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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1906)
V THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING,' JUNE 24, to. OF "BICTDIOMGSKF M PORTLAND REAL ESTATE GREAT IMPETUS m xosax, snrsvBs tww cxoicx wis isr. e. Skyscraper Era Seemt to Have Grasp Upon the City With . ' Good Results. ; COiWRUCTION -FIR LAND BUILDINGS GOING UP i r - THROUGHOUT THE CITY i ' .... Many Real Estate Deals oi Import . ' anct. Recorded During . Week . Juat Closed Suburban Residence Ptop. trty Scemi to Be in Good Demand. Active work on buildings hat. marked real estate conditions in Portland dur- lng the past week. Only few transfers . ; of proptrty involving more than 180,000 - were reported and one of these was the sale of a tittle more than IS. acres In South Portland to M. E. Lee of this city and E. W. Holoornb of Kansas City. In speaking of this sale Mr. Lee. says , : that Mr. Holoornb represents a number of eastern capitalists and Js onehlra- - eoif. . - - . . ; ' It le known that in the purohase of thle tract there were several other cltl sene of Kansas City Interested and that they viewed the property before pur- chasing it.. They sre of the opinion :,' that it will make a more desirable resl- " denee taction than a locality for manu facturers and they have already started work ob plans to lay out the tract with streets, which, will be paved. ..They pro- pose to open it as a modern addition to the elty. - ,' . A walk through the business part of 7POrtland wjji convince any one of the - ' rapid development of the city. Through out the center of the city the operations are very active, in fact more buildings of a modern type are being erected In : Portland today than at aejy ether time in its history. ' -. .t . . j 'The last course of structural steel for the Wells-Fargo .building was put In position early In the week and the' 'el workers, true to their custom, un- furled to the breese from the' topmost1 piece an American flag, thus signifying to the world that the building has at "last reached Ite highest point Since the flag-was unfurled the beams or the roof have been put Into position rapidly and before the end of the nest week the greater part of the heavy steel work on the" boildlng will have been ' finished. As It now stands the building : gives some Idea of Its Imposing height but when the brick walls are put In It will be more Imposing and striking. The other buildings about the olty, which have been under course of con- structlon ' are rapidly nearlng comple- don. The Fleldner building at Tenth ind Washington streets : is . now being 'occupied The upper floors are prac tically . completed and ' the ' finishing touches are being put to the big etore, which will occupy the entire ground 'floor. During the., week the tenants moved, into the new building at Four teenth and Washington streets. - Every store Is occupied, which speaks well, for it shows that modern buildings In Portland will rent readily. , The Bushmark building at ' Seren atassssssssssssssssssseBssssssssssssssyrWev mm'1Vm''tt !? illiayieaaOjtqpjiiMta gj . I 1 - , 4 . , , t i ' ' ; s; - si. ,J , - t. . -J r" j . X 4 11 , : , , fT - 1 ( T - - ! T r, " ' -r ' .' 4 h . . .SJ- ' i i f t&W Mp " .-.'' . ' r v " ' Islll Hfil r nrrr'Ylge iWHr lnHlTf-rni lllirrgS)lllrillgJt ISHI ll SWSJllglir liSJaslll ITT! ' I I r r irsllstSSH Sin 1 S IsssaassssWSaassasssslSJaasmsss $MssaBSsasaySsSsWsMSssaslsssM Sll'lefTl geairBL slWelSsSs'iisr SMIIBMgafsasaaafsaBaj We are celling substantial inside Inoome-bearing properties to out aids and local investors and can refer those who are looking for eafe and remunerative employment of their money to those who hare pur ehaeed through us. V Let us know Just what yon want and if we cannot satisfy you fully we will not expect your patronage. . M. BAJUs, OTTT SCAjA0SaV . ACREAGE Of our choice acreage, rich soil, no gravel, en the Oregon' City eer line, we have made a number ot substantial sales- in the past few days and at that rate wUl soon eloee it all out - Cholee locations are yet available, however. Remember thle ie an opportunity. Paymenta eaey, $10 down and $1 per month per acre. . -On the penlneula near St Johns we have " two tracts of II acres each, $7(0 and $100 per acre respectively, afford Ins a good Investment. Thee tracts are in the section of great 'developments in the near future. " " FARM Let ug show you, or malt to you, our list of the most substantial' properties in the state. We- have thoroughly Inspected these properties and know exactly what they are and what they are worth. . - t . . THE SHAW-FEAR. CO. .? . 245 SUrk Street " , - l v. --- : ' . ' - ' ' v ' -i - V . - -Vi-'iiii. aar-ii.iMiJ--,r x .". ... . -" ..." '.I'.. , ' "" ' 4 ' ' r '-.' : ; - - - " . ' .i r, ? , . V 1 ' v , , . - . J j!ii "J. , , 1 . ti -Jr 1 Residence P. S. teenth and Washington streets was completed during the week. The build ing Mrs.- Oearln Is constructing at Thirteenth and Washington streets, after many difficulties with the base ment, owing to the candy soil, is now going ahead. Nearly all of the- Iron columns far the first floor were set during the week and vfork on the upper part of the structure will be pushed. me failing Dunaing at firth and Al der streets Is growing rapidly. The first floor columns, have been set and the work of putting la the eteel girders and beams 'has started. 'The excava tions . for ' the fiwetland - and the Bu chanan buildings, adjoining each other at Fifth and Washington streetsaje nearlng completion. . The foundations for the eight-story reinforced concrete building for Mrs. Lewie on Fourth street near. Washington were started this week. - John B, Teon. who wants to build a skyscraper at Fifth and Aider-streets, hopes In the near future to get adjusted the leases" on the. present buildings how on the site and as soon A Residence Street as he accomplishes- this ne will go ahead with his -atruoture Nearly-alK the tenanta of the Multnomah block at Fifth and Washington streets have va cated, preparatory to the work of 'build lng a 10-story structure ca the aitc . Few Vis Seals Beoorded. ' While 4he market was dull as far as big deals were concerned during the greater part of the week there were two ' transrers - announced yesterday which are of more or less Interest. Doernbecher, East Twenty.Thlrd and One of these was the sale of the elte on the east - side of Thirteenth street near Washington, now occupied by a stable, for $30,000. Thlg property-was purchased by. Margaret- AJne worth through Whiting A, Rountree. ' ; ' This sale Is 4 striking example 'of the way values have Increased in Port land In a year. -Last 'summer this property was sold for 119,000 and then a few months later for 122,000 and now it brings $10,000. One other $60,000 deal was announced yesterday, after noon. It was the purchase by M. L. Hoi brook of 10J acres east of St John for $50,000. The tract is near the big purchases for the packing-houses. Mr. Holbrook's intentions are said .to be to plat the traot and have It arranged for homes for worklngmen when the psck-Ing-houses are located on the peninsula. . Much Sailway Work. Along with other construction work railway building has also -progressed rapidly - during the week. Reports from Salem .are that work is - being n . at ... i i w- in Irvington. - pushed at that end of the Willamette 1 Valley 4lne and It Is known that active construction has bean tmsbed on the Portland end during the week. Stsel rails have started to arrive and big ordere for tlee have been placed. Now that the main line of this road has been settled branchee are being con aldered. It le stated that the company will maintain a schedule of one hour and $0 minutes between Portland and Salem. Work on the Council Crest road Is being rushed. Nearly 100 additional men were put to work yesterday morn' lng and they started operations on the patton roaa to connect me extension with the present Portland Heights loop. . AroUteeta Are Bosy. Architects throughout the city, who are members of the Commercial club, have oommenced active work on eleva tions for ths new home of the club at Fifth and Oak streets. This will be a competitive commission. - The club has agreed to give each architect iigo .los drawings, showing proposed exterior; and from the different drawing . ede- mltted a choice will be made. The idea of the Commercial club . Is to have an ornamental building that will add much to the architectural beauty of Port land. The plans will be . received by the club until July 1 and a choice made as aoon aa possible; so active construe tlon work can etart without further de lay. ' That xrew xMuaiBr mw. Tt nronosed new build IS r 1 law is being received with much favor and If adopted it le beuevea mat me etty in the future wilt receive true and-eerrrect reports on the cost of buildings. Under the present law there haa beene strong disposition to hold, down values 1S seeking permits, but under the new law with a email fee for buildings of almost any elaas there wtll be no Incentive to give a wrong estimate or value, in drafting the new' law the committee. It la sa d bv those -Who have business following building records, should make arrangements for an improved-. book. keeping system regarding .building per - . -rt' ' Tillamook Streets. mlts, so that for any period whatever there can be found tables for compart-, sons, for Instance; If a person wants to know how the permits for buildings for June, 180B, compare .with thdsa for June, 1108. they can do so ' without going ovsr a lot of stubs and papers. -. kre Sagiae for Heights. ' ' Portland Heights, which has - long clamored for fire protection, is tq have it at last.' through the kindness of George C. Flanders, who, held a very available al tartar anenglne-house on Spring etreeV near Twentieth. The war4 III. uJi i.v.vii wmm .a,muw- . house on the heights practically tied the committee, for while the fund wae sufficient for a building, no provision was made for buying a elte. Mr. Flan ders has now offered to allow the city to use his lot for a year, or until the next appropriation is made, when there will , 'be Included in - the budget an amount sufficient to pay for the site. The market continues active for resi dence property and nearly y every dealer wjye are. - s. has from one to three sales to report. I he demand Tfr completed nouses is more pressing thsn for vacant lota, al though ths market for lots continues to keep pace with the demand for the past year. Stelnmets Co. during the week eold the Oordon property at Seven- teenth and Clinton streets for $2,700 to eastern Oregon residents, who will make their future home In .Portland. Stelnraets A Co. also report several other small sales and say that from the de mand for property ' they believe that the elty has a great future for inves tors In all kinds of real estate in. the city. . - - Some of the Week's Deals. Patrick Bkelly baa purchased from Dr. McChesney for $1, BOO a two-story brick building In St. Johns. I W. H. Christians has started work on a home on East Third atreet,near Schuyler, which, will coet"$a,&00, AX-WontwortKKlll -bulld a 11.800 bungalow on East Main ' street, near Thirty-sixth, and . M. E. Helm Is build ing a bungalowon- East Couch street, near Thlrty-flref. T. Scott Brooks during the week se cured a oermlt to make alterations and repairs to the etore building at Wash ington and Park street The changes in the building will cost upward of $t,000,. c w, Ferreti le outioinr a home on East Twentyflret Street, near Myrtle. . . , A etore build Ins- will be- erected at Jefferson and Chapman streets by W. J. Kelson It will cost $4,000. A. R. Richardson has atartsd work on a two-story home at Rodney street and Kllllngsworth. avenue, which will cost $3.&oo. j. " Moklfleld, Fries Co. sold yesterday 100x100 fest at 14$ Marshall street to Mrs. Henrietta Block for $11,000. Business experience -te .the 'element that makes Ana aiiroeesf ill. . Such le the vase of the M. J.' Weluhl Company, . manufacturers of see sud electrical fixtures, Thle-oompany haa aoqutxed a growth that haa brought then I A. - THTB 18 YOUR OPPORTUNITY.- TAKK ADVANTAGE OF IT, . CONVKNIENT I,OOALlTY; 20 MINUTES FROM CITIT ON MT. BOOTT RAILWAY. EVERY CONVENIENCE! OF A SUBURB FARt Lots $300 $5: BUT QUICK. TAKE MT. Geo. W.. Brawn. SCOTT - S03 FAXI.IBTa BZ.DO Third and Washington Bts. LzuixaxxisiiczxiaanunxiBxuxxzsr Acreage Bargain 28 .ACRES, close in, West Side; fronts ;Macadam Road. ', STREET CAR LINE RUNS THROUGH CENTER .OF TRACT. ... . ' UNITED RAILWAYS IS NOW BUILDING V ALONG THIS TRACT. w Price Only $1,200 Per Acre Lots adjoining thisr property are selling for from $400 to' $700 each. ,. ' ; ; t ; . . , WHEN UNITED RAIL WAYS cars. are running PRICE OF . LOTS ARE BOUND ,TO DOUBLE.. - :.-V.V. If interested will be pleased to show you this tract tomorrow. DON'T PUT THIS OFF TILL TOO LATE. An opportunity of a lifetime. Me E. LEE 93 SIXTH STREET Member Portland Realty Board to the front in this line, and are at present-supplying ths majority of build- ere or nomes with such necessities as chsndellers, glassware, burners, and in faot all eleotrlcal and gas appllanaes that constitute a modern home. It will pay -you to call and examine their stock at their- salesrooms, til Stark street, between Fifth and Sixth. OLD LEGAL PAPERS FOUND; TRIAL WILL RESULT Bristol Makest Findr and South ern Pacific Company Must Defend Itself. . United States District Attornsy Brls tol f oundpap ers Jnthaarchiveaof-h4e office of a case ' that haa been there elnce March, IStS, and finding that It had been there long enough to be worth to the government about eight tlmea its original value, decided to prosecute Ik The case In Question Is the one of the United States against the Oregon aj California railroad, which haa since been absorbed by the Southern Pacific, and Involves the title to snout 11,000 acres of the finest land In the Willam ette valley. . The claim set up' by ths government Is that the patent to the property wee not properly obtained by the railroad and will ask the court to either cancel the patente or grant Just. restitution to the government. The value of the land at the time the railroad seoured It. was probably about $20,000. A rough estimate-places the present value at some thing like $160.000.. r-r-.-- Should the court decide to cancel the patents, the property, wowJ,L revert to the government and mui'hllrtgtlon would be likely to follow, becaune'of the fact that many pieces have been eold. by the railroad com piny to Individuals who would thus bo deprived of rights which they supposed were acquired. -The case will be heard by Judge Wol verton In the United States district court at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. Opposed to District. Attorney Bristol will bo Wtllism D. Fenton, attorney for tfcf railroad company. UNFORTUNATE WOMAN NEEDS.MORE MONEY Subscriptions to The'Jou-rnal fund for. Mrs.' Mcirwln -continue to come In, and with those received this week a total sum of $11 haabeea depeelted at The Journal . of floe , , for , the unfortunate woman. ., , A visits. to Mrs. Mclrwln's home at 460 Johnson street revealed a pitiable condition. Although she been blind for It years, sbsrfcaa always been Inde- pendent, and never accepted aid (rout Down ; $5 Month CAR. FIRST AND. ALDER STB."- "L- RobtcfX. Taylor Croand Rain or Sh'ne orneii lirland Statioa. My Bargain List of Homes ......... . . $) 1,3 50 A nsat t-room' cottage and fractional lot in - Market street ad dition. Plastered and partially mod. ern. A good buy. Terma - - 9 1,500 BARGAIN A - splendid . I. , room' cottage and fractional lot. on, Caruthers street; hae gas, bath, toilet, basement. ' etc. Will rent easily for 114 per .month. Easy terms. $)2.80O Buys a 7 -room nearly mod ern residence on East Morrison street, '1 - lot; gas, bath, basement, eto. A nice home, well Improved. Terms. $)2,804 New $ttoom modern bouse . and twd lots, rl-xl00 feet. In Sun nyelde, near Morrison street. ' A good - buy. .Terms; or house "and one lot 2.400. ' . $3,800 -A fine new S-room residenoe, all modern, on Rodney avenue. In Upper Albina. Fine lot, two. feet - above grade; east-front; well located. 93,250 Modern t-room houae-near East Bids High school; walking dis tance to buslnesa part of city. Beau tiful lot and lawn. Choice home. 9250 A fine" lot on East Thirteenth street north. Lots In (his vicinity not ss well situated are selling for " $350. Small payment down, balance $10 per month, 9 TOO Choice corner lot on Sell wood street, near Union avenue; about two feet above grade A SXAP. I 91.300 Two good lote: corner, lOOr iuu, on uast iuigncn street norm. 91,300 A fine quarter block on Grand avenue north. A very good buy. . - Acreage and Snborban Acre Homes Taxee, Four and Flve-Aore Traeta. 9350 per acre and up will buy several very cnoice pivces os tana, jmprovea; soil and . well located for rapid rlee In value; overlooking river; Ore gon City car line. 9050 Choice lU-acre tracts, -well improved, gooo Trnara. in nice staie of cultivation; fine soil; near Wood stock school and Mann's - Station, Woodstock car line. . . . 91. 800 11 acres of very- fine land wunin in raues uregon vuy car line; half in .cultivation; two fair houses; two bums; all fenced; excel lent soli; good terme. 92,000 Nine acres of good land. uaa unove, uregon. i-uy ear 11ns. About 1-1 cleared and In cultivation, balance easily eleared. Terma. 96,000 A beautiful home of 10 acres on tns neignis win 01 ins city, a fins t-room house, modern, stone basement. Cost price over. $6,000 when built. Th -view ' from .fjila point le absolutely perfect. As a bar gain it cannot- be beat. Well worth $10,000. 910,000 Fine tt-acre tract, mostly cleared, overlooking Willamette river, at Oak Grove, t blocka car line, two dwellings, two - large barns, fruit dryer, stf. Nr t'"""i' for Cathollo schools. Can. easily subdi vide Into small acreage tracts. - J. FRANK PORTER SSS Washington Street, cor. Tlret, eve Walttar Station. anyone until misfortune overtook her and destroyed the small supply of the world's goods she had been able to ob tain only after great toil. Her home la almost destitute of fur niture, and she is unsble to rent but one of the two rooms she haa ready. Theae rooms have nothing In them but bade end chairs. . They are bare of carpete or ruga. Mrs. Mclrwln haa only been able to pay .her 'rent and eke out a-seant living with the money she1 has received. and states that If she eecures furniture It mast come from other sources. Olfts of dressers, carpets and other pieces of furniture would be acceptable and great ly appreciated by Mrs. Mclrwln. M A donation received yeeterdsy and signed "O. )t was for $1. vC Unique Window Display. A window of unusual merit and one that hae brought forth- many compli mentary remarks Is that of the Silver field company. Morrison -and Fourth streets. Mr. M. J. Wentsy, the adver tising manager, haa - very attraott valy and ingenloualy made a verv atriklna display of white duck hate and gowns. The display consists of a real duck pond with the little duckllsaa roms- Lng gayly ovir'Tfie wataf.r The background is Very artistically arranged, with moss,, greens, eto. It la a display that la really worth walking a Dioca.ror two to admire. 'f Fir Works. Fireworks . for evsrvone. wholesale and retail, ill McrrUoa street, Alar uam bulliln. . Lots and Blocks ; . Portland, Or June 19, 18C3. JOSEPH BUCHTEL: The statement that the city is moving to the East Side, as mads, is not very effective. If you will add the statistics in the ' last 5 ' kyears the building permits show for - every -100 dwellings on the , West Side, over 300 on the East Side. January to May," 1806, In- ; elusive, there were 5,700 convey ances, 4,879 of which were of East Side and 830 of West Side prop crty. " ;: , Extracts from a letter from -prominent attorney in ChambetS of Commerce." . ' 6 acres on Wiberg Lsne.fe,00O 2yi .. acres .. ficar s Mount Tabor, . Reservoir $2,100 3 acres miles east ' of Mount Tabor Reservoiri . v . . .f 5,000 40 acres, " house, , barn, ! 10 'acres' improved "r.. ... . ..; , 1,000 . 80 acres, the Lee Knott place, a bargain at, per ace;,. .e?500 : ' Lands adjoining selling at $750 per acre..- . 80 acres near 44th and Broadway for, per acre. ', . . . . ..... .$550 334-acre fine wtll-improved farm, 140 under good cultivation,' good buildings, 600 fruit trees, . spring water in ' house, tele phone in' house, no- gravel ot stone, about 20 miles -from city; worth all asked for it, per acre ............ v$31.50 160 acres 8 miles out for $65 per acre, cheapest land near the city; 35' acres cleared; good water, well and spring.' 7-room fine house on East Ash, a delightful home, highly fin- , ished, fine garden, fruit. See picture at office. 9- room ftouset lc&-63--by-44lr-fine fruit; can b,e had.'for $2,800 7oonlwusEastverettlndJ Eighteenth street. . . . ,$3,000 5-room house, modern, comer East 80th and Sherman ; a good home for $1,800 " 50x100, 2 houses, on East Sixth, near-YamhilL A good invest- .ment; caU and see it. . ' ,. A grand home, North Twenty second and.Quimby streets; a beautiful house of 11 rooms. 100x100, East Couch and Third streets, 3 houses, rent $65 per month; all .,,,..,,.$14,500 5-room house, Glencoe Park.-on easy terms ; is cheap at $1,800 Two fine houses in Ladd Tract, south of Hawthorne avenue, one for. $4200 one for ) $4,500 both modern. 10- room house, in good order, lot 60x104, near 30th and East Taylor streets ; price $3,60O -half cash. . .'; Lot 50x100, ' East 11th, between Ankeny and .Ash; if you wish - to buifd a nice home here is your lot. , , ; Lots in Hawthorne Park Addi tion for sale tand lots or blocks to lease on time to suit you. Ar suitable for warehouses, factories, etc- ' . !. ; '.' Don't forget we can sell . you some "of the finest lots and blocks in Holladay Addition one of ths finest locations in the city for a For a suburban home, see Larson's- Addition, near Mt. Tabor, : lots cheap '. and will help you j-build. your 'housejV- f . ' . Lots in -bailing? Addition, . easy terms, nar Forty-fifth and Hawthorne avenue. Call and let- us show them to you.- ... ' - Money in large or small sums tO' loan. - ;-' v lit- 333 EAST MORRISON ST. Office, pf J-ast Side Improver:: -... ' ' Association.' " Don't forget the mlr, Buchtel&Ke zxzz