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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1906)
. - , ., ' ...... J- - ' - r . - - If . will C - rl ' r ' 1 U -V7 - $ r, s:s:fc 111 . y r - a " it yTV - -i;,'JT A - s- il rr , . 4, &sat - I-a Baymoud lovelacb 1 w SOME NEW 'A BELT SHIFTER. J" Speed of - Machine - Chanfed by , ' Lever in Convenient Reach. " Bvry - meohanlo ll cjolntrt with th dlfflcoltjr of ahlftlne an evertiMd lt from on part of th pullar to tba other to ehanv tba apd of tha ma- Milni. oanaraJly tna only niaana af forded la a lona pole, and avan If tha meehanlo ba daztaroua, a half doaan at- tampta ara requlrad bafora tha belt ta edjuatad on tha propar part of tha pullay. To do awajr with tbla antl- qoatad mathod an -Ohio Inrantor baa da vlaad tha bait ahlfter ahown In tha ac eompanytnv illuatratlon. To ehanca tha apaad of - tha nachlna It la only naeaaaary to op rata a lavar. Attaohad to tha wall ta a brackat to which la eon naotad an upper and, lower arm, both balne: pivoted to the bracket. At tha top of each arm ta a etrep whleh en lrclea tha belt. Normally the belt la SHIFTS THE BELT. , . . adjuated to the center atep of tha pulley, and by throwing tha ltrer.up- . wardB the belt la forced to the- next apeed. At alt time tha .belt tnovaa freely wflhln tha atrap. , C . INGENIOUS TARGET A Novel Apparatus for Promoting . Accurate Shootin of Animals. V , Khootlne la a aport tha't la thoroughly enjoyed by Ita loyal aupportera. Shoot ing at4argte ta alwaya mora or leaa ilangeroua, tha trend being to eubatltuta live Mrda wherever poailble. Thla la not only ooatly, 4ut unnecaaaaiily erual. S it I - t ... FKANCIvS . BAKER : - J?0 tfc YftsiEY WILSON OUJMaiJ v 1 ' - - III - i 11 "T r J AND USEFUL To raduoa both th eoat and, thamalty a New Tork man baa derived a very In gtnloua target apparatua aubatltutlng rata for blrda. An Illuatratlon or tba apparatua la ahown her. Upon tha lower UXV TAROET. bos arrangement la an vpnght frame. elliptical In ahapa. A algaag or wlndrng trapk'la connected to tha aldea and enda In a email boa at th top. Rata or mlea are placed In tha trap box and whan liberated travel ip -the Incline, where they ' afford a good ' target for tha abooUr. If tha moua la fortunate enough to reach th box at th top ha la aafe at leaat for. a while. Tha inventor apedlnea that th gun be loaded preferably" with a harmleea uilaetl aoft pe for tnatanca whleh 111 not eerlouely injur tha rodent. N , - 1 . THE, LATEST IN THEATRES. Abundance of Exits Leading to Broad . Steps in the tpen Air. - "The Iroquola theatre dleaater tn CM oago draw attention to th Inadequate faollltle generally afforded la large theatrea and playhouaea for th exit of thoae attending th performance. ; Th4 Iroquola waa a modern, up-to-date atruo tura. equipped with every known derlo to prevent fir and th Inevitable panto following, but upon investigation It waa ahown that , th exlta war lnaufflolent to accommodate th publlo under nor mal eondltlona, with nothing to raaerve for emergencies. ' Theatrea oonatruotad along the line of tha on shown In th Illuatratlon ara really what ara wanted. In caaa of fire or MOO people would find no difficulty In raoh!ng th strU instead ei havlnc eoUU Itirtln;, THE OREGON ' SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND,. SUNDAY MORNING. JUNE 4, - VIVIAN ELWV J LILIAN inir77WL. ' -t x - rrrm . - ... A . 17 h jis mA. rijr 111 4 it 1111 1 a m vTiwi wi.."? -f , m t m 1 w 1 1 r asiiui net c sic buuic vi : - fvt - ::.'.. aj-jut -sxr . . " k NEDENB STEVEN 3 INVENTIONS to narrow winding fireproof tow where tha fall of one person endangara tha Uvea of hundreds they open onto wider - stairs or - steps - which deecend dlraotly t th street. Each step la wider than th one next above to corra apond with tha Increased number of exlta. This Is not a freak Idea, al- A FUTURE THEATRE. though It may seem to be at first glance. It Is a practical solution of th problem of affording mesne of emptying a large theatre of all its patrons In a few minutes. ' , . UP-TO-OATE-SWING. Car Travels BacS and Fourth on'aftt Inclined Track. 1 Managers of amuaemant parks com plain of a- dearth -of new Ideas. Tha A i: J-l lL PEBKY DATE. MAUPIN . . those entered in the contesL, which closes June 80: . publlo Is continually clamoring for aomathlng out of th ordinary, and man agers ar. alwaya on the lookout for new amuaemant devicea to satlafy tha deman.Land Incidentally to gather In the atray nennlea. Tha old atandbre. the merry-go-round and' th swing, ar Intended for children,' but to adapt the awing for th older rolka a Maaaaehv aetta man changed It to th form ahown in tha Illuatratlon. The ear, aue pended upon a swinging arm. travela back and forth en Inclined tracka. Tha latter can. be extended quite a dtatanoe, without danger of Injuring the paaaen gera In th car., as tha supported frame prevents ths car from leaving the tracka. A aim pie cog arrangement oper ates u swing. BUCKING MULE. One That Kicks Viciously gnd , Throws Its Rider. Few things causa more atnuaament to children than . toys - with action thoee that will perform exactly t ltk their namesakes. A California man recently patented a toy of this olaaa a balking mule. In Ha natural appearance It la very quiet, but can b mad to vtclouely kick and buck whenever It Is moved along. It la mounted on a baae. toothed wheels being placed at the aldea to hold It In position during tha bunking per formance. Tha for leg of th animal ar secured rigidly to th baae and. tha body pivoted to th for lege. A cord la connected to the head, runs through ' REARS aAXD KICKS. a stapl on th baa and ooatinuss to a oatch at th aid, f o make the animal appear lifelike th eyea are attached to a elide and when th cord ta allghtly jerked th mule throw back hla earl and shows the whites of hla ere. A atronger pell make him lift hla . hind 1SjS aA kloJai fix OOttAsotlAaT th. hlnl ,t&WUi:L TpSirtr Wiavr Tvpnxi . . EALLBJpRT BDVSiKD legs with ths for lags ths mule Is made to kick, tha jerk on the cord pulling hi bead forward. To ad to th amuae ment a toy rider la mounted on the anl mal and the beast jerked ao violently as to throw th rider. i" PRAYERBOOK AND PURSE. Should Prove Popular With Ladles for Holding Chureh Contributions. A hymnal, prayerbook or . rellaLoua manual, fitted with a puree tn wnluh money for the contribution can be car ried la shown In the accompanying illus tration. It ahould prove popular with th ladles who have been aecuatomed to carry their contrlbutlona tn their glove, with th danger of loalng th money and th Inconvenience of reaching It when -4-J50JI TKB CHURClttJaOER. "wanted. A young mis of Idaho ts re sponsible for th invention, im purse Is large enough to hold a number of ooin without Increasing th bulk of th book or detracting from its appearance. A pocket Is formed tn th cover of the book and covered by a flap.- Folding side plecea connect th flap with the covey of th book, to prevent the money from falling out when th pure Is opened. Secured to th . oovar of th book 1 a loop or strap, under which the tongue or in puree j sippau. . mi.y is artlatlcillv dealgned and serves as aa ornament' without detracting from the appearance of th bookv , : J aTeweVoy for Harvard. The Boatoa Newsboys Protective union, a local of th American Federa tion of Labor, has voted to send ens of Its member to Harvard university In the fall. The union aome time ago started a scholarship fund. hoping to raise 15,000. The fund now amounts to $1,600, which yields an Income of 1100. Prealdent Eliot, an honorary member of the union, urged th body not to wait until tha fund la complete., offering ,to accept th Income of th preaent amount until - It la larger. Tha beneficiary of the fund will be selected br competitive aamlnaUoa. , 1803. - FACTS ABOUT IN AMERICA - - r - - H . H at . HORSE" racing waa Introduced 'In America by Engliah cavailera some time early In the eighteenth' century. The Engliah cavailera Imported race horses of Barbery. 'Arabian and Turklab breed for tha aport In America. The firat American races were run at mil heats. r - . - The.flrat pennant rao eoura; waa tha Tork courae, laid out in' Charleatori; South Carolina, about 1749. As far aa known, no monay prises were ever offered during th period' of the old York courae. the reward of th winner being usually a, silver bowl. tankard, a goia waicn or a aaaaie end brldl. Th nrat American Jockey club was th South -Carolln Jockey --duo-which waa organised in 1791. and built tne new Washington race courae at Charles ton. - -- " ; Tha Brat subscription piate race in New Tork was run In n within a atone' a throw of tha apotVhare the old Aetor houae now sunda Th locker club, wnicn ruies racing la New Tork at tha preaent time. we organised in the autumn of 1811., It was Incorporated reoruaxy a, Th founders of the jockey club were: w. p Thomnaon. Perry Belmont, Jamee B. Haggtn, William C. Whitney. James R. Keen. F. ,K. Bturgts, Colonel a H. Payne, John Hunter, tr. uioeon mm A MOTOR BOAT BEARINGS" t (v a Staff Oorreepoedvnt.) i' th sanguln expectations, of ths lnventot ar realised we ar soon to witness revolution In . moter boats. Instead of forcing their way throurrh th watai, amid a emother of spray, th , new type of craft will klm lightly over th surface on a eue eeaaton of air bubblea or globules that may b likened to bail 'beartaga The practicability of th tae is to b put to th test In a boat Bow In courss of eooatructlorr 'byvaundera, - a ' noted motor-boat builder at Goring on the upper Thatrea. In ahape, th boat Is a mar box. aome U feet long by ight feet -wide, the bottom sloping upwards at th forward and forming -a acow- ahapedow. She ts not pretty, but In these bustling days It Is accounted no sin to. sacrifice, beauiy to epeed. On each side and amidships ar fixed three atout keels, each about eight Inchee deep. Between these, on each aide of tha center keel, are seven other Ushter plates of about halt th depth, making 17 In all. extending th full length of t- touoa f ts boat, Eetweea tl ,4 T Y-', ST. ' 1 HOUSE-RACING Knapp.A. T. Casaatt-AnA-Jamsa Oal way. .... -i , , . Th jockey clubs now under th au pervlaion of th Jockey club are: . Th Weatcheater Racing aaaoclavtlon, which owns th Belmont track, th Largest racing course In th world; th Coney Inland- Jockey club, which owns th -Sheepahaad Bay track; th Brooklyn Jockey club, owning th Oraveaend track; th Queens County Jockey club, owning th Brighton Beach track; th Metropolitan Jockey club, owning th Jamaica track; the Saratoga, Racing association end th Western Jockey club,. In Waahlngton. IX C 'The present chairman of th board of steward of th Jockey club la August Belmont. Th four great stakes of th New" Tork racing aeaaon are: Th Suburban, at Sheepahead Bay. distance 1 miles i th Brooklyn handicap, at Oraveeend, diatanc IM milee; th Brighton handi cap, at Brighton Beach, dlatane 1H' mllea, and th Futurity, at Bheepahead Bay, distance S furlonga E. R. Thomas Harmls holds th r ord for th Suburban, running th dis tance tn 1:01 in 1(04. Irish tad, of th Westbury stables, holds th Brooklyn handicap record. Th record was mad In 1901. Time J:0l t-S. Tha Brighton Beach record is held by Captain B. B. Brown's Broomsttok. . Tha record waa mad In 1904. Tim t:0S 4-S. Th Futurity record, mad by John B. Madden' Yankee, in 1(0). baa server been equaled. Time 1:08 1-9. ON AIR BALL fin or platee ar a number of bole sloping af CThy ar connected with air coippresaor driven by a motor en gine. - - : . :- .. . Th boat depends for propulsion? oa ths reaction of th Jets of air from those orifloes; of which there ar a . larg number, atrlklng th water. At th earn tlm th air is prevented by lb fins from eacaplng ts th aide of th boaC and thua. it la eialmed, 1 formed a species of air bed, between the water and th bottom of th boat, ever whleh th oraft will gild with much greater velocity than eouid be attained If foroed through th water in th ordinary fash ion by a propeller. It sound delight fully slmpl in theory, but evea t tha lay mind It Is obvious that ta sustain th weight of th boat th air bad would have to b at considerable preBaVie,.. which would mean the aheorptloa f e larg amount of powtffV'But--th Inven tor la no aovtc in dealing with mechs-w leal problem, and ha Already brou t out several Successful Invention. . e declares that a mlei boat, o" t " ' llnea as the craft he I ho v ' Showed remarkable t r sirs ted' the prad.-' In a Xo'w whi t; i on th Theme . , whether tt t r i W.A Y v. 1 '