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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1906)
THE OREGON SUNDAY: JOURNAL, POIt C SUNDAY M&RNING, JUNE 24, 190S. 'cx.t". m i ft: IIoini Vho-Wprk with-. Eland or : Brain J .Among 4 -, - . if The Week's Predre-a. Xgvlaw of tscaat A4jm to Srttact ' aaa I4astrjr. . ; ' . , IPMDAT, JUKI K W , Wbolo mouaf aina woro movo4 br tbo oarto qjak. Investigations at Fal Alto, CaU &T geological expert, it la alaV . Krta;uk abow that tbo omH moun. v Hto4 . tabs. known a Bierra NaaaUlai. Moron r Blorra Banta Crua, ! w w" ba boaa moved northward from throe to atx foot. Tbio range forms lb ; baekbono of tbo peninsula of Baa Francisco, ; Along- tbo boo of tbo Morenareng for fort t mle extends a narrow valley which mark an old geological fault. ' Whoa It we mad th rock on tbo aaat atd f U about ZjOOO (cat ralatlvalr with tboao oa tbo waot old. ")' which conslituts tbo Morana rings. ' Moat OArthauako abocka about Baa Francisco are , ; tbo raault of friction and roadiuatmaat along- ' t -tha tin of tfalo old f suit. The violent ahook of April IS elaarlr wm dub to thla old fault, wblcbrooponod on lb wot old. Tbla fault ; . ajppod northward threo to atx foot without ' J- ehang of laval oa althar alda, and whan tbo - attain on tha Morana ranga waa roltorad tbo ' ' oarthauakoo oaaaod. At ftrat tha motion waa borlaontal and than waraa from mora diatant 1 -. poiata cauaod aztraordlnarjr twleta. . A 23 Tar old otudant Inltlatod tha tnodora ayatara of flying- kltao with ataal wlr for aoJantlflo purpoaaa. BoioMr, V J .Dougla Archibald and call BttM Fly t attantlOB to tha remarkable- BaUfctOf exaotly four mile. According to the nautlo automatic recording lnatrumenta aat ap with the klteoat the hlgheat point the tem perature reached waa IS degreoe Fahrenheit, that on the ground being 40.8 degreee, while the velocity of the wind waa fif ty-alunlleeaa . hcur, agalnat about U oa the Tower strata. Thla performance abow that great advance . have beea made la the art of ualng kite for meteorological Obeervatlon la the upper alr, for In Mr, Archibald' early experiment a the kite roee only aom 100 feet, and a ftw ' year ago It eoemed aa If two to two and a half ml lee would prove tb limit to which tLey could be elevated. Win twentieth century knowledge remove tb prejudice agalnat tb oeeultf Astronomy - end geology and chemistry : V . UWMWlM nanus m lot vi auiani, tha ut f d mind phenomena are declared ta be outside 1 tb prorlne of pbysleal aolana, yet tba sain wa aaid about atronomy and geology and euamlatry not many gantratlon ago. Was nt war mad upon those wh aadertook to hew that th Varta wa mor than yaar old. and 'ware aot tb chamUta who showed how organ Is compounds could be formed believed to be enemies of th truth ' and bent as mlaleadJng mankind la It net . curious to sontemplata that those wbo know least about a given solenoe should be tha one : to sat Ita Umita, wh know what aannot be dona or hoped for aa much better thaa those wb devote their live aad thlr beaten, deavora to dlsopvsr what la true and what stem probable r All tha progreaa of science Is a progress from tbo unknowa, that I tba hidden or th occult, to tha known which I ijiot. hidden but patent. Terhaps tha prsseat century will ba able ffaetuaJTylo war everybody of tha danger of sotting any limits I knowldg, ...-.' Wh will harseae tha ocean f Apparatus whereby tha wave oaa be bitched to ma chines and mad to furnish motor power for all human Frtmllt I . , nssds Is promised shortly to f Baraaia ba psrfsctsd, Tha Invention tk. Ag.. "consists ron" or" mor m bargea launeh'ed upon tha sag and anchpred at such dlstanea from th hor aa ta ba al- - wya la deep water, wher they will operate -uniformly In all weather. Along the bottom at each float runs a metal track upon whleh are two little car, one at each end. bearing heeey weight. Tbo ears are aonnected by a rod and as thabeat rocks they roll back and forth along lbs track, at tba same tlmoper. ating a pair of pistons which oompree air, ad through a tube furnlab pneumatic power - eperatlng machinery upon shore. The pump Irg mechanism also may be adapted to uck water from' under the boat and pipe It ta , her In a steady stream with sufficient force ta operate a water motor a the beach. Thua la power bad without recours to eoal. The hrp yed hawk ea py a lark upon . a piece of earth almoet exactly the same color at twenty times tha distsnra It Is perceptible to msn or WB4rfal ' lygglglU f laglaa. dog, A kits soaring out of human slant (till eaadistln gulsh and pounce upon II. arda and field mice upon the ground, aad th distance Vt whleh vulture and eagle can apy their prey la almeot Incredible. Recent dls eeverleo have Inclined haturallet to the be- . lief that bird of prey hav not th acui sense of email or of hearing tbat hae hitherto Seen accredited them.', Their keen sight ema better to account for their action and; . thy appear to be guided by alght alone, a tny never enlff at anything, but dart straight after. th objeot of their dsslre. Thelreoua terpen In tb ocean, doubtleos smell and lee, but ars mora guided by smell than sight. In both sharks and ray the eyee srs good aad ' hwv a dlstlnst xprss(oa, though sine they cent Jheir prey from a snort dlstanea and awlm up to It with greatest rapidity, small may be a!d their real aye. - War blii for nervous prootrallea. rrom time to lima w hear of experiment mada , , upon tb tffseta whleh eer- . . tain solars n to have uatiaal upon bumaa bring. Prof. Infiaaaca - Itedardof Oeneva has bsea ! hit uun m. ahart tlmi am - TTT ', TA I W 1 w II B If I - I'J I IV I . 1 IL-JI Kiars.--ir-aotioa o dr. our lviiiiion -JT; nones m vsu; jveryjjoay : in ow oays jnieiio: -T- T.rT .1" " rV.T!! the erolutloa of telephone anrnaaring, . T IT t HI ' A 1 ' telepboBo bad to drive aer bU man and exchange la certain elty or city . 111. T: J:l I which at moat ba only thirty year of Uj IXOIl 11 UUCUr . v , bo got tired Hi ttfUmatum to the wagoner . Ja oonaldorlar the futur of tbo .-Il-.T":Z.Z.r: I hletory behind It, the not rult of ex- " . .j , . waa that If bo dlda't got a telephone la bla bualnoee almoat ovary poealbloeconomlo JX u Z .Z, " " . , M, porleaoo In all theae year baa beea ur. tn monopoly 01 an waw" p-n a. uow mwpwee ia boua be wouldn't at any more baulina to ' dltlon touching tbo territory of aa g in, t ,ni v. ... . 114 00000. in lows um WMymwu eompax innrw o lam ,wwvdh euaineea ouw Uf Aa: ,w. i.w,hnlt. ! .k.n ln MMUnlM. If I. making rsssarehia with view of using th effrcta of colored light In P surgery, He deecribea a new anatstasti af. feet which la based upea tb Influence of tba' . blu ray upon tb nervoua tenters. A aura bar of eaperlmmts showed aim that ha eoold rbtsln a deadening ef the serve wale was iuf7k-lnt to allow f making some local oper ation of abort duratlen. -According l Prof, TUderd, eaah of the primary color ha a epeelal and well defined action aa th human body. Bd light la aa eaeUiag and IrrltattOf agent. W are war of Its actloa In. modify ing the virulence ef certain emptldn. Yel ls w light em to have a depressing aotlan, while with blue light la Obtained a stoaatlon of aalm aad ease. . -. . .."'; - . -ti eawA.RowaAva, , . , '", '.- ,;..) ) . ... ' ; . 7754 AWi -RrttFn iHEKE arc fifteen bore la th Oraad River Chut company, and we tub aortbed $10 tub t tb tUn of Off .( aetioa 'and mad ths chut par good dlvldeods a soon m It was completed add In operation. The cbut tu built ea a suitable Ineliae on tb bank of tb rtnroo th Und belonging to tbo father of on of th oy. .. ...'. . Wo oat th "poets from th wooded rlvr bottom and hired them hauled to tbo apot " Too lumbar coat ua sad, Tbo poata war, placed four fWt opart tbo oatiro length of ;the abate, aa atown la rig. 1 ... ' Two br four p'Ueoa of plno woro Ballad aaouralr for tbo baao to tbo inalda of tbo lino of poata aa thowa la tbo diagram at E. Tbaa tbo Uea, or croaa plooao, woro put on, aa at rpiiee. More aurprlae. Moat turpiiae. s , And then aoma morel ' . . " ' Today In the Held of electrical engineering In Greater Mew Tprk tor example, the New Xork Telephone company la working 'It engineering aquad of ton year prognoetlo tor until on of theae eeta of expert la work ing today la anticipation of the, year lDSOf It 1 dealing with tb condition of the year 103S, taking them a eerloualy and materially a if the year were arrived and the etreei aad building and million of populatloa growth ware occupying tbe future city." But far mora than thla, the aquad for IBM la looking for more than populatloa and mile age of the air eta. Jo every ,poaibi way tb social condition of tbo city at largo, tb w'""'",wu'"' the Booolblo oharaeter of evol condition of tot loci of the city, the probable aa Instrument. th possible oharaeter of evolutioBiaed build ing materials and buildings oven to the pos slbls sew methods of Installing an Instrument In a buildings-all aro under eonstdaraUoo for a generation yet unborn. '' '" .. : Hast Allow fop Iipaaaioa. -- Th raault of this Is that there is ao engineer la any Una of work anises purely eleotrioal who la aa certain and careful as is the telephone engineer. . Time and again be haa mada bis lde ooncesslofi to tbo future aad baa found thsm not half wide enough. Not being wide1 snougb, he has entailed, altera tion that have coot tens of thousands of dol lar to the standard 'telephone companies Under tho Bell patente and la the last twelve, year since th Independent companies hav. beea making) history, the engineer for the Independent people nave had bands full and head full of present aad future. Tb first principles of th Ball telephone Ha-UTg expired In U03. In tbat year there were 300,000 ula phoass la the United States. This is a fig re to be kept ia mind In eoosldsratloa of wbavthe telephone began to bo Just after Noted Menas By Elton "v., . , N spit of th almost universal belief I tbat men become millionaires by aom " special form of good luck, there Is one f ths favors of destiny that Isnt always recognised. .It Is, that which gives to a me men a tip as to 'what tbsy are to be come while they stilt- ars llttls boys, while other men need half a lifetime to learn. When' Robert CClowry was IS years old tbo towa of Jollet had become large enough to have a telegraph offloo. On day Robert walked into the office of Judge Ca4 ton old Illinois and Mlsslaalppi .Telegraph company at Jollet and offered to give hie servtoe six months without other pay than that of Instruction in oh art of telegraphy. Tha offer was accepted and he took to tele graphing oo naturally that la alx month he waa a better operator thaa his chief, C. p. jenson, and l th fall of the year be was made manager of tho office at Ixwliport. The year following be waa transferred la ti e office at Bpringfleld, and In 1M waa seut to Bt. Louis M the aompany's ahlef op erator. During tb war ha becam tba bold leading spirit In. the construction of many telrgrapb lines Into tba border region and later was placed by tho government la charge of military teiegrepb linss.- Its received Iw corn ml scions for quick and meritorious serv Ice ia quick succession, an as major and ore as, lieutenant colonel. After tho wsr ba relumed to the Waetera Unloa Telegrspb . company and went straight up In th com pany of which bole new.ttie president. ' . . . .. a ", - DoUlfaff Oaca DaADUcaaa. Whtn Heaator DoUivof was a Utile aba wltb- bair-that refused ba aombsd ba picked Up a loot aopy ef th Coagrassloaal - Iteeord- It aoatalBsa speeehee ana ptotares t It Mpreooatataraa aad senator a. all of whleh fired th small Weet Virginia bo mbl uon, . Hs pored vr th book and commit. tad th speehe t memory, rrno day tne school committee celled, and aa astonishsd 4 rXS foTsri . BU Got iiithe Game WhenYoiin sverybody'by delivering en ef th speech my risw f kfs was mor eatlaf actoryt me with alsafnesa, force, aad vigor. Ha waa thaa bg wwatd) bavo.beea.' t looked upon soareely to and already a gradual f thd auscea aa mor a maue of mind tbaa of Sw.te unlversiiy whea b left Wst Vb. mosey. glaia t g to Iowa, stopping la Illlnola ' "On day wa bad a wreeUln watch. Wo Whoa his inonay bad run put is th school wrr about even la strength, taking what we aad gala enough aior t reach his destin-; eajle 'hoiu In Ihebeglnnina: and not break tlo. - K finally wound BP at rott Dodge, Ing then tU eae or another wa thrown. I flndiBg a you rug stranger's situatica a prsuy tough propostUen. Ha bad brought Wtb blm as bla equipment for earning a living a collage diploma and enough of legal educa tion t fit hint for tb bar, to whuh be waa admitted befer h wa go. But. th yeung lawyer toon learaed the path ft waiusg fr ltatsv - Bu i 1 d (D By Goorflo. Rico. t, ob which tbaaldj.rans war laid" of Sx tlmbara. Brorything waa built aa otrong aa poaalblo, aa wo oould not afford to uka any chaneao. Tb llabtar Umbaro for tha aid ralla B and O war aallod to th poata A - aa ahoww. Tbo ohnto run from banaath tno watar abotVM foot to tb top of tbojblU. Looking at It from above a aeotloa of tba ; bod of tbo ebut lo abowa la Jig. 1 ; -- . . . . ; tlckat Off let b4 rutfarn t T. . Tbo dark llnoo abow the rail, aad the top of the poata aro abowa at F. Tbo top of the ehute ww fitted up with a ticket office, and a platform oa whIOh paaaecigore atood aa thay aatoredi tbo ear. Wo arranged atepe for the aeeeat to tb platform, Tbo ratio and tbo Id guldoe ware expanded at tbo bottom, but do not roloaao the car until it la we U aub-' Bterged la tb water, . The car Itaolf la a kind p ooow, tea foot long by four w Id. A aide. low la ahowa la fig ure S. nlea entered the field aad within the next five year (00,000 telephonee were la use la the atandard and Independent companies. Today there are approximately 4.800,000, tl-fi ' ephone la operation la the United Btatee; 12,000 tojephono Instrumont are manufao tured every day In tb year, while the New York Telephone company alone I establish. Ing mora telephones svory six moaths than tho Bell company (laced in the first seventeen years of Its sxlatenee. . . ... Hapt Caaitlaf; a ta Fatar. ' Shall one wonder that the telephone on - glneere kept guessing aa to the future f It . waa In 1879 that ome .adventurer In-the tale phone businss thought St.' Loula ought to bare a telephone exchange eetabllahed o the basis of 10a regular subscribers. BU Loula at tho time was the metropolis of the middle- west, with bo thought of Chicago's . coining supremacy, but friends of ths daring Innovator declared that bo waa dreaming. ' But strangely enough tba metropolis Anally . gave to the venTutethe measure of the men's dreams. Thoa forja While r toe exchange waa overtaxed andSrhen tt bo longer was capable of the demands upon It, the Idea for aa exchange accommodating 1.000 subscribers was smiled at.' But the exchange wa built, . was overgrown, and is 1900 a switchboard for 100,000 patrons was established at a cost of several hundred thousand dollars. Today thsro Is figuring upon tho nxt board oa a basis of 400,000 patrons. Cleveland. 0-, bad a similar experience. Five yeare ago It had one of the largest mul tiple switchboards la ths United States. Blnos It was estabtlshsd, however. It has been outgrown, has been torn out and another one costing fortunes has beea put to place ' r,i,C.vnrtt- bem-pei-haps a reeuit of tbo ?Z J1?!!!?.5.?.!-0Pttve efforts of himself and a dosea c to bo oulgi u u t . Ttarln means making mere Junk of costly spparatus which has not 1 served a fractional part ef Its ueetulnesf, save as It has been over grown. - .. .... '. ' , Boy WorKers. Mapey. He solved ths situation by goirg to work, and the work was actual labor fee tho city . at a dollar a day in the . trenches, laying water mains In tho street. Tho hard work and slim living continued until bs made bim self known la tho community. . . ' a . Itfiaoa Was a Fracadaoa CM14. When Edison waa T year old tke' family moved from the little Ohio canal town In" -Erie county to Michigan. Already he had spsnt two or three good yesrs watching shipping svents en tho wharvts of the bust' ling river towa. Whan the family took ths . railroad Journey to Michigan bs observed th bustnees done by tbo news and peanut boy with Interest and want so far as to register a difference la hie own mind about tba way be thought it should bo done. Boon after- . ward at petfplt he went Into the business himself a a tralnboy on the Grand Trunk railroad. Before this hs put up a telegraph between bla noma and tbat of another boy. He borrowed a printing press, printed a llttls paper, expcrimttited In chemistry, and finally when by a lucky chance he pulled the Station mastsr's boy out from under ths wbsels at a train, hs knew whah wanted -well enough to bo prompt with the answer ' whea met with an offer by tho father to do any thing for him that be could. Teach ma telegraphy," was what he Bikad, and ths ftattoa master, meaning It In good faith, kept nlra at his bouee elf that winter letting blm practice ob bis instrument. 3T ': A. rlarrBaBS aa4 CaaM at Twarv. . Whea John Burrough waa 12 he made up III mind that he wanted to obtain a compe tence and then devot hlmeelf to, nature study. ' In remialsoanoe of Jsy Oouldt ho tell how th bent of each of them expreseed Itself at th same sget .... "Jay Oeuld wa teat on making money and did cooalderabl trading among ueochool bo. slllng,a bis boohs. I felt thra that kept t thla, bat wbe Jsy realised that bo wee lasla a broke tb ' bolt ' to throw m. ' I remarked that a had broken his agreement aad keenly laughed and said: ' Well. I threw )ou, didn't IT H atway wanted the ma- i terial tlgn of ceeas. although tba sner fact ef having wo would at bar satisfied m- -I hut e ; - Company Pays . Wo aaad aomtnoa board lumbar for tbla ear, borallng eba odgaa aad binding tbam aror to add to tb atroagth.. Wo pat op tbo old ropa ratio on omajl pooto aa abowa, Tbo aid a guldo O oupport tb brakaa. which aro atout plooao of hardwood about twooty tnoboo long, plvotod at Uia f ero ond. ao tbay oaa bo foroad . outward; c backing tbo ear If dealmd. Haa ' dla of upright plooao of woo rondo tbla - if- SEC 3 oaay. A dotafl of the brako 1 how la flg- uro e.'i . ' " , ' .;- BraK Chctg Spai f Car. , H la the aide rail of the oar, X tbo prrotad end of the brake, aad J tbo handle by wtecb tbo brake, wbenerer it la deetred by tke pee pie la the ear, oaa bo foroad outward agalnot tbo aid rail of the ehuta. A rope la aloe at taohed to tbo roar of the ear by a etroag Tbo rep work by a windiaoo flxod moat immediately from the expiration of the patent that mad a monopoly of the tele. phone buslnta of the country. Today more houses la tbo eitles bavo telephonee than have elactrio lights. la tha rural dlrtriots there Is scarcely a progressive farmer any where who la not la telephone touch with bla market town and with other farmers for . miles --In every direction. Theae are tbo results of tho activities of tbo Independent .telephone people everywhere until compared rltb -the Bell company's telephonee the In- mdocmnt to tb telephone service that - morning and again at B o'clock tat th after dependents numfeee a probable xaoo.000 ar, stronger thaa la th doaooly populatooN noon. While at these hours ths pressor oa against ths 2.100,000 of the Bell company. fvnJ o i Colorado baa few telephones, tho operating force la heavy only a short V .... On tor I Vary" TwBtV PrOBJ. When the engineer has taken cognisance ' of the population and Ita growth and ha -considered tbo methods aad probable Im provements in the establishment of the tele phone' itse IX, these formidable figures show ing a telephone to eve twenty person la .the whole country, with mor thaa half of , tbcm In a state of economic evolution, bo well may wonder. . " , - - - Ths ' word " monopoly " perhaps carried ; more Incentive to the ranks of tb Independ ent telephone workers than did any othsr one Impulse, With 1.000 and mor patent upon tho Bell Instruments still existing aad with hundreds mors doubtless la proeeoa, K waa a formldabla oemy to attack In th Bam of Independence. But the Independ ents In manufacture, tbo Independent ex change builders, and tbo progressive small farmer and villagers took up tho gauntlst with ths result that scarcely a portion of any stats In tbo union I not to bo reached by the telephone. Th farmer not only ba a telephone at hi house but ho baa one la other farmer who have attenfpted to keep in speaking touch with th village or ths cross roads store. :'. ' " Baaa t Karal Districts. The savolutloB of tb rural' tslephon ba kept pace and no mor with tho fanners environments. Bad roads, Imposslbls weather overhead, distance from markets, and oven bis lack of social contacts bavo brought th telephone to Ms notle. When tho Independ ently manufactured Instruments became within reach Of hi puree he conaljered tb poaalbllity of a lln tba would reach hie neighbors and give thsm all touch with the corner grocery at least. Perhape four farm era on the pike agreed with blm; the grocer was more than . willing and hi daughter sgreeabl to acting as operator when th party line should become overloaded. But It require a good many person to everlosd a party line la soma of tho weotern statee as Kanaaa, for example, whev forty telephoneshvo bee operated oa one party line. . The telephone Instrument aro bought by the farmer at 10 apiece: the wire aad th porcelain Inoulatora seed on the supporting treee, posts, snd fence rail are not a big Item; aad tho farmer's own labor will build the line. J This cberaeeerlttle formation of the farm ar's party lino leading lo th corner grocery at the crossroads Is tho beginning of tho rural exchange. The farmer along tb rood begin to wish for touch with farmers farther away aad then th inter tele et all lead naturally to a central village or town where market facilities arc better than at ths croaa roads. A. mutual " company I formed and th town la touched gad th exchange grows.. - . '.- Saw Eickangss Art ItIt4. By this tlms ths Una oriel nelly established Is showing tbo wear aad tear of the element a . The necessity for rebuilding It become appar ent and with t he talk of rebuilding taer 1 a divergence of opinion. Naturally tbo tin will bavo to bo of better material and pern a tow styis of telephone will b aoosssary for ths future of th system. Tb mutual company ba a engineer for sens uk alio a, and while t,he question la hanging some oaa seeing something in tfis altuattoa propnss to buy up the dilapidated old lino, renew It, eelabUf h an exchange, aad eperatt it, leav ing tho farmer fro of the burden of prr . tloa and maintenance ,.'.... Just here the i;aot that tb f armor who over ba ussd a telephoa never gives It up be eomo of consequence. . Th Inveetor buy - tbo Una, divide It Into party branch, th . exenang ia estaniisnoa. rats are aiaaa and tho fusht la on, . f i As Indicating bow woven Inte theeooneml life of the farmer th t sis phone Is becoming, an Incident may be cited. A well t da farm; or wbo haa a telephone In hta house had eon. sldsrabls teaming work to be don, bet ea tha roans and ea th farm ttaalf. fae ae the' men who did much of this lived several mile away, and It waa customary for th farms to drive over to th helper th afternoon Pfor the day tha man a as t report for work. Half a dosea time when the road wr particularly bad thi farm wttk la at tba top of tbo cbuto, aad not ocly may bo aad aa aafoty darie and brako, but drawa tbo car back op tbo lac 11 no from tb watar ;-1 ta flrara B la abowa aa and or eroaa action al view of the plan of the eyetom. The baoe of tbo ear at each aide real upon, the rail lo; . and tbo tatter may root dlraotly upon tie aroae pieeae, or. If daalrod, aa additlona rail II I l fCfe K may be vaed. M 1 the aide ran which guide the oar aadhold It to tbo track, re gardlaea of bow great tbo apoad may bet - Cart a KaOara Hava CrKt SpaaA. ' rig. ahowa tbo. roller Wheal plan which la uaed upoa aoma of -the cam. : The abaft O Oal Bag Hat Mbipnata.M Ohio baa .mora indananAant talanhonea throughout tb country than baa any other state In tb anion. For seoond place Indi ana.. Iowa, aad ganaae aro la close oompatli Hon. While tb state moot densely popu latod should hav more telephones than thoa . with loss populatloa. at tbo eame time the . matter of d 1st anno and bad roads and Isola tion In ul A tha Um raihiIaui at m t. Un4 but those that exist are used to as wide pur- -poso as they oaa bo anads to serve. In the groat oafiona, where a town may be snow bound for two months or more, there I tele phone connection every where, while In th ' miners' cabins, still further removed, there aro many UlsphoBoa. la th Irrigating Bea con telephone communication reaches tha 1 head gates of tho canals and water 1 turned, . on or off a needed, almost la a moment. Theeo . telephone connections by tens of thousands hardly hav had theoonalderatloh -of the oxporleaood telephone engineer. But - one of thee day the active engineer la ex pecting that they will bo brought la oa way or another Into engineering harmony and completeness of service. Tlpaaa la Fala f th Fopl. At th preeent time th engineer post thought I devoted to tho dtle ss they are aad as they will bo a quarter of century ahead. Ho la studying to determine if tho ondulta which he la now laying are largo. enough to take care of the cable that will to strnnglii them before their useful- boss t gone. . Bo is looking to th methods -which aro now Bao la approacniag aad on nee ting bulldlnge with tbo telephone eervlce, having aa aye to Improved, ways and ntean, both aa to th telephone taatrutnent and t tb construction of tho building Itself, But mor than all. ho needs to know what will bo tho ecoooraio best capacity for1 a telephone Wm Why He's HyOfficeHanak'er An Employer Relates the Rise of His Right Hf nd Man. w HT hav I mad blm my offiee man ager f Why. X didn't mak klm at all. : Ho just mad himself. He began be re a an offloo boy, a liuse . 110 pound. Id year old tyke, whose chief ambition In life seemed to be to mak a nuisance of himself by asking questions aad by doing somebody elae'e work whea be ought to be doing hie own. Thi waa when .the Arm. and tho offloo were srnaU-twtaty year ago-wben th. force of elerke and offloo men numbered all told twenty. There were only two office boy then; bow User are twelve, and tho ratio of Increa la th rest of th fore baa beeahlgher. ' We called blm th " fresh kid thaa, and hs msrttsd ths title.- He parted hie hair la the middle aad he crooked olgareta. Hs kspt up with, aad, I suspect, a little ahead of aa. th alan; pf th day, and b never failed to use It, bo matter bow high or mighty ths man b happened to be talking to. He bad Just about a muok respect for the bead ef tha firm as a did for the Janitor, sod this wa nothing. Wa aould never train him to say " Yes, sir," It grated upon him. W tried It oa half a dosea times, aad every tlm be reverted so th word that, came natural aor himt Uh-huhl" Of oours he should hav beea fired wtUUa two weeks after he'd been hired, but a wasn't. Ta bead dark, ander -wpess direct supervision bo worked, said tbat ha d made nlmsslf to useful to snow a little thing Uk his bad mannere to cost aim bis Johvs - - i - ' , a --'-i, .' : ' ; , Waa Wat IdaaJ at Of Hca ioy. Bo w told blm lo cut ou the siraret and. alang or we'd akia aim alive, and kept him en. " What sro wo going to do with blm when he get t be lo big for an efflo boy f asked n of tb partners. " Why, mak him a clerk, of eouree," said another, and tbo rest of a alt laughed. It wa Impoaslbl to Imagine him as a clerk ; h wasn't that kind of a boy. Hs west along until bo wee 18, drawing Id . at lb nd of vry week,-smoking olgareta, talking Ilk a elseg dictionary, and getting Into mor troubk tbaa anybody oa tho pay roU But whatever tho trouble wa bo al t way managed I get blmeeif out of it, or ' else b get some body mor powerful than ho . t K fr aim. Hi career a aa office boy wa about a fa removed from thaVof tho Ideal ofnoe boy as anybody aould well ' imagine, Biting him up then, anybody would hav given blm about aa snuok chance t man a rla la th world aa they would gtv a anowbaa a cbaao to lat mnth ki sa - eves. We aever thouf-H about hta futur rathoefnoa, Hodidatk: olf kb4on Dividends. goo below tba oootar of the oar at aaohaod. Toe hardwood roll re PP are wide but ft email dlamotar.' Tbay fit on tbo bearingeof the axle, aad oa thao the ear rolle dowa tbo ehute tnatead of eliding. The apoad of the . ear ea rollora la a groat aa may bo deetred. One of the boye a 1m expartmontad wttk ' tar bow m rio 7. -TUlo bao regular -blcyelo wheel. - , Ob the, flrot day we took In about K ad a the aoxt day, wblh waa a Baturday, tbo - receipt were 10.43. i The faro waa 1 oant '. - only for the ride, but many of the pa aaangera " waat op and down a great many tlmao. oa boMdaye we did a great bnelneao. aad aooa bad our plant paid for.- Then we began draw dtvldanda. Eatery Baturday w rot Our A envelemo oometlmaa not more tbaaSOoeata The HnnJ&ir$tHt& Tdre J eeni. apiece, and sometimee ft or IS. We advertise whaa necessary, and keep our sign always expoacd la a prominent place. district. telephone 1 eon- exchange poaalbla. It would bo worth while area to know, as la New. York, -whether a possible new seetloa of tho dty to bo added la tha next twenty five years may bo peopled with a class whleh will use tbo telephone' largely la creating ths " theater hump " as showa tn tho ordi nary city's diagram of call. For the pulse of tbo people, literally, is tb pulss of the telephone bust nee failtn'g- to ita lowest ebb about S o'clock In the morning and reaching th flood tide at l(h3 to XI JO o'clock la tho time, the switchboard must bo sufDolent for accommodation. Tho limit of a single switchboard of thomulr -tlpl typo varies wttk tt physios! oonatruo ttoa. Where thooaoanaoUag " Jack " fit Into plao la a equar of on-nalf tnah th limit ef operation la about 6.000 telephonee. A square ef three-eighths of aa Inch will give ,0u0 telephones, and three-tenths of aa lack will put U.000 equar ee onder tha baada of the expert o pernios. But before 11.000 lines ars under tho on hand tb telephone exchange Itself will be . too unwieldy to bandl and will seed to split up. Fart Ua Easily lagtaJlaaV . Twe" derby hats, a string drawn tnroagn tho crowns, aad a buttoa made fast Inside constitute a telephone in working embryo. Btandard telephones of th Independent type msy bo bought anywhere from any mail order boas la the country, and the crudest of me- '. chanleal capabilities .are sufficient for th installation of ths partyjlneln towaotoounl try; No one wbo ba used a telephone la satisfied 1 giving It VP. wall tnefactthat friend I a Boauaer of the Instru unseat I a f ' r? d to get as V. ) unexpired tJ I 1 aad lade. If odent-the l V rago which . V standing- pressure upon that frleo Instrameat. There are ebout 4.000 1 patents upon the telephone. Bell pendent, but la the name " independent ' outside companies bavo tke leverage which , finally may put the telephone la tha maximal Bumber of available places la this country. coming. He was too knmedlate,'" ta i on of hi ow phrase. - ; Varna. Blaaaalf far Vaw Jak. 1 Thaa tb maa at th city order desk left auddenly, because wo caught blm sotdlatin; aad stopped bis pay suddenly, aad we were up against It for aom on to tak fcl place, I told my stenographer to writ aa ad.) callsd th frock kid to me. aad told aim to tak It to th offloo of an afternoon papa at one. Naturally h read tb sou. He road everything- that wasn't sealed. " Why yuh going outside tho offloo dor a Bw city order man. Mr. B.f he asked. " Run along with that aot," I said with out looking up, i " But wo got a guy bar who oaa da that work all right" said ba, "Wbo is hr ' M," . .., " How can you do it, you Uttlo foe IT" ' " 'Cause I been doing It for tho last three ' weeks while Artie wa off com plao taking a smoke," was his answer. - I gave him a shAno. if you fall dowa you get flred." I warned) him. ."And yB mustn't t fresh to the ouatomere." ' . " All right." said be. -'" a .-m -- ; B Mad Co4 Right Alaag; . Of soareo bo made good. Ho bad beea subbing for ths old clerk long enough to know th Job from A to Z. The surprise to ma, however, ws the' pollt mas mt ta which bo treated the suetomers. He actu ally aaid, "Ysssir,",n Te, m'ss "-t them. - - T. . - s-. .-a- I asked him what had 'mad ths sbsng. . " Well, " you sea my young kid brother waa getting) to that sugs wher he'd got to quit school and go t work, unlea t could " earn more money," bs'said. My. mother wanted hint to go' throngk the senooi. aad' so It was me to get more eota.? ' . It made mo whiatlo ta eorprta. I didn't , think tber was tbat much to th bey. I be-? gan to watch blm closely bow, snd I soon - discovered tbat ho wa th brightest ydang teat ydang . mint my i I simply f aad what Within a ' maa tn ths office. Then I eelled aim In my pnvaio room ana teixaa ic aim. told blm what ble ebaaee were, aad h'd hav to d to roalis them. month I discovered that he'd quit smoking, bad Joined th Y.lM. C. A, and waa u tending night sehooL . f ' . It would b monotoewme t tell eseet tbo rest ef hi rise. It we tbo Brit step la ft that ouatd. It brought blm Into th whlu light f notice a a poastbiliry, ead that we ttl he Beaded. He bed the goorH - be delivered them Just ss soon a 1 - given a ekaaoe, That' a all tfcee t all i ' I"