nIfT.tni? (,.hal wlthoutmuclTexi penser My Umbo are very thltu too. -Wnat kind of a ahoa .M Jl,w, nin, -V?!? lowesl? BLUB BaLL- I can suggest but nn. . ZZ??; this trouble-consult a aT-iTle XL2 SOB.J?'-5?urf? would to b ar rs.nxed with tha Z td,i . to th. 1 who would Attend inedlure 7 Tk?.w w"u.'? augt grac to th appearanc yow ?mu yt b inconspicuoua. . For a Dry Skin Woultt you kindly republlih your formula r powder for dnrskln? TMj EXES !L,,p.?Dc but J loat the forn?5l? I Ilk It so much. Also, eoulj Vou tali . Dnl,rtTMn"n.ln would inlarM th Th following formula la th" on 'yoa request: vu" u" A Liquid Powder. Pur oxide of sin.-1 ounoei glycerin. dram: ro-e water, 4 ounoesi sSao el rose. It drops. u" Wlft the sine, dissolving In It lust enough -f the rusewater to cover It, then addthi water M remainder of the rose Shak well and apply with soft sponge "'seP'lo sause. The face muK b ir-iirwjiaK ,h To develop your bust, try this method Massag-e Cream for th Bust. ' Lanolin. I ounces: ' spermaceti, eunoef cocoanut all, 4 eunoeo; oil of sweat ai monds, 4 -ounoee: tincture f beasa. i . dram; sxtrsct of Portugal, 4 eunoae; eil ef neroll, 2 drops. Mix aa you would ana? cream of th sort. Rub In gently at alsht, ' To Reduce Weight. I am a reader of your hesilrry aoiums, arA would like te know hew Iv radiic a. , across the bust. I meeetir M lnc:,., an i . I am quite young. I weal' to ioae from t to, 10 tnchao. U, K. U. " .i To Bedu'ce th Bust. , Iodide c Botasatum, I grams;1 $ granis; lermtlrv IV , gi'a.; Uiuik . t bennotn, 70 Sroea. . , . j Make Into a pomade and rub ll es ' t-it parts twice a day. . ... -i Tou ahovt4 ebatetn front f.-l t-t y. daily (at-furmlair-c.raaia. rota , p-ae, bens. SI". IOU 'Ue . sweats eg all klada