The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 23, 1906, Image 1

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    - ; ' ' , i j - ' 1
Journal Circulation
Fair and warmer tonight; Sunday
fair, not o warm; north to caat winda
VOL. V. NO. 94.
ITT? ir rrnn
at 1
Attorney-General Moody Gives-Up. Contem
" opiated Retirement in Order to-'Be Chief
2: Huntsman in War Upon the Octopus
-i-Probably Cannot Land Rockefeller.
, -l (Journal Special Service.!
. Washington. Juna-S3. The president
: order for- anroctopua hunt is rfft on
fined to . the Standard Oil company,
i Roosevelt has ordered It In huntsmen to
go after the-rallroada also. Wherever
.iiejan Und.thaV the roads-granted re
bat en to the Standard the government
will bring ault agalnat tha road aa wall
.'aa against the Standard. . -
' Attorney-General Moody, who had de
termined to retire to private life this
summer, will remain as chief huntsman
-'at lha. earnest of President
Kuose volt. - ' ..".""
The Pennsylvania, New York Central,
- Chicago Kastern; tha Illinois Central.
'the Rutland, the Central Vermont., the
.Burlington, the Chicago Alton, the
Missouri Pacif1c"the-Southern rneffle;
the Santa Fe and other roads will be
proceeded against; . .u..,,, ... . .
Moody was asked point blank today It
he ex Dec ted to land John D. Rockefeller
In prison Ha-aesltated and answered.
"1 don't think so. About the beat I could
do Is to act the, traffic -managers di
rectly, concerned Irdon't wish-to Indict
clerks and cannot reach the Beans 01
concerns, because of the lack of evl
"tTonce, .so , will strike : about half way
up." .
- A spokesman for the Standard Oil com
pany at New York stated' today: "The
'administration wishes to create hostility
to the Htundnrd Oil company so that a
r trial will bo guparfratryrrTalntlmlda-
tlon by proclamatlon.We will say notu
Ing until the proceedings begin. . We are
not - worry lng."T: l.-.,1
Moody's Statement.
TAofney-Oenraf Moody's statement
- !a: "- '
' '""After full consideration of all infor
mation n.lw available. Including the re
port of the commissioner of corpora
tions and the evidence taken tr the
Interstate commerce commission. I have
reached the conclusion that criminal pro
ceedings against 'the Standard OH com-
pany should be 'begunrin certain-eases
-where there appears to have been a vio
lation of Die lawa regulating Interstate
commerce and prohibiting rebatea and
other unlawful dlscrlmlnatlona. Accord-
' ingly such proceedings will be begun at
once in the appropriate Judicial diatrlcta.
These esses are regarded and will be
treated as of Importance
It seems clear that. Insofar as the
J51andard Oil company haa obtained
monopolistic control or iniereimie mm,
the control has been In large degree
made pOaalble by discriminations In
transportation ratea or facilities, the
.discriminations being 1n some cases In
".violation of the law, and In other caaee.
though injurloua to the' public welfare;
not In violation of law. smd therefore
P.,H.t .nly t e.ich correction as may
he if forded by the railway rate legis
lation now pending In congress.
i:u ' ', Assistant Huntsmen.
' The , Investigation 7 will"" require the
assistance of the department and I have
employed as spec' counsel Frank B.
Would-Be Assassin From Pater
swr NewJersey,s Is Arrested .
' While in Egypt. :
.'.' (JnorneT Special SerTlre. -
Venice, June 21. An Italian anar
"chlst bound' from Paterson. New Jer-
- sey, for Ancona to murder King Victor
- Emmanuel, , was arrested at -tali yee
" terday. Ha went first to Egypt and
then re-embarkd on board the steam
thin NIlo for Bart. The police boarded
' the NIlo at Alexandria and watched the
prisoner, who wa accompanied by an
' other anurchiat and a woman.
. Another notorious anarchist named
" Pndest. who went, from Rome to Mm
.. Jrld, was arrested at Marseilles on his
way to Ancona.. A. third anarchist
" r.nmcd Searamelll was arrested at Plan.
' The police were , warned of Jthe plot
against the king at Ancona, hence the
arrests. ; .
- . Bosslaa fa nsot.
J (Journal Rpertai Ivrln,)
St. Petersburg, June S3. A police
commissary was shot and mortally
wiramled laat night from ambush in the
Industrial quarter. The , assailant was
arrested. .'. . . .
J" ': Tobacco Warehetise urns.'
' (Journal Kperlal . Kertfc-e.) '
.l-ititford. Conn., June :i. Fire de
stroyed the tobucco warehouse of Hunt
ing Co. this mornlnav causing a loss
Of 300.0U9.
Kellogg of St Paul, who was one of the
counsel for tha government In the re
cently terminated litigation against the
western paper organization, and Charles
B. Morrison of Chicago, now United
States attorney for the northern district
or Illinois. .rcjlorrteonr. will , ia the
near, future resign his tlace a district
attorney." ( - .. , ....
- -S
"t J'
John D. Rockefeller, Who1 Aida His
-jfO et C,
tion.Companies and
Result in corporations' Directorate
With the organization of a big hold
ing company for the 'properties hereto-1
for known "a the ' Portland Railway,
the Portland General Eletftrlc and the
Oregon Water Power Railway com
panies there will be Important changes
In the official directories of these com
panies. . -
In the retirement at- Charles Pratt
of New York from tTif Portland Gen
eral Electric the !ntereatconrmonly re
ferred to as "Standard OU" passes out
lot the Portland , lracfIoh-neld "ana"!
iracceaded by the Sellgmans. New -VorK
bankers, and tha Clarkea-of Philadel
( JoafssI BperUI"rTl.) ' ''
New York. June II. An unpleasanl
squabble such aa might be expected in
a frontier barroom took place last night
In the cafe of tha Waldorf-Astoria. The
participants were Dick Plunkltt. ex-
sheriff of Tombstone;- Colonel rankle
sheets, ' who runs a newspaper-hr-that
place, and Bat Maaterson, deputy United
States marshal and contributor to a
sporting and theatrical paper published
PIuHkltt." DWklesheeU and several
other , western men were In . the cafe
dlscus'slng Masterson'f imputation as Jt
had man, which has been 'questioned Tit
the New Tftirk Press, I. which onoa. de
voted a large part' of a pnge showing
up Masterson aa hero of battles that
Mr. John D. Rockefeller Jr., Wife of
- ' . ... I' . Senator.
;.,..,. ,! ifc -
WsUiS2SFm7 ; v.. 11
' X
sis?: s.
U f
John D. Rockefeller Jr, New' Rubber
Many Changes Will
phia, who are bankersand Independent
traction-men of large experience. -
That "Standard Oil" has sold its Port
land electric light and. railway Inter
ests will lend a different color. to"the
moves on the local traction , checker
board, but these will become-even more
Interesting ' from tha fact that inde
pendent intereata more equally matched
are -engaging In the business. Moffat
White. who-.toflm bunch- of -their
eastern frfVfMtOTS.' are hacking the Wll
Tamelte'vailey Traction company's In-
(Continued on Page(Twa)
' - 4 ' . 1
were Invariably bloodless and "as, hav
ing been Jgnomlnlously- arrested In New
York once aa a common gambler. ,
The conversation of Plunkltt and his
companions was along these lines when
Masterson . Joined . the party and took
exception to the remarks. In the ensuing
unpleaaantness- Dlnklesheets struck at
Maaterson, missed him and wea knocked
down by the latter. Then Plunkltt and.
Maaterson' got together, but did no dam
age to each other. The Waldorf house
detective then ejected tha entire bicker
ing craw.-. In the meanwhile there had
been an exodus from the chfa that led
those In the corridor to -think the place
w on Are. Word apread to the palm
room and Turkish rooms with the re
sult that the women Insisted on being
escorted from the place Immediately,
... ....... .... - . . . ......
' . ' t - m
New Rubber King. Daughter of
Aldrich. :-W-.-JL ..s--.:.-1 ' v -..
IV! ill
; Bernard M. Baruchr Right-Hand Man
Young John D,. Rockefeller Jr.
Forms New Combine Which
Startles the Entire Finan- -
cial World.
.i i r
, . (Jonrnal Rpertil Serrlce.)
-New York. Juno 22. Following the
example' set them throughout life by
tnelf lalnefa. J Ohm V. Hockefeller jr.
and K. B. Aldrich, son. of Senator Aid-
rich andt brother-in-law of young Rocke
feller, have, ahown that they are to be
counted in the financial world as Im
portant factors by a coup which- haa
startled the world. The achievement
of these young kings of-finance waa a
surprise to financial circles and showed
inemtCHpaoie sons ok ineir miners in
the handling of money and politics.
Selecting a product or nature. In the
manner of Standard Oil. these young
financiers' decided upon rubber ' as the
article around which they would build
a monopoly. . Reading the future, they
have foreseen that the growing demsnd
for "their" article will continue for
yesrs to -come and have succeeded In
their plans by not alone 'controlling the
source of supply, but also the means of
refining the crude rubber into articles
ftfJnerchandlse.Thelr rival, the rub
ber trust, awoke when It was too late
to the power of tnelr new. opponenta.
and has already lost ahumber of. mil
lions to the new "powera."
Rockefeller- and hlur hrothervln-law,
Aldrich.. are the controlling and direct
ing needs 'of the Continental Rubber
cotnpsny of Amertcs. ' rrtorthrlr -at
tack, with the weight or money whicn
they have behind them, they have forced
a drop In rubber so that the estimated
value of last year'a crop-woitd be re
duced IM.OUO.OOO If sold 1st the laat
price quoted since the - battle com.
menced. The estimated value of the
crop Is tlli.108.000. "'. '
"It 'was Aldrich who T6rtglnatd the
scheme whlcti haa been so suhcessfully
carried through by himself and Rocke
feller. It was In his fertile brain, the
IdeaorTglnated to form a strong .com
pany and with a reolpe whjch he ob
tained far making the guayule rubber
of a much better grade, a grade almost
as 'good as the" best "Para rubber. -t
threaten the rubber markMT "" This mar
ket, haa been "under, control for yeara
The rubber combines have bought up
every rubber foreet in the world and
the market haa been safe. The threats
which. could be, made . with the recipe
held by. Aldrleh would be effeotive, but
without It harmless, for the. ordlnsry
product of the guayule plantwljlch
.(Continued on Page Three )
SheriffMakes. Steady
Gains Over Stevens
DurjDgMorning Ses
sion of Recount. -
Variation of Recount From Of,
ficial Returns at End of Thirty-
Seventh Precinct Is One Vote
in Word's Favor and Sheriffs"
Friends Rejoice.
...The friends of Torn Word are grin
ning broad, happy grina today, for the
tide of., the recount haa aet in favor of
their candidate. " Stevens" Stock, at high
water mark at the end of tha second
day, haa steadily declined since then.
Yesterday morning Stevens began the
day Hght-heajteda"nd cheerful wtth-ifr
votes to the good. Tha .evening saw
that lead reduced to aeveni and Stevens
spirits down proportionately. Tha re
count thla morning reduced Stevens'
lead three more, leaving him a margin
of . only four to be overcome In tha
counting of it precincts. Thus the re
count so far favors Word by one vote.
It will be seen from these figures
that the situation ia much as it was at
the sturt anybody's fight.- A comment
or two written on the margin or the
ballot by aome foolish elector may. de
cide the seals aa to who la to enjoy the
fat emolumenta of the office of sheriff
for the next two years.
But the triumphant grins of the Word
adherenta. are accentuated today espe
cially -beeaus -of tha- mora than prob
ability that on next Monday one or more
election board officials of precinct ST
will be indicted, a thing which will ren
der the - invalidation of the whole pre
cinct vote mora likely of accomplish
ment. . - - .
Qame of Sea Saw.
It'a a aee-saw game this, the Word-
Stevens recount. - At one point -In' to
day's proceedings Stevens' lead was
down to one vote and excitement In the
courtroom" reached" a hlgli tension, .The
crowd of silent persons whar have
never failed to fill the benches" since the
straightened up and took notice. The
sensation for which they had been stub
bornly waiting seemed at Land. But
In less than another minute a Word vota
was cast aside and the "Hooray, a tie
vote! altuatlon did not coma. As tha
Stevens votes were cast out one by one
(Continued on Page Two.) .
Texan's-Friend Announces That
' Senator Realizes That South
em Man Cannot Be Success
ful at This Time.
- . ... (journal Special laiki.l
Washington,' June . 23. Reprei
Burgess of Texas, who la one of Sen
ator Joseph . . W.i Bailey'a warmeat
friends, today made thla statement con
cerning Bailey, and tha Democratic nom-
Inatlon for president in 1 801:
"It undoubtedly la true that with
practical unanimity tha Democrats In
congress " would halt" with" delight t he-
nomination of Senator Bailey for preel
dent tn 'lXM.v But they know that the
Democrats -cannot and will not urge hla
nomination because of tha section of
the earth with which he la identified.
Senator Bailey ' himself never believed
that the nomination of any southern
mi, in l0g would be wise and 'he has
continually refused the Indorsement of
any auch move, In hla Interest, - ....
' "It can be assumed' without ques
tion thst Senator Bailey and hla friends
are In hearty sympathy with Bryan's
nomination, and I hava not the alight-
est doubt that at the coming state con
vention Texa will adopt a Swinging
platform arid unanimously suggest! the
nomination of rr. Bryan m J9a
Senator Bailey s reply -ta 4ne article
Fourteen ' additional - Indict- e
menta hava been made by the 4
grand Jury aa a result of further
- investigation Into ths Sellwood 4)
election frauds. Twelve of tha e)
' accused are freeholdera and two . 4)
4 are men who caat fraudulent bal- 4)
4 lota. Included . in the.- second -
4 batch is A. R. Dlmmick, an em- e)
v pioye of the O. W. P. Many of
4 the Indictments are seftona and
4 .third counta against thoae free-
e holdera who were. Indicted Thurs- a
0 day. ' At noon today, at tha end e
e of tha, recount of II precincts. e
e the result showed -a gain of . 4)
Sheriff Word ov'erBherlff -elect 4)
4 Stevens. The result af that hour- 4
4 was aa follows: Total number '4
4 votes- caat, H.7J1; for Stevens, 4
4 4.881 ; -for y,' ui-XJttt ; varta- 4
tloij from efltfttal, returns - (In 4
4 -favor of Word), 1. , 4)
4444 . 4 a-4 4
')" -' '
Little. Premature Caller Takes
Apartments in a Class Oven -
and Is Apparently Sat-.
' . isfied With Life.
(Journal Special Srrvlce.) -
Nqw York, june SI. The sudden ar
rival of little Miss Hogan created a
commotion at the home of her parents
this , morning. - A hurry ' call brought
Mra-Mary. McEwan whose, specialty . la
the rereptton of tiny visitors. - Mrs. He
Ewan hurried to Bellevua hospital with
the Infant placed In an Incubator . and
will probably save lts.ltra
Loctors ,ay thaT"little Mlsa Hogan
awakened several montha too soon. Al
though she only weighs three quarters
of a pound, she la perfectly normal and
likely to thrive.
Tha. baby appears satisfied with the
little glass oven in which she haa taken
apartments. ....
(Special niapatch te The Janrnal.)
WASHINGTON. June S3. The house
today by uoantmoua vote unseated
Ernest Wood, Democrat of St. Louis.
end gave hla . seat . to . Harry- Coudrey,
Kepuoucan . contestant, who waa Imme
diately sworn in. Election frauds took
apromlnent part In the.coatest. . ;
'' (Jnnrnal Special aervlce.)
Kansas City, June SI. Alberto -Say-
satt, Italian bend leader, died at -the
hospital today after an operation. This
week was advertised aa Bosatl s riast I
week In America."
paalah Kinister Dead.
(Jnernal Special Berrlre.)
Madrid. June S. The Duke of Almo
dovar, minister of foreign affairs, died
today. . ...
In Hearst's magstlne, the Cosmopolitan,
by David OTiham P.hllllps, July Issue,
in wnicn-ne ia mcciiaeo or -nring me
right arm.Of the -trusts representing
the Standard Oil arid kindred lntcrrets.
will probably be a suit - for criminal
libel. The article In question nmncs
Bailry aa AMrich's (li-t lieutenant In
. Senator ''Joaaph X. Bgiley."
Four Oregoru Water
:Pqwer-Employes Are
Under Indictment for
-Election Fraud..
A.Rrf Dimick Enmeshed irt
1 Net by Jurors Many; Other
Prominent Men Under Consid-
eratiorv-Rumors That- Some
- May Leave State Suddenly;
" , Fourteen more ' indictments of elec
tion law violators, making . twenty in
all, were voted late yesterday after-
noon by the grand Jury. -"Among the""
new names on the list of those) who
must, stand trial for participating-' in
tha frauds in Sellwood precinct la that
ofA. B-Dimlckanjemploye of ' tha
Oregon Water i-ower A Railway bm
pany. Thla Increases the number of.
O. W. P. .men under indictment to four.
and- there, are yet imurT affidavits tu
hear from. ,
Moafr' of tha 14' Indictments In tha
second batch were additional counts
against B. F. Boynton, assistant auper
Intendent of the O. W. P.; W. P. Jack
and T. R, Baldwin, O. W. P. electricians, , j
and G. Plaas, secretary ufJth9. Mount.
Hood. Brewing company. 'Several free-"
holder who escaped tha first throw of
the net are aald to have been Indicted,
but aside from Dimick their namea are
not known. .
x - Fluiube in It. ,. Z i
Among those In tha Una of fire wea
PV C - Holland, plumber, who swors t
the affidavit of W. J. Bailey, a one
night gueat of the Hotel Sellwood. Tha
list of Indictments Includes two voter.
The . identity of these men Is ' eT.UI " "
secret. -They'voted from the Hotel Sell-,
wood, and-It Is believed that they ara '
two of tha five llghtnlng-changa reel-
dents whose namea remained on the)
hotel register after some man of mya- -tery
had torn out two pagea of valuable)
evidence.. Tha marked five are W. '8. '
Collins, H. Messing. W. J. Bailey. M. L.
amitn ana uscar Shear. Aa Meaatng waa
a resident of Clackamas county at the
lime lie vntm in Kii.wi i, - mT1l
than likely that he la onaof tha Indicted
A. R. Dimick of the O. W. P.. whom
name now appears on tha roll of tha
known indicted, swore to tha affidavit
Cf W. 8. Collins and W. J. Bailey, and
It Is possible that two true bills war
(Continued on Page Two.)
Statesman -'Accused of Being
Trust Man by Magazine P-
-titlonsCircutated Against Hirn
in Texas.- - - -
the senate and'pTobable successor t
Gorman In that "egnrd. ". ' '
na cosmopolltaja article atntesr
Bailey csaita . n'u.hin.iA. ...
house 14 years ago last December when
but IS. Hla obstreperously unconven
tional dress and his frank physical as
well as mental vanity made him some
thing of a butt at tlret But soon
through his fast pe4Jl eurfaaa, the
appeared a strong and developing pr
eonallty. -Ho rapidly did he Olscloea
power and shrewdness that' his becom
ing minority leader at and after ony
three terma would not hava seenW
mysterious had he not been highly un
popular with hi party colleagues. .
peclally with thone least In sympathy
with -the -'Intereata'-that were fine not ng
and . dominating both party machlaas."
Oosxaopolltaa'a Story.
' Bailey'a raplil advancement l .
leged to be due to these "lnt,rfi," f,,r
whom it Is alleged h haa slwuve
"willing to serve iHmifU rni
posing ss champion of Ilie p.ii
Is alleged that the Ftun.'
'('Jonlinutid an ft. i