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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 22, 1906)
THE ORSGOM DAILY JQUPWAL, PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING. JUNE 22. lfCS. STATE- OFFICIALS-SURPRISED UPOnii I-SEEinGlPROBRESSiOF PROJECTS: X y r . i ' . - - : "' . ---- . TT ri V Ki , -v j To Grasp Immensity of Irrfgation ! in Crook County Ditches, Must Be Seen. , WATER IN RIVER WOULD ALMOST COVER OREGON . Conttructioti Work Put in by Com y Pny la of Permanent Sort and AU Conditions : Have Been' Strictly ' Complied With. , . ... Bend, Or.. June 82. One has to travel ver the western part of Crook county In' order to grasp the immensity of. the. - Irrigation-enterprises- operating. ln this section of the mate. No place lae in . . : Oreaon have such arest strides --been u taken . tiv-the line - of development of latent resources. With the-remftyaj.ol juniper trees and sagebrush, habitable 'and prosperous looking- farros taking the place of what a few months a no r vii a barren wilderness, the -whole ' country eobwebbed with canals and lat i erals. arid running water ; and fresh thinks amlllnsr welcome where - desola- tlon heretofore existed, the past two years, ilncsf the state land board last , , visited the county. . have completely , chan ; ' hia portion ' of the' earth. It y 4s -not - the same -Crook county . that J t ' was. Im life has crept In and nearly ? obliterated t ne-oldand the remarkable M development anfl work of the Irrigation . ; compentee h not only pleased but sur i prised the state officials who have spent the past three daya In a diligent lnapee- ..i nun ui nm jjrujwc uuuvi; wx " iuu J Vlolnlty. , . , ... . I Board la Surprised. --We-had -no -Idea "that ao much -had . ! been ' accomplished,' said Governor ' Chamberlain thia morning. "Both Mr. 'Moore and myself are greatly pleased ; with the character of 'the work and equally' pleased - and surprised at tba :' scope of It. : We little thought when " we same over here that we would find water so freely . and thoroughly . die-. . irlbuted In western crook county, and " the lliiht of these towns, which have ' sprung up here and there 1n spots we had difficulty-In driving over on ao " ' count of the sagebrush and 'Juniper two years aim, is almost beyond comprehen- a ion. ; ; - v -. .., - ' Water Snongn-f ox JBtal Aj Tba project so-wall' -under way on s .,th!a east. -side of, the. Deschutas, swtth which the. state holds a contract with the Deschutes Irrigation Power com i pany, la certain to prove successful. So ,far as we are able to learn the settlers ' hero are In omiteet harmony with the J company, and the latter up to the ores I - ht time have actually done mora in their -j work of reclamation than la . required "f, them for the length of time they have been under Contract. V ' "There Is plenty of water In the Des- chutes for the complete reclamation f ir their lands.- In fact.' sald the governor. aa he gased rrom the bank to the boll j. ing mass or water that drops with a i; thunderous roar a aheer II feet over l Cllne falls. "I believe there la almost enough .water. In that river .to Irrigate the whole state of Oregon If the .supply war, used conservatively. I State Treasurer Moors likewise com wanted upon tha permanency and thor- oukhnesa Of the work of the- Irrigation I . company, f "uonsirucuon work or this kind," be Said. "Is here to stay, and -the ; results to be trained by It will prove tha salvation of. this semi-arid portion of , crook county. The success of Irrigation ; hero will be measured In the future, by -1-Jth enerrrer-of the psnplsrtbemselveav With the visit to the head gates of ' the two main canals, four miles south of Bend, which the state officials, ae- companled by State Engineer John FT. m Lewis, who Joined tha party Monday at f Redmond.1 made Wednesday.-- tle- work .- of examining the canals, and laterals -r and segregations on the east side - of '" the Deschutes was practically complet ed..-Thursday-was spent in looking- over ; the 74,000-acra selection lying east 6t ' Bend, tha stopping place being Prlne- vllle, at the eastern extremity of -tha segregation, which spreads out In an lr 2 regular shape from. . pnd t tha south -1 of Powell , buttea, thenoe around the . latter several mllss to the east. xne tatter segregation- is one made 1 Wis - (ATM MWDRII) MAKES, So.rwi.ifto -1 sallsleas eawibkiaalen af "tMtola-Ttam" Banm aaa swra whMa TeiM ieas A bak - aa teUat luMrr- DeHtately isasit wtth . eaor af V" Wfleta, e aea (m thm V4U . Vw4 JasSwes a foamy Uauid af euSma W uk. neMg the ekta medie eg a aailgaaMly aael ai tsMolaHysii iMlPaj abMlutly sjHfw tare. a eanaa. Tn samsla fee ta aad aartaa M J-M ul TH hi " Sara r'a mm. Smi fat lllarrtraM.booi- ia " . - A!V Sealer. ml a0aaa .nJ i raiar aa t Saras la wis Hani' Asdrtae Partfle Ooaat Bona rsmpaay, Saena . , BulMing, OeklaeA, CaUforaU. , . .- 20 r.3 - Tcsm i Czrzx , CUmw wttliat InNiW the mm at etea, ae wall aa kltceaa iManeMa, weed werk. etlvar, eklaa. gleeewar. hum (teWa, bed and MMil), StanlMts, wealeea, allka, all iammmhmU aeatclea. - S te ml the hhihest value in the bath aod naraary, sad la a haraf Wss.sast. 4)4aawa, : . '-y ,' by the company soon after Its orgin'-' kation two years ago. ' The Pilot butte selection, of 14,707 acres, together with tha' water, rights, was purchased from tha Pilot ' Butte Development 'company, the ftrsf to start operations under the provisions of the. Carey act in thia county. -' Tha .abaorpOoa of ' the Pilot Butte, company was followed by the acquisition of the land segregation of 58.007 acres lying In tha -Walker, basin and - owned by . the Oregon Irrigation company. ' Then tlon for tha tract of 74,000 acre. . Pafent has not been granted to the latter nor to the Walker basin tract, the state requiring that water shall be placed upon the land before patents shall issue. --Laterals to Be rialshsd. With tha Pilot Butte segregation, ly ing; north and. east . of Bendt tha work of reclamation has been practically com pletadLfia.XOO'L acres. Thirty dayt'more andthe nafT1ateratitffllTTir-TacTi-soma of tha outlying forties, will have been computed, Tha work has eon turned many months and Jn the. aggre gate Toots np to kn'normous expendi ture, considering tha comparatively mail-area brought Under water.. -) ' The' canal work alone,N In one Instance, has eoat as high as 110.000 a mile, where there was .an unusually large amount of rock to be removed, and tha work generally of reclaiming this tract has proved tha most costly of any which the company ' will ba - compelled to stand. Tha main canal Is 31 miles In length, and feeding off of this are 4T miles of laterala measuring not less than 14 feet In width, besides over 100 'miles of laterals four feet In width. In the aggregate over ISO miles Of water lines have been constructed In order to f4ffll tha provisions of tha Carey act. which require that water be conveyed to each 40-acra subdivision of tha segregation. ' '.. Oentm Oreroa CanaX In addition to these ditches, tha cen tral Oregon canal, through which water Will be carried -to -the balance of tha (2,000 acres In tha Pilot Butte segre gation, has bean oonstrtioted a distance of 26 miles, making a sum total of 110 miles of canals through which water is running and carrying with It a trans formation of thia; section, of .Crook eonnty. - ----- ., . Both the central Oregon canal and tha PUot Butte canal are fed from tha 18 foot flume, supported on trestles a dis tance of . feet through tha high and rocky canyon of tha Deschutes. The. flume has -a -depth of rttvm f eat - with carrying capacity of 100 eublo feet flow per second. At the outlet tha water Is diverted Into tha two canals, tha one carrying It northward towards Redmond, tha other In an easterly direction to- wararPowenuTtesT-ThTrtydusTOdT acres or this segregation have bean sold and settlement and ..cultivation under tha ditches has 1eeft moderately rapid. To Xatroduoe Vow System. ' With tha approval by tha department 6f tha Interfo'r of ' tha balance of the land segregations, approximating- 111. 000 acres, an entire new system of irri gating these tracts will b Introduced. Tha aupply of water now, flowing through the canals will ba consumed in the reclamation of the - smaller selec tion, and in-order to reach this larger areata part - of which. : is considerably higher In altitude than that now under irrigation, new flumes and new canals of larger proportions will of necessity have to ba constructed. Tha company contemplates the building; of a flu ma Una with tha head gates at Benham falls, 14 miles south -of- Bend, and the building- of anothar fluma-and canal a abort distance north of '.Bend. . Surveys for both these schemes have bean comnlet- ad, but tha data atwhlch work wlll begin on . construction, depends largely noon the settlement of tha Pilot Ruit Segregation and the demand for morel Irrigated sections. -Both, however, -will ba larger Chan either tha Pilot Butta canal, which measures 10 feet in width. or the wnt rnl Ore jroncanalrwh tchnar a breadth of 44 feeC Ttama AoToes' Lava Sad, ' Tha flame for the Benham falla canal will ba built across tha lavs' bed at the base of Lava btatte and will be approxi mately three- miles. In length. Water from this 111 be conveyed to tha tracts selected lh tha Oregon Irrigation com pany's application, all of which are on a higher table land than tha other two selections. ..... , t - . Under tha rules and regulations gov-eThlnr-tha-dtaWbution bfwater for tha lands being- Irrigated by the BescBTrtwri Irrigation dt rower eortpany." the stats land board requires that tha company furnish sufficient -water--to cover each Irrigable tract to a depth of 1.8 feet, or an amount - which corresponds to a flow of one second foot of water dis tributed over loot acres. Upon this basis of figuring, arrived at through the measurementa taken by State Engi neer Lewis and' hla assistants, tha pres. ent carrying capacity of -tha.ilumaof-(00 cubto feat will ba sufficient -to re claim ' tha I Hot Butta segregation ' bf (4.000 acres. But a new supply , of water, through the flumes and canals yet to ba constructed, must ba had be fore the remaining acres In the selec tions made can ba Irrigated. ' At the preaent time with tha two canals carrying only half their capacity mere is considerable waata water. Part of theaa Is out off at the waata ats near tha outlet of the flume and is carried back Into tha Deschutes. The surplus which goes down tha Pilot Butte canal eventually finds Its way- Into Crooked river, and the waste from tho 'central Oregon canal flowa Into the old riverbed and Is carried down to Its Juno tlon with Crooked .river. -Successful irrigation, which Is play Ing such a wonderfully Interesting pro- grant In tha transforms! Inn, devalop. men. ana seiuemenv or tms section or eastern Oregon, It made possible by the general contour of tha country -Itself and tha gradual slop from tba head gates to tha north and. east In tha direc tion In which tha segregations I la. V'V'V, "Talley Is (treat flaia. This "desert" valley bf the Deschutes Is correctly likened, to a' great plain, as Its northern boundary Is an- abrupt rim rock or, cliff,' which drops ' 100. to 400 feet Into Crooked River valley." On the south and east are tha buttes which gtve the general swing to tha plateau una .now under process' or Irrigation. These, higher rldgea .furnish . the beds for tha canals themselves and aerve squally aa well for tha general distrib uting basis for tho laterals and side lines constructed to reach tha various subdivisions of ths aeg regatlons. Set down In - figures, tha altitude of tha head ga tea is 1.(00 .feet and the elevation Of the eastern extremity of tha segre gations is in tna neighborhood of 1.000. giving a drop of 400 feet over a dis tance ot 24 miles. Couple these facts with tha immense and constant volume of water available In tha ' Deschutes river, whose mean flow Is close to 1,000 cubic feet per second, and tha nractl. cablllty of Irrigation In tha Deschutes valley la brought into at ro tiger evidence.. " ' Cheap Rates East On June 11 and It the Canadian Pa- clflo will sell special round trip tickets to eastern terminals at very low rates. For full particulars call on or address r. R- Johnson. Fv P. A, 141 Third treat, Portlaiul, Oregon. Jl -sew 9 H tag . f - " rs' .rati SPECIAL DISCOUNT, WITH EVERY PURCHASE DON'T WORRYWATCH US GROW sexsssoaeeeattsseeejaMeee imh Qf t M4t4imsMtMHfMMft In line with our efforts to give to our customers Saturday there are rare values secured all over Tlie. Mloimg Items Are are ALWAYS THE BEST, we have scoured the markets for good merchandise at less than regular prices. On I verthe storeTEvery cBpartment offers splendid-Inducements-1 Again let us tell you why yott should trad X- with us. Because we buy and sell for cash only; that saves us large discounts, and having no "charge accounts.we lose nothing through bad bills. The Z saving on these two items is enormous and you can readily Understknd why it Is that w sell our goods cheaper, than any other house tJcky canseD X the same quality.'; ;' - .: , . ",';.'..; - .; ' ; -." " ; ' " 7.......m.-l - - - - li - - i - -11 - ---------'--"'-"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaiattsiiiiiiMiSs ;aks ' . SQIi Special for Saturday ; . 66c AND 75c SILKS 25 ; f Fancy Dtcm I Silltsl brown. ' nairjr - and ADoo ; blue, tad and green. ; Saturday, per yard. .. .... ....J - -. ' DSESd GOODS . t ."--:. "::;il Worsted Dress Goods, the latest creations lor this season , 36 inches wide; regular 85c quality. Saturday....... . t . . : jap silks , :!. -K ' 22-lnch so If natural Jap Silks, all colors, for.,.....JM944 24-lnch Habutal Saka Hundreds of yards of theae dainty , ailka for summer suitings, all colors and fancy effects; reav rsWnch-Ponwe Silk popBn weave aCk that will weai t 'tM Boys' Suits ' Until 10 o'clock tomorrow night the following exceptional., bargaina in Boys' Suits are subject to your selection: 777; BOYS' $4.00 KNEE PANTS SUITS AT 2.95 . Norfolks, double breasted and Russian styles, in ages 3 to 16, -' : made up in handsomely patterned weaves, faultlessly faah ' ioned, thoroughly well tailored; a broad' variety; all $4.00 . values. Saturday at f2.95 BOYS' $7 JO KNEE PANTS SUITS AT. 3.95 ' , This offering consfsts of all the novelty, conservative and: Staple styles, crcsisu ivi wmovu m wvm vj w.v 2HJoremostxperts in the trade, all sizea to f it boya f rom 2V - to 16 years of age; made from home and foreign fabrics of -rare elegance and proven worth. Saturday 3.95 BoysvVashableSailorSuits Sailor and Eton Blouse styles,' plain white and fancy - percales, ducks, galateas, etc; worth $1.00 a suit. Saturday :rtr. ...... ".r: . . . . ; .- Boys' $1U0 Shirts at 69c Golf styles in fancy patterned percales and madras cloths, 12 to 14-inch bands. Sat, urday . , . ? 35c Patent Leather Belts , 25c SUk Windsor Ties. ........... ..JjJiil.....;T 20c Faat Black Hoaierv. :. ....... '. 77.. 10 10c Cambric Handkerchiefs...... 39c Polka Dot Four-in-Hands... ................ 25 15c quality Sutpondera. ................ ......... f Buster Brown Collars 3 for, 25 50o - aumbrayBiouae .Waists . . . ....,..i....39e ShoeSection Lsdiafe Patent Leather6ibson Ties, turned soles, Cuban, large eyelets Saturday. .1.88 -Ladiea Vid Kid Oxford TiesT heavy aole, f air stitched, Cuban heel Saturday..... 1.4 8 Ladies' Vid Kid Bala, military heel, heavy sole Saturday ,.,..t....1.24 Ladiea' Patent Kid Bala, only turned aole Saturday ...... ............. 1.T8 -Ladies' Patent Leather Bale, common sense heel, heavy sole Saturday;.. ...1.98 . Misses' Patent Leather Bala, spring heel, heavy aole Saturday .18 Misses Patent Leather Oxfords, sixes 11 to 2, turned sole-i-Saturday.... ...1.48 Misses' Vid Kid Oxfords, heavy aole, spring heel, sixes 11 to 2 Saturday... i.... 1.48 Men's Vid Kid Shoes, bal Saturday r. ........ . .tt. . . . ' . ; rnnn ... . 1.98. Men's Gun Metal Kid Shoes, blucher cut, hand welt; $5.00 ahoea Saturday ..3.48 p 7 Corset Cover Embroideries r: : The very finest grades, elegant cut-out patterns, aheer and dainty; many with ribbon beading effects, . They, are choice and wide. t ' 50c value Saturday for. .......... . fry. . . ." - . ..Ti ....... . . . . . . .34 35c vlue Saturday for..... i .;2T Domestic. Section Polka Dot Voiles in blue and brown, with white dot; 15c value. Saturday . .8 1-3 Dress Patterns Glasgow Linens, 10-yard lengtha, for the white summer suit you're think- ing" about; valued at $Z25TSatUTday 1 or tiT9 9-4 Sheets, 2-inch hem top, 1-inch bottom; 60c sheet for, Saturday ............49at 42x3 6-inch Pillow Slips of best quality muslin, excellently made. Special, Saturday 12 Bleached Muslin, 36 Inches wide. Saturday only 8 1-3 Cf. " An assortment of gentlemen's fancy Vests, in white duck, caahmeres and flannels, fa solid colors or fane stripes and mixtures.. This is a rare opportunity for any young man , who wishes to look neat on any occasion to secure one of theaa nobby CI vests, values from $2,00 to $4.00,. for.......... a? let X A CHANCE FOR THE ECONOMICAL' BUYERS.' t ,V - " As an extra attraction la tha men's department we will put on sale our andro line of Men's Trousers, which comprieea fancy worateds, tweeda, caaalmeres and clay diagonals, in the very beat and latest cuts and patterns in three different lots ss follows: . LOT 1 Men's $5.50 Pants. .'..'.'K r LOT 2 Men's $4.50 Pants...... LOT 3 Men's $3.00 Pants 4 - mm ..,..,,,l.,i.', .'. mm m i.ta , . . id 9 mm K." Gloves Long Suede Gloves, in black, white, gray and moda. These gloves sr tar superior to silk gloves and outlast them four times. If you want a pair, coma cany, as taey wui not remain on our shelves long. Although the shipment received la a large one, many pairs of arms are waiting for long gloves. (';. i '::':.' ."'7 ': 500 bolts of fane icy ' out this lot, Sal 4-Inch wide all-silk Ribbons, all ahades, colors and patterns. To close iturdav ......... Portieres Mnslln Underwear .Night GownaJ beautifully trimmed, lace or insertion, tucks and embroideries, high--. est grade - of - materials; extra special for Saturday. - k . . .' ... . '7;7 749c "5 8cr?79c- FOR FOR 75c VALUES 5c. VALUES FOR $1 VALUES Knit Underwear Women's Z5c and 50c vests, nsa 7breei.e In weight7 Jersey ribbed, sleeve- 7 less; vests equal to many grades of ailk ' vesta. Extra spedal for Saturday., .15 Women's Union Suits, lisle thread, low neck, sleeveless, tight knee and umbrella styles; exceptional value at 35c, Satnr I day .............24 A Few EXTRA SPECIALS for Saturdav Only "MoumdXbsTargeTTutu'u latestde signs, plain dull finished gold, jeweled and plain polished amber and tortoise ' shell :. . : ........ . .v. . . .-7rr.-.-.T.-.-i-.T;-.-lt lie much wanted Back Strap Purse; small and large, all popular colors; also -- automobile, carriage, wrist, 'varsity, envelope, etc.; regular $1.00 and $2.00 ' purses. , Saturday . . . .. ... ... . . ........ . . ; . . ...t. . . . . . .V...... 48p Harrdy-PinSr-xtralheayy gold plated, every one guaranteed, 2 or S on card.' Saturday only . 10 Belts, to make room for goods now on the way, will sell on Saturday all - . our imported lines of studded elastics, beaded elastics, fish scales and fancies. Saturday only -at......" .......25 PER CENT OFF Roman stripe and Turkish patterns; for bungalow or parlor; $2.00 grade for.t-i4 $3.00 quality for;..... ........ .....2.25 $40 marked price for...........3 Udies' Muslin Drawers Lace, embroidery - and - inaertion - trixnmedt , 45c marked price. Saturday... .26 Hosiery T -Al m9 Vnaa Tnsrth TTmhrftlls PailtaL lat Childrerfs extra quality ribbed faat black Hose, eisea 6 to 9. These are beat for the boys and girls who climb fencea and kunp ' ditches; regular price 35c. Saturday. 18 Ladies. Hose Jn plain colors, allover lace, - lace boot and drop etitch effects and ef fective neat designs. For Saturday t 20c gradea at, per pair.... lOat 60c gradea at, per pair....; ;.t..3S 85c gradea at, per pair...... ....48 Pillow Topa with backs; must be seen to be appreciated. Our Saturday price. 48 What tew of those nicely embroidered and . lace Handkerchief e we have left wo will close out tomorrow for, each....... 10 EXTRA SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY Ladies' White Shirtwaist Suits All the latest models, over 50 to choose from, embroidered and . insertion trimmings, ( full skirts with deep plain hem. Marked CI S3 price $2.50. Saturday...;. ; .I ...?.. ePlaQO ' Ladies' Shirtwaist-Suits ' In blue and tan; marked price $2.50. CI ft 3 , Saturday . ..... . ,. i . . . .aj)l OO H6use Dresses '- ' ' . A beautiful lirieof Ladies' House Dresses ' in shepherd plaids, stitched 7 and braid trimmed; also, in blues, black, reds and white, marked price CI A ..........'...sPle1Z $2,007 Saturday i r Petticoats Ladies' Black Mercerised Sateen Petticoats, flounce effect with three 1 JQ hemstitched ruffles, marked price $1.98. Saturday. ,rr. ........... -vlaiy RED HOT SATURDAY SPECIALS IN OUR COOL BASEMENT Welsbach Gas Lights, regular $1.00 v value, complete, globe (double wire J' capped mantle) and burner. Special Saturday only - .40 Shoe Brushes, 25c kind, special. .10 Enameline Stove Polish. ........ .4e 25c Decorated Pottery Cuspidore 17 f -75c - Agate Covered Chambers large size . vr;t;77;:7. . . . r. . . . 52 5c Pie Plate. . . ... . . . .....3 for 10 10c Packages Miller's Powerine; a pure granulated soap.- Special. . . . . .4 Tyee Scouring Soaps, nothing better, regular 5c sire....... r. 7 for 25 25c Imitation Cut Glass Berry Dishes 25c Pottery Glaxed7 Jugs,; 1-qnart , ". size !tt.f i.i i . . . . Sapolio, 10c cake, 4 cakes for.. 7.125 Fairbanks' Fairy ' Soap; 5c else, six -for,.... ............... ......... 25 Gold , Dust- (S-lb. package) : Washing Powder, 25c ' else. Saturday- and : . Monday only, package.,;. ....10 Tela Naptha Soap.7 Saturday only, six' bars for ,.; . . ............ .25e Ivory Soap, best made for laundry and , bathTaix bars for.. 7. 7.... 25. Our Mail Order Department is thoroughly modern and the - very best arid "prompt attention Js given to all out-of-town orders , 7 : 7 : . - .v . - V . - ' " p ' 7 THE ENTIRE CORNER THIRr a J m mm.:: . - av