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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1906)
.TIIET0Ki:G0Tr'SUrmAYOURNALr-PORTLAND;-SVNDAYMORNIN0. JUNE , 2i.lW3r FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. ' MW. 8-room , honaav. ' au . black (U line, free, baeement, bath, fjult trees, etc.. Beer Going at; tl.Boo; half down, balaae to wilt. X Fourth t.t W. claim, cut t.Aon.ono f't fir n4 auaar Pino; cloa w railroad; $1,800; -mat aall. (lain 12U0. SPLENDID buslnen eorner xa Union an.. . . Jnia and bouee i $2,ouu; ball caah; mow , sen. Mala 1280. Si, 760 TEN acre. aU cultivated, 6W enlln Cltv ball: macailsmlsed road, snrlna Water, . splendid aoll. twy lully, on survey for nw . motor; ao need look lug farther. . . S. Cook Co., 861 Alder at. ' ' STRATFORD addition. Bast lb aad Sherman ts.. hatweee Hawthorne in. aad Richmond nrlln. lot at $30 cbv $o0 cash .aad $1Q - , par month. 10 gcre near Lenta junction, on Johanna . rreeh, 7 ecm eultlvaied, only $2,3u0; eut . - rat acreage on markst. 4 , . . -'.- 6l a era, all . nndar cultivation, 1 aera . herrle. eieollent aoll. 4 ran at kouaal H milt ' la cart price $2.ono tern. -' 'A J. COWI.1MIAW. -j ' ua commercial oiflf. - t Bl'NiNBHS loU. fenced. In garden, mm te walk rrom largest brick block la Bt. Jobu. -1 business, lota, eorusr. block from Acme lam bar office. 3 residence lots,, corner. 2 blocks front Willamette boulevard. - Room tag-bouse, 30 rooms, Waat Portlajad; must nil, Isavlng eiiy; term. i in, tar journal. 1 HERta la a mtnn nnv '. - . " M aera, llaaa Us rod. Vvl land, for fi.ouu; tar ma. W. J. DAT CO.. 18SH Fourtk at.. Boom SB. ' El KllANT knma, Unlvsrslty Park, near ststioe , , and Colombia park ! fruit and flow re: aa Meal bourn; very cheep for caau. . Pbose seat lOOtioo In Midway,- on bluff overlooking Wil lamette, for ftino, . Munn.ralrte Good lot KtxlOO for tffi. " ' Heroud at., weat aide. 60x100 for fl.XOO. . Pin eubnrhao noma near Wlbarf Laaa, nlenir of fruit and abaaa, with two iota, for al.aof). . . V . , . Johnaoa at., weat aid, -room hone for aal or icnanff . . Ttm KIN8KI.f - " 0 Commercial blk. Paon at a la SSZS, TOP PAYINO RRNT. Paablonabl ft-room raaldanca. oorcelaln bath. hot aad cold water, food naaament. t fin lota, corner, lonxioo. on Eaet loth at., on niuck rrooi carlln. 2.700 ante aoo eaaa. eaianc iiae rem. B. J. G RISER, XtlM Karrlaoa at. - UNIMPROVED lota la Portamonth. 1780; will rehear for acrear and par dlfferenr. Art area (trior deacrlptloa, D 71. ear Journal. -1 FOR RENT room nvxler knaaa, Jlr 1. axil uaetanoria. tl Main am k'EW -room hcrnae. s-Mork car and aUtloai lot 4.H1WIJ rarden, ehlraaw -park, etc.; only HJ7o; 30O down, balaae to aalt. w, - J. Day Co., Fonrtb at., room M. KOW la raar time t tray donra, window, loot. K( aaa an kind at banding meteruia at a bantaio. Apply t Amrrlcaa Ian, f bo: Pacloe lOTa. ' . i , lion LoU (a vV POXCI1A8S ADD1T!0!. 1 (8 caah and to per month. city water. 4 blocka from earllB. rorreapondenre aolldted. BRAVER REALTY COMPANY. Pnon Mala a051 , . 434 Umbar Exchaag, BOCRER ballt, any part of city. aay payarata. 01a unnnvrrciai Dia, mam bvoj. , ' -. - ; (128 Lot la V ...... GARDEN PARK TRACT. . .' ., k 3 eaeh and J2.ft0 per months . - " - . ' . Rull Rua water. t 4. block a from t'nlreralty Park Itatloa. High, lerel and alantly. . , - ,.:"'; t Good neighborhood. . : Correapondenre aollclted. ' BRAVER REALTY rOMPANT. - , Phoa Mala tl. 424 Lamber Exching. ' FOR SALE 10 acre, auitabla (or putting! ' Inonlr aat 42(a). . THESE price for 10 dani 11.100 for tl "' . Vanconrer are. 6-room boo; I1.H00 for fMM '.'at neniiworth ear atatloa, I0-rom bona; ---eaay tarma. Ition Scott BUS; . , FOR I ALE Good Inratn property, a boot $11.. 000; no agent. Addraaa G.4S. ar JoamaL ; FOR aVALI CHEAP--- and f-room era: part aaak. 170 Oarneld are. Woodlawa ear. Phone Beat M4L . . Take HAVE caah borer for lota la Piedmont; awaara niy,. 1 Done woodlawa ZJO. ; FOR' 8AT.E g-room dwrlltng, oa Irrlng at.. . bat.. C!d and Mth. Addraaa O B. Joaraal. In St. Johns v a. BAA V WWtnA ( T -Trh,tm-Ir100ili5, M block from Woolen mill. . I 175 Lota 60x100, eloaa la, aa eaiy tarma. w. lit-co-r-l acre 00 Hajf t.v ctoe la. . $1,000 Bouae, lot fiOxlOO; 3A0 dowa, 19 a month. . .Branch of flee No. 104 Jeraey at., Bf. lohna. - THE HOME BROKERAGE CO., ,r Room Breed bldg.. Third and Waahlngtoa. NORTH WEST LND COMPANY. . 204 Ooodaoagh Mdg. . Oes. W.- Taraer. - H. W. Mill. - We trananct a reneral real tat aad broker g baalneaa aad Mllcit a aba re f fovt pairoaaaa. n-IX lot la Mayor Oat' addition! atreot Improved and aldewalk dowa: aaat frootaaei tor on nxt lot.- O Millar, T14 Chamber l bummeree. VI hare caah borer for vacant boain nron- . rty oa Union or Wllllama ar. w want It at once; owner on it . 1 . COLUMBIA INVESTMRNT CO, , Cor. Alnaworth and Union ara, Phon Woodlawa 220. RELLWOOD LOTS. $3 dowa aad $S a anonthl rrom f'o re av "i. neiiwooa lowaaire v H. P. Palmer, maaagar. Pboaa Bait 47B4. ONI S and one 0-rontn boom ea Eaat Taylor, between S2d aad Bd t. plenty fruit lad - flower! ran be pnrchaaed for $4,500. . PATTERSON STEWART, 10U0V Belmont at. . FOR BALE by owner. E-room hoo, $2,000. oa 8 II wood earllo. 20 mlnate rid; elegant location: good term. laovlra at 204 Alding ton bldg. , FOR SALE OR TRADE Iota caatrally to-i-atrd In tb 'town of Goldtndale, Waahlng tnn. Write owner, Jama F. Nixon, Uar- " rlaburg. Oregon. - - . - HinHLAND REAL ESTATEI .REALTY, RENTALS. INSURANCE, COLLECTIONS. Bualneaa tatmatcd to my car will b promptly attended to. . J. I. SPIER, NOTARY PUBUa Pboo Woodlawa Bt. -IOM Unloo are., North. Portland,' . Oregon. A NICE Broom cottage and a fall block of land, well located In Newberg, to trad for Portland .real eatate: will nay caah dif ference. Alfred A. Baker, 218-11 Ablngtoa .; bldg. ' 8-HOOM hooee.-jnat being bnllt, with bath aad . tnlletr atting Inalda of houee to aalt; eltbnr ' with 1 or 4 lota; price, with 1 lot. only $1,030; raab pajn-cal $IM, be Use $10 per month. per cent Inter ret. We haro other home at from $TM to .. 13 000; all ara eloae to earllnea; tbey ere , nr and can be bought oa monthly payment, ' with Inat a llttla caah dowa; pay rant t yonraelf t If yoa want a bargain ra a fln vp-to-date T ) modern home oa Eaat 17th at., W bar It . at $; cloee to crlla; moat be aold ' lle a' few bargain In email tract la nd near elty. Abo good farm. r. J. STEINMETX CO., Tn nomeeeller. 1ft Merrlaoa at $TTA BUYS new mll home, 1re yard, o Eaat 22d at , I block from car; cblckeB-hetj "nd yard; It1 a bargalntefm. J-l. F. J. STEINMETX CO.. ' TRk Homeaeller. . Ill Morrlana at. LOTS, Latarelwood. 180x100; all la trait, t . blorka car; $.100 each; $20 aowav balaae $10 per month. . Alo modern f-room boaee, 22d and Cll--ton ata., $2,800; $1,380 caah, balaae eaay '"Aha good rnoa hmra aeer Weat are. , on Montavllla carlln; loot 100 groande. all kind fruit and berrle, $1,800;. $300 caah, balaae . pymnta. . xoa pay no commleatona. - 1 OWXER. Pnon Be 11 wood 100. , NEW 8-room eottag. modern plnmhlng; ground pMilOO feet: Ineared tn Willamette, on St. John earlme; prk-a $1,880. Call Wlllametta . ata lion. Owner. rOR SAl.85 I-ot la South Portland, with 8. foot ... Iiau0 frootaa-e, .only 80 faet from "8" car Ho and ha cement aldewalk: a rood .location ta balld tw hnnxea ta rent. For term apply PORTLAND TRUST COMI'ANI OF OREtlON. ' .1. R. Gor. Third aad Oak ltw f $ f. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FINE lot. 81x100. ooraer lh aad Beat Yaav BlU ata., oaiy ano. . '1 PATTKKM0N STEWART, ", 10utH Balmoat at. .. , ' 1 a 11 1 -e FOR BALE Vary tfaflrabla large B-roooi oat tag; bath, grata, pic large porcbe. oament baenut, corner lot; prl- H.foO; eery eaay ' term If dealred; dlauount tor all caah; nortuweet corner 9d ana aaat Mlmaa ata. I'bou Vnloa 108. FOR SALE FARMS. CHOICE BUYS $8,6001124 .-18 mile from Port "land: 80 acrea cleared. 40 acre caarerdam. : all level, aome timber, living water, all fenced. Bear or hoo 1, oa good graveled road, good 8-room houae. barn BOxloO, 8 acre variety orcoaro, seat 01 aoii; term Ban eaaa, Balance I year at a per cent. 8X30000 acrea. 18 in Ilea eaat of Van eouver: 28 acre cleared, 18 acre elaehed and .needed, balance awale, lly cleared; 40 Acre fenced with 4-harhwlre, email creek, aood well. new. 2-atorr I-room houae. email atable, 1 bonei 8 head of cattle, mile to ecbool and church, R. F. D. and talepbeo la houae; will give terma. $2.800 TO acrea, 21 mile from Portland; IB acre cleared, mat timber, balaae eaelly cleared; all level, all fenced, a-room houae. laraa barn. 1-acra orchard. 1 home, burrr and harneaa; 20 head at cattle, 100 chicken) terme. '- tfoo tvt acrea, 8H mllea from Vanerfuveri all alee red aad at ti fruit; adjolulng land hld at $aoo per acre. 8700100 acre. 12 mile aaet of Vaaeonver. - 8 mile from Colombia river; email creak; . caally cleared: good aoll; term. $3,80080 acre. mile north ef Van- eouver. IS mile from purtlaodl 40 acrea ne awale. cleared, fre from atnmpa; 10 aeraa partly cleared; 80 aerea alaabed. 10 I acrea good timber,-H-tory- I-room boo, ' 2 frame Atrae, I acrea bearing' orchard, vartetv: team, wacoa. harneaa. back, buaav. I cowa, eblckene, farm Implement; mil t ecbool, B. r. D.l beat of aolli email ' creek. . 12, HO 40 aeraa ' aaat Poreet Grova; ill cleared aad fenced. 4-roora hooae, bar 86x40; T acrea bearing orchard; Bear ecbool; beat . or ami; Terme. TH1 WASHINGTON ft OREGON REALTY, . 2B8H Waahmgton at Room It, Portland, Or. a4 800 Mala at-, YMOuvr,WahiBgtDa. FOB SALB 880 aerea, eeatem Waahmgtoa; 78 ere la wheat, 128 In ummr-fUow; fair building; flowing aprlng, trout etreera; $ mi lea rrom eouoty t: neaatiruiiy eitnateo; price $10- par acre; $2,000 caah aad tarma; rot av oay only. J. J. BE1D, SOB Bormlda at. POULTRY aad dairy farm. 40 aerea; SO ta bay and potato, 84 mile Oregon City, 18 mil . to Portland 1 gs.soo. taeinoing crooa. kos 07, Oregoa City, Oregon. ckamasLCcnnty. Farms Clackamaa county loin Portlaad aad Molt- . aomah county. Portland la the beat aad only market in tn norrnwear, 1 am eon ra cue , amae county la vary productive, and la aeeood to Bona la the tt. The competing line of traneoorttatlo make rrelabt rate very low. W have farma of all deeerlntlona for 1 at .reasonable orlcea. nd w dealre to a how . them to proapectlv purchaaera. W hand! farm laade of all kind for- Bou-reeldeut. Abatracta of title furnlahed. OREGON CITY TRUST COMPANY. . Garde bldg Oregoa City, Or. A PARM.-tbe like of which yea'U not aee every 4 day 84 acre. 80 of which la fin at at ef cultivation, crop that cap the beat yea ever aw; fin 7 -room bona built is modern tyi, bath, atatkmary laundry,' marble-top atanda, with hot ami cold water fountain; water work, magnificent bara, hog and poultry houae, dairy and fruit houae, - with freab water pa Being through a allvery brook; rlp II ng watera meandering ' through th place; elevated poeltlon, full view ef the Columbia, new railway atatlon; ateamer leading be If mil away. It'a tb very plc that will charm your lifer aad bring bark dream of our childhood. Don't fall to are thla. Toe lunn-Lawraace Co., 1481 Pint.. FOR SALE 80 acre, it acrea irrigated: a large aprlng and lake: a water power. a font heed, with piping and water wheel: halldlng fain front oa Columbia rreer; fine bayou for bathing, boating and fuming; ateamer and ferry landing a few rode, two railroad depot within a mile; la fact, tbe taking of a lovely and profitable home: price Irt.OOO; term. ' I. I. RBID, 808 Boramde at. FOR BALK, by owner, all er part af eaa -ef th beat hrme near Foreet Grove; ao acrea; 200 acre bottom lead. W 10, ear Journal. ACREAGE tract fur jml ever prlcea te nit. Call and aee D. N. Briaeaatia, gatacaa. or. SB ACRES. 4 mile eaat of Oregoa City; 18 acrea cultivated: to trutt tree. Bearing: gooa well, etrenm ef pring water eroo it;, ell t gl.tno. or will eell 4B acrea with the Im provement tat 11.200; , and the ether 40 for Bison. 184 acre, rnaar Reaeerle! BO rie ueaily cleared, balance i.soo.noo reet nr timner: level, ylrh roll: will (ell eery cheap ea long time: will trade for city property or itoch ef merchendl. At acrea. 2V mllea aaat at Oregon City; konae, barn well, creek; price $2,800; will trade for Portland elty property. BOB AN h TAUGART, . . r . 211 aVltaky bldg. IMPROVED farm, 120 acre, three mile from Vancouver, Waah., aad near river; gooa Aoaee nd amrn; one half la crop, 10 acre timbered, balance peat are; about SO acrea fin bver dam; running water; $110 per acre If aold aooni will divide. IN ST. JOHNS. ' Pine heanee. full lota. t6A0 te It B00. Bnehwaa lota, rood location, $1,800 te $2,800. Keaioeor lota cloee in. 1 10 iou. H. O. OODEN, Phon Beat 8188. St Johaa. Or. FOR SALE FARMS. 40 'acre, half mil from Mllwaakle, T1 In cultivation and fenced, fin bouee and barn, orchard, running water. $280 per acre; terma. , 18 acre. mile from Portland. S mllea from Fulton, all la cnltlvatlon and fenced; good houee. bara. aprlng, ahiell orchard) elec tric road will ru near; prlc $4,000; tarma. RIIW8 at CO.. E2T Ctiamber ef Commerce. BARGAINS IN. ACREAGE. 40 acrea of fine land. BO acre la cultiva tion, good 6-room houae and good barn, cow, eeparatnr. good teem borae, harneaa nd wagon, chick ena, hog, rood well, all fine land and located 1 H mllea from boat . landing and cloee to north bank railroad; ran be bought for $8,800. CU and get par. tlealara. on,g0!r. Phone Pa cine 184. Room 100 Ablngtoa. 280 ACRES, only a few day' tiro at half 6rlce: 4 mllea rrom. county eeat in eaaiern I'aahlrutton; price $1,600 caah. Hurry. J. i. RRID, 800 Bnrnald at. FARM, 80 ACRES. ' SO acre good land. 80 acre lit cultivation. . balenre naature; houae, barn: orchard; run ntog water; 2 borae, 8 head of cattle: located In fVrwllta conntv. Waah tn r ton. on counrv ' rud, near echool: price 81,600; only $.VW caah. B. J. UE18KK. Z21 MomanO t- - 40 ACRKel, B mile from Vancouver and t mile from country town: 20 cre cleared end In crop: 6-room box bona, fair barn, wWdabed. chicken bona -and all outbuild- tray; - yoan orchard Juat coming Into hear- in, living water w year arouna. Rate a food well; 7 cowa, B hetfera. good Jersey all, team, wagon, nnggy, harnea. 2 plow, cream eeparator, chick eua aad all eawa, axea, etc.; price, If aold awa, only $2.10 If yoa doa't aee what yoa want ra' tha hove, writ er call for ear Hate; we eaa ear yoa money. THOMPSON SWAN. Fourth and Main St., Vancouver. Waah. Reference, Vancouver National Bank. SNAPS IN CLAREB COUNTY ROM S aerea, all good rich land, 2 mile from Yaacouver. -o. good county road; S acre In cult Ivatloa and ' fn -garden track and etrawberrl.a: email hooae. Beat hern, t chlrhen houae and park: place all fenced; well ef gord water: nice blcych path to city; R. F. D. mall; half mil from achooli price enly $M. 120 acre, t mile from river tow and 16 mile 1 from Vancouver; 40 a Tee anger fine at a l of cultivation: about 200,000 feet of - aad piling timber, that - can he logged Into the Lewie river; good 6-room houae, nearly aew; fine barn, 64i64; grea try, hoghoaee. chicken hoejee, woodabed. etc; 3 acrea aeanrted fruit ia full brarkigt living water ea eewr- 46 end fine bricked well at houee j teem ef mar, 6 cow and I helfera: f ceo cooker, 11 heid .'ef hog, wagon, 2 plowa, harrow , cultivator. te., nd eaough hay and grala to rua place for a year; price $4,600. , - 80 acrea, 10 mile from Vancouver, half mil from , country town, church, arhool, tore, etc.; 40 acrea under fine etate ot cultivation, 86 acree alaabed. bnrae and needed; 8 eree I atandlng timber foe fire wood ; ft-eoom 2-atory boaae, new bara, 40 80; granary, epartnr honee. etc; (nod orchard of aaorted fruit; living alream and tin well at aooaa. Frio 4.600) terma If dealred, 1 TTfjOMPSON SWAN, Fourth and Mala Sta., Vancouver,' Waah, FOR SALE 83 acre, g mile from Reeebarg, or.; gnoa nonae. nam and Irnltheuee; all act to fruit and-berrle; " will each an re lf In Portland realdence property. Athlreaa Dlllard j at vtayeimv aeueevurg, .vn t , 1 FOR SALE-FARMS. tlT ACRES, nicely ltaated: 180 aerea la col Ivatloa. 120 aare alaabed and aewiy . 1 fenced for goate oa abeep. a boat 808 aare 0Dn land In paeture; farm )olua IB.00O aare of frva tang oa to waat; good ecbool one- quarter mile from honee; B barn, on at newly eheduVu oa 8 aldea: aranary: black aralth ahop: 2 dwelling hoaaea. one a 7 -room , and an a 4-room houae; wood a bed; anoko boaae, 8 henhouee. end a aw .efalchen. houae; S ereaka run throagh tbe farm, be aide atuneroua anrlnea: TU mile te eonntr r"aetf 4' mile to railroad by county road : aaa a bum straight aerea aivou - Farm la well faeed and eroaa. fenced ; aoll rich klaek loam (oon better), and th farm land la In a blah atata at cultivation; vetch grew lot feet la at year; had tb ' beat crop around here; have 68 bead of fettle and 20 ralvea: 180 Wood at abeep and '80 ' lamb; T head ef hone aad 2 eolta; S taad af bee. . v Farming Implement 1 kinder, 1 mower - and rake, Boeder, a-aore ateel harrow, rolling dlak harrow, wagon, back, hay rack, grlnd ton. aa-lkey plow and 2 aid walking pVuwa, . .14 loch, clod a meaner, hay fork and rope -and pully and eerrlagee for track 4 barua, S garden nearly all planted, early tardea reedy to aaa; tbey are both picketed la trem (owl; hauled 28 load of maaur o large garden thla aprlng; 4 acrea .of orchard, applae. peara, pluma, pro nee, eaer- rlee. grape and ttue wild blackberry , patch on farm"! large maple ahade tree la front af houae; r milking 10 cow at present; - telephoa ta -the aelgbborheod, eaa -eooaeet ay time;' crop all la and look 8na;axpect another banner crop. Price $16,0oo; term . tn null purcnaaar. 1 88 acre. 28 Blow land, balance bottom : 'aome rolling with oak tree ottering; two gooa aprmga, g well; all kind at rruii. apple, peara, peacbea, - pluma. enerriee prunee: all kind email berrlee except atraw berrlea; wtr acreen around th bouee, newly papered; good earn, woodabed ad ether building: fenced with wevea wire and eroea . fenced with Plank wire; B. F. D. mall and phon lln by th place; t H mil to 2 cnurene. 1 mil to ocnooi ; piaex rica nan. Prlee $1,260. Aleo a large paa of marea. new wagon and harneaa. new plow, aearly new hop buggy, 1 elnale ham, extra milch eowa, 1 yearling heifer, 10 head hog. 1 milk wgoa and eaaa. Will let everything gor ior $8,iou.. .. . IB-aere home dlomtnaT tb villare af Beav erton: im acre ha cultivation. 8 St aerea la aatur and wood; naw e-room none nq am: all wall fenced: coad well of water 82 feet deep, IBM feet ef water la th dry aua T2 fruit tree and (mall fruit; ex cellent aoll. can for prle- 40 acre. 20 aeraa ta cultivation; crop ata. wheat, potatoee and garden: good houee and barn and other outbuilding; 1 ..cow, 1 bora, rblckena aad Implement; oa good eean- ty reed. R. F. D 2 mile to a tore aad depot. Price $1,700. , 4 acre 8 mile ef Boavertoat . 38 acre clear and la cultivation, lead Ko. 1; good family arehard. full" bear In r aeraa beaver- dam; good 6-room bouee nearly naw, 18x28 with kitchen: rood barn 80x40 and outbuild ing; water af bouee and barn, alee living water la paatura; plenty different klnde of fruit, alao berrlee for family aaa; a ma 11 creek through th piece; land gently eloping: Borne Bottom lanu; nail crop laeiuoea. nn n,wv. 180 aeraa 8 mllea from Kalama. Waah., on 'river; 2 acre orchard, beating fruit, pplea, peara, pluma, prune and cherrte; B room boaae, large bara and other building; 16 acre clear and fenced; eprlnga; Bora tlmlMr! fine eell end enlllne mnA the beet. Trm. $t.200-"ch. 7aT"8t.00 $680 cati: balance time. per eeat Interest; mortgage; 00 a gooa eounry roa. uooa Duy.- 288 acre, 18 mllea from city, ea Baee Line reed; 146 acrea In cultivation, 10 aerea la atumpa and pa a tare; soil I good dark loam: good echool 14 mil. 2 echeole Bear; rural mall every day: Stt mllea to etatlon or boat; fine large 8-room Don with cement walla, one large bara and ether halldlng; good orchard and many kind af email fruit: lorn of flrat-eiaa timber for eawlog. enough to Cay for the place; good cellar, etc.i ne atone th field. tc etc.: 2 good water trem: bern 46x86 feet, 2 floor; a good ehlckea yard. Call aad aaa aa for farther particular. Price $81 par acre. L ' ' , 20 acre la high atata ef cultivation; S-teem houae. good bara, tnelhoa. wgoa and farm Implement abed, woodabed; fine water at houae and piped to barn let; BOO Italia prune tree. BO Petite tree, 40 pear, moatly Bartlett, lfa) applee. eeaorted trartetlee, eber rle and all ether amall fralt la abundance; bout 8 cre In wheat, 1 acre la potato nd garden, the balance la clover; will leave the carpet ea the floor nd ebadce and Cur tain to tb window. Prlc $4,600; term agreed; $ good cowa. 2 doawa ehlckeaa, cream eparator and all farming tool at a rednced rale to tbe borer ef the place; T mllea from Vancouver. , , W. V. RSPEY. 818 Commercial hid. . Cane 2d aad Waahlngtoa ata. EE'S SALE- IMBER AND FARMING LANDS' AMD CITY PROPERTY. la order te cloee ap eetate I rnrnt eell with T in tbe next bo day tbe following deerlbd proper neeengtog to in eetate or U. amuria, Bantrnnt, nr ariingi wit: 848 acre (nod, well Improved farming land. Bear Cecil, Oregoa. 1 180 acrea timber land la Rood River valley. 12 mile eoatb of Hood River. 68 acre farm lead, 12 mile south af Arlington. On 8-room eottag, t tot.1 On tor and warehoaee. 60-foot lot. One dwelling. 4ft-foot lot: la Arlington, Oregoa. All eff lte ihM, . ... -. uaeaieale Beaet fb. (Old. Z W. B.. MOORB, ABelgnet, Fog term and full particular addreea B. L. HARNETT. . B4S Beat Oak St., Portland, or. 184 ACRES dairy, trait and poultry. 88 mllea rrom rortina, mile 10 rtorin xamnin; 6 aerea cultivated, 1 7 acre prune. 88 acre grain, 10 acre hay, 40 acre timber, he lane peeture: 1 never-falling aprlara, abnndanoe of fruit. 8-room houee, 2 good hem with abed and outbuilding, fenced and eroae tenced. good aoll but rolling. 8 hone, bar nee, wagon. Implement and crop; $8,000; fl.oon) caah. or amall farm seer Portland; $8,000 ea time, er weald exchange for farm near Portland. J. A. Plop per, SSOVh Lar rabee at., Portlaad, Oregoa. THE SNAP of th eeoB. la fralt belt; 1801 acrea of fruit land- aad general farming, Bti mllea from White Salmon; 14 acrea cleared, good (-room houae and barn, fln traam of water through place, timber enough te pay for clearing; only $22.60. R. Field A Co., White Salmon, Waahlngtoa. Reference, White Salmon Valley Bank. FOR SALB One of th beet little etorh farma. Yamhill eonntr, lot ef good entalde range, eonaleting ef 80 acrea; 40 aera In Srat-claae crop end 12 acre eeded to clover, well fenced and lota of good water, farming Im plement. 1 Spauldtng covered hack. 1 team of. hone. B eowe. 8 8-year-old be If era. 8 . ralvea, 7 hog, 88 heed of Angora goat, chicken and turkey, all klnde of fralt and - berrlee. 8-room houee with ho Be bold furnl ture, eeparator, water la honee, large bra ad other, outbuilding, pnon in nouee, R. p. D.. good chool; thla all goe for $4,000 ,lf aold aoo a; eaay terme. Addraaa 0 80, care JournaL IMPROVED farma, $80 te $100 peg acre! S to 10 mil out. O. R. Addltoa, Leata, Or. Take Mt. Scott car, B cent. SO ACRES good land, aprlng bra neb, eaelty cleared: no a for land; will aall at bargain. Bus 16i, Eetaceda. Oregoa., . GOOD FABMS FOR LITTLE MONEY 100 acree la Marlon county, en fourth mile . from Marlon atatloa; 12 acree under cultiva tion and 40 acree alaabed ead burned, - 28 . acrea timber, watered by three good aprlng. about S acre In orchard, email houee aad : hern, near eood school: Brtce. 82.800. 160 acre la Columbia county . 8 mile from Ooble, 20 acree under cultivation, clay loam anil, aome good creek bottom, all under fence, 800 bearing fralt tree. 7-room houae, coat $1000 t build: good barn, reet $600. and all - necaaaary outbuilding. 22 head ef etorh, chicken and all farm Implement go with th place; price, $4,600, terme, 80 acre kt Clackamaa county. 1 mile- from Cktckama etetkm. one halt ander cultiva tion, remainder small timber, good 8-room bona and other building, eehool near; thla ' place I only 12 mile from th city; price, $3,000; will trade for larger plan la the val ley. . " l' - 160 acre a Clackamaa county. Bear Ready P. O.I 22 acree ander cultlvatloa and 20 acre alaabed ad burned, about 2.600.600 good -fir timber, good utrange for atock, too fruit tree In bearing, well watered, email houee end bern, ail atock and farm imple ment go with the placej price, $SJai0. 160 acre In Multnomah county. 214 I Ilea frnra Lataurelle, 6 ecree under cultivation, 100 ere level, remainder rolling: well watered by 2 creek and lerg spring, email spring, email fanil v orchard,, 6-room houae and amall barn, 1 mile te echool, aom-etock roes with the place; price, lociuaing eioce, a.e. , LANGIM.E RAND, 1 78 Sixth St, LOOKING fat farm! Why net buy a ranch la one ef the beet wheat ewaatlee la Oregoa t Over B00 acre; 4no aider eultlve- lion, good house and hero, orchard, eprlnrn: $28 per acre; f 4 0o0 raah, balance long ttm . t 7 per rent Interest: WNI take crop pay menga, , If Interested.1 hurry. Sherman county land geee like hr-cake. Addreea W. eV Sea tea, MuaaOahd, Oregoa, FOR SALE FARMS. e "M aiaiBji LOOKING FOR' A HOOD tlRUV If yea waat th beet aetlafactloa far your money, then tnveetlgataj my Hat of choice lerm u ever uregva and waningaeV. few of them: $1000 so acre ef choice land, fair tm provementa. cloe Middle toe atatlon. , $o.'J00 40 acrea good land, well Improved, ' IS mile from Portlaad, cloee good Bcbool aad town. . 86.000 80' Acre, aptondld aoll, all hi ultj . ration, new building, eloae to Portland. (M.600 Beautiful 100-acr farm, Bear T ganlvHI. tertua. or gxchange for elty property. I $46 per acre $64 acrea, well iai proved, beet ' of Bolt, doae to milk eondenalne factory at ' Foreet Groeet one of the - banne farm af Waahlngtoa county. , - , BM.OOO. Oa eaay term 830 acree of the oee i wneet nra, near roiuaaa. waan Croo Bar roe the niece For a good farm from 8 to 40,000 acre aee r. yruriH. 18 h rmt st ACREAGE BEST BUY IN PORTLAND acree at Oah Grove, beet ef aoll. Be gravel. In fine atata of cultlvatloa, naw boun, bara (nd eblckenhooee, t well, 120 fruit - tree, af all klnda. 260 grapevt, all th atock aad implement; a great bargain at, with eaay Una. chaaca of root IXeUm. f. Fncns., 14BI Flrat St: FOR SALE TIMBER. CERTIFIED tn. an ate .weaeeat prl W. . Hewelt, 888 Chamber eg Oeaa- WANTRD Timber glalma. ' loa ta water ' j-railroad.-for caah, ownera" only. '7 , COLUMBIA INVESTMENT CO., . Oor.-Alnaworth and linhra are. 1 ' Phone Weodlaw 226. . For Sale -By owner, about BOO, 000,000 feet af yellow fir and cedar. Including eeveral thooeand acre f land; price $126,000; one half eaak, be lane to ault; no agent or brokers need . w 11, ear e-oaraai. BRLINQUISnMENT FOR SALB Timber claim, 2. 600,000 feet fine yellow pine, well located;" - mnat 11 at ence; price $160. 0 8, JoaraaL FOB SALE 800,000,000 choice fir timber: a fu-et-elaae ' milling and logging propoeltlon; price wilt enly be quoted to an actual buyer. Call at room 818, Marenam bldg. . FOR SALE 78.000,006 feet af Br timber, eloae la a rillroad, including logging outat and wmui wita capacity ox vo.utej reec pan. If -taken at ence can be Purchased - fttr t t dally; -wr tin , prlca of th timber; act quick If yoa want a 1 bargain; nut eell. iOw nee, W T, ear Journal. HORSES AND CARRIAGES. FOR SALE Teaaa. 8.400 pound; 1 team. S.BO poaan, aa 1 gaeap Borae, l.XM PboB Eaet 8648. 2J Rueeell at. HORSES AND COWS ef all kind foe eel at very raaaonabl price. laqnlr (78 Front at. ALL klnda ef bore and waron for aale er hire at reeeonable price. 800 Front at. NICE S-year-old mare, fine driver, perfectly city -broke: welgna boo aoann; at oca ley Green Nursery.- Pnon Union 1221, A GOOD work-hoc aonnd and gentle, work alngla or ooobt lu plow w wagou; weight J.flO poonda, worth $100, If takeo to a week, $86; Uk St. John car, get off at MeKsnna venu atatlon, walk aorta eaa block, aak fur Little. . . , , .... ...'- A FINELY-BRED driving and eaddle mare. S f ear eld. thoroughly city broke, with (well rap, harness and saddle, will be aold at a bargain. Cell it H G liana at. AUCTION SALE, 420 Eaet Clay, corner fllxth, Thursday. June m. at 1 a. m.. 80 . bend of bone, alao verl fair delivery, expreee na camping wagena; 10 Beta or nam. 4 oon Twaddle, auctioneer. FOR SALE Gentle riding pony. 6T4 Irving et., etiat. WANTED To bur medtnm-elaed truck er low- down wagon. Crane Bottle Co. Phone Main TO EXCHANGE. EXCHANGE. ' : Bakery, confectionery and grocerlea for va cant lota, or7 hoo and lor, aad will pay dif ference, $1,600. . ... Dandy rooming houee, 1 1 noma, . for va cant lota, er amall ranch, $1,800. Oonfeetlonatiaa end tee cream parlor : fln location and trade: will pay .caah differ ence ea boo and lot, $1,000. Secured mortgage for ihouae and lot: will par difference; mount' to about $2,000. Rooming house, 80 room, for recant Iota, Bieoo. "THBrTiBKTdAo' TRUST W.j BO Seventh St - FOR SALB OR TRADB. A full corner lot. S block from th Brook - Viva cbool, eeat aid, 8-room bona, "newly papered ana tintea; aiaoi ana rain houee; will pay 14 per eeat oa uveatmcat te rent; what have yon? M. E. LFB, . . - 88 Sixth St. $10,000 WORTH farm property and suburban acreage cor aaie or xraoe ior ineiu rgniara property; could divide above; ne agent. Ad dree owner, D 86, care Journal. CIGAR end cndy tor AI location, cheep rent: will exchange for acreage eloae In et value $760. Call 824 Flrat at., evealnga. FOR SALB 0B TRADB for country etore, ale rleaa grocery. Iocs tea in pieieanc part 01 elty, doing good buaiaeee. C 76, ear Joaraal. WILL trade 8 40-acre farm near Rlllabor Cor home in city; one eon, goou nuuuinga. HA0EMANN dt BLANCUARD, I , 81 Fifth at. EXCHANGE OR SALE Oak Grov bom far eottag la city, value ei.ouu; iuuxw leei, B-reota house, rant, garden tool and wood, on eartlae at eta lion; fine piece to ralae flower. 16 aerea aeer Cmrakenlk, B acre In bearing winter apple, eome building, fenced, on food road; for eottag ;ln city; will pay dlf eranee la each. Man with team earn make $8 A day. Sale price. $460. H. O. BROWN CO., 847 Waahlagtoa St. Pbeae Pacific SOS. HOI'SB and lot, value $2,000. cloee m. Seattle, will trade for what you nave., u tu, Journal. TO EXCHANGE. IS aerea to Sooth Portland, S block from earllnev rip for eubdl vision; would trade for tork ranch, farm, orchard or city property; 60 acre farther out aold for $1,000 per acre lent week; might pay caah difference! If good bargain. D 66, care Journal. TO EXCHANGE. $1,000 atock In large going manufacturing plant la Portland: will trad for city lota er crg and' pay caah dlfferenoe. 0 74, care Journal. . -i HORSE FOR SALE 772 Oolng at. FOR SALE FURNITURE RUGS and furniture ef all deecrlptlon. brand new. In lot to ault purchaser. If yon live on Nob Hill or in 6-room cottar, da aot buy before yea aee whit I have te offer at my roaldeeca, 800 But Alder, earner 18th. $00 OAK buffet $66, In parlor davenport $88, $40 bed davenport $26. beautiful eek and ma ' botany furniture and rug for or 10 rooma, need enly three week, cheep. 4fl0 Eeet Alder. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. BARGAINS IN SECOND-HAND MACHINERY Donbl dlak panel eander ., $ 88 Boring machine, bortontL three plntl. 136 Donbl end lee bed Hoyt eurfacer, 86x0-- . htch YTB - Double surra cer, mil teen, Hoyt, tvej in. 800 Molder, 7 Inches, four lid, Colloday. . . . 188 .. Flooring taauhlnea. 16x8 la.. 14x4 la.. 8860 aad .....a, 460 Mortleer. Smith at Houetnu, each..,;,. .. 100 . Single eurfacer, eadle bed, Ln. 27 18- , Inch '..,-. T-.--; Ft6 Sharper, double aplndle .. ...i., fto f Planer and matcher. Clipper, 84x6 loeh. . . ttt Iron Is the, 80x17 Inch. 7J BNaiNES.". lt28-meh, stationary ......,...,,.......$) ' lOxia-rncb., auttonary. ............ V) 8x1 8-Inch 4. ,........ 100 . 7 10 Inch traction engine, '.; , . 140 ' ' Alan new anachlaery an other -neeond hand machinery. O. L. PACKARD MACHINERY CO., 181 Water at., Milwaukee, Wke. Chi- age hraach 84 South Canal at. WR print rear asm ee 80 calling eard. prater ata aad etyle, toe; 1 hoeloeee eard a, II. A. W. See male Co., 82 Flrat, Pertlead,- Or. B BARBER CTtAISS, gas water heater, pole. etc e vt nier naivage v., il Vi aamngtoa. BATS Stertt-wbeelera. tugnoabv. aaaullna aad naphtha lennrhe. bare.., yacht. ean-a. row hoe ta, bouee boete, binflhofiee and gaxllu mar Id englae. lot aal cheep, f bene Keel -.64, :.. . 1 OR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. GREAT DANE PUPPIES FOR SALE Thor oughbred, pedigreed etoch. ' Ed. A. Scbkith, 812 overman t., near Sixth. Pboa Mala ...... - ' , SPLENDID lot ef damaeed aawtnr-machlaaaM Wheeler A Wllaoa, Singer, Domeetle aa4) otbere. m. a. aigai, Morrieoa e. FOR SALB An aleaant lante etrrular now j raae, at en extremely low rigor. Apply a Mr. 0. H. Lowltb 0olda Eagle, Third aad - xamnin ate. HOLDEN'S RHEUMATI0 CURE Sure ear for rheumatlem. Bold by all druggist. - - BOOHS sou Old Book rht, aold and exchanged at th . X XamblU at. B1LLARD AND POOL table for raat er for aale on eaay per menta. THB BRUNSWirK-BALKR COIXENDBR CO. 48 Thir au. Port la do. FOR SALE OR RENT NEW AND SECOND HAND SEWING MACHINES. STANDARD SEWINO MACHINE AGENCY. H. D.' JON KB, 280 YAMHILL ST. WESTERN OREGON MINING at MILUNO CO. - headnuartera; atock for aale and Information at tog First t- Phone Mala 1828. . , WR aed furniture and - will nr full Tela. Phone PaclSe 788. Waetara Salvage C., 827 Waahlngtoa at. BHOWCABES AND FIXTURES Dad to order; second-hand good for aale. Carlaoa A Kail- a tram, 88 Couch st. Phoa Clay 87 L SHOWCASES, counter, flxfure bought, aold er exrhanged. Wee tern Salvage Co., 427 Waah lngtoa at. Pactae Tea. ARTIST metertale, ptctnree end framla - B. rj. aieoraeuae at ue., ata aauer . - - nmnvovmm weu cow, av --, . feet- Waetera Salvage Co., 27 Waahlng ton et. I FLOOR ahowcaaee. foot eek plat glaa top; counter eaeee, 8 feet: a wan case - wtra Baiveg vjo., mzi yi aanrinaiuw . FOR SALE Goad fraah milch COW. With without calf: a good ban. 1.600 pound, ' Bound and geatl. 1004 Mllwaakle are. Sell- wood oar to Urattoa orov. 0ALB WINDOW SHADE CO., 287 Sain St; FOR SALB Olda runabout la good ehapei . bar rain. Phone Woodlawa' 78. SO-RORSEPOWER Old 1808-tonrtng-cer at bargain. - Club Auto Oarage, 001 Aider. 8110 B PC1 $110 BUYS a runabout aoto worth $500. Phon ne'avuu, anar a a. aa. FOR BAI.F Betafl milk route. 98 eowa, waeona. horaea, can; good Bering bnlaaa exeallaat locatloa. a, 18, care Joarnau FOR SALB would trade new McTclee. eheaa. er good cow. vm Miami, Blount Tabor car, J. x. upaya. FOR SALB 600 atraight Homer pigeona. Hum strain; breed tor la ana equiD proauctina: 1 Garwood's trlght Homers prod Be that ' fancy No. 1 qub that dealer are looking t w at advaeced price. Addree B. E. Gar- woea, Hagwuae, ceoiornia. fob. aai.m riaaat fresh milk aow. with er with eat calf. 1004 Miiwaukia an. . aeuwooa ear to Gratoa'a Grove. FOR BALES Fine Jerssy With halter calf dAT X man aad B, IBih sta., Woodlawa. FOR BALE Perfectly new Sx4 Baatmaa 'kodak for plates er film developing outfit: plate holder; all complete eoet $36 eell cheap, or trade tor roay. cau er aaaraaa xiaa aaow- taaa av. CHICK ERIN fl upright piano, insed 4 ntha. 8I6O-. rood nnriaht. (28: Mt orran. 6.16. coat $12ft. 2m Flint, eorner Mala, apetalra. Room 18. FOR SAU6 fmall amovmt ef Mock la paying propoeltlon la Portlaad; no agenta. Addreea K 12, care JoaraaL 4 TENT and fly. 14x20. la good condition, at half price. Addraaa u jo, care Journal. FOR . SALB BmU ateamboat. aall at. Call 78 Ruav OOOSE-NBOK - wsgon. teem snd harnees, $78 month, for one bona.. Inquire 211 Flrat at, rortiaoa AuatioB noome. .1 FINR heavy troa bed, sprint,1 floe mattrsee. am a aew. t'none a.aat aaia. FOR SALE A good eampln waron, reedy to go camping with, at corner Beeoaa ana Mala ' atable. Joaa Dick. FOR SALB S-arm eoda fountain, coat 860. . will eell for $40; one 14-foot wnlng $4, coat $8; 1 22-foot awning 88, eoet $ll Phone WoodlAwn 20. , after 8 o'clock. q B. Black, 1206 Alblna are. 0RT gome ef that fab? ground lumber from Or R. Black, contractor and bollder, and have boos bnllt and aave peylng that big rent, Phone w oooiawa xpg, after a e'eiock. t uuo 1U1B S.S. FOR BALX Near Freach born aad bag $8. BTjjgt; riooa c 'iei. sura ejoa. FOR' BALE Iran bedeteed. orinea. mattreae. cot. dinner eet and a bicycle: all In good condition. Call 47Vb Davenport, Portland ueignta. ELECT RIO meter and gtartlng box, 6 8 H. P., 110 D. C. ; bargain. Waetara Salvage Co., - 2T waaningion at. - - - FOR aale er trade for young atock. ene dreeeer, one dining 'table, two gae lamp, n lady' bicycle and S pair Homer- pigeon. 258 Bala l. rnon ncoit uvox. r - White Sewing Machine Co., H. D. lone. 180 Ta hill af. Phon Main 6102. FOR SALE Good gentl cow, 814 gallon af milk. $27; owner compelled te ealL - Phone Eaat 407B. FOR SAL -Mason fralt Jars, U gallon 78e, - smart 66e, pint 60c per ' -dona: lid and rub- . bers eomplete. Crane Bottle Cs)-, corner 14th aa uoncB. , t'oon mm eaaa. S ROLL-TOP deeka. 8 ladiee' deaka. Waetara Be Ira re Co., ex7 whlngtoa at. FURNITURE, carpets, stoves. ete. tf yoa need .anything call and aiamln. Weatera osivnga oef wasnmguan sc.. 28 SEWINO MACHINES All make. $8 and op: . guaranteed; B dropheede. Weatera Salvage Co., 62T waahlngtoa it. INVALID'S roiling chair, ueed ene week; nap, o will rent. wetern Salvage Ca, ni w anrogioa i. t DAYTON compnttng ace lea, Howe platform. I Fatrbanx balance. No. 4 Star coff mlU. weiera eieivag vo., vjt weaningtoa St. PERSONAL. MAKE MOItkY EASY. Become a foot epeclallet; get a diploma i our mall course In chiropody conehit of four lecture. Formal. Instruction and ear method of removing eovna, bunlona, cal louses. Ingrowing aad (lobbed aall. wart, mole and ll excreeence of the huroen foot. By mall, $26; 86 dowa, balance ea eeay pay--rnenta; after flrat lecture It will pay for It self. Writ for full particular. Addraaa Wee tern Correapoadance School ef Chlrop. ouy, . amir uiug., rwuua, w, - MADAME ANNA LUnTET r- Prfnclpsl et- the American Beauty Pertnre, glvee . ed en tine treatment Ior removing wrinkle and facial blemlabe with th Frown paetet - also Mm. Iirrav't famoaa remedle. Eleetrl aad apor bath give. 'Patient received, with treetment, hoard Bed mom. Satlefictloa guaranteed. Teetl motiials from leading physician. Suite 18 Lenge hotel, Sixth and Waahlagtoa ata. Phote Mala 2011. SUITS preened whtl yoa wait, BO. Led! skirts awe), So. Gilbert, lOSUj sUIA BC. next te Quelle, rhea taetSe M. DR. PIERCE, peeteltet die, eaaa ef women; all Irregumrltle -corrected; e expoeure; advice free. Cell er writ. Room 8. t Third at, ANY ma a er woman eaa he strong aad he eet or aatng aeviae rule, xa grex caaiei en Jl a boa, box $3, with fall gearestee. ddreee er eall I, A. Clemeweon. eVaeale. YamhIB-abv, Pertlead, Or. 6ETECTITB AGBRCT-4afldeatlel mveetl gatlone; reeerta atada aa any Individual beat Bee or property; mining relative loeetedi . Bed debt collected; charge res Bono Mo ee. reependeave eoHeited. - Oregoa Deteetlva Service, otncee 114 118 Column! a Mdau. 848 Waahlngtoa at., Phone Mela BSIS. LADIES' . Turk tea bath. ee. hvartetrte perloni etrletly Brat-cln sleos tor ladle eniy. Flat A, 681 Waahlngtoa C aetwaea lth aad 17th ata. MANLY sisnr reetered by Dr. Roberts Wern .. Glotmle. Oa aBooth'a treetment. SB: eaua. W'oodareV-CUrhe V Co Portlaad. Or. ELECTRO' THERAPEUTIST, - Bee). II. Stanl curee every thla. tatm aaeiually. Bla Flret at. PERSONAL. YES, Palme Tartlets mske yea paaraetlrl iney core aervonaneee sea msa yo rr aHM a,w - a ku a no. mh..imI All dn-ggleu, er e ddreee Brooke' Drug Ce. (9 guaranl aaeriB Third tr Portlaad. Oregon. 8EXINE PILLS care all farma et nervosa er mneeule wsaka. - For men or wma. Price $1 a box. bores $8, site full guaran tee. Addraaa. er mil J. O. Clsmeneon. drg- gut. Aeooad and YamhIU Sta.. Portlaad. Or. BOLDSN'S BHEttMATIO TUI rheametlsm. Sold by all droggtetm HUMAN HAIR SWITCHES- Pay after yoa re- . nlv thm : md 8 eemple lole ef y your heir aad we will aead yoa one of ear $1.60 wltche. 24 a.. 22 inches: xamln It: If a big bar- Rila remit; If .aot return. Addreea I-edleef jilr Emportam,. 824 Ileajhorn St., Chicago, DR. a. V. RETCHUM earee promptly print dleeeae. kldny, . uervou. flVtn end epeeial femala troubled Call or write. Office 170 V, - Third et, oor. Yamhill. Phone Pacific 2220. ruREISH BATHS. 86 Oreerontaa bMi.j Udtsg days, geatleaie Blghta. Mala 1888L FORBIDDEN FRUIT, "A Gay Lotherto,'' "Stwry ef Sln, "Faany Bin." VAgm Woman of Fire.' 80 eeobi llaU fcm. W. Scbmal Cev. 228 Flrat et. DOIL'S HOSPITAL Repelring and dreeeing. St YamhIR at. BINO CBOONO. Imaestee et Ctlaeae root modi' dnee; eel la Chin tea that I certain cure for all dlaeaaea. 191 Seoand bC mhlU and Taylor. - SCIENTIFIC vibration rellevn euppraeaid. pals- ful monthly periods, paralysis, rneumanara; -tree examlnatkoB, iue v esc rare sv. RALM OP FIGS for all female d Eeat Balmoat. Phone Eae 408. DISEASES' OF WOMEN Prints maternity Inanlt, ) ' emlet lncetlon snd Sneelal r Dr. Atwood, 8ftnA Morrlaea St., ream 8. Phone PteiBe 1708. BOLD ON There I ene thing that wil ear rhenmatlem. Aak your aruggut ror oera tool or addraaa or call J. O. CWmensvn, drag. giat. Portland, Or. MOLES, "wrtnklee. trtrpeTflneas hair removed, let me tell yoa how. No cbarg. Mr. M. D. Hill, Suit t, Slltng-Blrach bldg. Pacific 186. WB MAKE a aneelAltr of aanerfluooa hair, akla refining, scalp Invigorated, manicuring, ' blemlabe removed, baldness treated; work , . guaranteed. Boom 202 Ooodnoogh bldg. MAN with considerable honttal experience, as tward, nura snd attannant, open to take chare private invalid; me roe tic maaaag a specisjiy. v at, care journal. ELDERLY lady with property wbhee to meet' gent ever no macnmoniajiy mcitnea. a u. care JoaraaL 1 Tat AN la haalnee ewnlne. owa horn and other men would Ilk to matt young lady 26 to as wita mn. : a in, car journal. A CHRISTIAN lady wiabee to BHt a Cbrlaflaa gentlemaa aged about 60; object, matrimony ix auiteo. aaareea JL a, car joaraal. PEDICURING 'and healing: rheumatlstg cured by handruhbing. lttH BUta at-, near Alder. MISS ETHEL WARD, face and acalp maaaaae. manicariug, euiropoay. Koom 20, j.av utn TIM. VIGOR. VITALITY D Poet et Cie'a I , Kola Tahleta. Nature'a grut-tonle for either ex, xne by mall. Albert 'Herat. Beeoaa aaa waahlngtoa. ageat, Portland, or. FAT FOLKS. Your wela-ht. doobl chin- Iroata, abdomea and bin vducd: hav loat 41 Bounds: ererctee. ne starvlna or wrinkle. Call Wed needev ne unite for free booklet. Mrs. A. J. Brers, BOB Cherry at, Portlaad. Phope Bast 87TB. . , GENTLEMAN et mean dee tree acquaintance with lady, age 86-46. oiva oeacnption; fldentlaL Addreaa W XQ, ear JournaL AN ' EDUCATED, experienced woman, not young, would Ilk boueekceplag fur single gentleman. D 86. CHRISTIAN lady wlalte to correspond with true Cbrlatlaa gentleman, 80-40 yeara at age. Addreaa u bt, journal. . . - - FRER treatment to every person who wtthla a week eomea te see what aa Osteopath can do for vote, no matter what yonr diaeaae la. Dr. G. L. Cunningham, 823 Allaky bldg., 265 Morriaoa at. , ON MAY . 1804, while boarding a Mount Scott car at Flrat . and Midlaon, a lady- waa thrown to tbe ground and Injured- Huabend want addree of C. W. Wateoa or aay other who wltneeaed accident. Addraaa Char In Buses, Arista. Oregon. MATRIMONIAL Honorable ladle nd gentle- men may he Intrrainccd to aelct memlier hln with view to marriage; manyWealthyr write for pertlcalara, atatlng age. Bom Clrela. Lwtrolt, Mich.. , MIDDLE-AGED widower. t, very 1 eaa tell Ithv. wtah y, No eh le tton to poor woman If respectable. Box 423, Bt. Joeapa, Mienigaa. FREE Your fortune told, future and paat re- vniea. aarpnaiDg, oy amenc eminent Phlkeorhee-Astrlolet-ClarrvoTBnt, St. John. 12 Sheldon at., Chicago. Bead birth dat and stamp. Know tayir. WILL voa marrr If auitedt My plaa of Pti rate inirounciione oy diu m vewi ior pan tlrnlar people. Write to me. Walter Mc Donnell, 488 Madleon at., Chicago. LADIES, to make aoitarr belt. Material all cut ready to aew; gi.zo per ooaea; neriie- ulara, stamped envelope, ajjbcx vo., ucpan ment 871, Chicago. " . , MAN 80. wishes to meet ronng ladv er. wid ew; object, msuimony. aaaress w a, care Journal. DON'T live lion. It' Be oee; ws hsv hoo deede f meenben who wtah to marrr. Kant weelthy; matrimony reglater 10c. - 84 Rasael bldg., eorner roarra ana morneoai ia PRIVATH alBMie of men. ehroale blood die eaw. lost manhood, aatnma permanently cored; consultation, trea, call lit. vooee. ISlVt Flrat at. . ASTHMA -Jiermenently' Cured encer,. tnmon. goiter, mom and swollen giana removed without knife. Dr. Voces, 181 First. AUTOMOBILES. COVET COOK Motor Car .Co.. Fifteenth and Waahlngtoa Agenta for Cadillac, II em, Oreet Arrow and Stvrn-Duryea motor-car: machlBoa rented, repaired aad stored. - Mala 8448. rVemporium. PROFESSOR R. MAX MEYER, 848 Alder. Portrait aad landscape art let end teacher, ATTORNEYS. A. It. TANNER. ttorny, 608 Commerrl.t bit. Becoad and waahlng ton ate. pnon Mar mi. Xrchitects. H. H. MERGER. Arrhltect. Ill Seeond t. ASSAYERS. aaaae-a ajiaimiai GARVIN CYANIDE EXTRACTION CO., Montana Amy Office. 1HS Merrtsoa St. baths-Imassaqe. YOUNG lady alva vapor, alcohol aad medleated oa the. rartor sr. dmay stark at. t LADIES Bath, face aad enlp aaassag. mm viiia, oei. -.ay ior ana Baimon. TWO youpg India give maaaag, tab and vapor MO, uu reurta at., ear. wuhlngtoa. Rheums Mam cured by manage by -young Gee, man iaj. xuoe man. si-u 1 a coma -nouee. MISS RAYMOND (Ivee hatha and maaaege . treatmenta. The Coemoe, at4 Mnrrhaoa Bt. LADY tram the eeat glvee erlentlBe mxaaag. npnr esq wm pains, mt 'i -jnira y Y0ITNO Brtentlfle 1 mamcu give letrlcl, tnervnai, -nietmoiie aaa meuicaieu rreatmente. IB La age Hotel, ear. Sixth and Waehlngtuh. THE SN0WDEN BAflT ROOMS, 2S7H Alder t.. betwna 4th and 6th Tub and vapor hatha. maaaag. letrtcliy. Phoa Male 88N8. MISS WEST, 28.ti Stark at., milt 18. Tacom yx'euww mi awe g i asai Barm p tmm 1 r- t wm 1 UiYl , BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. HOW R, D V IS Elf .HA-aVTW ttt S-e-aodhet! ri"ne eon menuiacturere; agent. I'W jouea Improved Loose I ef led ere, see the) aew Savtaka aaaX. the heat em Ah tank . . BUTCHERyPPUSX, R RIRK.ENWALD CO., 04-8oal Everett at. Mirxestbulchen' npply boss ee the eoeet. ' COLLECTION AQENCT ' DO rH ANY ONE OWE YOU ' MONEY f 8 COLLKCT BAD M.BT8 OF AIL ETN , ' NORTHWESTERN LAW A COLLECTION t ... 122 GRAND AVE., . ROOMS 14 AND I, - CITIZENS' BANK BUMi. CUT THIS HJ . ' PUONB EA8T 8040. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST. ALWAYS CONSULT THE BEST. PROF, R. KHIMO, 1 ASTRAL DEAD TRANCE CLAIRVOYANT, ' NO CHARGE IF NOT SATISFIED W H Eft BEADING IS OVER YOU TO BE JUDGE. I DO HEREBY SOLEMNLY AGUES AND GUARANTEE to make a charge It I fall ha nil vow by name In full,' aamse of your frlenda. enemlea or rival. I prom In to tell whether yor haaband, wife a sweetheart 1 . tru or fake: tell yea bow to wla tha love of the eae yen aaoat dealre, even though, mltn (way; how te raeceed In haalnese, Peultlon, leweult; hew to marry the on ot your choice; how te regain youth, health, and vitality. Remove evil Influence, cur. s drink habits, locate trsaaurss, care alt - aervoaa disease. . v , How ca I marry wtl? .' ' ,; , : How can I have rood lnckf ;-.' '' ,." . How eaa I control any one 1 - How can I connnec a ay nvel 7 - How can I nettle my uan ny eaamlT 1 How eaa I Bucceed in business How can I conquer my How can T ret a rood poeltloa T How eaa I keep my wife lever . How raa I mak my bom happy t - How nn I remove bed lofloeoeee t ' "'"How can I mak any one love nT " How ran I bold my husband' a Vint How ean f marry th on I booee 1 How na I mak dlatant aaae think of map - - Permanently Located I Bla Own Bom. HOURS, 10 TO B, DAILY AND SUNDAY. - No. 286 Fifth afr,- earn sr Madia UsohsL Freei - Free. Free. . IF NOT CORRECT. . . PROFESSOR A. PY0. the BTmlneat Clairvoyant Psychic - Mystle Special RednrtloraT Thfx Wsk. ' Ending) 60c BOe 6O01 do 60e 80a 60c 60 Boa''. -. Wonderful, bewildering, la the work 4 Pyo, whose readings are revelation; advtc ea lev, marrlag. courtship. Inialne, ml see f si so reunite th separated; give, secret power to control eaywne la 21 daya. He tell yoor full name and what yno want to fcaevr All hualnaea atrletly eonftdeatlaL The Olive. 80314 Waahlngtoa St, Fifth. - Hours B a. aa. to p. am. A SPECIAL. $8 reading for $1. St. Georgf "Ormonde, Royal Englhih Gyp v. ' Cosul( hlm 'ofilove, bualneaa, changn, marriage, 41. voroa; tall namee, date, secrets, bow te get well, be magnetic, phyelcally and mene tally vigorous: overeomee had bablta, give good luck, rurea vital lomia, evil lnflnenen, pell, deefnee. absent ' treetment. loeate) mleaing friends, burled trsuirra, mine, ere) velne; tell yoa xctly what you wlak te know. 110H Fourth at., eorner Waahlagtoa at. MRS. STEVENS. .Portlaad'e leading palmist, aatrologer and clairvoyant- 10 Seventh, st-. eptv-Hotai reman MADAME ANNUVE. the wonderful chatrvore .. ene-en feance anedlnmt consult her hefore ene gaging In. any undertaking of ay aatoveg psst. present and future given; palmistry TM'Inea. 25c 16T Wast Park etM Morriaoa. PROF. WALIICB, tbe greet palmist, twits you every tblng from . thav palm; teaches palmistry; about marriage, love, buaineee complete reading 60c; accurate and-troth fill. 68 V, Sixth at., near Stark. - MADAME EVE, edentlno card reeder; aatJefaee tioo guaranteed. 146 V Sixth at., cor. Alder, JOHN SLATER, th world' gmtnt platferra tnt medium, -win aoio nai iaa xeei a In Auditorium hall. aoSVh Third street, toy alght 8:15 eharp; teata. nieaaaga and aaals4 written qantlona anewered. ' SPIRITUAL eard Teadlng. palmlatry, at - 30. Melleville bldg Second a and Market. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. BVBRDINO FABBELL. praahse aad 1 rnmla aloa aesrrhsata. 10 front u. PwrtlaaaV Oa Phoa Mala 1TB, COAL AND WOOD. ALBINA FUEL CO. Dealera ta cxardweod. oaI and green and, dry elabwood. B - R. ana . Alblna ava.. S block Mat of ferry. Beet 874, WESTERN Fni TosI-CB.. ea Float. he - tween GUsea aad Hoyt, dee 1 era In all klada ef boose eoeje and blacaamita eosra. ,Male 1018. BTEEL BRIDGE FUEL CO. Dealera la eoel, eordwood ead dry aUhwuod. Phone Bast 424 OREGON FUEL CO. All klada of coal and 808 Alder at. moae Mala an. BOX and planer wood. Standard Wood Oa Immediate delivery. Phon Eaet S81B. . 4-FOOT eordwood $8.80 par cord; sawed. $8.79 and $4. 4W Commercial ax. raena aisw. PORTLAND BLABWOOD CO. SUbwood. $1 J0 end wood. $1.16; Inside, (8; ary, giou. Man 811. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. WASHBURN A FLOTT) Caroentera, Joiner stii carrlag work. 83 eta at. rnoa t'acine xiua. e STAPLES A MOORE, contrast ova aad Jobblnal all klnda of cement work, walla Bout 01 atona aad cement block.' 181 tint. Mala 6864. a CARMICHAEL. eon tractor and bullaer; store ar.d ooce nttings. ruts at. raeae raeiani B. HENDERSON Carpentering - end Jobbing promptly attended to. Beeideaea 6 Mil wenaie stttsst anna. - CIGARS AND TOBACCO. ' M. A. GUNST CO Dlatrlbotera cr FINE CIGARS. - Portia a CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE WHOLEEALB erockery aad gwnware. Praet Begm A Co.. 10 to IK glfth. ear. Stark C CARPET CLEANING. STANDARD Carpet Cleaning Co.. largest prss on in cnasx. Lewing aaa naraiai eie. , ieee phon Xaet 280 Carpal clan4. reatted, aewer and laid; both ima and let eet prnard air proeen: ranovatla mattraiaa nd feather a apeclalty. SANITARY carpet cleaning, end Ion ad eome pressed air combined; carpets eleeaed eo 1 pere eteaaea a Boog ' without removsl. Msla 1684. Mala 8200, 1. HUNTER, steam arpet aad mattrsaee eleener. 660 Jefteraoo. Pboa Mala 814. CAFES. THE OFFICE 2X6 Waahlngtoa trL, phone Mai 1 iiiwi sa "Twiai 1 'Tinaasn niaam aaaaaaaasssna ' v CHIROPODISTS. CHIROPODY AND PEDICUBINfJ. Mr, hf. D. mil. BUlT I. aeiiing-mrec wiow.-rseiaw aaae CLEANING AND DYEING. A. WHITE LILT TAILORING CO. Cleaning, paeeelng. repairing; French dry cleaning Peon answered promptly. Pacta 41. Aids and tlh. PortUnd Stsam Clnatng 4 Dyeing Worhet pras. ttcel better ta ceaaectloa. gii eta. r seine ui. CI.OTIIES cleaned and praea.d $1 Be month. Unique Tailoring Co., 847 Waahlngtoa St. 7 W. TURNER. nrofasaVinal dree aad 1 808 Jeffersos st. Phon Mat 8618. - DRESSMAKING, DRFSBMAELNtl f 11 klndw. Hotel Reeyo, loth and n anniia rieas rsea. . aVe. SHORT eoorsee gtvea during gammer ' Ketetera lareeannaking aeiiese, aaa Allaky, 36 Mocrleoau . Pattern eat he r. re. .,v-rr- 111 1 mil' iWJavj5XJ-aa-aaaaKaaaasjsaeaaa,. TRICALtSUPFLir"". PAC1IIO RLK.1HI'' lU-l-elar - ' tea, repair, electro. w 1, Bint, M. BUXsW AiaiA . tm i. ,