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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1906)
I - -.' SECTION TWO ; . C 1- PAGES 15 TQ.23 . -PORTLAND OREGON, SUNDAY T MORNING,- JUNE 24, 1906. Olds, VJort man & King 'SlSW Olds, VJortman & King ""' Olds, VJortman & King $T4. Olds, VJortman & King ... :":. - . m Sixth and Washington Streets . :?; . C. "-- , ; :. - This Store Is Getting the J Lion's Share" of Summer Business 71 U b?Ai Cnsfton Tops mi i icwc.? Center Pieces Pretty horn "flxlnajs" undorpriced for Monday' Sale Annex Second Floor.. TepoeUj Cushion Tope, With plain back and tassel at corner; Jn a variety of designs. These cushion allpa are all ready for the tilling. Special Bale price, each . .37e),, " 1 '' . T5o to $L0 Centerpiece fo Mo. .'".' , ..' 0 tamped Centerpieces of fine handkerchief or hoary linen, stamped in -a. variety of deeigne la floral, English eyelet. conventional, lit Melllok and -Roman embroidery. Borne are partly embroidered. Slses It, 14 and ST ' Inches; our T8o to 1 1.40 valuee, , Special Bale price, each. ........... .29 T PlirSQS . peasfl 'i Prices i Leather Goods Aisles-Annex.- ' Ladles' 91.85 Band Three S8o. '" An . assortment of this aeason'a newest - hand Purses, with strap handles on beck, ' coin pocket with nickel frame, with cora ' v pertinent on each side, an ontatde card : pocket and- an outside handkerchief' pocket; rede,-browns, tana, greens and ' bluest outv 11.26 Value. Special at.. 984 v V First Floor Sale ' vxxLXau Am tbxls tob xatt warn mourn tob uss. Chiffon Tails, 1V4 yards, I yards and I yards Ions. In nary, green, tan and , brown; splendid for automoblllng or driving; also some fine laoe veils in . navy, black, white and brown, and ranging in value from 12.00 to 15.00, and . an assortment of fine silk net veils worth 81-78. Tour choice of any ef 'these at,, , .IIU TBXCB. , Another Jot of Telia of Tuxedo Mesh with silk chenille dots. In black and . white effects. Theae veils are one and' a half yards Ions; and are our regu lar $1.00 value. - Special Sale price, each .39) E'l ; Summer Apparel resembled a weather even when other shops I camp rrieetin on a rainy day? Best values that's sJl, but, mercjr met MUCH. Correct, Stylish ' y Comfortable, Elegant Undermuslins&L that means so A manufacturer asked us the other day to buy: his ware because another local house had 'era. They weren't as food as we are buying for less -and he admitted it... "But,"' said be, SIU put In : enough advertising and talking points' to make .folks clamor for the stuff." We didn't buy his .wstufLa'JLong ago it ceased to be the chief aim . r of this store to get things to "aell" the endeavor it to let in merchandise only that may be sold fairly.- We've no contest with stores that run on the plan of 'least resistance. Slack methods in. others serve to emphasise the advantages of trad '' ing at Olds,' Wortman ft King's. Yet we don't ask the other stores to stay bad as a (oil to this storelike the temperance lecturer who kept his besotted brother plied with liquor that he might use him as a demonstration of a "horrible ex- . ample." Another manufacturer wanted to sell us "pounds" of yarn that weighed 12 ounces said it was sold by "troy weight." - Sounds like "rock pile" to us yet he sold it about town. This house protects its patrons by buying right on the start. In immense quantities to insure lowest price, then ' sells FAIRLY, at lower, prices than you usually . pay for things. In store or state there la a grow- ing premium for PROBITY. : Do you wonder we're getting the LION'S SHARE of the : business? .-----.""--- v MGrtup ot Uncomnio in Com- . Get the Summer supply .now; the savins make it marked opportunity; , Read -the particular. ' ' ' ----- , rrenoh Unrerles XeduoeA a Third,- . er z a . i mm ooats. waists, mum, fob xovsa 01 r v ill trvsnnicno. nw ajuutaxs. ' ' "There are'thre kinds of storekeeplns one. to, sell at exorbitant prices, mad, plausible In some way; one to offer belts and pose a a cheap store while really charslnr very full prices, and third, the Olda, Wort man A Kins way TaUr VxtooS (or Authoritative Styles Only last week we saw' suit from another Portland tore. It was bought by the wearer a a "Special Sale" for 121.10 'marked down from MO." We had ita pro ' " totypea selllna here all season at the, fair, resular price ' of $21.00 ' Identical style and. lot number from aame maker. No wonder that Jon aso we won the largest ' local bualneae .ln the sellln of women's garments. . There' a reason for "every special sal this store oon . duct. Either an advantaseoua buy in market through ' T peerless organisation and -splendid eonnectlona-or .a desire to close broken iota ana willingness 10 iaae eon sequent temporary lose. Tomorrow w start to close ' soma short lot. - The savings are worth arranging to hare In. Here's the new In a nutshell. " A.. "A ! atvla. . mula wlttl lancy white, navy. tan, light blue. Plain black. Every Suit a full value at Its resular eric of from sia.&O to $75.00. To wool shirtwaist Suits Half-Price HI fat 575 Values Choose from any In th-houe. a wide aelectlon. charming model In the Shlrtwelat' and two-Dlece stylee,' latter in Shirtwaist effects.- Handsome -'. Veiling, -Drap ET. JJtea, Panamas,-Berge. etc, amartly trimmed In pretty ' laces and exoulslte embroideiiea. . In regular length sleeve model or elbow rvn, mhi B ii VA. - Any (nfiunni pin. . hello, brown. : green, reds, corals, or Dainty French Lingerie appeatto every woman's heart We doubtless .have the largest. moat com plete stock of this fine hand-embroidered' Underwear shown In any establishment west of Chicago. Theae Undermuslina are of fine nainsook. English long cloth, pure linen and fine cambric, either laun dered or unlaundered,' and embroidered In the plain ' little polka dota. bow knots, Fleur de Lis and all. the most elaborate pattern.. ' Gowns; our $$.60 to 27.o values. J " -at .OSIsI TXTJU) OTT. Drawer; ouf IJ.60 toH.C0;-varue; . at OsTX TMSBB OTT. Chemise; our 11.80 to I17.S0 values. " . v al ;...Oira THJJUD OTT. Skirts; our $4.00 to $50.00 valuea. " , at ....... .......... . Q TBTSP OTT. Corset Covers .urTlf-SdHfoTrct.W " at Extraordinary , Bargains Monday . On TXXSB OTT. Women's tlA5 Wash Tettlooata 8So. . Women's Wash Petticoat of blue and white striped mercerised seersucker,' or of plain blue or brown; made with deep flounces with double ruffle and cording; our $1.25 value." Special at ...89 I., ' Boyal Worcester Bon Ton Corset for S3.2. . Royal Worcester Bon Ton Corsets of white or blue figured broche-a corset -eeneclallv adapted for outdoor exercise and a medium small figure; sires IS to it; our 14.78 v,alue. Special at f3.29 cloa on Monday See window expose, at.. ,on XAXT TBICB. Waists Reduced Xavtsh Stock too largo and varied for unnecessary deacrlptlv detail. - The tale that ' interest ia the new of reduotlon. Appended l.50'Walta for, ...........f 9.38 l0.00Waltsfo-.f.,Tir.T 18.00 Waists for ..$11.25 $15.00 WalstaJoi Tf 1SVTS" i loo package- linen cloth finish En - velopea to match. L Speclal , . . Te l- Transparent clear Glycerin Toilet ' Soap, I cakes In . box. Speo'l.lOt 75o fine quality gold - mounted Shell Back : Combs. Sp'1.49e Pair 10c black and tan Shoe Laces, extra wide.' Special 6e Ribbons BOo to S6o mibbonorttSo Brlast Frocks for-Less Dainty, attractive Morning Dresses for home wear. Especially useful for the vacationist at the shore or in the country. . Neat, cool and "comry," mad from chambraya, per cales, mercerised stuff, cambric, cheviot and linens, and prettily trimmed tn braids, plaits, pipings and embroidered effect. Reduction follow this trend , . . $2.00 Suits at . .fl.50 $$.00 Suits at $1.6$ Suits at . ..fa.25 .8)1.88 : 110.00 Suits for, 85.00 Suits at ... f 7.50 f 3.75 C m - Ui At Special i-IlII VUCUD SalelPtices A splendid choosing from these smart, Jaunty Jackets. . New. stylish model in very latest effeota. 811k and . breadoloth in the picking. No garment quit so handy a ', - a'wrap for the cool Summer evening an all 'round ' necessity with moat wearer the year through. Ton save -'' thle wy,n6w. Special for Hondey -.1 $35.00 Coat now. .fl8.T5 $30.00 Coats now, .'f 23.50 $88.00 Coats now. . 8 26.85 $1S.$0 Coat now.. . f9.88 $15.00 Coats now. . $11.25 818.60 Coats now. .$13.85 New Coats B&7h.. Handsome, atyllah garments, 48 Inches long, built from mart fanoy mixtures In lightweight material, herring bone atrip, pretty plalded effecta and neat checks, the ' popular gray predominating. -Just the coat for now.' up to the minute In style, as usual the biggest and best election of new models In town. ...$7.50 to $15.00 J Bo EnglishNo 8pL die- Books. 10e 100 15c pkf. of white, J '. Crepe Paper Napkins. , ' ' ' Special .... 10e .. le' roll Toilet Pa . per. Special.. 6 v Or, dosen..,..65 20o - bottle '' pure ? Witch- Haiet Bpeclal. 14 We have eaolnstve ale of the Bamosva Belt Tina. 2rVtoee "35et-$1.75 Jewelry Aisle First Floor. . 'Best. American Spool Cotton, blk. and white. - all sixes. Special. T pool .....254s Embroideries Remarkable Bargain (FIrat Finer.) A Wonderful Speeial Sele ef Zmbraideriea atondey. A big lot of Kmbrulderlfe. nine tn 63c, emulating "t ed(e and luwtlone from m Inrhae te.12 lortae In width; aotne eonet-mrer ambrold ertM In the lot; all kave beat bnttnuolrd - edses end will wash end gtre excellent aorrira. ' - Theae we divide tnta twe lots, ander-prlrrd ee print, ed: tot No. 1. Tale's te 35c; specie! sale frlre. the jarrt. Ike. iOt No. S. value te Ac; ipeclal aale price, -the yard. See. Ml mi roe. tbcee embroider. -' lea i-are In 4 H -yard asd SH-yard strips, sad wUl set .be eat.' 18o nickel - plated Folding -Coat - Hanger. -Speolal .....lOe) 5c fancy lace edge Shelf Paper In 10-yard pieces. Special 3 18c jar Petroleum . Jelly or Vaaellne. Special . ..10 - 5c paakage fln white- .smooth finish Envelope. Special . . . ri-3e) ' ' 25a best English Tooth Brushee. Special ...15 . 76c bafT Imported Italian Castne Soap. Spec1.49 Special price on -Art Pottery and Decorated China Vases. See display bargain In Art Room. ifc" 1-lb. . packet linen cloth finish White Writing Paper. .. ' Special ....19e) ' .yard A SPBCIAI, AJT ZKPOBTAaTT TXBBB-BAT SAU-41TTX STBZZT UTIX, : The value are. Impatient' to tell their story. Read It all then lose no time In getting to the store tomorrow for a ahare. Tou need the silk; they're new. smart and seasonable; then, think of the savings!- L . 1.460 yards swell Suit Silks In Taffetas, Peau d Sole and Loulalenes. In all wanted color and style, - the new check and stripes Included; regular values 81.00 and $1.26. - Special only, yard ;.....67 White Japaneee Wash Silks Theae wanted silks at a big ' aaving for three days -. . t j tl and 88 Inch wide; regular 81.28 grade, for, yd... '.98 IT and 8$ Inches wide; regular 81.60 grade, for,' yd. $1,19 17 and 80 Inches wide; regular $1.76 grade, for, yd. $1.43 27 lnohes wide; regular 82-00 grade, for. ..... ..V. ..$1,64 Regular 81-00 grade Olaoe Peau de Cygne, 20 lnchea wide, ' in a large color assortment. Special for three days only. ...TUf ltf III! ' '. Dress Goods vpSI your favor. The Special Sale price are in r : , only. - Pricings force Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday OO&OBBO BBBSS OOODS Imported French Voiles In all wanted shades of street and bouse wear Our regular 81-00 grade, for, yard.. -83 - - Our regular 81-26 grade, for, yard... . ..,....$1.03 Imported Silk and Wool Drees Fabrics, such a Crepe de Chine. Crepe de Franoaia ed Crepe de Paris; color are . tans, modes, brown., cantors, . -cardinals, grays, navies, champagne, reeadaa, greens, copper In fact, every wanted shade Regular . .......irt."1" 81.75 $l.eo $2.25 .and -"82.80 grade. For. Half Price ....v., .'.. 87 He $1.00 $1.12H and $1.26 yard. '': I -i Z--S'i T0 ViBTn BUCK BBBSS CJOOOS. ' '':';" "'.''.'i., ; v A BpsslsnT siaesi Mses. ..' f , r ' Imported ' Black Mohair BrllllanUna, Mohair Sicilians, English Serges and Cheviots; ' every yard warranted taat black - .a -Regular $1.00 grade. Special only, yard ........82 Regular $126 grade. 'ftptctal only, yard.., I................................. -98f "Regular $1.80 grade. ' Special only. yard. .$1.19 i, - - s . , i, - , lUlillinoru Charmingly Picturesque IW lUinery jnt Chk Summer Hat The woman who loves the fetching loveliness 'of a Summer .Hat 1 bet and easiest satisfied In choosing here because as usual assortments are largest and the atylea are those which appeal to the highest artistic Instinct of Portland's correct dressers. More captivating creations were neter originated. Bright, pretty, airy fanclea are dis played here In profusion. Hundreds of white hata In dainty lingerie effect. Neapolitan model, Milan and lac conception trimmed In the latest Eastern popular atyle. Smart new Sailor In Infinite variety of correct shapes to wear with the Shirtwaist Suits. A hat for every function, modestly priced. SPECIAL MONDAY: 55 to $10 Hats at $2.50 A remarkable offering. -Another lot of stylish tailored and beautifully trimmed Hata. In $6.00, $8.00. $8.00 and $10.00 value for one day only Special at ...$2.5U Tlaln Satin Taffeta Ribbons. 4 4 lnchea and 5Vi lnchea wide, in all color; our 60o and 85o value. Swell black and white dotted.; Ribbon, 4tt Inches wide and "our 60c value. Dresden Ribbon, 6H lnchea and OH Inches wide; some print warps; other printed ribbon, worth to 85c the yard. ' All on sale Monday at the Special Sal price of 25 yd. - Tours myiwiii- -Veckwear Worth BSo to fits fos tea,. ...... ' Black Stock Collars, with tab front, worth $1.00. - Whit Stock Collars, with-fancy Four-tn-Hand f ronta, worth 76c - ' " r White and Black Stocks, trimmed with Valen-. clennes lace, worOT'Jfic;' " ' White Linen Embroidered . Stocks, . with fancy Four-ln-Hand tie. - . . - - Beaded Collars, with ruchlpg around; top, worth 85C. ' " . T r . V. . , ,., Swell Uttle SUk Collars In different colors, piped with whit silk, worth 81.48. Washable Stocks, with Xlatlron front ef facte and pearl buckle In front. Silk Collars, with inching around the bottom and ' I medatttons-trtmmed' with fold tftads, worth 75c - some awell cut-Out Effeota,. embroidered around the top, worth -50e. ' . . Tour choice of any of the above style Special, t 25e. ' : JTeokdreealna-s Worth to 75a at 10a. ,- I, l.adUa: Stock oUaja-of different colored-' allkSf- mada In buttonhole effect, with colored satin piping; to be worn with string tie, Four-ln-Hand or Windsor , ' ties; our 60c value.-. Embroidered Linen Collars. ' with buttonhole : front, embroidered In different color; our 25c value. Ellk Turnover Collars, with fancy front tab; our-, 60c value. , -. SUk Turnovers, . embroidered In colors;, our. 65a value. . Collar and Cuff Sets; our 75e value. . Tour choice of the above--Speclal at 10. ; Kand-Zmbroldered Collar and Cuff Seta In beautiful designs, some 1n white, some in colors; our $$.00, - , 83-OQ, 84-00 and $5.00 values. 8pectal at m.m , .2AZiT TBZOB. Weokpleoee Worth te t0 at SSo! . Some of Kayser' Fin Neckwear, consisting of Stock Collars and Turnover Collars, with fancy front tabs; our 82.00 value. - j - Black Collar?, with fancy front tabs;, our 81-50 to $3.00 values. - , , -,' Also a TotoT ' Fine Xace Trimmed Collars, em- " "Drolderear"Tn'goTd. Worthl6$f.50"eacK " : Special at 98. -Ralfcmportant 60e Xld Teather Belt 39e. A line of ' new Belt In white, black and gray kid leather, with two-tongue spring buckles, which , buckle In the back. Special at.,.. ...394 China And Summer Home Comforts at Special Sale Prices - A lot of help her for the housewives and maids. . Get a gas range. Summer means an unbearably hot kitchen if thera In a coal or wood range, with It constant heat. And tho ashes, the dirt, and carrying wood or coal. A nulaanre! Avoid It by getting a gas range. Tou may buy one here on the third floor In the House- keeping Departments at from $18.50 to $40.00 Gaa Plates up from 25 A SrZCIAX. SAX.B OT OBTJTA TXZS TDK. -Odd piece Decorated French China at Special prices. Olives; regular value 60c Special......,.,....-. .-...30e Olives: regular value $1.05. Special 65 Ice Relishes; regular value $1.15. Special TO Ijeafftelss; regular value $1.$5. Special $1.00 Leaf Platee; regular value $2.26. Special .....$1.25 'Salads;, regular value $1.25. - Special . 90 Salada; regular value $2.00. Special.... ....$1.25 Berry Bowls; regular, value $1.25. Special ...85 Berry Bowls; regular value $1.65. Special., $1.05 Fruit Bowls; regular value 10c. Special. 60r $1.25 $1.20 .....$3.00 ?3.20 3.35 I fM J .rM B Women's Seasonable VnuViWKai Summer Specials Bathlaa- 8ralts Are Beedy fov a Tloag, ' ' Here's news that breathes comfort In every line. Special Sales that save you money, .Big assortments that av you bother, dependable garments that aav you worry and regrets later on. Read 1 Complete line- of Women's and Children's Bathing Suits la black, blue, brown and cardinal mohair. Price range . from . , ,'.$2.0O to $13.50 full Shoes. line ef Bathing Cap and ' ''.v Wesaea's SSe Tests So.... Fine white long sleeve cotton VetsTfr?t'r trimmed; . - regular value 86c .Special ........ t. ...... ....... .25 . ".v- i;'' Women's See Tests' 114 '" ' 'iV. , " White -cotton low neck, sleeveless Vests, afhlte crochet yoki regular value 20ct Special' ...... 12H - ' ' 'Women's t5e' Tests So.' . : .' "? " .Extra sise .whfte 111 Veet. eleeveles. fine i ribbed, very . . .elastic; regular value 85c 8peolal ................ ...2S . ' . ' - -Wesaea's. See Teats SSe. , ' k ' ;'j :-y' White Jersey ribbed knee length, lace trimmed, French band , Pants, extra si set. regular value 86ci. Special ...v........'..' , ... ..', I"..". ' Woaaea's 40e Tights ' sve. White knee length' cotton Tlshta, lace-trimmed knee; regular value 40c. I . r , " ' V , - .. . . ' , :.-N-4v.iaw'"'-.f' ?' i'7 Fruit Bowls; regular value 82 00. Special.. Fruit Saucers: regular value $1.80. Special, dosen. Fruit Saucera; regular value $5.00. Special, doien. Fruit Saucera; regular value $5.25. . Special, dosen Fruit Saucers; regular value $5.40. Special, doien Fruit Saucers; regular value $5.75. Special, dosen Special 'Bargain Table of Odd Lines of Glassware. BUBOaTalU ABTXdaSB. - Uncovered Jelly Tumbler. 8peeialtvi dozen. ..................... ..... Covered Jelly Tumblers. Special, dosen..; Mason Rubbers. Special. dosen ... - ............ . Mason Jar Caps and Rubbf rs. Special dosen1 rkionomy and Vacuum Fruit 'Jar Caps. U . Special prices on Refrigerator and IcexTream Treeaers. " Illinois Refrigerators, 17 inches high, 28lnche wide, 15 Inches deep. Special. ... .$43.75 Automatic Enameled Refrigerator, 41 inches high, $2 Inches wide,' 11 lnchea deep. . Special . ...,..........$18.00 Automatic Enameled Refrigerator, with water cooler, 41 Inches high, 85 Inches wide. It lnchea deep. Special ..... ...Nn ..i .... ..$23.75 Thlrty-fourN atjlea and ahapes to (elect from. err o&Ass. Portland Agency for "Libber" Cut Glass, Over 400 article and cutting to select from. Frtces loweet, quality conaidered. " . '. . -. See our - Crystal 'Room, unequaled on . Paalflo . CoaaC ......... 25 ...30 4 20 a Ready Tomorrow A Special Sale .' Special. 29 Talne WS7.00 fov 93.1S, Thank a long spell of coel. rainy weather, and the eoneequent discouragement of an overstocked maker for the ""nap." The season's on. Tou want the parasol. , See how opportunity helpe you to save in buying a charming Summer companion: ' - Monday morning we open a Grand Special Sale en a lot ef beau tiful fanoy Parasol: - . About. 60 tn the choosing., embracing fine hemstitched. Silk Pare , sola, with enameled handle and told frame; In red. navy and green; beautiful ellk with fancy, border, natural wood handle and enam eled frame these ia red, green and navy. Fine Shot Silk Taffeta, with enameled handle and paragon frame; In green, navy, red. and brown; usual $6.00 value Fin Taffeta Slik Parasola, with fancy embroidered border. Ivory ' tlpa and carved Ivory or enameled handles; usual 87.00 value " Beautiful black and white effects, with black carved handle; 'regular 84.50 value.. ' .Fine Alt-Silk Taffeta, with fancy Dresden border eome in dif ferent colors; usual 8 60 value ' 1 Beautiful Rajah Silk Parasols tn , lavender and potis; with handle enameled to match. Special Sal price, $3.19.' ' r v.