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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1906)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAi; PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 84. ' ' - - - -- - - y r-, rr I," , w r' w . -. :; .' f' f HE week has been a buy one. With the I.eil-Iloneyman "wed 1 " ! . dlnfteaglagmtt In Importance, . the. production Friday night of TbV FdrMten," the Bltton and Cotton '-.ea,""nd' a number ot smaller thing given for the officer of the .Chicago i. prior to their ' leaving, all were , kept . . busy. There wer oreh weddings, -ot . more or lee importance, last Wednes day only, and the whole week was quite a star period for wedding. - The benefit " tomorrow night' for the Seamen's Insti tute will be of great Interest since the ." patronesses "will make It a social event. number of weddings this week stand ut with prominence. One of the most elaborate functions f the summer season was the reception - given. Thursday afternoon by Mrs. W , W. Cotton and her mother, Mrs. William Colllngwood of Pittsburg, . In honor of . ' Mrs. Luther Fouls: ' Steel. About 100 guests called and the gowning Waa ex ceedingly handsome The .decorations .; were exquisite and were remarked upon by everyone. In the drawing-room were quantities of Caroline Testout roses In Jars and. baskets. - The library waa In - marguerites; the hall In red and green was banked with palms and the stair case was Hidden with Interlaced vine maples," showing the various tints of . ' green. Brass baskets and urns were "., filled with, the maple, and red roses gave a touch of contrast-The dining room waa exquisite in green and white, with, acenterplece" of Japanese anero 1 enes on the table. ..The chandelier '.. was .twined with white tulle interlaced ' with feather fern. and. great bowls of white snapdragons and sweet peas were seen everywhere. The verandah was enclosed and converted Into a palm-room where punch was served. ' Mrs. Cotton received the guests and she looked very handsome In. a soft white crepe with dainty pink and yellow flg- tires and trimmed with heavy lace. . Mrs. Steel stood next In her wedding " gown of while liberty satin, cut princess and trimmed with duchess Mrs. ' Colllngwood wore- a heavy, black silk trimmed -with duchess lace.' Assisting them In disposing the guests were Mrs. -A. J. Glesy, Mr George Bus sell, Mra Herbert C Nichols. Mrs. J. G. Wilson, Miss . Alice ' Sansberry " and Miss Alice . Strong.. ., . - In the dining-room Mrs. S. R. Johns ton, Mrs. 3. F. Dixon, Mra Louis It Tarpley and Mra Thomas O'Day poured, and assisting In serving were Miss Grace Towslee, Miss Ines Barrett and ,Mlss Helen Easthman. Mrs, B. Campbell of St. Paul and Miss Josephine Yates, Mra Cotton's guest from Spokane, prs- . aided at the punch bowL . ', ' The women pouring and serving In the dining-room carried out the color plan and wore white. Mrs. Glesy was In tan crepe with lace trimmings and received many compliments after her recent long absence h Pnllfomla. Mrs BnaimU 'wore- whit net. Miss Sansberry and Miss Strong were both In white. Mra . Campbell's gown waa a handsome taoii ' embroidered crepe and Miss Tates wore pink and wlilte Brgandle trlmmed wlth Valenciennes lace. -A guest who attracted much attention by her unusually hand- . some appearance was Mrs. K. DeWitt Connell, who has recently returned from Europe looking more' charming than aver. She wore an exquisite Paris gown of voile in blue and white Invisible checks with Just a suggestion of pink to touch off the blue silk strapping Her picture hat was a blue chip straw ... with blue plumes and pink rosea Mra A. E. McKay wore a charming gown "of white batiste embroidered In black with Spanish lace to set It off. Her hat waa a large black shade hat with plume Mrs. George Wentworth, a re cent bride, wore a trousseau gown of . white embroidered linen trimmed with Irish crocheted lace, and her sister. Miss Pit ton, was In a soft black gown with a picture hat of black. Mra Frank War ren. Jr., wore a white linen suit with Russian drawn-work on the bodice. Miss Frances Warren wore a blue broadcloth ult with hat to match. Mra William O. Van Schuyver was in cream mull and Valenciennes lace and Wore a hand some white hat with plumes. Her daughter. Miss -Helen Van- Schuyver, era In white crepe de chine with a white hat with plume Mra W. D. Fentrin wore blue ailk and a white hat, and Mra Collins manv crepe de chine with applique lac and a white hat with plumes. -l ..... . ... Miss Alice KllHngsworth has been th bride-elect of this week -who has received th -lion's share of attention. Miss Kllllngsworth" Is an Omega Nu, and very popular among her young friends, who. have been doing . all In their power to show their friendship. Mra I. F. Staples gave a charming aft ernoon Friday, followed by a .dinner. The afternoon was spent with tnusle and games. . A unique feature waa that It wss the matrons' afternoon, and only the sister and a guest of the bride delect were the "unmarried" there. The Sale! Sale! Sale! Retiring from business.'' Tuesday - at 9 ar m.-we begin toelose out - our -stock at greatly reduced prices.- Must be sold atoncfl.; Store will be closed Monday. " : ' - ; v ;u It Beck Lii.,.; ji;riiirac:ssszsr;sx: ' -V w dining table waa extremely' beautiful with La Franc roses everywhere. A pretty cook book of choice recipe was made up for th new bride, each ma tron adding on that she had tried and proved. The guests- were Mrs. Charles Patton, Mrs. Caroline Potter, Mr. Har vey Cornell, Mrs, Frank Sherry, Mrs. Frank Streiblg, Mrs.' Jessl Depennlng, Mrs. W. Depennlng. Mrs.' A. F. Flegel. Mra Harry Harrington. Mrs. M. ' Bar ker. Mrs. J. D. Duback, Mrs. W. M. Kllllngsworth, Mra W. F. Cuppler. Mrs. Rupert, Mrs.- J. Bullivant Jr., Mra F. Patton. Mrs.' James Alexander, Mr. W. H. Moore. Mra John Jarvls, Miss Fay Kllllngsworth and Miss ' Bhorno. -Mra George Peter gave a 'lovely Mr. Walter plat shower for Miss Kllllngsworth at the ' home of Mra I. V. Peters Wednesday afternoon. Th room were beautiful with Bride rosea In com pi 1 ment to the coming bride. In the din ing room a huge bouquet of them was on th table and tall candle gav pretty light. Dainty Japanese cards did service a pine markers cards which Mrs. I. V. Peters brought with her from her recent trip fo-the Orient. The shower was managed In a unique manner. Th Lohengrin bridal march was played and a little flower girl all In white came In carrying a shower of Bride rose and a basket containing the plates given. The M lanes Mastlrk gav a picture shower lat, week, and. M's Georgl Harrington a luncheon and mlacellan eou shower. Miss Mabel Jarvls gave an elaborate linen shower and some of her other friend save dinners. Miss Kllllngsworth has Jeen complimented with nine showers and two dinners, Monday evening she will glv a bridal dinner to her own party. Her marriage to -Clinton Bhorno takes place at her home In Walnut park next Wednesday evening, and l to b quit elaborate. ' The annual Patton home tea 1 always an event of much social interest, as many of fhe prominent charity work-enr-nfth city are connected with the Institution and many consider It one of the best and most general charitable undertakings In the city. Tuesday aft ernoon of this 'week waa chosen for th tea and It 'has been pronounced the prettiest and most successful In th his tory of the home. . ' There was ' a large . attendance of friend The fine day brought out many pretty summery costumes. , The horn bad a festive appearance, with quanti ties of pink and whit roses wherever - t 272 Washington Street . the eye rested. " Mrs, George Chamber lain headed the receiving line In a hand some gown of black lace over silk. The others In line were Mr. . Charles W. King In lavender ailk, Mr. J. W. Wat son hi white silk, Mrs. Adolph Harr In black ailk. Mra L, A. Brown In white cloth, Mr. A. Shannon In whit silk, and Mra 7 W." L. Straugh in whit. A pretty tea table waa arranged, with a hug basket of Carolina Testout rosea Mra Harriet K. MeArthur la ' black and white silk. Mra 1 JU Patterson in white wool, -Mr George 8. Rodgers In white silk trimmed with lace, and Mra John W. Mlnto In an embroidered white linen costume, poured. They wer assisted In serving only by women who are mem ber of the Patton Home association: Mra D. N. McLaughlin. Mr Theodore Nlcolei. Mr Charlea W. , King, Miss F. BurrelL Lucy Nlcolal, Mr. John Burgard -and Mra Robert Lutke. w: A delightful featur was th candy table presided over by three young women who. offered their services and made and sold the candy with pleasing results to the horn funds. They were Miss Carrie Coleman, Miss Alio Strong and Mrs. W. 11. Chapln. Th table was pretty with white roses.' Th program, under th direction of Mra Warren X. Thomas, was excellent and much enjoyed. Mr. Thomas waa handsome In an ecrn silk gown and Mr. Schwab and Mr. Bushong wer In white. The work of llttl Marguerite Egbert caused much favorable comment, for It showed much clevernes It is understood that eh will glv a program by herself some time in the fall when th teas are again ' resumed. Th fol lowing was th program: Quartet, "Voice of the Wood" (Ru- benstetn), Mrs, Schwab, Mrs. Bushong, Mr. Rathbone . and - Mr. Claussenuls recitation. "Thenr Oxen"' (Raymond). Marguerite Egbert; quartet, "Hush Thee, - By Baby" (Sullivan),- song, "Mother. O Mine" (Tour). J. Rathbone; duet, "Tuscan Folk Songs," Mrs. Schwab and Mrs.- Bushong; reading, selected, Miss Egbert; song, "The Weed and the Rose." Mrs. Bushong; quartet, "The Lost Chord" (Sullivan). . Mrs. C A. Dolph's dinner and bridge Monday evening for Admiral Goodrich was one of th most charming events of last week. The dinner table was dec orated with red Jacqueminot roses and scarlet rambler, and th place cards wer dainty boat. In compliment to the admiral. Th guests wer Judge and Mra C B. Woiverton. Colonel and Mrs, George Davis, Mrs. J. B. Montgomery, Miss Falling, Miss Hoyt. W. D. Wheel wrlght and W. ,B. Ayer. After dinner other guests came In to play bridge, and Mr. and Mrs.' Wesley Ladd made th highest score.! Those,, Invited - in were Mr. and Mra Walter V. Smith. Mr. and Mr. W. J. Burn, Mr. and Mra Herbert, C. Nichols, Mr. and Mra Walter - Burrell, - Mr and - Mrs. Wesley Ladd,, Mr, and Mrs. John K. Kollock, Miss frttgomery. Miss Flanders. Miss Louise Flanders, Mle France Lewis, Miss. May Falling Richard Nixon, Harry Montgomery and several of th Chicago officers. Th table was - converted into a charming tea table, with nautical dec oration In red and .white, .and eagle and ships and flags were In evidence In unique sponge sugar figure. Mrs. Walter BurreU .and Mra "Walter Smith, wer at one end and Mr. "Wesley Ladd snd Mra Walter Burns at th other. Mrs. Polph was extremely handsome In whit lac gown, mad over whit chiffon, and her daughter waa charm' Ing also in whit lac. Mr. Woiverton wor black lace; Mra - Montgomery, whit atin: Mrs. Davis, blu ailk; -Miss Falling, blue aatln and lac; Mis Hoyt whit lac; Mra Burn, crushed straw berry net; Mrs. Ladd, pink silk; Mra, Burrell. Dresden ailk, snd Mr. Smith, whit and lavenden silk. On of th pretty tas ' of the. week waa given by Mra Robert Blrdsall at ber bom. 70S Northrup street, Wednes day afternoon: Th home wa beauti fully decorated with , Caroline Tea toil t rnae which gave a pretty pink touch to all corner of th rooms, liufc Indian basket of th flower war bung in th doorway la th dining room there wer . handsome out glass ' candlestick with pink candle and shade to light th darkened room and th pink rose in masses on th sideboard and .uoie. Th den was In-red with red' roeea. The large veranda waa Inclosed with screens and draped with flag Thar Mra Frank Thomas in pink silk and Miss Marian Ramsey In pale blue ailk served -punch to th guesta Indoor Mra. Blrdsall received - with her nleoe, Miss Marl Smith, assisting. Mra Blrdsall wore a delicate violet net or namented with exquisite lao of the same shads. Mis Smith wa In pink chiffon. In th dining room Mra Oeorge Fuller. Mra Allen M. Ellsworth and Mra. William H. Marshall poured tea. Mra E. 8. Edward and Mra Samuel H. Orubar assisted in entertaining th guesta ; Th company waa very - elabo rately gowned and th hostess assist ant wor particularly charming frock Mra- Fuller wor pal blu crepe d chin. Mra Ellsworth whit net ever yellow silk. Mra - Marshall white net over whit ohlffon. Mra. Edward whit silk and Mra Gruber white organdie. i ...... ::..t Mr. Walter 7, BurreU gave a charm ing dinner in honor of Admiral Good rich Thursday evening. : Th table dec oration of Quantities of crimson ram bler wer beautiful. . From the center plec of bright roses strayed green ten drils , over th cloth, and th subdued light of. th green candle gav a pe culiarly soft . ton to. th - whole room. Mra . BurreU 'wor a handsome green and whit brocade gown, and ber mother, Mra J. B. Montgomery, wor a whit satin' brocade, trimmed with Italian point, and wor diamond. The guest wer Mr. and Mra Wesley Ladd, Dr. and Mra Pelgram, Mra, Montgom ery, Mrs. James Schwerln, Mis Hoyt, Mis May Falling. Mr. Hicks, Mr. Hal stead and Mr.- Morrison of . th Chi cago. . .1.- - -, Mr. Burrell waa glvan- the phvo of honor nt a dinner given Friday averting on - th Chicago by - Paymaater Hlcke. Mr. Montgomery, Mr. Wesley Ladd and Mra Schwerln wer among th guests, with som of th offlcra Fri day evening Mr. Ulcks gav another dinner, entertaining, besides the offi cers. Captain and Mr. Marshall, nd Mr. Marshall's sister, Mia ' Hasel Dolph, and Miss Montgomery. A unique featur waa th bouquet of American Beauty roses, Ued with the ship hand, for th women of the party. v - Mr. Burrell expected to leave yester day for Alaska, but th Illness of .her child prevented her departure. The entertainment by the crew of th V.- 8. 8. Princeton to be given at the Empire theatre tomorrow vnlngfhonymoon trip, which they spent t wm prove a leading aociety event Tb patroneaee number eom of th moat prominent matrons who have Interested themselves In the missionary work for sailor The proceeds will be used for the benefit of th Seaman' Institute, and Mra E. T. C ' Steven and other connected ' with the work are making personal solicitation for the sal of ucaets among tneir mend.. Wltho clety women selling ticket among their own friends and with th patronage xt the leading women of society It goes without saying that every one will fol low their lead and give financial sup port Rear Admiral , F. Goodrich, commander of the Pacific squadron, and Commander F. H. Sherman. U. 8. N., of the Princeton will b the patron and th patronesses are Mra W. J. Burns, Mrs. Cyrus A. Dolph, Mra Richard Koehler. Mrs. Slgmund Frank, Mra J. Wesley Ladd and Mra Jam Laldlaw. Th entertainment I practically th aame a wa given by th same com pany at. San Diego om month ago with uch - marked succesa Th pro ceeds then went to the Bennington memorial fund and -the occasion was made a society event' This Is said to be the largest amateur minstrel com pany in th. United Statea '..'.'. Dr. John R. Berber entertained a few or nis musical friends Saturday even ing, a wee ago, at too Yamhill street In honor of Dr. and Mrs. Sears of Wal lace.Idab.o who. war. spending a few day at th Portland on their wedding trip. Mr. Sear, whoa horn has been In Chicago, haa a charming contralto vole and sang to th delight , of her hearers. There were several 'other prominent local singer and th evening wa one of musical . enjoyment The living-room was pretty with large bou quets of roses and carnations. Dr. Bar ber was assisted in receiving by his sister. Miss Fanny Barber.. Among the guests wer Mra Anna Selkirk Norton, Miss Ethel Lytle. Miss Ethel Shea, Miss Llna Llnehan, Mias Petronella Connolly,' Miss Amos, Barry Eastham, J. Clair Montelth. Dr. Ellis and Harold Hug glna ' ' Th Bridge Wblst Study club was entertained Wedneaday by Mra. P. A. Rees, (63 Clackamas street .Mra Rees' beautiful ' horn waa decorated ' with many lovely specimens of th La Franca, Carolina Testout and Wagran rosea Th center ornament of th din ing table -was a large Indian basket filled with about SO larg La. Franc rosea . . . .. ' - Twenty-four- hands . at whist wer played,- Mrs. W. H. Mankin making th highest score. . A delicious luncheon was then served, the viands and decorations being in pink and white. - Thursday, June is, will b th last meeting of the club for this season, when It will be entertained by th chair man, Mr. D. W. McLaughlin. At this meeting the final prises for th season will b wardd. . Mra P. J. Cronln gav a tea Wednes day , afternoon-for -th members and frlenda of the Cathedral Aid aociety and ther wer about 0 guests present. Mra Cronln and her daughter. Miss Katharine Cronln, received. The living room wa very pretty with, sweet scented red clover mingling with th crimson ramblers all over th room. The hall looked like a miniature forest with quantities of vine maple. In th dining room wer marguerite. Mr. A. M, Cronln poured tea and Mis Walla, Mra Hubert Parson Mia Arm I stead and Miss Mamie Cronln served. Ther wer table for flv hundred and the prise were- won by Mis McKay and Mra-J. E. Cronan. ' - Mrs Richard Mac Donald of Seattle was the boner gueat Monday at luncheon given by her Jioatesa 'Mrs, Thomas v. Robinson, at her east side home Cover war laid for eight and at each plac waa a favor of a small potted asparagus fern' In Japanese jardiniere. Th color plan, wa . rean.i. ana wnit inrougnoui ana a targe potted maidenhair fern formed a beautiful cen terpiece. . Th trailing ends of feather fern . wer Interlaced upon .th cloth. Th plac card wer encased in green enamel, holders. - Ferns and palms dee orated th dining-room, which 1 don in green and black; . " .T...,. , . .. At. Pretty howr wa .that given by th Misses McConnell Saturday night a wees) i ago for Mis Florence Walton. Th unlqu featur wa th presentation to- the bride-elect of a miscellaneous shower of gifts on a wheelbarrow high ly - decorated with ribbon and flower and wheeled In by two llttl girl ) whit. " Mra. Charle E. Bltton gav another large tea Friday afternoon, entertain ing about J60 of her calling list :Mtsa Helen Spalding wa host-with berj and Mrs. 8111001 daughters, Vi Mra George K. Wentworth and Mia Bltton. received with her. Th house wa beau tifully decorated -with splendid rosea, th color being red in the library, whit in th dlnlna roeea. yellow In th par lor and pink lnthe feoeptton room.' Mrs.' W. P. Olds. Mr. W. F. Woodward, Mr. Jama D. Hart and Mr. Jam Dunlap poured, and assisting In serving wer Mra Lloyd Wentworth, Ml Went worth, Mis Carlott Parkar and Miss Elisabeth Sear. - ' Mrs. John E. Povey entertained th Theodora club at her homei, Me TUlar mook street, Monday. Th pretty room were artistically decorated with choice rose. All the members wer present and a pleasant afternoon waa (pent In playing flv hundred, after which th hoeteae served a dainty luncheon 'at th card table She was assisted by her daughter. Mis Doraia, .and little Miss Mildred King, let of San Franclsoo, Both girls war dainty In pretty white gowna Mr. Will 8tvr will entertain th club Jua. SB. ... ' Mia Mabel Ransom i th guest of her brother, Frank Ransom, on Patty- grov street She baa Just returned from a . trip abroad where she - spent soma time In London and Berlin with frlenda Her stay waa ahortened by th California dlaaster and She returned to America immediately. Her parent, Mr. and Mra 8. Ransom, cam up from Oakland. California, to meet, bar and oon template making their bom on th t aide. Mis Kaneom win De witn Mr, and Mra Frank Ransom Indefi nitely. . wv,- w- ,. ;;'- . Mra Holt C. "Wilson gav a luncheon for eight at th link Thursday In honor of Mra Nlblaok, whose husband Is on th Chicago, Mra Nibiac l remem bered by a number of her friend a Miss Huntington, , who , visited her some year ago. The tabl waa spread in the gallery , of th club house, and wa dainty with th old-fashioned pink f ox-glova ', . Th other guests wer Mra Charle JF. Beebe, Mr. Ernest Tucker, Mr. J. Wealey Ladd. Mis Hoyt. Mis Lwi and Ml Wilson. , (V. . ...... w . -. Mis Marl EL Rau and her sister, Ml MUlle Raab, left Ust night for Oakland. California, where-Mis Rau's marriage to WUUam Luta f New Tork wUl, be celebrated Wednesday. The. bride and ' groom will traval through California for several month before going to New Tork to male their home, but- Mia Raab will go ther at one to llva t-T . i. Mr. and Mra Pink Charle ; Patter son returned Monday evening from their iide Ther are at- home now with Mra. Patterson's father, B. F. Glltner, at S Everett and will be ther till the completion of their new home at T71 Everett street, about th mlddl of July.: :.-,, ' -, ...... .. .;t .... A number of oclty people went out In response to invitations to the opening of- the - Ros Island v-Country -club. Wednesday, after the Honeyman wed I ding. Thla promise to be a popular place, where amusement will be open to th members at all tlmea ., . -.: . . Captain and Mra . George Conway celebrated their tenth wedding anniver sary last Saturday. Many flower and gift war sent to them and in th even ing a number of their friend called at th Carleton with their good wlshea , Mr. and Mra. J. Goldsmith recently i entertained about 40 of their daughter Else's friend. at Larow halt - Th evening ' wa pleasantly spent with dancing, and late in the evening -refreshments wer served. . EVENTS OF THE WEEK. The third birthday of llttl Owena Wolcott last Saturday waa th occasion of a children' party In th apartment Of her mother, Mr. O. P. Wolcott at th Carleton. A' numherof pretty pres ents were brought for the little hostess and her young guests watched her with delight as she blew out the three candles on the big birthday cake. Miniature sultcasea-fllled with candles wer given away as favors. About 10 of her llttl friends were present " A party of the friends of Mr. and Mra W. R. Oe borne surprised them In their pretty new - home, S6S Benton street last Saturday and a delightful evening was spent Mr. and Mrs. Os borne had Just moved in and were com pletely urprlsd, but entertained their (Continued on Page Seventeen.) WEDDINQj AND VI3IT1NO CARDS' W. G. SMITH & Co. Washington Building Webber's Studio MuniVilla. Banjo, Gotta Instraetloa. "tries ertitra for reception Agent tor Olbeos MaodoUne. 81V alder. Male 20b. X Our Summer VorUlwest rjr m " "orK III . II iril II II I -.iFZ . "?".: ' . I Largest Stock and Low- I lePllCVC I .8 e.t Prices on the Hi V .aaA - : II II De..r.. " r li sn : . '' J J i svlv' was - . . . U -t'' V?' 'i '';'i.: ' II viWe arc our .own importer u -.A C"2l.,-p'P yB-teS U V - and permanently II ' " v located here" jff , '- ATI VRIRbnTHRP -Th WomanStPf Lcadlnt; Outfitters SPECIALS IN THE , MiilineiDeptl .;A1I $18.00 and $20.00 Hats . . ; 12.00 All $12.60 and $15.00 Hats. ..? 8.00 -All $ 8.00 and $10.00 Hats. 5.00 AU $ 5.80 and $ 7.50 Hats. . All $ 3.00 and $ 5.00 Hats;.. t A lot o this sprinos style Hats slight- ly damaged jn shipping will go at..;... -M Summer Dresses ; ; This displayfg particularly noteworthy on , account ,of the -wide variety of the new styles shown. ; Pretty Silk Lawn, ;in plain and point d'esprit sheer dresses v - r S $16.50 upi to $30 2 :New light and airy lingerie dresses at ?350 to 91150 ' uit AU $16.50 All $20.00 AH $25.00 All $35.00 All $45.00 FURS STORED FOR THE SUMMER AT VERY - SMALL EXPENSE. , ' H.J3.JLitt Foartk anJ REMOVAL SALE -.We have to vacate our present quarters .and are offering our entire stock at . J Exceedingly Low Prices MONDAY WE Suits Values to $37.50 for $50.00 Suits for . . sale of V y I . ; s Pourth and Mofd on , Laadisit FurrUrs t- 5b -i. , 3. 9 1. 08' sjr. ..95c SPECIALS IN' THE : Department and $18.00 Snits.. 912.05 and $2W0- Suits.....,, 914.00 and $30.00 Suits . 916.85 and $40.00 Suits. .921.75 and $50.00 Suits. 932.65 Ladiesr Skirts Imported French Voiles, etc We . offer them at less than manufacr - "a y m hirer's cost, $32.00 down to.'. pl I 0U "Waenmtoa WILL OFFER $9.50 $19.75 'I w "j-rfc 1 . ' .,.,.1. f :. ". 4. r.i v i ,.-, ; , I ' - - r-