The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 23, 1906, Page 9, Image 9

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    the. Oregon; daily . journau Portland, '. saturday'evenino,june t, isi.
. -j i. r
Toivn Topics
TQinoHi'i AMvnfm.
Relllg. ,,,,.' Henrietta Croamas
Baser "WU We WM. Twenty -Oue"
Empire , "Maid Puhl"
1-rrle. ...... , ,"Tb IUtmiiI' Htlug"
Star. . Good-Natured Wan"
Or a ad -Vaudeville
Peatagea .... Vaudeville
At the Young; Man's Christian asso
ciation on Sunday afternoon. Dr. Clar
nca Trus Wilson of Grace Methodist
ohurch. will address the men. Dr. "Wll-
' son, slnoe coining to Portland bas en
tered -Into -j Its political Ufa and speaks
' straight to men on reform Unas. He
always has Interesting- things to asy.
. Mrs. Mas Bhlllock will render contralto
solos and the association orchestra will
play. After the meeting; the discussion
wilt be continued from last Sunday, on
"Questionable Amusements." since the
men had such a warm discussion that
meeting opens at I p. m.. and Is free to
.all men.'- .
Collins Hot Mineral Springs hotel,
most beautifully situated on the north
bank of the Columbia river, la open for
guests the whole yearr Themineral
. water Is especially good for rheuma
tism, stomach, kidney and liver troubles.
'Will guarantee ' good accommodations.
. Easy of access either by rati or boats.
All boats stop at Collins Hot Springs.
O, R. A N. local leaves Portland at t:l
' a. m.. arrives at Collins at 10:01 a.
m.; only two hours' ride on train.
Steamer Spencer and Regulator 'Una of
ateamars leave . Portland at 7 a. m.
dally. C. T. Belcher, proprietor, will
"welcome you' all.
'Tomorrow's program at the T. W. C.
A. will be the last of the weekly. "Sun
'day at Home" meetings which have
been held at the association rooms for
some time. Dr. Kdgar P. Hill will da-
. 4ver an address on the "Holy- Land."
- Mrs. W. K Scott. Mrs. J. W. Hamilton.,
Mr. Rathhone. Mies Col well, Mrs. Tuley
Miller and Miss Campbell will combine
to furnish the muslo. Miss Marie-Keller
will recite. The program will begin
at 4:10 and .supper will follow It as us.ii
; al. During July the meetings will ,b
held out of doors.- - - -
"My Lady's Train" Is the title of a
booklet Issued .by the Chicago V North
western passenger department, detailing
the conversation between two women,
one of whom dislikes travel by railway,
- while the-other delights -tn going via
the -Northwestern because of the com-
. forts of travel on that line and the
courtesy of the trainmen. The book is
well worth reading, and la a good ad
vertisement for the Northwestern.
" The firemen of Dawson. Yukon Terri
tory, have aent to Chief Campbell, who
la president of the Pacific Coast Asso
ciation of Fira Chiefs. file for the aid
' of San Francisco firemen. Subscrip
tions "have now been received from near
ly avery city on the coast, though in
several the members of the fire depart
ments subscribed at ones to the gen
eral fund 'and did not wait to give to
the firemen's fund.
-4-Rav. P. F. Bresee, D. D., general su-
perlntendent of the Church - of the
JLjitMrfne.t will arrive in Portland frnm.
Ios Angeles-next Friday morning. Dr.
Bresee) expects to hold a series of meet-
. Inga here, commencing June t, at 421
Bumsida street,- between." Tenth " and
Eleventh. Mrs. Bukhoda Banarjee and
ReVv P. B. Bisuas. Hindoo missionaries.
I will be with Dr. Bresee Friday evening.
v The fifth annual convention of the
Willamette Baptist association will be
gin on Tuesday morning. June II. at the
Hecond Baptist church, at the corner of
seventh and Ankeny streets. Rev. 8. C
Lafjaam.,the .pastor, has arranged for
-the entertainment ot delegates from a
j distance. Rev. C A. Nutley Is moder
ator and Rev, O. A. Learn clerk of the
Rev. Edgar P HiU, D.D., Is preaching
a series of sermons at the First Pres
byterian church on the Holy Land. To
morrow (Sunday) evening the topic will
be' "The Jordan Valley." Tha double
-quartette will-alng-aa an anthem the
song which has become almost ss fa
mous ss tha glory song, "Ths King's
Water through hose for sprinkling
yards or sidewalks, of washing porches
or windows, must be paid for in advance
and naed only between the hours of S
and 1 a. m. and 5 and p. m. It must
not be used for sprinkling streets. If
used contrary to these rules, or waste
fully, it will be shut off. , --,
"To the Warships and Oaks. The Chi
cago, Princeton, Paul Jones and Preble,
now ' In the harbor, quickly reached,
every seven or eight minutes, from 1
to S p. m., from Favorit boathouse,
foot Morrison street. South side bridge,
and Oaks every few minutes all after
rnoon and evanlng. t
Dr. Brougher'a subject Sunday even
ing at' the Whlta-Temple. TSport-and
Spunk" or "Ttia Fellow Who Smokes
and tha Fallow Who Burns His Smoke."
Young men specially Invited. Fins
orchestral concert.
Suits to order 2B. no mora, no less.
The largest stock In the city. to select
from. Style, fit and. workmanahlp
guaranteed. Visitors always welcome.
-I'niqu Tailoring Co., 10 Stark. near
' Sixth. j 1 '
Concrete Construction Co., 701 Cham
ber of Commerce, manufacturers of
concrete stone blocks. Contractors for
all kinds of cement work. Tel Main 110.
Watches, diamonds and Jewelry ' on
, easy payments. l down and (0 cents per
week. AU mainsprings $1; all watches
cleaned IL Metsgsr Co., Ill Sixth st
' Mrs. Bukhoda Banarjee and Rer. P.
B. Bisuas, the native Hindoo mlsslon
Aries fro India who have been touring
the United States In the Interest of
Hope school, Calcutta, will arrive In
Portland from Chicago Monday, June
. '. Ptor. ;',""''.
enseal lOtSO,
- tonsom Trte. '-'-.-
KAmOAKXT TtKnrlA 101011
rma nw sovtbt oray)
- -A tao aTvasUaaT errloe.
Tou should hear tha gifted
young woman who iron the first
prise In - ths Porjaand Academy
oratorical vonteati
g pec 11 Mnsle y tha Oreat
OhorasL . . .
"Jt donnrvatlv Custodian"
"SPayg 4 per cent interest " on
" savings accounts, compounded
semi-annually. Pays 4 per cent
interest on yearly and 3 per
cent on six months' time de
. posits. '
Call and see us at' our new
banking rooms in the Labbe.
' building, corner of Second and
AVashington street, for further
particulars'. ' t V
omciai ajtp ninoToisi
DAVID M. DUNNE. Vice-President
; LANSING STOUT, Cashier. .
C. B. 8 K WALL, Assistant Cashier.
- . GODDARD. .
25. Their stay . In America has been
successful financially.' They sail from
Vancouver, B. C, July 1, for India.
While In the city they will be at the
home of Mrs.-A. E. W httesldes" (HO
Qulmby street There will be a maaa
meeting for these missionaries Friday
evening. Jujie , at 421 Burnalde
street, between Tenth and Eleventh.
You may sea the $4,000,000 Caacada
locks, requiring 11 'years to build. If
you are one of our party making the $1
excursion un the Columbia tomorrow.
We carry our passengers through the
neart of the Cascade mountains to Cas
cade Locks, a point on the Columbia 9
miles from Portland, to one of the most
charming and romantle'sots on the race
of the globe. The ('has. R. Spencer de
part -from her Oak street dock, Port
land, it I a. m., returning at a p. m..
affording , excursionists nine hours-of
solid enjoyment and a 131 miles' ride
among ths scenic wonders of the world.
Among the waterfalls to be seen la one.
Multnomah, which hue t drop of 100
feet, and the mountains and- canyons
present a panorama of weirdly wild
grandeur which la almply Indescribable.
The famous Castle Rock, of the
wonders of the Columbia, la approached
within a few feet and la the admiration
of every tourist. . Be up early tomor
row morning snd go along with the
crowd. Meals served If desired. Carry
your luncheon if you wish to. . ' .
Sunday excursion to Cascade Locks
and return t ill The Chas. R. Spencer
departs rrom Oak street dock at I a. ro..
returning at p. m.. carrying" passen
gers through the heart of the Caacada
mountains, passing ths most wonderful
scenery, save the Yellowstone jpjrk, on
this continent The ride Is i8 mtlea
for 100 cents, and our passengers may
view the 100-foot Multnomah Fall
many other cataracts, the fsmous
Castle Rock. Rooster Rock, the Pyra
mids, towering mountains, dark can
yons, : beautiful- landscape and most
charming groves. Magnificent plcnlo
Ing It years to build. . Meals on board
if desired. - .
An official party. Including Governor
George K. Chamberlain. Attorney-Oen-
eral Crawford. State Treasurer Moore,
State Engineer Lewis and Stats Land
Agent Westr returned last evening from
a week's trip of Inspection of Irrigable
lands and Irrigation projects In central
Oregon. They- vlalted - Madras, Prlne
vllle. Bend. Redmond and looked over
ths projecta of tha Deschutes Irrigation
ft Power company and tha Columbia
Southern Irrigation company. Members
of the party are enthusiastic over prog
ress made- by -the Irrigation companies
and tha opportunities for settlers.
X' meeting of the entertainment com
mittee of the Portland chamber of-com-merca
win be held nitt Monday after
noon to make. plane for tha chamber's
semi-annual meeting early In June,
which wilt partake of both business and
pleasure. There will be some form Of
entertainment and refreshments will be
served. When the meeting six months,
sgo was discussed tt wss proposed to
give a river excursion and this feature
may be taken up at tha coming session
of tha committee. .
Sunday Outings by Trolley on tha O.
W. P.--To Estacsda on tha upper
Clackamas river, IS miles from tha city,
50 cents round trip. Dinner at Hotel
Eatacada, 76 centa. Cars leave First
and Alder streets 7:10, f:10, 11:10 a. m.,
1:30, 1:40. 1:44, 7:11 p. m. Tickets on
sale In t,he waiting-room.
- A complaint was filed In the United
States district court this morning charg
ing -Sam-Wax-Wax, an Indian . with
carrying whiskey into the' Umatilla
reservation. Sam Is under arrest at tha
reservation and will be brought to Port
land forMrlai Monday morning. -
" Special Rates on :OvW." P. Tomorrow.
To Oreeham, Oregon City and Cane
mah Park, It oenta round trip. Dsncing
In Canemah Park pavilion afternoon and
evening. Cara leave' First and Alder
streets for Oregon City on tha odd hour
and ovary 40 mlnutea. Tickets on sale
In waiting-room. , :
Oregon City , Boata. Bring your
friends Sunday and ahow them the
beauties of tha Willamette. Leave Tay
lor street 1:10, 11:10 a. ra, 110 p. m.
Leave Oregon City 10 a. m 1:10 p. m.,
i:10 p. m. Round trip ISc. -
i Trolley Excursion on O. W. P. Tomor
row -to Oregon City and Canemah Park
and Qreeham, 25 cents; Estacada. 60
centa round trip'. Ticket office and
waiting-room First and Alder streets.
- - i
For low rates enat call at tha Chi
cago, Milwaukee- at St. Paul raflwsy
office, 114 Third street,' corner Alder.
H. 8. Rows, general agent
Oounod musical service at First Con
gregational church "Sunday night Dr.
House's topic Sunday morning, 1 "Tha
Two Broken Round Tablee." )
i - i
Notice to tha Public Wa wish to
Inform you that we have no solicitors
for work of any description.1 Hayes A
"Swedish Society Ltnnea's excursion
with steamer , Beaver leaves foot of
Washington street at 1 a. ro. sharp, Sun
day, June 14th, 10. .
,Drv J. R. Barber has removed from
the Marquam and Is now at ths Com
mercial hotel, ft$ Washington. Tel.
Main $$. ' ; -i ' .
Wa are atlll selling eye glasses at $1:
a perfect fit guaranteed or money re
funded. Metsger Co., Ill Sixth street
Milton A. Nathan, attorney. 1000 Stefnef
street San Francisco. - Commission
promptly executed! Bank references.
Suit for $3,000 damages from ' the
Portland Railway company has been
filed . In the circuit court by Gaorga H.
Vanne aa administrator of tha astste
of JCrneat 1, Luzon. It to allegvd tbt
Mrs, F. A. Falkenburg' Expires at
-' r Home In City of
Denver.' '
Mrs. F. A. ! Falkenburg of Denver,
rat grand guardian of the Women of
Woodcraft,- died at her home In the
Colorado city Thuraday. Her death is
said to have been caused by a general
.... .
Mri. F. A. Falconberg.
breaking down and by. grief over tha
death of her husband, which occurred
In February, 1906. Her husband waa
the founder and for years tha head of
the order bf Woodmen of the World.
Mrs.Flkenburg la- survived by . a
daughter, Miss Jessla Falkenburg. She
wss well known in Portland, where aha
visited a number of times. Orand Clerk
Wright and wife left this city yester
day to .attend the funeral.
Reproduce Coronation Scene at
Trondhjem Cathedral .in r
- Arion Hall.
Deprived of the opportunity of being
among the spectators at the real crown
ing -of King Haakon, the Norwegian
born residents of Portland last night did
tha next., beat thing to commemorate
tha event by presenting three tableaux
Intended to show as nearly as possible
bow It ..was actually-donaw-,TJa. affair
took place at Arlon hall under tha aus
pices of the Ladles Fern club.
The Identity of the young couple who
played the part of the king and queen
la a aecret whlch"'wlll probably never
be revealed, but at any rate they took
the parts well and attired in gorgeous
costumes there wss little left for tha
audience to Imagine except to believe
themselves In the cathedral In Trondh
Jem. The bishop, too. waa there, and
he placed the crown upon the heads of
tha royal personages so solemnly and
Impreaslvely that tt Is doubtful If the
favored real, one did better.
The stare was. profusely decorated
with . flowers and ferns and the Nor
wegian colors were displayed promlscu
Louamuid artjBtJsaljvNorwegiaiLinuiloi
waa rendered by an orchestra and taken
aa a whole it waa a oit or real wor
weclan life and atmosphere.
- Tha crowning was preceded by a short
literary program and' closed with a so
cial hop In whlcn .It la . said tnemng
and queen participated, although then
aa plain, ordinary people, ana me; ma
lorlty of the Portland Norwegian'
Americans are still guessing who had
the distinction of being royalty for tha
Luxon waa riding on a Fifth street ear
on May 11 and thai tha car rounded
tha curve at Corbett and Olbba streets
so' rapidly that It Jumped the track and
turned over. It la aald that Luxon waa
caught beneath tha car and crushed to
death. Ha was 24 ysara old.
Tha property occupied by tha City
Messenger ft Delivery company on tha
east side of Twelfth street and north
of Washington has been said by Whit
ing at Roundtree tp Mrs. Margaret B.
Alnaworth. It la said tna pnoo paid
was about $30,000. The ground la 100x110
feet '- ;
Articles of Incorporation of tha Will
iams Avenue Planing Mill war Hied In
tha county clerk's office this morning
by A. 8. Ellis. O. J. Eaton and Frank
F. Freeman. They expect to ao a gen
eral mill and planing mill business.
Capital atock $5,000.- -
Prise walta,L Ceder Park; dancing
very Sunday, afternoon-and - evening.
No llquora.'.
Women's hath, $00 Oregonlan build
ing. Battle Creek system, day and night
C. E. Walborn. furniture repairing, pol-
lahlng. packing, shipping. Tel. East I16L
Acms Oil Co. sells tha best safety oil
and fine gasolines. Phone Eaat 7I.
Women' exchange, '13$ Tenth street
lunch. 13 to i. 'J,.
Beck, the Jeweler. 10$ Alder.. Bar
gains in watchea. - -
Last ' ti.iO Seaside excursion next
Sunday. " - -
Panama hatter, til 4th. PhnePe:T5?.
-Benjamin Franklin t
aid: "I waa never1 ashamed to ask
when-1-did not know."
Follow this rule and learn about Ufa
Insurance. Free booklet. No Importu
nity. PBNN MUTUAL I.IFB. Sherman
A Harmon. Oeneral Agents.
Summer Institute
For . Teachers . Preparing
Z for August Examinations "
At Eaat Thirty-fourth and' Washing
ton streets, there wss a peculiar fight
Thursday a fight between a policeman
and a awarm of bees which attracted a
largo per cent of tba population 4 of
Sunnysids 'to witness It As a result
of the encounter the officer Is badly
disfigured, while there is no baa ceme
tery to his credit, so far as can be
The patrolman was quietly walking
along hla beat and when he .reached
East Thirty-fourth and Washington
streets he ssw a swarm of bees light
ing on a bush. The bees came from
the lawn of Mrs. Branch, who Uvea
near by, and lighted across the street
on the property of soma one else.
It was a plain rase of trespass, so
the officer sought to dislodge thenr.
Ha took his knife out of his pocket and
started to cut the limb on which they
had bunched themselves The knlfa
was dull and the -operation-required a
longer time than tha officer anticipated.
But ths bees acted on tha square with
Will Be Longest Paved Street in
the City When Work Is
- . Completed.
Some Want Bitulithic and Others De-
clare in' Favor of Bituminous Mac
adam Pavement Other "Events of
the Day Among Eaat Side People,
- Saae Side Department. '
- If tha 37 blocks of Hawthorne avenue
between East Third and Eaaf Fortieth
streets are paved, aa Is proposed. It
will be tha longest continuous paved
street In the city.. r
The fight for this contract between
tha Warren Construction company-. tha
bltulllhlo pavement people and tha
Barber Asphalt company the bitumi
nous macadam proposition has reached
an. acute stags. Attorney R. ,JWt- Mon
tague, representing tha Warren Con-
struotlon company, saya that if the con
tract to nave Hawthorne avenue la
awarded to the rival concern and an
attempt la made to put down a pave
ment like that laid by his people an
Injunction will surely follow.
From tha tentative bids submitted
br tha two paving Concerns to tha prop
'erty- holders'meeting Thursday---night
there la a difference in cost oeiween
per front foot in favor Of the Barber
Ashphalt company. W. L. Boise, who
represents 11 blocks on tha avenuereaya
that ha favors ths bltuilthlo pavement
of tha Warren Construction company,
for the reason that It has been weighed
In the. balance and found not wanting.
Ha aaya that tha question of a few ex
tra cents per foot in cost ought not to
be taken Into serious consideration in a
matter of -such -vital -Importance as
street paving. It Is understood that W.
M, Ladd. who controla 10 blocka on
Hawtnqrne avenue preiers an uyen com
petition for tha Improvement
Ovlmoaa tot Vaanlmoas.
TJe sense of the Thursday evening
fmting amd to be for the bUumlnous
macadam laid on a nvs-incn concrete
foundation because of tha less cost
However, lMt-i ahown that tha bltuil
thlo la much the better material. It la
thought tha property holdera will read'
ily adopt lt Ithaanot been definitely
determined that the Improvement will
go so far east as Fortelth street,- aa
there la some opposition at me east
end. but not enough probably to defeat
tha Improvement
Hawthorne avenue Is 70 feet wide
from Orand avenue to Mount Tabor and
It la one ot tha finest residence streets
In the city, There are acorea or resi
dences on this avenue that cost from
$5,000 to $16,000 and many other.
equally aa eostly, are under construction,
The Mount Tabor Push club held Jaat
night the largest and most enthusiastic
meeting since its organisation two yeara
ago. Several new members were taken
In. . The memberahlp now Includes
nearly every voter in tna aisinci. .
il Lenton reported that the city en
gineer was surveying tha grades of ths
Base Line road, that the profile-would
be ready In a ahort time. J. A. East
man reported that committees from the
Montavllla board of trade, tha Push
club and the etty water board wars tft
conault with J. M. Arthurmanager of
tha Mount Tabor Water Worka and
aaoertaln what arrangementa could be
made , toward supplying tna enure
Montavllla-Mount Tabor territory .with
Bull Run water.
Dr. Rafferty of tha city water board
assured tha club that tha water trouble
would be settled soon In a way satis
factory to tha Mount Tabor people. Hs
said that Mount Tator ana Moniavuia
wore entitled to Bull Run water and
at city rates.
Dr. A. W. Botkln of tha light com
mittee reported that ha had secured
blank applications for lights. His com
mittee was authorised to make appli
cation to the eounoU for 13 aro lights,
to. bo acattered throughout tha square
mile of territory that cama Into the
cljty one year ago. A number or ques
tions of minor Importance . were dis
posed., of by the club. ... .
rnn.t. Will InanMttne TttoHarri
Delch -la destroying dlseaaed -frfy. trees
In tba Mount Tabor-Montavuia terri
tory. One orchard of 130 trees that la
covered with the SanJoso scats has been
cut down. Infected treee are scattered
all over the district, threatening the
healthy orchards. The Inspector gavs
warning soma time ago that these trees
would be cut down unless they . ware
An entertainment will ba given at tha
Evanlng Star Orange hall this evening
on tha Basa Line road. A brief pro
gram has been, prepared, after which
there .will ba a-aalejt. baskets jnade
by the young women of tha order,
The New York Hat Co-
Manufacturers - and cleaners, - are - now
located at 361 Stark street, corner Park.
" 1 atulalatf renalta.
" The following permit have been
Issued: L. Bataalla. barn. Eaat Elev
enth, corner Eaat Market, coat $32$; M.
Reynolds, repair to dwelling. Brasee
etreet,.eoet $600; B, E. Case, two dwell
inga, Randall, ' corner Nelaon, cost
$1,100 each; E. R. Sheldon, one story
dwelling. Mechanic., near f pi""
nue, cost 1V , ' , - t
him they bussed loud and angry warn
ings for him to desist.
. After he had Ignored their warnings
for a brief time a big bee, which seemed
to be mora antiquated and quarrelsome
than the rest landed on the omoeVf
neck. It landed so hard that Ihe officer
dropped tha limb and devoted hteentlr
energlea to separating ths Insect from
his flesh. When the Umb dropped,
spilling tha bees upon tha ground, there
was a turmoil Indeed. -.
They all Joined tha antiquated old
fellow, who still clung to the officer's
neck. The blue-coat fought well and
bravely, but he waa greatly handicapped,
lit continued tha struggle, retreating
as gracefully ss clrcumstancea would
permit, until the bevy of angry Insects
had punctured avery vulnerable spot on
his body.
' His syes were swollen today and he
ring m l--g " r.
ported for duty. Patrolman 8. 8. Young
patrols the beat covering Thirty-fourth
and Washington streets.
A rose social waa given laat night by
the Ladles'. Aid society of Grace Meth
odist church. Roses in abundance, of
all -varieties and atagea of -bud - and
bloom, were exhibited in the parlora of
tha ohurch. : ' ' .
'Tha leading feature of the social was
an addresa on the Portland flower by
Frederick V. Holman. Mr. Holman re
viewed the rose In history snd pointed
out the fact that It haa alwaya been In
high repute among the most powerful
natlona of the earth. It does not live
below the equator; but growa to perfec
tion among the conquering nations.
Ths speaker urged hla audience to plant
rosea, not only for the commercial value
that would arias from-the fame added
to the "Rose City," but in order, to ap
pease the beauty hunger In the people
and to cultivate tha aesthetic sense In
the children. .' ' i .
A rose drill by ft young women from
the -Ollleeplo Bchool of Expression fol
lowed. ' Three solos completed the pro
gram. -
Milwaukee Country Club. ;
Memphis and Loulavllle races. Take
Bell wood and Oregon City cara at First
and Alder. .
Dr. N. J. Fulton
tutu afui Is the word mat beat riesrrlbea bar
career since eomliig to rnrtland. SuccMiaful In
curing dtaeaaea. ftucec-aaful in bullfltiig up waat
la todar the largrat efAre practice of an
doctor ia the-city. . .
..ThKIa why her oftcet are at all tltaea falt
and than people aoiMtlaus wait for boura to
eee her.
If you bare any ailment, rhronle or arnte,
aneh aa rhinolalia in. la grippe, bronrhltla.
goiter, eatarrli, aloDarli and hnirel tmablea.
nerve trouble, etc.. tc. rml woald do well
to ennmlt her. Bb raa cura yea. ;
nsTutoviAis or rzortx sn kas
1 Portland." Oct IT, ions,
TV Whom It May Concern:
"I aaffered a long time with aerloea stnraaeh
trouble, the dleeaae. liavlng peogreaaed eo far
that I waa oaabU toretala rer fmid. and flnally
entire eyatem- was Id e eertonaiy depletad eon-
aitMo. un or anont inj 10 laat I aanaei wits
Tr. Kwf I. Fnlton. of mta ritf, and waa
Indneed to take treatments from tarr, and affr
taking the twelfth I waa dlarharged. I can
bow aat anything I dealre. feel perfeotly well
and am constantly galnlns Strang Ui. Tbla
marrelnns rba,nge I can trnthfnlly r Is doe to
Dr. mitoa. r TXYIHe VAUGHN', .
"Hone, Jeftersoo, Or."
Ifote Mr. Vsugha ran be eommunleated wltk
at Jerferaon, Or., or bla father. Ell Taoghn.
can be eeea at the New Grand Central, cor nor
Thud -and glanders, this city. ..
"Ortuber 80, 1S08.
To Whom It May Ooneern: '
"It affra-da ma sreat Dleaaure to -write a
word In praise ef Dr. Fulton- I suffered enfold
agony ror one wees wun pais in mr wnoi
body. My bosband called la whom wa sup
posed was one of the best nbrslrians In the
city, tie was not sat, bat thoaght I bad
nevalgla. or It might prove to be gallstones,
trft medicine and thourht I woald be batter
Best day; but I gradaslly grew worse; cot aa
relief from pain eirspt under eplatee. Having
beard of Dr.- Fulton tbroaga-- rriestde -ef ourr
we deelded to call her In; so mr husband went
at mm and broasht her to' the house. I'non
examination aha pronounced It a case of acute
astrltls. and aner en treatment I waa able
o eet no. dreas-atrself and go about mr asnsl
konsebotd'flutlea. I bsv now Ukea a week's
treatment and certainly think bar the stoat
wonderful doctor I er-r met.
"MBS. V. B). HtTXtlia.
'ms Tenth at.. Portland. Or."
Mot Don't forcet to Inclose onstase a tarns
for reply wbes writing te any of my patients.
Dr. N. J. Fulton
Corner Clay, eae block from TT ear, one from.
ISta street car, a rrom jerrsraoa ear.
Tvlevbon fclaln &13X.
W Women a Specialty
ry km. au cbasi
f.j Chinese woman phy-
siclan. Tha only Chl
. nes woman medical
Cures private and fe
male diseases with herbs and roots:
remedies- harmlee; no opwrattcmsr hmp
eat treatment. ZAMZsTATIObT FBSB.
Clay Strewt, aoraa Talrd.
To Locomotor Ataxics!
Aftas mnelf ssfferlns for tea rears the bw-
tnrea that only aa static raa know, I kava been
relieved ef all pain snd restored to health and
strength by sn eeetly obtained and Ineinenatv
treatUMBI. 1 no pfwcriniious wms mrrq mr
(wkkb ess be SlVd br any druafiati, I ill
bmII freo to asy fellowufferer who eaade
mo a eu-adnVssd stamped eavelnno.
sb K, BUKAatAaH Veuaar, n.
r.i.. .i V i m laiiiiiiu'fl
She Cures the SicK
r jf ri i ,n rt ol nenung in
' Y r' wf-fhlna. Canada and
aiT V Mlfiow in Tnrtlandr She
L2W.V i a.1 bs cured msny af
Vt.l. wlta flirted auftarara.
"Fifteen months in 'Frisco." spoke ths
court with solemn mien;.
VI look upon you aa the. blackest fiend
I've ever seen. . .- -
Tou murdered wife snd children and
your bands are . dyed In blood,
rd;hang you tn a minute, , but thai
'. hanging;. Is too good.. ' ,
'"Fifteen montha In 'Frisco!" , The pris
oner stood sghsst!
The crowded courtroom shuddered. Its
breath cams thick and faat
"Have mercy on the fellow shoot him
. down or hang him high.
But spare him from this 'Frisco," was
. the untveraal cry.
"Nay', nay," the court retorted, "he's
entitled to the worst.
He's wicked ss soma laundry folk' that
every outton oursts
From off la. fellow's garments, filling!
hearts with deepest care. . I
For were It not for the Union we'd be
. dying of despair." - ;
vwtom lAVsTsar,
Tel. Main 3tt. Becond and Columbia.
Family washing and Ironing tc pound.
Is what you want when you go to the
expense of painting your barn a or
houses, and you get them In the Bay
State "paints. - They will retain their
colors longsr, while resisting- sun sno
rain, than any paints made. -
in jwaxmt: JrTO-tL
rmomrT An Momusov in.
Athletic Park
Oerser Taugba aad Twenty-foarta. .,
- Portland
-r vs.
San Francisco
Sanies CatUi at S:M p. Jn. Sally. -Oaaass
OeUsd t:0 p. m. Saadays.
ladiss' Day,- Friday.
"1 0ra4.UaCfoT ClUir.a7T0o; Ikos B..U." tie.
14th ard Tk. H:iil 11.
Wasblngtoa "Vina, iiiuui. atala t.
, Is the Starry Comedy
EVfNI.NO PRireg towsr Soot. $3 and l.e.
' Bslcnny. II, TSc. Ooc. Oallery. sue.
MA TIN KB PRICKS lower soar, l M. fl.
- Balcony. 15c, toe. Ualiery. SSc. aoe. :
Empire Theatre
12th and Morrison.
Phone Ms Is 111.
la the Orlsotal Oomlo Opsra
-BuuiJ rasna.
TflPrLAR PRJt'K Tlvcnlng. IRe, SSc, t&c
and ftoc. Matlneo, 1Ae and Inc.
Hast Week. Beginning Tomorrow (Soaday)
. Might, at Helllr Theatra,
Baker Theatre
Otegoa Thsmtia Oa
See. L. Baker. Kz.
rasae state 190T. , .
Ksary T. Eamaad'a BsMtlfal and laspiied
TflTg Wl WUmT TWalaTTT-OsTB."
Evening IN-lceaSAe. . Soe and SOe. Matlnea.
16c and 28c.
Best. Wsek, Start lag Tomorrow lfatlnos,
week or jrNB 1.
.Big Orpheaai TaadaviUe. .
. Bags Imaaett, WsrU-Beaewaed -
Taatrllstaist. ' ...
The-Xeffaaajuv Herbert BTitohelL.
its a Stith. ' teag 4V MlteaaU.
Harold Heff. . wraadiaeose.
Oommearlng Monday, June IS, Seecnth Week
"A Cood-Natured Man"
la Caaseetioa With. a Strong Vsnderflle Olio,
Isoladlag Soag and Moviag rtatarae.
ORACB HTTimgOTOlf sad Troop, la the
Boariag yaroe, "A Matrimonial Kiznp."
Oeorgo A AUsa. UcT A Carltoa,
Jsaa Wllsoa. " The ZaafraUas.
Billy Zvaast ' The Blograpk.
PerfnrmaDces dally- st J .SO, t So snd Its.
Admlaston. lue and 20c; bosa."2Se. Ladlsa
aad children take any seat at week-day mat
inees for TSN cents.
. KAI Bit HI
Artmtle Bjose
anente. manso
hrama. Cemetery
aad building work
from the best of
msrble and grsnlts.
ODrrespoadeace s nd
erderr wrompUy
attended to.
East Ess Maeltes
Street Brtdt
for sale
-rwev w
Hit Klittni Claddsr Tixub
f c::c:u::j:
i . e beerefi41!M'
J A..eiiaiiiet-- V-X'J
! ' , -wSeieere lantnyhabl
J ' ' tt foe sale . , 1
! by all dnamata, 1
Mark on Every Loaf. -;
Phone Main 1904
The Portlapd
Everything; tft eat and drink, and
It coale no more tn tba , -
' Portlanl Hotel Rathskeller
Than else where In the eHy Every
weekday night from ;I0 to 11.
-"l:ll".-'Cr-OirEmaI. ktaaagsr.
Dollar Package
Man Medicine Free r
T"" f - fow, pht.ln 1.... Aill.. frmm
sarkacs of Man Medicine fr on reauost.
Ma a Medicine gives you once mors ths gusto,
tbe Joyful satisfaction, the pulse mod throb of -
physical pleasure, the keen sense of aaa-sensa.
tlon. thS'loxury of life, body-power aad body- -comfort
free. Maa Medicine does It.
Man Medicine cores msn-wesknesa, nervous .
debtllty, early decay, disqroraged manhond,
functional failure, vital weakness, brsln fag.
backache, proets litis, kidney trouble sad aerv- -auaness.
You can rare yourself at bom by Maa Medi
cine, and tbe full alas dollar package will he
delivered to you free, plela wrapper, seeled. v
with full directions now to use It The full else '
dollar package free, no- par men U of any kind,
ao rerclpla, bo promlsea, ao papers to alga. It
la free. '
All we want to knew m that yo. are not
era ding for it out of Idle curiosity, but. that yoa
want to be well, and become your' atrong .
natural self once wr. Man Medicine will Ao
what to do; ,wao yoa- a eaat smb. -van-like,
Your name snd sddreas will bring It; all yea
bava to do la to send and get It. Wo send It
free to every discouraged one of the man est.
Interstate Remedy Company,- 750 Lark build
ing, Detroit. Michigan.
Bwat for All DlaUv
Disorders. Liver and
Kidney troubles. Rheumatism,
Nervous Weakness. No Alcohol.
fonine. Memory m any piswinsl aarOBSB tn a
A rood Medlca, sot a sVwd. Us snd l
at DruaxW (a Hsk boaaaj fUS M ay-
ftASSFTT? NA-rnrr flCtBS CO.
, UM or Bao rilail.ia. 1. illlia
BLOOD poison
we have mads the ears of Mood poison a
specialty. Prtiwory, Jorondory or Tertiary
Blood Poles r-ermancDiiy Curod. Yoa ess
be treated al home under same guaranty.
Capital BDOO.oaa We eottelt the moat obett
aateeanee. If yoa have sihsoaied ths old
methods oltreaunena snd still bseesebes
and pains. Muoua Patch la Mouth, bats
Throat, Pimples, Oopper-Colored ftpota.
Ulcere on anv part of tha body, Hair or
Eyebrow falling out, write tog proofs al
cures, luo-page Book Free.
. im aum nam, tum, .tt
Etrcry l7c.T,:n
L stfalawsssl and atwinid
grwni tn w
, I.
Krr, rM aTsSTM f
lllilMrttllbtl .- e s. -'
ftU pttrxk mt t s"-" airi
itt1as ! i
a. . I
t i.T :h' rrm wa veseaei
s ,..
I- i.
; i