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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1906)
' ' - -t -v : j- THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING. JUNE, 24, 1803. --- BETTER COAST STEALER four Vessels Will Be Put on Run From Port 1 land to SanrPedro, San Francisco and J ; j . Way ; Points-Elder and 7 Columbia; ' '.The North Paclflo Steamship com pany, operating the steamship Roanoke : between thla port and Ban Pedro, la planning to inaugurate what promise to bo the most complete steamboat Service along the Faclfio coaat, rort . land to be the headquarters and 'the . northern terminus. Manager Charles p. IJoOi. who. was here about a month ago, will return from Ban Franclaoo thla ' week to complete arrangements already under way and ' It la understood that ' ine new service will De perrectea wun j in three months. - , - ' r ,. ' From what can be learned authen tically-at. this time the proposed -sys- - torn will be of immense benent to mer chant and shippers of this city, as well as those of the smaller porta along . the coast, such aa Marshfleld and Eureka, for It will give nve-day connection with . Ban Pedro and Los Angeles, with which ports Portland la building up a proa- , .'' parous traffic, and a three-day schedule 1 between Portland and ' Ban' Franolaoo, 7 while two steamers will touch at Eureka and Coos Bay, giving direct ; communication with those porta every five days. . .,.'." . ' '.-'( Will Opara,ti row Boat. '' la order to carry out this program the company will operate the steamers ' Roanoke, Columbia, . George W. Elder , and F. A. Kllburn, and advices from Ban Francisco indicate that negotiations ' -with this end In view have been on for -'-'- some time.- The steamer F. A. Kllburn - Is at present being operated by ' the WatsonvUle , Transportation company between this city and . Ban Francisco, .via Eureka and Coo Bay, but If added to the fleet of the North Pacific Bteam- ahlp company will run as tar south aa , Eureka only; - Being one of the swiftest boats on the coast, she will be- able to ' make the round trip In about eight days under ordinary circumstances. ' -. Bide on Trlsoo Mas. . .' The George W. Elder -will run as far - south as Ban Francisco and touch at Eureka and Coos Bay both . ways. Mr. Doa secured an option on bar before she - was floated and It .la understood that he has concluded to close the deal for a half Interest, J. H. Peterson, the owner, to retain the other half. Mr. Peterson stated last night that the Elder will be off the drydock and ready for busi ness within two months, a gang of SO ' men having been- put to work on her -already. - Frank Walker, a marine en glneer of much experience, surveyed , .the hull-yesterday. - - - j . ' ' ' 1 As stated in yesterday'a Journal. Mr. Doe haa been negotiating with the Har rlman people for the lease o purchase . .of the steamship Columbia, which was damaged- by the collapse of the. Union ." Iron Works drydock at San Francisco . vurlng the earthquake of April IS, and tt was announced yesterday that the ' woneumraation, of the deal rests entirely with Mr. - Young. .Apparently W. P. Pchwerln. manager of the Harrl- -tnan lines, has concluded to turn She Columbia .. over to ' the underwriters for the amount of the In surance, which Is said to be 1320.000. In this event Mr. Doe will deal with the underwriters, although it ia not improb able that he ia dealing direct with the . Harrlman. Interests, who, judging from In the past. 'do wot belleve- pend Ing jBoneyrepairlngwreckajpOb uia iieei. jar. ioe s plana... are to op- e rate the- Roanoke and Columbia be tween Portland and Ban Pedro, via . Ban Fraacleco. .. :j" Are Wot Withdrawing. 'The fact that the Harrlman people might-see fit to part with the crack K CAFE AND MUSIC HALL WEEK BEGINNING JIONDAYJUNE 25. Nancy RiceT World's Greatest Harpist Flechtl's Tyrolean Sextette' " in .yy SPECIAL ACT Last Week Before Tak ing E,uropeorf Tour Jhe Dazells H Comedy Acrobat Trixetta . Serpentine ' Dancer and v .'. . Contortionist Belle Lawrence 1 1 n Specialty. ; - MOVING PICTURES - Special Daily Matinees, from 2 to i o'clock. ' . SPECIAL SUNDAY HIATINEE 2lo5oaock Profrtra Chinked Daily. -entrances at 21 North Third street, 21, 23 and 2J North .Sec ond street, and 243, 243 and. 247 Xfurnsldt street - mam PROBED 1 boat of their Portland-Ban Francisco fleet ia not taken to mean that they intend withdrawing from the field, but rather leads to the belief that the three new and fast boats promised several months ago by Manager Schwertn will eventually be secured. - When in Port land - a few months . ago Manager Schwerln stated in plain language that Three, pew steamers of" the . most elab orate construction would soon be placed In, the coaat service; and the fact that ha Is willing to part with the Columbia la therefore construed to mean that some day In the near future the prom lsed fleet or greyhounds will become reality. .. ., ... - Several months ago the. North Paclflo Bieamsnip company leased the Martin docks at the foot of Seventeenth street. and about three weeks ago the Campbell Sanford-Henley company of thla city-secured control of the Immense San Pedro dock at San Pedro. The Campbell-Sanford-Henley company, while not di rectly connected with the North Paclflo Steamship company, ships all Its grain by its steamers and significant in thla connection la the fact, that when con trol of the big dock' Was secured the norm racmo siearasnic company re moved Its San Pedro headquarters to thla wharf and gave the agency to F. B. Crosby,- who is a' so manager of ' the dock and agent for the Campbell-San- ford-Henley company. Arraagemeats Almost Complete. Harry Toung, local agent for the North Paclflo SteamshiD comDanv. ad mitted last night that the company haa practically- completed arrangements for the new coast service, although he said it remained for Manager Doe to explain the details when be arrives in Prtlano this week. "I know that Mr. Doe can secure the Columbia should he so desire- arid the Elder deal was practically closed when the ateamer waa lifted on the drvdocav The company will move to the big docks at the foot of Seventeenth street about the first of August, when It will be in position to handle freight to a great advantage because of having direct con nection with the terminal yards. Tracks will be laid on to the wharves and freight for transshipment will have to be handled once only, thus eliminating the expense of drayage. "The proposed arrangement will also facilitate the .passenger business, for we will-have a steamer for the south several times a week. With several In dependent steam schooners in the field, the water traffic? between Portland and California porta . gives promise ef be coming the most extensive and com plete on the Paclflo- coast" The passenger business for the North Pacific Steamship company will be handled from the office at 113 Third street, while 'the freight "business will be taken care of on the dock in North I'm nailU, wuVM V uiiim W Hill BIIIU uw established. SPANIARD ARRESTED TRYING TO-STOP-KING'SJIITIL Suspicious Strangers Locked Up for Hanging Around Royal Couple at La Cranja. r (Speetal Dlsnetca br XmmA Wire to The Joaraan - Madrid, June-Hl In 1 a - Qranja, - 4tf miles northeast of here, today a man was- arrested for attempting to Inter cept the royal automobile In which King Alfonso and Queen Victoria were travel ing. - When the man was arrested and searched he gave the name of Jose Maria, saying that he waa from Madrid. On his person waa found a bundle of suspicious : documents and a consid erable sum of money. In this plaoe aa Italian waa arrested today. He was acting In a peculiar manner and could give no good account of himself. He inssted that he was on his way to Bllboa, but as JLa Granja la far out of the beaten patha his state ment ia not belleveo . As the royal couple are spending their honeymoon in La Granja, or Idle- f one, aa it la known ' officially, , the authorities- have adopted extreme vi llance owing to the reports that a num ber of dangerous anarchists are on their way . to Spain, Including a rigid chain established on the frontier. Neverthe less, the king and queen frequently leave the palacer unaccompanied and take walks in the park. 1 In spit of their seeming unconcern, however, the government haa inatltuted close watch tor all strangers, and every visitor to the neighborhood la subjected to the most severe scrutiny, There have been reports of late of various movements of anarchists that have led . the authorities to take ' the moat elaborate precautions. . DUEL TAKES PLACE IN CROWDED SKATING RINK (Speelsl Dispatch by Lessed Wire t The JnarnsI) Birmingham, Aiaosma, june -it. a fight to death with pistols in which 11 shots were fired and both principals killed on the floor of a crowded skating rink ' at Tallada late last night took place between C. H. Knight and Dudley hi. Brown, well known young men and partners in business In - this city. Miss Erne Hunt was struck by a stray bullet and badly wounded. Eleven shots were fired on the floor of the rink, where (00 men, women and chil dren were skating. Knight fell first' with four bullets in hie breast Brown then fell across his adversary's body, shot through the lett side and near the heart. The two men fought like demons even after they lay dying on the floor. Brown striking Khlght on the head with the- butt of hie ptotol. Both died lighting. CORVALLIS BOY GE-TS ; HARVARD SCHOLARSHIP ffperltl Dtapatcli te The JnarsaLI Cambridge, Mas., June II. Among the .scholarship awards announced at Harvard university Is the Prince Oreen- leaf scholarship, to Claiborne I Shepard of Corvallls, Oreadn. He.ta a member of the entering Xrrsbmen class. SPEED Kin 6 STTO B E ARRESTED Autos and Streetcars Exceeding Speed Limit Coma Under Eyea of Police. . ,- SEVERAL WARRANTS - . ARE TO BE ISSUED police Determined to Put Stop to Reckless and " Dangerous Practice of Motormen and Chauffeurs Who Violate Speed Ordinance.- . Reckless streetcar motormen - and automobile chauffeurs who have been wont to race through the streets of the city-with- an utter disregard of the speed provided by the ordinance, thereby -endangering the lives of pedastriana, are to be aummarlly dealt with.. Ie- tectlvea B..F. Smith and Matt Murphy, who have been detailed by Captain of Deteetlvea Bruin to apprehend the vio lators of thla ordinance, have gathered sufficient evidence to Justify the is suance of a dosen warrants tomorrow. The detectives stationed themselves last evening on -Washington, between Twentieth and Twenty-first streets, and as a result of their investigation have reported to taptaln Bruin that ' they secured the numbers of nine streetcars and autos that were traveling at greater speed than IS miles an hour. The detectives measured off ; the dis tance between the two . streets named and by the meane of stop watches were aoie ie ngure 10 a rracuon me exact speed at which the vehicles were going. In no case did either the automobiles or cars travel under 17 mllse an hour and in two lnatanoea a apeed of 14 mile an hour waa .noted. Two automobtlea covered the two blocks In 10 seconds, which is aa fast .as the time made , by limited express trams. .. . The district In question is densely populated and a host of children play on the atreet and sidewalks in the Im mediate vicinity.. A vlgoroua prosecu tion wui bo waged against all the vio lators of the - ordinance, - and Judge Cameroh haa signified hla Intention of dealing severely with the guilty parties. Chief of Police Qrltsmacher la deter mined to atop the practice of turning upper . Washington atreet into an im promptu racetrack and complaints will be sworn to upon the opening of the municipal court tomorrow morning. DEATH FOLLOWS HORRID HACKING OF HIS THROAT Frank M. Fraaure, who attempted suicide yesterday morning in the Cali fornia houae at Third and Davis streets by cutting his throat . with a pocket knife, succumbed to -his Injuries yester day-afternoon at S odock at -fit. Vin cent's hor-pital. Frasure, after severing his windpipe. tried to cast himself from the window of his room on the third-floor of the building. He waa found hanging over the window ledge by Patrolman Slnnott and draggeC from hla peruoua position The blood from his wound flowed -down tne aiae or me loaging-nouse ana formed in a. large pool on the aldewalk. attracting a morbidly curious cruwd. - Frasure was years or age and had resided In Arlington, Oregon. He waa afflicted with a partial paralysis of the tongue and despondency over this ill ness was the cause of his self-destruction. The eoroner was notified of the case and the body waa removed to the morgue. TIMBER CRUISER IS KILLED BY SAILOR (Special Dispatch to The Joaraal.) Seattle, Waah., June ii- Thomas Cul- len, on of the beat known timber cruisers In the northwest, and for the past 14 years a resident of Everett, died at Providence hospital early this morn ing aa the result of a blow delivered last night by -Frank. Jones,- a young ma chinist, who lives at Brighton Beach. Cullen'met hla death while assisting a friend. Jack Bchner, another timber cruiser, who had become involved In trouble with Jones because Behner had Insulted a girl whom Jones knew. Cul- len was knocked down by Jones In front of the Pacific block on Tesler way at S o'clock last night, and In falling struck his head against the concrete pavement, fracturing his skull. His left jaw bone a broken. Whether thla waa done by the blow from Jones' flat or by his fall ing haa not been determined. Cullen died at 4 a. m. Jones waa arrested at noon today on the battleship Nebraska, where he la employed a a water tender. FREIGHT-BRAKEMAN IS CRUSHED BY CARS Spokane. Wash., June 23. J. C. Maa- eey, a freight brakeman on the North ern Pacific, 'waa probably fatally in jured thla morning In making a coup ling b being caught and cruahed be tween two freight cars. The accident occurred two miles west of Marshall. Maseey had gone to couple some cars to the train, - which was backing down. One of the cars waa In bad order, and as the trains came together the forward part of tue car left the trucks, catching Massey and crushing bis breast. Ho was removed to the company's hospital at Missoula, He Is well known in this olty. It is stated he haa a wife and child in Tacoma,. Skinner's- butta is also smoking, some body aaxa. but it lan't "dry" up in Lane county yet. - - - - - - BILIOUS? You can prevent those; jperiodical bilious attacks if you ' Seltzer Aperient r? -- cnm it hns4) An effervescent draught pleasant to take, prompt in results. It ban ishes biliousness and regulates the bowels. .' - -r ' ' . Sixty yeart of Drwnrlrte everywhere ,v J rp et by mail Iroei S V'iSf-f PA'Tarr4ntCi ' 44 Matlsee atree . Take Tarrant r lui n -i j r r - ."Out ol Hie Uiflli Rent District" ; WImi Yoii; Are Keafly. To furnish your home it will pay yon to look over our large stock of home furnishings of all kinds. The quality ir the best and the, prices sre the lowest Give us a call. ' v t ' , - Your Credit Suits Us , . ....(-...,'- It's Just as good here ss if you owned a million. We will sell you one piece, a doseaor a hundred, and your credit is good for every bit of it Might as well hsve your office, yourroom or your entire house furnished nicely when you can come to Calef Brotv select ANYTHING, make a small payment have goods delivered and have the benefit of them while yott finish up on the payments, -, ' SPECIAL This beautiful -jChair In birdseye , maple, golden oak or mahog any, piano poliahed finish;, regular $5.25.' Special - ; m We carry in stock a full line of Acme and Toledo Gunn tional PASSENGER TELLS M STRIKE Account Is Given of Incompetent Manner in Which Non-Union Crews Work. GREEN-QUARTERMASTERS WERE STEERING VESSEL Funeral of Andrew Ke liner Today- Mayor Schmitx Has Not Given Up Hope of Securing Settlement of the Trouble. (SDrUl NsmtA by Leased Win te The loennll Ban Francisco. June K.enaai jo. Gray, general agent of the Koemos company, the Oermau line of steamers plying- between here and Hamburg;, save out a statement today mat until tne differences between the TJnlted Shipping ft Transportation and sailors, marine firemen and cooks' and stewards unions have been definitely aettled, the ateam era of that 11ns will discontinue to call at thla port. The executive committee of the United Shipping- ft Transportation as soolatlon held a short aeealon today and it waa decided to aend the White Star liner Coptic away without freight. The steam schooners Elizabeth and Jonan Poulsan were sent to Seatpday. When the Poulsen sailed the, men In the union picket- boat .were threatened by armed men. Tne ' Steam schooner James 8. Hlgglns arrived this afternoon and when the union sailors went aionr- slde In a launch a stream or scalding water waa turned on them. It waa expteoted that the Paclflo Coaat Steamship company's steamer State of California would be sent to sea today, but utt to a late hour she had tailed to get a full crew. r ' . XeUaafs Tuaeral Today; The funeral of Andrew Kellner. the union sailor who was killed last Sunday will take Dlace tomorrow from the Sailors' home. The sailors, marine firemen and cooks and stewards will inarch to special cars as the ferry bulldlnes. .Andrew Furueeth Pf the sailors union received from P. C. Peterson. who was "a'T"enlfer--o-the ateamer City of Puebla, a statement of the trip and the manner In. which the crew worked. ' The statement was sworn to before a notary and In the. presence of a witness. It reads: "The vessel left San Frantlseo June is about 5 d. m. The crew waa com posed of five white men and 10 Japan ese, the fireroom crew of 1 'white men and one negnojand the galley crew of dm white man and one boy. The third officer was at the wheel upon leaving port. Me waa relieved by the fourth officer at p. m. I went to bed at p. m., and the fourth .officer waa atiU at the .wheel. I came on deok at S a m. the next day and the fourth officer waa still at the .wheel. Oreen Xaada sneering. '.' 'At that time four green hands who were working as quartermastera were eteei-triaV but were assisted by the third and fourth officers. .The lookout was represented by the quartermaster r on the bridges No lookout was kept for-v ward. . - . -."There was a fire drill Sunday after noon,', but the boats ware not touched. Only two, boya were manning the for ward -pump nd they were not strong enough to .work it Boat drill wai had on the sound, but the boats were only lifted from the decks, not swung out Ranges. Agents ; fc??H Uttle Rents Little Expenses Little Prices :!: Little Down Uttle Monthly Steel C. GEE WO Portland's Widely Known jndjjHCCwfulJ Chinese ....... t Medicinal, Root and j Herb Doctor ' His fsawas reawdlee, which w. Import . dlrMt tbe tesrealvBts ef fraei the OrUnt t large eusnUfles sad pi reeere sad eat ep for lsbstarr. No Barrmry, OH IB DM np.voxMTe polsens or a-mge ef Farely Tfttl.. Tb. Doetor treats seeenefatly ssd gttsrsnt.e to ear sll stoaiseb tmshles, eetsirfi. esthtas. Inns, throat, rbeematlsn. Uer, kidney sad lost Banhooo, ITEKAII TSOVBLZS Aim SISIASE8, AXX njTATI No fslse or mlslesdlna- ststPDMBts the routed. A safe end lastlnc esr la the enleh. at pomlbl tlm. sad st the lowest east pos slbh for-eotmt-treatment. : If ye essaet eall. write for sf mplme Tplsak ad elrenlar. Inelnee 4 cents la stamps... - ooHs-jLTAnov ran. Xke 0. Oee We OhlsaM MMllaue Co., 1SSH lint St.. Oer. Marrleaa, PsrUaae, Or. PWut mtnttoa this paper. Fook Sang & Co KTXTTjTBD ZSal J1W1IJIB. JAT TTJ CHONO. Mgr. 231 Alder SL, Portland Pare, Beautiful Jade Jewelry, Gold Bracelets and Signet Rings of all descriptions made to or der. American names engraved in Chinese characters On care sold . jd-luck rings engraved with the three cardinal Chinese characters. vlat Glory. Prosperity and Longevity. Chargee reasonable and ordere of any design promptly executed and aent pre paid to any prt of the United Btat.s. rXfJeenedpv Jfewbm. una KowsT e aiu Tarraat's CjMee ef OesebS The a4.i fnt rmaTrao.Ua,sMes, , Kaay ia take. MirMlaH as earr. liur VapTMsMsUVA vAsjeae snstfii sjaj Bowa aUrtla's, SM Waahlutna t . I'artlaad. Oresoei or br men from I ine Tarrant Co.. 44 Hodaoa at, aw Tore. or lowered. Some of the Japanese sea men were seasick and the boatswain and fourth officer were unable to get them to work." Mayor Schmlts addressed a letter to the shin owners In which ke again ap pealed trr them to submit their differ ences with the sailors to arbitration. L 1 ROOT TO MAKE THREE V STOPS ON WAY TO BRAZIL r . (Sneelat Plenetra br Leased Wire te The Joornall 'Washington. June zs. secretary Root wllr make three stops in Brasll before going to Rio Janeiro to attend the Pan- American conference, opening there) on July Jl Theso will inolude Pars, about July 16: Pernatnsuoo, July IS, and Ba li la. July tl. He expects to reach Rio Janeiro July SS. At each of these places added fio hla itinerary, special honors will be shown him. At Rio the Brasll- a authorities will welcome him with a celebration entirety distinct rrorn tne opening ceremonies -of the eonforwnre. From Braxtl, Mr. Root will sail for Montevideo, Uraguay, where he will re main for about two days. HIS next stop ill be Buenos Ayres, Argentina. ' lie will then start for- the long trip about the- southern end ' of South America, preparatory to making' brief atopa In Chile, JDouador and eru. Ha wUl prob- We Are the Leading Specialists V-f , . . ' v )V4xW"-'-i LOST POWER RESTORED There is not. a man. in existence vrbio Ts suffering-' from Im-" ' potence that we cannot rebuild so as to accomplish the greatest de sire and-satisfaction, and after we have cured a case of this kind there will never again be a sign of weakness except brought on by imprudence.' . .-:"; ' ..'.''...' -:, WE . ARE THE ONLY" SUCCESSFUlTspECIAUSTS - - WHO CURE TO A LIFE-LONG CURE FOR CHRONIC . DISEASES. ULCERS. . -, STRICTURE. y HYDROCELE. VARICOCELE. BLOOD POISON. ' WRITE, if you earmot call. All correspondence strictly confi dential, and all replies sent in plain envelopes. No names, cases, letters or photographs of patients published or exposed. Inclose ' 2-cent stamp to insure reply. ,:y. -.;;' ,' HOURS-S to S, 7 to St. Louis UEDICAL AND SURGICAL COR. SECOND AND YAMHILLT STSPORTLAND, OK WE TREAT NITCURE an- ehronlo blood, aerroua, akin and special diseases of men; also stomach, heart, liver, kidaey, Maddav aad thioaS tsottbleek. .- If you have any aliment re cently contracted do not delay In seeking the skilled aid of doctors who will mske you sound and well in a ehort tuna Dr. W. Norton Davis at Co. can do thla for you. - If your trouble haa been treat ed by incompetent doctors until it Jiaa become ehronlo and dan-' gerous, do not deepalr, but con sult Dr. W. Norton Davis Si Co. It has been by curing lust auoh difficult troubles that they have built UB-SHrreat bnslnees and be-., come famous all over the nOrth west. " onnu BzinJTT, If you have a weakness which Is robbing yon of health, strength, happiness, pleasure, consult the physicians who have had such a long and . successful experience. They can restore your lost health and vitality. They will make a perfeot man of you. The restoration will not only perrecTi ana speeay, out permansnr The doctors of this Institute are many years' experience, have been known In Portland for IS years, have , a reputation to maintain, and will flndertake no case unless certain a cura can M effected. v - , TOTT OAS HT WWOBM, CT7XB9. If you wish you can deposit the price of a cure In any hank In Port land, aald amount to be handed over to us when rou are cured. Or von 1 maypay -us , by weeklyor monthly -duax js Diisnoni JVMnnjrovn xxavtm ib cowcvmsted, . A personal Interview n desirable, hut If you cannot call, writ us, ' giving symptoms in fulL - Our home treatment la successful, even In complicated ease a Strtot at confidence observed. Plain envelopee used ia all correspondence. Instructive book sent free. In plain wrapper. No man should be without It All Medicines Free Until Cured OOinrraxTATzoar . Office hours:., t to ll Dr. W. Norton Davis & Co. Offices In Van Noy Hotel, Sift Third street, corner Fine, Portland, Ota If Yon Sick People Will come and stsy st my sanitarium -a few days you will be astonished at the number of patients prominent men and women among them we are curing. You will speedily learn, too, the methods of treatment we pursue with our - - - . -.T ....... : Chinese Herbal Remedies The cures I sm effectrftg sre. truly marvelous. If you sre suffer ing it will cost you nothing to at least come and see me. You will bless the day that brought you to my place, - D R. WING LEE Sanitarium, 27 North Fifth Street, Bet Bumside and Coach v PORTLAND, OREGON ' V Dr. Pierce S " STCslV Cxrava t what you want if you 'suffer jrom vtm, ii. eoeete, Xydrooale, Ooaorraoea, a arte, arfarara Kldawr, Bladder aad TJriaary Biswas. STarveas Debility, too i tallty, gwaevel weakaeaa of ergaais aad a areaktmy sew ef -mind, brala and body are 'often the results of arie-M SVo" and caused by 'ssssse, ladlseejeaioaa and Tentani 1 , all 6f which unfit you for business, sturlyr pUasure or r ' liage; come to us: will enre yvo. we will mi le r stroag, healthy, happy aaaa. ably visit Cartagena and Colombia af ter eroasing Uia Isthmus or ri ESTABLISHED 25 YEARS IN PORTLAND. CONSULTATION FREE $12.50 for a Core ABSOLUTE GUARANTEE. STAY CURED. -1 ' SKIN DISEASES. . . - :. GONORRHOEA. ;,.:.,t PROSTATIC DISEASES. V : NERVO-VITAL DEBILITY. NOCTURNAL EMISSIONS. KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES. 8:30 Daily; Sundays to U rf- as-wott. ; . all regular graduate, hare had Installments If you prefer.. AZiWATS Sundaya and holidays, 10 to 11 Dispensary ,,Vw,rl . ... Oon salts t4oa and Ssamloaatoa . rmmm. Tow anJck of lie