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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1906)
THE OREGON "SUNDAY JOURNAtT PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING. JUNE 24, .1803. V 13 "Vndor" Porch Shades In All SLrs-Th Best Porch Shad !.!! "Ostermoor" Patent EIjUcrt:trkttreinqll Sizes-Third Floor See Our Porch Chairs and Bungalow Furniture on th Third Floor Hammocks, Croget Sets, Ontlns. Sporting Goods Tblrd Floor "Wlamettc" Sowing Machines 1 3 ModeU 1 ft to $33 Each Trunks and Traveling Bss-Pest Selected Stock on Pacific Coast tfliMeier & Fi-ank Store .Ths Meisr Fraiik hs Meier ;I7ranEi ;Store Women's NeivTaUbred Suits 10,000 Pes. Muslin Undsrveor Store Molt; IRegiilar. Prices ill A sensational half price sla of women's high-grade Tailored suits is ennoanced for tomorrow's telling 100 garments In the lot This season's newest and ' : prettiest styles Eton and Jacket effects T- in serges, broalcloths, worsteds r and Panamas Circular, gored or pleated 1) skirts -Uackt navy, Mne,; grays; tan. rose and fancy mixtures Plain tailored and fancy trimmed suits, well made and finished throughout ; - ; j $ 1 4 SUITS 7.00- $20 SUITS $ 1 0.00 $35 SUITS $13.50-$27 SUITS $13.30 $30 SUITS $I3.00-$3Q SUITS $23.00 $ 7 JO ' LACE -WAISTS ? 5.25 $ 8.50-LACE-WASTS-iV 6.45 3 9.50 LACE WAISTS 9 7.45 $10.00 LACE WAISTS 7.65 $12.50 LACE WAISTS $ 9.9S Laco Waist Bargains Ct ' 'All oar magnificent Lace Waists on sale the coming week at" greatly "reduced prices. Beautiful styles in. very lare-assortment net waists,, allover lace waists, baby Irish lace waists," trimmed in Piatt . Val., venue, mesh and Mechlin laces wonderful values in all grades at the following special prices : $li.00 LACE WAISTS gll.25 $16.50 LACE WAISTS $13.25 $21.00 LACE WAISTS $16.65 $27.00 LACE WAISTS f 22.25 $37.00 LACE WAISTS"28.00 Great special values in fine Cotton Waists, Batistes, Mulls, Mercerized and Linen Waists. - This season's most attractive styles in wonderful array. Every new and pretty novelty is represented and every waist special v priced. r If you want a handsome waist or1 two for , little money, , make tracks? for Portland's Reading cloak store. Grand values at these prices : 72c 98c. S1.18. S1.62, $2.18, $2.95, $60 t Great values in all lines of women's Shirtwaist Suits Second 'Ficon --White Linen, Pique and Bedford Cord. Skirts Latest styles 2d Floor.' "Peter Pan" Waists $1.25, $3.50 Just received another large shipment of the popu- lar "Peter Pan" Waists, like cut A complete stock for your choosing -Silk or - cotton AH gradesIn cotton the assortment includes stripes andTchecks Jap silks anoTtaffeta silks in black and white checks, and plaids, polka dots, fancy stripes and plain colors Red," white," navy blue and black All sizes A delightfully cool, stylish " arid comfortable garment for hot weather wear Cotton "Peter Pan" Waists $1.25, $1.50, 91.75, $2.50 up to $3.50 Silk "Peter Pan" Waists $3.50, $4.50, $5 and $6 2d Floor. $6.00 Shirtwaist Suits at $2.98 Jane sale of 150 women's white lawn Shirtwaist Suits; waist 'trimmed '. . . i a i. 1 i ;j i: . l a. i i Wiin lace insertion ana iucks, uu crauruiucry msciwuu, siuris iuckcu . and insertion trimmed. Very pretty styles for hot weather CO Oft wear; all sizes; reg. $6 vals.; your choice, tomorrow . at : -vaWasrO , Children's, Summer apparel at ; low prices Largest assortments. . Bathing Suit Headquarters -Women'! and Misses Bathing Suits, in blue and black mohair and granite cloths; made sailor collar, belt and bottom of skirt- trimmed with narrow white sou tache braid; pleated skirts. Sizes 34 to 44.. Best values in town att- . $1.73. $2.' S2. 35, $2.75. $3.50 $3.73; $4; $4.50. $5.00, $5.5Q $6.00. $6.50, $7. $7.50 to $12 Children one-piece Bathing Suits, in flannel and granite cloths; black, blue and red; round neck and sailor collar, trimmed with white braid. Ages 2 to 8 years. Very best values at . 60c, $ 1 .25, $1.73, $2. $2.50 Suit Bathing Caps at 10c to 90c Each Bathing Shoat at 23c to 43c Pair Men's and Boys' Suits, all grades At Very Interesting Prices In the lace section tomorrow, the season's greatest offerings will attract an immense throng of eager buyers Yori will he one of the crowd if you read the following unusual bargains carefully -. ... , . . ;.- -. , -. 2,000 yards' of baby Irish, Valenciennes and Cluny Allover Lace, in beautiful designs for waists, yokes,' etc.: values up to fQfs $1.25 yard for this low price, yard,, V -PI Round mesh and French Val. Laces and In ' gerticfcis; values up to 70c-dozen- yards; on 7 sale at this exceptionally low price, Cm '" dozen yards. . ..................... aVJU For one week we offer our entire stock of round mesh, French Val. and Mechlin Laces best designs, all grades, at clearance sale prices. 16MN. EMBROIDERIES 69c YARD Another great lot of wide Swiss Embroideries for lingerie waists, corset covers, etc.; pretty designs, in large assortment; IS to 18 inches wide ? regular $1.25 values, on sale gCQ at this low price, yard.. ....... ...Ut Special lot of Allover Embroideries,1 in Swiss and batiste; values-up to $3.00 yard. .fl. 19 Closing-out sale of Demi-Robes in hand em broidered linen and batiste one of each style, at prices far below former reductions. $15 Robes $9.75-$25 Robes $16 $"30 Robes $19.73 v Batiste Robes at great special reductions. $13 vetoes $9.35-$ 18 values $11.50 $2? values $12.75 ; Great clean-up sale1 of broken lots of Embroidery, Match Sets, Edgings and In sertions, from 2 to 15 inches wide. Handsome designs, in large variety. Extraor linary bargains at these, special low prices ;. , - ; " 50c values 23c yard 73c values 39c yard $1 values 69c yard 500 Pairs Ruffled Curtains $1.20 An advantageous purchase of 500 pairs of Ruffled Net Curtains enables us to of fer them at a price down to the actual cost of manufacturing. Cluny pattern ' lace on edge of ruffles; 3 yards long and 36 inches wide a curtain bargain you don't have the 'opportunity to buy. every day. Take advantage , C 1 of this ' low price . t' Sf sv Lot 2 -Ruffled 'Net Curtains; same as above.: with lace inserting . . . 1 Lf , and edging; great special value at this low. price, pair.. V WV English and French. Cretonne, 30 inches wide, light grounds with floral patterns. .Two qualities at special low prices 50c grade 29c yard f $1.00 grade, yard.63f Entir? new stock of "Art' Loom" ffable and Couch Covers, oriental designs and , colorings. Let us show them to you. Third -floor.: Prices from.2. to f 10 5 Great Special Valaes 5 "Harvard Mills" silk mixed Union Suits for women .high neck, long sleeves, ankle length; also low" neck, sleeveless, knee length; hand-finished, with . -silk crochet,- all -sizes Best $2.00- l?l C . Underwear, on sale at.. ..... P l iOJ Women's high neck, long sleeve Swiss ribbed Vests, .. in white, pink and blue; $1.00 values....... .,73 Women's fine ribbed Umbrella Pants white 'cotton . lace trimmed, all sizes; great values...... ...,37 ; Harvard Mills" gauze lisle VesttrJowneck. and . , quarter sleeve; high neck and long . sleeve; aTso ' knee-length tights to match; best 65c values, on sale 'at this special low price. ..,TjC "Swan Brand", Silk Vests for women Swiss ribbed, -r low neck, n6 sleeve; white, cream, and black, alL sizes; beautifully made and finished; QO regular $L25 values, on sale at.., ....... .70C . Misses' and children's hot weather Underwear, complete stock all styles arid grades lowest prices. Mail orders promptly filled. , ' , $ 1 .25 Rajah Silks at 79c Yard ."'Rajah" Silks can't' be beat for stylish, serviceable summer costumes. We are " offering our -entire stock in all the leading shades; regular $1.25 lua'" 'fO ity.'at the unusually low price of; per yard.. .................. ....... ' 5,000 yards of fancy, Silk Suiting in all the newest and best designs and color ings for suits, costumes and. trimming purposes Neat values at $1.00 Valaes 39c the Yard $1.25 Values 69c the Yard Complete stock of Chiffon Messaline Silk for waists and costumes; very Qft ' large assortment of colorings; best $1.25 value. Special low price, yard..,JOC Three grades of black Taffeta Silk at very low prices" . S7c the Yard 98c the Yard $1.19 the Yard A Great Manufacturers' Sale More good news for Muslin Underwear buyers 10,000 pieces, Drawers-, Corset Covers, Gowns, Skirts, Chemise medium grade. merchandise of good quality and style from two prominent man ufacturers to ' bs sold at these very interesting prices 1 , Three great lots of cambric and muslin Draw ers, trimmed in torchon lace and insertion, tucks, plain wide tucked rutties, open or closed styl 35c .valtV 1 9c Pr. 30c vals. 25 c Pr. From 60c to 75c Drawers at 39c Pr. Three great tots of cambric and nainsook Cor set Covers, trimmed in embroidery, laces, tucks and insertion; i beading ' and ribbons. Prettiest pieces for the money we have ever offered. Vour choice-- ,v.v.V-"!.' :-.V" ,'35c f orset Covers for 19c 60c and 75c Corset Covers for 39c 75c to $1.00 Corset Covers for 59c AS" i N- 4 kon; 'laces and b ts ,W tic LX assortment . . ' . ' J '( 3.000 srowns of srood oualitv muslin and eam- 'brics, tnmmed in embroideries and tucks, inser- beadtng; higti, V and round necksr eeves. .Wondertui values.. Larger assortment 50c and 75c Gowns for 39c $1.00 Gowns for 59c $3.50 Gowns for $3.69 - $4.00 Gowns for $2.87 Gowns worth $5 to $8 for $3.98 Women's short cambric Underskirts, plain, hemstitched ruffles 75c values, on sale tx this wonderfully low price of, each........... Women's cambric and nainsook Chemise, trimmed ' in embroideries hemstitching; regular 75c values, for this sale tt, each.....,.....; $1.50 Skirt Chemfse, lace trimmed; grand values at. each., ......... .. , Women's long cambric Underskirts, trimmed in embroidery, laces and tucks; wide flounces. Handsome styles. Great values at. these special prices ; 75c SIdrts for 330-$ 1 .00 Skirts for 59c !!.w.39c .39c $1.25 Slrirts for 79c Wonietfs 35c Hosiery IBc 5,000 pairs of women s black, tan and fancy allover lace'Hoaiery and lace boot ef fects; an immense variety or patterns; tine quality, all sizes; a quality of Hose other stores ask 50c pair for; our 35c values on sale at, pair. Children's fine ribbed Cotton Hose, in black, white and tan; full line of . sizes; exceptional value at. this low price, per pair..;....,...........,.., Children's line ribbed black. Cotton Hose, in al sises; absolutely fast col ' , or; regular 20c values, oh sale at tliis special price, per pair.....s iniania iace nose, in uiacK, wnircr-pinitr-fittnt bw req anq lai regular 35c value, on sale at this special low price, pair.... Women's, misses' and children's White Hosierya complete stock in all gVades and styles, and at the -very lowest prices.--Best values ?n town: r KM.:.- rf l. a CI . it. J.I. 1... i. . - t "1 vv iiiic ualui us auu ouuca ins V1117. wmpicic iiuvk in town. 18c 18c 10c 25c Buy now-i 300; High-Grade Rugs 9x12 Feet--$25 Vals. at $18.85 A duplicate purchase- Afghanistan Brussels Rugs, the same designs, col- QglS"clquality as the ' lot you bought 120 of in 3 daysabout six ,weck ago.' The very best Rug" bac ga'n we ever placed on sale Oriental ; and Floral designs, beautiful cojor- ' MV ing8 "uperb quality, sixe 9x12 feet, a 5?VJ high crrade Rusr in everv riarticular ! ! We've sold thousands of them at $25 ii each regularly and have yet to hear a f, '' single complaint Take your choiceof this lot of 200 at the exceptionally ; low price, of..-. $18.85 ( Mail Orders will receive our prompt and careful attention Try us ' . -. r i GREAT WORK WITH T-nriirf i urn t lilt UAItltKA ' Southern Pacific Artist Is Taking Photos of Best Oregon ' Scenery. ' . ' OOUNG GREAT WORK IN ARTISTIC LINE New and Wonderful Scenes That Sur , priM 1 Photographer and His. Aa 1 . sistant Are Encountered Artists Car Will Soon Arrive in -Portland. ,. Kw and woixlcrful svwnM that aur '. priM n Jllht tba photoaraphcr and . his alUnt ar being rproduol on , pho(nirraphi platra . t wrvl the d-ji-srUalDg purpoaea of -. tb ilaniman t "'; ' V'-. " v Una In attratlns touriata and : home Mktn to Orea-on. Julius Fadlllo, . tha official photographer of tho Southern Pacific, In a special, car equipped with the moat modern photographto - appa ratus, baa covered tha field from Aah land'-td -ftoeeburg. and la working. In the Sutherlln valler. i John P. Jonea, traveling. paeaenger gent "of "the Southern Pacific, who baa accompanied Mr. padillo, returned to Portland yeaterdajr. He said: ,. ; "Mr. Padillo la a grrat artlat. He ts quick, accurate, poaaeaaea patience and knows hia game from start to ftnlah. No mountain le too high nor cliff too ateep for him to reach the beat point of vantage for picture making; He works rapidly and . tndofatlgabljr. To date he hae made 116 plates. And aome of the . 1 ,-cnrBaa ou scmaa.1 ' ' --Westmoreland, Kan.,' May (,' 1(J pal lard. Snow Liniment Company Tour Snow Uniment cured an old eore on In aide of my chin that suppoeed. to be a cancer. The aore waa atubborn and would not -yield tn ..treatment, until I tried Snow Liniment, which did the work In abort order. Mr slater, Mrs. Sophia J. Carnon. Lllenavllle, Miff In county, Penriaylvanla. haa a, aore and mletruaie that It le a cancer. ' Pleaae aend her a 10-cent bottle. .Bold pr Woodard, Clarke a Co.- C acen err we found In southern Oregon urpriaed us. Wa. vialted the gorge of the Rogue river and got omewonaerroi views. In Cow Creek canyon we. found a new peak and photographed ' it. We named It Kl Toro, which la Hpanlah for ThaBulV- ' ' , " : X Baata. . Friday they reached Roaeburg, having completed the tour - from' Aahland to that point. They are now working in the upper ITmpqua baaln and are se curing aome fine views of timber, water, falls, fishing , acenea and Irrigation worka. In tha Butherlln : valley they are taking- views of the tract that is being Irrigated by Fred J. Blakely, Frank. Walt and their aufeoolates In a company that will 'open this valley, of about" 1.000 acres in tracts or o acrea for fruit growers. They have Installed an electiio light plant; built a large dam and completed a canal for Irrigation. ....... , "At a point we vialted on the north fork of the TJmpqua there Is the flneat fishing ' In Oregon." t aald Mr. Jonea. "While we were there I aaw more than 100 Ash caught with hook and line. They ranged from a It-pound ealmoo to a small trout - We secured a picture of the big aalmon Immediately after It was landed by a hook and line. It haa been estimated by the government experta that the , foresta tributary to the north contain one-alxtb of the entire merchantable-timber of Ore gon. II la said more lumber will paas Wlacbeater that waa moved past Bag-, !v .' :- ' V. '... J,A - J : Inaw, Michigan, which In Ita day' was one of the greatest lumber center In America.' . PROGRAM ARRANGED FOR CASTLE BANQUET . An IntereaUng program -has been ar ranged for the reception and banquet to be tendered Hon. Homer ' Castle of nttaburg, fnfieylvanla, on the even ing of July I at the White Temple. Mr. Castle will drltver an addreaa on the subject of "IPnlted Reform Forcea." The program followa: ' Meeting called to order by atate chair man of Prohibition party, I. H. Amoe; blislng. Dr. A. A. Morrison; Introduc tion of toastmaater. T. 8. McDanlel: word of, welcome, pr, J,' Whit comb Di-uugner; -iniarnaiionai - urar uood - FoUowlnf tha Flag. ' ' When our aoldlera went to Cuba and (he Philippines, health waa the most Important consideration. Willis T. Mor gan, retired Commissary Sergeant U. 8. A., of Rural Route 1, Concord, N. H., aura: "I waa- two yeara In Cuba and two years In the Philippines, .and being subject to colde, I took Dr. Klng'a New Dlacovery for Consumption, which kepi me In perfect health.. And now. In Nw Hampahire, we find ir-the best medicine In the world for coughs, colds, bron chial troubles and all long dlaeeees. Guaranteed Rt fjkldmore Drug Co. Price eve ana fi.uv. tr' ooie. xxee. Templars." Dr.' William T. Amos Sin gle Tax League," E. 8. J. McAllister "International Social lat Party," J.-v XX Btevena; ''Anti-Saloon . League," Dr. Clarence True .Wllaon; "Municipal .Aar eoo.lation," Samuel - Oonnel) -Th-Prohibition Party," F. McKercherJ "Initia tive and Referendum," W 8. ITRen: "Oregon ftqual Suffrage Association," Mrs. H. W. Coe: "T. M. C. A.," Mr. -H. W. Stone: "T. W. O. A.," Miss ConsUnce MacCorkle; . , "Ioya - Temperance . Le glonU. Mrs. B. Lee Paget; -"Juvenile Court," Judge A. L. TYaser; lTnlted Re form Forces," Hon. Homer I Castle. CROWDS GO TO OAKS , SATURDAY AFTERNOON ' .,' " ; ' Tilly $.000 people went to the Oaks yesterday to witness-the-groat balloon and parachute ascension, and they were not disappointed. ' It. certainly waa , a novelty, for It Is the first time that a balloon aacerisloa was made where the "high flyer" danced a serpentine dance. I on a rollicking globe while oyer J. 000 feet up In the., air..' The aacent . waa moat- successful from every standpoint and It will be continued daily until further notice each afternoon .at 4 o'clock. The balloon ascension was not the only new feature at the Oaks. Man-sa-er Frledlander- has other surprises. The neat wee the opening of .the won derful ekatlng rink.- - the . largest and moat complete in America. Fully 3,00 persona were on the floor at' one (time and there waa no jarring or hitch of an kind, owing to the fact that tha rink la dear "of 'even a single post The rink haa. ' ' - ptrttmallst la Towa- Harrison D Barrett, president of tha National 8plrltualltsaes6clanorr,6f Washington, p. C, Is visiting this city for a few daya and whl address a maoa meeting of the Splrlttiallata of Port land Weetem Academy . of Mim hall, Mulkey building, comer Second and Morrison streets, en the afternoons and evenings of July i and 6. . - J ! ' 1 ' i STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF - " ' 4The United iStatcs National Ba5k .-. ' ' OF PORTLAND, OREOON. ' : '4. ' ; . ' ' AT CALL -OF COMPTROLLER, JUNE It, 19M. ' ";.'. . ....- - ..' ' . , . '. vAJMITS. . , . . , UlBSUTXXS. . ' Loans-and dlscounta. . .$f,l71,47l.J Capital ...... $ 600.000.0H V. 8. 'bonds to eeoure ' , ; Surplus and undivided circulation'...'......, tOO.000.0.. profits ............. . 16S.S04.0J U. 'Si and other bonde - Circulation '. 'toa.aoo.Otti, and .premiums . 4SS.124.I7 Dividends unpaid . A.."- SSS.oo Real estate S.TlT.ll' Deposits. .......... ;...U. 6.768.S81.17 , Office furniture and na , . . A' " - 1 - ' i tares ...... ...... ,..;.'., 4.00.00 . - : i ' ''A- ' - ." ' Bank building....;."..,.- 126,000.00 " 'f - T. ..Money on call In. New . ' . ' :" York ..."..(. ...4... i 100,000.04 ' ' ' " 1 " i ' -Cash : and . due. from"-''-- - ' - 't '.'..''.-. . '' , , ':-',"";-' ( ( banks ................ 1,116,111.16 'ip Total i . . ;i.'V. t..V. .17.016 061. JO ' TOUI . . t ... . .67,016.061 iS It" ,'. .', -t . Attest correct: , 3. C" AIN8WORTH. president. ) . r