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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1906)
TV. T V. : -25- THE OREGON SUNDAY r JOURNAL PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, . JUNE 24, 1903., 'FINANCIAL ..n... . V , np BAVK OF CAJiTOBirLnV-XetoetlaBea 1444. ' IMI OfSea. Bas ' 1 .Capital pels' mm. T ea.otnxooe.ena; Surplus aedlvMed proSre.... . J A Ueeeral fenslng aad Eictaase Imrlci4.- SATIVfc D lateuet ee U aepeelia. Aoseeata epeao 4 tar eeem -ef f 10 and apwara. . Far! rt.ih. er rnanmarra balMlne. WM. A. MiCBAB. .miipr. f TaTTIS STATU RATIONAL ANat OF J Nertbwret Cor. - a.. - - . -1 T . - the' Patted States aad karooe, Henfkon Htillt. Oolleetlea KaAs aa Fsversble PreMaat .......... ...I. 0. AINf WOKTM . .VW-PtmMm ...... Ui ttKNM Caahlar.;"..";..A. atWBUlHT RST NATIONAL atVK OF POBTIAarD, OBMOSJ. - - " - . DeelBaUd Depeattory and riaaaetat AgoBt of th TJnltad ',ri,mrrmw fr-tttn.... -A. L. VIII Caehler....... .J. W. "JJJJ's Aaalataat taehler..""". 0. ALVOBD Broad Aseleteat Cashier B. F. 8T?BhS Lettrre at Onlxt taaaed Available la Karope aad tba Eaetera States. . KlrM Bxroenee ape T.Wrrapcle Traaatara as 1 4 aa New Tort. Bnerea. Oileeee. BT. Mala, it. Fial.- Omaha. Ba FraaHm aad tk arlacrpel petnte la the No-thvre , , Slaht end tlm blUa tnwa la wm ta aatt aa London. Pari. Bar! In. rnkrort-na-the-nIalB. Honh.ns. Yokohama. On-cnhecca. gtacaanlca, Bf tVtarabart. Moacow. Zuricp, Hono'ila. AiS A a-TT TTtW mnniIilaHlikal I, -Ttaaaaata a Oaaaral afaaktnaj Baalaaaa. CalWrMaca aiana at all aohiH : . atla trrtam. Latlars at Tlt tmt4 aaallahl la Karoo aa4 all l .flia raltaA , Btalaa. Blrht rrrhaxra (awl T'trcrapaW Tra aafm anld an Nw Tnrk. Wah1nrt. ralrarv St. UmH. Danaar. Oiraha. Ban ranrtaeo aa Montana aa Brltlah TolaaiMa. Kwaaa aoia aa tatMlon. ParW. IWUn. Ftaaafort. HoBrtaaf. Taanbama. Manila and Boaolnla. M EBCRABTS' VATIOBAL BAJTK. FOXTtAim, OBF00BV ;'- . J. FRANK WATSON. PraaKlaat E. U MIRHaM. JT;?! rmaaaaM a Oaaam.) Banklna- Baainaaa. All Parta f ttia Wnrld. CollfctlMa BpartaU. ' - BiVXIBS' XTKBrAMAVB BAVK Partland, Oraroa. Conn Sacoad tad Btart atra. ComfiwrHel and aarlnira npartmnt. Intarrat paid aa aavlnaa anU. Prarta ana Mtara.ot efadil lnuwl arallabla la all part of lh world. : Opan Batordar araalafa rreni T ta fc tha aeraaiBiodatlaB o roitoman. t i: 1- .. " ' P. PltLTO? Praatdrat- :r TRFD JI. - JOHt A, ROTHrPtlLD. .'.Flrat Vlr-Prrlnn i KKATISa Vlra-Prcaldrnt " "TRUST COMPANIES." rV'tTAWTj TBW8T COKP. BT 6F 0KZO0 a simii HCKS OVr.H $l.V00(V. Amaral VINOP ACCOI1KT8. Tlow aartlnratan. fBOB ar aaar. IU ta 4 nar oat. . Call anr aoik af aad Oak ata. Ptioaa JEltT. rflWajaj; t....mmUrmt . I.KB PAflET .,....;. '.iKntut ICWmiTT IATTKOI TXUST OOaTPABT Tranaarta a Oanaral - akin Baalaaaa. Tim and Ballon .ta. Arta aa Treataa tor Btata. Drafta ' lantata ai w. , . Aaallabta In II Parta F. . ;. ,.:. T7r........pTaaldat ,U t. MIIOJI.. ...IW TW-I -.ld ft. BBQ. ,p, RrwKI.ti 'HI KOimot OtTAXAXTEr ft TXTTBT OOMFAXT XAXX. .,. Canrral Banking aad Trnat Baalnaaa Traoaactad. Intwat Paid oa TIM Papontav vAflTAi O. W. WATKKBCXT... . "'Vriiiiiii - ' a vaaaw nAva Blka Ta'ainl. Bamth and tttirk'straata. Fkxna Mala lB4.j NOXTKWESTXXX 01TAXAXTZX TXWBT COJtPAXT Portland, Oraroa. Lambar Cxcbaaca, S. . earaar Saennd and Btark Straata (aaa - FISCAL AflRNT FOB Stat. Caantx. Mnntctpal and Cnrporatiaa Boadi .. ftomnrt4- Rrorka TTIXX OTJABAXTZK ft TXUST COMFAXT B MOBTOAaB LOANS aa Portland Baal Batata at Lawaat aalaa. xiiaaa in " : i atrarta Farnlabad.. BONDS AND M OXXIS BXOS. IBS lltat Straat. Fortlaad. Oraraa. ... . . i I. ' ' Offar 1 6l1t-Fd Inaaatawnta la atanlglpal aad Ballraad Boada. " Wtita aa? OiB. DOWXIXO-HOPXIltB COMFAXT Eatakllabat IMS BXOXXXS " .t STOCKS, BOSD8. OBAINBimiht and Sold lor Caah aad oa Vargta. --Z PriTata Wlroa. ' " ' BOOM CHAMBEB OF COMMBBCX - - Pbcma Mala ST. OYertcci. Starr & CooSe Co. lot Tbtrd St., McKar Bide Partland, Onfoa. XATW, FXOTItTOXS. COTTOX, STOCKS AXD BOXDS. r: WI DO A STXICTLT COMMIiStOX XUBIXZSS., ' Coatlama Markata br PHrata Wlra. Qalrk Borrlea. RKFBRBNCES Ladd 4k Tlltoa, Bank- ara, and Unltad Btataa National Bank at Portland,' rnawllHl fartlltlca for kandllns Tonopab. Gold nr Id. Manhattan and othar Matad raining atofka. I0U!3;J;':WEI)E; MCAICIPAL SCHOOL AXD . COBPOBATION BONDS . . aignaat Bataraa ta laraatora Caeatatai I With Abaolata Bafatr. . ' PORTLAND ft X0BTHWB8TBBX HOMB TBLEPHOIfB ft TXLBOBAPB BBCCBTTtBS . DANCING. LBSSONS hi dancing' at roar notoa, ar at aar raaldVnra. C. P. Smith, raclfie ilia. " FURNACES. BOYNTOX warmlr Airaaeaa aara fowl. 7. C. Barn t'tinuca Co., 334 Baeood. Mala 441. OBROON Fornltora Manafacrarlng Coaapaa Maaatactorara at foraltura lor tha trada. Partland, FITRKITI'RB mamifartiirlnc and ar-Hal ardara, 4. Buraaakr'a fiiraltiirr (actor. 870 Front at. GROCERS. WADHAMR ft CO.. arbolaaala groearaV alarm (actarara and coatmlaaloa marckaata. Fourth and Oak ata. . AI-LKX ft LEWIS, annnvlaaioa and jrodora arar rbaata. Front aad Daaia ata., Portland, Or. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WTRB ft IBOX WORKS MS Flandara at., oor. Third. PkaM Mala Bono. GASOLINE ENGINES. STATIONARY and raarloa: "Uttla Soarial" ' gaaollna launrk. 19A; arcoad-kaad alnrtrlo Uaachaa and bulla. , BBIKBf.N. MACHINF.BTcCO ' IM-a-T anBJf riaV4B al HAY AND GRAIN. B. L. COOPKR ' ft CO. Potatoaa faad and Snnr. 2S I nlon ar. Pkoaa Xaat 1617. HOTELS. ' HOTEL Portland. Aawrlraa plan; $S. tS par day. BELVEDERE: European plaa;4tb aadAMar ata. HAT FACTORIES. 1IAT8 clranrd. bkwkrd. madr Ilka new tor Hoc; prrt Panrroa klaarhrr. -M Tklrd. Bear Plaa. Bra nob. R24 Flrat. Pai4t IB. HARDWARE. 'oriland Hardwara Co. aollrlta nonnrtnnltr ta totr prlora. IS.'i lat at., cor. Aldar. Mala I.1S4. INSURANCE. ISAAC U WHITX. Bra lnanranca. old. .. . . : 00 Drkoai 7 An. M.I. WOOD, rmploTcra'- llabllltr and la--d)Tldr.a accident nonda al all klnda, ' rkona 47. 803 MrKar bMg. MONUMENTS. - btlrf m KIN'IOLEV. 2TH Flrat at.. PortUad'i trading Barbie aad graalta arorka. n, i , rwr i,r anaii aa MUSICAL. EMI I. THIRLIIORN nll a( BEYCIK. violin tcacarr. Bladlo IBS Blttb. Trl. Mala X- MACHINERY. THE H. C. ALBEB CO. Baroad-kaad atarklaar, aaar Ilia, ata. S4g Oraad ara, HirfKLY A MYERS, aiacbhirata aad rla. 4rirlarr alrtrl al.vaTora. aUctrlral aiarhla. art aad -gaaollna anglsra a apaetalty. t3 Oak at. : fboaa Mala 1810. 4 . TBENKMAN ft CO. M Inlna. aawailll. lor- fine tnarblnrry; br (Iran I lr plpaa. ran ling I all Inda rosalrrd. lot North Foarto. 1 1 ' ......I t MAGNETIC ft EALING. BKtl'AL Blaaaan ad bota hi- aad taa rtrrd: mnanltattna fraa. Mala 4I7S JF, Maaarmd. L. H. Hrart, lag Saaaark at. ORIENTAL RUGS. CiHirVfAl, BI'OB rapairad aad ctaaaad ay aa'jra a i par la; w mm taa original ragaul-l d raahmara ao tar otrr rapalaliw; all r.irt gnaraalaad. Can n Ortmral Rng Ba Faulag t, facina BSS. MtS Waah. 44. BANKS. - - - - Baa Fraaeieee, fc,Tml -' TMSMT. PertUaA Stee J. T. BUBTCHABLL.. ..Aaalataat Maaagar ; SOBTLAWD. OBIOOJT. Third aa4 Oak Ma. , . ninm nui'KD AaallaMa ta All CTtlae et viae i laaauesa..... Caehler.,.j........... ...,... Aart.tanlCa.hl....... W. B. A. MOLT a IIM.l ttrafCa aad Latum af Cradlt laarad AralUbU, R C. HfBB. ....................... "' H. T). BTORBT... . . . . Aaaiaranv Oaarral Cannart PLATT PLATT.. Tka Oldaat Tfaat Oa ta Oraaa ' bankln. rtrbaaca aa all parw I It I w nt: annrt-eall aoaaial ,0,r: "IIXraTRATION oatbaaat teraat Tklrd rriTata Kxrtunaa TB. B. U PITTmTK...... J. O. OOLTHA i .... .. ...... a-Paaldaal Aaalataat BaaTUrr tM Morrfiaa Btnat. Fertlaa. Oraaraa. SAVING pipahthsnx. inrvT Vi f tha WnrlaV ; aii,.iii.. A. LFWI8 Ftt Ija-PfIat O. JCB1TB aepta Atatatant gaaratarr ' ......i.. w ' W;"ifVu.Pi R. .tea-Piaalaaat . lht.ri Hi i ratarT floor). CORPOBATION8. bnnirht and aold. Naw and hna raarantaad. . antarpriaaa artaalnd t0 Waaklaatoa Btraat. Csraar B a or ad. INVESTMENTS. Boacna S. d and S La Faratta kldg., roc Mxta aad Waaa. Su, Portland, Oragoa. ntFIDBND BANK AND COBPOBAXIOX 1SIOCIS MONEY TO LOAN. ' - MONBT TO'LOAX- Oa- lainreead city property ar for kalldlna parmaee, for froaj I to 10 yeara' tlrna, with prlrllrge to repay all or part af loaa after taru yeara. Loam approved from plana aad aaoarr aavanrea aa tmliaing progrei aeortgagra taken op and replaced. FBED B. STRONO. Financial Agrart S4S Stark at mat aa aaa aa), WlUim pTanriBIBaaa alfWt OlW It rwB AH I U. "AJ BrlvrTI IQi M MIR, I ta aa or W 50 ar (14 , to aa $ S.SK or ta.SH ar II M to oa t 4.00 or (S.00 or f 1.00 I ln.oo Rtr CONFIDENT! AL liena an aalarlaa. taanraaca ' pollrlra, planoa, firrnltnra, ware boo ae re. eelpta. etc.; any deeervtne. peraaa may aacnra a liberal advaace. repaylns By eaay ereekly ar monthly lnatallmrnta. MW ERA. I OA N A TRCST COMPANY. SOS Ablngton bldg. MONBT ADTANCED SALARIED PEOPt.B . And othrra apoa tbelr own namen wltboot aecartty; rbrapeat ratea. eaaleat paymenta; efffora ta M prlaMpal dttra: aara yenreelf BJon'-y by getting oor terme tret. - TOLMAN. tn Ablngton bMg., I04U Third at. BEATVOCABTERS FOB SALARY IARS Money can be borrowed oa eaay pay-meat plaa, low eat ratea; atrlctlr eenfldeatlal, . CRECCENT LOAN -CO.. 42S Mohawk bldg.. ear. Third aad MONRY to loan on reaL peraonal and collateral eerarlty: apedal atteatloa ta chattel aaort, gagea: notee bonght. C W. Pallet. S04-S Fentoa bldg., S4 Slitb at. ., - BIOHI.Y raanectabla place where ladlaa aad raa borrow money aa dlaatonda and aolry. ColHt-ral Loaa Bank. S4S Weae rtoa at Phone Black Tl. MONEY to loaa en tHerkamae roanty landa. B. F. aad F. B. Klley. SOS Chamber af Coa LOWEST rate en fnrnltore nnd planoa. Raat- era Loae ta. 44S Sberlork bldg. PaetSe StIS. MONET TO LOAN on all klnda af aecorlty. William FlolL roam S. Waahlagtda bldg. TO LOAN Bo rna to errtt oa chattel aecorlty. B. A. Frame. 614 the Marqnaan. WILL Van $5,000 or leer oa raat rotate eerarlty at S per ceat Fairing ton. SIS Chamber af Commerce. PBITATE money to loan near Portland at . reaaonable ratea. Bp) Bloom. 435 Chamber of Commerce. Money to Loan From pel rate food on Improved pro party. J. L. WELLS CO.. .. 94 Grand aaa...'. TO LOAN Money In email aiima oa real eetate;. very reaaonable. Addreee P 4, care Journal. MONEY TO LOAN at S per cent Fire- and eaeualty laeuraneer Henrr . CProdbomma, II Lumber Exvhange. I'booe Mala 4444. 15.000 OR leva to loaa on real route. jlohnapn. 413 Commercial blk. t O. A. MONEY loaned ealarted people oa note; rbrap eat rate. F. A. Nawtoa, 424 Ablngton bldg. OSTEOPATHS." DBS. AKIX ft NORTHRI P. 41S-14-1T Deknm bldg , Third and Waablngtoa ata. fheae Mala Se. . Etamlaatloa free. THE very beat lady eeteopath In town. Dr. Ie O. Johaaoa, anlte IS. Sefllng-flararh bldg. DR. PIERCE., nateosatk, vibration and the nea light. II H Third at Phone Padfte 447 PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS.' F. X. BEACH ft CO. Tba 'Ploneef Paint Oa. wlndow-flaaa aad gUHagv. . IAS Flrat at, Phooe- ilu PLUMBERS. DONNRRBERO ft B4DEMACHEB, removed No. 304 Bnrnalde et. FOX mt CO., aanttary plnmbera. St Seeotid, bet Mala aad Baimoa. Oregon Pboaa Mala tool. FINMGAN BROS. A CO., S tklrd at. Pboaa Mala 3400. Plnmbera aad keatlnc anglneera. PRINTING. THE MODERN PRINTER Y Art let le arlnttag. M Bkneael KMe . fMirtW mmA U,Im L.V , Padae IMS. . . A ANDERSON ft DTNIWAY COMP-XY, prtntmr. ll'bogranblng. alack beoha. . Ptwoa Mala 17. , 4.AJdar at. .... . - - u-iie cwk:...' ...By. . Had taker r a place at;. Seaside, .Something had: ': -; to be done in a hurry. , . ;,.VThe' "sornething-'. .was to , advertise in the Journal , . columns and a - better . ' cook was .secured. You ; : can do as well' :; '"'-' RUBBER STAMPS. P. C. STAMP WORKS, S4S Aldar at. paoaaMala 7)0: tnhbar atarapa, aaala. atanella: baggaga. ' trada cbacka; aand for catatogaa Na. ZD. ROOFING. TIN-ROOFINO, gnttarlng, rapalrtng and saaaral Jobbing, i. Loall. Bia iatfrraoa ai. 8AFES. mrHDI.D Mann Manganea , Bank and Flranraof Safna, UNByCALKD, 'FRIHCO FIBB. Chlaa A" nstldinga, aaran H Ula wait aaraa ol at -1U nai artlallr protaetrd con tap ta Daala aalla Jacia, aiatal vault tUtnraa, opana auta, rapalra. raoaa aoua, w. h. PORTLAND SAFE CO., aola aganta tor HBBV RINO-HALIMABVin Barea ana bikuv - KB8X Btaal Bafa Ca.'a Bank Sataa. SS TU at DIE BOLD Mangaaaaa and fireproof aafra; anc- raaarui prograaa againat anrgiar ana rira; aara- outa open an. Mr. Mupar. aarcbanlcnl axpart with i. B., 64 Third. Pbona IH66. STREET PAVING. WABBBN Conatrnctloa Co atraat nnrlaa. alda walka aad criailnga. 714 Orrgoalaa bldg, THB Barber Aaphalt Paring 0a. at PortlanA Ofdea 06S Worcaater blk. - SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES of a rary deecrtpttoa; baak, bar and atora Satorra aiada ta order. Tba Latk Manntactorlng Co., Portland. - L B. BIBD8ALL.' dealgaar; agent M. Winter Lambar Co.. T Haailltoa bMg. Mala SBSB. SECOND-HAND GOODS. ' irviTtl at rant, furniture bnaaa Hlabaat . nrlera paid for eerand-baad foraitara. SIS Second at. Phone Pad He 4BS. BICRB8T eaab price paid for aacoad-aand good a. Pbona Eiat SOTT. IBS Union aaa. SIGN PAINTERS. - GOLD SIGNS, wtndnaulrtterlag. clotk kannera, . economical electric, algna and algna af all V klnda auada qalrkly. Foater ft Kleiner, FlfU r ana Erererc. raene ajxeoanga eo. W. P. BEROBB ft SON, 3M Yamhill at Blgaa ' of all klnda. Phone Pacific Etui. 7 SCALP TREATMENT. CALF and face maaaage. maaalcortngt a rent fur Dr. Chrlatlaoa'a FrcBch toilet artlclea. ' 11-13 Grand taeatra bldg. Mala S471. Boare, s bo to a. SUMMER RESORTS. FOR ar.NT near Raavtew. WaahlnrtOB- hiralahed cottage; good water, Sreplare and waU ooaveslaaeaa 'bono Eaat. S47. dty. at rite W. W. Plimpton, liwaoo, waaungron. FOB BENT New cottage at Seaalde, faralabed. Eaat 1700. ' NK-ff farnlahed cottage to raat at Seaalde tor July. Phone Eaat 340S. - TELEPHONES. TR only eicloel ve telephone - bonaa. B.-R. rjertrlc Telephone Maaafaetarlns Itany, S3 Fifth at. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, broah. eon p. 41 per BJonth. Portland Laundry and Towel Supply Co., Ninth and Coach. Phone 410. TYPEWRITERS. NEW tvpewrltere, all maker, rented, aold and repaired. Coeet Agency, 331 Stark. Tel. 140T. - iw SHADES. OAI.B WINDOW "HAIH CO., 347 Sal Plain end fancy ehadee-Tnade to order. TRANSFER AND HAULING. SAFES, piaaoa and furniture moved, packed ready fur ahlpplng and ablpped; all work - guaranteed: large, S-etory brick, g re-proof warebouae for atorage. Offlce SOS Oak at, C M. Olara. Pbona Mala 147. THE BAOOAOB ft OMNIBUS TBANSFEB CO.. cor. Sixth aad Oak ata. 1 baggage cbeched from hotrl or reeldeaee direct to dee tl nation; paeaengera therefore avoid ruah and annoy ance at denote. Private Bxchaoge SS. C. O. PICK.' efSee 88 Flrat at., between Btark and Oak. ata., phone DOS! planoa and furniture moved and parked for ahlpplng; eoaiBBOdlooe ' brick warebnaee with aeparete Iroja rootoe, Front and Clay ata. OREOOX TRANSFER CO.,' 134 North Bllth. Phone Main SB. Heavy hauling and atorage. POST SPECIAL DELITERT, Na. Ingtoa at. Phone Main SAS. BOOM Waah- CTT ratea on boaeebold gnoda ta all potnta eaat; we make up carloada; apedal room for trunka while waiting. Oregon Auta-Deapatch, 13 rirat at -Pbona Main 71S. - WIR3 AND IRON WORKS. EAST PORTLAND FENCE ft WIRB WORKS. - ISO E, : Water eUPbooe Ra.t mtt. . BANKERS WANT SYSTEM TO ABOLISH ABSTRACTS Resolution ".Asking . Solons , of State Assembly to Adopt ... V ; ,. Australian Plan. , (Special' Plapatrb to The Journal, p .. Tacoma. Wash.r June St. Important action, was taken by the bankers today In paaalng a reeolutlon asking the next state legislature to pass a law giving certificates showing that they own land tn fee simple, which certificates shall te negotiable collateral at banks. The law. If paased, will be one of the most Important acta In yeara. doing away with abstracts and cumbersome realty machinery. -t ' Y ,i . . ' - The 'officers elMtetT'foe tlie crrhtfng yesr ara as follows:, President, M. F. Backus of peattle; vice-president, W. U Baker; & Son Auctioneers - .' 7 . Sala of tha coatiy rurnlehlnfa from private rcaldenca. . - oxxTUOT mnn maam xm wax. Coatly silk pluah portlaraa, wait and rt Cut .draperiea, JYanch clock and ,bronia sat, handaoma oak dining-room aulle, tnaaalvs aldeboaird, modarn buffet, 1 box.aaat cbalra, ' 1-foot round exten aton table.- eleg-ant -decorated Haviland China dinner Bet about .100 pieces; also todd pieces of HaViland and China taAla linen, . handaoma library table, -Morris chair a, panlab lejathar cowch, secretary bookcase, genuine leather rockers, fancy atands,. handsome Iron .and braaa beda, oak and maple- dressers and chiffoniers, oak bed sets, bed pprlnsa, - curled hair and felt" msttrcaaaa, pillows and ed dins, ' large moquet carpets. Oriental body Brussels carpet, SO yards of velvet carpet one yard, wide coat $600 yard. rood linoleum, steel range one of .the best In the trttyy- class- and China cup board with (laas doors and other 'lots of good quality removed to 1 Baker's Auction House Corner Alder Bad furk for, absolute sale On Tuesday Next Tha auctioneer, wishes to say that while the five Turkish ruse are very coatlv. some coat 1140 each, ther will be sold to the best bidder for cash, no reserve againat tnem, is wnai Mr. Haner guarantee, view in rooaa aomorrovr. Kondar. all Sav. . Bala on "fnesday at 10 O'Qaoaa. BAKEF SON, ' Practical furniture Auctioneera. On Thufscfay Next , Our regular sale day for. furniture, carpets, etc., at 10 odoca. , Baker's Auction House BAKER it BON, Auctioneers. important Notice to t Strangers v - ' Baker r A Son not ta the tons, are dolnar. a fine trade In their retail de partment aelllng good Eastern furniture. Aanunaier ruga, carpeia, unoieuma ana steel ran gee from 20 to 40 per cent leas than the Tarnltare Trnat of lort- By J. T. Wilson, Auctioneer;. Mondays, Wednesdays, . Fridays, At 10 A. M. Each Day at Sales- room, 208 First Street. Monday's Sale Comprises select parlor furniture, li brary and dining-room effecta, bedroom and kitchen furnishings, carpet a, ruga, cressers, folding beds, sideboards, chif foniers, . braaa beds. couches, kitchen utensils, dishes, etc.. Including a fine assortment of granlteware, fine steel range, gas stoves and complete house keeping outfit. ,. We 's Sale At Salesroom, 208 First Street, at 10 A. M. Comnriatag a fine aaaoatmant of nouse f suraisbiags, carpets, stoves, gas ranges and hoasekeeplBA; outfits, , etc . Thursday's Sale On the Premises, : 773 Albina Avenue, Corner Beech Street, at 10 A. M Sale Reached by Lower Albina Cars. Having Instructions from Mrs. Mo- JDonald, we will offer at public auction the rurmsnings 01 tier noma, comprising parlor and dining-room effecta, rarpeta, chairs, tables and rockers, pictures, clock, dishes, glasaware, utensils. Fault less heater. Jewel gas range. Charter pek cookstove, etc - Friday's Sale At Salesroom, 208 First Street, ...... ; at 10 A. M. .,v..; This sale eomDtiees a fine assortment of house furnishings, carpeta, atove and miscellaneous. - AT ota We pay Cash for house fur nishings, fixtures, bankrupt stocks, etc Phone Main lot. J. T. WIlSON, Auctioneer. PORTLAND ( Auction Rooms V A. SCHUBACH, Prop. FURNITURE Auction Sales Every After- . eA JT AT av J - - A. noon .. . ava., ar. rirsi oi. v C L. FORD, Auctioneer Vlcent of Bpokane; secretary,'1 P. ' C. Kauffman of Tacoma: treasurer, IV H. Turner jot Walla Walla. The delegates to the convention of American Bankers' association ' at Bt. Louis ara.- J. A. -flwalwell of Everett, E.'W. Andrews of Seattle, Edwin T. Coman of Colfax and E. I,. Earns worth of. Wilbur. - , CJ !'-Jl .- ILlS ' TWAT TXMXD nVZsT.V. ""v If you are languid, depressed, Inrnp. sole lor wora, 11 inaioaiisa inai your liver (s out of order. Herblne will asslat na- ture to threw off headaches, rheumatism and ailments akin to nervouaneaa -and restore the energies and . . vitality of sound and perfect- health." J. J. Hub bard, ' Temple, Texas, writes: "I hoVe used Herblne for the pest two yearn, it has-done Auction Sales for me mora good than all thai " It la the beat medicine everrv r chills and fever. too. Sold doctors. mud. for Woodard, Clarke Co. FEW AFTER LANDS OF I Registration at Billings Will To tal About Ten Thousand : Which Is yery Light. CONSIDERABLE 'COST IS ATTACHED TO DONATIONS Many Dealers of Montana Town Laid in Largs Supplies of Tents and Bed- dins;, 'Anticipating Rush Which Failed. ; X - 'Ssetial Dleoatefe ta The JoaraaLt - Billings, Mont. June 13. The largest delegations of landseekers which have arrived in any one day since the land office was opened came In today. When tba-offioe jclosed this evening tha list aggregated 1.01 i for the .day. - This makea a total of T.ell applloatlona for Bluings alone and four . daya . of the registration period yet remalna. The total registration. It ii thought, will reach about 10,000. - r The reglatratlun figurea from Miles City and Sheridan, Wyoming, are sur prisingly small, ranging from S to 14 day. Comparatively speaking the registration- for the .Crow Indian lands has been a frost when taken Into- con sideration with the rushes made at the opening of ; other Indian reservations In the west. In Bfllmgs great crowds L were anticipated and .numerous per sons purchased scores of tents, food, supplies and blankets to supply' the wants of the throngs , that were ex pected to visit Billings In their qilest of Indian lands. Thus far - the town has not been aa' crowded as on the occasion of a county fair and scores of enterprising bllllngsltes will wait to realise . on their investments. The Billings ". council made preparations to Increase the police force to 60 mem bers, buying a stock of new revolvers, handcuffs, clubs, etc Thus far a constable 'could have held the few hun dreds In check. - The announcenient thai the land secured ty prospective holders will cost them practically . 14 an acre during the first year, that sum going to the Indians, then about 115 more an acre 'to the government for Irrigation has acted' like a -brake, on the' desires of many to secure nsw lands. Hence the light registration The Billings land 'office was besieged today by bevy of young ladles from Anaconda and the officers registered tha fair ap plicants' for a chance In the drawing for farm on the Crow reservation. The ladies were Misses Sullivan.' Annlce English, Edna Errett and Nina Gra ham. They declare that they are filing tn good faith and that they expect to live on the land If . they, are lucky enough to get a chanoe to do so. They would like very much to get land ad joining one another, but that' -la more' good ruck than can be expected. and from the number registered there will be about one chance tn 10 to se cure lands. . . .'. '. .' ; STATE FAIR WILL B E M ORE ELABORATE THAN USUAL People-Are-Realizing-That-lt-ls More Than One-Town. En--, terprise at Last. ; (Special Dlapatrh to Tba Joaraal. - Salem, June 23,--Oreater prepara tions, than ever before' attempted are being made by the state board of agri culturs for the Oregon : state , fair- to be held here - September 10 to 16 "In clualve. The press and the people of Oregon are. beginning to realise that the state fair la more than a Salem fn terprise and that It ia to distinctly rep resent the entire state. Since the ap propriation of I1J.000 by tha leglala ture for the Improvements of the fair grounds much work has been done in that direction and the amemnt-tiaa been Judiciously spent. The main pavilion has been enlarged, the auditorium haa been renovated and remodeling and painting has- been undergone by the dairy hall, machinery hall, grandstand, and poultry , hall. New barna have been erected for horses, cattle and sheep: A large septlo tank haa also been Installed. ' . - . The welfare and comfort of the camp. ers will also be lokked after carefully, since stallroom for ZOO horses has been provided for the campers. The grove, which will be a city of tents- In minia ture, is to be cleared ef all underbrush and the treea treated to a coat of white wash.'' - Information Bureau, . That no confusion may arise an in formation bureavi,. Will be kept on the grounds by Albert Tosier, who naa been chosen "mayor" of the fair town. Many statues from the Lewis."' and Clark fair are to be erected on the grounds and there will materially ma-i hence the beauty . or the grounds. A number of convicts are to be put to work In the beautifying of the grounds and to. do work in preparing the pa Villon for the receiving of the exhibits from the various counties.. That a cor rect Idea of the scope of the fair might be had by the farmers and exhibitors the board of agriculture haa sent - out premium lists to all wbo wish them, One of the new features among the county exhibits Is the "special farm exhibit. the display to be grown and exhibited by the owner and for which especial prlxea will ba . awarded. -W. H. Downing, president, and Prank W. burbtn, secretary of tha board of agriculture, ara IndSfatigaeJec working to make the fair a .complete success. They have recently . returned ' from a trip .Ae-' Ashland and Other points In the Willamette - valley and report ohueual enthusiasm manifested "In the state fair and lndloatlona point to a great exhibi tion of county products and fine -program of races. - " i Counties Apply fo Spaoe. .' - Several of the counties have already made application for space In the ex hibit pavilion. - They are ' Jackson, Deadly Serpent Bltea. i are as common in India aa are stomach and liver disorders with us. . For the latter, however, there Is a sure remedy: Electrio Bitters, the great restorative medicine, of which fl. A. Brown of Bon nettsvllle, 8. says: "Thsy restored my wife te perfect health, after of suffering with dyspepsia and a rhron tcallv torold liver:" Electrio -JBIttara f-trure chllle and fever, malaria, bilious- nesa, lame back, kidney tronblae and bladder disorders. Bold on guarantee by Skldmore Drug Co. Price BOn. fIDI TRANSPORTATION. Special Alaska Excursions Oattare Otty, Jaae- SB, '"cTty of Seattle jaly SS, - j soe tar . aoua ana. Ajl00irD.FTOET.SOTrjrD IX0USSI0HS . . . - ttut mi xiats. .'. . '' . OUTHXASTIBg -ilJlSXA " SOUTS, aenna tMltl. . a n am aT.rehlkaa. JoiBSkagaTay WhIU Borat, . Daweoe aad B. B. City ef Seattle, Jnne SO, July 10, SO, SO. Jf S. Humboldt. July A, IS. i3. v R- rt Cot tare Xltv fvla Bltkal June SO, July t. M9 - - '. irosn aotrrs. Beeoad salUng S. S. Senator Jena SB, at Boca. : rom saat rmAvoisoo crszor. From Smhi. . a . . ni, aV PnahlA. June ' V I VartUad OfSoa. StS WaAhlagtsa St. sUla SSS. - e. M. LSI. IW Ft." Art. a B. rrjAM!, o. p. a:. 10 Starset pt., saa rraaeiaeo. TELEGRAPH raeteet -a. - the Btwav- -1 The only steamboat making a round ffrlp Except Sunday Between PORTLAND and ASTORIA AJTD WAT rOZsTTS tave lrtlan4,i.....t.Jli..,T:00 a. m. Arrive Astoria 1:10 p. m. Ieave Astoria. .....1:89 p. m. Arrive Portland.;... 0:00 p. m. HuiLS SERVED A LA CAHTB . Pert land Xatadinr, Aide Street Book. Astoria Landing. Oallaader Dock. fit B. SCOTT, Agent Phone Main 5(1. ALASKA FAST- AND POPULAR STEAMSHIPS i, fjaave Seattle ' : "rtrmLnot,- Jane so, July is," S4. "DOLFHIlf," July S, IS, SO. . CALLING AT ' Ketralkaa. Jaaeao. IVniglas, Balnea, Skaf way, Onaaeeta with W. P. A Y. roate for . Atlia, Dewaoa, Taaana, Noma, ate. For All Soatheaatara AUaka Porta. Can or aand for "Trip to Woaderfol Alaaka." "Isdlaa Baaketry." "ToUl Poles.'" -. TKS ALASKA S. S. 00. . ; Frapk Woolaey Ce.TAfenti.-- J5i Oak at. . portUad, Or. "REGULATOR LINE" The-Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navigation Co. Boats leave Portland and. The Dalles daily, except Sunday, it 7 1 m.. arrlv ins about 4 p. m.. carrying rreia-nt and lisaengera. ' Splendid acoommodatlons-f t Ai,tt. aA llvaatnb T Oook root of Aldar s Portlaadl Pool or conn av, xae sauee. Phone Kaia S14, Portiaad. ; S.S.-FrArKilbiirn Far Cass Bay. Kanaka sag Baa Franetaca. Kext salllag from Portland, Monday, Jaly S Ksxt sailing from Saa Fraaelaeai, Tore., Jane SS F. U OBRBNODOH. Agt, Oreaaetek PaeB ava, a, raoaa aula isa. ,. DouglM, ' Lane, Linn, Benton. Marlon and Colombia. Letters have been sent to the various county officials of the state and favorable repllea ara expected from thaveounrtea ef Washington, Waa-4 co, union ana poik. i The pavilion Is to be entirely reno vated and painted. A large part of the fixtures of the counties represented at the Lewis and Clark exposition will be -put up during -the comlnr week. This will give the Interor of the pa vilion a more attractive appearance. The fences are to- be rebuilt, the trees whitewashed, the grove where the peo ple camp In large numbers -la to be cleared of all underbrush and made as neat as possible for the entertainment of the guests. ,.. . . ;. iOVERNMENT LAND - WILL BE THROWN OPEN fSnerlel rnnnateh ta Tka Itmra.t t Lewlston,- Idaho, June St. Plats were received .In the Lewlston land office this afternoon covering 14,744 acrea of government land near Kamlah, which will ba officially opened for settlement August T. - The state of .Idaho haa the preference right of So daya over all but bona ride settlers in which to make se leotlon tff satisfy common . school grants. This land Is adjacent to the timber belt and aome is covered with good growth. A large portion of the Una la said to ba settled. , RAILWAY LABORERS OF TACOMA STRIKE . 'I i ' (Special TMepatrh ta The Joornal.) Taoomav Waah., JUne S3. Three hun dred laborers employed by the Tacoma Street Hallwaye company struck today, demanding an increase In pay of from xo cents to 25 cents an hour. The com pany waa taken by surprise and tried to placate the men by offering an increase of cents a day, which the men re fused. The men were then paid off and the company will endeavor to . hire others. They are mostly Italians, SHINGLE STRIKE HAS . HHLTACOMA MILLS (Special Dispatch te Tka JonreaLt Tacoma, Wash., June IJ -The shingle weavers' strike reached Tacoma today, and 110 men quit work at 4 p. m. and will not return until the strike with the ahlngla mills bureau is adjudicated. The strike affects 11 mills, and In addi tion to the weavers, throws out of em ployment 100 men employed In and about the mills, as all the mills will close down. The shingle weavers' union held a meeting this morning and decided to strike. " - - '" . , :, HONOR MEDALS WILL ' " BE GIVEN SOLDIERS - (Waahlnftoa Boreas of The Journal. .Washington. June 11. Senator War ren this evening called up in the sehate and secured the passage ef the bill Authorising the granting of medals of honor to officers and enlisted men In the volunteer rmy who remained fn tire service after the treat of peace with Spain and assisted In sHippreaaing the Philippine Insurrection. The bill, which affects the troops from nearly all the western states, now gues to the presi dent for his signature, - .. . , TRANSPORTATION. Ass-4B '-a-a4s-sssipi,ii lis S:iounliift2 Trains to the East Daily 3 TAraagk Pollmaa etanrlarS 'and tsarist antes, us-cara 4allr to Omaha. Chlraro. Spokaaa tuurtet alsealnt-eats dally ta Kaaaaa , Otty. ""vee reeualag ehalreara laaata rraak aa UBlos Depot-. . . Leave. J?'"-"ortlen4 Speetal for . aTJ5" rl" Hootlnston. dlv. g:B0ats W"."V ri'r raatara LaVta'A-?''!'..- " Arrtva. S:00B4 ' 1.0 Sag T:Saai Northers points, dally. S:IS pat .rto- "r S:lSp "d-Blsss Iae.1. for all ' . noinfa hetweea Blrra aad rVrtlBd. d.nJ. .. .A. S-marn fl:00sv - Onf .TTaaf TJfef A a iwwr. wvrTvaS VW iBtravta -. Ja.-, ' fUM1 tfmrn Xl M m s. on, a. - wsr- si oi nnrti pnea, Aa-airvv-r eir!'. vea S B. . aalrr. LlT' "anda v t Batarrlav. 10 a a Arrives " 1 "I eept BrmdaV. 1 -' TAHrTTLL BrVBB BOTfTS. Fee na.m- r . w . ... . -1, . . - . - . v. .-..n uij ana aavniu i ilea . '",r" Rut aad alodoe, Aah-et. Ser. init.fc -:l"y. eveapt Suadar (water aee. SnaW.:' - "ve :, s. at. oauy, ni-i.'Zl"'"' 1l,b aad way points treat Blperle. Waah.. Meamera Snokaaa and Learla. 15? i?B:4 P" arrival Trate uVvZ'C.? 4 - Ticket OtSce. Third and Waafclnltoa a to. Tar-rhnrie Main Tlx. : U . ' - W.-gnHOBR, Olty Ticket Asset, -e a. la CBAIO. SeserU Paaaanar As a at. - EAST VIA SOUTH -t7stos 'Depot. Overlaad Kj PraaaTratna for Salem, Hoaeborc. Aak- Leave. Arrtva. -oaoraaaeoio, ora-a, Saa 'Franelaea, Stock tos ! -Lna Anselas. SI Peas. - Newreaaa aad the Mt rS:80A Mornlns train rooaaeta at -- . Wondbara daily eieept Sunday with trala for Meant AnsaL Bllverton, Brownavllle, BprlnaOald. " Weadllng and Natroa....' IM Rnrene paeavnser ena- . neeta at Woodbors with -Moont Asset and Silver. tna Inral , elr1rl pal Corvallls paaaeerer. ...... 1:Mt era Sheridaa paaaanrcv. M'Wlf fwmt Orove mtaieaeer. t1f:4B nia asL6 set T:tSas WMial n-nrtprs S tfl aaa 111 -AO pal -uv. unaflv eveMt laansav. jrVFEBSOX-BTRKKT STATWrt. For Dallaa aad Intermediate points dafty e:io m m. arrive roruana 10:10 s. em.. For time ae4 card af Oawasa annnrbaa trahut apply at City Ticket Of flea, er atatloa. Tlcfteta to Eaaterh aolnta and Karoeet alaS Japan. China. Honomls and Ana trails. Cits Ticket Office- comer Third M.mM Wash. ) O.W rnstoa etreete. Psoas Mala T1S . a w. bttnokb. a. r,. esATd. City Ticket Aceat. . ' Qea. Paaa. Ataat. TIME CARD TRAINS Portland Palee Depot ,. Laaaa. Arrtvea Tellowarone Park-Kanaaa C1tr-Bt Lords Bpaclal for : Cbehalla, Centralla. Olym. nla. Orav'a Harbor, Seats''"'',' ..,'. ; Bead, Tacoma. Seattle. Bno. ' kane, Lewlatoa. Bntta, Bit. ' ' , llnrs. Deaver. Omaha. Kan.; ... aaa City. St Loo la aad. "- Sontbaaat.. dally . . . , v. - . SO saj sat gM. . North fnaat Llmltrrl. elee. trie llcbted, for Tncwma . " , ' Seattle. Spokane, Butte, V Mlnneepolla nt. Faal and the F.aet. dally S:00 pm rSasS Pnret Bmd Limited, for . . Claremont. Ckehalls, Can , , trails. Taoams sad Seattle enlv. dally s ............. . . .4:80 pa ' S:S0 FN) Twin Cltv Kvpreas ror -m- -eoms. B-attle, Bpoaane, . '.' .:.' .. ; n.lens. Bo'te. St. Panl. w Ml nneapoVa. Lincoln, St. . , 1 loarph. Kaaaaa City. Owe. -. ',: - , , A ha, St.' - Lords. wttheot . . ,,. . ettanre of ears. Trlreet ene- . eeetlone for an aolnta Beat and Snnrheeet. Sally.. 1t:4Ban' 10:BBpnS A. D. CHABtTOf. AaalaraBt Oeneral Pa erneer A rent. tS5 Morrlana atraat, earaar Third. . Portuao. a-esoa. - . Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. TTstna Depot ' ' For Mare-era. Ba Inter, flats. Leave, . ' Arrtva, S.-00 aw" 11:BS sis " kaote, Wratport. Clifton, Aatorta. Warreatmt. Fla- veL namhaondi Fort Btev-' ana. Oearhart 'Park, Sea aloe. Aatone ana aeaaDore, ex. dallv TtOOam All Train, naiiv, k J. C At A TO. O. F. and P. A.. Aatorla. Or. O. A. STBWABT. CommereUI Asaat. SiS Aldar atraat. Pbona Mala BOS. THK COMPOfTTASUt WAV. 2 Overland Trains Dally 7 Tea Oriental L Ian I tad. the Faat 10"" VIA SBATTLB AND SPOKANS. Pally. Leave, Dally. Antra. ' 1 Portland time srbednli Ta and from Spokane, St. Past, Mlnneapolla, , . ; . . Iralnth and all points Eaat via Seattle...... S:SS an T-C em U:4Sst 4.40 Tn and frnts St. Faal, . . Mlnneepolla. Dnlnth -and all points Bast via Spokane . . , S:1Spm SHWaai Berth era Btaaaukl Oa. Balling from Beettle for japes sat China aorta aad Manila, eerrrwg Be , aeecera and frelslit. S. S. atlnnaeota. 7aly tl. S. S. Dakota. Srtarnaer S. HBIFPOV TVSEB KAiARA ilapaa Mall Staamahlp Ce.1 I. Blojan Mara will rail froaa Seattle ahoat Jane SS for Japes and China aorta, . earftag rreisnr. aw .i-a.f. mmtmm - mmrtm none, etc.. eall ea or adareoa -J K. STOK80B, a V. T. A., 10 Thirl et., Fertlaad. Orasea. Fheae Mala 4K Steamer Chai R. Spencer - r8T Tiaia. PF TMI COttTMBIA THS tTITEST TBI 14 - tks unau aiAiia larva Oaktreat awl I a. ui, Sally for The ' Dallea aad war aolnta, arrlvias Te Pallrs e V. in. , -,ul I. ' i t, " p. n . . ,mvm r " v land 10 p. at. (except I'rlday and Sunday. Sua. ear eacuraioni (.eecaee Lacks, a. am. re. larmns s p. n. . Offlce and wharf foot Oak street, FheaS Main tneo, I QI owu. aitasSal a-al lisit sou-rat BB.4SI.1B aa B1SSI JMita. auux. j ' I '