TirrrOREGOlUtTMPAY JOtJRWAU PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING. JUNE t, H Members ' ' I Portland Realty" Board i! mi Lots, . Blocks and Acres EXTENSION TO COUNCaCREST Now' under construc tion passes through GREERIMYi our new addition. Exclusive Dealers Tn Portland Heights PropertyOffice Opp. Observatory Phone Main 2159 LAM0NT.& HARRIS 107K SIXTH STREET 1 AftA -0x100 lot en Multnomah. near East Nineteenth, Holladay Park Addition. i ; 2,000 10010 Cornet East Thirtieth and Davla. See us about thia LflKO -0x100 lot on Northrop, b- . twm Twenty-eeeond and Twenty- third: lib cash, balanea par cant. 2,660 50x100 lot, Twenty-second, near Inre.oy; also on Marshall, near Twenty-second. For a taw daya only. 3.AOA-40x100 lot. Hoyt, between Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth. We ' have two of theae aaiommg aacn other. A fine location. $3.500 An elegant Quarter block on " . Portland Heights. 94,200 SO-SO corner Eighteenth and Northmn. Good speculation. Income .-. at present 1444. - .4-Kn A 7-room modern houss. Irvine, between Twenty-aeoond and Twenty- third streeta Lot 14x100. .-. '., ; 94,500 100x100 corner Twenty-fifth ana ixonnrup atreeu. rrae htiub. 96.000 Caah will net SO per cent on the investment; balance long term at per cent; Income f 1,400. atT.50-One of the nlceat new l-room modern houaee on Nob Hill, Including the elegant new furniture, -near Twenty-second - end Kearney atreeta; 10x100 lot. For particular call at this office. This la something- you don't aee every day. . ' 9 1O.50O Corner lot, Mississippi ave nue and Russell atreeta;, well lm- proved;, 14,000 caah, balance ' 0 ' per - cent; . v .. - . . ; . 912,000 60x11 on corner 'Russell and Mlsslaaippl . avenue; well, improved, paying Ttt per cent net; can pay 1.H - per cent net. One half, caah-. . 970.000 100 feet on Slxta street; well improved. Ho better buy In, the City. .. , V ' V -i --. 1 We have soma excellent bargain In property that la not advertised. If you want to buy or sell, come and see ua. . The Returns SATS tjoi BAKOATjra. 5,000 Nearly quarter block, with one . of the handsomest, colonial, atrlctly modern, 8-roora residencea In. the city, awell locality,; on East Taylor street -tMOO For a modern, up-to-date . i . room residence, west slope ML Tabor, 100x160 feet ground. . You "should not fall to observe this. -9300 'Real swell, up-to-date. Queen Ann, 7-room cottage, very awell lo cality. East Taylor atreet; 1500 down, . balance in very easy monthly pay menta. 9S.TSO Lot (0x100, 1 beautiful l-room cottages on '. East Eleventh, street, walking distance to bualnaaa center. ' It'a good for 30 ' par month rent. Houses cost the prioe to build. 93, BOO Grand place on Grand avenue, , Holladay'a addition. It'a a .swell home. Don't fail tot see It - 93,800 Charming a-acre auburban place, grounda ' beautifully cultivated and . decorated, fine aarden. neat bunn- low cottage. It'a the place for your 1119. - i-- 9100 Beautiful quarter block on Den ver avenue with a line 7-room house, modern conveniences. 91,800 Beautiful 7-room house, modern conveniences, nloely altuated In Bouth- 91.000 Beautiful cottage home, Spokane - avenue, eeuwooq. : : We reapectfully Invite you to eome and see for yourself.- THE DUNN LAWRENCE COMPANY 14ty TTBBT ITBZ1T,' ACREAGE FOR SALE Easy Terms AT LAURELVOOD Five minutes' walk from Laurel- wood aution on O. W. P. & R. car line: the only acreage left in that sec tion;-atreeta are cleared and water pipea laid in front of each block. They are sellinr. rapidly. Now ia the time to buy before they arc ail told. : A. Cowpertbwait, agent at Laurel wood eution. v . ... , :, C SMITH,' Agent , Ioom 22S, : Chamber of ' Commerce i ld. .Fbont Main m SOUTH SUNNYSIDE LOTS Nothing Better JSothlng Cheaper , $495 to $575 Terms $50 Cash $10 a. Month luoin xokzu voir inui Have enhanoad the value of thle tract. But prices remain (I he same until July 1. This Is a safe Investment. Fine car service, atreeta Improved, water In. sidewalks laid. Only a dosen lota left M early all nave seat rroniage. BABOArjrS XX MAS BITATX. 938,000 Quarter block on upper Mor- . rison St., near sweeny meat re ana : Nothing else so cheap on the street. 93L0OO Whole block in East Side warehouse dlatrlct Railroad' track v on one aide; improved atreet on. another. Near Morrison bridge. 933,0m Waterfront at Llnnton, nearly 1.000- feet on the- harbor line and reaching, back to Northern Paclflo track. .', . 917,000 An apartment houae in the norm west residence section paying an unusually large interest on the Investment. Thla is a money-maker. 919.800 Quarter' block In fashionable residence section with big mansion which could be turned Into - fine apartment-house at little cost. 919,000 One of the finest farms in old xamnui county. 2&a acree ana . zoo now in crop, which will pay big in- -ereac uniy nau a mue to rauroaa station. .v 905OO Cheapest warehouse sits In East .Portland.- run quarter block, with trackage facilltlea. 9600075x100 on West Park at-, south or Morrison, overlooking the enure city. . An ideal sits for a home or apartment-house. 9&5O0 t acres adjoining Ken 11 worth. nigh ground; a bargain. . Will plat resdtlv. : : 9800 Half lot at corner 10th and Ev- -erett. Bualnaaa property- already, -and present-laeoma eeald be -easUy trebled. ....... I 940O0 Flats on Buasell St., opposite the AJDina nanx. a nne income. 9800 Three and one third acree In the city limit a, easily platted. Lots would sell rapidly. 1 9BSO0 0 acres back of Llnnton and close to the electric line surveyed by the United Railwaya , Easy tsrma 9U0O SOxlOO-with a railroad traofc on xora au is cheap at this price. ; A CHOICE UST OF HOMES 98600 Full , quarter block, t rooms, ee- furnace, two nreplaces and all modern innrmmmmti 9800 Elegant home at corner td and nuaaio bis. umu ana see ins pio ture of It. v. 9400 New, modern house of 7 rooms, - In ..choicest eectlon of Irvlngton. 9900 7-room houso and lot, 411x100, on .Twinv, uoiwwn iweniy-nrsi ana Twanty-aecond atreeta; 1100 caah, balsiina monthlw nvmna . . 93000 Handsome modern home on Eaat . puui trj a mecnanio lor himself. Thia ia a lurraiii 93800 -room houae, new, with all miraarn conveniences, nair block from Irvlngton car t00 cash and balance aa rent. 93180 A beautiful home. In which the wnT .iiiiLJiYia ms oniy oajsat Tn sellinr ia to bulM larar him.. 9800 A bargain in a home close In on waveriy-tichmond Una Eaay 93000 A comfortable alx-room cottage . wiinjn wBimng instance or OUBl neaa center on Weat Side. Tf VA11 nut him.. . . K..lll 1.. call and aee ua We can aatlafy the uuat cim iiui inrivm ma as 10 quality and prlca , IIARTMAN &TII0MPS0N Cstaaran or 90 iBoa. Hawthorne Ave, Lots I have a few scattering lota on Fortv-third. ' Fortv-fourth anrl Forty-fifth streets, just south of the car line- Can be bought very cheap on terms to suit, in order i " . - -1 to ciean up entire tract. . . Don't postpone buying -one of these lots, as price is bound to advance as Hawthorne avenue ia to be macadamized soon. Agent -on the Ifter 10 a. m. ground today M. E. LEE r; .93 jSIXTH STREET ';; '7''.'.'.. Pacific 59 ' Member Portland Realty Board People Are Coming to Portland DON'T YOU KNOW IT? THEY ARE COMING FROM THE EAST AND FROM CALIFORNIA. CANT YOU SEE IT? Portland is going to double its present size within three years, and suburban property is go ing to double its present price in less thari"two years. . Then- why not invest in Portland property? If you have $50,000 invest it in Portland property, and if you only have $100 to spare buy a few lots on the installment; you-will soon find we are right.. We don't say you roust buy of us to make money; there is lots of other good property. If you don't like what we have, to offer buy of some one else. You can't miss it if you buy right, - v , . . - WE DO ASK YOU TO TAKE A LOOK AT OUR PROPERTY-We hive two of the nicest additions in Portland to pick frqnv We sell lots in . ' " " E..R H ON' From $110 to $500 Each MAVELD)C( From $300 to $600 Each It is not necessary to tell you where Vernon is located, as it is probably the best-known suburb of Portland. Havelock is situated on Killingsworth street and Patton avenue. Take St. Johns car. J. A. HARBKE, Agent at Vernon. :.. 'V;. HENRY A; TOWNSEND, Agent at Havejock." MOORE INVESTMENT CO. 150 SIXTH STREET. ROOMS 401 AND 402. PHONE MAIN 2705 . j-- rWESTSIDE 922,000 a non Rini BAjtoAxjr A fine two-story brick building. In come $1,800 per annum. . S12.500 Fine aoarter block on 12th street, in beat residence district. Two houses. S3000 Fine quarter block on Portland Heights; magnificent view. EAST SIDE v 815,000 One whole block on Grand avenue. S10.000 Two-atory brick building on Union avenue, near Eaat Oak atreet. S7.000 Quarter block. Seventh and Belmont atreeta. This' is a food buy. All solid ground, two blocks from Grand avenue. One block from Morrison. Sl.OOO Sightly 100x100. Mount Tabor; full ol bearing cherry trees 10 acres near Peninsular station; ... 400 acres, known as Mclntyre ranch. at junction ox Sandy and Salmon rivers. Mount Hood electric line projected through property. East Side Homes v 86,500 - One of the best modern reaidences tn Irvington. Thia houae was built for a home and no expense was spared in construction. New carpets- costing over 11,000 are included in this price. r :-: 83,250 Six-room modern house, corner lot. Jbast iwenty-eigntn ana salmon. .:-' 85,200 Corner East 15th and Main atreeta. B-roora modern nouse with furnace and fireplace.-; vrtr Five acres on Section l.lna road, Ave blocks from ear line. Orchard, garden, amall fruita, &A300 realdence and other Improvements. - If you want -to sou your place come In and list It with ua We have buyers. Lambert, Whitmer & Co. 103-107-108 aerloek Boil ding, . . 404 Bast. Aide Street, iCity Property for Sole 1 - A evcU Mttatm, Rental . -. and insurance and Loan : ""' - - JfU ' : 250. Alder Street Mt7 Scott Letter Wo. 18 If you want to buy a houae, a lot. an acre or a farm, why not buy1 the same at bargain prlcea. W are not selling oroperty that belongs to ua, but our apeclalty la hunting up properties that, for varloua reasons, are for sale at bargain prlcea. Come out and let us convince you that thla la tm. ram ax. tob Wijjoo uooo aix-room houae, corner lot, bars and .woodshed, lawn well Im proved; 1200 cash and fit per months , S8OO Three-room cottage and two lotsr -$160 cash-and-11 0prfiibnt : $10Q Swell new five-room modern bouse and one-quarter acre ground; SS50 caah, balanos on eaay terma -.-u.-.w , ... We have a fine li-acre fruit and garden ranch " near car line, good five room houae, good new barn, an abundance of good pure water. This Is such a snap that we are ashamed to make the price public. If you ars looking for such a place see this before you buy. . ..." We have a few lots in Stewart Park, Arleta, snd Laurel wood, at prices below the market Owners compelled to sell. These are for cash, or wo will arrange to finance sales on terma . .v.'- The Arrow Realty Co. Ford Bain, managers. Stewart's station, Mt Scott. Una, to fare. ; " - - ' For complete Plana, Specific cations and Details of this t room Cottage; can be built fot $1200. j Send CO cents -for BOOK containing 60 Home rni and ;:.;.,;.v Cottage -. Plana Costing -from $400 to $5000. Real Estate Bargains V. . . . Voorhees, Aixbltecl 35, 36, 37Eitel Bldg, Seattle,' Wash. r 'Sf y ' V VHVixvmmn rV'T' ' V, mm r-iFTfr-B:tifr'-T-riTiiii ill t i MODERN flOlSE PLANS FROM $5.00 W , Designs made from ' your ewj. skstchea, snd with skill and taste. E. KRONlR, Architect 1S-1T Oamb-Mgs Bldg- . W. Oovaer Third aa4 Morrisoa, Vertlaaa, Or. liOTU facing Cleveland. Skldmora and Rodney avenuea; graded streets, walk laid, two car lines. One location for cottagea Price reasonable. - 180 ACmzg - timber land, Klickitat county, Washington; cruise 2,000,000 feet yellow pine; only three-fourths mile rom. Klickitat river. Price 1,000. li AC-tZia hne land, one-half mtl from Oresham; lVa In two pieces; will sell one or both1; make beautiful home; line location. $-00 per acre; a snap. . TWO mOTtOBS fine timber and eras ing lands, Klamath county, 'Oregon; good speculation. Only $5.00 per acre. .. SO-AOBB .tract near Lenta, cleared. In cultivation; splendid berry . and, fruit land; So carfare; $300 per acre. 10 AOBBB (adjoining), partly cleared: 1160 per acre; a snap . A aix-BOOM XOVSB between Union and raod avee.; lot 100135; Una fruit trees, ahirubbery, etc.; a splendid home In. good location; $2,800. ' . McKinley Mitchell SdSH BTABX FOR SALE : FINfe RESIDENCE V,. Twelfth and Clay Streets' $7,250 PARRISH, WATKIHS & CO. 330 Alder Street. Object The object of tftis ' association la to bring the real catate men of Portland together to assist in the advancement of the T city'a interests at large and of the real estate busineaa in particular; X iv otiuiv iui inw viui uis cxciusirf agency di ail properly listed or offered for sale bv him: to effect ainiform rata' of commluinn to be charged in real estate transactions; to create, and maintain x among rortiana real estate men nign standard of business ability and integrity, a spirit of fair and honorable competition, and to as sure to the buyer and seller the aervicea of responsible and trust worthy agents upon a definite and uniform atandard of contract and charges, to the end that the interests of buyer, seller and broker may -be alike protected. T discourage and prevent unfair division of the broker'a commissions by persons not in the business,' who have no real claim upon him for. a share of his living. To devise, en- - courage and foater schemes of public improvement and benefit the ."city at large. ... ; - v ,- - t,'- -.-..- ,. - MOORE INVESTMENT CO..... . '.V. ": '". . . . . 1. ... . 130 Sixth kt. THE TITLE GUARANTEE AND TRUST CO. 240 Washington St WHITINO ft ROUNTREE..............r....419 Abington' Bidg., L. A. PATTERSON........,". .312 Pine St. STE VENSON--B RO WN XO . . . . ... . . . . . , . L . 1 10 Second St. F. V. ANDREWS ft CO . . . ..., . irf.. . . . ... , Hamilton Bldg. WILL H. WALKER ..,,; .v. . 605 McKay Bldg. R. M. WILBUR 1 10 Secbnd S WAKEFIELD, FRIES ft CO.rr.T,TTT-T7;...229 Stark St. FLORIAN FUCHS.. ...149V4 Firet St, A. H. BIRRELL...V.. ............ ....202 McKay Bldg. A. F. SWENSSON ft CO. ................. .253. Washington 's. HARTMAN ft THOMPSON......,..... Chamber of Commerce. HENRY O. BROWN ............ 1 313 McKay Bldg. PORTLAND TRUST CO. OF OREGON, .Cor. Third and Oak Sti. GOLDSCHMIDT'S AGENCY.... ,. v......... 2534 Washington St. JOSEPH M. HEALY 214 Abington Bldg.i t umnusinrr ot ovnvrw. ,, ............. ,zo4 stark St. GOODNOUGH ft STEARNS.. 2 Washington Bldg. A. C. CHURCHILL ft CO 110 Second St. REED, FIELDS ft TYNAN CO.. ......102 Second St. F. O. NORTHRUP ft CO ....................... . Commercial Blk GOLDSMITH ft CO ............. .. . . . ......... 442 Sherlock Bldg. JOHN P. SHARKEY ft CO...',i.4 .,..;.701 Chamber of Commerce ISAAC W. BAIRD ft CO. ......,:.... .323 Chamber of Commerce. CHARLES K. HENRY,;. ..... ..... .273 Surk St MALL ft VAN BORSTEL, ...... . . ...... . . 93 East Burnside St. C. F. PFLUGEH. .. Room 14, McKay Bldg. INVESTMENT CO....,.......w.1.. ....... ...,244 Stark St : M. F. CULVER... ..623 Chamber of Commerce, I. O. DAVIDSON ............ . . . ........ 408 Chamber of Commerce - CORD SENGSTAKE... ...... ...90 Fifth St ROUNTREE. ft DIAMOND. ................ ...... .242 Stark St E. S. JACKSON ft CO. ........... .. .... . . . . . . . . j .246 Stark St BEST ft VAN FOSSAN.....,.,....;....:.,....291Vs Morrison St C. C. SMITH. .. . ...i..,,,., ....... ...Chamber of Commerce. t FRANK PORTER.. 222 Waahington St. AMBERT, WHITMER ft CO. ............. 107-108 Sherlock Bldg. JF. BRESKE. .;. . . ; ... .............. .......... .. 444 Sherlock Bldg. LOUIS SOLOMON... . .104 First ' St. M. G. GRIFFIN ,;. ......................... 266 Stark St J. D. WILCOX ....... . ; : . ..................... 107 Sherlock Bldg. E. HABERSHAM ft CO.,.,,..;.,; .....330 Sherlock Bldg. CHARLES H. KORELL.,.. ....... ...251 Waahington St. DAN W. EDWARDS. . , . ..... , . , . . .... .412 Oregonian Bldg. SINNOTT ft SINNOTT. ....... . ...... .535 Chamber of Commerce PACIFIC COAST ABSTRACT GUARANTEE AND TRUST CO. . ...................... i ......... . ..; .204-205-206-207 Failing Bldg. BUCHTEL ft KERN S . . . .................. 362 East Morrison St. (E, J. DALY, ........ . . . ..i. .222 Failing Bldg. . pA. ,. L,,. '. . ...rriTi "3 oixtn ' St., MORGAN ft FLIEDNER.. .....213 Abington Bldg. i. L. WELLS CO...... ...v....,v... ............ ,'. ..94 Grand Ave. . Si TAYLOR...............................!. 515 Marquam Bldg. Section. 1. Payment of regular commissions on net contracts ' in Multnomah county. Property shall not be offered for sale in Mult nomah county except upon exclusive written contract for any sum including not less than the regular commission. No division of com mission shall be allowed except with active members of this asso ciation or with active members of other similar organizations outside of Multnomah county; provided, however, that theae provisions shall not apply to sales under $1,000. This article to take effect on June 1, 1906. -4 .-- The following minimum scale of commissions and charges is adooted aa obligatory: . Over $1,000 and up to $2,000, 5 per cent Over that amount, 2 V per cent V , ' On handling of additions, minimum- 3 pcrcent: -J 4- A. F. SWENSSON, Secretary 1 iiczxzs: nxzxxxxzxsacz: H. E. CROSS T THE MAN WITH REALTY, .BARGAINS. Over $350,000 Worth of Property : Consisting of many finely improved . farms at prices that make them genuine bargains. ., ; v' . r Stock Farms, Dairy Ranches, Fruit Farms and . TimberXlaimsfatrtr-'estof alHf-tru-are seeking a Vhome", - ; .. ----- . : . ' Tiie ideal home site.is conceded to be .the most t suitable and desirable place for a good investment ; r : -tributary to Portland. Located on the ' north . .bank of the beautiful Clackamas River on the ; Oregon City car line and only a short ride from, , Portland. V'':"!: ; - ;".' ';.'.:;':-' , Acreage on Sale, $50 to $300.. v , , ? , ,-J:-. . : Lots 50x100 Feet, $100. 't: t T' Call at our office, H. E. Cross, Oregon City, Or. Oak WVWVWW WW WW WWW WWVWv ata-aB--aWBB-EBBa III 1 1 1 1 II 1 . "" " -tTt Oak Grove Something thellke of- Which you- have never seen I sores." Ths hand- ' sotnest place your ere hs ever gased.-pon. Latest lealgn 'bungalow dwelling that coat over $4,000. (Grounds beautifully landscapes Md tar. denml. Perfect system of water works and all Other modern conven iences. It'a a darling place. We Invite you to see it. Price only 95.000., - :' : .- '-;.;,";;.. 11H acres, fronting and aloplpg to the river. It's attractiveness la marveloua.v One of the flneat springs, up near ths summit of the hill, worth $1,00 ..Itself. Price only 92.50O. ; ' I The Dunn Lawrence 'Company .... ,Ti