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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1906)
;rrtnn3AYjoin:::AtrTcnTi. and, suinAr- tioimiNG- jufre-.?4Mie3;- I.2W TODAY. NEWrTODAYv t.2W TODAY. - : '-t?W TODAY. NEW- TdDAY. v ' V NOTICE.' help Wanted female. -"tik4r -' C .y ... . , . , - First 0 t:crtgge q Sgcerlty U 4. Ths Northwestern Guarantee A Trust Company baa foreseen tha necessity- of insuring or oy aoma metnoa prolactin tha funds of Investor. VVa hava solve Dil perplexing Slid increaskicly gurrtous problem by ' of ferms hlaThtcTaea firet mortgHga securities paying P esmt. Wi give' the -investor tha full earning powar of hla money and above all alaa w give ti Investor tha actuiU se curity that earn alt tha Interest,' Tou become tha uwner of it. Thla la cer tainly plain: any man will see tha point when hla thought and attention la di routed to It. We will ba clad to meat uta give you full information. .. '' I -. . Northwestern Guarantee SFantJ Trust Company: -r aalu la pa mt scwatrrlsw. JiVKBEX bxcxabob BUct, M noo. stoutaeaat corns - Seeond aad mark . streets, Portland, OregonJ , ',. Hawthorne : avenue . and East Thirtyfghth"oect,TJIaVe a few choice lots left, in this addition. Buy now before it" is too late. :1 (These lots have all conveniences. a- ' . G. 1IM ! .816 Commercial Bldg. ; v ; Sundaya 1134 Hawthorne Ave. St. Johns Watfer Front 432 feet frontage by 1,200 feet deep, near Peninsula Lumber Co. Moxon-Valentine Co. ST, JOHNS Frbnt ; : For Sale 00 feet St. Johns River Frontage. The, best saw-iiU'-8ite :ever 'offered. "Peep wa ter, solid ground, plenty of stor age for logs and piling. .This can be had at a bargain.. Address, Owner, CareJournaL -l :. v : Farm For 44K ACRES On tha Tualatin river. 10 aores culti vated. Nice S-roora house; good bara and outbuildings; ISO fruit trees. ThU la a good little farm.. WIU sxchanaS fof-PojrtIad ropHyr : - Alfred A. Baker jiis-sis a.bUroa Bldg, si. itai east. NEW STORES and OFFICE : ROOMS FOR RENT : BY '. ear. 'Third asd 'Uadlsoas Anal Estate of D. P. Thompson 4 : - ; raw steht. . . Removal Notice! K LOUIS SALOMON ' asu estate, . '' ' :CMoved to Room 220. Lumber Exchange Building S. X. Cor. BMOH4 aad Stark Sta. A cmttd eoura 'TO All ktnda of Klamath eouitty, Oregon, Innda. We pay transportation of all FUKCHA8ERS. Forty vacant lota In thla city $1 caih. It per month. THE DUNN-LAWRENCE COMPANY SELLWOOD HOMES -L- ,W rira a number of good' Httla homp-for-ala cheap. On aoma of them we can make Tery eaay terma.' tntt from tm tip on paymnta of S down and It a month. . r- ' ' -.: . -;': '; , Sellwood Townsite Co. X- . AZ.atZft, Xaaagar. '' - . . . lea ft a. ista t7 ; Z . . t hoa aaUwood Ml. . A , i J TWO DLOCICS . WATER. FR.ONT e have 3 acres, with deep , Water frontage of about 500 feet, -and Tunning Jackl to O." W.'P, ' track pn -0rand avenue for $fl.W)0, . Ideal jte for factory or ; ..mill.' ,:' ; '. ' jj-' f .'' ' , ' LAMBERT, WHITUEK & CO, . ' 103-107-1C3 Eberlock Eldj, i rn hidiimui runs WEST SIDE SPECULATION. "100(10Two new modara flat and alu-room aottago; Inooma 1100 per montii; and roorq. iSX, 1 Wore flate aoaa'for 18.100. ' ' 'WEST. SIDE. ' Twelve room, Montgomery street, aliictly modern In every way; a model home; eaay 'walking diaunna; J,000 cash wilt handle H; price . . WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. ' Nine-room rnt4m houM, let 0100, lull - .T7TiiTTii imnvnivui . t ui f i , Cmnt wajji; beautifuj ltwn qd flow ers; $1,000 caeh U all it Ukes to bu Vilai KauHfnl kAmaa ' . '2: LOOKvTHIS UP; WEST SIDE. V " " ' Elxht-rnem modern heuee. lot 410. on Twelfth atreet, near Jefferson: noth ing ror aaie arwiKi tan piao at any' where near, thla prloe, t,00. . :;r GOOD BUY. . " "' ''WEST- SIDE. ' - litis an ' Taylor, near Fourteenth atreet, two . modern nouaea, rented rol I1A0 ter month: - tau lean t beat thli anywhara oa the west, side ;rlce HS.Ooo, ;y COOD BUT. ' Beven-room . modern - house, - 'East Twelfth atreet north; lot BOxieo, aement waiaa-Deauiimt tawa ana riowera ana fruit; nothing but elegant homes all around thla plaea. We oaa maiie aasy tarma rriee f,oo. SPLENDID ; BUY. " I Elaht-room modern house. East Sal mon atreet. lot 40x121. cement base ment, stationary tuba and everything iirsi ciass. mis - is an exceptionally gooa.ouy. jrnce f.uv. .. , ACRE' PROPERTY. Four and one-half aoraa, new room modem house on Powell Valler. road: one-half acre raspberries, 40 bearing rrun irees; . ,ouo eirawoerry pianta; una aou; gooa easy terma. f rice iceoo, r::CK TAFT & CO. Min 15- T5 Stark 11 ..C. of C Eldg. The J. N. Blair Cqmpany 315 Ablngton Bldg. Buy and sell all kinds of Real Estat) city and subu rLutn. . '; The best buy on 2nd V street, $30,000. ! I 1 OOx 125,1 00 feet from , Union Ave.; 40 bearing fruit trees, good 'six room house. Phone Main 6758. Want Timber; Lands Great Snap For Quick Action I Tha finest tract and nnl one left on tha west aide. All ready for aubdlri alon. Can ba gold at a great bargain. For three dsra only. Can ba had now at 11,000 per acre. Only il-mlnut ear aervice to center or tne city, sea I. It. UEMM1ER, SLXmA-BiFaiilMd. Or. " -r- . TM 'A WrarMMMXA. I XCELLENT LOTS v ASILY ACCESSIBLE I ACH ONE A CORNEt LEVATE0 400 FEET AST PAYMENTS VEST PURCHASES SATISFIED 100x100 It lots for 300 - Vow own tarma if reasonable. Portland Trust Company of Oregon ,. aUmthaasTtMTbtrd and Oak Bts. .An Old Story. : The asa whe atrt rent for tea resre aars Wirlr tta. erlslnsl cost ef the arosertr sad la awst esees the appreetatlaa ki BMSe tbsa the latenst oe the laTtstmeat. The I AST BID! has the awst ROMKS, kss US ORSATEgT pspsliUam. it OnoWlN(j the most RAPIDLT, and the CREATE FOBTLAMD MUlX lad WILL be there. HOLLADAY'S ADDITION IS the seesravhlrel ater ef the altr. aad Is the Bast bRKIBABLg Nelds dlstrlrt, and neck of tale will enw BC8INBHS prneertr. Da Bet erarlook these. FACTS ws.n siskins tsTestaMata snd call ssd In spect the property, (or Stelae; Is heUeriBg. The Oregon Real Estate Company Kit TMrd St.. aooal . roruaad. Or Best Buy In PORTLAND 0150 to Q200 Eah ei aaT trm. 44 very artractlTa lota (0x100. within ons block of ear line. Can he seen, at any time by ap plying ta ' HUGIIEY BROTHERS- Woodstoek oar, Oatmaa kaklaa. MINI7IC STOCKS 6oar d'Aleae. I da hoi zadaor isa en. Salens tUakrlst, Washiagkoak. A f"w snaps on the ground floor for thla week. Investigate. ; McKhlay MJtehell ;. SOBH atkMrk Seaside IP gh wood fotur. on KeoAnlrmrfl street, two block a from the ocean: T iooms, modern, hot and cold water-. 1,400. ) J,. .AMim, WaUTMam CO, ' v ' barloek Baildla. Salciv;nnnnnri( i -w. w mm v wg itsi uu aoAiv juiasTa mux VEST-SIDE LOTS mm , Only .13' minutes' ride' from Ktl cifl aaCsl iaMaif v tlia w- " Crvaak newly ' rnacaJamirc(l "sidewalks DflH CiararBl fin ' Q t a-v-sia: A A r beautiful homes, aridu view of ' a !.-.. nvcr. ana mouniains is-. jine. Large ; ehade trees on; the prop erty. :; , . :t- .... . Vye 'can - make - term? ' or loan rWrMi aaar Xs-ktai kti'lJiNM s t lari s A Portland Trust Company , Uh OKKUU1N -S7E. Cor. Third and Oak Streets CORNER LOT In HoIUiday'g. located r southwest cor ner or jsth and Mancoctt streets; a good Investment for $1,074. M. K. IXTS, VI Hixtn street. rnone aacina a. Member Portland Realty Board. Can Be Made to Pay 12 Per Cent 10x100, two S-room houses on 'East half of lot. now paying 7ft per cent on pries of $4,000: Investigate. Oa Corbett traat. wunsch a CO. - S10 Ziaskka Xxokamga. :. Gilt Edge $20,000 win buy 40x100 feet within SO feet of Burnslda street, that Is now oa tha market for the first time In 41 years. This figure la Just tt.tOO below tha preraillng market prloa. $10,50070x100 oa XleTenth atreet. near Jtaia; exiceuent site xor xiata or an apartsaent-Jiouae. ma BTtfVA X7IA. , A MAM ' MtMM' AM ; tioji street, near Twentynrax; ais- gant lot 00x100; all improvements in. $3,600-4 aores bea-rer dam. land on . joanaen creesi on susiaeaoa una; ait ' under ealtivauon. $3, BOO Beautiful g-roora house on Bonuyier streec, near Nineteenta sad IrvlngtOB. $a,Sf0 Nloe 10-room reald.enee on , East Blxth. north plenty of fruit. , vegetahias and nice, flowers. Thla is the bast pieoa of property, in Portland for tha mone-r. , , . , $1,050 lOOxloi.' fine corner on Al . biaa avnua" This Is a good buy. $850 New oottage and fire eighths of Dan W. Edwards oa Oragonlaa aida. luma seals 1S14. Cheap Lots On West Side 12 Minutes Car Ride I hare six lota In South "Portland which must be sold. They lay fine and should sell for double the amount I can sell them for tha next two days at tha abore ao be cjuick. -r.- v, . , - DAMMBIBR -to nm mm, na btaak, Homesteads and 4 .- Timber Claims Tract of flrf t-elaas agricultural land. alao good timber claims subject to entry under government land, ouaranteed as represented by this agancy,-' Particulars upon application at , ' Ames Mercantile Agency JlBXsTQTOV bias. 8rOOO Tnoome property oa Tamhlll . street.. . j ri. f36,0oo -Fine modern re si den oe, . full -. oiooav .- :,..,. $1S400 Fine modern residence, ons 1 nail DIOCK. , . .: SSJOO Modern f-room house and lot ' go, OOO list sids property, pays 11 per aent. . ' , : . . . SSg,ooo One-onarter block n Hoyt . street; close in. ROWE & CO. sst cxAxazB or coioczKom. TOtTD aims aromaT to 243M HOLLADAY AVE. I BAIT BVB ITBXXi ' BBiOB. Ten minutes' walk from Third And Washington! ' new throughout; steam heat, hot and com water in every room J rooms single or en suite.- Rates $2 to $5 Per Week , TB0JTB BAST SOS. A BEAUTIFUL Suburban Home Mnat bauiold at a sacrlftre. naw t-roorri house with mors than four acres of ground in a higit stata or euitrvatioh: fruit trees, berries, etc; to car farel price IJ0. .... ' , A. H. Birrell Property STEW Sale X.ots f aad , Block SI. Fortlaad Cltf Botaeetead, same being geaaraUy kaowa sa the KOlll siemastaad. - - Oood aovea-rooBi homse, with, sinat Haeementi good ban' aad aatbulldlaga, aad one of the flaest views taaaflaablo. FTca oaly aiooo, Wakefield, Fries & Co. ::' " .; .' Agent Y ; aCejubie Ponlaad Bealey Board; - aar stabs STBiaiT. , Eay Portland Real Estate Set On ' Seventh ' street, improved. In come per cent; prloe 417,000; terma S5U0O, west side front street. Unproved, Income t' per cent; , price 114,000; terma ' . ' 1 Ta mqdera houae, large lot. JUi Ir vlnjrton; fruit, flowers, etc; price !. 100; terms.- Modern hoaae, lot OOxlM In Sunnyside; - ft large rooms down stairs; laws, fruit '' and flowers; sacrifice flics 2.(60; terma . -- i . ; S-reoss new modern cottage, near Sunny- aioa, weatnerei oak. rmisa. woea-iiber . plastered; Price .41,400; 400 eaaa, bal ance 410 a santh. ' 6-room modern oottaga, lot 100x100, near . .Union aveauei very highly Improved; ' a beautiful home: nrlua iLtOO. ' Eur 'houae,' loVOxlHrbarn. fruit Monta villa, lear car; a bargain T-soom at 41.400: eaay tarma. S-room naw atrictly modern houae, fur naoe, gas aid electric, paneled walla, beautiful reception hall, nothing like t in portlaad for tha prloa, 1,000, -on S-room plastered house, large lot. Villa avenue, ktontavllla: thla la a snan: price 4440; $1M cash, balance 410 pec munia . . v Two eares, ft-room house, highly im proved; fruit, berries, ahlcken houses. . sta; a noma aaa uicoms; aear ears; prloe 41.000. . . SO acre faraa, Claokamas county, two . nouses, two barns, patent fruit dryer; '10 acres In crops, two and one-half acres In prunes; crop worth 41,000 ' Included: June price 41.400. 8s aoraa, Polk county; highly Improved; -one mUef rom atatlon; 118 acres In grain; all under fenos and oan be bought very cheap and on easy terma lota. SOxlOO each. (Monroe Park. rorty-urst street, one diock sunny side ear; price -for both 4800; easy terms. SH blocks, Portland Height: fine loca tion: once tiuv eacn lr soia at once. Wi have rrooerty in all Darts of tha city and can make very eaay terms If desired. Call and see us If you want to buy or if you nave proDertv-i to seu. labi it wuu us. we wiu sea It for you. Ban as vast roumr, asm atoirisoa. East Ankeny St. 18 choice lots between Wiburg lane and West avenue, all for $250 each. The Healy Investment Co: 210-214 Abington bldff Wli 3rd st One hundred and twenty acres of' as srood land as lava out of doors, three miles from the city hall and courthouse, moetly level and on a good road; 10 acres cleared; house, barn, good water, some orchard; 100 acres of this land eaay to nut into cultivation: land around this selling I rom (too to vioo an acre. We are asking only its per, acre. J. Ls WEL LSjCO, MOBABB ATX -TUB. - Grand Avenue Choloe corner lot on Grand avenue between East Morrison atreet and. Haw thorne avenue; 47,000. The Healy Investment Co; 110-114 Abington bldg.. 194 H Third st FOR SALE Nsw 7-room houses. Just completed. full lots. Bast Tenth, and Thompson streets; price 44.40O--4 , , PARRISH, WATKINS aV CO., , , 450 AXDEB ST,, INVBSTORSI- The Continental Company Baa secured some very desirable acreage near a apienaic car nne ana wiu piece the same on the market at a figure that will attract careful buyera Fine site and view. Oood soli and water. Further announcement next Sunday. East Morrison 50x100 : on. East Morrison, ner Grand avenue, pays 6 per cent net on tha price, $12,000.. The Healy Investment Co. 210-214 Abington ..btdg,' 106Ji 3fd4t. Three beautiful tracts of about 4 acre aaoh. timbered, nice view on portion f regular parks, three and four block from car line; could keep horse and Cow or valuable to subdlvlne Into lots, price 11,100 per acre If taken soon. Such tracts are scared and will Sell to the first man who Sees them If he hak a proper appreciation' of Portland Heights property, ."'.";.V.:i '. '.'. 7" '.'ti'; ' X'r GEO. E. WAQQONER SSS Tatliag BnildlBf. Offlos Phond Kala S38X mesidenoe Phone Main gJT, wood , ACBS TBAOTS OhT CAB XJBB $400 -lo $600, $50 down and $10 ptr month..' No graveli fine gnrdea land. Take RsUckda car to Wateon BUtion on lands, or Mount fioolt ear 'to Lents and -walk quarter of A mO south. - Agut ao . grounda , . TownefrBray- Iwatfasm For- Portland Height Holly A tSOCJ Couse.'lO Soenss 17121 KUxiej-lt.Grounis, lVortH .$i2.e:o.un lor ssesa. v C$ and Set It Location, 77 Overton St.. near ltd. ' ' OOLDBMITH ti CO., 441 Sherlock bldg. Third and Oak sta . INVESTMENTS S800- 45x100. ast Davis and Twenty- aecona streets.- .- ., fl,000 6 acres near Lenta, on O. TV.' railway. $1,800 i fine lots snd 4-room residence -r near- car Unes, Tiioirat Tabor. Uasy terma. , . . flOO rfKitFo, Ban Rafael and East Seventh streets.' 140100, Hoyt. between Twenty-first ana xwenty-seoona strema a first class residence property. ' WAJtEXOtTSB PBOPBBTT. '" ' .We ha we choloe warehouse sites for Bale -on Thirteenth, Fourteenth and Fir- xeentn Bireeta, ana nn mii water street. W have choloe farms for sale In all porta or tne state. SINNOTT & SINNOTT .' 145 Chamber ef Commerce. . FRUIT FARMS We are Offering a moat liberal propo- niun is anyone wno wouia line to own a small fruit fjtrm. W'e have some of the flneat 10-abrs tracie of fruit land in the Hood River country, nrtd we will aall you tha land at an attraotlvs prloa We will plow the ground, set out an orchard of any variety of trees you may select, will cultivate, spray and look after the orcb ard for two or five years snd- you may acquire a tract of - this land by paying -a--small amount-down and the balance in small monthly payments. Let us tsu you, aoout iu J. H. Heilbronner & Co. Hood River and Moaier Fruit Lands, ii-l Liumotr jiixenange, eecona 7- --. and fltark. streets, t Klamath Falls ! Kiamath Falls Homeneekers to Klamath Falls, Ore- ?:on, July 10. If you want bargains In arms, get In line.- Have anything you wsnt. TXB . B VBTbT-VjAWBB BOB CO! . 14fc First Street. . BIG SNAP - Here's a snap, On thk Btl Johns ear una Tnree ana one-nair acres piatiea into IS lots. All Improved. House, fruit, etc.. Only SS.eoo It kaken atoaday. 11.000 oesh, balance time. BOBAJI TAOOXBT, 811 Allsky bldg. WEATHER REPORT. The ersat of the north Psdfla fclfk vrearare ares hit sdvaaced to Montana, sod the bsr omster kss fU. deddMllr. In Or. ran snd Wsshlngton.' It Is also oiooh warmer la thaw states sod In northern and western Idabn. No rain of ennsoqurnce has errnrrad ea the Pgfjflj alrps dwrtBs tka leet S4 Bourn. - '- 1 - The iDdlcatlons srs for falr weatber In this district Sundaf. It will ke Warner In eastern Orraoa, - eastara Wsahlnftoa and Idaho, and eeatlnue wsras la westers Orasaa and west ern wasBltictoa DEATHS. DOW la this city. Jane SS,oe. at the family tesldenee, 601 Albtsa sr.., Klnilra B. Dow, srd SO years, 4 BMattis sa4 4 dars. raasral aotlce kerestter. "MARRIAGET-ICENSES. John A. Maatln, S: tlssle TreUks. 34. W W TlMlmtiL Ballsrd. Wssh.. 28: Abbs Oertmde Madl'on, M. Wllllant U Elsgswlsd, 48; Pearl Wancy Eld mgv 26- Neah Kseteraea, Oreshaai, Or., Kf Sals Tall, kfathew jorin, xi ) Msyneiie rvarsoa in. Wddtna Cards. W. O. Smith A Ce.. WB- B( bldf ., eur. roarth aad WsaBlnstea eta Weddlas and esllhtf esrds ensraTed et erlBted. E. T. Eoshtoa, "WaahlBStes St. w,.. ath. MartlH. mnai II Atkikv kids. fetamplnt snd Ins seodlaa-eTk 1 leaaeoe slT.a. BIRTHS. JUS S3, to Mr. and k(rs. Adolph A. Dsknav, a girl. - . UNDERTAKERS. J. p. t1nl. A ml mneral " directors Snd fmbalmrfe. eurmir Tbtrd asd kladleea straets. Orfleer el esaaty enseaer, Tsmpbubs klalB A K . W . Milk-.. ft. M---b sad smbalsiera: avtdr la every detail. Seres tk sad Pin. Main 440. tsdy ssslstaak, A. aj. n.nntopk. Bndertakar asd embahswr. East Thirteesth sad VsmUUs sta. Fkeae sell. ood TI KrtcksoB nndertakros '.. embalmlna. 40 Alder St. Plraos Main C1M. Kdward HobBsa. nneertaker, ISO Tklrd street. airxatiiuroxMiTxar. SlBSle srates 110. Pamll lots ITS e 41.000. The only cam.tM-y la Pertlaad wklcb ae. evmsllr mslntatns ssd cam Cnr kits, re rsu lnfnrmatloB arrr to W. a. Markensle. Wer- trmtrr bkx-k, elty. W, Bf. Lsdd. BmlMt " FUNERAL NOTICES. IIIjAI ami .(tut .fri. irn, eir. iv. A. mac- I ium -v it i . . r ,M K a va pr.-ai i a rr...n. at. Funeral will be held at 3 o'clock Monday, June 2, from st, k. ennren, uregon i ity. Met ror InaBranre1 snd abstracts to reel estate from the Tills enarantse A Trail MBKUft 240 Waihtna-tna street, eorssr 8ceeA MEETING NOTICES. ' If. W A. RVRRQRKBH -CAMP, .eM, Bieeta Wednesday trcninf, aisny sing, jsiro ase Morrtena sts. kt. W. A.; Orefin Orape Oamy. Ife. S.S75. alee). dara, I7IB aaa MaraBaui viaierB VNras. B1 griflAt, minxt. Marsuerlte ramp. n. W. A., will five amfner woiew enmre nawee si their hall. AMns'nn knlMmc nit Tharsda, Jane s. feme ana navs a rona urns. Afff'Hon cwmetl. !fo. T4, K asd I,. ef H., w It a whlat Bart hi the Allskr kulMln tntm 400. Tiieedar evening, Iim Ml retrea i . -redi . admlsskMB lSe. HI llm. rarre.a- COIMJTTiB. BIT. flOon nftfl-a. W. O. W. -Military wktst Tveadsf evenms. a on an. esar sioe w, o. W. ball; tee ersasj ssd eekSi elant prlmi special smale- for dasclBg; game ealled at p. . . , . eurniNO staa council NtJ. mi ordr ef penoo A spscni swimi is rsueii me eatnr da evening, Jane n, JM, at the reeldwiKe ef Itmlher and Sister aentheekan. Ho. 171 teter at., Portsmevta sietwmt take St, faas ornrn ibbusiwq 'Q0artbmater. PortUod. Or.. Jome 10. ISOo ealed pra , poaala, la triplicate, win he received here butiI It e'etack. Parlfte 4Ism.- ier J. !!. 1 J 074,000 feet st lam her for tit. rhlllppla blends. laformaitaa tr.rti Miked here, railed States reaww tit riaht h nm r acrrl .Bar or .all bids, or soy part theraof. Rn valnpea eontalaliig pmpmala ahesld s marked -- VrrvlMNMls for Lumber far PtHllnnl 1-l.nH- " snd sddreeaed itn Alfred M. P. liner, M.J.W. Ouarlermsater, Biaaeer. LOST . AND FOUND. rOtND Lsdr's sold watrh st aeaalda; pay for sd esU ketsraea :Do aad. T:0, A Evaratt HELP WANTED MALE. ' . IlANSSTt'g MM PiOTIsTC51T fpjryiCBS." " WANTKOk ' ' " Haa and wlfs. se Uborar laMotslng ramp snd weaaaa to euok for sheet 10 man. 6 to Suoeaod board; man sad wife s conk asd dishwasher for a email beat hnu-l, 7K and found, party - her eooft small sawnilll bosrdiBS bouae. tni; nap sank, 4SB te Jl, small rajlroad samp, free, far: second took, kia-slos - ramp, fw, and'- 2 dishwashers snd 1 waiter same place, $M earbt conk tat sheet 13 aw In a small camp, 4; mas- and wife. r t awn, r 1 vomei, as dinner rook and short-order eoek for a small ' msrrhsnte' lunchbouss, city, t!8 a week, .IS day wsndar. - . . Bridge carpenter, ll.W: I krldge ear pentara, 41 rok earpanters for frame work, 42.78: 4 raroenters helpers, .8, rrae fare: raack blaekamltb, Son and board: blsckssdtb to ran ow raanfa, rant fre,.Baw - enburb; phimber- and rlnsmttb. eountrr shop, per' cent asd everrthlnf furnished f tie hewers, T-frot ties, etas Ta. good timber; sawmill banda. 12 2(1 a dar to 13. oO: wonda. -ansa, -42.00,- 4x70 asd 13. . Many new.joha all over of vartoos klnda eonuns'ln all ths lime. city, laoortrs, aad a. say, Pay weekly. t.000 aAILROAD OKADER8. tYee fare; 3 and 4-korae teamatsrs. 13.28 and 42.50 a day; B0 rtfht-of-war elearsra. IIM a day, mn who aa ae aa ait 00 , lahorera. 43.(0; rockawa, IX BO, snd sll kinds of common labor for nsw 'railroad construction, at wages of Bot leas than f3.26- s day and Bp to 43: t grade (-- men. sa to sn.oo; sn rre isre. in waen ' Ing tia, eaatera Ore sob and- ck) to tha Idaho 11ns. . HAT HA!CD Vrr.KBBS. BOTH, OBT BCSir. Oat ' a job "mads In Oregon," and casks ' s goorth of Inly atak. HANSEN'S EMPLOVMBNT WFICH, . SO N. BeooBd St., and 2N Bnrnatds St. OPEN TOpAT UNTIL NOON. WANTED Vsrnlahera. machine sad bench . kanda Oregoa rnrBltnrs klf(. Os, Macadsai i road. " IF too play pool, go to tbe Welllnstea Par lora. Allaky bldg.. Third sad MorrlaoB. MEN AND WOMEN to learn tisrber trade In eight weeks; ersdaates ears from IB te 128 weekly: eipert- Inntrertars; catalogue frv. Moler Sraua ef Collages, B Worth Fsurtk " St., Portland. ' SALES MBit WANTED Tor eae ef He Isrmet onraerlee Is ths wsat; eaab sdvssred week If ; Sood tsrrtterr epea. Address Waahlagena Inrssry Co. Tepeealsk,- Wash. . AGENTS WANTED to sell sansHor, blsk-frads aarsery stock I complete eatlt f urate bed free; raak weekly: write today for choice ef ter- ' rltory. - Capital City Narssry Com pa a, Salem, "Oregoa Union Hotel 1 NORTH SIXTH ST. Weekly ratee: Room. 4l-3 npl teesj aad beard 44.00 op. Auderecm. proprietor. OOVERNMENT- POSIT10Ng-ToBBg - BJB wanted te prepare for Utter-earrier and rail war mall clerk. West Coaat rarraapoBdeaes School, 34 Stark It, Opes sveolsg. TOO saa eara 43 weakly If yoo tears te operate moving, machlses; eaay work. short boors, stesdr amplormetit; leeaooa reasonable. Offtce iiBVt BUth st.. moss L WANTED Coochmakera; stsadg. - front St.. corner Davis. : 40 WANTED Boy shoot IT; steady Work, rrout st earner Davis.. ..' WANTED seiersstle, - re Ha kl ea lea men for rapidly rowtas real- estate eftlce, between 3 yeare snd -40 yssrs ef sssi ability snd character ths crfterton; drinking mao need not applyr X30. esre Jonrnsl. VOttNO msa. prepare for railway sad wireless telegraph aervice; big demand for srsdastes; Snick lr seqalred: snmmer rate new on. Osll ' Imnwdlately, Paalfla Tslsgrspfe Bchaal, Oread Thestre bldg. WAITERN, eooks familiar best betels, 347 North Utk, Bear Marshall. . kfr. James. WANTED Oosd sabaertetloa easvasssr. Call - S4-00 Uti&e; brag., eity, : WANTED, AT ONCE 300 laborer st Ossa ders: wages $3.80 per day. Cell' el eng-i- ' Baerlng department. Oregon Water Power A Railway company, first sad Alder st., for psrtlculsrs. WANTED Mas to' work ta office: Boat have snms sseney to Invest: sen stake 410 a month. Call room Brstdea bldg., Tklrd snd Washing ton. WANTED Yonnf men to prepare fhemeeWee - for bookkeepers snd stenographers. Binds i kept. 1 we have had 474 appucstlons from business men; dsrtng this asms - period: -we kave placed 234 tn posttlens. Open sll the yesr, day sad sight. Ws will place yea to a poeltloa - when eompetent : enroll now. Cats fee se. Bhaks-Wslki Bosiaes CoUegs. WANTED Msa for brickyard at Seventh sad Kusssll sta POSITION as wstcbmsaiafe II. good phvelqas, reliable; refercneas. W 10, tore Journal. f ANTBTl BVer, 18. groeery and ssrs for horse, East Portland. Inquire W 8, JoorasL 40 MB7f. dressed welt, ltd par week: no fee; SSsa sismp lor pariieniar. re ao 11. . WANTED ETERTWHERB-Hnstlers to tack , signs, dtstrttmt rtrvnlars. aamplea. etc. ; no eanvasalns: good psy. . Sua Advertising Ba rssa. Chicago. , SALESMEN ess eaally make 110 a day selling our gold window letter, novelty alma and manssDie bibtwi ciioaw ,i. wiimi, Co., 40S W. Vsa rare st., Cklesso, in. - - SALESMEN Bell ear lee crusher to ssleenlsts. Boas rmintsliusts, conrcxionTS, ic eresm Bianufactsrcrs. . st. 1 ilds hne. good enm- Slaskm. DsTSBBort Ice Clipping Machine h, Dsvetport, laws. - WANTED Sis men to travel la eseh state, dK- trnmts asmpies ana savenise aar geoeei eat ery 2t per week and eroenees soaraateed: sjnenees sitvsnced; . expertenos onaeceasary. Address, with stsmp. ststlns age and occu pation. Reeve Oa., 421 Desrbora St.,' Chicago. WANTED Men everywhere! eood psy: to dts- trthet clrcnlars, sovemamg matter, -rack Signs, etc.; fie essvaaatag. Address Na tional Pletrrhotm Borsea, 109 Oakland Bank bldg, Chicago, 111. SALEHMAN Kxpsrlence n say line", to sell general stores in ireson. an tmesceiiea spe clalty nropoattlon; commlaslons snd S3 week W for siperiees. The Continental Jewelry Co., Cleveland, Ohio. . . - . WANTED Btperlencsd read ssleotnen: staple Itnai OB t sppiy nruees sot lo ears large salary; old eetabllehed Jcbhlng bones. Ad dress room 001 Bytes blk.7 MIbbss polls. Minn. PLATEN eress feeder. Call Monday at Modem rruiier, u- i, urn. . - - OBT . yoor rasnr pat in flrst-elssa eendltloa WANTED A hoy to sell frnlts snd vegetsble from wsfon. MH aivrri uuiaea siia lei, room g. , - -r. WANTED A ' man to trsvsl In Oeeros) asd WaahlngtoB to late ordera rrom storekeeper) must bses IIM; good eatery lo right mas. Address 1) 01, esre Journal. WANTED a Mwokkeeper whe) has had eiperl vice ta seeping account. I or eny real eiists Snd farm lends, alao mortgage loan. Addrss la ksndwrltlnd D 00, rare Journal. . WANTED On good ftrlck wheeler and end wrier. io eene-'ti. oia sua rjsna road, rhene East lilTi t, . .. , WANTED Tlty ssleemsn for marhtsefy and . -.-In- Hn.' mKrJt cheec-fc Co. ei-h. a-.- a- drtea V 03. car a -Journal. WANTED By July 1. three fooma, flat, Sottas tt Boiiaeseepins. on aaaT a toe; mnai nave gaf ind balb. Address D 00, ear Journal. , WANTED first -claa . Wt maker tmm . dlateir; satlarsctory rererene reoutred. AV , dresa Alhaay Orsanwry assoclsttoa, Albany, Or. i i ia i " ir - hi, -j. a una ii J HELP vV ANTED FEMALE; EMBanineitX tessher; amy en thoroashl eersc-d Sll bra-whee ad week ap ply.. Permanent a-mn; rm ssisrr, im AssdhwrsJlt a-wa. u s. nNSE a i.apiejt AirtfY. WAMkD MueOAf. BAHI.T. , ilnsm lrt. wild reference., nr etieeker --T -e- flrst-rtne-restanrsnt. SUV and lri one wbt) baa had reataunint .r kutai eapri eace a a .-efalr m bookkeeper. -alrreeee. asm emtairy betel. JO . altreaaea fur the bMeh. jo and M: waltrraaee, rttf hotel. JO and .'sad: cbambernuud. eoentrr heeel. rm t"f Astnrla, J, rends, eeanirr. I: smiae slrls. prl.ale faaiUy aud Broad gwls - M BUowrona W sleeea, as we ip fir awny i( , the flneat families ta Fvrt. land, aa wl sa helits ks'ea snd rsstauraal ksdlaHra - fall earlr aUxtdar. - t -H4NHRN'S CADIKS AOBNOT. j 48H rVSablostoa St., Cnr. Beevetb. T'setntr. OIRT.B shout IS yssrs ef age to work la1 fee tncy. Apply at oaee. Amss-Harrls-Nsvllle , Co., rifta sad DarU st. . HANSEN' LAPIEH' AOENCT. StlW Waahlns ton at, cor. Seventh, spstalrs. Phaae kuia . 3403. Peswls kelp wsnted. - . . . i WANTED Otrls to tasks 'Bos ef AU" - slls St. T first st. . 01 BLg-W ANTED Operators to -work ea ehlrre ,: snd overall-. Laeaona slvsa to lutperlsased. Apply st Standard factory Na 3, Orsad are, ", and B. Taylor st. . . WANTED I ' waltrsssesi ene for dinner boo . onl. Amity at Once Uobart-Cortls, 14th and Jsf fereoa s. WANTED Competent strt for swasrsl heaae- work. 037 VFarshsIl st.. between Klaetesau aad TwentleUir - L . WANTED A good womsa 'coos at Watson' restaurant. Sixth st.. near Ptne. Ap ply st ones. , .- THE HOME I.ADIEr AflENCT. , Fanial kelp furnlabed free to employ. Reglstratlea- Ere. , . , IfflH Eoorth at., npatatrs, room 3S. Mala M2S. TOt'NO ladles, prepare for commercial snd . wireless telegrsph service; big demand for graduates; . quickly acquired; summer ratee now on. Call Immedlstsly. ' Paclfls Tsls graph school, (trend Theatre bldg. . WAITRESSES, ehamhennatde familiar with beet nUcea 347 North 13th, ssaf MsrshsU. . Mr. Jamee. j J EXPERIENCED dressmaker, single or widow, to do dressmaking wltk milliner hi small town; must anderatand sotting snd lulus thoroughly; state salary expected; rcfetSBoes D 60, car Joornal. fIRST-CLARfl wsshrr to tsks family wsriing home. Call 1020 Wllllsms sva., or, Seolt ' 6hl. .'.."', ,j WANTED Lsdy cook for boar 'ting -bouse; 10 men. Address W. fH Sharp, Wrstk, Oreana. " GIRLS wsated la cigar -box factory, a vs., 'cor. East Pins. Cakss WANTED Help. . TJalsa LaaBdry Cfe, Second , asd Colambla. , . . . WANTED Aa sxnerleaced lsdy te press ladles Iarmeots, at ths Esst Portland Classing Dye Works. 1S Orssd are. 10 CHAMBERMAIDS. 140 per month; 15 store glrla at 130 per Bumthj a fse; send stamp - for perticnlsrs. foat Bo-X 47. ; COOKS at ths eoest. g0; Hlllebero, ASOj rtty. 10. sad 110 week; jMosework. M0 te 20 laundry - work, 128, room and beard, and others. The Home Lsdlaa' Agcy. WANTED Toong women to prepare themselves for bookkeepers snd stenographere. Siaee ; Sept. I we have had 470 sppltcettona frata - business msa: during tbe seme period we kave Placed 334 In poaltioM. Open sH the yesr. Day snd night. Ws will plsce yon m a aoal . tloa when cotupstsht; saroll bow. Catalogue. Behnke-Walker Bualnese College. WANTED Pupils eei the ptsne, 38e a lessoat references IX desired. C OS, cere JenrnsL - SEriNED womsa desrrs Boottloa to assist '- genera II r la small famlly a children; or 1 would kelp lsdy ta small privets rooming Bouse, er kouae keeper to elderly gsotlamssi rsfsrsaess, O 87, care Journal. . - WANTED -Olrl for general bouaework; family three. TO Cleveland aveane between Beech and railing streets. EXPERIENCED cook for beach. ' womsa M-ee f erred; good salary. Call Monday 46 Alder. WANTED Lady to ran lodging boose. Ad dress D 04, esse Journal. WANTED Pantry Womaa 14tb and Jefferson. Hohertcartla,. WANTED MIDPT-E-AO ED woman far general , konsswork. family . ef two. CaH 010 Cos svs. i tsks V car. ' ' ' MALE AND FEMALE CTUrV 10 W'AITRKSflES, rlty resvsarento, hetele, boarding, wlnersl seslogs sst. I20 ensntry hotel enok, 440; . ebSmbermeMs. dMhwssbers. family kelp (vsrtoae -prtceel; 3 fans hands. S eovre each. H hay band, gl oO; dlehwaabere, waners. psatrymaa, t'ht aess cooks (oeset), Japaness; other work not Hated, a. O. Draks, 2A WasSlsattcaw "PaclHe 1370. ' : WANTED AT ONCE Aa erperlenod asrty wltk I00 to ran a psrln- isasdry. fo partlcnlars estt IdAH-fearUl sc. apakatra, suits 33. Msla M2S, HELP wanted snd supplied, male er fee-ale. It O. Drake. 20BH Wasblscton at. Pad a 1370. CANVASSER Mr anlek-eslltng Br tie I, Salary .4. Ua. fill.- W Sail, Bandy Road. Phone B. 2.T3. - SITUATIONS WANTEDMALE. OBOROS T. MFRTON, W4 Chsmber ef Ct m.rc. fcsess books sad does g'sersl esBsrt 1 a cremating boslaess. Pkea Mais 4MMk AS CABETAKBB, by m.rrled me a, atrte-ly sotier, thoroughly andeeatsnd ears of track, tostlne snd drlvtng aersee and thai Srmlp mant; pnvats cranio prriarrea; ret w , cere jobtbsi, .... WHO wants ma Aa rood stl-arsead cook. 'Harry, the Cook." Mala 11SZ WINDOW snd bonsscleanmgr JMT Snd coetrsct work a spsrlslty. Phone Main 0473, ev ad dress room its, s- Tklrd st.. rtty- TOTINO man of shlllty wsat position In office; keet ef refeyencee. t 04, care Journal. .. SCIENTIEIO honssclesnlnf an- tardea work done by reliable giaa .Try the day or lob. Phand Main 010; : ... yoCRO msa wishes poeitloa as caretaker, city or country; Is reliable, sob: cas so eod Jobs; hsndy with csrjenrsr tools: esn famish good rsfsrsaess. D 73, esre Journal. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALB HOUSEKEEPER, demonsfrsror. offle trleed. ant. , by refined mlddlegeni woman, will , by refined mlddls-sged Wo nun. Will 'for house daring summer. JQ , r rare Jonrnal, CHRISTIAN cultured hdy. syed SO, with e)nve daughter, aged 11, wouui riae ptee i wor lor board asd small wagea fH mspestoble Aoorees ii so, crseou ".. ' WANTED AGENTS. - WANTED Agents; eo teething aW gsed ilr big wages.- iS McKay bldg. A OK NT wanted to 11 a few 1-eer tve-ts convsnient 10 iwo iciri ii- . -a--. 14 Commercial hlh. BIO PAT. te ens sgent hreWeb eormty worlln ... a - I ,I.IJ. , I Ua.n M . L 1 for III D." UU.-I . f . W. , TAVIX)B A CO.,..,....r''BLt4ntSg. LA CBS. BLDO. POB rT.AND, OB, , ... AGENTS WANTED. , EVKBHASTlNfl PERfl ME A rwmef maker for ssenm; sslskw-ie of spsclallje Sod mnle t. J- Hardy Co.. Beck Say staih.n. IVnstoa, M AUfNTH to handle hits" avrne msklog Drs EiHiitrolsherai apeell aiartlng offer; s'-l'iis rerrliorr: 7 to IJon p-r m-mi. Islg them. Mf. '., Wllwsukce, Wis Aft E NT. WAITED "ell "Kan rrielv Pt. aeier"! co-opl! stor ef eeribnie k and fe fully llleetrnted: heel snd lTi-i Boos, b.., terma: credit len; ,fr'h,, P"; for outfit. J. S. elector A Co., Mr.. W ANTE II special hrent. wrlie kealik i eV'n lnem-ac, piit " ' I eoollus Incew , e Eliele a -v. J ' 5 wo-r e i e gal kmu.r . v