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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1906)
-I 1 r - ' THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING. JUNE '.' 2 1903. 7 7 ' ; ; ; , - ,' - . . 1 f - 1 , , . . -SEVERE LIQUIDATION IN NEW VORK TT I I P VAf P I"" IX JfH- ' l 7l A W'VAA I " PS I" 1 I PVA f ' " SO FEW HOGS NOW ARRIVING IN THE t STOCK VALUES DUE TO JHTACK UPON, 'I H Hlflf H H l S AA Hi l H I r H f I P" LOCAL MARKET THAT, PACKERS ' ARE C Q R PORATIONS BY ADMINISTRATIQN. . I Tl l VV ULflX V IVIrll I I V I I I II V I U VV f FORCED TO BUY MOSTLY IN THE EAST. - . . . . . ,-' - - - - - i .ejjBawaem MMMnww ia-enee -- EASTERN EGGS 1(1 THIS LIARKET On Car Already In and Several . More Are .Due to Arrive ; ;: the Coming Week. 'POULTRY IS JUST A :; TRIFLE WEAKER NOW ." Strawberry Season About Over and toganberriea Art Taking " Their Place Creamery Butter Juat Man- "7 agea to Hold- Price. w W, ' Mm. Clpel f tux in raw"""., w-. L,kta th put wMk rl . E tera egg begin OTn- ' ' bal win hold at hlsk nark. Poultry Just a trifle weaker. . WW! lowar; trade almost aotnianl. . . Strawberry oa about e Log.nb.rrl- ar la wln. . . fiaamsry butter Juet kolde prlc. . . lew small aalaa kops reported. Chee advance a boot a, -font, - -Cwil m ts an kot .lightly Lemons advance la value. ,,-'". Cbarrtaa ear . with pile kit, liew potato firm: eld an ln. Good demand abowa la aew anions. , iBuu, f ealmon sr tly Impreeed. Bne tow witk aMioa closing. i Prospects ar for lowar craters. Sharp decile "ta tion off. f Bttfir altaatSoa atlU aoaapMcatad. ' k. Taaata ta Oem. 'm. am should nw etmbw mm Uralr thin rrr, tbar la abradr a 4 arablr rmaUrr thaa dortnf tt prane ' -dara. -TB nro aar V . . .v. L.w market tbl aoaao aaioe 1 durto tba waoii. It wma l? rr food aoadittoav aad many ' ! ulM w. mad from It for Alaaka. eoeoant. . If atooka war aold aa awk brine aaywaar aar mo q"-" - . .proSnrt. At, tba alo. of the wok th v . . T m -k . hut daliri ar unit la ih Trr ow ' , Sly pretto. e J55 romlnf waca on k" j f ,,.t... ' Ht1 of Mnril additional eara at aaatara atocka darln tba wak. - . , roaltry Xart a TrtfU "Waakar. ' Tbtra la praetleally o kaa "" prloaa from tbooa. tbat rated tbU iar dtirlac th prwrloo al daya. Rooalpta wr ' Mb.r5T - (kla did jot flT, th. Urj, i banra thai awalud ehanea to boat dowa SiiiW Moat of th. l.rf. tjoyrr. arjal- rady fitted ap with mpplte. and If arrtrala ntS. b.. or. tibial dlnj tk. com wk thay wUl loa o opportanlty ta taktnc " " tba atrtrtt out of tha mark.t. and ijjml-" ut at th prle. No great alnmp la the prle : la aitlrtpatad at thla tlm. for tb. twt food the larte kuyere b.ln to atoek ap la aaUel. patlea ef aa apwerd TawremaBt later.. .. ... Creamery Batter Juat Xmda Wae. r -v ' 1 wkiu eom of the etty ereamerlea which did aot Sraaei oaoUtte. to H t1 wwk. .no. booated prloaa dorlae ' tI MftM. It do, not 6oote that any ad dltlon.1 ataJStk la abowa In th twtter mar- tbaa tha demand warrant, nd eteoa Trent lireet Vlr. are aom.tlme. abated ta. ord U unload. Tone far tk tee eream aeaaon kaa S.a flaala. and thU kaa 'V. amoont of eream to b made Into natter than Id to be ea la earaeit. and thla may jpoeal bly make aome dlffrne In eream aopplte. The Iwad of a promlnnt ereamary of thla elty esMeed the eplntoo today that tker would ' , be nT abemre ta prtc- f nearly m Imontk. -Tkafa the, lrf ...? T?ZL rear ta any erent Country ator ottr tin"- la iood g-t. with r.c.lpllht and former WMk . prieea folly nulnUlMd. 4 Wkaat lower Trade Almeat VomtaaL There waa bot little to tfce wheat market tha e..t W. M cnu T- iamd la prlc; the only jartattoa from the ' pnTtoo wert blD a dee kaahal early W the week. rorlona woe) peins ou- VJi to aom utnt by th lower raoa Ma LlTerpool and In eaewra , crop la (tttlna mj do, and there U not W creat amount of old wheat floatln around ", awaltlnc a purch.ew. The amaU atocka re f racial .r. fa eery atronf kaada. and for thla mnn rlUn ar buyln from band to moutk. Black la brlaatal TlearTradK V There waa noma eea.tlon In the demand 1 for flour from th rlnt dorlnit the peat week. Japan eontlnuoe practically enly buyer, but a few aman kta are reported aold tor Chine, eoeouut. Theee. koww. were mere ly tlinmca," aad wer of apodal brand. " The' principal complaint from the Japaaoa. at thla time la en account of the price. The , V. claim ta made that while the prlee of wheat kaa been tdlly declining In tk bl mar ket. Pacific coaat flour prlcaa bare been, ad ' ranelnf with the aame deree. Cheeper wheat ' and higher flour la eonwthlng tka Jap key ke -eanaot uaderetand- ... - -v ... . .. : - gteiwWrrjr .beat ak(-- nan te aald at thla tbaa that the atraw. Iwrry aeaaon f la completed. Tker . W ba a ftnr ehlpmenta In th tutor, but ' the eolom of berrle eomlnf will be rery cant compared to what comee when the aea m la at in helgkt. Price, are atlffenlnt up - ' " Loganberrte. k.e takea firat rank, n the knry market artnyh pa.t week. The - rl aboenc irflTOtbU etrawberrlea ha. a14ed i to the demand for togana, and whn cannlna operation .get tatofnll- wlng th coming week the- demand will be eooenjoue. It wlU tak ryi liberal eirlrala to fill the want of tha trad. , Laglnberrle which r.m."durta Tk put week were (. vry good """rbSe bi eery grat aearclty at thla Urn " f fancy elierrl, and prtoee are aoertng - higher Inetead of decllnlnf aa they akjnld at thla period of the aeeeoo. Been the-Kentlah rherrlra , ar ku1nla to ; anew adeanela PrTh' market w.a badly flooded with atrlnff beana from Tha Dallee during the week. R 'celpta " through the atdaya aviua. Quality wa. eery good, thla being- th tmij factor whloh kfpt th market from reaching a atlll lower lerel-of btIcm. Th, Hrat California apple errlea fceea " thla aeon 'came la daring the week. The ehtpment wee eery amaU. a w i quality. The atocka eonld not be compered with laat rear'a Oregon'e aa far aa eatlti eraallty waa concerned. Thl raeeUed la the low- pHc- ; Cnea-'jLdeaaoea Th ebee merket felt tke aff t o kearr ' .taring operatlooa. during the w k, and arlcea -rr-r-a t)-hiher than a week ago. rwmend for cfcee la liter ring earr feet, and prodnctloa t. aot milt k-ry. JDemand at thla tlm eom from th far north, a well aom polnta en th euth. At th cloae f tb. Vnk moat -tea ef beat flata ware r" 'aU iit-Ttteli ttnl (k-nnli-tod. ' Folly -eoinplleated ea rrer-ta the auger HoatloB oa the Pacific morenient of prk waa made during the week. Reck opp tag refinery la watching the ether. end .ark a ma content to caw wood, and uy " nothing- It w reported during the week that th California JRewallan Reflotng -' company had about dWtded to Ineade the eaet . Ira beedojnertrra of the tr t. end plan war. being orawo inr a mm -i. -- ha located at aome point oa th Atlantic e-4 iMfavA- 1 11 n,UHrBnH .. r ,minr la Id to. bar relld that by la eadlni the Paclfle coaet It la attacklnc a : .mall pert ef th tr t. becea aoaw- waarc a r fhreef-cuartera of the eugar na " enrnad la the country B purchaaed ee.t of the Rorky anoanlalna. Thla field U at pre nl 'hald aeeare by the parent truat. and aa long It een get th Haalane or eta loo. ..ndenta to atteck It -to ajm .pot wber few aalea ar made It will f 1 eeenre la Ite pnel , tin ef making whateeer prtrea It rhoeeaa. COB1HI""a la the eaat hae been InapioniaMd 'to a hleh point I w-det to ffet whateear le ta anetalned ea th Paelfl eeaet by rae eon ef th Hawaiian oppoaltloo. , j vTew aiaUl BaU Xeaa Beaortol. rjnrlng tkavpeat w k a few email tea of boo. were reportea la ue recine Borinwc Kale, wrre alawet eojnally divided ketw a Oreeoa end With In tun. with the hlcheat prlc paid ta thla atate. Orewers who .till here kopa oa kand are getting aomewhat r t le cau.e of tha preeent InaetlTlty of tha market. Thar, are many error now arriving for hope, but atarner are unwilling to pay within a rent a pound of th price naked by Paclfle eeaet aioweie, - Bot weather kaa b a a benefit ta the growing crop, both la Oregon aad Waahlngtcn, a kot tar epell. koweeer. bring needed to rid the elnea of . teweermla, wbR-h em to hare made- their appearanc erery wber. ' Bom Demand for Chit Mm Bark. ' Throngh aa error which enuld hardly be dla. tlngutehed ' at the -time eblttom bark quota, tloua ward made to .how a good-elaed adranca during the weak. Th truth of th matter la that there h barn a wimewhet better de mand for 90 .tock. and for thla elaaa. of good, better ralnea haee beee peM. stock eat la 1006 la ateo In better call, bat prlc ar aot rat tlefaetory to boldere. There la bot email peeling of lBOd bark, and tbl. the trade la not willing to offer more thaa IM. or noaalblr 8c a pound ea -the oualde. Hearr eeellna: of thla yeer'a bark will r ult la a further .urphtav of holding, and thla will bar th. effect or placing oar lower thaa ay befor. .. ,. Xiner Veto at Buay Marta. Old, potato abowed a allghtly better .de mand at low arte during toe we. a. a .took, ete.dr to firm, with nice aame. New onion, are la better call, with a goad Improvement In the quality. . Hott . wrather ba but allghtly decreaaed the. price In dree nd meat. D lore expect lower prle aoon. ' The rua of ulmoa la alowly lncreaettig, and the pack la now a normal one. The trad pay the following prlc to Front atreet. Price paid producer, are to regular comml lone: wram. Flear aad Feed. WHBAT Club. T3c; red -Bu tan. We: hle- atem. Tec; valley . migiie. BAKLBT reed. $2a. roUed. tan.e0OM.00l rum. . COKN-Whote, M0) craekad, 60 p- avlL-ai an n-aar. ' 1 " OATS Producer' Srlc Ka, 1 whit,' $2.e$ asooo; gray. z.ui - FLOOaV Ww eaatem Oreaoa patenhv M 901 a5; etialghta, d8.eOQt.oO; export. (3 lfiQSO; valley, oo; granam.,., oo.; waoia waeav, $8.76; rye. 80a, 85 00; lalea, I1.TS. VIIIX TTr Bran. $1T 80 par teat ' mid. dllnxa, 8ZI.00: anortn,- couatry, fw ewy, aioTm. Itn.O0a121.B0. HAT Producer' price Tlmotkjr. Wtn.mett miu,. nan. aiz.uu: ommarr. atera Oregoa, 81.0011T0: mixed. SlO.OOd 10.50; clover, J grain. 7.e0tj8 JO; - eheai, 7.oyo-w. M . BTJTTEa FAT F. . b. Portlaad Ba I earn, 20c t eoar. 18. niiTTBB--ot eraamerr. 1H4CT oirtrtde faay. laaoo; ordinary. WHej atore. lSVetflae,, EOtill MO. I- xr a urifw, cuawo, ze. nnicicMB New roll cream, flats, llualtrl Toung Amerlea, llM18c; California fUUJlc. POCIyTBT Mixed chick ana. ISHe per Ihj fancy heaa, ISHffllee per lb; roosters, eld, 10u. lb; tag... UttlfH lb: fryera, ICQlTa) broil. , lCaYiic per id; OIa ouaa, aoaaioa y jw. rkag ' lb! cueae. too per id; geeaa, esyixe 1 turkeya. toe per ini an ma, zu. per Ibi aquana, ax.ouaja.uv par i piw e, ia.00 PMdoa . JXOPS, wa.1 aaa Atow, HOPS Contract, 1808 crop, 10a par Ibi 1808 0r?KwOl?i ollp Tattey, eoarae to medlom. tic; fine. e: eastern Orefoa, 808210. ; TtDHilB-ew, an, . BHBEP8KINB Bneertnat lBttloe cbi abort wool, 88Oc: medluaa wL aOJ7 eh TAXAiUW tTima. rariaijyawi , m mmm ''cHl'rT'BARerlSOB rtoek, SQSH Pr B: 1904. nominal; 190. V.e lb: HIDES Dry, No. L, lb Iba and an, 18HC) If Ha per lbs dry kip. No. 1. 8 t. tba. -Mel ir, raff Mo. I. and 8 lbs. ltcl lted hldea. taere, aoand. 60 Iba and erar, lotjlles eowa. HJ'; ataga ana buiib, aoaao, 18 te 80 Iba, Set calf, aoand. and U Iba. llo green, unaalted. la le : eune. to per lb tet Eanehldee, Ited. rack, 81.X3I1.TS; dry. eaeb, 81 .004 l0i It bldee, aaeSoei goaf aklns. nana, each. 10loc( Aasura. each, 2ecJ $10. Fraita aad agaaaai, - P0TAT0X8 Bt wrted. eoe per ek; pre- dacer.' price for r lots, aOOeoc per twt; ordinary, 80480c nrodaeera price, j aw rV.'Tlk..'1-! ..a.' . tat. 11., iw California. 810: gartJe. 8 OPe per- lb. rtcan rani-ra AddIc. xs.ooaa.uoi raagea. ktaditerran n, 83.7884; bananas, Be lb; lemons, choice, aiS0OS.M par box fancy, IS BOQ.oO par boa: llmee. kfexlesn, TBe per 100: lengatlnM, 1 plnmpptee, $a.TBQ8.00; Hawaliasb 1 etrawbarrlaa. tl.BOaioTjiet . a lb: eberrlae. Base lb; pluma, $1.801.80 jet .crataj aprl eota. l.00aa.00; peach, POcevl.lB; berrl , $loai.0; eanUaJUP , i.ova.oui raapberrlas, $160. .. vrRiETARI.B Turnlna. new. $180 per eki earrota, $1.T8 per ck: fceeta. $1.80 per ckj parinlpa. 81. BO par ck; Oragoa redlah , 30c doe; cabbage, Oregoa, $l.BOtl.76; beU peppen. ioic id; Mexican lomaioaa, .1.' ao. L 1 whMia aa.OAf naranlM. 80cx $l.6o'etrlnt b ns, Oregoa, ,8c per lb; caalinowrr. fl.00 per do: , 48e per lb; w -Aim UIT, lh arrlrfenkaa.' tfte ner dofll erenbenW Jer ye. $14 bbl; (!ooa bar and Tilla mook, a lu m; saparngna, urepa, auwww d bunch ; r alia voana, i.w p it lHo; apinaca, ooc per an onions, Oreron, 18He per do bunch I encum ber, eoejfOe per do; celery. 80 per do: ho arirafant. SOe 'lb. XDC doe; lummar aqoaaa, iwvf i.v. DBICO FBUITB Apple, wpmsieu, lac nar lb aorlcnra. lae ner lb: ia l18c per lb; eaek. Hrl l : proiia.. 80 to 40. Set He drop oa eh eliteenth mll .1 ; flga, California black, eaH lb; California whit.. 8ffl8He per lb) datee. (to loan, 7taa par lb; tarda, Jl.aOfll.00 per IB-lb bos. Orsoertea. Bat. Etc 8TT0AR Back ba.1i Cob. $8.80; powdered. IB; fruit granulated. 80.1B; dry gr.nniatea. on; coer. a, ao.e; oee gTsnuiaia, www. rOBE. M, 0.."W, WW mfmwm ., w b. 14.86; Hawaiian. $8.08: extre 0. 84.80; gold 111 sr.. n ..r as BK; bbla. lOct U bbls. SSei box, 60s advance on ck beale, tees to per ewt for cash, 18 day! mapte, 14018 per lb.. r. (Above prlcee apply to tea of la thaa car lota. Car lota at apodal prle aubjec t to Buctnatlon. 1 . V HO.-NKT per craia. COFFEB Package brenda. $38 STlJla-Tfl. BAtT Oneroe Half ground, 100s, $0.00 per ton; 60a, $ 60: table, dairy. 80. $1200; 100. $11.T8: Imported Uverpool, 80a, $17.00; 100a, 116.60; 234s, $18.00; extra toe. bbla, ta. 8a, 10s, 84.60ftB.60; bulk. 830 lbs, 84.O0wl5.0O: saeks, 80s, An (Q Met Uverpool lump rock. $18.80 par ton: 80-Th rock. $8.00: 100a. $0.00. ., . GRAIN BAOB CalruTta, -01UO. . sjICB Imnerlal Jepaa, Na. 1. Be: Ma, X 8BH New Ortaa aa kaad, Te AJax, . le; Crrole, 8 14c. ar.ANa wMte. $4.S8i lerre White. $8.60; pink. 88-78; bayea, $4.18; Umas, $5 JO; Mexican reaa. e.c NITfl P nuts. Jnmbos. Pe par lb: Tfrainla. 6flHc per lb; naated, 8Ha per lb; Jape- new, p'u;oei rossrea, ivyiie per io; eaona" sots, 8oQ90c par del walnuts, lBQlBUe lb; plneanta, 10t1H per lb; hickory a.ta. 10 par lbl cbaatnnta, Mstera, 16Q16e per Ib ftraall auta, 141 15c par lb: flTherta. 14(18 par lb! fancy pacaaa. 16c: almonda. IdOlTa. Famta, Ooai. one. Kte, ROPB Pare Manila, 14 ataadard, Itai tel. lie. . CO At, OIL Pearl or Astral Caa, tu nar ral: wstar white, trea bbte.- 14c a gait MMea, 17 par sjnii aawinas xin-naa, sis, OABOrfavs-dee. aa Mat P gaL kroa able. He per gal. ' - OgNJIIJVB alpaca, ca a an r gaL iroa bbls iHe per gsL , TtTRPtNTlNB la ess tec per tall woodea bbla 08c per gL - WHIT B LAI Too tats, T.e pr- th; 600-lb let. c per lb: I, lots, 8U. par lb. WIRB NAIL) free t. Mete- at IX SS. UNflKRH OIL Pare ran. ta 8-bhl lata. 86c; 1-bbl lot, 8V ess , B8e par gal: jrasatne kettle boUed, caeaa, 80 per gal B-bbi lota. 84c: I -bbl lot 86e per gal: ground rake, ear Vita. $,08 per toai le thaa car lota, $80.00 per tea, Bteavav Ftab aad yrrvl.liaa. ruEXR MBATB Front atr a B f ateara. Mb ar lb: eowa, 8414c par lb: boo, faacv. 64et ordinary,- TVt8e; poor, 77Ua per lb; boll., 84J8V.C par U1 veal, .xtra, le per Ibi ordinary, 6c per lb: poor. Be Par Ib mattoa, araiaary, wc pw . i fancy, 8B8Hc per tt: tamh. Riata. BACON. 1TC Prtl v. HAM.. BACON, BTC PaHlead "ark flocn ha ma. 10 ta 14 lb. 18e Par lbl 1 to 16 Iba, I4H per in: ereaxraax Mim, l.Hftsoe par r lb! breakfast bacon. lb: steal ale, 10e per lb: cottage, c par in; reenter abort eteara, aaemoked. 10 e per lb! emoked. 114 per lb: eteer beefc. amohad, 10M P' nl amoked, Ul4e p lb; Union butts. .0 t IS ids; iMianuo, ae par io; .mokL a per lb: clear be I live, onemoked. lie par lb: tmK. Ue per lb: ebouldere. 10 V 6 par lb. LOCAL LA 80 Kattla kef. 10a. Its par Ibr Be, HH pet Ib 80-lb tin, 11 par ,b; at m . tenoVred. 10a, lie per DvL 8s, ll)e per lb: eombonnd, 10a, 8Vle. - " ' tianp.u DAuaon uinrw. rirwr, , -id TBira, 1.80; 8-Ik telle, $a.T6 fancy, 1-lb Bate, 81 80 Ih fa act flata. 81.18: fancr 1-lb evala .; raacy x-io wis, z Alaaaa ta Ma, pink, astaBOc! red, $L80; i, tall, fu, riaul mock and. T mar lbl B adore. 8 p STORY WHITE MUSTARD A MCE TO CROP Weed Is Making Serious Inroads Unto Production ire Inland - Empire. PEST IS GETTING T0 . , BE VERY SERIOUS! Many Men Employed in Vicinity of Helix to Destroy Nujaanctv-Plant Has Curly, Leaf and White Bloiv Bom--Stalk Very Thick, , 8peetal Darpatck to Th JournaL) Fandlatiaa. Or.. Jnna M-A weed known aa the white mustard ta beoomlaff a aertous peat la many parte of Umatilla county, and effort ar being mad ta th. Helix, W ton and Athene dla trie ta to d troy It, . tbougk it baa not becom vary thick la th Athena aaotloa a yet. la tb vidnity ef Helix boadred ef acr are ovared wita tb wd. and fartaere ar now making a combined effort to gat rid ef th trouble, a It gr tly Injur tha wheat. It was firat noticeable a few year, aro, tha seed 'having beea brought bar la aotna way from tb Walla Walla valla. Tha large wheat $ rowers have bean very careful la keeping dowa the p t, but. the ranter bar aot b a ao careful, eoeaeqaently the aaed baa beea epnad to each ea extant tbat wheat and barley are found to ba vary materially damaged, and In place wbr It to real thick la barley and kv vrat field, th crop ar being cut at thla tlm for hey to prevent tb seed from apr ding later la tba aeaaon. Hundred ef men are bow en ta th wheat fields of tb Helix country pulling this weed in bop of retting rid of it to aom extant thl rear. Effort art now betas- msda to Baa the legislature pa a law ta regard to k ping out the pest, aa hae beea done ta th case of the Rn lea thistle. Wblt mustard hae 8 curly leaf aad s whit am no. Its .talk becom exceedlnare toua-b. and la vary hard to cut with a etc. Is. it ta big. v dry and hard, and Its prence tat th field means a gnat k to gTaln prodacara. BAB laUBYTUCO LOCAL BTOCXS. Baa Fmnctooa, Jane 88. Official rlo : - Rid. Aab. Contra Oneta Water wii nau ftpiing Vsllay Water ' 431 Giant Powder $0 81 ; Hawaiian iaomiuu ., ria unioa Bugsr ,,,...,...,.,,. eo ,,, , ,, , 48 464 r ; ll . .. lid ar , 84t UH r w 8lU $a Sonokea Bngar i akawaH Bugar Onomee Busar Paanhaa Bursr 17 17 Aisass racsarwr ..,. oqa rwi Aeenclated Oil u. .. 9 P.clfir Bt.t TeUpbone......,, ., i 100 Hatchlnaoa 8 agar U . 14 ' bobtob conn xABxrr. Boetoa. June 8. Official elo i nra. -Wtd. Adventure ...B 6.60 Pboenia .60 Allou K" Parrot 18.60 Qnlncy ...... 88.00 Arcedlaa .... 8 00 Atlantic 18.38 Roysl 18 00 Shannon ..... 6.28 Tamarack ,r 6n.(a- Blnxham .... 38.00A Calumet 680.00 Cent nlal .. Hi'" Trinity . g.flr) United Copper 64.28 Tub ........ 88.00 Vie torts ..... 7.80 Winona ...... 6.004 Copper Rang 70. On paly w .. io an FrankMa....- 18 00 Greene Con.. 94.60) (Iramhy ..... 11 J" Wolverine .... 18T.0OA wa " Mohawk ..... 60.60 T7. a. Mining. 86 28 Tanu. Copper. 42.00 Beat Butt ... 6.60 Nevada tym. it. is North Bntte . 68.86 Col. j Artaona 110 00 Black lit..... 6.28 Old Dominion. Osceola 107.00 Ely 618 CH .TEH RATES OOTTkBaiKFT BOBDB. Naw Tarfc, Jua M. . Ouneiament i Pate. Twos, rex ta tared .......... ljo; do eoonon .,..... i"o Thrace, regtaterad 1" do coupon 1808 Two, email bonds roan, recttrd ... ........ 180T Am ansa .........n.,,, 10OT - Fonre. reclatered 10x8 do coupon 1826 BblaT Pt.trlet of Cotai PblUpplna 4a .. u . . mi - tv. mW. at ao k a.. striped baa. 18 per lb; task. Te par lbl salmon, vniuaioia ' 1 . vniw.ii wt u atwwi- besds. Be Ihi blnebacka, Te lb) berrtng. Be lb; enl , 6c lb: ahrimpe, 10 Ibi parch. Be per lb: black rod, Te per lb: tons cod. T par., lb; liver emelt, t pec Ibi lobster. 16 p lb: doa: ahad, 8 par lb: etnrgeoa. lOe par tb. OT8TEBB Bboalwets bey, p gsl, 8188; per 110 lb sack, t 00. - tus Hirnwii, par s-ss. aavvwi wtams, 83-00 p box. aVnasfsal! . Bid. A.k. lotu 10:14 1034 102 loa loav, I "8 - 108 lojt, ..... lin4 IH load - ihu I2AZ inn IWiJ 1110 117 . 118 116 TOLD OFTEN. 'FRISCO WHEAT DORMANT DURING THE DAY ' 'wwmwwwwmmwwmwm - " i ' .. . -. ?--'-' : ' : . Dullness Continues Same as Before Fire Few . Unes ; Show Any Changes. Baa Fraactaeo, Jans St. Th local wht market wss dormant today, with nothing to warrant any chang la quotations. Th dull a whlca has prevailed her has ao partic ular reference ta the fire,-aad.: about tb saint sondiUoa would have existed had ther beea no fir. The reoelpu were 1,800 oentals. De cember cloeed 1-oc per ntal lower at 11.82, Forelga advtc Indicated world'e ahlpmenta ef 6,000,000 boa ha Is. Cargo oa passa;e wer. nominally w k. The' English snd French country markets were stead. Uverpool spot market wss st dy, and- futur were firm. Ia Pari. Jun waa unchanged. The barley situation wa unchanged for not aad to arrive. The receipts were 091 centals. December cloeed e per ntal high. Mo oats or earn arrived.' The artl ete sad b a remained as previously quoted. snd qniat The racelnta of flour war 1,865 barrel. And Included BOO from th ea.t. Tb reoeiDt ot buy ware 618 tons. Th market (or mill products waa without a pedal feature. She batter market wss without any quot able change ia fine or conditions. Bom aales f light and full-weight butter 'wer mad oa change. The receipt, were 88,000 pounds of butter, 86,600 pounds at .heeae and 14,680 do n of . egge, Black fig. from Fresno were offering at 11.83 par crate, and some from VI 11a at 11.60 per boa. The former arrived late, or a better price might have bean obtained. A carload of Central American bananas arrived, but they war too j-ra tor immediate as. Beadl a gran from Ooa cbella valley war. cloeed out at 81-60 per crate. Mexican llm war firm, tho by the last steamer being cither pretty well cl ned up or reserved tor shipping. Orang war atevr aala. Lemon were scarce snd firm. There were ton) late arrivals of cantaloup from Coachella valley. Churl war stow. Cur ran ta wer scare and higher. Bcrri were generally easy la prle. Peaches, apr loots and pluma were In liberal eupply and at a say -going prlee. The market waa fairly actlvs with aome extra demand tor the Sunday retail trade. . The vegetable market generally waa of a draggtna; character, aad peelally ao tor par egos, string bean and email box of sum mar squssh. Moat sea sociable varieties wer either quit plentiful or overabundant. BAB FBAlf CISCO XIXDia STOCKS. . Bsa Franclaco, June 13. Official elo: Hid Bid. Belmont ....... B.60 Oold Bar ..I 1.08 .18 .27A - .71 -1.70 .60 .82 -J4.1 . .10 .85 .11 .oa lor.A .86 416 JtiA .21 .07 .18 -.40 .JOA .15A ' JOA .104 10A Caah Boy. . J7 O. Bull Fro.. Ooldea Anchor. .48 Mleaarey ..... Con. CeL-Ta... Home S8A Jim Butler l.CTiOphlr Mcltamara . . . .mt Mexican Midway ...... 110 Montana ' S.S North Star. ... .40 Obi .20 Ton. Eitea.... 680 Nevada 18.28 W t End 1.60 Caledonia ..... Exchequer i,Wr Norero . Gold Crown.... Oreat Bend.... Keecua Black Butte Bx Adams ....... Atlanta Bluebell ...... Booth Columbia Mt.. Con, Quarry... Ilamondf teld . Dixie , Gnldfleld Jumbo do Extaa. ... Sasdall .06 Tramp .16 .12 OoM Belmont.. Mootgomarr Mt . ,2 , MA . .14A . .80 , .06 . l fi& . .16 , .80 . , .16 Hun t , Sceptre ........ Manlisttan . ... War. Humnrev. IDeiter I6rnny Iflold Wedg.., uu Star..,.., Ot. Bend Ex... .do Annex.... Iguna May Queen. Mohawk . .. . 14 J crescent oa. 185 ICowboy . JO : Red Top Sandstorm Silver Pick.. St. Ivee....... National Beak. Denver - Bcllp 1.40A Denver Annex., .10 .02 .01 .70 .04 .28 .61 M M. .48 1.80, Jl: Snlle Bears. Black Rock.... N. Y. Cousol.. I.lttle Joe May flower . ... Jumping Jack... JOURNAL'S SPECIAL" 'REPORT ON WHEAT CROP -- 4 . eplentJld -wvthr throughout 4 4 the paat weak has been -very fa- yorabl to fh rrowlng; grain" d crop. v.rywhr In tha Pacific - d ., Oregon. Idaho and 4 : Waahlnaton condition of th - 4 growing orop oould hardly 1 lrn- . proved. ., Tha ravage of th e 4 muatard wd la perhaps th6 4 .only dcpraaainc intiuenc upon 4 4 tha crop and Ttt effort are . balna; made at vanou piece in aaatarn OrBon to atamp trot thla well-rooted vll. In soma placaa e the harveet U gattln; v.ry clo e 4 -an It la now expected that op- orations will begin an a email 4 awal In soma part of -Walla b 4 Walla county arly tha coming 4 mnnth. -. 4 STANDARD SUEEZE IS FOLLOWED When 1 Big Oil Company Says Hands Down Traders Perform, Like Circus Animals. H. HeROGERS HAS BUT , TO SAY SINGLE WORD Ups and Downs in Stock Market Now Depend , Upon ; Whether OH Mag nate Has Slept Well .Tradeis Art Alarmed Lett He Punish Country. BET tVOSSES. Amalgamated S llUlnols Central. .. a i Anaconda ........ 4 l.ouiavtiie Metro puUUn . . . . Mlesourl Pacific.. Atchison V Car as Foundry.... 4 sugar U.klel I Mexican Central., Smelter lu,iKatr -nnf arreoU. BMAklM v.:n. x . central.... Canadian -. i, Oorton OU Gr t wtsra ... uocoaioav. ...... St. Pul IV Norfolk Che, peak ...... , North Americas.. Colorado rsal..., 1 lOnt. A Waatern.. DnnT u,,,,, (Penneylvanl .... Erie People'a ee Pressed Btael Csr. I Bocx Reacting .......... IV do preferred.... Sotfrhra By U Southern Paclfle. Texa. Pacific.. 4, Tenoeeaee Coal... Central leather... filLnloa Pacific.... Woolen t IU. B. Steal........ Nertbera Pacific.. 4 do pro faired ... - - NET GAJS . . Bartlmore A Obi (Special Dispatch by Lwaed Wh ta The Jrnn v rwm lira, ea rkere WlU .UWn, ' ww -- wm no other - development, to account, tor ue mar set a notaois w .1 - good bank statement, with a 6d gala In k . , fwa(,n enarkeba all ah owed improvements, and with Parts and Bar- . . k .. Hul,a avteaa. nn do in lirna. oa ew : rr.nch rentec kowev-, declined eharply. Dte- coonU in London wer harder. .. .... ' ; 7 aUiataeeTtBtaiaarBV- Th atock market today waa o1t1fulif,J . ,. . . . .h- ' - ,Umpv awur wnlca UlDltlOB m VH. .n, - ' , . the Standard Oil company bold all prof onai traaera. i-ne uaaiuiaa ra, - ard Oil aneeeea, and If a amlte appear oa the fee of H. H. Boger stocks immediate y be come buoyant. Just now a large majority ot tba able gentlemen In No. 88 Br dway em to b la dang.r of being pat aa trim! alleged mktdeeda. If they are guilty aad the trial ktopa tb. work of rebatlnr-tho r-aM cannot kelp but be beneficial to tk railroad companl tbat kava beea forced to give re bate. If the thing Is a atock market .argu. . o klrkar nrlcas. But mans a ait 1 - bee. e th. Standard Oil company are offended at thla pr umpuoa o ,u. - United But the traders throw their atocka overboard aa though the end oftb.veorl4 wer at band. Hext week thay will b bnr Ing them back agUnrbecau they JwlU die so, ar that eo me body b rd that aomebody aald that aomebody la No. 16 Broadway tboaght that It was a fine day. No king, evea la the dare when king amounts te otilng ev enjoyed auch abject homage aa Job - ofeller do now. ' '. Tradera Are AlsraedT ' Many tradera are In . terror beea a they h..M that Bockefelier Intended to pan Ish the. Cnited Stat- of A-Derlca by con verting everything be own into oaab. get con trol of practically aU "LnT,knrr.ln bank and carry It to aWJtk klx. But ba baa never yet howed symptom ot in--nltT ana 't 1. po-lbl. tb.t tr.d ma, have b-a mlalnformad a hU JJ tentlona. The time I. rip for some berole ipTrVt to 1-d bears -liVK "?' mentr-4s- bearish, but l the facta P the oth- dlrtlo. Because Jf tbl. - . 1. -nnid not ba atirprlalng ta eee aatxxi heavy for a few dsys. . - JIba total pumtjer 01 - A. " In today waa 804.100 agal t 106,141 th MM diTb.ta,tot.rpe'r ealue ef bond, aold May waa VI44V0OO. VVtlat 1-4 Kum9 After Op tn. I Burr profit taking appeared la tb atock market today, after a ateady "PcnlnC- Tbe bank etatement. wltk lta aurprl . lath cash account, inspired further .ale. rVIr- de clined on an average of about 1 Point l ctlv 1 uee. Although tke: rewrery from ths lower figur- was bat slight, th cloae wa ateady. Pennsylvania, Seeding, Amalga ms ted Copper and Brooklyn Bapld Tranalt suf fered awat aeeerely. . . .. Official onotanona JM BxacBipnoit. Anseooda Mining Co, Amal. Copper Co.... Atchison, com do oref erred 244H ins Am. Car a found., eom. 88M ao preferred ., Am. Augar, com Am. Smelt., com . do preferred Baltimore A Ohio, com do preferred ......... Brooklyn Rapid Transit Canadian Pacific . com.. Cbi. A Ot. West., com Chi., Mil. A St. Paul.. Chi. North., com... ion 181H 148 V, 116 11 ITS Chi. Terminal By.... Che neake A Ohio Colo. Fuel 4 Iroo. eomJ Colo, noeitn.. com.., do Id preferred..., do let preferred . . , 48 iwiawore st nuoana.,,, ueio., laaoss, ai Vf 0. A B. O., com....... do preferred....'..... Brie, com do Id preferred.,,... . do 1st preferred... TUlnol. Central....... tnl.vll1e Naahville. 42- 1T8U 145t, Metropolitan Street By, Mexican central By... . Mlourl Pacific M., K. a T.. eom..... do preferred New Tnrk Central. Ha. Am, Cotton Oil....... Am. fioromntlve Norfolk A Wee tarn, pom do preferred. , h8T 186 88 North Amerlcaa N. T., Ont. A West.., Pmrtavlvsnts KV. 1804 p. a., t. a o. Co, 80V Pressed Steel Car, en. do preferred.......... Beading, eom do 14 preferred.. do let preferred...... Rep. Iron a St I, aom. do preferred Bock laland, com. ..-.,. do preferrettM-1 Southern Ry., com...... do preferred 188 181 Southern Pacific........ do prererrea at. u a s. r, id prd.. St. u a S. W om... " do" preferred, ......... Taxee A PscJSc Tenn. Cl A iron...... T.. St. C A W., com.. do preferred. ... Vnlna Pacific.' com..... do. preferred. Central Leather, eom.r. do pre f erred '..,,, , U. 8. Robber, com.:.... do preferred..'. ..-.... V. B. Steel Co.. eotn... do preferred Wt.oef A L. B.. com... do Id preferred. ...... 'do let preferred...... Wktoonala feutral. com. Weatern I'nlovi Tew.... Wabash, com...... do preferred .,. ll 101 4W 17 6TU 84' 10914 llVt! lo4 U 1 IB Bevi 61 H lVa ievt Am. Woolene Korfbem Paeine XoUl V for day, 411,106 aharee.' ' Sterllnf Kxekanf Bate. New York. Jon Bi. etterllee evehangal I auMd, 489.10; SArvlay, 4aVa448a40r . , , , FORCE PACKERS TO BUY III EAST Great Scarcityof Hogs in the Pa cific Coast Markets Causes - a Famine. - -"xaTaB8nnaT . BUT SIXTY-SIX COME - " DURING THE SIX DAYS Heary Purchases Reported as a Re- - salt in Nebraska Points Sheep Ar- rivala - Very - Liberal - but- Demand Forces Price Higher. . ' " By Rymaa H. Cohen. . Portland Union Btoahyard, Jua lSe-4 f. Live tock ran lptas Bog. Cattle. Sheep. Thla ' 1 t-" 1.0x7 8.801 I.aat week 678 1.006 1.8ST """tk ego, i 716 625 S.801 lear age 818 ' 670 1.615 It's almost a em ta tell tk raoeipts of bofi ta tbe local atockyarda during the put als day. Just 66 aea d arrived la curing that' tlm. the arrivals coming la a tb vary first day of the w k. Hogs are scare and pscksr who have depended upon the Pacific coast to get tbelr supplle sra ap against a very bard proposition. Most of tb packers bee Warned lentr ago that little dependence could ba placed upon arrivals of bogs ta this market from local points snd they hsv act keen ught by tbe great dump la arrivals. During th past w k there were very heavy eblpmeuU ef bogs to th Pacific coast from Nebraska points, but practically all of tbe vreat 4 tract to packlng-booa aad did not tarry ta thl elty. Tb lower eric' of hog ta tb east, brought about by tb b vy ta, eras m arrivals there, has used all packing inter ts to turn la tbat direction. In tbl. market so few arrtrala wer abowa during tb 'x day that tb prloaa could aot bs cons Idered other than nominal. No chang ta tba price were made tor tb good rsasea tbat there were a ho to b quoted. Pros pact ar foe a seed merket 1a bote the coming week, but packer weald Jlk to know where to get tb bogs. llls TW arbees. A most excellent ton waa alien an tba aha market during th put wek. Receipts during the all day war vary liberal, the totals amounting to t.60S bead a against 1,S5T A d a week aro and 1.618 k d during tba me period a year ago. While receipts ta tb sheep market war considerably free tee tbaa expected tbe demead ' vu fflcientty heavy ta enable th shippers to .1 a ap crerythmg that cam. Th banner day for an p wu oa -Thursday, wnea th demand barem loalatent that th prl advanced 15. This la spite ef tba eery bury arrival. Oattte Sexoud Imiarre. ' Wall cattl arrival wer qnlt liberel tbe peat w k aad at asm period, the demand w k wltk aom alas ta the pries, the "6 h0w ldrabl Improve naot at tbe 127. -.." ""ay and prospects ar bow quit good for a favorable tarn during th eom tag week. No change In vain la abowa by the ttla market ,for tt. w k. Th Imprwea. marxK la do, bi a m aura, to- u . nlm ruled tb st aad the alight advance ta prle ther. Official livestock quotations: Hogs Bs t stern Orerm.-ft.O61eiT.lS; blockers snd Chins fats, 86.80; tockers and feeders, fl.18. Cattlc Beet atera f Oregoa .teen. $8,T5; 5?' rd,.h,1'"-e. S- .tockers and feed era, 88.00; bulls, $1.80. Ba-p Shearlings, 8H04c; lambs, 4HCM.' Arrtralx f tba W-k. Tb following arrivals war abowa ta the yarns th paat waek: wwi a . mi. nan aau nx an cur of cattle from Ontario, Oregoa, going ta the Canton Packing company at T,eema; B. Dixon of. Roaaburg had ta e r of -cattle: Sunday Joha Twaddle bad ta one ear of horse a from The Dall t J. 0. looargaa had la lx car ot cattle from California pnlnta, going to tb rrre-Binba eotnpetiy t Seattle: kf r. Bweency pee d throngh with on car of horeee. Sehig to California. Monday 8. L. Ovartoa ef Barruburr had In tkr can of cattle: B. B. Morris of BowUnd came la with on ear of ttle for th market; Oeorge Browa had ta four rmd at ebeep from Cnrvallla Ta day J. 0. Babla of HarrtebeTf cam In' with two car of ah p; B. B. Cogswell bad ta on car of cattle from- Rarrisburg,- J. T. Con ver of McMlnnvill waa on th market with one ear of eh p; C. H. Vehrc ef Lebanon brooch t ta four ear of ah p. which be placed on the market. Wediieeday Davia A Taylor of Hal y kad In two carload, of sheep aad bogs mixed; T. B. Welt of Bo bury bed an car of cattle ea the market: Oeorse Kohlbagea ehtpped la a car of cattle from Rosabar:. A. F. Runt cam ta from Oakland. Oregon, with six eara of ttle for tb Carat ens Packing company at Taeomai B. B. Banaaa named through with ale car of cattle, going to Tacamat B. O. Toung A Co. of Oakland had la two ra ef ah p and lambet thr ra ef gweernmcnt hor.. passed throaeh from Saa Pranrlara, going to Wells Walla: L. B. West (hipped ta ! eara ef cattle from Wllloveav California, going to Tacoma. Thursday M....T. Logan came ia from Arling ton with on car of bora; Joha Greene bad In eo. car of bora from Pleasant, California, ea route to See ttle; H. J. Bowes came ta with one oar load of hoi a from Condon, Oregoa, going ta Los A ngeiea. Csttfnrata; 04 A. Overton ef Brewneville wu In with en double-deck ef cheep; J. ITey of Heppner came ta with thr can ef ah p; 0. 1 L. Simmon, came la- with bora, which he .hipped to Monte ao, Wash-ms-ton; John Redm.ker me ta with 140 bend ef goats from Perry, Oraaron, going to Ch.halie, W.ahlngton; A. Boas drove ta bench of cattle. Friday O. W. Woiford brought In two ear of cattl from - Drain. Oregoa; A. C. Miller brought ta one car of aheep and bogs mixed; J. C. THvia of Shedda1 wa ta on fh market with ea car of sheep and ho: W. A. Oalletly ef Oervalll brought la one car ef sheep, which were cold ea the market. Saturday Frank Kirk of Bataey ' ablpped In en eer ef borei H. L. Oamett ehlpped ta one car of cattle from Willow, California, goto to tba Cerate Parking company at Ta coma. . - ..t - EASTERN LIVESTOCK GOOD. ktors and Oattla bTtMdy tm CmaDava I-' -'aniaajp Msobs. Cbicesro, Jua H. Llveetock recarpts: .-Hoes. Cattle. Sheen. Cfcles I8.000 " 1,800 - 8.CK) Ksn s City 8.000 - 100 mo Oenatia ... . I.X : ISO 806 Hnss ar (teedy, wrtb 4. "no left over. Re ceipt! a year aeo war 16.000. Today' arir t sii.e,!. . .w"j,.... . ,.,.1, tn.nuiia.Hi rough, 66.88414 48; light, (4.80).67,. .. . sirisj nt-siqy. , .. j j . BbMtneBC. . , ' , SATURDAY PRICES IN - , THE WHEAT MARKET ChlcAjrc, - ...I ,IIB" I JiR St. Loula .. ....... . .11 MUwauke ...,.,,8JH Minneapolis "i-,f 84 tmluth '.t . UwaftMroi -e'.ta J 64.. Wlnnrpet ti .84 U ( 4 , . . e - 4b 4k 4 4f 4KK6 6) kmr torn bank BTATXktirr. ' New Tark, Jun . Bank Mataa-at faeeeeee Bunfsss4-vrak .... .,.,......88 OTO "fl 8 ......... ,i l n-el w.b iT-o. e i ) .St, I UN tGM T a. e LeoanB) Iteiwv (irei. UPHILL FIGHT- IS SUCCESSFUL" . , . - , t Bull Forces In - Chicago Wheat I Have Much to Contend With " fbut Prices Close Higher ,; COARSE GRAINS ARE DEPRESSING INFLUENCE Prices a Quarter to Three Eighths Advanced at "End ' of " Sessiorw - Smallest - Ris - in the May Corn Belt Gets Good Wettint, ' ' ' RELATIVB WBBAT TALCXS, f. le-vsaea , Cloae CV Oala Jane M ae aa-r. aitauvr M A ay Xf . 1 of IsXISI aV1, . .6-ITdB I .88V.B I .81 4 S .ona, . .84B .884, A .68 il " .0"J .84HAJ84V4... ja -;jio4 1. ii .si . , . .... ,go June 13. ' li o. Jane 11. September. December May ...... Cblce an, -June M. The bull force la wheat made a great Bght today but It wss rather . uphill buain s, ss they wer bendlcspped br. two or three bearleb Intuencee wbleh th. trade did aot bar to contend with oa prevloue days. : Th crop new. aid tb. weather map were e mack oa the elde bf today ss st any time during the week. ' The opp itlea le nusneec wer the bea vieet in th corn and ta markets, tbe rather pels 1. test Ulna; of wb t on every bard spot against pervi leere, and th claim of the beare which am-d to be without foundation that long wheat waa nine on th merket above Me for September uch auantllte aa the trade Woo id take. Section of the weeterw eorB belt which bed aot ufnel.nt rein befor had a good wetting last nlcht. IjonHsjraoUtJns hx.0aa.a.Jiar. A Cook. v. r enxxT, ..,...,(. , Open. : High, tow . On . July..... .88?, I .8414 ,$ .6 I JpM Sept.... .84. .84. JISTj .jitS D ..... .84 '4 - ,.8.m2 .841 j. Mtt! buy..... -. T. .T4 - v .8T1 - jai CORN. ' V . .814 ; Jl . .nf .80 .46 July..... .814 Sept..;,, .nl , Dee 60 JIllaB- "Jll 5" OATB. July..... Sept.s... Doe...... , .88 . .88 M .88 .88 JW4 -16.SSB - id.r.2 14.8 asm 8.80 B-dlrs .8BI -o5? .36 MT88 PORK. July..... 16.88 - 16.69 . 16.88 Sept..... 14.4TH 1TH 1641 Jen. 14.SS " le.oo . la. so LARD. - 6 68 S 60 ,.,8.6H4 8.TT14 s.8avt - anij July..... 8.68 Sept..... - 6.80 Oct..... - a so . BttOKT BIBS. , July..... 6.18 . S.1TH 6.0TV, 8ept..... 8.10 8.10 8.06 Oct S.82H ass .... aTM .613HB 8 07S.B a to . ram art aaAnr jtOTxioEXT, Chicsf a,' Jua IS. Prima ary receipts: Today. 3 4 , . . 1 Today, - -Rn.h. T r Ago. Bnan. lBB.Onf S0T,00c l.6ra SW.ono Wb 1( ,,, i7T,ono ; Corn - tl6.0u0 T.-f ahlpmenta. Wheat ... 314.000 Corn ettt.000 flMMMW W.. Mt,. 81.146 bushel-, ta, 1.8S4 buaaela; flour, 11. 463 barreta, . . v ,; . , . " LltZBFOOL ORAIaT stABXETS. ' Uverpool. Ju 2S tlfflclsl pricee. '. ' Clew Clow Oaln Jun 21. Jan 18. 6a 8S Vad . 6 8Vtd - fed 6 8d , ... June T. 6e 8d 6e 8Hd 6s 84d Jaly .... September December CORK Jury ....... aeptemb ... .... 4 84d 4 8Hd ' ; "Hd .... 4 lid 4 Tlad 4 7.. Chicago, Jua IS. Grain "ear lota: ' , Care.' Grade. Bat. 1808. -Wb t ............... 6 8 6 8 Cora 66 281 ' 680 61 Oars .....231 10 216 66 Wb t eara today: Minn polls, 1TO; Tea ruth, 19. k'ear age; MlnenepoU., 181 y 'Da. rath. . .' .,, . -. ... COTTON FUTURES SIX t ' TO THIRTEEN LOWER New York. Jun 28 -Cotton futar cleeed 6 to 11 points off. OfflcUl quotation by Orerbeck. SUrr A Open. .. 10.81 High. Low: Jane 23. Jaue tl. Jaauary .. February March ... June .... xu.eo i.eo 10.81 10.44 10.61 10.81 10.1O 10. n lai 10 64 10.8-1 10 11 10.41 10 1 8 1041 10 4t : 10.4T July ...... '. 10 86 . 10.41 10.86 i IO IT 10.43 laas August September October .. November Dew mbar ,! 10.41 . - . . . . u i... a. 1041 10.84 10.84 . W.8T .10.47 W.A7 10.88 10.86 10.44 10.40 . 10.40 BTW TORX OOrnt MARKXT. . . :Kew York. Jus 18 Caff ele ; - - - . Rld.j . im, Jnn .81 31 ll Dae evnli ,.66 40 July 6 J-January 6 August S 8.-! February ........ 6 September ; S.eOIMsrrb. ., fro October ......... 6.4i April ........w. 6 Nov em bar ejolMsy T.IA) '. At tkt Xalkmns. A Jamaican laborer who has worked in the canal son under both tha French ' and tha Americans slv an Interaatlns comparison of tha two-ayatcma. . . Th French did not pay aa much wag-ea aa tha Amrleans,rbtit llvins wa oheaper. Than laborers' cot 60 cents a day; now thay st 80 cants,, il'nder tba French thare War a lot of market n-nr-dena. Th American axolud theni from tha sons and they go Into tha buah. Pork: was IZH cants a pound then: now It 1 16 cents. Fraah beef waa 11 H cants; now If Is 26 cemta. - Under French -rule tha men worked 16 hours a day, ; Nan they work eight, but much harder, and ther ta no chance to make more money by taak work. Under tha Franc It ' wa oould take work by contract, and two men. working; torcther, could make , 171 In .a fortnight. Th . blavnka had -mor chanc of promotion then, too. . Thsr la not an much alcknaaa as In French tlmesi The . br thin th Americana hay don Is to strip bad lan. guag and gambling;. Ther la a bis; , fine and prison for gambling. . In the French Brya tbar ueod to ba oonk-flht In; and drinking; and slioottna and Asno--C Inr all tba tlm. Now It la all stripped If a man shoots off a bus now th po lice catch him and Jerrfc him up to tha prison so fast that his feat don't bar a chance to touch th around..'1 la Jamaica tew aad to- jbave a barris ter and a srood ihna trtaJ. In tha canal sooa ycm hare ;barrlstr. Tou int coma before a Juds and h shout ami Tour ylsht. you're rlsht.-or "Yi i n wrons. you'ra.wrons."-aad-that la ell j thr la to It. ' " a v Th workman are mnra afraid of th Amarlcana tkn of-J4i6,CrrK-h. Th Franch talked mhoh anil went this wer (geticuUtln. Th American k very on let antll rt.ey g-n .-' then they tnafce tlilnea etn , They're sot to. t fl t Tba Am!-1- ' ' ' achemer It 1 r bo' f ued o ' etl t-e 1