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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 22, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAU 'PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING, JNE 22. ISC3. i f & a - .em. aa. a mm iiiiii nil nun in IWIKUH VIULfllE TJfliL COfiTRACT Tha tw 'steamers have ea board about -4 tons airh of frelfht consigned to Portland merchants . -Ownen of SteamwAIKanc f tnd Themselves In Peculiar' ..L. .T"y Predicament. - WOULD LEND ASSISTANCE TO SHIP-OWNERS' COMBINE Contract Recently Entered Into With ,- Uncle Sam Prevent ,Boat From t Being ' Tied Steamers " of Amer 2" ican-Hawaiiair Line-Lie Idle. foaat . tha contract recently to carry mall be- ' tweea Mhla port and CoOa baynd Eureka tba eteamer; Alliance would ; probably t on ber way to Ban Fran- , elsco to Join tba fleet rf "vessel lylna ,".7L Idle In consequence "? of the - sailors' ". strike. ' Tha mall ; " contract waa con. firmed a,' few days, iga to become ef fective July 1. and It la apparent that C the company would not violate tha con tract tha very nrat day t It could po? ibly be prevented. That her owner. George D. Oray A Ca, Intended -to assist ths ahlpownera' combine In breaking the strike la evi dent from a dispatch received by the company's local agent this morning In strutting blm to cancel all freight and passenger arrang-ementa because of tha Alliance having been ordered to tie up at San Francisco until the end of the labor -trouble. Another dispatch shortly L before... noon countermanded the. earlier wire, saying that the orders had -been ' Changed and that the Alliance would sail ; from Eureka for Portland during the day Tret- Waltto fo Vessel. This waa welcome news to the agent -for on tha dock at: the foot of Couch .street freight la plied high to the cell ing waiting shipment - There are alao a number of paaaenger already booked . for. the nett voyage and several of these . would have been greatly disappointed , had the. steamer been tied up. aa they were turned' away on' her last Bailing daybecsuso ""-J"''1 " general situation seems to remain un - - - changed. - The steamers Barracouta and A .Costa Rica of the Ban Francisco A Portland Steamship, company are still announced future sailing dates, al . though, the local . longshoremen have promised to handle the. freight If the .company desires to operate the vessels during the. strike. The longshoremen's ' . proposition' as made jby . their business agent to the steamship company "is told In the following letter addressed' to J. H. Dewson. local agent - r-- "Dear Sir: In reply to your reouaat of June 1, we wish to state that we will continue to work your vessels under "the same conditions aa formerly with : your company, with the exception that our ipen.are to run the winches and do , alt -rigging--tip work pertaining- to the working of the vessel. - subject at all 1 times to orders from our international . officers. ' - ' -.-. - "N. B. In case we 'start to work on .'any vessel we will at all times continue to work until such time ae the said ves sel la loaded and ready -to sail.- The local- agent of the'- American Hawaiian line received word this morn L lnglhat the stea mere Calif ornla and Massachusetts, plying - between Mew York and San Francisco,' are among the -vessels tied up as a result of the strike. AMARANTH SWIFT.- sjksatttne- ae aoyasneUa --eteT . Beet Silly of Clae. The barkentlne Amaranth, which; as announced in yesterday's Journal, w chartered by the North Pacltte tiumber company to carry four- cargoes of lum bar from this port to Baa fearo. one of tha swiftest vessels of -her class on the Paclflo ocean. Not long ago she made the-run from Shanghai to the Colum bia In 2t days, thereby equalling steam- boat time.. .. ! ' The Amaranth. Is almost a duplicate of the barkentlne Amason. which Is now at Astoria bound for Manila. She Is la command of Captain Bowes, who on his last visit here was considerably agitated L aL.. -t i - f ' it1!!- ' s . - P 1 . . . " T I . jtj tTllTii'i'Bt 4XrsMeesMgeal The Barkentina Amarath. because of the desertion of his Jadansse carpenter, whom the -Immigration of noers declared waa not entitled to rmaln In the country. Captain Bowles sosjreheeV the city from the waterfront to the hills In hopes of locating the missing sailor mechanic but all tola efforts were In vain. - ! The Amaranth carries Iri the neighbor hood of 1.H0.0M f set of lumber. She sailed from thla port for Manila April and will start for the Columbia liver aa soon as emptied of her. cargo. W1TWTHEDREDGES Coarse Oravel Heoeasltates) kTew tunp Bonne for tha fortlaad. - - - having worn out. the. dredge Portland will lay Idla for three or four day next week while new cast steel runner la being installed. The coarse gravel pumped from tha river into the east aide mud -flats put the runner to a eevere test, but It stood It better thsn was ex pected, says Superintendent Groves. The dredge Columbia la deepening the channel in the lower harbor, bat will move down to Swan Island In a' week to dig out the channel below the flour mills before being turned over the the government engineer for work tm the Columbia. . for drunksnneaa and was not on board when. the aleutba arrived. 'Members; of the crew of, the eteamer. fffyTfiaf the lwo-mea"werr""norobbd. One of them wss drunk, they declare, sndMis fell asleep on a coll -of rope on the freight declL, He rolled off the coll aaa a flremsa, namooWef'--trted te lift ' him back on the uncomfortable berth... In doing so he handled the fel low so carelessly that a few small aolna fell out of- htaLppcWete. The money was plukedeup by one 6rthe two men, I so It Is 'said, but upon, reaching the city they concluded that Fireman "Red" had touched" them. WlLrCIVE FINE SHOW JClnstrala ef O on boat rrtaoetom rut U MHi TUae rraettotaf. ; The minstrel shew 'to lie alven at the Kmp'lri . theatre -by men from the gun boat jTinceton on June ZS will be a popular affair. It . will be popular aa well aa a aoclety affair for everybody going' there until the doors of the playhouaa will admit' no mora. Preparatlona for the elaborate ahow are going oa continually and the art,lts are rehearsing thslr stunt aa often aa they find time. In fact the -gunboat has been turned Into a veritable Study, and some of the -funniest jokes ever heard lew of them have a XTOinjrtom. being vracKtta tuu enctm over agajn so cuat when the big show finally comes off there will . be JiQlnJtake boutTlhe funny parte. . The boxing dog . is Wso practicing dally and tomorrow he will commence taking country runs to' Mount Tabor and back. He is' said to be In the pink of condition but his trainers want blm to work off a couple of pounds If possi ble. Tickets are selling fast and seats are being reserved. ' WAVES SWEPT DECKS.- Cruise Sostoa Beaches Harbor- Afte - . Stormy Toyage Alone Coast. The cruiser Boston encountered unus-i ually -rough weather on her way frejtn Ban Francisco and shs showed evldenca of It upon Teaching tha harbor yeatir day afternoon. The salty- spray had played all over her from stem to stem and- there Waa-ptenty- of work -for the bluejackets to clean decks. . - ,. The Boston la In command of Com mander DeWltt Coff man, and her ex eoutlve officer Is Lieutenant-Commander C A. Brand. In . addition to . the two commanding officers, the Boston baa 11 officers and 150 men.. The" other officers ars: ' Lieutenants Olmsted. Morton, - Morsin, Leahy and Freeman! nglgn Caffee, . Midshipman Eklund, Assistant Burgeon Richardson, Paymaster Stalnaker, Second Lieutenant Hoadley. U. S. M. C, Boatswain Zeitlet and Engineer 'Luckis. . - - - LOSE COIN TRAVELING. Two yaesenger Accuse Steamboat Bm- : ploy of Savins; Touched Them. M. Lyon and F. Duffy appeared at the police station late laat night and asserted that they had been robbed by a fireman on the steamer Charles Spencer. Detectives were looking for the fireman this morning but be bad been discharged by the chief-engineer sTBsTslsTsTsTaTsysTMsTgsTaTaTM - June is the month when many knotty points have to' ' be decided, but we can smooth out all the knots in the v line of clothing. Do not fail to see our 'big offerings in - MEN'S OUTING AND THREE.PIECE . . SUITS, the usual $12 to $15 kind, that 'jwe r now selling (at. ... ..V, .". i .YOUTHS' OUTING AND PIECE SUITS, the usual $lfr to jund, that we re now selling at $1Q22 HREE- rkc $13.50 $q See the big display of these Suits in our windows then come in and try tome on the perfect fit and great r values will please you. u. - no (Ob GusKuhnProp .WeWEyerytiMng,to Wssi'for Men and Boys v mohaWk BLDG. j srssssssrxaaBtSj -166 AND 168 THIRD ST. uszsssxszz: WAS ONLY FOOLING. aperrisiaaT Inspector, of Steam Teaaela Tana Tire ea Waterf rout. ' plain John BerainsftaiHrTtiipsrvm-1 ing Inspector for the Paclflo coast, arose early thla morning and stirred up a lot of excitement along the waterfront. The supervising Inspector la well' along In years and gray . as a grlssly bear, but this does not hinder him from .1'gettlng around - and a visit from him In a port always strikes terror In the hearts of tha navigators and their sailor men. . . - Captain - Bermlngham -arrived . in the city yeaterday afternoon from Seattle, but kept under cover Oil thla morning. when he - started out with - the rise of the sun and yelled Tire" and . "man -overboard" right and left.aa he went rromflocn6 doclc The sailors re sponded nobly and showed up in fine style and the Inspector spone hlghlyof them after having completed tha round. He Will leave i for Ban -IFrancisco this evening after looking over the records of the local office. .: 1 r n ... . --, IP. YOU WANT OUR KIND OF BARGAINS This boundless initure sale wiU be off on the night of June 30, and THERE IS NO USE OF FURTHER TALKING Such Values Will Not Again Prevail When people can buy new furniture, stoves, ranges, heaters, linoleum, bedding, baby carriages, mirrors, all manner W . , . of. chairs and tables EVERYTHING, in house furnishings 'v-- .4 ; " : . . . ,7 M 50 to 60 Per Cent on the Dollar IT JPPNT PAY TO INVEST IN SECOND-HAND STUFF. ; Our prices for this NEW Furniture afe tiot greater tharn the second-hand manjWould-Ask-for-Jhis-worn and cUsftgured-waresand for this, reason WE OUGHT TO DO COMPARATIVELY ALL-THE FURNITURE BUSINESS OF PORTLAND, FOR ' THE NEXT SEVEN DAYS. If you are not one of those attended to you are just that much out of pocket if there be anything you require In tha i t merchandise such as we weaacnficing-nowrThe Supreme Court having ordered us out of this half of our build-TJ1 ing, we must abandon the premises, and to do so OUR CONCERN HAS BECOME. THE HOME OF SNAPS-U 1 POSITIVE SNAPS ABSOLUTE SNAPS EVERY SALE A SNAP.f r You oughtlo have your chare of them m Tthey.'are beingrnanded'dUt. . : : ; " -.-1.-;- -.. '", , ' . -'.--. I ; ' Y,.' u -'. (': , ''. . ' ,- -.- -i ' - ; - - 5 ' The Home Furnishers 172-174 FIRST STREET DOLLAR FOR DOLLAR. rraaoiaoe rim Assesses Stock . LI holder to fay Its ebta. ,-;iVi a letter to Its local branch the firm Of M. C. Harrison aV Co. of Ban Fran clsoo announces that notwithstanding the loaa of Its office on April It by fire. including all the records and papers, ex ceptlng one ledger, It waa enabled May 26 to resume business at lot Merchant's exchange. Tha company Is paying -dollar for dollar, states the letter, the stockholders assessing- themselves to cover ail losses and leave a big surplus. ALONG THE WATERFRONTS , The Italian ship catetina Accame cleared for Knappton. Washington, yee- t ir1 ay e"d down in tha e venli Thla Is the nearest port for which foreign vessel ever cleared through the Portland custom house. - The snip will load lumber for the west coast. The British ateamer. Sutherland Is due to arrive here about July 10 to load lumber for a return cargo to the orient. Tha steamer Roanoke sailed ror Ban Pedro laat night with a full cargo and manv' passenxers. The steamer George Vt.. Elder will dock a" wek?s' tlme!''BhawHl then probably be towed to Portland- for re pairs, i The pew steamer Skagit will soon be ready for launching from Joseph Bup- ple's shipyard. MARINE NOTES. " " - Astoria. Jdne 22.Arrlved down at 4:10 and sailed at 10:45 a. m., eteamer Roanoke. Arrived at .0:15 a, m.. schooner Alvena, from Redondo 'Ar rived at 12:20 a. m.. schooner John -A. and Britlah ship Carnedd Llewellyn. v Ban Francisco, June 22. Boiled yes terday, schooner. Iuls, ror Columbia river. - Astoria, June 21. Balled at 13:zb .. barkentlne Amazon, for Manila. tieft up at 715 p.-m., barkentlne Troplo Bird. Arrived down at t p. m., Italian fchlp Caterlna' Acoame. 1 Muroran, June zo. oaueo, untisn steamer Sutherland, for, Portland. Astoria. Jtme 12.- ubndltlon of the bar at ft a. m., pmooth; wind northwest; wealhercloudy, - ' - 1 aessaaesesBeMaswJ seaV , us T "MM" f HUBBY-ARRESTED FOR "-HISGAMBLING-W1FE (flpeelal Ptopitch te Tk JonraiL) Pendleton, Or., June tit. Ung Ooey. the well-known Chinese- merchant tf this place, who was arrested laat night charged with gambling, . today ..pleaded s-ullty to the offense in ths city re corder's court and was-flned I2S. When taken in custody It was after a bunch of Chineae had fled from his establish ment, all of whom were gambling when interrupted by the police. Ooey s wife, one of the most comely Chinese women on the coast, wai dealing the game, but only Ooey waa arrested. .. TWO, UNHAPPY. PAIRS ARE GIVEN LIBERTY (PpeHI Dlplcn to Tip Joorn.l.), : Baker City, Or.. June 22 Jane He- Cutoheon has been granted a divorce from R. B. McCutcheon on the grounds of drunkenness. In her petition aha si- leges that they were married ,at B rum ley. Missouri.' In March. Ittt. and that shortly, thsreafter, be became a cross habitual drunkard. In 1201 she alleged that she induced him to take the Keeley cure, but It only lasted for a short time. In 1206 they separated and since mat time they have lived apart. Louis Ekstrora waa grantee a oivoroa om Ethel Ekatrom on the grounds of desertion. They were married In Baker City In December, 1894, and he alleges that she deserted him in, 1 201. In his complaint he asks thb court to compel per to pay the costs or the suit -rne ai- crees were granted by Judge eamuei Whlta , ... - . JLONGWORTHS ARE JO- lie' filled the pulpit, first in the First Congregational church in Buffalo -and later in the Watertown First Presby terian churoh. The following year he spent in Germany studying. - -- Upon bis return in Its he took the chair of New Testament ' criticism and Interpretation at Tale. . This be filled until 1826, when he waa appointed to the chair which he filled at the- time of bis dsmise. . j- CORNERSTONE LAID -AT ST PAUL'S SCHOOL (Special Dispatch to The Jooraal.) Walla Walla, Waah., June 22. The cornerstone of the handsome three-story brick and stone building of Bt Paul's school wa laid today with appropriate services In the presence of a large crowd of friend of the school. Rev, Andreaa Bard, rector or St. Paul' church and president of the "school, .mad'" an address, 'which waa - followed by musical program, . The hew stmotara waa donated by eastern frlenda of the -school and will be but a ktep in the general scheme that will make Bt, Paul's rank' with the leading girls' awminarlea in the northwest. . . MEET KAISER WILLIAM ' (Jocrnal RDeclal Serried : 1a. London. June 22. Congressman and -Mrs. lBsortAzJeQoqrifor-KlgM where they expect to meet the Kaiser. PROFESSOR STEVENS CALLED OVER DIVIDE New Haven, Conn., June 22. Profes sor George B. Stevens, professor of sys tematie theology-r at Tale.dled thla morning. . Oeorce Barker Steven was born In Spencer, New York, July, 12, 1264. He was the ton 'ofJThoma J. and Wei tha n . l . n n a U. d sevens. in tuyemperAaouji. jfas married to Kate A. Mattlson In -Oswego, New Tors, From that time until 1886 BAD COMPLEXIONS AJT9 xzst aurxzsT rom casus otrr of tct. Depraved Blood Oanaee llmple Bolla 4ft WUllaana' Flak Fill Make ITew Blood and Oar rouoem '1 abused my stomach, my blood got out of order and then. my race broke out with pimples and bolls," says T. H. Rob ertson of 127 Addison street. Washing ton. Pennsylvania, ."Thla waa over two years ago. My stomach in bad shape. ' After eating I would have to rest a while or I would euffer the moat severe pains Jn my .stomach. On aris ing I would often be, so dirty that could hardly stand up.- The slightest exertion would start my back aching so that I often had tar ait down and rest swhlle. At times I experienced a pain around the heart which alarmed mt but which I suppose came from my stomacp trouble. ' 1 i"I began to break out on the 'face with pimple and later with bolls which confined me to the house a week or more at a time. One day I saw Dr. Wllllama'Plnk Pllla for Pale People advertised In a pamphlet which, wa left t the door and J thought I would give them a trial. I took aeveral boxes of the pills before si 1 the pimple and bolls left me, nut I am now giaa to say mat mv blood la gooo. l ao noi-nave any eruptions and I no longer have tha head and atomacn trounie i nave aeaennea. am Verv "grateful for what Dr. Wll Hams' Pink Pill have none for tne and have recommended them and- alwaya will advise those who are suffering from bad blood or stomach trouble to try them." . nr. William nni nus are guaran teed to be safe and harmless to the most delicate constitution. 'They contain no morphine, opiate, narcotic, nor anything to cnuae a drug habit. They do not act on the bowels but they actually make new -blood-and etrengthen the-nwrves, If you want good health you must have good brood.- - Bad blood Is tha root of most 'common diseases like anaemia, rheumettsm, - sciatica, ' neuralgia. Bt Vint' dance, nervousness, indigestion, debility,, general weakness, paralysis, locomotor ataxia and the special ail ments that only women folk know. ' y Dr. Williams' Pink pills are sold by all druggists or sent, postpaid, on re ceipt of price. SO cents per box, six boxes for 12.10, by the Dr, Williams Medloln omca Sobeaeotad, Mr Trri Extraordinary Sale ot Men's amd Metfsui We have just received a shipment of 300 Men s and 250. Young Men's Sunimer Suits that dur New York representative has closed 'out from one of the best known New York clotbine- HUIB.CIB. juicy sic vi uits snappiest, muse up-io-ui c-minute Kma, tne coats are cut .in the latest fashion and the trousers are made with belt straps and cuff bottoms. You can see some just like them ia other store windows marked $12.50 and $15.00. We offer you un ;r ' : limited choice of the entire lot at these unprecedented prices t . -' - Men's Suits $6.95 Young TJcn's Suife $4.95 Onr Shoe Department Alsp Overflows With Bargains 800 pairs of Men's ShoesitvSlO different styles, y- leathers - and shapes the kind you always - pay $2.50 for. Toiiiuiiuw they Will go at' , -the small sum of. J.,. ....... ......31.39 1,000 Pairs of Men's Shoes, in 15 different styles, shapes and leathers, . excellent value at $3.00.- For Saturday they are on sale 'at .81.05 750 JPairs "of Ladies' Oxford Ties, in black, . light or dark tan, Cuban or. military heels, turn or extension sole, every pair worth $2.50. Your choice for Saturday at. .91.39 J500 Pairs of Ladies' Shoes, in many different ' Styles and leathers, the kind y alwaya pay 52.00 for, Saturday we have olaced them on sale at ...:.....,'...f .91.19 And many other higher grades reduced pro , portionately. . -; Boys' $2,00 Shoes, extra strong, in blaclc or tan; at-.......;........ ....9159, Girls' Oxford Ties, Al quality, for this" sale Girls' $2.00 Shoes at. . . . 81.29 Children's Shoes at. ....... ..,.39 and 19 In Our Men's Tarnishing Goods :1 Deparfment , ; You can also supply your little wants at about, ; - one. half "the usuar price, for instance: .Men's $1.00 Golf Shirts at........i 49 Men's' BQc Summer Underwear at. .... . .234 .Men's 35c Neckwear at. ............. ..19 I Men's 15c Black Hose at.:...... ; . . i ..L.8 ; And 'a goodjrriany other things-too numerous I About 200 Men's Odd -Vests,, worth uip to One lot of about 300 Men's Sample Hats,' one of a kind, but all sizes in the lot, all of this . season's shapes', stiff or soft, in black, brown and several other this season' shades, not a hat-in the r lot wof thless than $2.50 and : some $3.00 and $3.50, but we bought them for a song and give the public the benefit, therefore your choice of any' hat in the- lot at.. the? unheard of price, of . , . . w .79 to menttorir' $2.60, your choice.. The reason we are in a position to offer such marvelous bargains is because WE HAVE 1 ONE END IN PORTLAND AND THE OTHER IN NEW YORK " L ' BETWEEN TAYLOR AND SALMON, IN THE MIDDLE OP THE BLOCK Eastern Office, Flatiron Bldg New York City. Our Motto: Satisfaction or Ypur Money Back if'