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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1906)
Si. . :-r-'y'' 'T THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, "PORTLAND, SUNDAY MOR SUPPOSITION is a rniffhty poor thing: to bank on; DON'T SUPPOSE that everybody knows your want, but actually KNOW that ' they know by placing a "WANT-AD in the JOURNAL, the HOME paper o PORTLAND. Over 25,000 guaranteed circulation daily '"' "' " ' ' ' ' I. I . ' ' ' ' I " ' . , ' "I. '' " 1 . I , ' I . I I . I . ". ' ' ' ' ' ' ! EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. V FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. ' FURNISHED HOUSES, .- . BUSINESS CHANCES." FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. ; FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE- -REAL -EST ATS. . THE mpk.ymeut 0. BOB atorrlsaa jn eleeneat, most pleeeent rooms ill Portland r0 K?J,7;i'w ,,."'.ar.1?t,, bo?T,ll!; BARGAIN , tustsursn.-1u good location. Mng ilT 6-ROOM HOUKfl. which I. all completed eg- FOB BALB Sty icm bw ! Be Mr, tnrpraeed: W'?.Ma"? ;..'''' ' '"as.-. st. Pbous PaciH. S3. . art at 211 Sersath it., I block sooth of otel J"? dIHoi . elj J "liJll '?p ta " bustueas; thlal-lll beer cloee loreenre- - ccpt papering, will be e.crlfloed in oedee t. 11 ion Mar ears I seres, saw houss, ebssp. .JnjrS .8Hpy?? S!?0-. -". ' Portland; m Buva8emeot. porch. Apply J 6. cere Journal, -t - t(wa. learlnT tbs city; prk 700. get money; two lots 60xl esrh, amall aback out; 40 sores m! car. 18 miles out. cheep. " V ' ""V sbsolulsly the BA.NSXS EMPLOYMENT Omc . , " "r TTTrr J' bona 8366. and garden truck, flu war a and young traaa; I new bouses, an.aU amount dowui Ma Ja',T. M1, a- .,.,, nr. FOR, MSN. ., ONB Una furnished m, suitable for two JLJ. 51. ,tT. M , -r ' ' , . .rarythli., om for $.S0 raah. Loeatlou R1"0. houaa, wall. -aO trrra. uaar ie car; ... . HAiJKMANM ft BIANtHAatM . . M K. Soraod at Pmm Vala IBS. ntlamau, St lat batwacu CUj and MarkaL K1n,1,i, ' p.rfI? mi- WANTED. . , Portanwutb. flaaat auhurb of Portlaad; takt - l.0O; Unna. Una front (US up. on carlina; ' 1 Mfth at. ' .- ' . i? , , ' yortnmp. Paona.. Pacific ir., wouau wltk f 1,600 to luraat la llfk fit. Jobn fr. rt off at McKanaa imw alraata fnded d alilawalka In; ellj watar. , . . . T rr - (J r)t'R IMP. AGKNCT H.lP "W"' dm, KKATY rurnlahad room, walklnf dlalaor; ,,,,, ,,,.,. i , ' manufacturing bualnaaa; artlrla ot ulnraal al.tiua, walk aortk una block; aak for LIU la. A-roooj booaa aa earUna. eoruar lot 60x100, 7?.?.? u.f' ?? t"rtt 'i - ' 1 Wortk uvcoud at. Ptona Malu 11. ' bath. plKMia. ate., $ r iwth. 610. H.wt NI na.; no rlak and aacluatr tarrhorjr; aalarr , 40; torma. - iS. S.?! F, V tU Hfc " . ua-qpg ii iimm t l.-V-r.-T...., - rounding 17.60. Wautaru Oragon Truat C. aod fnteraat for analn tka buataaaa. Ad- Kir corw M, faring K-foot atrMt. M . PRITw POWSLL. ' au.. urar Lllutou at. . - :" - . ' ' Uraaa D wS, eara Jouraat block from atatlou- b-a A. J. Harrla, awaar, 167V4 first at, room 1. . nnnJ . T. 1 .. ... ' ' - WANTED-REAL' ESTATE, : FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. m, ,r'ed cin. for roon. r, o.ui -' baroains in kal wtat-.' ISBm-,, SaVal-f " "J-1 " . ' ' m ""-""",,,-"" "" - ' T.ry raaonabla. Pboos Main 4a75. . btulnaa chanc aaleamau; amaU - TTTRPB SPKCIAL BARGAINS. - I0Oioo In Pladnumt, 11.000; half auk, '-T "I. "h,r t". J"Z.trrm- , ' Ifl wst proparty a Llnntnu road. - Tnk aflTCHrl.U ITakoors aod "aark r " 1 , "T" capital naulrad. Hoax Und Co, 16S IT0 (WilOO, aloplug lot oa 1U at., wast balaaco Um." - BE8Z. . POK8EN, . Atkt oa aaat slda batwaea Oak ana rfctctna, kot.-ka.plng and . traoslaati aaa- m ' First fc alrta. slghtlr, good neighborhood; ,160 saab t room houaa jnd lot 60x106, ,1,000; ,406 ' , - H Morr-oa at. . - Onuck, araat of 4tk. y., anlot; prlcaa raaaouabto. . FOR RENT FLATS. ' i and $20 pr month; par rant. . . aowa. baUnco Ta par month. J ' " . ' W. w.nt all klnrta of bargilna rraldanca . ; - i , IT- FOR BAMV-Rcal aatata offlca: cbaap rant;, ,700 8100 oa Bancroft aranaa. fin. Haw I-ts ou Alraworth ava., ,260, alao la Hlfk- ro.?h"AifB'' tar ,K"kJ J ' 'and bunlnaM pmrwrtla. WANTrn Plain, rrllabl ceupla to taks fur- fOR RKNT Troom flat, flrapUra. rnaca. aaay tarma. 661 Worcaatar blk. south and aaat, ssraral shads traaa; aalUbls land Park. ,100; tar mi assy. ' - , ' i .V..k i ?2 '" ' .u- HKII-BHONNER f'O- - nlahad rooms la beautiful bam, gtrlt'g owner all modern; corner Park and Jafferaon; In 'i .' ' . . for bungalow; . , . New 6 room houaa, ,100; ,18 par mouth. A abTl' i'. T"er S Tow- 61.g Lumbar Kxcaa-ga. M and-gtark. meatai Wlklng dtaUnoa; abundance Xrult 'a Srattaas condltloa. Inqnlra V. T. Xnrnar HINB CHANCK -baring coast and win saU ,?7 6OxlO0 1 good . lot fronting oa Bt. . Mouaea for rear ' Aldar St., la a W, . Ry, " ,' 111 V a "O eowars. Scott Ti roornlugs. A Ca.ieS mat it. lima Hill lit. ' od general store turning stock tlmaa; , Johns ear Una, WlUsmatU additloa; W6 faak. A. H. BUTTON ft CO.. Baal -stats, " waitiaa-rooa- - , WAXTKft Lt ta for equity la , i . .. caah trade; low axpease; dlaouunC , John- . and isr month. ' Pbona Beat 6x6- Inloa aad AlnaworUv aea. " . or T-room ho w. I ana Baat U. . A RGB alagaatly furntabad hoaaakorplng r0R RENT Jury 1. aodera Tunat, tKH aou, vara journal. HOTCHKIM ft WW)D, . , ,, , . . w. V SS?! ." "da 111 ' ' .,. -via rooms; gaa range, ranaug water. Ths iawns- 2th at., oorner Columbia; la'llrat-claee eon- ' . ' Room 113 Allskr Bldg., Third sod aforrtsoa. 8PLBNDID corner and ana tuslde lot near Baat ZZvZ'. "!? u .V "'a, from. i WANTKrv-Hooaa on aaay terms. Utla aWS. aai io. Alder at. dKien. 'iconlra W. T. Turaar Co., W riRT-CI.A88 comsr saloon, east side.-long , , oath and Hawthorns are.. Phone 7T afua J", "P.. 0T Hawthorne are- pfcoae Sit Cuomaretol blk. . . w " " Front st. Phone Mala 11. .lease. low rant; good atock. elegant flxturae: lo-ACRB a pula orchard: one -of the beat 10 a. oa. . . Beat lour - 1 1 V . . LINDA VISTA "leepUg . and housekeeping. , , , price reasonable. Aodreea W 13. care Joamal. the Taller aa er produced; Just autstne - ' - ...--, . WILL 8BIX 7?': J?J?LW1 rooms. S47H Fifth at. TWO -Hate, furnlahed or unfurnished, modara T" - , L city limits of. s thrlrlng raUar town; aU FOR RAI.Kottage hi Bouth Portland. ,1.00. '.VcarUol HUt S ST!?yf ,0. ' ,tt la or where located.. Band deeerlptka i now eoneenlencea. . Phone East 6066. OBNBBAt merchandise atore for sals by J. M. choice winter Varieties, best of soil, fiue aur- American Iaeeetment Oo 666 Sherlock bids. 171 ,0 HO0 and Bp. aU around ' and ws will do the rest. Inreatora- OolJS PER WKKK Lerte. eleaa, fnrnlsbed . Coocklla, Hodarllls, Or. . A bargain. rouodlnr. nTu be eoidTt a xrrat aacrlBoe. inrealment uo. aoa -narioca lt. Tabor IM part. oC th cltr. . Co.. Ill Marauam bldg,' PartUad, Oregoa. , houaekeeplngHreoms ; laundry and bath. 164 , BROOM Bats. ,1 , and ,II.B0j no amall - 1 ' - . n.W. OAKLAND ft CO, " ' ' -ROOM fumlahed or aufurnlahed bard finlabed ; HIIL.T- m "'',n alda rssldsaea r-MTDw,--, Pk, a.cara - PartUe - Htlldrea. , 6-V , . , CaU apatalr. ,; Y 1 Fourth at T tJ&?& ZZM ' m,,y. Pboo. Wdlaw. -46 "r--t.s "f -SJeSri'e.- -SiJaZt IT WaNTB--A ooea, ma'a .'t. Uk. cm-of . -f - 1W " . . SS2 Ruaaall at. KtS FPRNI8HKO ho-eekeepto. forwent. ,10 7 V " , ' ' ' . li'TT-JtB"--. XSSSk SSTISZ ' JttMM M?j-Sl0"' W - Y' 'A'PD77ll ' ' ""V ' WANTBD-r, buy booa. snd Vacs.t W '-T 1. rmrut.'';. ?ln BAKERT and bulldtag'1 fog sale; a gopd-paTtng B. B. McCOT," ,0 Fifth a y ,iDlt- . J 7 mlr. cottage; d"ur I -r"'rf,liwU ,Blt' Oompa-y. Van- -.cTW to3H Btaatoa . O car. to lt t.nt. ForttanTT Compei, .f .ublll bu.l ., Addrea. Wllil.a BKAL b.taTB-AII mcatlon.. .11 prices, tee flrel?M ' J-efeiS ," oS),"' Whr "" . " " ' PLEASANT front bae-eeplng-rocm.; wVreTT, : gKej8- " "d " ty. Oregon, sdrerttKment nder iN.wTodVl .this ; i-f W -11 , jiyjumh,, W U, oj, a be.utlful tbrt.- TO ooxe nouaa. or escaat lot, south af Ught. phons. lVt , Water. sC -T - , FOR BAUM-Ralf Internet In a well-eeoibllahed P?" -AN FOBBBII maatllj Home Lnd CoTi Fim it. iT to L J,i?2 .9,?, l"Z..'"7 iTm" Jefrerson; wlU pay ,l.t06 cart balance oa . LOWER 6-room (1st. tit Russell near Oommer- bualusM altuatad oa. the Paninsula. W 18, . . . . Zl MorHeoo Sl ' - - . montbly. .Home Land Co., 146 First at. ; worth $2U0 sack before t year ,.; tonus, aw-, tmly. J t, ears JonrnaL A J J'Sa el 'U.xV -vi V" Jonr"L ' " ' aH Morrh-ei M. A .COSNBR lo, .r Mont.r.ll. car Un. for : "TaONl WOODUWN 228 - i WANT lot or noose and lot aorth of Car. " ' t"J':'td- CoUaga. ,15 month, a Portland Truit Company af Ore- -- 'J MM ---..1 W.W0 Bt'YS neat 6-roora houee, full lot. Baat $178 If sold Jloodsr. Half cash; lots near by W"f :'Z&&ZttJ&tt FOR RENT-. Birth at.. fnrnUhed snd . '""" T3 'PorTeWoho .U W-e.t -J W. fa. J -- Bl, add.Uo,. , arte north of Balmoa and east of 7th. about furnlahau boueekMpUiaHreoina, reasonable; , . ... V IT, care Journal. . H M .m- hooae. neerlr new MuataTllla ear or phone Tabor la. adjoining Piedmont T -v 4 . " tr'rVCrot fnootur-i V BUSINESS CHANCES. proved .mct .too, .t p gJSg-JJ SfxS TrZTf S$ ' JEU& SSS? ' yatloa at arloa. .P tT. JoamaL TWO ale. tent at ItOVi J" "' " " ' - , mh- Addrea. H B. ear. JournU. ,or bnttbeTS?! 'bn,' a..p t ".V.4 ieduT.d'T.'i tSt p? iTerul (, PHOXB- WQODLAWN . WOULD bay a Ur far la Wlllsmett. vat. Ca" ..- . fUcA it y- w.nt a tntU. tmstae. snd a bargal. V'-C.' " A"kn ' " FOR BALE. CHEAP, by beat bo. ( ley. between 00 and 1.000 scree. It xoust TBREB plsssaat bouaekeaplng rooms, furnished Mgnal Co. buy stock before Isle sdrs .. you must call quirk; bars to la are Inside a SlS riT ,, v. e-maca ' ess 6-KOOM houaa lot 40x100 hearlnr fruit trees. ku'ldlng propsrtr around Portland: an earllaet he nearly aU drared l.t.4, and rood dern m .nftmlahed. front, aw. ., por- J. F. Hurst ft Co., BOS McKay bldg. w,k; roomlng-houe. cintrallr located. w.U e '.rS!! h.reoV' liIi o blockar llni:- M down. 10 ' Phone Eaat 1746. ' soil) (no bard-pan)., close to railroad, and ; eelala baUi reasousble. Mala 638. - " . - ' furnished, wsfl eeeupled. . W 6. care JonrnaL' r Ki. ifi"? ' ' -Kwth P-ine Ts- 18 - . . 1 .- ,,. , ' , reasonable In price. Prefer to deal with ... . , . . WANTED AT ONCEAa experienced party with ! , r 'JKEfniii - : moata. i-none l.ooc im. IB.IWI BUYS full lot and 10-room hones on owners. . Address D S3, care Journal. ONB large housekeeping suite, one the front, . ,Ht0 to ran a paying laundry. For particulars FOR SALE 48-room lodging bones, oa terms; aaa." . lliT -blnetoa bids RARQAIN'S IN SMALL ACREAOE '- nt,h " T 81 Fifth st4 " ; ' ' ' two en back; lew rantl a few front rooms. rail 16T.H Fourth at., apstolrs, salts t. 200 down snd tennibuys rooming hones. Pnons Pariac 1848. . 100 Ablngton bldg. bjuaiib "ai ,5it0 , - 1 fJuSlt1?? I''iZjTlTr' lira. 14& - Main - . - - r,- , ' H. H. Hlgl.y, room 80. -47H Wsshlngtoa St. rTg 7yt w hlfh ,t.t. fcj.., fn. ,7rart",WOTM' 40rBQtBJo ? ..' 7Tll7i&Z TWO room, f, light hoekeln,. fomlabed; - ' ' HAT. on. of tb. best boo, I, Hty. 7?i .W?UX& cT- g:. ' ' '"" V"' ?J!--J-L-a--'a frT r-'"'- 4-eeond at. 'E"R,I. n-l" iff L"r?J,"'S!T -"""S ,LUI5,i.OW' no-i-'noTor Nirgb' fl beaTK; eloS acre... Impeded, 1 .era .rr.w .... twno. . ' ( r'croJoat Pori ONB htrge front room with an alcoe. npty O'o. "Vnfo.n'WT A1U" """ , ''d.rh..Zt X'l? a'ndHu.r '"ES ne' 'C.' lVr.Ln! XX X'Xi WAVTTO-tOOOO or mare acres of saw timber- Clay at. , toa ata., or phoae Mala .. . msnt plan. Post Box 47. the nrlcej 1H mllM from stesmboa, landing chlcksns. furniture, ate.) S mile, from Port- e ta city. , ' . hre b: HkAo-na Bukhara. ,i ROOMS, us. of bath and jard, t adalta) FINB brick corner , roomlng-booee. good farnl- . Columbia; Tery eoaeenlit to Port- laatL i blocks . from X''10 v ' FOB SALB-It. . block Sounysldo csr. ws'ter 4 Flftk. ' would board If daslrsble. 610 Orertoa at.- ' ' , ture, worth J-OOO; muatar)l quirk; price , . .tt llea .Rons, w- mi iii..e Hide -4 d laorrlsea. and aewer on atreet, cheap. Addreea C M. ii. r 1 1 DOtnot keep Idle money. A postal card will only ,SO0. H. hi. Henderahot, 14614 First . Er..,n? Room wo. gia Ausky Bldg., aa ana Mornsoa. care JonrnaL . - . .. , ,. ? - A HOmi aad large lot wanted. In ftrat-elees , , bring yoVfonn.tlon bow target the largest ut" room t. ,:-- ' " -" Prti,"'t "'L. fTZZf'S: JSSl LOT on 2d hetweea Plna snd Stark. ' 1 p - ' lecslltyt wUl Uk. ale sas, with prtTtlege ROOMS AND BOARD. ' re'urns na aa absolutely ssfs toTeetment of ! Jel. W "ti bow la stumps and Sflt,?ZT Jk. Pia, Bt,r," BN A P Choice oorner oa Boolenrd. near sta. ' to tmrchsas; iwnoasdbla mi and wGs only. n T JUM - - - - - from 100 to r0 J B. Beir. 017 Lumber , , . T Arlr Tril. . . brush i tsrma. ? ' " LMUlnTwaire AdlreeaD H care Journal. l'' : ' I .-L'"" "" 0 ' Pban. PeclSejsa-- bid.. -Ex H.Wj B . I bWk wM, Arbor Lody ..,,,. ,. ' . - . home prllTlexea. Tel. Mala.l3. ICeS ltk at. . 'rr M5, " . . " , sf'm-'riwii; I r"WT,'.-'T50", - " CASH aad ,10 inonth IpuyTyoTTlotesT WArJTTTTPINANCIAl : BOM7C8EFKFRIP BXCCR8I0N orerland m off 5, LiSi- NFW -rool cottare bath and antrT l South - , H O B.H0W.? .A. - rf Frt " n ' hea "r Vnd t - . . WA"TB0rUIA"t''AU - - - WEIJ-rrRNIBHHD rooms with board; rates being organiaed to go to Harney county. -16 Ablngton bldg- Portland, lot 60x100; two. thlnltj cask, balaaee 64T Washing ton SL. Pacific Sot. cheap. for 8A.V). all at oace. "w GI " NTE-S0t to sja new pp mine, ""bit- 443 a rSrcft b.k ''sTcooa1''. WaahC-' I67S BCTS 21 alcsly fmrnlahed roon-, all full. "ma. Owr, lltl FOR SALE-Lot o. n.', k.maa st . ne.r 8th: C, 168H Fourth st. ZwjSr't.t LADT would lk. t. ear. for child or two, , -Sfi S. M-l". bJT AdTi a7uTp. E. gSL,?' r.uP.tret,'hrVr.7' a" 29 A " Mr""TliU- taTrLlv- S -iMktTMT,t P0"0-'- " "- GREAT bscgslu. la lot.; o. Alnswoxtb f ara. : ducsment. Call to fOraaaoa juaesf Book Store. Motherly eareT rate, reasonable. .IaQulra 46J ' Bog tOS. . . . bsrgala. ..Call at 206 V Morrison st.. room 4. fmlt. h.y. etc.; gtxl "-ronui bouea. Miid-fo.H -Sherlock building. . soar Vuloa are. ' 80. Aid, at. ... , Q-4S--, aea, Alblna. . ,; " : M full; . R ?2ZS?l jJrSt'" HEADQCaRTEIIB FOR ALB.NA HOMES. H.Fl&iJL Swngt.. Mag - . J-T your mortgee, lean from Tb. Dunn lew- ay ANTED Board and room by gntkwnaa la SAWTITLL-aB.OOO feet per d.y-W.0O0,noo feet !P T"1 'a' ' 100 ,no,", '"7 ',ma T rooms, modern. it . h '2? Jn,. - ' ""a' MFt bldg. -. renee eompany. 144 First sC Plenty mooey, French family. Address 0, care Journal. of good saw Umber goes with it. AUMlly Call 806 Morrison, room 4. Buimyelde. t btoeka from esrllne. fox a.860. ms sea., full lot; just flushed, and only - . low ratas, aa eommlasloa. . equipped and running with planar, edger yn ,,.. . Broom rot tare, fall lot, cloee lnr at Suaar- '-V ' j.t.n e..n ' -' . - r . VaNTBDBC on first tnortgag. .Hty fof R 'K'.i" rtanderl Ult "TT ' " ' MT.t eJa, m2' J-- cafo; i : Ad-r-waMo ga'raaA. gpwt, m Ally bW - , " VTti ZZZ 7,6 ' ' 8" Ab'"'t- 'modlrn-oonto o. Ra-aU at.; and V " - ataaecnrlty. X 18. JournU. ' f , UN. SuT.O. Dlxouellle, eaty. Or! -AUJ-jA rOr-I-U c.x. Ta. -,.-2 1 - KRiL" CWaK e WANTTOPsTty wltk Sl.OOO to A8.0O6 to to- ' wtt-ohblrd?iS 410 EJCPBRIENCFD. reliable ncosnector ha. know!- "" ; -V gooTcar"o: "IT loT WxOO, ' t trythln, B , " 1 rU" r J0 propoairioni will pay to rourtk st. . - sdga of Urge copper and crops aa line of tano and e.. . in. .. i- v- fsVa.ll for ,500 cask aad hsiacs pUUV,W?Vi ,., a, rv ,. - ' " ' 0,k ... InwwtlgaU. Ha agsnts. Addrsaa 64. ears . i, Alaaka Canfa-al railroad, vuta grubstake; lL V , InrJZ?Z-l? iL J' on ee-7 term. . . ., tt .,JPl2P ft r " : ' ' - . ,OT'1 ' HfSnSE! FOR RENT-FURNI. 1 "" y..ndn .Tr.a.l.tS5,ter,t?h i ' P0RTAND TRTSTCOMPaST m FourU St. - -rWCTLT houto. nos, ' St. HOUSES FOR KENT KUKNi- GROCKRT ana n1. far a week; experlsnc. not nsceeMry. - Room - a roe-U Tlrta-i Oak Sta NEW monVra bouas near Highland school Tery JM,?,r- kt, 100x100, fruit trees, g.r- . - WANTED TO RENT. . TURB FOR SALE. , QSXtS pMy? J5Z Msgky , Cvmn "- Oak " 0,,.,; part caah. Phona Scott 6807. WESTERN OREGON TRUST CoT ' 'a---.---. . m.m, mmm " "' t- '- l- " n- Journal. A C16AR and confectionery store for sale Tea. " .. a. -.. -. .. . 21 Stark St. WANTED TO BENT HorSES. COTTAOWS. MODERN t-room boasa. does In, furniture new, mo IS ML O MO BO AN ft CO. f . aooabl.. at W Madlaoa ai.. Portland. Or. . : ,. , ajgar a. . ... . . ' ' . ..FLATS. ROOM1NO-HOI'8-S. STORES. ETC. for sale; rooms .11 occupied; owner leering " "j , ACREAGE. . rgnl.MW m!tPyrmt Ttt' t ' wk- 5 mT-.tTS. "T! 'I M1h,,-' h-P. Py. 7-... Our rental department has beea enlarged dtys terms. L 8. ears JoumaL BAKERT fdr sals. In good business towa.bout ";8T T. a partner, with ,178 for half ta- 1BT acres, cleared, and fwotlnt -ee i O. Wf ,ll''Xr.M ir 1 rir linea. mia- t. Phone Scott 6307. nd nrsTlded with sddltlnnsl staff. V Iimlstl: x olnxandlnAuoa terra t. la fine paying and clean business. ' P.. t miles oat: land adjoining selling- .1 . 1Imi,u efiehllaa lnTSroreme-t and -lo-ainmr . V ' ' We l.Tlte Bating from LANDLORDS, II BOOMS, does In; owner leering- etry must ( mU-ut; eT aXn wMm C 17. cars Journal. , ,200. to gsoo per acre. We ask ,135. The .- Ji."' lmtvnmn " JX!tS!H JZT" H res. '. offer norsonsl atreatlea to and eontlsuoas seU; bargain. - sis Commercial Wkv. ' rroi t r 1 n Port 1 n d aubnr " or St i"ha! " ContlnsnUl Co.. S48 Stark at. s r rmAITf 1ft dwelllna- j. bow i lwiL. i' H arra rsan. : , suserrUloa erer aU propsrt In trusted to ear i , ii P further perUcu-M adareea Box X. Lri COMPLETE sp-to-daU 4-ehalr barber .hop. do- 8,000 PUtt.lpoaman dwelling. imt . :borrles, 8js.Pt JPjrawlwy plant.; owh water care. - , . , Ortgoaf "77? aaores. ox . uro, business. Addreea .room Tl33i, NF.W Broom bouee st Arbor Iywl re tjsar St.- . irTi?TCPwik are B Koma?fuU fw-?"?-" 5Ktofi-?- f,r:k ' . 8. ; -I PORTLAND "TtCTT CflMPANT OF OREGON. . AUCTIONS. : .v. Fifth-at. --Phone Pacific SO, w tlon. on payments. Phone Scott BS0T. w J"1" JK? -'wmulnre. ty Ca- " 'a Phons Msla tBS. e -0-- -. -;r n"- rsbr 8 ACRES o, Penloxnla; e-ar, leee, ch-p. " ; .e S"' "S. --t7. to .t " .k anti ' fWTJ: nbcewe, yortng. broke., aoind ' BinB FOR . SALE REAL ESTATE.- .BhUy. Ow, Al-ky Mg. U.r,.- rst eUa, a. ' ( pca. W.e-raJounutL - -."t 0.?,. Scul''"'' " -' " ,. Tlboetto' Home-toad! rVw to cw,: C0M Win.-ett. rsiley, wM lSSJ'' f . WANTED To rent or-tak. ehsrge of hotel or SOB Front at, l-ooe Padas 100. Farmers' BOOMINO-HOUSES line and ek In; 8W dowa, 86 aonthly; 8460 Hood Rlrsr for strswbsrrles; best potatoes I watomJSiZy STZFJZT im mt inn. ..t.xt ' . ' J : 1 boarding bouse by mot bet snd daughter of 10 SubU. . We i eholce ltot of money-ni.kers ' Oregon; fruit, bar and grain cant be best; ,t&wt? JL' l? Kx" r0r-f-'- - U? FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. rUi. tot UTC' oTbS! c,by. Oroi - i SJfSSFU'&i t ' 'gK C'aTO.. AimAa-B-or-TO-Twa aupflera bouee, -f-Vr4--- .SST fr, yV. - at -wayt-d-BOoj- : Mfi FARMSramaTTtracta snd Tbta jf bargain, ea ' 1 "H , dltloa .lota fas sals. Phone B.-10B6. R. B. V bo-re 18th st. and north ef Wsshlnrtoa St. OrriCS roee aafelreoo- aad sample MH FW" t. . 0 w ptVtecteUn.. 0, R. Additoa. L eats, " " - ' ' - 're. ' 41 W'to" - 5S te .-: - -lE2-V - t.onr1mA3S'lo;Uwe:t a c --t w- 1h,e-nW4 ' V " JJ i!L hslr,- WANTFawrwa or three rooms furnished for ' . . ' ,. - . M " without Viak toH catltaTnTferance. ta arUne .250. ELEGANT oosrter block, cor. Bart Tweaty tWWY olr.C?"f jt-? ' J nd roid w',,r- U' .light bouaekeeplng; . eottMe preferred. Ad- "SS.I't niMOm tar palotsc or .cb.'ncs of Ufauie; oVlrne mTS , . 2 .. : .... ninth sndMFst Conch. Very desirable lore- ; ,: I IMUUIrUl oulre 841 Unoola at., corner Beeona. drw, 'Ja, car. Joomal H"br. 80S Frnmh . . '.otd CJ5T cTty." yoa outT wT." .ml.JlJK . " 8.B00-Be..tlful moder. Smnw nd eoo-T-RopM eott.g. full cemeat ba. ' .. WANTED TO BENT-Cottar. la cbotce lorsl. STORIT, , s OM-.: win be - . I-Mf. Co.. Dor. at, .- V trcaaU... west ds5 60. JoO-foM arr lot SO-foot .trt; 9 llVn1 t . rV ..... y. tor long time If rent la cheap; family eated July Oa-sr. 60 North Bast Ninth. Nsw York. a Ix BOrSo. modern toom hooaa, on eaat frnlt reeetables and Bowers ; Lanrelwood. .TW-An-adld modera' 11-reom bouse. 1 ?-. "Z,1 ?"" -: toed U WANTETi-MISCETrfxtOUSL' MV! Fllat l,"tAW MJLIJNERT BTORB.-LARG-TfBPSINES8; '"J"T- , ,J.)VJZZ "tTxModeea Sj. hoaa. and kptoMId ,1.,00-NEW Sronm rot,., fu.l lot, he., - Tu'-l FOR RENT HOUSES. l-orTHDRT AND MACHIN. -HOP at a l-r- : -onunUa; tl.jjjrnm. toX'irrPoJtllnJ ZZZr" 0-o.- (n. lot; t-a.f. ; rsc'rr ta z:x.:.rZ t rn.,nVrtb.o'worrd;n7y, .r rislzz ; r:VS "jgtew . , ; No. 2S6 Horla7r?lat, t rooms, bath.. aO OO seat and only anop ta the rlclnltyt only t, Sl.tOO. a good eornar for atore or. flsta. NorU J""": , fooo lot. la North Alblns: mian. .-"barsata uZZELLVl .J-"1 'n2l ? " WB WT7X BT-T, SKT.L 0B TRADE ANT OT.TI - i-10? cor. Barx aoas, S rooma, bath BO.00 foundry ta tb eounty; ahop equlppeiwltn 6oom bouse, new, 1H -stories; 9 lots BOX "rrfao mt C0- JlOO-taoO-lO .plandld lot. in HlfhUnd J !" Vr2,lK0L PuV Mlm'L. i, THING. WESTEBJI SALVAGE CO- 637- No. 60 Eaat 12th. t rooms, bath 29.00 ftrat-cUwi too la I we manufacture a aperlalty . 10n72S Zx.aJ aiOim- tBita . -46H Morrlsoa at. Park; Tory easy terms. - .. -' ti.MT. j J.i "J TF' i ' "tr ' , wirai.OWl rlariO M, No. ltn WhlUaker. I rooms, bath lB.OOf which-has a wide ssle erer the westsra 100. " corn.r tot, good conaltloa, 88.600. ,860 4 good lot. In ATbln.. Bear Kuaaell. rtSSSSTX$t'uttn'''''-' . - . No. 25S 14th, room. 18.00 parte of the TJ. S. and Canada: are doing W WMtPET ' ' ' .S-T -1 -T;hT -7- LjTa 1 Jl86-,loO--lt benatlful lota aaat of Pled- iric,! J?T1..? " Wlll,,m' f, . WB WILL BUT your furniture sny old time, !? S'"I 1. b,,n-" ' W 00 ' bu'" l th hret ooanlng In the gl cmere-d T'ldgVeorfad and Washlngtofc Jt"aj,r"L,h ?baUn trn-Tio-. moot; an. p.: terira. 10 .e. r.',? a.l. ; . Wsstsra BalrageCaw 27 WaabingtoB sc. No. 4S0 Bast 11th, T rooms, bath 28.00 whole northwest for a maehlnlst aad molder; " waaningron. mlnateaoat, 8800 caah. balance term.. Phone... COLUMBIA REAL ESTATB CO..-. r.Vl"?. . .,1 track a, South I No. S yemrth B-room flat 21.00 beet of reasons ft selling. C. B., care Jour- owNPR. one S and one 7 -room new modern . "sin 6084. Cor. Alo. worth and Union. - ui!-?.' T : ''irt- , . . ; tlwHoMM.a. MOBOABftca, .M!.tn:;::::::SoSo "iSJSsSSri ' . .- ' : JXZ?Z: . . B . - PAJNTTNO, spemymg .nd wMtewnshlng-trees. No. 788 Korthrun. 8 moms, betk 82. M) GOOD PAYING C0TJNTBY STORB. JJ0"' toU f K" - B. NEW HOME With a qu.rter block ef ground. . , J tJ'?J?A F-J? ,Sll0- 00 ,r ! i ' baaamenta, berue, dorks, etc.; largest gasoHne No. 808 17th, t rooma, bath JB.00 ,2.000 will handle a country .tor. la good .- only a block from good c.r line; MODERN nsw 6-room bungalow. No. 831 MlN- .lerms, pnce il.zno. ' j t . spraying outfit ea the coaat. M. O. Morgaa No. 42 Main, t rooma, bath V 40.00 location, with act aad express office, clear s,BOOhl house and 8 fractional lot. at Lenta w,,h )0 "b ,n1 thly In- nomah. Phone Eaat 1268. aVi5-?Tl.C?.T. ? MoIS1, , ft 0TKS Cnloa are. hone East 817." No. 6W Second. 8 rooma, bath 20.00 Ing erer 8100 monthly. If. yon want money- ,. urssntagtoa ft Oregw BeaUy Ce, - atallmente equal to rent we will - taMo2l? : a LTiLJj" . ""n - i ' " S4tt and York. T rooms and bsth.r. .... 23.00 making atore from ,1.600 ap to ,20,000 I,t.t iie-iiy iv, , son,, to year own Sl.aoo S-BOOM boas., an modera eonrenlenees, ffed.r" ro0 Alblaa srs.; full lot; FCRMTTJRB snd bouasboM goods. Don't By PARBIRH, WATKINS ft CO.. bare -teas. ' - l.less: furnish plans and epeclfl- fenr blacks from Msealy.v timet km. laqalre price ,1, too. . . worryosa Has at money, net phono P.. - '250 Alder st. 1 , F. FTJCH8. 14tH First Bt , NKW n.tlh g room. each, assy walking dl. . . . " ".L . V ""'Xln? 1818 Exeter st, Portsmouth. aVthwlck?Bo50,U " "" . , ette 788. tanc rent 8000 ner rear ooW 88 mi' mwi 1 - good home, to coat not srer n.BOft. -- AxoriawicE, a,0o. S BOATS WANTED --Ltst year boats, eteemeea. .XIT MZ' . PORTLAN TRCOmW WBeabuyjJ -co, , Un. . KTVKSrSS. - eg? -1, rntl ft Bukhara, .1 6 st. Srl Portmnd. Located as, Th-d d Osk Sta. ,t owners J-- gg -.r.. f,.. thaaarsTT-ty. sat 184. TUB - CONTINENTAL COMPANY SUMMER REBORT la TlllanWcoonty ''S. P 1.1, dl anT on w aoTu OOOpTSNYESTIOATE- A Corner A Injworth .nd Union. ., t,"' L7?i, nll'? . "JL'Z xr.t. miM " : ' 848 STARK ST. - - room sew hotel, an fully equlpoed la good - b railroad: ma-t goe. on the market tkr MON Ice alghUy corner, 82x100; dirt Phons Wood Iswn 826. ?-t..,f. KJJUW:OT.t.hj..Rr1c.-y,-..- . ;iK"U TrtnurirritB wante- c. rental- be, t-sr. "I JS ?. , 7J- mn w .. home ,a st. John., e-room beu, rTT'' ' , '".J.i" FOR BBNT-t modera eposes eotts-ee. tlV and a fine complete outfit of tools. pitTsoS Kte by ewnio ' .mood IOOtIOO, 8 block, aortk of seboolboues. tjosrtei 'bl-k. B. 44th near H.wtherael ' V WxlrZ-bo hom-ho-,' rr" 'tonneeal'rror'H Vb SPL-NDID llttU iroeary o, wxat d. Com ".t-r- "'.-V-New -To- nsge: wort .de; rors'bo, - gtOTS i " ' S .WANTXD-Tbny IjouaaboM f-lfure, cum- rBOB l, for 8BM; none better oa the market. arrr7 all auder fence; sltusted seer Ruse- easy walking dletanca froca badness eestsr; sswsr connected, cement sldewslk: electric . 810 Lumber Exchange. Plata, for eaab. Pboaa Pnolne 8867. T-ROOM house, 808 Second St.. near Clay. In- - Other grocery stock burg. Oregon, on S. P. R. R ; this Is one of on wy essy terms. . lights, gssf or cooking; btrrsUr-alarm .temi .nw-,!, .l -t.r- J' . , ' oKIrs 686 Ohamber of Commerce ,1 ,600 rplendid loca Mob. 1 ; the Best stock range, la tb. country; I .Ise F. FUCHH. 14H First at. bss a good bsssmeot and plenty of attic 88,800 BUYS good 10-rooW house, .11 nxoders) .. ( t Wji';TEPPJ,kiJ?t Prt q ' . v wono-Vary good location. . h.r. amrthir .fork raT" cootilnlng ? room: j Trull ! ml fine roses-, essy terme If taprorsmsnts. wlthla wslklng dl.Unes, west . ltioB- W L care Journal. ta B ROOM house. large bsaement. Key at i2.000-V.rr good bargain. f - , j.4, acres, whfeb will bs sold st a rery low MODERN T-room boms; o mr, eonalatlng . required. Pries ta.sOO. Call ea at address . . . .. . .... ; WANTED Iroa ore. grsphlto or Ihrtou. U..1. T- Hood .nd Or.nt, SotrrV .'nd'dellc.te,... f rV oVeltoT "U,bM" Tlrfsi. , """ 448 cWTnnLuTgtT00 V "r"' . ; 1 or elalma: If you ow. or know ot sny Uras FOB RENT 4-rooia oa Osrneld are - .IxSrorir bkseptnf reoms. , "" ,ow-r 00: ""haormANN ft BLANCHARD. , ' 4-BOOM bouse, sightly hslf Mock, frelt. flow- be lanes ,260 or mors caah and ,1 P ' SoaTellllnrolre. FINB modem B-roma eottsga at 1068 Bsst Mor- tl Fifth St. era. ,1.600. Main 8688. 818 Commercial blk. month, pet ..or. . lu-at. r Oregoa or Wsshingtou, and which are for ta . OTTO jl CROCKETT. . rtsofl 82 000: 8300 down, balance monthly 1 1 JAM Kg GIBSON. a f"?4 "!r" fr? " C. . . ' ' - , , 146V, W.ahlngton St. . ' payments. A. R.- Smith, 428 Waanlngton at. T-ROOM bouse: lot 84x100. at Lanrelwood Park, 8360 PER ACRE 81 scree fine lrrel lend. Bsar Pboaa Pacific 1844V. Room 100 Ablngton. t J -P-1 Ouamerce, Port- A TOTTAOB with rooms Aownstslrs snd 8 to Abut a 1 f sw well-loeatad prlratg -boardlag ; .,00 Mount Scott esrllne; bouas sll modern, 42d snd Fremoet sts. (east af IirlngW. A " -" , w bath a Allar completed lalt iKrasesi rery reasonable. . t - . HALF BLOCK. T-room bouse, user earllne. well flnlabed; price ,L00; ,400 caah. balance greet bargain at that price. X 17. Journal. ,1,100 FOB neat B-room cottage SunnyaMa.- .. . 1 1 falL No sa ltn. V 1 Ilia 1 oZj .1 ' , 61 6B0- will taks team snd wagon as part monthly payments. - ' " '1 ,1,200 for T-room cottage, Sunnyalde. v .FRESH Jersey caw wanted, T28 Alblaa, corner Tiaion st'' 810 w month- no ONB HALF Interest la msnufheturlng. Jobbing psymant. 206 Allahy bldg.. Third and Mor , T-room bouae. flnely flnlahed. In oak .nd 8-ROOM bouse, built 8 yssrs, . ILSOOr terms:. ,1.8p0 rery nest, s.srTy new 8-room eat' - Frameat. . ' . ... -Ildren? The Burrell Inreatn-ot Cs No. 1 "snd contract work; something new; ,-W re- rlaoa sts. - redwood: sll modsrn. lot WOal: steel wind- owner k.Tlng. Mala 863. 818 Commet- tag ,.. - I.. 1 "J ' .V1' . . First st. reufwin vo.. no. Q(llra- Address D 82, csrs J our net mill and tank 80 feet high, cost 8POt rich elal blk. - y . 42.700. or ,1.009 down, extr. 1 good Isrga WAirrXD -Oood rosea furritabed by eon tract for f .,, , , - - m . BT. JOHNS OPPORTUNITY . soil, no grsrel or stone, 4 blocks from snd 1 1 T-room cottage, nice barn, beautiful ground", . . koteL Bring sajapkaa aad prices. 466. Alder, mr RENT 8-roota eottaas. 818 month. An- M 000 FOR SALE By owner, beautiful borne, 64.000 buye t lota on esrllne, close la; of Mont. rills earllne; rery ehssp; only TEN seres, "til In cnltlratlou. t miles from 84x148 feet, lots ot fruit, Eaat Taylor at earner 1Mb. ply tl East aoth.- or bhooe Eaat 1176. . ' H .ere ground, 6-room house, bars; fin present prices of surrounding, lots 8660. 82,600) hslf cash, balance good time. of Portland aad 1 mile mat of Clackamas oa account of awaar leering, offer this aa a . . r- ... - . 1 ' ' v "n -shrulrt atuV bpthouas 10x18; choice fruit. . HAGEMANN ft BLANCHARD, . H0BAN ft TAGGART. v atatlou: fine aprlng water piped to the lead en. p. 1 . ' WANTED A runabout motor ear: muat be good FOR RENT 6X t-room noose. 824 Union are.. .Kltxt.W drug. tor. T tl Fifth sc. .. - 211 bldg.. , under 40-foot preeaure. Price ,200 per acre. - ,i800. with only 6400 down, beautiful aa new. Address p 70. ears JourssL 1T ITrWrmtTtageeT lathT . . ; ' ; i rir acre, at the same rate. T-roem-nearly new., residence, la rall .',; . , .. . ,14. Phons Eaat 6202. . , 16-ROOht- tranalent honse: mskes money the A MODERN house In Hollsday Park; modern, NEW modern , room houaa. corner lot. on Haw- T ' Fir. seres It miles esst ef Portland. ! mile loestloa, Sunnyalde; ground - TTxIlO feet, , WANTED Good gaa plate with T-foot tube for l ,r - eer round; w. offer th. proof; only 150 cement wslks. gaa. electric llxht. flreplace; . tliorne .re.; ,2.10 caah handle. Phone Esst from O. W. P. electric line. Fin Boll fruit; gteuteet bargain on tb. market today, -JJT-SSI.' Xt.lHoi Cl'n,br,' ot FOR RENT July 1, 6-room modern cottage, R. rent, good leaee: erer y thing la good eondltlon. 00 easy ternsi. See Kroner. 163V. Third et. 8767. 10 a. m. to 8 p., m. .ndi assy to lear. ,76 per .ere. STAU A.-B0SS. i .... . tommsres, or phone Msln IBM. B1. Kenllworth: norrelaln bath and waah- D 68. ears Journal. - ' 1 - 1 ' 840 scree 86 miles north of Portland, 106 83TM Wa ah Ing ton St., Root IT. , ' ,, , , atand, patent tolletT wood elerstor. 100 feet - INCOME 808, price 83.BOO 8 storernome, 8 ,1,800 WILL buy a splendid little cottage. ecree rery easy to clear, shout 86 seres la - - i Phone Fadflo 868. . . ,W AMTKIWTe aaxehel kwtw tew. from eaY line. Pbnos East 7M FOR SALE Leaae of nicely fumlahed 47-reoa Urlng rooms baloef; 8 Hrlng-rooTM a bore: aU 820no Tsry nice home. , cultlrstlon. sll No, 1 land; price per r tT? BotU thoD Mala . ram hotel, rent ,7: price only ,2u0. eouTenleneaa. . Phona t64L Ablngtea bldg, fc,2O0-t-rooBi house; fall besement. far. , sere for sll or Pert. Will glee teraaj or NEW modem 6-room cottage, la Sunnyslde asM- - . ,1. 400 Hones .nd lot. Sunnyalde. ,el0 eaah . TUB DUNN-LA WRENCB CO, room 806. Bare, block, all fenced, choice roost, aad might exehsngs tor Portlaad property. For fine home; rash or terms; a few hundred 1 . . . . . . ,, . balance ea time. Addreea w IB. csrs. Jour- 146 First st.. - WILLIAMS ft CAPLES. fruit: a bargain. parti.. (ere sse - down, balance essy term.. Address Bog .WE need 8 e."b reststera. 1 typewriter, f ree n.1 aoareea w 10, caro Jour- . , m . ,i,0B0-aronm boose; full bsatment. water BETEH, . D 80, ear. JoumaL .;. taurunt ""tflta end soma aooey. Wast era , -. CIGAR STORE, cheap. Call 834 Stark, corner PORTLAND HEIGHTS PROPERTY. .. , In house. foiTlot; hslf cash. bsUnee la- 404 East Alder street.. Phona East 411. ' 1 SsItsso Co.. 62T Wssnlngton St. sj pER MONTH. B-room bouse nd-t sora Serentji at. ' " .tallments. ' ' WB STILL hare . number ef choice lr few ass ue am- a 11 .1 a -aasasaa ax , suitable for chicken ranch 4 blocks from . - - ' Fins bulldlniT locution, eornprlahig abort t 6 ,2.S0 6-room modern frrfngtoa. FOR SALE New modern B-room bouae, full sal. In Cook', addition; some of fjhai 'are, ' ..... .'-.-- -,-,-. ... station; long learn If desired. FOB SALE Confectionery " and Cigr atore. - lots, one mlnata. from ear line, good surmnnd- ,1. loo Small eottsga, . full lot; ,600 cask, Iveemest. bsth snd ererythlng complete; lot rery elgbtly end orerlook the City B44WtlTer ' FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT ,12J0 per month. Iswsr fist, t roeam and ehesp. 461 W Waablngton st. Inga; eouH be sulKllrlded to net owner ,1,000 balance btug time: - ' iTBxIOo 8600 down, balance oa time; t prices remain the earns. w -- bsrn. SsTler st7 - ' . . ' ; In few mouths; 83.000 for tr.ct. - OTTO ft rROCKETT, . block from St, Johns earllne, Willamette WK8TEBN OBKUON TRUST CO. TH miKIUin 88V. NORTH SIXTH ST. - 820 per month, a-reea modern boas. Box ft 'OK SALE Small itroeary Imelness. ,4S0; real - . ' 846 Waehlngtoa at. atatlon. F. T. Gllpatrlck. --, . tei Btark St., RlegaBtly faralabed. steam beet sad baths. at. . closs In. ' . is; good UTlng-ruoms. D 64. cere Journal. : Nice 8-mo-i bouae end , lots, flno view, oa . . ) " 11 ' . ' " v 80 t-r month. S-rooBf modVT. houea. 14th : ear Una; 83.700; best buy on Heights. - BARGAIN -.-.-,. IN ST.- JOHNS HOIIBB and lot, 811 Twelfth st. : good bare THE GRAND. 4AV, Rtrrh Third st. Raosm tat ', residence district. 8000 STOCK af rle.n. fresh grocsrtes to growing . 1 1" ' ' ,2.BM MODERN B-room bomw. large- reception loo-foot frotiteg-on. Burlington art., close gain. Dsrldsoni ft Ward, Chamber ef Cexsa ' geatlemea 61.86 per week . aad aa. . -, IIOTCMKIMS-ft WOOD, subarb. doing good buslneea; as bed accounts; 1 new cottage., each 1 Tot, ea ear Tine, well hall, fall beeement; Yaacoarer Bear Broad- , to business' center; street ereee.ment paid , merea. . - 1 ' a 1 tl, Ausky Bldg., Third sad Morrison. f'r good llrlng rooma soots store' Address flnlahed. fine rlew. 6 rooms and basement; wsy. . ' for! rr,r 'BO cash.- - . ... , FOR RENT One Isrga furnished room tor two . . , g," care Journal. 7 ,3,000 esch; now .rented ,26 each. ' WILLIAMS ft CAPLES, 8 lota In South St. John.; g tna Corner) 806 BACH Go out end see lota ST and 38. ladle, or a eoaple. lot North Grand are. FOR RENTA atodera T-cooa house. 880 Beet ' " ' .1 phons Main 6641. Room 808 Ablngtoa bldg. only 8BO0; terms. block 8, Lsnrelwood Park; pert down It . ' Sixth St., South. . FOR SALE.- -. See as for sightly building lot., s create and - A flne corner lot. cloee to school etod c.r- needed. O. C. Shsy, owner, 146H First at. 4 POR RRNT Large, light, airy room, arat 6W; -1 , eonfectlonerji .tores on Third at,' Irrlog. homes ea Portland Helxlila, wltk or without 8-ROOM bouae, modern, Knott at, large set, line. ,S00; part eaah, balance 86 per month. ' '.. thoroughly eleaal well fnralabed; porcelain MODERN 7 -room bouae, east aids. Career lot, moms In rear; 8 on, one oa slew. - , - 82.600. Mala 8068. 818 Commercial blk.- 8 lota seer St. Johns Heights station, StOO) AN INFESTMBNT PAYJNf UH PER CENT- bath I telephsaei reaaoaable. 80S lot at. fine anrronnditurs. IM. ' Morrlsoa St.. 88S9: eonfeettoaery aad grocery " - V" " ' ' terms. ' ' . . 1 bouess. west side.-16 mlnutee' walk Pk , 1 . WESTERN ORF.OON TRCIT 00, aa Union are.. ,600. Z AMERICAN 1 N V ETMENT CO. ' . : - , . A flne rteerrtow lot for anly J 888. ' . '0., Income goT per mouth, lot TOttO feet J RICB fnrnlsaed froat rooes la atodera prl- 801 SUvrk ,t. . . - ws slse bar. many good bergsman gre BBS Sherlock Bldg. Phone Main 188. ' SHKPARD, D0BIB ft PETERSON, price 88,700; baft down; a araat aaaa. . nil bemei gaatlas-s) preferred.. 600 Second ' 'eery stores; one on Williams sts. will rn- . . . fOR SALB 3 JS-foot kits, only Mock, from 1 Phona Scott eOtl.r St. Johns, Oregoa. W. J. DAY ft CO., at. 8-ROOM house, clean snd In good Belrhhornond. rotee about 61.000; 8 oa Fourth et., cloee ta. 1 BIVBR FB0NTAOE AND TRACKAGB. . ,260 good carlln. snd 20 Bilnntes' rids . ' 166 1 Fourth st.. Room 88. 1 1 11 1 1 " " " 1 ' " Falling at., good swierTlce;; Bice liftls . We era hesiViuarters for rooming houses. 160 fes wstsr .frontsge. -with S. P. trsek. from center ef city; eoneenlent to BB0 LOT, Bast Third. Hollsdsy's addition, ' ' 1 1 KABT S1DB Nicely famished rooma, beard If home forthe money; ,18 month.- Portland Olre as a call. . 1 . . age. the entire b-ngth shout 800 feet deep - Illxhland school; water malne If taken sooa; 40x100 feet, eleratlon right. Foil SALB 6-room modera bouae m SeTTwoad. dolred. No. B' 12tk at, Soath. Trust Company of Oregon. Phono Fx. 72. 4 - PORTLAND REAL I.tTATB CO., . .nd1 fsclng on Macsd.m road, only 88,000. " l"'d: 810 per month, - weter, sswee, gaa. atreet Improrsd and paid. . Bear earllne. 8160 down. Address D 78, era - . ' ' 1 ,' . Phone Pselfle 238, j 2061 Morrlsoa at. llie Continental Co, 243 Sterh at. J. PORTLAND , TRUST COMPANY ,l,ln0-rvrner lot. Hollsdsy's, aa Schuyler ' JoarnaL ,.- 8,'rWLY furertehed salte, one atngls resrnactlng 128 EAST 46th st, corner Alder, good Broom . . ' 1 1 i ' 01 OREGON. It., near t'nloa are. ' 1 . 1 1 ' ' ' roeoi, euttahW. for S or 8 swotlemea, la bouae, lsrge ball, be th aire gronnds I00xl0v. MB0 A SMAP Bakery, confectionery snd lea SPECIAL large lota, 6-room eottage and burn, ' B. B. Cor. Third aad Oak tta v Honse, 8 rooms, new. modern knd fall lot, FOR SAL S eholet bitei Portland. HolgTrte, I ' roortera Btleata bom., 8 ' t suainfrwa. 248 plenty ef ebolce fruit aad roses. - Feg ksr vrream buelnese. it bsrgsiai paja big) Uriaa- near Bnnnyelde, one block ta . car, . .2,100. I, gear Eaat Ankenr; 82,400; term a - laurel st.t make effef. Farrlngtun, 818 blame a-aaa Msia KiOO. -- - ; I ftbea awaar, l'acUl ISX, assau. Ulbba at, TV abb, 880 B. Waahlaftoa si. ,, f, '- - ' an - ; .. CULTa I, 61 Ckaaiber ef Cunmarea. f Chamber i Commerce.