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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1906)
THE -OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, , PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING. JUNE 24, 1903. .1 . . . . ' '. . ' ; i -.- -j - ' " BiQiiantitied Cmall Priceo Great Varieties BeotValueo Very Special Values in Every Section of the Store Moot Seasonable Merchan dise at Decisive Reductions Those who profit by tomorrow's and Tuesday's offerings win best realize how much better than cold type indicates are the great values' in this sale. On Monday there are rare values to be secured all over the house. Every department offers splendid inducements to intending shopper. These hot days are sure to find many folks unprepared for the weather. We have anticipated your every want. Our stocks are well' and carefully selected and - what is equally interesting, the prices are in reach of all. ; OUR LONG CONTINUED POPULARITY PROVES OUR OFFERINGS TO. BE TRUSTWORTHY. Yery Attentive (Collection ; of . BnmnLmertime Wearables Unmatchable Values for Xlonday and Tuesday's Selling. There Is No limit to the Saving Possibilities' of This Great Sale. v - , , . ..- nnrex&n wnmRn win ivnr. i.iiRS xnin imnnpniTiiTV.Tn.JiOonainize Great Sale of' ' Shirtwaiots For the warm summer months we have planned some wonderful sales of White Lingerie, AVaists. A total of 500 waists will be placed on sale tomorrow. - The assortments are composed of "more than thirty different styles. Every waist new, both in long and short sleeves. The scale of prices will be 50S fcl fA 81. 81.25, 81.50... 41?U Alsd on sale this week, the NEW COLLEGE WAIST made from best grade polka dot percale, at 81.25. Black Sateen Waists, extra large; at 81.25. Plain Chambray gingham 'and ShepherrJ check' waists at. 81.25. Black and white lawn waists , 6 Extra Special Bar gains Jbrjlonday 01' C( For Covert 3O.0U Cloth Tailored Jackets, $3.00 value. v 0 1 A fk ' Your choice of 2I.UU any $1.25 Per cale Wrapper. ' For Lawn Kimo nos, best 65c val. 48c 1 r 1 C For Women's 3)1.00 Shepherd Check House Dresses. For Sateen Petti coats, $1.25 values' PA- Odds and Ends ODv Shirtwaists, worth Up tO $1.25. r' 98 c Ue7 Linen Suits Our stockis replete with new models in Linen Suits' in White and colors, many really beautiful styles are awaiting your selection. Every new style now in de mand is here and all are beautifully tailored. Our. !rices are way below those asked by our competitors or. similar goods. Priced at-32.25, ETA 82.50, 83.50, 84.50 and. ............. ePUaUU ' 300 White and Colored Wash Walking Skirts at 81.00 $1.50 81.00 92.25 - The washable kind, already shrunk ; circular gore,, plaited or strap-trimmed Tnpdels, exceptionally good vajues for this .week. ' , . . ; , ,....' Bathi'g Suits A Most Complete . ' Showing: V. ' . Moderately Priced ' Women's and Children's Bathing . Suits, in alpaca and serge, colors blue, black and red,' made with full skirts; sailor or .Russian blouse . waists ; , .collars, belts, sleeves and skirts are nicely trim med in rows of white braid.' Spe cial prices for Monday jmd Tues- J day's selling range from Suit $1.75 to $5.50 ; Special "Prices This Week oil All . b Ready-to - Wear Garments Every Tailored Goth Suit at 'reduced price.--More than ?00 to select from. Every one this season's approved styles. Space forbids even'mentioning the great variety of styles. Every cloth suit from Jthe least expensive to the finest in the house this week at a very attractive price. - , " $8.50 $10.90 $11.75 $14.50 - .- AND UP SS:. sS Tailored Silk Suits Black and colored Taffeta Silk Suits, Eton jackets and shirtwaist effects. " They are made of high grade chiffon taffetas in black and fancy stripes, ideal for summer wear, always cool and dressy and no launder ing required. They are marked for this week's. selling at prices that mean considerable saving VM.m.wt aIu..........v........ $17.50 Walking Skirts 02.50 '' 03.50 04.50 ; 05.50 00.50 07.50 "-" We show thelargest and mostcomplete assort ment of stylish cloth, Walking Skirts it has been our pleasure to offer. .In these new stylish skirts for sum mer wear every smart advanced style is represented. Full selection of grays, both in plain-and plaids: also Lblacka and jiayies inlPanama sergeyoiksjnd broad cloths. You have to see this superb collection of skirts ,to appreciate the diversityjf styles and the extraord inary values. r: v Outing1 Coats OR-TOURISTS, AUTOMOBILISTS, ETC.Full length and three-quarter length loose, pongee, taffeta and mohair coats, white serge and linen coats, craven ette "London" box coats, a great assortment of the most sought for . .garments. Special prices for this week ?.50, 91U.5U, 1Z.EU, $15.00 and, ..... . . .. , . . . ... . . .. $16.50 Silks and Dres Goods i .v : ; .- ,.i - " ; v ' ;"v- ,. , ... . Choose from these attractive underpriced specials for Monday's' . active selling. These are lines of the most fashionable fabrics for sum mer wear and the offerings are of such extraordinary importance as to attract every-woman with a dress goods . need. - . " JJew. Amhre ShadowJPlaidstfulL8jnches:wjde a. great assortment in uic wiwiiiijr yittu, iiiiciwurcii.iaiu3 in tuiuis uiuc, green ana brown, correct summer weight,-the choicesXind jmpppular of the - ' season; other stores ask $1.25 for this grade. Our"Special Summer Coatings and Suitings,' 54 and 56 inches wide, an unsur passedjissortment in the nobby gray effects ' with overplaids and broken checks in all the best colorings, the most stylish fabrics for summer wear; three qualities to choose from S1.50. M A A ?1.25 andv...... M.UU - Silk and Wool Eolienne Full 42 inches wide, half silk and V half wool," beautiful soft- clinging weave, one of the most popular ma terials made for stylish evening : '.gowns or dainty shirtwaists, comes - in all the? staple and evening - shades ; - sold : all -over - the .city-at $1.60 to $2.00 a yard. Cl Hfi Our Special Price 31UU ' Cheney Br osrTdulair d; Silks Best 91.00 . Qualities at 65o . 7 Win. F. Reed's Celebrated Constantly in ; stock forty shadesto choose from 'Iriclud ing cream and black?. . ' A GREAT MONDAY SPECIAL A' decided markdown enables us"to offer extraordinary values in Silks Tomorrow we. place on sale Cheney Bros Spotproof Foulard Silks,, full 22 inches wide, strictly all-pure Silk, soft and durable; a great as sortment in pretty dotted effects,Joth poIkajandcoin dots, in color blue and white t best $1.00 quality on sale for one day only . Cn Monday at .Uuw Cheney Bros. Liberty De Cygne . 1 : Best 75o Quality at 6 86 ' 21-inch' Liberty De Cygne, All-Pure Silk, soft and effective, will wasHtyr ukc uncn, one oi inc mosi serviceaoie ouks ior summer wear; comes in shades of blue, green,. pink, champagne, lavender, .cream and 'CQ black; best 75c quality.- Special Monday only a(. ............. .00L - Extraordixiazy OiFeriiigs Tomorrow in Summer Wash Fabrics : With the summer season but barely started, values like the follow ing are little short of sensational. Every woman wanting wash goods of any kind rfor any purpose should be at this sale ' Monday Tues- -Iay-sure 1 Magnificent-Assortments art here of hejabrics and designs most wanted unquestionably tne greatest wash goods stock tn JPort lanL Many lines are underpriced-like this: ' .Fancy jjwiss Muslins, in the very latest stylesjtftvhite ground ...with dots, rings, checks or flowersiT in all wanted colors, also P black. Exceptional value at. 10L Silk Tissue, beautiful , showing of dainty silk tissue, irk - large and small flowered effects, very sheer and pretty. Unequaled at, 'ICrr per yard. . . ; ..... ......... mOw Cotton Taffeta, large line of neat light .and medium . colors, wears and looks like silk. Very 1'j l, pretty, at, per yard hifl Dress Ginghams the famous A. F. C. dress gingham's, in large assort ment of plain and fancy col- A : ors. Unequaled at. 1 "L, Wool Finished Batiste,' white ground with neat, colored checks plaid and dot effects, very : ..." pretty; at, per yard. 1 OL ; Imported Scotch Zephyrs, large as sortment of styles and colors, splendid washing material; lO. L. reg. 25c quality. Special at..lOw . ' Fancy - Batiste, '- great variety of -light, medium and dark colors, fig- ures, . flowers, dots and stripes. J Best qualities at , 1 Cr 10 and..... IOC Dress Percales, 36 inches wide, large ' line of light, medium and dark patterns. -Unequaled quality- , per yarti.'... Wool Finished Suitingsrnew lot . of medium and light colored suit ings, in check, and plaid - C-i reflects. Special at. ........ 1 OC ' Silk Ginghams, in pink, blue, navy, green, brown, tan, hdio and black - checks and Scotch plaid ef : fects. Unequaled at... '. ..jt Oxfords Reduced r We are making a general, reduction on more than eighteen thousand pairs of Women's Ox fords, in no case of less than $i.uu on the pair and in many cases you save as --high ias $2.00. The season is growing short and our desire to sen every pair rOxfOTdris-ouT-Teason fotakingHhisarlyeductionr-heretsnl a leather made you cannot find in our assortment of Oxfords. The sale starts Monday morning. There's Oxfords for all, yet you will get a bet ter selection if you come early. 81.00 For Men's $2.50 Oxfords. $1.37 For Women's $2.50 and $3 Oxfords. S1.60 For AVomen's $3 and $3.50 Oxfords. , i . V 99 For Girls' $1.75 Barefoot . Sandals. ' .' . . ' .. ' . The above isnly a partial 4it, --i-Sl.10 For Boys'. $2.0Q.Shoes! 99 For GirlV-$1.75 and $2.00 ci " '...."'--' r Olives. $2.90 For Men's $5.00 and $0.00 Shoes. .. '.' , ... " ' , ., . 69 For Children's Kid Shoes.' Every Oxford is reduced in this same ratio, Hosiery and Underwear 'V-,, - SPECIAL TOMOBBOW us to Before purchasing your foing-away outfit do not fail to come and all) fit you in the proper model of ' Tapering Waist R. & G. Corset . This will not only fee a aource of comfort to you, but ,a decided aid to yoyr. nrodistff.w' Remember; no dressmaker can make a perfect fitting -frown over an ill-shaped corset. Once you have the correct foundation it is easy to build a per fect fitting dress over iv R. ft O. CORSETS NEVER FAIL to give satisfac- . tion if you have the model best suited for you. Our salesladies are experienced and will' take pleasure in helping you aelect the shape calculated to most improve. . "The two following items are our best sellers at f 1.50 a pair. - FOR STOUT FIGURE TRY STYLE 439. FOR AVERAGE FIGURE TRY STYLE 251 Should titither of these exactly suit, remember sjre have 40 other, styles rf R. & G. Corsets to select from and all are guaranteed. - ( Two Special Values From the .lien V Gectlon 65c Jean Drawers 43 Men's white Jean Drawers, with elastic seams, cool and "comfortable for-sumrner 'wearr-mlso-Yery durable; regular 65c values. Monday only at ............434 $1.25 White Shirts 69 Men's White Shirts, with ffne pleated bosom, made of bfst quality muslin,' all izes except 15 Choice of long or short bosom; regular value $1.25. Monday only ............,0 . Every item is at a cut priceaway below what you customarily pay for qualities offered. .The Mid-Summer Sale of 1906. A splendid stock awaits you the best we have1 ever gathered for a season's selling.. 7 25o to 39o Vests and Pants 10c SOOLdozenjpf this lotTalone, comprising plain and lace trimmed, whiteTIsle thread,, sleeveless or high neck and long sleeve vests; also wide, full umbrella style lace-trimmed pants, French band ; values to 39c. . .Tomorrow. ; ;-, i ..........,.. i . 10s mm )fiaM: 50o and 6So Sleeveless Vests 35c -Women's Pure :Whjte Low Neck Sleeveless Lisle Thread and Silk fLisle Vests, silk tapes and hand crocheted yokes; best 50c and 65c qualities. - r Tomorrow only . i ...... . .35 u Vests and Pants Worth 35o to 50c, Monday 25o Women's very fine sheer Quality Swiss ribbed high neck and long sleeve Vests' also very, wide umbrella leg French band PantSr trimmed witl-wide -torchon lace; values from 35c to 59c Tomorrow only ...... ..25" Also the FoUowing Hosiery Special Store orders only. No mail ordera-none aent C O. D. 300 doxen women's unbleached 'tola Stockings, fast colors, made with full-fashioned-. lOiy- I lef..-.AU sizes... ....JV?C The last time we placed thia number on sale the response to our announce ment was so great we were unable to supply late1 comers. For tomorrow's sale ,we have secured 300 dozen surely enough to reach around. These Stockings . are all first quality- We are the only concern oil the xoit that is in tOs ' t position to offer them at this price. All 'sizes, Tomorrow only White Embroidered Robes $5.95 Never have we offered auch varied assortments never such charm ing creations. " With but few exceptions" theseRbbeswere made to retail at double the prices asked. All are perfect, fresh and new and suitable for the most-fashionable functions , xf the summer season. These Robes retail regularly at from $8.00 to $ 12.00; for fljr Qr .tomorrow's special sale we offer them at only,... vOsO ; ,-75o and $1.00 Combs 50o The samples of one of the largest manufacturers of Back Comba in America have been secured by us at a price which enables ua to OFFER THE ENTIRE COLLECTION AT HALF PRICE. These Combs are exceptional bargains, made of finest imitation shell and amber, handsomely mounted in artistic de signs with jewel settings. Every Comb perfect and worth twice tomor- C A ' uvv row's selling price, each. Embroideries for Monday fiOc,-75c Embroideries -25? 5,000 'yards jof 13-inch.Corset Cover, and. Flouncing Embroidery, in Swiss and fine nainsook; regular 50can 75c values. Special Monday at, per ard .j . .. . , ...23. $1.50 Allover Embroideries 75s 100-piece of 22-inch Allover in fine Swiss and nainsook, the season's mosC beautiful patterns;- regular -vat ues $1.25 and $1.50. Special, per yard .75 Specials in Ribbons 30c Ribbons for 185,000 yards of Pure Silk Taffeta Ribbons, 4$ to 5 inches wide, highly lustred, m all colors ; regular value 30c per yard. Special ? 35c Ribbon for :23f 3,00a yardsoflrancy.Ribbons, in printed wfcrps,' -pcesden, checks, brocades and black and. white stripes. All the sea son's newest designs and'colorings-i-sells regularly at 35c per yard.:. ' Monday's special price........,.'... 23 Women's Neokwear "500 dozen Women's Neckwear, new - and dainty, in lace lawn and linen embroidered styles ; regular values 35c and 45c each. t Monday only at -;A Midsummer Display , of White Linen Parasols Perhaps you are going away shortly and have already started packing the 'trunks. Have you thought of a dainty, dressy paraaol? W have them with handles that can be folded up and put into a dress suit case. Thia is very con--ff tehiirtt for traveling purposes, and you should not forget it when starting on your summer jaunt. ) A t We have a wealth of styles as ornamental as they are practicaL White Linn Paraaol can be had here for as little' as 7&; the better ones, either. etr -. ' ered or trimmed in fanciful combinations, run up to, each We offer an unusually strong leader for tomorrow 100 piece of V." "- parasols, trimmed,, with t " co'.' -ry insertion- of 'ilk emoroiderel f itral handles, silk -cord f . tt:...; values from $2.00 to l.iX Tomorrow onTy i